Differences between revisions 7 and 8
Revision 7 as of 2010-03-01 10:37:19
Size: 2863
Editor: robert.marik
Comment: http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/7363 has been fixed, removing from TODO list
Revision 8 as of 2017-02-05 01:06:38
Size: 0
Editor: mrennekamp
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== What goes wrong in the SAGE notebook interface for secondary school usage ==

Some of (nice) sage features are not well adapted at an elementary level. In particular:
   * the oriented object syntax should sometimes be avoided: the interface must be intuitive from the mathematic *standard* syntax point of vue; on the other side we must keep all python features of list, tuple, dict as they are (ask teachers).
   * the algebra under polynoms must be hided a little bit. QQbar, Number fields and symbolic rings must stay in backend;
   * the namespace is huge (a general problem of SAGE)
   * the help on elementary functions is not well adapted

   * do a french translation of commmands (?)
   * write some help files and a really basic tutorial mixing Sage and python.

== A bad solution for polynoms ==

The high school interface provides two basics functions for creating variables : the var (a symbolic variables for functions) and unknowns (exclusively for polynoms).

The version with unknown returns algebraic elements when asking for roots:
sage: unknown('X')
sage: P = X^2 - X - 1
sage: roots(P)
[(-0.618033988749895?, 1), (1.618033988749895?, 1)]

The version with var returns symbolic expression when asking for roots:
sage: var('x')
sage: P = x^2 - x - 1
sage: roots(P)
[(-1/2*sqrt(5) + 1/2, 1), (1/2*sqrt(5) + 1/2, 1)]

== Patches ==

Following the development model of Sage, we will use mercurial patches here.

   * [[http://iml.univ-mrs.fr/~delecroi/lycee-vd.patch|Sage patch]]
   * a patch for the documentation will come soon

== Program of high school in France ==

In bracket are the corresponding levels.

   * second degree polynom [1e S]
   * sequences in particular recursive ones [1e S]
   * sequences and approximations : pi, e, sqrt(2), ... [1e S]
   * continuity and derivation [Tale S]
   * functions study and graphics [Ta1e S]
   * integration[Tale S]
   * elementary graph theory [Tale ES]

== Object or not ==

The python list usage must be kept as it is. But we have the choice to use or not (explicitely) some methods.

Starting from a list:
python: l = [1,2,3]

We can use the standard append:
python: l.append(4)
or the += concatenation:
python: l += [4]

== TODO ==

There is still a lot of problems:
   * clearing the namespace causes some crashes (there are some general memory initialization). I make research to do it properly. For now, I use a "do it, if it works it's good" method.
   * sqrt(n) (log(n), exp(n), ...) returns a symbolic expression which does not evaluate correctly as boolean expression.
   * help topics in the rest documentation
   * latex rendering in plot is not easy to have : {{{sage: text("$" + latex(my_object) + "$", (0,0))}}}. Is there a better way ?