Differences between revisions 7 and 8
Revision 7 as of 2009-05-01 08:13:12
Size: 4912
Editor: Minh Nguyen
Comment: Summarize #5751, #5795
Revision 8 as of 2009-05-01 08:42:02
Size: 5842
Editor: Minh Nguyen
Comment: Summarize #5928, #5914
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 14: Line 14:

 * Coercing factors into a common universe (Alex Ghitza) -- New method {{{base_change(self, U)}}} in the module {{{sage/structure/factorization.py}}} to allow the factorization {{{self}}} with its factors (including the unit part) coerced into the universe {{{U}}}. Here's an example for working with the new method {{{base_change()}}}:
sage: F = factor(2006)
sage: F.universe()
Integer Ring
sage: P.<x> = ZZ["x"]
sage: F.base_change(P).universe()
Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Integer Ring
Line 128: Line 139:
== DSage ==

 * FIXME: summarize #5824

== Factorization ==

 * FIXME: summarize #5928

Line 146: Line 145:
 * FIXME: summarize #5914  * Default edge color is black (Robert Miller) -- If only one edge of a graph is colored red, for example, then the remaining edges should be colored with black by default. Here's an example:
sage: G = graphs.CompleteGraph(5)
sage: G.show(edge_colors={'red':[(0,1)]})
Line 212: Line 216:
 * Move DSage to its own spkg (William Stein) -- The Distributed Sage framework (DSage) contained in {{{sage/dsage}}} is now packaged as a self-contained spkg. DSage allows for distributed computing from within Sage.

Sage 3.4.2 Release Tour

Sage 3.4.2 was released on FIXME. For the official, comprehensive release note, please refer to sage-3.4.2.txt. A nicely formatted version of this release tour can be found at FIXME. The following points are some of the foci of this release:


  • FIXME: summarize #5820
  • FIXME: summarize #5921
  • Coercing factors into a common universe (Alex Ghitza) -- New method base_change(self, U) in the module sage/structure/factorization.py to allow the factorization self with its factors (including the unit part) coerced into the universe U. Here's an example for working with the new method base_change():

    sage: F = factor(2006)
    sage: F.universe() 
    Integer Ring
    sage: P.<x> = ZZ["x"]
    sage: F.base_change(P).universe() 
    Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Integer Ring

Algebraic Geometry

Basic Arithmetic

  • Enhancements to symbolic logic (Chris Gorecki) -- This adds a number of utilities for working with symbolic logic:
    1. sage/logic/booleval.py -- For evaluating boolean formulas.

    2. sage/logic/boolformula.py -- For boolean evaluation of boolean formulas.

    3. sage/logic/logicparser.py -- For creating and modifying parse trees of well-formed boolean formulas.

    4. sage/logic/logictable.py -- For creating and printing truth tables associated with logical statements.

    5. sage/logic/propcalc.py -- For propositional calculus.

    Here are some examples for working with the new symbolic logic modules:
    sage: import sage.logic.propcalc as propcalc
    sage: f = propcalc.formula("a&((b|c)^a->c)<->b")
    sage: g = propcalc.formula("boolean<->algebra")
    sage: (f&~g).ifthen(f)
    sage: f.truthtable()
    a      b      c      value
    False  False  False  True   
    False  False  True   True   
    False  True   False  False  
    False  True   True   False  
    True   False  False  True   
    True   False  True   False  
    True   True   False  True   
    True   True   True   True
  • New function squarefree_divisors() (Robert Miller) -- The new function squarefree_divisors(x) in the module sage/rings/arith.py allows for iterating over the squarefree divisors (up to units) of the element x. Here, we assume that x is an element of any ring for which the function prime_divisors() works. Below are some examples for working with the new function squarefree_divisors():

    sage: list(squarefree_divisors(7))
    [1, 7]
    sage: list(squarefree_divisors(6))
    [1, 2, 3, 6]
    sage: list(squarefree_divisors(81))
    [1, 3]





  • Make cartan_type a method rather than an attribute (Dan Bump) -- For the module sage/combinat/root_system/weyl_characters.py, cartan_type is now a method, not an attribute. For example, one can now invoke cartan_type as a method like so:

    sage: A2 = WeylCharacterRing("A2")
    sage: A2([1,0,0]).cartan_type()
    ['A', 2]

Commutative Algebra

  • Improved performance in MPolynomialRing_libsingular (Simon King) -- This provides some optimization of the method MPolynomialRing_libsingular.__call__(). In some cases, the efficiency is up to 19%. The following timing statistics are obtained using the machine sage.math:

    # BEFORE
    sage: R = PolynomialRing(QQ,5,"x")
    sage: S = PolynomialRing(QQ,6,"x")
    sage: T = PolynomialRing(QQ,5,"y")
    sage: U = PolynomialRing(GF(2),5,"x")
    sage: p = R("x0*x1+2*x4+x3*x1^2")^4
    sage: timeit("q = S(p)")
    625 loops, best of 3: 321 µs per loop
    sage: timeit("q = T(p)")
    625 loops, best of 3: 348 µs per loop
    sage: timeit("q = U(p)")
    625 loops, best of 3: 435 µs per loop
    # AFTER
    sage: R = PolynomialRing(QQ,5,"x")
    sage: S = PolynomialRing(QQ,6,"x")
    sage: T = PolynomialRing(QQ,5,"y")
    sage: U = PolynomialRing(GF(2),5,"x")
    sage: p = R("x0*x1+2*x4+x3*x1^2")^4
    sage: timeit("q = S(p)")
    625 loops, best of 3: 316 µs per loop
    sage: timeit("q = T(p)")
    625 loops, best of 3: 281 µs per loop
    sage: timeit("q = U(p)")
    625 loops, best of 3: 392 µs per loop




  • FIXME: summarize #5610


Graph Theory

  • Default edge color is black (Robert Miller) -- If only one edge of a graph is colored red, for example, then the remaining edges should be colored with black by default. Here's an example:
    sage: G = graphs.CompleteGraph(5)
    sage: G.show(edge_colors={'red':[(0,1)]})



Group Theory


  • FIXME: summarize #5111

Linear Algebra

  • FIXME: summarize #5886


Modular Forms

  • FIXME: summarize #5876


  • FIXME: summarize #5912
  • FIXME: summarize #2740
  • FIXME: summarize #5880

Number Theory

  • FIXME: summarize #5130
  • FIXME: summarize #5822
  • FIXME: summarize #5704
  • FIXME: summarize #4193
  • FIXME: summarize #5890
  • FIXME: summarize #5856



  • FIXME: summarize #5803
  • FIXME: summarize #5849
  • Move DSage to its own spkg (William Stein) -- The Distributed Sage framework (DSage) contained in sage/dsage is now packaged as a self-contained spkg. DSage allows for distributed computing from within Sage.


  • FIXME: summarize #5946

Quadratic Forms



User Interface

Website / Wiki

ReleaseTours/sage-3.4.2 (last edited 2009-12-27 10:09:30 by Minh Nguyen)