Symbolic Piecewise Functions

This is SAGE Enhancement Proposal (SEP) to improve the existing piecewise functionality.



Sage has the ability to manipulate many familiar symbolic functions and expressions. This ability is rather robust; the code is well-tested and integrates nicely with the rest of the project. Piecewise functions are however an exception.

In essence, piecewise functions can be thought dictionaries that map values to symbolic expressions. Unfortunately, due to historical reasons and lack of manpower, the interface to piecewise functions has not been kept at parity with the rest of the symbolics library. This causes users difficulty when they expect piecewise functions to behave like other expressions: the piecewise interface is not just different, it has fewer features.

Public domain.


Evaluation of Arguments

As it stands, piecewise functions have the familiar classroom behavior (deprecation warning omitted):

sage: f = piecewise([[(-infinity,0), -x], [(0, infinity), x]])   
sage: f(3)

The fact that calling f evaluates one if its consituent functions leads to some difficulties with the rest of symbolics. It is proposed that we eliminate this behavior by default but provide an interface to it; a piecewise function f should act primarily as dictionary rather than as a callable function.

Ideally, a piecewise function f is a set of (A, g) pairs where A is some object that supports a "contains" method and g is a function or at least behaves like one. When the piecewise function is evaluated at a point x, it should return the function g such that (A, g) is in the list and A.contains(x). No deprecation warning will be thrown, as we expect (only) one positional argument.

Unfortunately, this change would cause a regression: it seems silly, using the earlier example, to have to do f(3)(3), to evaluate the appropriate function at x=3. This is not impossible to fix, however. One possible solution is that, when f is called with a named argument, a substitution is performed on all of its constituent functions. For example,

sage: f = piecewise([[(-Infinity,0), -x], [(0, +Infinity), x]])   
sage: f(x=3)
Piecewise defined function with 2 parts, [[(-Infinity, 0), -3], [(0, +Infinity), 3]]

If A.contains(g) for any (A, g) after substitution, we can return g.

Application of Methods

If f is piecewise and we call, what happens? For most methods, it is proposed, we should simply call for each (A, g) in f` and return a new piecewise as the result.

It may also make sense to have a separate set of mathematically-sane methods. For example, we might want f.diff() to work only if f is actually differentiable. We would then need some other function, e.g. f.piecewise_diff() that differentiated the constituent functions individually.

Supported Methods

The first, and cleanest (also easiest) option would be to decide that piecewise functions are symbolic, and reimplement all of the methods of symbolic expressions on top of PiecewiseSymbolic.

An more difficult alternative would be, given a piecewise function f containing the pairs (A, g) and (B, h), to allow where bar() is any method that g and h have in common. If g is a symbolic function and h is a polynomial over the reals, we could potentially call f.roots() and have it do the right thing.

The latter is an interesting idea, but would need some thought.


We would like to keep as much of the old interface as possible intact. At the very least, doctests that test functionality (as opposed to implementation) should be preserved.

A new piecewise class, PiecewiseSymbolic, will replace PiecewisePolynomial. The old class will be deprecated via the normal procedure while users migrate to the new class.

Relevant Tickets

The following tickets should all be solveable during a reimplementation.

  1. piecewise functions and integration / arithmetic do not play well together

  2. improve piecewise plotting

  3. Unavoidable DeprecationWarnings when calling piecewise functions

  4. find_fit does not work for piecewise functions