= Sage Support Center = Welcome to the Sage Support Center! TODO: Organize, sage-support. * [[faq | Sage FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions]] * [[Tips]] * [[data | Put (links to) interesting data you compute using Sage here]] * [[pics | Code to make cool images]] * [[plot | Sage plotting]] * [[art | Art - posters, banners, etc]] * [[interact | Interact Demos]] * [[http://tug.ctan.org/pkg/sagetex | SageTeX - Put some sage into your TeX]] * [[standard_packages_available_for_SAGE | standard packages available for Sage]] * [[optional_packages_available_for_SAGE | optional packages available for Sage]] * [[experimental_packages_available_for_SAGE | experimental packages available for Sage]] * [[Sage_Spkg_Tracking | SPKG changelog and descriptions]] * [[OSCAS]] * [[SAGE_Reviews | Sage Reviews]] * [[Teaching_using_SAGE | Teaching using Sage]] * [[Teaching_with_SAGE | Teaching with Sage]] * [[DocumentationProject | Documentation Project]] * [[Comparisons]] * [[SAGE_in_the_News | Sage in the News]] * [[Publications_using_SAGE | Publications using Sage]] * [[Talks | Talks and Presentations about Sage]]