William Stein


Working On

Getting SAGE-1.5 released.

  1. New PolynomialRing constructor code

    • Get rid of the R.< > = PolynomialRing ... notation (fix lots of doctests)

  2. Get rid of mutability for parent structures
  3. Make all (most) parent structures unique
  4. Matrices - implement all the classes using the new carefully *designed* structure.
  5. (for matrices) -- the coverage is bad (write way more doctests).

Mostly David H:

  1. extend what I've been working on to ModuleElement, including _sub_ and _neg_

  2. then do _mul_, with fast pathways for both algebra and ring multiplication
  3. use polynomials as a testbed, i.e. give them proper scalar multiplication semantics
  4. after lots of discussion, a fairly hefty rewrite of the coercion module, both to clarify exactly what's supposed to happen, and also to aim for greater efficiency

