## page was renamed from bug7 = SAGE Bug Squash Day 7 = The event will take place on '''FRIDAY, December 14, 2007''' and officially start at 9 am pacific standard time. Remember the "Twisted Rule" -- Don't work on '''anything''' unless there is a trac ticket for it. * The base version of SAGE we'll start with is '''2.9.alpha7'''. * [[bug7/status|STATUS]] * [[bug7/irc|IRC log]] * [[/Results]] * Write to wstein@gmail.com for an account on the bug tracker. * We'll all be on #sage-devel at irc.freenode.net. {{{ From Linux you can chat via a text console by installing "irssi", running it, and typing /SERVER add irc.freenode.net /SERVER irc.freenode.net /join #sage-devel }}} If you are using Konversation (the KDE IRC client), you can set up an auto-replace rule that lets you type #1322 (for trac #1322) and what everyone sees is http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1322 (which lets people click on the link and see the bug you are talking about). To configure this, go to Settings -> Configure Konversation -> Behavior -> Auto Replace and create a rule with Find as "#([0-9]+)" and Replace with as "http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/%1" (both without the quotes). You can select whether this rule is applied to incoming posts, your outgoing posts, or both. = Participants (with area they would like to work on) = 1. Michael Abshoff (merging patch, build issues in general) 1. Craig Citro (not until 2-3PM) 1. David Harvey (might be around for some of the day) Many other people participated, but didn't add themselves here due to the rather tight schedule. = IRC = {{{ 06:49 < dmharvey> i'm building sage-2.9alpha7, and there's a problem in the build log with the NTL build, but the rest of it seems to be going okay (for the moment) 06:49 < dmharvey> i686-apple-darwin8-g++-4.0.1: unrecognized option '-shared' 06:49 < dmharvey> _main 06:49 < dmharvey> ___gmpn_add_n 06:49 < dmharvey> ___gmpn_addmul_1 06:49 < dmharvey> ___gmpn_divrem_1 06:49 < dmharvey> ___gmpn_gcd 06:49 < dmharvey> ___gmpn_gcdext 06:49 < dmharvey> ___gmpn_lshift 06:49 < dmharvey> ___gmpn_mod_1 06:49 < dmharvey> ___gmpn_mul 06:49 < dmharvey> ___gmpn_mul_1 06:49 < dmharvey> ___gmpn_rshift 06:49 < dmharvey> ___gmpn_sqrtrem 06:49 < dmharvey> ___gmpn_sub_n 06:49 < dmharvey> ___gmpn_tdiv_qr 06:49 < dmharvey> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status 06:49 < dmharvey> make[3]: *** [libntl.so] Error 1 06:49 < dmharvey> make[2]: *** [lib] Error 2 06:49 < dmharvey> ---------------------------------------- 06:49 < dmharvey> Error building libntl.so 06:49 < dmharvey> ---------------------------------------- 06:49 < dmharvey> the static library build seems to succeed though 06:50 < dmharvey> this is OS X 10.4.10, core 2 duo 07:21 -!- mekaj [n=mekaj__@fild-357.res.umass.edu] has joined #sage-devel 07:28 -!- pdehaye [n=pdehaye@dehaye1.merton.ox.ac.uk] has quit [] 07:53 -!- malb_ [n=malb@host86-144-82-165.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 08:20 -!- malb [n=malb@host86-144-82-165.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has joined #sage-devel 08:26 -!- malb [n=malb@host86-144-82-165.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 08:27 -!- malb [n=malb@host86-144-82-165.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has joined #sage-devel 08:31 -!- cwitty [n=cwitty@sense-sea-MegaSub-1-205.oz.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 08:32 -!- cwitty [n=cwitty@newtonlabs.com] has joined #sage-devel 08:56 -!- rlm is now known as rlm-building 08:57 < william_stein_> dmharvey -- libntl.dylib built fine for me on osx 10.5.1 core 2duo. 08:57 < william_stein_> It's shouldn't build libntl.so dut libntl.dylib. 08:58 < william_stein_> Using the static library will fail miserably... 08:58 < william_stein_> (as far as sage goes) 08:59 < dmharvey> well for some reason it's trying to build libntl.so 09:00 < dmharvey> the beginning of the command is; 09:00 < dmharvey> g++ -fPIC -shared -o libntl.so .... 09:03 < dmharvey> very strange: I still managed to get libntl.dylib in my SAGE/local/lib 09:04 < dmharvey> ok, in the logfile, I see it's trying to build both libntl.so and libntl.dylib 09:04 < dmharvey> is this intentional? 09:05 < william_stein_> not that I remember. 09:05 < william_stein_> I see the same in my install.log (on same computer as you) 09:05 < william_stein_> same-ish 09:06 < william_stein_> ok, it's clearly intentional in spkg-install. 09:07 < william_stein_> it seems dumb 09:07 < william_stein_> Of course, I wrote it :-) 09:09 < william_stein_> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1506 09:09 -!- william_stein_ is now known as was-1506 09:17 -!- mekaj [n=mekaj__@fild-357.res.umass.edu] has quit ["Leaving"] 09:34 < was-1506> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1506 -- patch posted 09:34 -!- was-1506 is now known as was-afk 09:34 -!- was-afk is now known as wstein-afk 09:40 -!- pdehaye [n=pdehaye@dehaye1.merton.ox.ac.uk] has joined #sage-devel 09:44 -!- malb [n=malb@host86-144-82-165.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 09:52 -!- wstein-afk is now known as was-1507 09:52 -!- was-1507 is now known as wstein-1507 09:58 < mabshoff|asleep> Hi 09:58 -!- mabshoff|asleep is now known as mabshoff 10:00 < rlm-building> hi mabshoff 10:03 < mabshoff> hi rlm-building. 10:03 < mabshoff> It seems to be pretty quiet today. 10:03 < rlm-building> i'm working on binary code bugs 10:04 < rlm-building> are you releasing 2.9 tomorrow? 10:04 < mabshoff> Ok. I was hoping to get some more reviews and planning to do mostly merges. 10:04 < rlm-building> are there any more releases in december? 10:04 < mabshoff> I think so, because William will be away. The problem seens to be that 10:05 < mabshoff> somebody needs to build the VMWare images. But I am not sure. 10:05 < mabshoff> I think we will do 2.9.1 before the end of the year. 10:09 -!- jaap [n=jaap@cc73571-a.emmen1.dr.home.nl] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 10:09 -!- janwil [n=jan@edro.at.mt.ut.ee] has joined #sage-devel 10:10 < janwil> hi 10:10 < mabshoff> Hi janwil 10:10 < janwil> i promised to bug you tonight :) 10:10 < mabshoff> I remember ;( 10:10 < mabshoff> :) 10:10 -!- malb [n=malb@host86-144-82-165.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has joined #sage-devel 10:10 < mabshoff> Not sure how I feel about that so far I guess :) 10:11 < mabshoff> Hi malb 10:11 < janwil> i will leave now the office, but if i can be of any assistance i can come back from home 10:11 < malb> hi 10:11 < mabshoff> janwil: ok 10:11 < rlm-building> hi malb 10:12 < malb> hi rlm 10:12 < janwil> ok, bye for now, I'll try to be back in an hour or two 10:12 < mabshoff> cu 10:12 < mabshoff> dmharvey: Did you try the new ntl.spkg yet? Does it work? 10:13 -!- dmharvey is now known as dmharvey-trying- 10:13 < craigcitro> is flint not building a known issue on ppc-10.4? 10:14 < mabshoff> Hi craigcitro. 10:14 -!- dmharvey-trying- is now known as dmharvey-tryntl 10:14 < craigcitro> hey 10:14 < mabshoff> It should build just fine. 10:14 < craigcitro> i'm actually about to walk out the door 10:14 < mabshoff> What fails? The biild ot the test? 10:14 < craigcitro> so i guess i'll look at this when i get back 10:14 < craigcitro> the build 10:14 < mabshoff> cu later 10:14 -!- janwil [n=jan@edro.at.mt.ut.ee] has left #sage-devel [] 10:14 < craigcitro> ah, no, it says "running test suite" 10:14 < mabshoff> ok, that isn't supposed to happen. 10:14 < craigcitro> then passes -B to build 10:14 < craigcitro> err to make 10:14 < craigcitro> which is apparently an invalid option 10:14 < mabshoff> ok. 10:15 < craigcitro> but i'll look at it more when i return 10:15 < mabshoff> Which XCode? 10:15 < craigcitro> afk 10:15 < mabshoff> su 10:15 < mabshoff> cu 10:15 < craigcitro> i forget. 10:15 < craigcitro> lates. 10:15 -!- jaap [n=jaap@cc73571-a.emmen1.dr.home.nl] has joined #sage-devel 10:15 < mabshoff> Hi jaap 10:15 < jaap> Hi 10:22 -!- jrolland-iBook [n=jrolland@dhcp-14-63.math.uwm.edu] has joined #sage-devel 10:22 < dmharvey-tryntl> mabshoff: works for me 10:22 -!- dmharvey-tryntl is now known as dmharvey 10:22 < jrolland-iBook> exit 10:22 -!- jrolland-iBook [n=jrolland@dhcp-14-63.math.uwm.edu] has quit [Client Quit] 10:23 < mabshoff> dmharvey-tryntl: thans 10:23 < mabshoff> dmharvey-tryntl: thanks 10:36 -!- malb [n=malb@host86-144-82-165.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 10:37 -!- malb [n=malb@host86-144-82-165.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has joined #sage-devel 10:39 -!- cartman [n=ismail@kde/ismail] has joined #sage-devel 10:39 -!- cartman [n=ismail@kde/ismail] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 10:42 -!- wstein-1507 [n=was@c66-235-34-166.sea2.cablespeed.com] has quit [] 10:43 -!- ondrej [n=ondra@89-24-5-16.4ginternet.cz] has joined #sage-devel 10:47 < dmharvey> gotta go see some students, might be around later again 10:47 < mabshoff> cu 10:48 < rlm-building> i think i found one of my bugs... 10:48 -!- dmharvey [n=dmharvey@c-24-61-45-82.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit [] 11:07 -!- dmharvey [n=dmharvey@dhcp-0000100169-2b-56.client.student.harvard.edu] has joined #sage-devel 11:13 -!- jkantor [i=jkantor@sage.math.washington.edu] has joined #sage-devel 11:13 -!- william_stein_ [n=was@D-69-91-158-192.dhcp4.washington.edu] has joined #sage-devel 11:14 -!- dmharvey [n=dmharvey@dhcp-0000100169-2b-56.client.student.harvard.edu] has quit [] 11:18 -!- janwil [n=jan@213-35-169-226-dsl.trt.estpak.ee] has joined #sage-devel 11:18 < janwil> hi again 11:18 < mabshoff> hi 11:19 < janwil> mabshoff, did you have a moment to look at #712? 11:20 < mabshoff> in a while, I am about to go eat dinner. 11:20 < mabshoff> probably back in a hour or so. 11:20 < janwil> ok, enjoy your dinner! 11:20 < mabshoff> thanks 11:20 < mabshoff> I feel 11:21 < mabshoff> s like breakfast since I only recently got up. 11:21 < mabshoff> cu around 11:21 -!- mabshoff is now known as mabshoff|afk 11:25 -!- jkantor [i=jkantor@sage.math.washington.edu] has quit ["leaving"] 11:28 -!- robertwb [n=robert@c-67-171-19-168.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #sage-devel 11:35 < rlm-building> hi robertwb 11:35 < robertwb> hi there 11:43 -!- rlm-building is now known as rlm 11:47 < rlm> .nick rlm-1464 11:47 -!- rlm is now known as rlm-1464 11:47 -!- william_stein_ is now known as wstein-1000 11:53 < wjp> wstein-1000: recruiting users? :-) 12:00 -!- dmharvey [n=dmharvey@dhcp-0000106358-df-53.client.student.harvard.edu] has joined #sage-devel 12:07 < wstein-1000> grants... 12:08 -!- dmharvey [n=dmharvey@dhcp-0000106358-df-53.client.student.harvard.edu] has quit [] 12:09 < rlm-1464> how close did we come to 10,000 downloads during the slashdot period? 12:10 -!- dmharvey [n=dmharvey@dhcp-0000100169-2b-56.client.student.harvard.edu] has joined #sage-devel 12:10 -!- dmharvey [n=dmharvey@dhcp-0000100169-2b-56.client.student.harvard.edu] has quit [Client Quit] 12:11 < wstein-1000> wow, a retired boeing engineer just walked into my office and asked to buy a Sage CD! 12:11 < wstein-1000> I said I would give him one and he said he wanted to give us money. 12:11 < wstein-1000> Unfortunately I have no CD's made up right now... 12:11 -!- dmharvey [n=dmharvey@dhcp-0000100169-2b-56.client.student.harvard.edu] has joined #sage-devel 12:11 < wjp> wow, cool 12:11 < mabshoff|afk> :) 12:11 -!- mabshoff|afk is now known as mabshoff 12:11 < wstein-1000> He said he worked on scripting, math software, etc., for boeing for a very long time. 12:12 < mabshoff> Cool 12:12 < rlm-1464> it really sounds like we need hard copies of Sage 12:12 < rlm-1464> it seems symbolic or something 12:13 < rlm-1464> there's something about handing someone something for free as opposed to telling them to download it? 12:13 < mabshoff> Well, burning on demand seems like a much better idea due to the release pace. 12:13 < rlm-1464> is True, is True 12:13 < mabshoff> Maybe the guy thought that it would help development, kind a like OpenBSD 12:14 < mabshoff> where the media are used to cover expenses. 12:16 < rlm-1464> i like sage -b in alpha7 12:16 < rlm-1464> :-D 12:16 < mabshoff> Because it is quicker? 12:17 < rlm-1464> there isn't that awkward halt 12:17 < wstein-1000> My brother has a shrink-wrap machine and high-end color printers at his store in San Diego. 12:17 < mabshoff> :) 12:17 < rlm-1464> great 12:17 < wstein-1000> We could easily make a shrink-wrapped package and sell it for say $20/each or something. 12:17 < wstein-1000> and make more if people buy on day 1. 12:17 < wstein-1000> :-) 12:17 < wstein-1000> I fixed "sage -b". 12:17 < wstein-1000> Yep. 12:17 < rlm-1464> thank you for that 12:18 < mabshoff> rlm-1464: You should chair 2.9.1 which should be done about one week after 2.9, 12:18 < mabshoff> say the 22nd. 12:18 < rlm-1464> sounds good 12:18 < mabshoff> Then we should do 2.9.2 just in time for AMS 12:18 < rlm-1464> mostly sweeping up after 2.9? 12:18 -!- cartman [n=ismail@kde/ismail] has joined #sage-devel 12:18 < mabshoff> So shoot for the 29th or so. 12:18 < wstein-1000> yep. 12:18 < mabshoff> pretty much, both should be bug & build fixes only. 12:19 < mabshoff> While you chair 2.9.1 I will finish the automated toolchain build for Sage. 12:19 < mabshoff> That way we can support people with screwy toolchains, just like FC6 or OpenSUSE 10. 12:21 < rlm-1464> just in time for san diego 12:22 < mabshoff> Well, I am not sure if it will be perfect till then and I am also somewhat unsure 12:22 < robertwb> I'm hoping to get a jmol spkg by 2.9.2 too 12:22 < mabshoff> how to intgrate this well with Sage. 12:23 < mabshoff> robertwb: Sure. When I said bug fixes only I meant mostly no deep transitions 12:23 < rlm-1464> what is jmol? 12:23 < robertwb> A chemists 3d visualizing applet that William found 12:23 < mabshoff> like ATLAS. jmol is stand alone and orthogonal, so it should be fine. 12:23 -!- robertwb [n=robert@c-67-171-19-168.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [] 12:23 < wstein-1000> robertwb -- how's jmol going? 12:23 < wstein-1000> I'm really excited about it. 12:23 < mabshoff> He just left? 12:23 < wstein-1000> oops 12:24 < mabshoff> Is robertwb coming back? I hope that he can help out with some of the outstanding 12:24 < mabshoff> coercion bugs. 12:25 < wstein-1000> probably. 12:25 < mabshoff> Let's hope so. 12:25 < wstein-1000> by the way, having a sage days 8 in Seattle during March spring break now looks good to go. 12:25 < wstein-1000> you heard it here first. 12:25 < rlm-1464> (!) 12:25 < mabshoff> Excellent. What will be the topic? 12:25 < rlm-1464> ANT? 12:25 < wstein-1000> No. 12:25 < mabshoff> modular forms? 12:26 < wstein-1000> Coding! 12:26 < wstein-1000> It will be a "coding week", with several topics. 12:26 < rlm-1464> so that's moving in from may 12:26 < rlm-1464> oh! 12:26 < mabshoff> Cool, so one week hard core coding sprint. 12:26 < wstein-1000> yep. 12:26 < rlm-1464> a developer's conference! 12:26 < wstein-1000> Yes. 12:26 < rlm-1464> +1 12:27 < rlm-1464> continue by induction 12:27 < mabshoff> "to infinity and beyond" 12:27 < rlm-1464> topic suggestion: computational group theory 12:28 < wstein-1000> I think we should have about 5 topics and 20 people in groups of about 4 with regular demos 12:28 < wstein-1000> and status reports. 12:28 < wstein-1000> And one colloquium talk / discussion each evening 12:32 < mabshoff> sounds good. 12:34 -!- dmharvey [n=dmharvey@dhcp-0000100169-2b-56.client.student.harvard.edu] has quit [] 12:34 < mabshoff> I didn't see any 2.9 build failures so far. So either people are busy doing holiday stuff, 12:34 < rlm-1464> sounds awesome 12:34 < mabshoff> or 2.9.alpha7 is close to perfect. 12:34 < mabshoff> I tend to believe the former rather than the later. 12:35 < wstein-1000> 2.9.alpha7 failed on one of my 64-bit linux installs. 12:35 < wstein-1000> The problem was major clock skew, which broke my new "sage -b" trick. :-( 12:36 < mabshoff> eeg 12:36 < wstein-1000> Yep. 12:36 < mabshoff> What happens with your script when you add files? Does that also work? 12:36 < mabshoff> It broke Bobby's old improved script. 12:36 < wstein-1000> built and failed exactly one test on rhel 5 32-bit 12:36 < wstein-1000> sage -t devel/sage-main/sage/numerical/test.py ********************************************************************** 12:36 < wstein-1000> File "test.py", line 22: 12:36 < rlm-1464> i've added a file on alpha7 12:36 < wstein-1000> : e 12:36 < wstein-1000> Expected: 12:36 < wstein-1000> array([ 3.8270...+0.j, 3.8229...+0.j, ...+0.j, 0. 12:36 < wstein-1000> +0.j]) 12:36 < mabshoff> I know yout code is orthogonal to that code. 12:36 < wstein-1000> Got: 12:37 < wstein-1000> array([ 3.82705826+0.j, 0. +0.j, 0. +0.j, 0. +0.j]) 12:37 < rlm-1464> let me check it out 12:37 < mabshoff> Well, the odd thing is that on sage.math I get that newline. 12:37 < wstein-1000> it's not the newline 12:37 < mabshoff> I don't understand why it does happen, but it bugged me back then. 12:38 < mabshoff> ok, the "0" 12:38 < mabshoff> Instead of "3.8229...+0.j" 12:38 < mabshoff> Can we do a "better doctest" in that case with more stable eigenvalues? 12:38 < mabshoff> I am also unsure what "3.82705826+0" is supposed to mean. Scientific notation? 12:39 < rlm-1464> mabshoff - adding files worked fine for me in alpha7 12:39 < mabshoff> rlm-1464: excellent. 12:39 < mabshoff> I just wanted to make sure because it was a problem in the past. 12:39 < mabshoff> William did fix that bug that when compilation failed the next sage -b wouldn't --- Log closed Fri Dec 14 12:45:29 2007 --- Log opened Fri Dec 14 12:45:32 2007 12:45 -!- SageLogger [i=mabshoff@sage.math.washington.edu] has joined #sage-devel 12:45 -!- Irssi: #sage-devel: Total of 21 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 21 normal] 12:45 -!- Irssi: Join to #sage-devel was synced in 3 secs 12:46 < mabshoff> I just found a 80GB 2.5'' hard disc in my random hardware pile. 12:46 < mabshoff> :) 12:46 -!- dmharvey [n=dmharvey@dhcp-0000100169-2b-56.client.student.harvard.edu] has joined #sage-devel 12:46 -!- fredrik3 [i=fredrik@gamma.kvi.sgsnet.se] has joined #sage-devel 12:46 < mabshoff> dmharvey: do you have some time to do reviews? 12:46 -!- fredrik3 is now known as fredrik 12:46 < janwil> mabshoff, do you have a minute now? 12:46 < mabshoff> Sure 12:46 < mabshoff> I am waiting on my rc0 test tree to build. 12:47 < janwil> ok 12:47 < mabshoff> I already pulled up the ticket http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/712 12:47 < cwitty> mabshoff, on my laptop the only doctest failure with alpha7 was that same test.py failure that wstein just reported. 12:47 < janwil> let me know if i can be of any help 12:47 < janwil> i'll hang around here 12:48 < mabshoff> cwitty: Ok, that seems to depend on the BLAS used, i.e. initially when I used 12:48 < mabshoff> BLAS on sage.math that test passed. But after switching to ATLAS it failed 12:48 < mabshoff> the exact same way as on OSX with the AccFW. 12:49 -!- jkantor [i=jkantor@sage.math.washington.edu] has joined #sage-devel 12:49 < mabshoff> Hi jkantor. 12:49 < jkantor> hey 12:49 < mabshoff> The aarpack doctest seems to be rather numerically unstable. 12:50 < jkantor> ok 12:50 < mabshoff> Can you come up with something better/numerically more stable to doctest? 12:50 < jkantor> I'll do that 12:50 < mabshoff> We could do something fairly trivial, like an upper triangle if we just want to 12:50 < mabshoff> check that it is working at all. 12:52 < jkantor> true 12:52 < mabshoff> I thought it was really funny that the import all in that test exposed that linker issue 12:53 < mabshoff> with the missing ATL symbols. 12:53 < jkantor> for cvxopt? 12:53 < mabshoff> All doctests exept that one passed with a totally unusable sage install that wouldn't even start. 12:53 < mabshoff> Nope. On sage.math starting sage with alpha6 (i.e. with ATLAS) failed because 12:54 < mabshoff> we only linked cblas and not also atlas. 12:54 < jkantor> I see 12:54 < jkantor> that will do it 12:54 < mabshoff> So we should have an import all doctest. 12:54 < mabshoff> numerical/test.py does that, but if somebody reports a doctest failing there it isn't obvious 12:55 < mabshoff> that the import itself might be at fault if we get only parts of the failure. 12:55 < mabshoff> jkantor: Please open a ticket for the aarpack failure. 12:56 < jkantor> ok, there are too interfaces to arpack in the arpack module, and one appears to work better, I'll switch to the second one 12:56 -!- dmharvey [n=dmharvey@dhcp-0000100169-2b-56.client.student.harvard.edu] has quit [] 12:56 < mabshoff> jkantor: ok 12:57 < mabshoff> janwil: I just ran "v['.P']=intersection_of_2_lines(v['_q'],v['_r']) " 100 times and it never failed. 12:57 < mabshoff> Running it a thousand times now. 12:57 -!- dmharvey [n=dmharvey@dhcp-0000100169-2b-56.client.student.harvard.edu] has joined #sage-devel 12:57 < mabshoff> yi: are you around? 12:58 < janwil> hmm 12:58 < janwil> which platform are you on? 12:58 < mabshoff> sage.math, linx x86-64 12:58 < mabshoff> alpha7 12:59 < mabshoff> William fixed a bug in the calculus interface with symbolic constants or something. 12:59 < mabshoff> I don't know if that is related 12:59 < janwil> hmm, should I download the latest alpha and try then? 12:59 < mabshoff> :) 13:00 < mabshoff> the ticket says it was reproduced on a *32* bit box. 13:00 < mabshoff> You can probably just apply the patch. 13:00 < mabshoff> Let me search for the ticket number. 13:02 < mabshoff> well, the following *seems* unrelated: 13:02 < mabshoff> 1235 [with patch, positive review] bug solving equations using maxima 13:02 < mabshoff> But I am thinking of another ticket. 13:02 < mabshoff> I was thinking of http://www.sagetrac.org/sage_trac/ticket/1489 13:03 < mabshoff> So try applying those two patches to your install and see if the problem goes away. 13:03 < janwil> ok, please remind me how to apply patches to sage 13:04 < mabshoff> ok, go into SAGE_ROOT 13:04 < mabshoff> source local/bin/sage-env 13:04 < mabshoff> which hg should then point to the one in local/bin 13:04 < mabshoff> cd devel/sage 13:04 < mabshoff> download the patches form trac. 13:04 < mabshoff> hg import whatever.patch 13:05 < mabshoff> That might or might not fail, but it shouldn't 13:05 < mabshoff> Apply the second patch 13:05 < mabshoff> cd back to SAGE_LOCAL 13:05 < mabshoff> run "./sage -b" 13:05 < mabshoff> start sage then and try it out. 13:06 < janwil> $ hg import trac-1489.patch 13:06 < janwil> applying trac-1489.patch 13:06 < janwil> abort: no diffs found 13:06 < janwil> ouch my mistake 13:07 < mabshoff> Ok, you probabyl tried to apply the html file ;) 13:07 < mabshoff> http://www.sagetrac.org/sage_trac/attachment/ticket/1489/trac-1489.patch?format=raw 13:07 < mabshoff> Do a wget on that. 13:07 < janwil> yes, i forgot the pecularities of trac 13:07 < mabshoff> not only you ;) 13:08 < janwil> you sugested applying 1235 as well? 1235 has 3 patches 13:08 < mabshoff> Well, try 1489 alone first. 13:08 < janwil> ok 13:08 < mabshoff> Solving it 1000 times worked on sage.math, too. 13:12 -!- mekaj [n=mekaj__@fild-357.res.umass.edu] has joined #sage-devel 13:18 -!- dmharvey [n=dmharvey@dhcp-0000100169-2b-56.client.student.harvard.edu] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 13:24 < janwil> rebuilding the whole sage takes quite a long time ... is there a way to rebuild just the relevant parts? 13:25 < mabshoff> Well, if you apply the patch to an existing install it should be done in about 10-15 seconds. 13:25 < mabshoff> You can always back that patch out again. 13:27 < janwil> hmm ... I have been building for 15 minutes now ... 13:27 < mabshoff> ok, in that case you started with a binary? 13:27 < janwil> Most probably 13:28 < mabshoff> Then you end up rebuilding all of sage.spkg, which takes about 30 or so minutes 13:28 < mabshoff> depending on the CPU speed. 13:28 < mabshoff> Believe me, I build sage a couple times a day when I do releases, so I have 13:28 < mabshoff> been bitching about that for quite a while. 13:28 < mabshoff> I do it on different systems in parallel, so it isn't too bad. 13:29 < janwil> what about distributed build farms & such? 13:29 < mabshoff> The bottleneck is cython at the moment. 13:29 < janwil> what is that? 13:29 < mabshoff> It takes about 2/3rds of the time. 13:30 < mabshoff> Cython is the tool that generates C code from Cython files. 13:30 < mabshoff> It is what we use to integrate low level efficient C code with Python code. 13:30 < mabshoff> http://www.cython.org/ 13:31 < mabshoff> "Cython is a language that makes writing C extensions for the Python language as easy as Python itself." 13:31 < janwil> sounds fun 13:32 < mabshoff> Yep, everything that needs to be implemented efficiently in Sage is often done with Cython. 13:32 < mabshoff> We also use it to interface with C and C++ libraries. 13:34 < ondrej> so why is it a bottleneck? 13:35 < mabshoff> Hi ondrej 13:35 < wstein-1000> I think arpack is random... 13:35 < mabshoff> Because the input is random? 13:35 < wstein-1000> jkantor: If you try the doctest: E=sparse.spdiags(n,[-1,0,1],int(100),int(100)); e,v=arpack.eigen(A-E,3); e 13:35 < wstein-1000> over and over again (need setup from test.py) 13:35 < wstein-1000> then you get different answers 13:35 < jkantor> yes 13:35 < mabshoff> bug? 13:35 < wstein-1000> jkantor -- is this expected? 13:36 < jkantor> yes 13:36 < wstein-1000> OK, then that doctest failure is easy to fix! 13:36 < wstein-1000> mabshoff -- put #random 13:36 < jkantor> the algorithm generates essentially random vectors and iterates so they converge to eigenvectors 13:36 < mabshoff> Will do, and maybe add a proper comment? 13:36 < jkantor> if you have eigenvalues close together you can get different runs oscillating between eigenvalues 13:36 < jkantor> I will make a better example 13:36 < janwil> mabshoff: after 1489 the test still fails 13:37 < mabshoff> ok. I was about to ask why one would use aarpack in that case. 13:37 < mabshoff> janwil: How about the other tree patches from that ticket? 13:37 < mabshoff> the *other* ticket I mean. 13:37 < janwil> ok, I'll try applying them 13:37 < mabshoff> Thanks 13:38 < janwil> I still need tu rebuild everything? 13:38 < mabshoff> Nope, now sage -b will only rebuild the changed files. 13:38 < mabshoff> One advantage of building from source ;) 13:40 < jkantor> I picked a better example where the matrix is positive definite and I know the analytic answer 13:40 < mabshoff> Yep, that should work. 13:40 < mabshoff> ondrej: I think parts of Cython need to be rewritten in Cython ;) 13:41 < mabshoff> But then building it needs to be a two step process so it can be self hosting 13:41 < mabshoff> out of the box. 13:41 < mabshoff> The files created by Cython are huge, i.e. many of the c files we compile ar 1MB+ 13:42 < mabshoff> So if Cython speeds up string operations compated to Python one should look into that. 13:42 < mabshoff> Speeding the Cython step up by 50% out to save about 1/3 of the total build time of 13:42 < mabshoff> sage.spkg, which would be a big plus in my book. 13:42 < mabshoff> out->ought 13:43 < janwil> mabshoff: after 1235 i still get the same problem 13:48 < ondrej> mabshoff - is the problem in executing cython, or compiling the resulting C file? 13:50 < jkantor> mabshoff the ticket for arpack has a second patch that should make the doctest better, if it still fails on some systems, feel free to comment out the line that checks the output for now. 13:52 -!- jkantor is now known as jkantor_afk 13:52 -!- malb [n=malb@host86-144-82-165.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 13:55 -!- fredrik [i=fredrik@gamma.kvi.sgsnet.se] has quit [] 13:59 < mabshoff> janwil: ok, I need to find a system where I can reproduce the issue. 14:00 < mabshoff> ondrej: a little of both. Invoking Cython takes about 2/3rds of the time 14:00 < mabshoff> Compiling the result the other 1/3rd. 14:00 < ondrej> I see now 14:00 < mabshoff> But we should compile in parallel, on top of that. 14:00 < mabshoff> So it is two issues to potentially speed up compilation. 14:01 < mabshoff> The first one would benefit everybody, the second one people with loads of cores ;) 14:01 < janwil> mabshoff: would you like me to try and set up the environment for you? 14:01 < mabshoff> janwil: sure, but I doubt I will get quick resutls. 14:02 < mabshoff> Does that box have a static IP? 14:02 < mabshoff> Or alternatively a FQDN? 14:03 < janwil> which version of sage should i download? 14:03 < mabshoff> Are you going to build from scratch? 14:03 < mabshoff> Then 2.9.alpha7 and/or 2.8.15 14:03 < janwil> well, you tell me which one you'd like :) 14:03 < mabshoff> 2.7.rc0 should be out by morning CET 14:04 < mabshoff> 2.7.alpha7 is better since it has a bunch of fixes. 14:04 < mabshoff> If you set up an account I can certainly build it. 14:05 < janwil> i'd first like to build it myself to see if i still get the same problem 14:05 < mabshoff> I still suspect that the toolchain might be potentially involved in this. 14:05 < mabshoff> janwil: Ok, that sounds like a good idea. 14:05 < mabshoff> Do you have the link to 2.9.alpha7? 14:05 < janwil> and if I won't, I will have a working sytem and be happy :) 14:05 < janwil> no 14:06 < janwil> I was just about to ask for a link 14:06 < mabshoff> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/mabshoff/sage-2.9.alpha7.tar 14:06 < mabshoff> About 183 MB in size. 14:06 < mabshoff> When I do the release all alphas and rcs end up in that home directory. 14:07 < janwil> ok ... so i unpack it, cd in there and build it ... will ./sage -b work or do I have to do something else? 14:08 < mabshoff> If you execute make it will build it all. No need to do anything after that. 14:08 < janwil> ok 14:08 < mabshoff> Once make is done succesfully you should execute "make check" 14:08 < mabshoff> That will run all doctests. 14:09 < mabshoff> If any other problem pops up there we might have another lead to what might go wrong. 14:16 -!- ondrej [n=ondra@89-24-5-16.4ginternet.cz] has quit ["Leaving"] 14:28 -!- dmharvey [n=dmharvey@] has joined #sage-devel 14:30 -!- yi [n=yi@c-67-183-27-214.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [] 14:38 -!- dmharvey [n=dmharvey@] has quit [] 14:39 -!- dmharvey [n=dmharvey@dhcp-0000100169-2b-56.client.student.harvard.edu] has joined #sage-devel 14:44 < mabshoff> jaap? 14:44 < janwil> does make run some tests out of its own wisdom as well? 14:45 < mabshoff> Nope. 14:45 < jaap> Hi mabshoff 14:45 < mabshoff> jaap: thanks for the report. jkantor is fixing the numerical/test.py issue. 14:45 < jaap> ok 14:46 < mabshoff> janwil: make check runs the doctests after it finishes compiling, *but* 14:46 < janwil> weird ... i just typed make, it built for some time and is now testing 14:46 < jaap> I was surprised it shows up again 14:46 < mabshoff> it runs the doctests even when the compilation fails. there is a ticket 14:46 < mabshoff> open about that. 14:46 < mabshoff> numerical/test.py is more or less random :) 14:47 < mabshoff> And it also depends on the BLAS used. It result changes from netlib.org to ATLAS on 14:47 < mabshoff> the same box. 14:47 < mabshoff> It is a known problem with Lapack testers for example that ATLAS doesn't pass 14:47 < mabshoff> the testsuite some of the time because it does operations differently than netlib.org BLAS 14:47 < mabshoff> Consequently the numercial errors can diverge. 14:48 < jaap> Thanks for the explanation 14:48 < mabshoff> Sure, no problem. Hanging around the net for years shoud pay off at some point ;) 14:52 < mabshoff> jaap: Are you willing to test an updated singular.spkg in a couple minutes? 14:52 < mabshoff> it is a x86 linux only fix ;) 14:53 < jaap> Ok, 14:53 < mabshoff> I will ping you shortly. 14:58 -!- cartman [n=ismail@kde/ismail] has quit ["I can barely stop"] 15:01 -!- yi [n=yi@c-67-183-27-214.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #sage-devel 15:01 < mabshoff> jaap: http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/mabshoff/singular-3-0-4-1-20071209.p0.spkg 15:01 < mabshoff> yi: are you around? 15:01 < mabshoff> I am curious if I should merge that existing DSage patch? 15:03 < yi> mabshoff: yeah i'm here right now 15:03 -!- jkantor_afk is now known as jkantor 15:06 < jaap> mabshoff: running 15:06 < mabshoff> hi yi 15:06 < mabshoff> So what do you think about http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1077 ? 15:07 < mabshoff> Apply it now or alternatively wait on some larger code drop you have? 15:07 < mabshoff> I would prefer to apply 1077 now, unless your code is pretty much ready to go in 15:07 < mabshoff> the next couple your 15:07 -!- dmharvey [n=dmharvey@dhcp-0000100169-2b-56.client.student.harvard.edu] has quit [] 15:07 < mabshoff> your->hours. 15:07 < yi> mabshoff: ok, i agree with that 15:07 < yi> mabshoff: let me look at it again first though 15:08 < mabshoff> We will do two more releases this year, so there are plenty of chances. 15:08 < mabshoff> Sure, let me know what you think. 15:11 < craigcitro> mabshoff: so the issue with "make" before is just that the version of make on my machine (which i installed with fink) doesn't recognize -B. it's 3.79-1 ... apparently 3.81-2 is current, but i can't figure out how to make fink update its list of available packages. ;) 15:12 < yi> mabshoff: ok, go ahead and merge that one in, let me if any unit tests fail 15:14 < yi> me know rather 15:14 < mabshoff> yi: sure 15:15 < jaap> mabshoff: 15:15 < mabshoff> craigcitro: xcode ships its own make, so I don't understand why fink's would be in $PATH first. 15:15 < jaap> Singular-3-0-4 15:15 < jaap> real 8m26.464s 15:15 < jaap> user 7m24.699s 15:15 < jaap> sys 0m38.182s 15:15 < jaap> Successfully installed singular-3-0-4-1-20071209.p0 15:15 < jaap> Now cleaning up tmp files. 15:15 < jaap> Making SAGE/Python scripts relocatable... 15:15 < jaap> Making script relocatable 15:15 < jaap> [jaap@paix sage-2.9.alpha7]$ 15:15 < mabshoff> jaap: thanks 15:15 < craigcitro> mabshoff: once you install fink, it puts its paths (/sw/bin, etc) at the beginning of your path by default 15:15 < mabshoff> ok, that sucks. 15:16 < craigcitro> or, at least, i think it did. maybe i did at some point. 15:16 < mabshoff> Well, I hadn't heard of that issue before. How old is your fink install= 15:16 < mabshoff> ? 15:16 < craigcitro> 2 years? ;) from when i got the comp. 15:16 < craigcitro> i installed fink the first day 15:16 < mabshoff> :) 15:16 < craigcitro> and then have let it sit 15:16 < mabshoff> Never updated I assume? 15:16 < craigcitro> causing occasional annoyances 15:16 < craigcitro> hah nods of course 15:16 < craigcitro> i only think of it at times like this, where i don't want to wait while it updates 500 packages or whatever 15:17 < mabshoff> :) - let me look at the makefiles then. I am not even sure why Bill uses "-B" 15:17 < craigcitro> grin 15:17 < mabshoff> Please open a ticket for it. 15:17 < craigcitro> sure. 15:18 < janwil> oh well, sage really builds a long time from the sources ... I'll go to bed now ... mabshoff, I will let you know how this test with alpha7 source build ended in near future 15:18 < mabshoff> janwil: no problem. 15:18 < mabshoff> I will still be up by the time you should wake up ;) 15:18 < janwil> ok, then perhaps see you in 8 hours or so :) 15:19 < mabshoff> cu 15:19 -!- janwil [n=jan@213-35-169-226-dsl.trt.estpak.ee] has left #sage-devel [] 15:20 < craigcitro> according to the fink database online, 3.79.1 is the newest version of make in the stable branch, which means that I'm not likely to be the only person running into this problem. 15:21 < mabshoff> shesh 15:21 < mabshoff> They need to get with the program. 15:21 < mabshoff> -B is an alias to --always build. 15:21 < mabshoff> I think we can drop it. I am testing on sage.math and bsd to see what happens. 15:21 < craigcitro> --always-build isn't in the old verison of make either 15:21 < mabshoff> It is "only" needed for the check target anyway. 15:22 < mabshoff> ok 15:22 < mabshoff> gmake 2.79 is ancient I think. 15:22 < mabshoff> Bill probably added the -B to force a rebuild every time when testing. 15:23 < mabshoff> Since we always build from a clean tree I don't think it will be an issue for us. 15:23 < craigcitro> k 15:24 < mabshoff> craigcitro: try http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/mabshoff/flint-1.02.p0.spkg 15:24 < craigcitro> can i just kill the copy of the flint spkg in my install directory, drop that in, and type make again? 15:25 < mabshoff> Yep 15:25 < craigcitro> or is the name of that spkg also in a file? 15:25 < craigcitro> k 15:25 < mabshoff> You don't even need to delete the old copy. 15:25 < mabshoff> The one with the latest time stamp will get build. 15:26 < craigcitro> k, it's installing. i'll keep an eye on it. 15:26 < craigcitro> and in the meantime, start working on my other machine. 15:26 < mabshoff> Sure, the tests will run a while. 15:26 < mabshoff> ;) 15:27 < craigcitro> nods 15:27 < craigcitro> especially on my slow laptop. 15:27 < mabshoff> But a less buggy FLINT will pay of in the long term. 15:27 < mabshoff> The mandatory make check will be removed in the final 2.9 release. 15:27 < craigcitro> wstein-1000: so for sd8, is it going to be exactly during that week of spring break, or will it include the weekend before? 15:29 -!- pdehaye [n=pdehaye@dehaye1.merton.ox.ac.uk] has quit [] 15:39 < mabshoff> craigcitro: It build and passes tests for me on linux and OSX. 15:39 < craigcitro> the flint pkg? 15:39 < mabshoff> So if your tests started running I can close this ticket. 15:39 < mabshoff> Yep. 15:39 < craigcitro> it built fine for me, tests are running. 15:40 < mabshoff> ok, then I am done with that done. 15:40 < craigcitro> good times. 15:40 < mabshoff> Pfeww, much easier than I feared. 15:40 < mabshoff> :) 15:40 < wstein-1000> i just got off the phone with Fernando Perez and the enthought cure! 15:40 < mabshoff> cure? 15:40 < wstein-1000> Maybe we'll have a Sage Days at Enthought soon... 15:40 < wstein-1000> crew. 15:40 < jkantor> that would be cool 15:40 < wstein-1000> s/cure/crew 15:40 < mabshoff> yep 15:41 < craigcitro> so that would definitely be another numerical-themed SD, right? 15:44 < jaap> Anybody interested could try to build my very, very experimental enthought spkgs :)! 15:46 -!- dmharvey [n=dmharvey@c-24-61-45-82.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #sage-devel 15:47 < dmharvey> hi 15:47 < dmharvey> maybe I can work on a bug now 15:47 < mabshoff> Hi 15:47 < dmharvey> 2.9.alpha7 took like 5 hours to build on my G5 15:47 < dmharvey> that's ridiculous 15:48 < mabshoff> :| 15:49 < jkantor> its not atlas 15:56 -!- robertwb [n=robert@c-67-171-19-168.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #sage-devel 15:57 < mabshoff> hi robertwb 15:58 < robertwb> hi 15:58 < mabshoff> Do you think your rubik's cube solver is ready to go in? 15:58 < mabshoff> William wants it and 400 kb is an acceptable size increase from what I understand. 15:59 < mabshoff> And since David's new book uses that code it might also be a good idea in general ;) 15:59 < mabshoff> ok, merging 1077 for now. 15:59 < robertwb> I think it's ready to go 16:00 < robertwb> Of course, we need to get a lot more people to test it, but there's nothing too tricky about it. 16:00 < dmharvey> question about http://sagetrac.org/sage_trac/ticket/1400 16:00 < mabshoff> ok. Maybe wstein-1000 has some input on it? 16:00 < dmharvey> does it suffice for now to just have a stupid algorithm? 16:00 < dmharvey> i.e. just take powers until we hit 1? 16:00 < wstein-1000> rmharvey -- I just built sage on an old G5 at Harvard. 16:00 < wstein-1000> It took 197 minutes. 16:00 < wstein-1000> So 3 hours. 16:01 < dmharvey> wstein: dual-core? 16:01 < wstein-1000> i mean dmharvey 16:01 < wstein-1000> no -- i used non-parallel make. 16:01 < dmharvey> hmmm 16:01 < dmharvey> my machine must suck 16:01 < wstein-1000> I don't know if it is dual processor or not 16:01 < mabshoff> rm harvey ;) 16:01 < wstein-1000> possible. 16:01 < dmharvey> wstein: see my Q above? 16:01 < mabshoff> There are several G5 generations. 16:01 < wstein-1000> i built on fermath.math.harvard.edu, which is an xserve 16:01 < wstein-1000> I just got done with an endless stream of meetings and stuff. 16:01 < wstein-1000> now I can work on sage. 16:02 < mabshoff> :) 16:02 < dmharvey> re: 1400, does PARI have a function for orders of elements of class groups, or do I just implement something stupid? 16:02 < cwitty> robertwb: any thoughts on #1419 (java3d requires Internet)? 16:02 < wstein-1000> what's the score? 16:02 < robertwb> being an xserve, it might have faster hard drive access (which may be a significant factor in building sage) 16:02 < wstein-1000> yes 16:02 < mabshoff> I think on OSX process creation and linking is really expensive. 16:02 -!- wstein-1000 is now known as wstein-1400 16:02 < robertwb> cwitty: not yet. I've been playing with jmol, and also looking at another 3d bug 16:03 < mabshoff> If I run testall on my iBook under Linux sage starts 3 times as fast as under OSX 10.4.11 on the same hardware 16:03 < mabshoff> So there is a sigificant difference in total time for testall. 16:03 < wstein-1400> we *really* need a symbolic matrix type! 16:03 < wstein-1400> this is ridiculous 16:04 < wstein-1400> so many people get confused by the pitiful speed of generic symbolic matrices. 16:04 < dmharvey> wstein-1400: huh? are you talking about 1400? 16:04 < wstein-1400> no 16:04 < wstein-1400> I just checked email 16:08 < craigcitro> mabshoff: just got another build error, this time on libgpg_error. 16:09 < mabshoff> really? That one we haven't touched in a while. 16:09 < mabshoff> When was the last time you build on that box? 16:09 < craigcitro> yeah ... it's a weird one. it says it was a parse error, but i'm looking at that point in the file, and it looks fine. 16:09 < mabshoff> Can you paste the error? 16:09 < craigcitro> honestly, i'm not sure ... somewhere around sd5 for sure, but i've been busy, so i might have just been doing -upgrade since then. 16:09 < craigcitro> sure 16:09 < craigcitro> oh, wait, i can't read 16:09 < mabshoff> yi: your dsage bundle contains 22 or so changesets. 16:09 < craigcitro> lemme look one more sec 16:10 < mabshoff> yi: Is that the right one? 16:10 < craigcitro> wow ... awk apparently produced some bogus output. 16:11 < yi> mabshoff: yeah unfortunately i didn't just export a single patch, most of the changes are for the web interface stuff 16:11 < mabshoff> Should I still apply? 16:11 < craigcitro> gcc -I. -I. -o mkerrcodes ./mkerrcodes.c 16:11 < craigcitro> In file included from ./mkerrcodes.c:26: 16:11 < craigcitro> ./mkerrcodes.h:17: error: parse error before â 16:11 < craigcitro> ./mkerrcodes.h:39: error: parse error before â 16:11 < craigcitro> ./mkerrcodes.h:41: error: parse error before â 16:11 < craigcitro> ./mkerrcodes.h:58: error: parse error before â 16:11 < craigcitro> ./mkerrcodes.h:60: error: parse error before â 16:11 < craigcitro> ./mkerrcodes.h:76: error: parse error before â 16:11 < craigcitro> ./mkerrcodes.h:79: error: parse error before â 16:11 < craigcitro> ./mkerrcodes.h:86: error: parse error before â 16:11 < craigcitro> ./mkerrcodes.h:96: error: parse error before â 16:11 < craigcitro> ./mkerrcodes.h:98: error: parse error before â 16:11 < craigcitro> make[4]: *** [mkerrcodes] Error 1 16:11 < craigcitro> make[3]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 16:11 < craigcitro> make[2]: *** [all] Error 2 16:11 < craigcitro> that was the error. 16:11 < craigcitro> { 36, "GPG_ERR_EINPROGRESS" }, 16:11 < craigcitro> { 4 GPG_ERR_EINTR, "GPG_ERR_" }, 16:11 < craigcitro> { 22, "GPG_ERR_EINVAL" }, 16:11 < craigcitro> { 5 GPG_ERR_EIO, "GPG_ERR_" }, 16:11 < craigcitro> 16:11 < craigcitro> that's two good and two bad lines from mkerrcodes.h 16:11 < craigcitro> you can see that the two really are just wrong 16:12 < mabshoff> Can you add two commas? 16:12 < mabshoff> wait. 16:12 < mabshoff> nonsense. 16:12 < craigcitro> nod, i know 16:12 < mabshoff> What package is that in? 16:12 < craigcitro> it looks like those just got totally screwed up. 16:12 < mabshoff> I assume fink is interferring. 16:13 < craigcitro> libgpg_error-1.5 16:13 < craigcitro> different awk version maybe? 16:13 < mabshoff> Can you compare the awk release numbers for OSX and fin? 16:13 < wstein-1400> does the source code ?? work for *anybody* from the notebook in alpha7? 16:13 < mabshoff> +l 16:14 < wstein-1400> from command line it works fine. 16:14 < craigcitro> the spkg is *identical* to the one that's successfully installed on my system (in my 2.8.15 install) 16:14 < wstein-1400> actually, no it doesn't... 16:14 < wstein-1400> I mean for cython files. 16:15 < mabshoff> craigcitro: Is that a different system? 16:16 -!- wstein-1400 is now known as wstein-1514 16:17 < craigcitro> no, it's the same system 16:17 < craigcitro> that's what i mean ... it's obviously installed fine before 16:17 < craigcitro> which is weird 16:17 -!- dmharvey [n=dmharvey@c-24-61-45-82.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit [] 16:17 < mabshoff> Did you update anything else? 16:17 < craigcitro> /usr/bin/awk won't tell me its version. 16:17 < craigcitro> nope. 16:17 < craigcitro> there we go 16:17 < craigcitro> -V 16:18 < mabshoff> Any chance you hit the dreaded vfork() ceiling?? 16:18 < wstein-1514> robertwb -- capeman in jmol -- w00t! 16:18 < robertwb> :) 16:18 < craigcitro> awk version 20040207 vs. GNU Awk 3.1.4 16:18 < wstein-1514> robertwb is it a scene description file? 16:18 < craigcitro> mabshoff: maybe ... how do i check that again? 16:18 < robertwb> it's a bunch of files, with a jmol script 16:18 < wstein-1514> I see 16:18 < wstein-1514> Fascinating. 16:19 < robertwb> (all automatically generated though) 16:19 < wstein-1514> Does it feel snappy to rotate around or sluggish. 16:19 < wstein-1514> ? 16:19 < mabshoff> "ulimit -u" 16:19 < robertwb> it's pretty snappy, better than I expected 16:19 < wstein-1514> cool! 16:19 < robertwb> There's some numbers at the bottom--44ms, which I think is the render time. 16:20 < mabshoff> craigcitro: If it is a "100" you might need to raise it, especially 16:20 < craigcitro> mabshoff: it's 100 ... how do i bump it up? (i know this is in an old email from justin walker ...) 16:20 < mabshoff> http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20060315121122636 16:20 < craigcitro> s'weird, becaues i've never run into it before. 16:20 < wstein-1514> that sounds good. 16:20 < mabshoff> But if that is the problem it should say somewhere in the logs that vfork() failed. 16:20 -!- malb [n=malb@host217-44-106-17.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #sage-devel 16:20 < mabshoff> Hi malb 16:20 < robertwb> up to 100ms, or maybe even 200ms should still be snappy enough 16:20 < wstein-1514> I turned sagemath.org back on as a download site this morning -- and it's got > 200 downloads since then. 16:21 < malb> hi 16:21 < wstein-1514> hi malb 16:21 < mabshoff> :) 16:21 < malb> how is the bugday going 16:21 < malb> ? 16:21 < wstein-1514> i just joined. 16:21 < mabshoff> A little slow for starters, but now it seems to pick up. 16:21 < craigcitro> mabshoff: interestingly, i don't have the file they tell me to modify. 16:22 < mabshoff> I rolled a new singular.spkg with the Slackware 12 fix. 16:22 < wstein-1514> excellent. 16:22 < mabshoff> craigcitro: you might need to create it. I think it applies to OSX 10.4. 16:22 < mabshoff> wstein-1514: it is already in rc0 :) 16:22 < mabshoff> As well as the updated ntl.spkg 16:23 < mabshoff> waiting on yi to tell me if I should really merge all of dsage_latest. 16:23 < wstein-1514> excellent. 16:23 < mabshoff> Unless I overlooked his answer in which case I am sorry. 16:23 < wstein-1514> by the way, building sage on my build farm everything worked fine. 16:23 < wstein-1514> except the one weird clock skew issue. 16:23 < yi> mabshoff: yes you should 16:23 < mabshoff> I want to merge Robert's rubic's cube. 16:23 < mabshoff> yi: thanks. 16:23 < craigcitro> k, restarting. 16:23 -!- craigcitro [n=cc@pool-71-106-26-87.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit [] 16:23 < mabshoff> Well, make adds really odd with clockskew, too. 16:24 < yi> wstein-1514: you have a build farm now? :) 16:24 < mabshoff> Remember the guy whose clock was a year or so in the future? That didn't go over too well ;) 16:25 < wstein-1514> :-) 16:26 < wstein-1514> I think sage-spkg used to touch all the files once before building.... back in the old days 16:26 < mabshoff> Eventually the build will succeed, but make will spin for a while. 16:26 < mabshoff> :) 16:26 -!- craigcitro [n=cc@pool-71-106-26-87.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #sage-devel 16:27 < cwitty> robertwb, capeman's face looks oddly bumpy. Is that a jmol sphere, or a mesh? 16:27 < mabshoff> yi: your patch touches "sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_element.pyx" 16:27 < robertwb> jmol sphere 16:27 < yi> mabshoff: can you just ignore that changeset? 16:27 < craigcitro> mabshoff: same problem. 16:27 < yi> i don't know why it would touch that, it shouldn't 16:28 < mabshoff> I am looking into what changed. 16:28 < mabshoff> That is the exact reason I really dislike bundles. 16:28 -!- malb [n=malb@host217-44-106-17.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 16:29 -!- malb [n=malb@host217-44-106-17.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #sage-devel 16:30 < robertwb> cwitty: I'm sending a copy as a mesh, it looks smoother (but a lot more data transfer) 16:30 < wstein-1514> capeman has "character". 16:31 < mabshoff> odd, sage/rings/polynomial/polynomial_element.pyx doesn't show any changes by Yi. 16:31 < mabshoff> Maybe just a timestamp update? Does mercurial do that? 16:32 < mabshoff> Ok, I am doing a -ba followed by a testall to be on the save side. 16:34 -!- malb_ [n=malb@host86-141-246-136.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #sage-devel 16:34 < mabshoff> craigcitro: Can you try compiling with "sw" removed from PATH as well as DYLDLIBRAYPATH? 16:35 < mabshoff> Which OSX version are you running exactly? 16:37 < craigcitro> 10.4.11 16:37 < craigcitro> i probably got the .11 update since the last time i built sage from scratch. 16:37 < mabshoff> ok, same here on my end and I never saw that problem 16:37 < mabshoff> Did you try without "sw" yet? 16:39 < craigcitro> yep, that worked. 16:39 < wstein-1514> craigcitro -- i have a fresh alpha7 for ppc 10.4 sitting around. 16:39 < wstein-1514> want it? 16:39 < craigcitro> apparently gawk and awk do something slightly different. 16:39 < craigcitro> wstein-1514: sure. that'd make this easier. ;) 16:39 < wstein-1514> I'll make the bdist right now -- and have it to you in < 10 minutes. 16:40 < craigcitro> i was planning on installing 10.5 over the break ... maybe i'll do the work to just dump fink at the same time. :) 16:40 < mabshoff> alpha7 for OSX 10.4 ppc? 16:40 -!- photonn [i=not@cpe-76-182-223-216.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #sage-devel 16:40 < mabshoff> craigcitro: you are the canary for fink problems. 16:41 < craigcitro> grin 16:41 < craigcitro> it might also be that the versions of programs i have installed via fink are all really old. 16:41 < craigcitro> since i haven't really updated in about 2 years. 16:41 < mabshoff> Sure, but why now? 16:41 < craigcitro> true 16:41 < wstein-1514> fink isn't a "just works" sort of thing.. 16:42 < craigcitro> that one was weird. looking at the input to gawk, it looked just fine 16:42 < craigcitro> but some of the lines were being treated differently than others 16:42 < mabshoff> wstein-1514: Does fink suck as badly as cygwin? 16:42 < wstein-1514> there were about 350 downloads of sage so far today just from my servers. 16:43 < wstein-1514> fink is way better than cygwin!! 16:43 < mabshoff> :) 16:43 < wstein-1514> at least os x is unix. 16:43 < wstein-1514> and at least fink "is" debian. 16:43 < mabshoff> Let's see what happens once we release 2.9. Maybe we will get another huge spike. 16:43 < wstein-1514> cygwin has some crazy crap package system that makes no sense. 16:43 < wstein-1514> fink has apt-get, which rocks. 16:43 < mabshoff> :] 16:44 < mabshoff> That is your opinion, but there are too many Debian fans in this channel. 16:44 < wstein-1514> alright -- I just fixed things to foo.bar?? works vastly vastly better... 16:45 < wstein-1514> it was great talking to all the enthought people on the phone by the way today. 16:45 < photonn> I dream of the day I can "apt-get install sage" :) 16:45 < wstein-1514> they got majorly slashdotted as a result of sage and really appreciate it. 16:46 < wstein-1514> photonn -- same here ;-) 16:46 < wstein-1514> though evidently Robert Kern had to go home in order to get work done since they were so slashdotted. 16:46 < mabshoff> :) 16:46 < craigcitro> so that's weird 16:46 < mabshoff> I couldn't work on sage.math due to insane traffic. 16:47 < craigcitro> if i run the command that was breaking things, it works fine. but then i source local/bin/sage-env, and it breaks 16:47 < mabshoff> Anything I did I couldn't get off the server, not even to and other UW boxen. 16:47 < mabshoff> ok 16:47 -!- malb_ [n=malb@host86-141-246-136.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Remote closed the connection] 16:47 -!- malb_ [n=malb@host86-141-246-136.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #sage-devel 16:48 -!- malb [n=malb@host217-44-106-17.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 16:48 < wstein-1514> robertwb just posted a bundle for the jmol graphics stuff! 16:48 < mabshoff> Nice 16:48 < craigcitro> do we build our own gawk when building sage? 16:49 < mabshoff> Nope, but something else might interfere. 16:49 < mabshoff> What command are you running? 16:49 < craigcitro> no, it's still my system-wide one. 16:49 < craigcitro> it's just taking some output from grep and piping it into gawk -f mkerrcodes.awk 16:50 < mabshoff> gawk if fink I assume? 16:50 < mabshoff> if->is 16:50 < craigcitro> nods 16:50 < craigcitro> gnu awk 16:50 < wstein-1514> craig -- in 3 minutes the binary at /home/was/tmp will be for you (on sage.math) 16:50 < craigcitro> my system-wide one doesn't identify itself as gnu, anyway 16:50 < craigcitro> cool 16:50 < mabshoff> Well, I knew that ;) 16:50 < wstein-1514> ETA 3.5 minutes. 16:51 < mabshoff> Well, rename gawk to something else temporarily and see if the problem goes away. 16:51 < craigcitro> though i am still a little curious what's causing the difference. 16:51 < mabshoff> +1 16:52 < craigcitro> well, gawk in my normal environment is producing correct output 16:52 < craigcitro> it's gawk + local/bin/sage-env that's causing something weird 16:52 < mabshoff> Sure, but in fink it seems to suck. 16:53 < mabshoff> Can you diff env before and after? 16:53 < mabshoff> wstein-1514: no patch at that ticket yet. Is it coming? 16:53 < craigcitro> mabshoff: i don't understand what you mean about "in fink" 16:53 < craigcitro> gawk is the fink-installed gawk 16:54 < mabshoff> I mean the old awk shipped by fink. 16:57 < craigcitro> wstein-1514: 258M total? 17:06 < mabshoff> sounds reasonable for a bdist. 17:15 < wstein-1514> yes 17:16 -!- cwitty_ [n=cwitty@sense-sea-MegaSub-1-205.oz.net] has joined #sage-devel 17:21 -!- cwitty [n=cwitty@newtonlabs.com] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 17:23 -!- cwitty_ is now known as cwitty 17:33 < mabshoff> wstein-1514: first page: chunck->chunk 17:34 < mabshoff> Maybe: We envisage->We envison 17:36 < mabshoff> mhh, it looks like you guys really like "to envisage" things. It sounds odd to my ears. 17:39 < mabshoff> page 3: soltions->solutions 17:40 < mabshoff> page4: veiws->views 17:41 < wstein-1514> thanks. can you email them? I'm going to forward all the emails of comments to my co-author who is working on the proposal all day tomorrow 17:41 < mabshoff> Sure, I am still reading. 17:42 < craigcitro> wstein-1514: just email you all comments on the proposal? 17:42 < wstein-1514> yep. 17:42 < wstein-1514> thanks! 17:42 < mabshoff> craigcitro: you might as well add my comments/corrections I post here -> less overlap. 17:43 < craigcitro> grin ok 17:43 < mabshoff> so, who likes envisage? Later on in the text you switch to envision ;) 17:43 < craigcitro> mabshoff: i found the root of the awk problem. 17:43 < craigcitro> envision is better, i think 17:43 < mabshoff> nice. please tell. 17:43 < mabshoff> Yep, it sounds less stuffy. 17:43 < mabshoff> I envisage sounds "overly Bitisch" 17:43 < wstein-1514> check out the rockin' patch : http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1514 17:44 < mabshoff> oops British 17:44 < mabshoff> Well, cwitty: are you around? 17:44 < mabshoff> It would rock if you could do patch review. 17:44 < mabshoff> There are so many patches in there ;) 17:45 < mabshoff> wstein-1514: Since you disliked 553 last time could you take another look? 17:45 < mabshoff> Some other calculus fix depends on it. 17:45 < craigcitro> so the problem is one about the width of the number associated to the error code 17:45 < craigcitro> anything with two digits works fine, everything else breaks 17:45 < mabshoff> ok 17:46 < yi> mabshoff: ok i'm off now, let me know if something funky happens with the dsage bundle! 17:46 < mabshoff> So gawk screws up with the sage env. 17:46 < craigcitro> so they use FS="[ \t]+GPG_ERR_" as the "field separator" (i'd never known what this was before) 17:46 < mabshoff> yi: it compiled and seems to doctest well. 17:46 < craigcitro> mabshoff: i think it's the other way around. something in sage-env is changing how gawk behaves 17:46 < mabshoff> yi: Still waiting on the testall to finish. 17:46 < mabshoff> craigcitro: ok. please do the following: 17:46 < wstein-1514> craigcitro -- did the binary work for you? 17:46 < craigcitro> the same gawk (i.e. exact same file getting run) has different behavior before and after sourcing sage-env 17:46 < mabshoff> a) from a clean shell: env >before.env 17:47 < mabshoff> b) sourecing local/bin/sage-env 17:47 < mabshoff> c) env >after.env 17:47 < craigcitro> wstein-1514: just grabbed it, haven't untarred yet ;) 17:47 < mabshoff> post the diff :) 17:47 < craigcitro> mabshoff: i already diff'd the two environments 17:47 < mabshoff> ok. And? 17:48 < craigcitro> so gawk has a "provide this variable to the environment while running" option, and playing with the path stuff didn't fix anything 17:48 < mabshoff> mhh 17:48 < craigcitro> lemme start looking at the rest of them. 17:48 < cwitty> I'll start reviewing patches in a few minutes. 17:48 < mabshoff> no sweat, but we should track that. 17:48 < mabshoff> cwitty: Excellent 17:49 < rlm-1464> mabshoff - i'm having some odd trouble with sage -b 17:49 < wstein-1514> hi. 17:50 < wstein-1514> I am going home and to dinner with wife etc right now. 17:50 < mabshoff> cu 17:50 < wstein-1514> I will be _back_ though for more bug day afterwards for the rest of the evening, I hope. 17:50 < mabshoff> :) 17:50 < rlm-1464> i can't get sage to build after *reverting* 17:50 < mabshoff> rlm-1464: what is happening? 17:51 < mabshoff> I assume the time stamp doesn't change in that case or alternatively is set back to the original date? 17:51 < rlm-1464> that's probably it 17:51 < rlm-1464> touching files will probably solve it 17:52 < mabshoff> Yeah, but that certainly isn't a good thing, since required manual interaction is always bad. 17:52 < mabshoff> yi: doctests pass with 1077 applied. 17:52 < rlm-1464> no, touching setup.py does nothing 17:52 < mabshoff> You have to touch the individual py[ixd] file I assume. 17:53 < mabshoff> "sage -ba" is the last ressort I guess. 17:54 < rlm-1464> setup.py was one of them, though 17:54 < mabshoff> ok, Did that used to work? 17:54 < rlm-1464> i don't know if it's because of that particular patch, but it did not too long ago 17:55 < mabshoff> Well, that patch is the only one effecting that functionality 17:56 < mabshoff> You might want to delete the cached sobj, but that might force a complete rebuild. 17:56 < rlm-1464> i'm doing -ba anyway... 17:56 < mabshoff> Well, that's certainly the radical solution. 17:57 < mabshoff> But open a ticket about this, we need to have that fixed. 17:57 < craigcitro> mabshoff: is there an easy way to track what files a program touches when it runs? i used to know something like this on my linux box, maybe strace? 17:58 < craigcitro> AHA 17:58 < craigcitro> nevermind 17:58 < craigcitro> i think i found the problem 17:58 < wstein-1514> robertwb -- before going home I had to try your trachttp://sagetrac.org/sage_trac/ticket/1511 17:58 < wstein-1514> it frickin' *** rocks *** 17:58 < wstein-1514> this it the 3d we've been waiting for. seriously. 17:58 < mabshoff> :) 17:58 < craigcitro> mabshoff: yep, i spotted the problem. it's the LANG=... 17:59 < craigcitro> setting or unsetting that breaks things with the gawk on my machine. 17:59 < mabshoff> ok, that is really annoying. 17:59 < robertwb> wstein-1514: I totally agree. 17:59 < mabshoff> What does Sage set it to? 17:59 < craigcitro> en_US.UTF-8 17:59 < mabshoff> ok, but awk is probably too old to handle that. 17:59 < robertwb> I'm going to integrate it into the notebook next 18:00 < mabshoff> Any particular reason we decided to go with that LANG? 18:00 < craigcitro> maybe someone recently added it with an eye towards our multi-language support? 18:01 < wstein-1514> robertwb -- do it! 18:01 < mabshoff> Well, in the spkg-install export LANG=C or something else unoffensive. 18:01 < wstein-1514> I have to admit that when I first ever used math software -- when an undergrad -- I used Mathematica, 18:01 < wstein-1514> and all I ever did was draw 3d graphs. 18:01 < wstein-1514> That's it. 18:01 < robertwb> BTW, should we go ahead and order some red/blue glasses for the booth? 18:01 < wstein-1514> I feel nostalgic, since finally this is something that can really work for us. 18:01 < robertwb> ($0.40 or so each, for 50 or more) 18:01 < wstein-1514> (Given all the constraints) 18:01 < wstein-1514> Definitely, we need to trac down glasses. 18:03 < robertwb> BTW, I fixed that parametric surface bug you sent me 18:03 < robertwb> http://sagetrac.org/sage_trac/ticket/1515 18:05 < jkantor> is there a wiki about the 3d stuff 18:05 < robertwb> Funny how the chemists came in, first for Tachyon, and now for dynamic 3D 18:06 < robertwb> BTW, here's the cheapest place I found for glasses 18:06 < robertwb> http://store.rainbowsymphonystore.com/3dglasses.html 18:06 < jkantor> jaap:? 18:06 < wstein-1514> And the Pi on the Sage grant proposal I just posted -- Bill Reinhardt -- he's a chemist! 18:06 -!- wstein-1514 [n=was@D-69-91-158-192.dhcp4.washington.edu] has quit [] 18:10 -!- cwitty is now known as cwitty-review-13 18:10 -!- cwitty-review-13 is now known as cwitty-rvw-1395 18:14 < cwitty-rvw-1395> mabshoff, 1395 looks good. 18:17 -!- cwitty-rvw-1395 is now known as cwitty-rvw-1423 18:18 -!- robertwb [n=robert@c-67-171-19-168.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [] 18:20 < rlm-1464> mabshoff - amazingly, sage -ba does not affect it 18:20 < rlm-1464> the .pyx file is gone, but the .c file is still there 18:20 < mabshoff> So does the C file still get build? 18:21 < mabshoff> cwitty: thanks, in the merge que 18:22 < rlm-1464> it seems to just be still sitting around to be imported 18:22 < craigcitro> rlm-1464: what's the filename? any chance this is a case-insensitivity issue? (i once ran into something similar with that being the cause.) 18:22 < rlm-1464> it doesn't copy the .so file to the python directory... 18:22 < rlm-1464> everything has been lower case the whole time 18:23 < mabshoff> ok. 18:24 < mabshoff> rlm-1464: try deleting .cython_hash 18:24 < rlm-1464> also, i cannot clone out from under the changes 18:24 < mabshoff> bad 18:24 -!- malb_ [n=malb@host86-141-246-136.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 18:24 < rlm-1464> where? 18:24 < mabshoff> in SAGE_LOCAL/devel/sage 18:25 < mabshoff> But the cloning issue might be related to the revert. 18:26 < rlm-1464> hey craig, remember the last time i ran out of disk space?? 18:26 < craigcitro> hahahah 18:26 < rlm-1464> now where are my emoticons... 18:26 < craigcitro> is it the same issue? 18:26 < rlm-1464> god damnit 18:26 < craigcitro> that's pretty funny 18:26 < craigcitro> not so much for you 18:26 < craigcitro> but for me. 18:26 < mabshoff> :) 18:26 < rlm-1464> clearly i need more disk space 18:26 < mabshoff> I ran out of disc space on sage.math 18:27 < craigcitro> yep. external hard drives are getting cheap these days ... 18:27 < mabshoff> In the *root* partition! 18:27 < rlm-1464> well, i found a couple leads on my bugs today 18:27 < rlm-1464> maybe this is a sign... 18:28 < mabshoff> :) 18:28 < cwitty-rvw-1423> rlm-1464, is there a bug where some Sage component is not printing "out of disk space" when it should? 18:28 < rlm-1464> if you call it a bug 18:28 < rlm-1464> i would be more sane if my computer told me when i ran out of disk space, yes 18:28 < mabshoff> Well, mabye we should check in sage-spkg that there is at least k MB free and 18:28 < mabshoff> otherwise bail out. 18:29 < cwitty-rvw-1423> Sounds like a bug to me... 18:29 < mabshoff> Yep 18:29 < mabshoff> I will open a ticket 18:29 < rlm-1464> and it's still importing the missing module... 18:29 < mabshoff> I have been bitting by that issue also on the Sun box William has. 18:29 < mabshoff> Too little disc space, until I moved to scratch to build. 18:30 < rlm-1464> hmm 18:30 < rlm-1464> i'll try to provide a simple repro of this revert bug tomorrow (promised girlfriend dinner tonight!) 18:30 < rlm-1464> cu later 18:30 -!- rlm-1464 [n=rlm@c-71-197-245-35.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [] 18:34 < mabshoff> craigcitro: Did you send an email with the suggestions? 18:34 < craigcitro> i'm about to do that -- more to add? 18:34 -!- william_stein_ [n=was@c66-235-34-166.sea2.cablespeed.com] has joined #sage-devel 18:34 < mabshoff> Nope, didn't see any more issues. 18:34 < william_stein_> hi 18:34 < mabshoff> Except I thought that "cyber" sounded very 90's :) 18:34 -!- william_stein_ is now known as wstein-1515 18:34 < wstein-1515> I'll look at at 1515 now. 18:34 < cwitty-rvw-1423> wstein-1515, I just gave your #1423 patch a negative review. 18:34 < wstein-1515> mabshoff -- it's forced on us "cyber" 18:35 < mabshoff> really? Why? 18:35 < wstein-1515> thanks 18:35 -!- cwitty-rvw-1423 is now known as cwitty-rvw-1425 18:35 -!- Yasumoto [n=Yasumoto@unaffiliated/yasumoto] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)] 18:35 -!- wstein-1515 is now known as wstein-1423 18:35 < craigcitro> mabshoff: i don't see the veiws on pg 4 18:35 < craigcitro> where is it? 18:35 < mabshoff> page 3 18:36 < mabshoff> I think it was "off by one" :) 18:36 < mabshoff> isn't the pdf searchable? 18:37 < mabshoff> wstein-1423: rlm found an issue with the cython timestamp version of "sage -b" 18:37 < wstein-1423> what? 18:37 < mabshoff> If you revert a changeset that thereby removes a file bad things happen. 18:37 < mabshoff> But we haven't really tracked it down, he is gone, making dinner for his GF 18:38 < mabshoff> Even "sage -ba" doesn't fix it. But it might "just" be a bad revert. I have no idea 18:38 < mabshoff> which patches he reverted. 18:38 < wstein-1423> hmmm. 18:38 < wstein-1423> What bad thing happens? 18:39 < mabshoff> the pyx file was gone, the C file still there. 18:39 < mabshoff> And the module seems to still be imported. 18:39 < mabshoff> I think he should give some more details once he is back/shows up again. 18:39 < wstein-1423> ok 18:39 < mabshoff> He didn't open a ticket yet. 18:39 < wstein-1423> my patch is incredibly simple, so.... 18:39 < cwitty-rvw-1425> wstein-1423: about #1423; it looks dangerous to have default parameters globals={}, locals={}. If those are side-effected, the side effects will persist across function invocations. 18:40 < mabshoff> I told him to delete the hash value in .cython_hash, but I have no idea if he did that. 18:40 < wstein-1423> cwitty -- agreed! 18:44 < wstein-1423> re: deleting .cython_hash -- touching *any* pyx file should be equivalent. 18:44 < mabshoff> ok, then maybe something else is wring 18:45 < mabshoff> -i+o 18:46 < cwitty-rvw-1425> If all he did was delete a pyx file (by reverting the patch), then that probably doesn't count as "touching any pyx file". 18:47 < mabshoff> well, I think he also simultaniously ran out of disc space, so something else might have happened. 18:48 -!- cwitty-rvw-1425 is now known as cwitty-rvw-1460 18:51 < wstein-1423> cwitty -- see http://sagetrac.org/sage_trac/ticket/1423 18:51 < wstein-1423> Try applying part2 now. 18:51 < wstein-1423> I think it fixes all the issues you remarked about. 18:51 < mabshoff> Tim answered you special functions proposal 18:52 < wstein-1423> tim's answer is great. 18:53 -!- cwitty-rvw-1460 is now known as cwitty-rvw-1423 18:53 < mabshoff> great wink wink or great? 18:55 < wstein-1423> :-) 18:55 < wstein-1423> Great in a good sense -- see my response. 18:55 < mabshoff> He certainly has a point about branch cuts and so on. And some interesting 18:55 < mabshoff> perspective on past efforts since he seemed to have participated. 18:58 < wstein-1423> that sort of technical stuff will only be needed if we get past the pre-proposal stage. 18:59 < mabshoff> sure 18:59 < wstein-1423> There are going to be something like 1,500 pre-proposals; then several hundred actual proposals; then like 40-50 get funded. 18:59 < cwitty-rvw-1423> mabshoff, I like #1423 now. 18:59 < wstein-1423> cool. 18:59 -!- cwitty-rvw-1423 is now known as cwitty-rvw-1460 18:59 < mabshoff> Cool, I am about to start merging again. 19:00 < mabshoff> Does anybody know if http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1123 is still a problem? 19:00 < mabshoff> That seems like a ticket that should be fixed before AMS. 19:01 < craigcitro> so there's a bug mentioned in comments in libs/pari/gen.pyx that isn't on trac (yet). i've figured out what's going wrong, but i'm not sure how to fix it ... so i'm looking for suggestions. :) 19:01 < craigcitro> here's the bug: if you do v = pari(range(5)), w = pari(range(3)), v[0] = w 19:02 < craigcitro> then do v[0][0] = 10 19:02 < craigcitro> it doesn't work 19:02 < craigcitro> the problem is a memory management issue 19:02 < mabshoff> ok. Which line is the comment on? 19:02 < craigcitro> v[0][0] gets turned into v.__getitem__(0).__setitem__(0,10) 19:02 < mabshoff> oops 19:02 < craigcitro> it's in the docstring for __setitem__ (i've edited my file here and there) 19:02 < mabshoff> ok 19:03 < craigcitro> so the issue is this. v.__getitem__ will return a *new object* that references the GEN pointed to by v[0] 19:03 < craigcitro> so then the __setitem__ call does what it's supposed to, and everything is good just before that function returns 19:04 < craigcitro> so __setitem__ knows about this problem, and adds a reference in self.refers_to 19:04 < craigcitro> which is a nice and simple solution 19:05 < craigcitro> the problem is that the value returned by v.__getitem__ is the one that gets the value dropped in its refers_to dictionary, and that gets deallocated after the __setitem__ call is processed, because it's not needed anymore! 19:05 < craigcitro> so the first simple fix would be to have __getitem__ add info into its refers_to dictionary 19:05 < craigcitro> at least the most naive version of that can be easily made to fail, though. 19:06 < craigcitro> so these are the solutions i can think up so far: 19:07 < craigcitro> (1) have a (python) list floating around in gen.pyx, that's called "outsmart_python_garbage_collector" that we just wantonly add references to (this is a horrible idea, but would work) 19:07 < wstein-1423> I think #1123 is invalid. 19:07 < wstein-1423> regarding #1123 -- if that were valid *nobody* who used the binaries of sage would be able to use the notebook. 19:07 < mabshoff> invalid or fixed at some previous point in time? 19:07 < wstein-1423> Clearly that isn't the case. 19:07 < wstein-1423> I suspect it was a permissions error that had nothing to do with the notebook per se. 19:07 < mabshoff> Yep, I would think it would have popped up more often. 19:07 < wstein-1423> But they saw some paths in the error message and got confused. 19:07 < craigcitro> (2) let self.refers_to (which i think should be renamed _refers_to) store a list for each index, and keep adding onto it. 19:08 < mabshoff> ok, let's invalidate. 19:08 < wstein-1423> There *was* a path hardcoding issue with the notebook, not that one, which I fixed about a month ago... 19:08 < wstein-1423> ok, I'm now really off to dinner; will be back for a while tonight and very available tomorrow too to help with 2.9 19:08 < mabshoff> That is one of the good things about the vmware image: Once it is configured properly it should just work. 19:08 < wstein-1423> that vmware image rocks. 19:08 < wstein-1423> I have to say. 19:08 < mabshoff> cu wstein-1423 19:08 < mabshoff> Yep. 19:09 < craigcitro> this isn't bad, but we're still artificially adding references to things, which means that it's possible for us to be pointing to something that is actually ready for deallocation 19:09 < wstein-1423> it's very secure and people can set it up as a server, etc... 19:09 < mabshoff> I will be around all day tomorrow to get 2.9 out the door. 19:09 -!- wstein-1423 [n=was@c66-235-34-166.sea2.cablespeed.com] has quit [] 19:09 < craigcitro> which is ultimately a memory leak; mabshoff will hate that option. 19:09 < mabshoff> :) 19:09 < mabshoff> I still have to hunt those NTL issue down. 19:10 < craigcitro> cwitty-rvw-1460: could i con you into reading the stuff i said above and seeing if you can think of something? (you seem like you've dealt with the pari/sage interface a decent bit at this point) 19:10 < craigcitro> yeah, did you get an omega log? 19:10 < mabshoff> I started a clean omega session (which takes two hours) and killed it by accident. 19:10 < craigcitro> snic 19:10 < mabshoff> CTRL-D .... D'oh 19:10 < craigcitro> so did you document that LANG=... issue somewhere? 19:10 < mabshoff> Note yet. Open a ticket, so we can fix it in that package only for now. 19:10 < craigcitro> the build is progressing other than that. 19:10 -!- william_stein_ [n=was@c66-235-34-166.sea2.cablespeed.com] has joined #sage-devel 19:10 < mabshoff> I think LANG=C is posix, so that should work. 19:11 < mabshoff> quick dinner? 19:11 < craigcitro> mabshoff: what are the known doctest failures on osx-intel? 19:11 < mabshoff> maybe numerical/test.ps 19:11 < craigcitro> i forgot that i'd started a make check on my other machine, seems to have come up with a bunch of doctest failures 19:11 < mabshoff> ok, which ones? 19:12 < cwitty-rvw-1460> mabshoff, you could run "sage -omega" under vmware and take a snapshot once it got to the prompt. 19:12 < craigcitro> if i do a "make check", does it save that anywhere by default? 19:12 < mabshoff> cwitty: What do you mean by snapshot? 19:13 < mabshoff> craigcitro: If compilation fails the check target is executed on the broken tree. 19:13 < cwitty-rvw-1460> I'm pretty sure you can save the current state of vmware (including running programs, etc.) 19:13 < mabshoff> So you should make sure that "check" finished. 19:13 < mabshoff> cwitty-rvw-1460: Excellent point. 19:13 < mabshoff> D'ooh 19:14 < mabshoff> It is so obvious once you get told how to do it. 19:14 < mabshoff> I am actually planning on using the instant report mode, i.e. the leaks are 19:14 < mabshoff> reported as they happen. 19:14 < cwitty-rvw-1460> craigcitro, I'm looking at your pari question. 19:14 < craigcitro> mabshoff: i'm confused. the make check finished, but it's on my other machine, so i can't easily copy-paste into irc. 19:14 < craigcitro> :) 19:15 < craigcitro> i can ssh over there though -- should i manually stick it in a file? 19:15 < cwitty-rvw-1460> The actual question is whether the original build finished. 19:15 < craigcitro> cwitty-rvw-1460: cool. let me know if i need to explain more -- i have a nice picture on a piece of paper next to me with the problem. 19:15 < mabshoff> craigcitro: Just scp the log to sage.math, I will look at it here 19:15 < cwitty-rvw-1460> Look at install.log, and see if the end looks reasonable. 19:15 < mabshoff> +1 19:15 < craigcitro> ahh, no, i wanted the info "tmp/test.log" 19:15 < craigcitro> i was probably asking not the right question. 19:16 < cwitty-rvw-1460> We skipped right past your question, and went into trying to figure out why you might have lots of doctest failures when other people have few or none. 19:16 < craigcitro> ahhh 19:16 < mabshoff> :) 19:17 < craigcitro> yeah, the original install finished fine, i'm pretty sure 19:17 < craigcitro> lemme scp that, too 19:17 < mabshoff> pay attention, craig :-) 19:17 < craigcitro> hah exactly 19:18 < craigcitro> so despite william's urging to just use the binary he gave me, i've still got the install going on my ppc, and it just died on matplotlib 19:18 -!- wstein_iphone [n=root@] has joined #sage-devel 19:19 < mabshoff> So my guess is that fink is screwing with you. 19:19 < craigcitro> fink is likely the problem on my machine, but it's never caused me trouble before, which is odd 19:19 < mabshoff> Maybe we should remove all references to sw in PATH as well as LD_LIBRARY_PATH 19:19 < wstein_iphone> just mv itout of the way 19:20 < mabshoff> That is what bothers me the most. 19:20 < mabshoff> There most by other people who have fink installed on their macs and there 19:20 < mabshoff> aren't any plausible bug reports pointing to fink. 19:20 -!- wstein_iphone [n=root@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 19:21 < craigcitro> nod 19:21 < craigcitro> ok, so /home/citro/2.9-alpha7-test.log and -install.log 19:21 < mabshoff> mk 19:21 < craigcitro> those are off my intel osx 10.4 19:21 < mabshoff> Is that from the binary? 19:21 < craigcitro> the install.log seems clean -- the word "failed" only occurs in the reasonable places 19:21 < craigcitro> no, the binary is for ppc 19:21 < mabshoff> :) 19:22 < craigcitro> sorry, i'm being confusing, because i have issues on two different machines 19:22 < mabshoff> ok, one thing for potential problems: If you source sage-env from an older install 19:22 < craigcitro> those files are for an intel box, where it compiled fine, but failed to make check 19:22 < mabshoff> and then unpack another install and run testall on that odd things tend to happen. 19:22 < craigcitro> i haven't done that. 19:22 < mabshoff> ok 19:22 < craigcitro> so, on a different thread, my laptop 19:22 < mabshoff> I have been burned by that before. 19:22 < craigcitro> that's where matplotlib is dying 19:22 < mabshoff> ok 19:22 < craigcitro> but i'm about to look at that. 19:22 < mabshoff> Not I am not paying attention ;) 19:23 < mabshoff> not->now 19:23 < craigcitro> you can see a bunch of doctest failures in that test.log, though 19:23 -!- wstein_iphone [n=root@] has joined #sage-devel 19:23 -!- wstein_iphone [n=root@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 19:23 < mabshoff> "You don't have permission to access /home/citro/2.9-alpha7-test.log on this server." 19:24 < craigcitro> snic 19:24 < craigcitro> fixed. 19:24 -!- wstein_iphone [n=root@] has joined #sage-devel 19:24 < craigcitro> so i'm just looking at those -- what's SystemExit(1) getting spurred by? 19:24 -!- wstein_iphone [n=root@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 19:25 < mabshoff> Where is that? 19:25 < craigcitro> look at the first error 19:25 < craigcitro> err, sorry, SystemExit: 1 19:25 < craigcitro> it tried to save() 19:25 < mabshoff> I see 19:25 < mabshoff> permission issue? 19:25 < mabshoff> Out of space? *ducks* 19:25 < craigcitro> could be ... that'd be a little weird 19:25 -!- wstein_iphone [n=root@] has joined #sage-devel 19:25 < craigcitro> hah, that'd be funny 19:26 < mabshoff> Karma, one would presume. 19:26 -!- wstein_iphone [n=root@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 19:26 < craigcitro> 100GB free on that machine 19:26 < craigcitro> so not a space issue 19:26 < mabshoff> I guess AT&T's network sucks. 19:26 < mabshoff> ok 19:27 < craigcitro> i own all the files in those directories, so i'm not sure how it would be a permission issue 19:27 < craigcitro> but they all have something with matplotlib in the traceback 19:27 < craigcitro> lemme look at the install log 19:27 < mabshoff> Well, those doctests certainly didn't fail on bsd, i.e. OSX 10.5 19:27 -!- wstein_iphone [n=root@] has joined #sage-devel 19:27 < mabshoff> "Bad key "lines.markeredgecolor" on line 48 in" 19:27 -!- wstein_iphone [n=root@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 19:28 < mabshoff> Can you move ~/.sage out of the way for now? 19:28 < craigcitro> sure 19:28 < craigcitro> oh hang on 19:28 < mabshoff> All the failures seem matplotlib related. 19:28 < craigcitro> when you do make check, it uses ./sage, right? 19:28 -!- wstein_iphone [n=root@] has joined #sage-devel 19:28 < craigcitro> because the system-wide sage there is older 19:29 < mabshoff> It certainly uses the matplotlib.rc there. 19:29 -!- wstein_iphone [n=root@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 19:29 < cwitty-rvw-1460> craigcitro, what does "snic" mean? 19:29 < craigcitro> oh, it stands for "snicker" 19:29 < craigcitro> so a shorter laugh 19:29 < mabshoff> Very Califonia-isch 19:29 < craigcitro> i picked it up when i used to mud a lot in high school. 19:29 < craigcitro> long before cali, actually 19:30 -!- wstein_iphone [n=root@] has joined #sage-devel 19:30 < mabshoff> Well, Hollywood poisons the mind of young people globally. 19:30 < craigcitro> mabshoff: moving ~/.sage out of the way, trying again 19:30 < craigcitro> hah, true 19:30 < craigcitro> and all tests pass 19:30 < cwitty-rvw-1460> craigcitro: how much work do you want to put into this gen.pyx fix? 19:30 < craigcitro> i'll make check again 19:30 < mabshoff> :) 19:30 < craigcitro> cwitty-rvw-1460: well, a fair amount -- what did you have in mind? 19:30 < cwitty-rvw-1460> I have a couple of ideas; the simple one leaks more memory than the complicated one. 19:31 < cwitty-rvw-1460> OK. You need to set .refers_to in the original object (v, in your example). 19:31 < craigcitro> mabshoff: i'm starting a new make check, so let's wait and see on that one. 19:32 < craigcitro> cwitty-rvw-1460: well, not just in v, right? 19:32 < cwitty-rvw-1460> You can get at the original object by tracing "parent" links. These links already exist; they're in self.refers_to[-1]. (See new_ref for details.) 19:32 < craigcitro> v = pari(range(10)) ; w = pari(range(5)) ; v[0] = w ; v[0][0] = 5 19:33 < craigcitro> (i like the self.refers_to[-1] -- i didn't think of that.) 19:33 < craigcitro> so there i'm all set 19:33 < craigcitro> but when i do v[0][0] = 25 further down, w is likely to break 19:34 < craigcitro> in the sense that no python object will reference the GEN that w.g[1] points to 19:34 -!- wstein_iphone [n=root@] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 19:34 < mabshoff> craigcitro: ok, let us know if make check now passes 19:34 < craigcitro> v and w are "unrelated" python objects (i.e. nothing involving parents works) that involve the same GENs. 19:35 < cwitty-rvw-1460> What do you mean by w.g[1]? 19:36 < craigcitro> oh, w.g is the GEN that w points to. it's a pari t_VEC, whose indices are off by 1 -- so w[0] is "really" (w.g)[1], i.e. that's where the underlying GEN is stored. 19:39 < cwitty-rvw-1460> OK, this is a lot more work, but I think it's still possible. (It may be too much work to be worthwhile, though... it would be much easier to just have subscripting make copies!) 19:39 < cwitty-rvw-1460> For each Python object that wraps a GEN, you need to be able to determine whether it's a "root" GEN object, or whether it's part of some other GEN (wrapped by some other Python object). 19:40 < cwitty-rvw-1460> And if it's part of another GEN, you need to know exactly how (you need to know that it's the third element of the fifth element of the fourth element, for instance). 19:40 < cwitty-rvw-1460> This requires modifying new_ref, because that information isn't actually stored currently. 19:41 < cwitty-rvw-1460> Then when you modify an element of a GEN, you find the Python wrapper for the root GEN object that you're actually modifying, and set its .refers_to. So in the above case, you might set .refers_to[4,5,3] to the new Python wrapper. 19:42 < craigcitro> so there's one confusing thing about this 19:42 < craigcitro> (to me) 19:43 < cwitty-rvw-1460> But you need to check the existing .refers_to values first. If you're trying to set .refers_to[4,5,3] but .refers_to[4,5] already exists, then you want to look up that value and set .refers_to[3] in that value instead. 19:43 < craigcitro> the "root object" is the first one allocated that points to that GEN? 19:43 < cwitty-rvw-1460> Yes. 19:43 < craigcitro> (it's funny -- we're basically setting up our own reference counting, right?) 19:43 < cwitty-rvw-1460> Basically. 19:43 < craigcitro> ok, so let's say in a function, you do x = pari(5) 19:43 < craigcitro> and then return x 19:44 < craigcitro> that's going to make a copy of x, right? 19:44 < craigcitro> but then x gets deallocated 19:44 < craigcitro> so the "root object" gets deallocated, but the object still needs to exist 19:44 < craigcitro> so that seems ... messy. 19:44 < craigcitro> or is something cool going to happen that i'm not seeing? :) 19:44 < cwitty-rvw-1460> When you say pari(5), that creates a copy of the Pari number 5 on the Python heap, and a Python wrapper for this Pari number. 19:45 < cwitty-rvw-1460> Then x = pari(5) sets x to this Python wrapper, and "return x" returns that same Python wrapper. 19:46 < cwitty-rvw-1460> I'm not sure what you mean by 'the "root object" gets deallocated' here. 19:47 < craigcitro> well, ultimately, i was trying to think of an example where the root object gets deallocated (say, goes out of scope, in this case), but there are still other references to the pari object 19:47 < craigcitro> oh, but that's just it 19:48 < cwitty-rvw-1460> Well, if that happens, it's a bug; but it's not supposed to happen. For instance, that's the reason for these lines in new_ref: 19:48 < cwitty-rvw-1460> p.refers_to[-1] = g # so underlying memory won't get deleted 19:48 < cwitty-rvw-1460> # out from under us. 19:48 < craigcitro> you're saying that everyone that knows about the underlying pari object will have a reference (in their refers_to) to the root object 19:49 < cwitty-rvw-1460> Yes. (Which is currently just elements of vectors and matrices.) 19:54 < craigcitro> so i think you could still write cython code that breaks this. 19:54 < craigcitro> but that could be okay, it just means the advanced user (i.e. any cython user) should be careful. 19:55 < craigcitro> so this means that i have to do some work looking up references in objects any time i'm creating a new reference, though. this sounds bad for performance. 19:55 < cwitty-rvw-1460> I don't think you actually have to look up references in __getitem__; it should suffice to look them up only in __setitem__. 20:02 < craigcitro> yeah, i think this should work. i'm about to eat dinner, but i'll start coding it up after i eat. 20:03 < craigcitro> mabshoff: do you want me to upload the install.log from my ppc-osx install that died on matplotlib? 20:03 < mabshoff> Sure. 20:03 < mabshoff> I can look at it :) no promises of solutions 20:04 < craigcitro> hah nods 20:04 < mabshoff> Does it work if you move sw out of the way like was suggested? 20:04 < craigcitro> i haven't looked yet. i've been thinking about what cwitty-rvw-1460 said. ;) 20:05 < mabshoff> np, I just fixed a bug with cython and ATLAS 20:05 < craigcitro> /home/citro/ppc-osx-broken-2.9alpha7.log 20:05 < mabshoff> thanks 20:05 < craigcitro> hah, i did just comment out the LANG=... lines from my sage-env. maybe that broke matplotlib! :) 20:06 < craigcitro> testing that 20:07 < cwitty-rvw-1460> mabshoff, #1460 looks good. 20:08 < mabshoff> thanks, added it to the merge que 20:18 < cwitty-rvw-1460> jkantor, are you here? 20:36 -!- photonn [i=not@cpe-76-182-223-216.tx.res.rr.com] has left #sage-devel [] 20:37 -!- yi [n=yi@c-67-183-27-214.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 20:37 -!- ajhager_ [n=ajhager@ip72-197-64-239.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #sage-devel 20:38 -!- yi [n=yi@c-67-183-27-214.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #sage-devel 20:41 -!- ajhager [n=ajhager@ip72-197-64-239.sd.sd.cox.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 20:45 < cwitty-rvw-1460> mabshoff: I see that spkg/standard/pycrypto-2.0.1.p1.spkg is not world-readable (and all the other spkgs are); I assume that's for extra security? :) 20:46 < mabshoff> :) 20:46 < mabshoff> I will check permissions mow. 20:46 < mabshoff> now. 20:47 < mabshoff> fixed. It seem to have been the only spkg with too tight permissions. 20:47 < jkantor> hey 20:47 < jkantor> I'm here now 20:47 < mabshoff> hi jkantor. 20:48 < mabshoff> from rc0: 20:48 < mabshoff> Overall weighted coverage score: 34.9% 20:48 < mabshoff> Total number of functions: 17896 20:49 < cwitty-rvw-1460> Hi jkantor. 20:49 < jkantor> hey 20:50 < cwitty-rvw-1460> I was trying to review your new gnuplotpy package, and so I was wondering if you could give me an example of a command you fixed. 20:50 < jkantor> oh 20:50 < jkantor> well the issue is the old gnuplotpy first installed numeric 20:51 < jkantor> this version uses numpy 20:53 < jkantor> http://www.math.washington.edu/~jkantor/Numerical_Sage/node13.html 20:53 < jkantor> if you want a (somewhat complicated) example of plotting to test 20:54 < cwitty-rvw-1460> Thanks, that's the sort of thing I was looking for. 20:55 < jkantor> you should just be able to paste the code in the notebook 20:55 < cwitty-rvw-1460> BTW, a bug in your document: s/gnuplot package/gnuplot and gnuplotpy packages/ 20:55 < jkantor> oh? 20:56 < cwitty-rvw-1460> I think that's what you mean, anyway. 20:56 < cwitty-rvw-1460> Just above the plotting example. 20:56 < jkantor> oh 20:56 < jkantor> yes 21:00 < cwitty-rvw-1460> jkantor, when I try pasting the code from that web page into the notebook, I get this error from the second chunk: 21:00 < cwitty-rvw-1460> Traceback (most recent call last): u[num_points-1,:]=numpy.sin(x) 21:00 < cwitty-rvw-1460> AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'sin' 21:00 < jkantor> oh 21:00 < jkantor> can you do 21:00 < jkantor> RealNumber=float 21:00 < jkantor> Integer=int 21:01 < jkantor> the numpy stuff gets confused by sage numbers frequently 21:02 < cwitty-rvw-1460> Yes, that fixed it. 21:02 < jkantor> I wish there was an easy way to fix that 21:09 -!- cwitty-rvw-1460 is now known as cwitty-rvw-1472 21:10 < william_stein_> hi 21:11 < william_stein_> jkantor -- this will obviously require changing numpy 21:11 < jkantor> :( 21:11 < william_stein_> i talked to Travis Oliphant about it today on the phone. 21:11 < jkantor> :) 21:11 < william_stein_> We're very very likely going to have a coding week Feb 29 - Mar 3 or so at Enthought with about 10-15 sage people and the enthought people, 21:11 < william_stein_> if all goes as planned :-) 21:11 < william_stein_> how is bug day going? 21:11 < jkantor> cwitty-rvw-1472: did that work 21:12 < mabshoff> Allright I guess 21:13 < mabshoff> About as many new tickets as close ones. 21:13 < cwitty-rvw-1472> did what work? 21:13 < jkantor> the plot 21:13 < mabshoff> But there are plenty of patches to review. 21:13 < cwitty-rvw-1472> Yes. 21:13 -!- william_stein_ is now known as wstein-rvw-1119 21:13 < mabshoff> :) 21:13 < jkantor> cool 21:13 < mabshoff> I am current with merging and doctesting again at the moment. 21:13 < cwitty-rvw-1472> mabshoff, wstein-rvw-1119: #1472 looks good. But it's not a "merge"; it's a new version of an optional spkg. 21:14 < jkantor> yeah 21:15 < mabshoff> Sure, I can drop that into sagemath.org 21:15 < jkantor> wstein-rvw-1119: would the coding week be at enthought? 21:15 < mabshoff> wstein-rvw-1119: 553 would be nice to get in since 1139 depends on it. 21:16 < wstein-rvw-1119> yes, enthought has two conference rooms and lots of offices. 21:16 < jkantor> cool 21:17 < mabshoff> is that planned for March then or later? 21:17 < cwitty-rvw-1472> mabshoff, #1491 looks good. 21:17 < wstein-rvw-1119> it's not official yet, but would likely be feb 29 - mar xxx 21:17 < mabshoff> ok 21:17 -!- cwitty-rvw-1472 is now known as cwitty-rvw-1515 21:23 < wstein-rvw-1119> ticket #1119 is slow. 21:23 < wstein-rvw-1119> it looks correct but slow. 21:23 < mabshoff> Ok, merge it but open a ticket for an efficient implementation? 21:24 < wstein-rvw-1119> yes, merge it. 21:24 -!- craigcitro [n=cc@pool-71-106-26-87.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit [] 21:24 < wstein-rvw-1119> I want to try the one obvious trick to make it faster though. 21:24 < mabshoff> ok, on the list. 21:24 < mabshoff> Will it be relative to 1119? 21:25 < cwitty-rvw-1515> jkantor, are you still hoping to make #705 (vtk) an optional package, or do we want to go for mayavi2 instead? 21:25 < wstein-rvw-1119> yes, relative to 1119 21:25 < mabshoff> np 21:26 < wstein-rvw-1119> mayavi2 would also depend on vtk. 21:26 < mabshoff> That is unrelated to 1119 I assume? 21:26 < wstein-rvw-1119> yes 21:26 < cwitty-rvw-1515> Right, but the current vtk meta-package also includes mayavi1. 21:27 -!- craigcitro [n=cc@pool-71-106-26-87.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #sage-devel 21:27 < wstein-rvw-1119> by the way, I hope somebody looks at http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1514 21:27 < craigcitro> i hate spotlight. 21:27 < wstein-rvw-1119> It's with patch, and I've just upgraded it to BLOCKER. 21:28 < wstein-rvw-1119> Since I think without it foo?? is often broken for no reason for many sage installs these days... 21:28 < cwitty-rvw-1515> OK, I'll look at 1514 in a few minutes. 21:28 -!- cwitty-rvw-1515 is now known as cwitty-rvw-444 21:29 < mabshoff> wstein-rvw-1119: by the way: Overall weighted coverage score: 34.9% 21:29 < wstein-rvw-1119> argh so close. 21:29 < mabshoff> Well, all the new patches have doctests, so it might still hit the magic 35% 21:30 < jkantor> well 21:30 < jkantor> there are far more dependences required for mayavi2 21:30 < jkantor> I haven' successfully installed wxpython into sage 21:30 < jkantor> yet 21:31 < mabshoff> :) 21:32 < jkantor> vtk will be required for mayavi2 anyway 21:32 < jkantor> so I should fix up the vtk package 21:32 < mabshoff> Hasn't jaap done some work in that direction? 21:32 < jkantor> the remaining issue is reliably detecting opengl befor vtk builds 21:32 < mabshoff> ok 21:32 < jkantor> towards mayavi 21:32 < jkantor> 2 21:33 < jkantor> ? 21:37 < craigcitro> wstein-rvw-1119: did you read cwitty's suggestion above about the fix for that pari issue? 21:37 < wstein-rvw-1119> no clue what you're talking about. 21:37 < craigcitro> k. 21:37 < craigcitro> i didn't know if you had a scrollback. 21:37 < craigcitro> it's the v[1][1] = 5 issue for v a pari object 21:38 < wstein-rvw-1119> oh 21:38 < craigcitro> it's currently broken, and there's a note in gen.pyx about it 21:38 < craigcitro> so i figured out what the issue is, and cwitty came up with a nice idea for a fix 21:38 < wstein-rvw-1119> cool. 21:38 < craigcitro> because the bandaid-ish solutions are still pretty easy to break. 21:38 < cwitty-rvw-444> mabshoff, #444 looks good. 21:39 < craigcitro> did anyone ever spot what caused this: /usr/bin/ld: warning can't open dynamic library: libpari-gmp.dylib referenced from: /Users/craigcitro/bd7-sage/local//lib/libcsage.dylib (checking for undefined symbols may be affected) (No such file or directory, errno = 2) 21:40 < craigcitro> i remember this came up like two bug days ago 21:40 < craigcitro> it doesn't seem to break anything, so it might not be worth worrying about. 21:40 < craigcitro> or, rather, it doesn't break anything that i've noticed. ;) 21:40 < mabshoff> I think it is because you implicitly link gmp and pari does provide them, too. 21:41 < mabshoff> Add an explicit -lgmp should fix that issue. 21:42 < craigcitro> some of the files with that error already have -lgmp 21:42 < craigcitro> change the order maybe? 21:42 -!- cwitty-rvw-444 is now known as cwitty-rvw-1514 21:43 < mabshoff> Yep, that could also be it. 21:43 < mabshoff> The OSX linker is funny that way. 21:43 < cwitty-rvw-1514> wstein-rvw-1119, it looks like #1514 does not have any doctests for whatever bugs you are fixing? 21:43 < craigcitro> gmp comes before pari in the build order for libcsage 21:44 < wstein-rvw-1119> cwitty-1514 -- the buginess is that nothing works at all. 21:44 < wstein-rvw-1119> it's hard to have a doctest for that. 21:44 < wstein-rvw-1119> However, notice the first line of the patch, which turns *on* doctesting for the sageinspect.py file 21:44 < wstein-rvw-1119> So there are many new doctests as a result. 21:45 < wstein-rvw-1119> It's really a design change anyway -- to use the files in SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/sage instead of SAGE_ROOT/local/lib/python/site-packages/sage/, 21:45 < wstein-rvw-1119> since for some reason often some .pyx files or other files that are relevant don't get copied over there. 21:45 < wstein-rvw-1119> But SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/sage does. 21:46 -!- wstein-rvw-1119 is now known as wstein-rvw-1232 21:47 < craigcitro> ah, 1232. that sounds familiar. 21:48 < craigcitro> wstein-rvw-1232: that binary for osx you gave me ... it works fine to run, but i can't develop on it; apparently some of the libraries have hardcoded paths, because i'm getting errors about /Users/was/... 21:49 < wstein-rvw-1232> ???? 21:49 < mabshoff> craigcitro: Which pyx files? 21:49 < wstein-rvw-1232> report it. that's a bug 21:49 < craigcitro> k 21:49 < mabshoff> Anything NTL related? 21:49 < craigcitro> this was ntl_GF2.pyx 21:49 < craigcitro> grin 21:49 < mabshoff> Mhh, I thought I fixed all those. 21:51 < craigcitro> i'm just curious, what needs rebuilt? 21:51 < wstein-rvw-1232> definitely that is a bug to report. 21:51 < wstein-rvw-1232> Binaries should work for development. 21:51 < mabshoff> Is the OSX 10.4 ppc build still on fermat? 21:51 < wstein-rvw-1232> yes 21:53 -!- wstein-rvw-1232 is now known as wstein-1519 21:53 < wstein-1519> I'm going to fix this sort I can apply #1232: http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1519 21:53 < mabshoff> craigcitro: let me know which libraries are broken. 21:53 -!- yi [n=yi@c-67-183-27-214.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [] 21:53 < mabshoff> ?sort? 21:54 < craigcitro> mabshoff: seems to be gmp 21:54 < craigcitro> at least, that's what's throwing the errors at me 21:54 < craigcitro> this is #1520 21:54 < cwitty-rvw-1514> wstein-1519, doctesting sageinspect.py fails for me after #1514. 21:55 < cwitty-rvw-1514> This "expected" line: 21:55 < cwitty-rvw-1514> 'Inspect Python, Sage, and Cython objects... 21:55 < craigcitro> grin ... i have yet to get a running 2.9-alpha7 on my laptop ;) 21:55 < wstein-1519> Does it start with " 21:55 < cwitty-rvw-1514> starts with a double-quote instead of a single-quote. 21:55 < mabshoff> craigcitro: Sure, but it some other library at fault. 21:55 < wstein-1519> Ah, could you try testing with that one quote changed? 21:55 < wstein-1519> I think I must have got confused between two versions of sage on my laptop. 21:55 < mabshoff> craigcitro: the *.la files in $SAGE_LOCAL/lib also point to the wrong files. 21:56 < mabshoff> Correcting those *might* fox the problem. 21:56 < mabshoff> There is a ticket for that issue already. 21:56 < mabshoff> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1358 21:56 < cwitty-rvw-1514> wstein-1519, if I change that quote, then it fails the other way: it expects a double quote, but prints with a single quote. 21:57 < wstein-1519> weird 21:57 < craigcitro> mabshoff: i'm not sure i understand. you're saying broken symlinks, or built with bad dependencies? 21:57 < mabshoff> craigcitro: The OSX 10.4 linker is much different than the 10.5 one. 21:57 < craigcitro> ahh 21:57 < cwitty-rvw-1514> Maybe it usually prints with a double quote, unless the string has a double quote in it, and then it prints with a single quote? 21:57 < mabshoff> Nope, I mean the following: look at the content of any .la file. 21:57 < craigcitro> yeah, that's a good sign for 10.5, because the 10.4 one seems to make headaches. 21:57 < craigcitro> ahh, ok 21:58 < mabshoff> # Directory that this library needs to be installed in: 21:58 < mabshoff> libdir='/tmp/Work-mabshoff/release-cycles-2.9/sage-2.9.rc0/local/lib' 21:58 < wstein-1519> cwitty -- amusing 21:58 < mabshoff> Correct that libdir and see if it works. 21:58 < craigcitro> which ones are wrong? because the first two i looked at were fine 21:58 < mabshoff> It is only a potential solution, but that issue always bothered me. 21:59 < wstein-1519> cwitty -- double quote always works for me now. 21:59 < craigcitro> mabshoff: i don't see anything wrong with any of the files mentioned on that ticket ... 22:00 < cwitty-rvw-1514> wstein-1519, did you do "sage -b"? 22:00 < wstein-1519> oh, good point! 22:00 < craigcitro> (mabshoff: on my current install, i mean.) 22:01 < wstein-1519> cwitty -- change the doctest to this: 22:01 < wstein-1519> sage: print sage_getdoc(sage.misc.sageinspect).lstrip()[:40] 22:01 < wstein-1519> Inspect Python, Sage, and Cython objects 22:01 < wstein-1519> ok? 22:02 < craigcitro> mabshoff: i'm forcing it to reinstall gmp, see if that does the trick 22:02 < craigcitro> because that's the library that it's complaining about 22:03 < cwitty-rvw-1514> OK. 22:03 < wstein-1519> :-) 22:04 < craigcitro> wstein-1519: did you ever hear anything definite from allen k? 22:04 < craigcitro> or just silence? 22:05 < mabshoff> craigcitro: If you open libgmp.la it should point to the wrong directory. 22:05 < craigcitro> mabshoff: nope, it was fine. 22:05 < wstein-1519> silence 22:05 < mabshoff> And the NTL code also links against the gmpxx wrapper I beliecve. 22:06 < mabshoff> craigcitro: Then you must have rebuild gmp. 22:06 < craigcitro> gmp is still just getting started rebuilding; i did 22:06 < craigcitro> cat *.la | grep libdir 22:06 < craigcitro> and saw only the right directory 22:06 < mabshoff> ok, that is odd. 22:07 < mabshoff> Another problem with libgmpxx.la: 22:07 < mabshoff> # Libraries that this one depends upon. 22:07 < mabshoff> dependency_libs=' /tmp/Work-mabshoff/release-cycles-2.9/sage-2.9.rc0/local/lib/libgmp.la' 22:07 < cwitty-rvw-1514> mabshoff, #1514 looks good. 22:08 < craigcitro> mabshoff: same thing for dependency_lib gets only valid paths 22:08 < craigcitro> let's see what happens when gmp finished. 22:08 < craigcitro> finishes. 22:08 < mabshoff> ok, maybe OSX 10.4 handles that differently. 22:09 < craigcitro> could be. 22:10 < craigcitro> ugh ... rebuilt gmp, same problem. 22:10 < mabshoff> ok, which pyx file again? :) 22:10 < craigcitro> ntl_GF2.pyx 22:10 < mabshoff> ok, let me check on fermat ;) 22:12 < mabshoff> wstein-1519: where is the bdist of 2.9.alpha7 on fermat? 22:12 < craigcitro> yeah, /Users/was/... occurs in ntl_GF2.so 22:13 < wstein-1519> mabshoff -- I'm one step ahead of you :-) 22:13 < wstein-1519> it's /Users/was/sage-2.9.alpha7.move/dist/sage-2.9.alpha7-PowerMacintosh-Darwin 22:13 < mabshoff> ok 22:13 < mabshoff> ok 22:13 < cwitty-rvw-1514> wstein-1519: on #1424 (map_threaded), how would you feel about changing the name? "map_threaded" doesn't make any sense to me. 22:13 < wstein-1519> I moved the orig install directory then did a "sage -ba". 22:13 < wstein-1519> it's in the works. 22:13 < mabshoff> ok 22:13 < cwitty-rvw-1514> I would prefer "map_recursive", or "deep_map". 22:13 < wstein-1519> I would be happy with a better name, as long as it *starts* with map. 22:13 < wstein-1519> I.e., map_recursive would be good but deep_map is bad. 22:16 -!- cwitty-rvw-1514 is now known as cwitty-rvw-1473 22:18 < wstein-1519> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1519 --- done 22:19 -!- wstein-1519 is now known as wstein-rvw-1232 22:21 -!- mallockilx [n=malloc@] has joined #sage-devel 22:22 < cwitty-rvw-1473> wstein-rvw-1232: for "Simon's new gp two descent code", is it enough to check that the new doctests pass, or should somebody who knows what "two descent" means review it? 22:22 < mallockilx> If I have a function like: 22:22 < mallockilx> def ysquared(x): 22:22 < mallockilx> y=(3^x) 22:22 < mallockilx> return y 22:22 < mallockilx> er 22:22 < mallockilx> how can i plot that? 22:22 < wstein-rvw-1232> cwitty -- I know what 2-descent means. 22:22 < wstein-rvw-1232> which ticket is it? 22:22 < cwitty-rvw-1473> #1239 22:23 < wstein-rvw-1232> i mallockilx 22:23 < wstein-rvw-1232> (1) try plot(ysquared, 2, 5).show() 22:24 < mabshoff> craigcitro: that scary linker message comes from free_module_element 22:24 < wstein-rvw-1232> (2) you may want to instead do plot(exp(x*log(3)), 2,5).show(), which is equivalent. 22:24 < mabshoff> craigcitro: And that one clearly doens't link explicitely against gmp 22:24 < mabshoff> hah, I also get an error! 22:24 < craigcitro> mabshoff: the message about libpari-gmp getting moved? 22:24 < craigcitro> wahoo! 22:25 < craigcitro> for once i'm not the only one ;) 22:25 < wstein-rvw-1232> mabshoff -- i get the same error craigcitro reports. 22:25 < mabshoff> g++ -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup build/temp.macosx-10.3-ppc-2.5/sage/libs/ntl/ntl_GF2.o -L/Users/mabshoff/sage-2.9.alpha7-PowerMacintosh-Darwin/local//lib -lcsage -lcsage -lntl -lstdc++ -lstdc++ -lntl -o build/lib.macosx-10.3-ppc-2.5/sage/libs/ntl/ntl_GF2.so 22:25 < mabshoff> No gmp, gmpxx 22:25 < mabshoff> I am fixing that 22:25 -!- cwitty-rvw-1473 is now known as cwitty-rvw-1507 22:26 < wstein-rvw-1232> that works to get past this problem! 22:26 < mabshoff> Patch is obvious :) 22:26 < mabshoff> I wonder how that even linked in the first place. 22:26 < mabshoff> I will open a ticket shortly and submit a patch. 22:29 < craigcitro> silly question: my sage prompt isn't in color. ;) how do i fix that? 22:29 < wstein-rvw-1232> 1232 -- another positive review. 22:29 < mabshoff> cool 22:29 < wstein-rvw-1232> .sage/ipythonrc 22:29 < wstein-rvw-1232> it's a new feature -- not being in color. 22:29 < mabshoff> what about 1473? 22:29 -!- wstein-rvw-1232 is now known as wstein-rvw-1473 22:30 < wstein-rvw-1473> I'll take a look at #1473 now. 22:30 < craigcitro> do people really prefer no color? 22:30 < mabshoff> ok 22:30 < wstein-rvw-1473> btw, I just posted http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1519 22:30 < mabshoff> I didn't even know you could have color. 22:30 < cwitty-rvw-1507> Don't forget #1239. 22:30 < wstein-rvw-1473> craigcitro -- the color *sucks* if the background is white instead of black (or conversely). 22:30 < wstein-rvw-1473> it's terrible. 22:30 < mabshoff> That fixes the problem with "?" in the url? 22:30 < wstein-rvw-1473> and there is no possible way to no which. 22:30 < craigcitro> ctrl-alt-openapple-8! ;) 22:30 < craigcitro> nods, it's smart to have the user select, and the three lines are right there 22:31 < mabshoff> cwitty: yep, merging http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1239 22:31 -!- wstein-rvw-1473 is now known as wstein-rvw-1239 22:31 < wstein-rvw-1239> I'll look at 1239 instead. 22:31 < wstein-rvw-1239> since that requires expertise. 22:31 < cwitty-rvw-1507> mabshoff: I was reminding wstein to review 1239. It hasn't been reviewed yet. 22:32 < mabshoff> ok, that's for clearing that up. 22:32 < jkantor> mabshoff: were there any other atlas problems? 22:35 < mabshoff> jkantor: Not that I know of. I wanted to fix LinBox to use it. 22:35 < mabshoff> And make it use the AccFW on OSX. 22:35 < jkantor> i isee 22:35 < cwitty-rvw-1507> mabshoff, #1507 looks good. 22:35 < mabshoff> ok, merging. 22:36 -!- cwitty-rvw-1507 is now known as cwitty-rvw-1473 22:42 < mabshoff> Slight numerical doctest failure: 22:42 < mabshoff> File "code_bounds.py", line 371: 22:42 < mabshoff> sage: elias_bound_asymp(1/4,2) 22:42 < mabshoff> Expected: 22:42 < mabshoff> 0.399123963308 22:42 < mabshoff> Got: 22:42 < mabshoff> 0.399123963307 22:42 < wstein-rvw-1239> seems ok 22:42 < mabshoff> "..." will fix it. 22:42 < mabshoff> It is only the last digit. 22:44 < mabshoff> oops: 22:44 < mabshoff> applying trac-1507.patch 22:44 < mabshoff> patching file sage/plot/plot.py 22:44 < mabshoff> Hunk #2 FAILED at 127 22:44 < mabshoff> 1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file sage/plot/plot.py.rej 22:44 < mabshoff> abort: patch failed to apply 22:44 < cwitty-rvw-1473> Did you read my review? 22:44 < mabshoff> Obviously not. 22:45 < mabshoff> :) 22:45 < mabshoff> I am sorry. 22:46 < mabshoff> I just deleted the second hunk from the patch ;) 22:46 < cwitty-rvw-1473> That works too :) 22:46 < mabshoff> :) 22:52 < mabshoff> craigcitro: http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1520 has a patch for your linker problem 22:52 < craigcitro> cool. 22:52 < wstein-rvw-1239> with that, sage will build on ppc 22:52 < mabshoff> :) 22:52 < wstein-rvw-1239> i'm so glad you reported the problem craig 22:52 < mabshoff> Yep, even a moved install. 22:52 < mabshoff> +1 22:52 < mabshoff> Only bugs we know about can be fixed. 22:52 < craigcitro> grin 22:53 < mabshoff> Once we knew which test failed it was obvious to fix. 22:53 < wstein-rvw-1239> 1239 -- has a lot of missing doctests. 22:53 < wstein-rvw-1239> I'm going to write them. 22:53 < wstein-rvw-1239> yep 22:53 < mabshoff> Cool 22:54 < craigcitro> does it get rid of the weird libpari-gmp linker warning, too? or unlikely? 22:54 < mabshoff> It should. 22:55 < mabshoff> But there might be some other libs which were implicitely linked against the wrong 22:55 < mabshoff> libs, so we need to fix those instead. 22:55 < mabshoff> Make a list, I will fix them. 22:56 < craigcitro> hmm ... i'm getting another error. now about libntl ... this is trying to build libcsage.dylib 22:56 < craigcitro> delete that from devel/sage/c_lib/ and tell me if it builds for you 22:56 < mabshoff> Odd. That I did fix. 22:56 < mabshoff> Ok, will look into that. 22:57 -!- robertwb [n=robert@c-67-171-19-168.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #sage-devel 22:57 < craigcitro> yep, /Users/was/ occurs in strings - for libntl.dylib 22:58 < mabshoff> Well, that by itself isn't really a problem. 22:58 < mabshoff> Most libs should have that string in them. 22:58 < craigcitro> in this case it's the exact path of the file mentioned in the error message 22:58 < craigcitro> so i'm guessing it's related ;) 22:59 < craigcitro> it's libgmp being mentioned in libntl 22:59 < craigcitro> should i make another ticket? 23:00 < mabshoff> Sure 23:00 < craigcitro> or try rebuilding ntl first? 23:00 < mabshoff> Well, we still need to fix it, 23:00 < mabshoff> I did fix the NTL issue a while back, so this is something else, unless was 23:01 < mabshoff> broken it again in p8 since p7 survived a move and rebuilf. 23:01 < craigcitro> 1522. 23:01 < mabshoff> craigcitro: If I delete libcsage.dylib and rebuild it all works. 23:01 < mabshoff> What did you delete? 23:02 < craigcitro> libcsage.dylib ... 23:02 < cwitty-rvw-1473> Hi, robertwb. 23:02 < craigcitro> that's what it's trying to build when i get that error. 23:02 < craigcitro> hey robertwb 23:02 < cwitty-rvw-1473> I'm just looking at #1473 (use java3d from the command line). 23:02 < cwitty-rvw-1473> I get this error: 23:02 < mabshoff> hmm. 23:02 < cwitty-rvw-1473> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no j3dcore-ogl in java.library.path 23:03 < mabshoff> craigcitro: What are you building in that case? libcsage.dylib or does something else fail to link? 23:03 < craigcitro> well, i'm doing sage -br, but that's the file it's trying to build when it gets that error 23:03 < mabshoff> well, that might be different. It might link, but have unresolved symbols at startup! 23:04 < craigcitro> ? 23:04 < robertwb> cwitty: hmm... I have an idea 23:04 < mabshoff> craigcitro: never mind, it starts up. 23:04 < mabshoff> Did you apply the patch for http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1520 yet? 23:04 < craigcitro> mabshoff: i'm not sure i understand what you mean. i can't build libcsage.dylib, but you said it built for you 23:04 < robertwb> (The problem is java 3d is built in on OS X, and I don't have another system except via command line to test it on...) 23:04 < mallockilx> when I come across errors like: "AssertionError: BUG: Rational.__pow__ called on a non-Rational" should I report them? 23:05 < craigcitro> mabshoff: that just fixed one line in setup.py about ntl_GF2 ... i don't think that could fix this problem. 23:05 < mabshoff> :) - can you try, I cannot reproduce your issue. 23:05 < craigcitro> mabshoff: oh, i already applied it. but i'm just saying there's no way that could fix the problem i'm having. 23:06 < cwitty-rvw-1473> mallockilx: YES! 23:06 < mabshoff> ok, I just tried again and it works for me. 23:06 < cwitty-rvw-1473> Except that you should look here first: http://sagetrac.org/sage_trac/report/3 23:06 < cwitty-rvw-1473> to see if the bug has already been reported. 23:06 < mallockilx> x=(y^2)^(1/2)+(3600)^(1/2) is making sage squeel. 23:06 < mabshoff> craigcitro: which gcc are you using? NTL can be really odd with different gcc releases 23:06 < cwitty-rvw-1473> And we see that it has; it's #1457. 23:07 < craigcitro> 4.0.1 23:07 < mabshoff> gcc -v please :) 23:07 < mabshoff> gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367) 23:07 < craigcitro> [craigcitro@craig-citros-powerbook58 ~] $ gcc -v 23:07 < craigcitro> Using built-in specs. 23:07 < craigcitro> Target: powerpc-apple-darwin8 23:07 < craigcitro> Configured with: /private/var/tmp/gcc/gcc-5367.obj~1/src/configure --disable-checking -enable-werror --prefix=/usr --mandir=/share/man --enable-languages=c,objc,c++,obj-c++ --program-transform-name=/^[cg][^.-]*$/s/$/-4.0/ --with-gxx-include-dir=/include/c++/4.0.0 --with-slibdir=/usr/lib --build=powerpc-apple-darwin8 --host=powerpc-apple-darwin8 --target=powerpc-apple-darwin8 23:07 < craigcitro> Thread model: posix 23:07 < craigcitro> gcc version 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5367) 23:08 < mabshoff> Ok. That isn't the problem. 23:08 < craigcitro> nod 23:08 < cwitty-rvw-1473> robertwb, let me know if you want me to test anything. 23:08 < robertwb> yep, I'm making a new patch 23:09 < craigcitro> mabshoff: i guess i'll rebuild ntl, see what happens? 23:10 < mabshoff> craigcitro: Can you paste the line what gcc compiles exactly? 23:10 < mabshoff> Sure, that should be next. 23:10 < craigcitro> it's in the trac ticket 23:10 < mabshoff> thanks, looking 23:11 < wstein-rvw-1239> #1239 -- negative review for now. 23:11 < mabshoff> craigcitro: Did you already build ntl? 23:11 < craigcitro> working on it 23:12 < mabshoff> Well, *before* reporting the other problem? I assume not. 23:12 < robertwb> cwitty: try applying the patch for #1473 and running it again 23:12 < craigcitro> mabshoff: no, i hadn't tried rebuilding ntl before i got that error. 23:13 < wstein-rvw-1239> robertwb -- #1239 (your code) has some major issues. 23:13 < mabshoff> ok. I am out of ideas for now, but maybe something will come along 23:13 < wstein-rvw-1239> some of it is too confusing for me to work out actually. 23:13 < robertwb> ? 23:13 < robertwb> what is breaking with it? 23:13 < wstein-rvw-1239> see http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1239 23:14 < wstein-rvw-1239> It might be easy for you to fix the problems. 23:14 < wstein-rvw-1239> E.g., sage: E = EllipticCurve([0, 0, 1/216, -7/1296, 1/7776]) 23:14 < wstein-rvw-1239> sage: F = E.global_integral_model(); F 23:14 < wstein-rvw-1239> doesn't return an integral model. 23:14 < wstein-rvw-1239> E = EllipticCurve([1/3, 5]); E 23:14 < wstein-rvw-1239> E.integral_model() 23:14 < wstein-rvw-1239> returns a non-integral model 23:15 < robertwb> Hmm... that's John's code. 23:15 < robertwb> that is an issue though. 23:15 < wstein-rvw-1239> it didn't look like your style, actually. 23:15 < wstein-rvw-1239> check out this line: 23:15 < wstein-rvw-1239> e = min([(ai[i].valuation(p)/[1,2,3,4,6][i]) for i in range(5)]).floor() 23:15 < wstein-rvw-1239> it almost looks like mathematica :-) 23:16 < robertwb> I'm not understanding your "number_field_element.pyx -- nth_root has \ but no r" comment 23:16 < wstein-rvw-1239> if a docstring has a \ in it, you had better make the docstring a raw string. 23:16 < wstein-rvw-1239> otherwise \r gets turned into a weird control character, etc. 23:16 < robertwb> ah 23:17 < cwitty-rvw-1473> robertwb, I still get the exact same error. 23:17 < robertwb> ok, I'll work on that now 23:17 < wstein-rvw-1239> on 1239? 23:17 < wstein-rvw-1239> or on 1473? 23:17 < robertwb> on 1239, sorry 23:17 < mabshoff> ok, merging http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1514 now 23:17 < wstein-rvw-1239> ok. I'lll stop working on 1239 and move onto the next thing. 23:17 < wstein-rvw-1239> OK? 23:17 < robertwb> I'm not sure what to say about 1473... 23:17 < robertwb> sure 23:17 < wstein-rvw-1239> btw I just tested jmol under Linux and it works very nicely. 23:18 < wstein-rvw-1239> I'll try 1473 now 23:18 < robertwb> cool 23:18 -!- wstein-rvw-1239 is now known as wstein-rvw-1473 23:18 < mabshoff> I assume http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1519 is also ready to go? 23:18 < robertwb> (On 1473, perhaps one has to install java3d directly to get it to work?) 23:18 < cwitty-rvw-1473> wstein-rvw-1473, interesting things to consider while reviewing 1473: 23:18 < cwitty-rvw-1473> 1) did you notice that it doesn't work for me? 23:19 < cwitty-rvw-1473> 2) extcode-3d-cmd.hg includes the extcode patches from #1239 23:19 < robertwb> wstein: on #1239, you said "I am working on some [issues] now" Have you done anything? 23:20 < wstein-rvw-1473> I NOTE -- the extcode patches are *fine* from 1239. 23:20 < cwitty-rvw-1473> robertwb, I'm going to try to figure out how to use my download of java3d now. 23:20 < wstein-rvw-1473> robertwb -- I did a little. 23:20 < wstein-rvw-1473> I'll upload what I did. 23:21 < wstein-rvw-1473> roberwb -- i uploaded trac-1239.patch. 23:21 < robertwb> ok 23:21 < wstein-rvw-1473> It might be useful it might not be... 23:21 < craigcitro> mabshoff: rebuilding ntl fixed that problem. 23:21 < mabshoff> ok. I am not happy about that. 23:21 < craigcitro> mabshoff: oh, duh -- are you testing this on the same machine was built those on? because if so, it's going to find the files mentioned in there!! 23:22 < craigcitro> you have to move william's build and then try again, i think. 23:22 < mabshoff> William moved the original install, so the files are no longer there. 23:22 < craigcitro> oh 23:22 < craigcitro> check that path anyway 23:22 < mabshoff> I *think* so, cheking 23:22 < craigcitro> make sure there's nothing that's ended up there. 23:22 < craigcitro> grin 23:22 < craigcitro> that'd be a pretty funny reason for not finding the same problem 23:23 < mabshoff> Ok, "no such file or directory" 23:23 < craigcitro> hmm 23:23 < craigcitro> then i'm stumped. 23:23 < mabshoff> So I am really puzzled. 23:23 < mabshoff> Did you rebuild any of the object files that end up in libcsage.so? 23:24 < craigcitro> i still get that weird "can't open dynamic library: libpari-gmp" message 23:24 < craigcitro> and it's got /Users/was/... in the error message that comes up. 23:24 < mabshoff> Which pyx file is that from? 23:25 < craigcitro> dozens of them 23:25 < mabshoff> hmm. 23:25 < craigcitro> matrix_integer_sparse, matrix_complex_double_dense just went by 23:26 < craigcitro> i bet anything that links in pari 23:26 < mabshoff> I think I will download the binary later and try on my local box 23:26 < mabshoff> Probably. 23:26 < craigcitro> oh, or csage 23:26 < mabshoff> Maybe it is the order of the linker arguments. 23:26 < craigcitro> could be. 23:26 < craigcitro> it doesn't seem to cause any obvious troubles, but it's still unsettling 23:26 < craigcitro> matrix_mod2_dense 23:27 < craigcitro> damn ... and now we have another "can't find files" showstopper with singular 23:27 < craigcitro> g++ -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup build/temp.macosx-10.3-ppc-2.5/sage/matrix/matrix_mpolynomial_dense.o -L/Users/craigcitro/bd7-sage/local//lib -lcsage -lm -lreadline -lsingular -lsingcf -lsingfac -lomalloc -lgivaro -lgmpxx -lgmp -lstdc++ -lntl -o build/lib.macosx-10.3-ppc-2.5/sage/matrix/matrix_mpolynomial_dense.so 23:27 < craigcitro> ___gmpq_canonicalize referenced from libsingular expected to be defined in /Users/was/sage-2.9.alpha7/local/lib/libgmp.3.dylib 23:27 < craigcitro> ___gmpq_clear referenced from libsingular expected to be defined in /Users/was/sage-2.9.alpha7/local/lib/libgmp.3.dylib 23:27 < craigcitro> ___gmpq_div referenced from libsingular expected to be defined in /Users/was/sage-2.9.alpha7/local/lib/libgmp.3.dylib 23:27 < craigcitro> ___gmpq_init referenced from libsingular expected to be defined in /Users/was/sage-2.9.alpha7/local/lib/libgmp.3.dylib 23:27 < craigcitro> ___gmpq_mul referenced from libsingular expected to be defined in /Users/was/sage-2.9.alpha7/local/lib/libgmp.3.dylib 23:27 < craigcitro> another 15 lines of undefined symbols 23:28 < mabshoff> singular also links against NTL. 23:28 < craigcitro> but it's clearly saying it wants one of william's paths 23:28 < mabshoff> switch the arguments so that ntl is before the two gmp libs. 23:28 < cwitty-rvw-1473> I know how to strip at least 2.5MB from the Sage tarball, and 6MB from the Sage install: 23:29 < cwitty-rvw-1473> stop shipping two separate copies of java3d (one in extcode, one in java3d). 23:30 < craigcitro> mabshoff: same problem. 23:31 < wstein-rvw-1473> cwitty :-) 23:31 < craigcitro> did you try touching matrix_mpolynomial_dense and building? 23:31 < robertwb> I thought we got rid of the one in extcode 23:32 < mabshoff> craigcitro: I think if you force a singular.spkg rebuild the link issue will go away. 23:32 < cwitty-rvw-1473> Nope. I just extracted spkg/standard/extcode-2.9.alpha7.spkg, and the files are in there. 23:32 < mabshoff> I assume libSingular is missing some proper flags, just like NTL. 23:32 < mabshoff> Well, like NTL used to. 23:36 -!- janwil [n=jan@213-35-169-226-dsl.trt.estpak.ee] has joined #sage-devel 23:36 < mabshoff> Actually, when I fixed NTL to be movable I had to force a rebuild of libSingular to make 23:36 < wstein-rvw-1473> 1473 worksforme fine. 23:36 < janwil> good morning 23:36 < mabshoff> the pyx files compile. 23:36 < mabshoff> Hi janwil. 23:38 < janwil> my alpha7 build completed last night (took 3 hours) and i am running make check now ... when that will be complete, i will try my favourite test 23:38 < mabshoff> :) 23:39 < mabshoff> craigcitro: The magic change in NTL was: 23:39 < mabshoff> - $(CXX) -single_module -fPIC -dynamiclib -o libntl.dylib $(OBJ) $(GMP_LIBDIR) $(GMP_LIB) 23:39 < mabshoff> + $(CXX) -fPIC -dynamiclib -undefined dynamic_lookup -o libntl.dylib $(OBJ) $(GMP_LIBDIR) $(GMP_LIB) 23:39 < craigcitro> so just killing -single-module ? 23:39 < mabshoff> So we might teach libSingular also to do -undefined dynamic_lookup 23:40 < craigcitro> oh, nods 23:40 < craigcitro> you did that in the spkg-install for NTL? 23:40 < mabshoff> -single_module is some old style linker option, pre 10.3 maybe. 23:40 < mabshoff> Yep 23:40 < mabshoff> I added a comment to 1522, so I don't forget. 23:41 -!- wstein-rvw-1473 is now known as wstein-1183 23:41 < wstein-1183> I'm going to fix 1183 finally. 23:42 < mabshoff> can we get a review on 1494? robertwb maybe since it deals with corecion? 23:42 < cwitty-rvw-1473> robertwb, wstein-1183: I just posted on #1473 the magic steps I had to follow to get command-line java3d to work for me. 23:43 < wstein-1183> cool. 23:43 < wstein-1183> nice. 23:43 < wstein-1183> cwitty -- did you try jmol yet, by the way? 23:43 < wstein-1183> e.g., from their websie? 23:44 < cwitty-rvw-1473> I watched the demo on the main page. 23:44 < wstein-1183> robert posted a patch that you can try out. 23:44 < wstein-1183> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1511 23:44 < wstein-1183> and 23:45 < wstein-1183> that's it for now. 23:45 < wstein-1183> you have to download the jmol binary from the jmol site and extract it somewhere. 23:45 < wstein-1183> then write a scene to it that directory 23:45 < wstein-1183> then do ./jmol scene_file 23:45 < wstein-1183> and you get a viewer. 23:47 < cwitty-rvw-1473> I'll give it a try. I'm not really interested in jmol, though; my goal is 3D graphics where you can do things like click and drag a vertex to change the shape, and I think it's going to be much easier to write such a thing based on java3d than jmol. 23:48 < wstein-1183> interesting. 23:48 < wstein-1183> I think jmol is much much more likely to be really usable in sage. 23:48 < mabshoff> craigcitro: the libSingular linker flags on OSX seem to be: 23:48 < mabshoff> SLDFLAGS="-dynamic -twolevel_namespace -weak_reference_mismatches weak -undefined dynamic_lo 23:48 < mabshoff> okup" 23:49 < craigcitro> the -undefined dynamic_lookup sounds pretty good. 23:49 < wstein-1183> it runs almost any java install, embeds nicely in the notebook, and seems to be very solid. 23:49 < mabshoff> We should ask somebody about twolevel_namespace and why that is needed. 23:49 < mabshoff> I *hate* Apple's linker. 23:49 < craigcitro> snic 23:49 < craigcitro> is it better in 10.5? 23:49 < cwitty-rvw-1473> Plus, java3d is at least an order of magnitude faster for spinning things around :) 23:49 < mabshoff> Well, they just keep piling on more and more shit. 23:50 < cwitty-rvw-1473> (If you've got hardware-accelerated OpenGL.) 23:50 < wstein-1183> I guess java3d and jmol will just serve two very different purposes for sage. 23:50 < mabshoff> if you want to change the options edit it in src/kernel/configure.in and rerun automake or whatever 23:50 < wstein-1183> We really *desperately* need solid 3d graphics that "just work" and jmol is the best hope I've seen so far. 23:51 < wstein-1183> Something intermediate between performance and ugliness. 23:51 < wstein-1183> java3d / mayavi2/vtk are on the high-performance side. 23:51 < wstein-1183> jmol and tachyon would be on the "just always easily works everywhere and is lightweight" side. 23:52 < craigcitro> mabshoff: in the libsingular package stuff? 23:52 < wstein-1183> This is the biggest glaring gap in sage right now. 23:52 < robertwb> getting java3d to work accross all platforms/browsers has been where 90% of the effort has been placed (and it doesn't look like it's going to stop). 23:52 < craigcitro> mabshoff: i'm very mystified that this doesn't pop up on your machine. 23:52 < wstein-1183> and jmol already works on everything under the sun. 23:52 < mabshoff> craigcitro: I would also like to figure out why it blows up on your box. 23:53 < cwitty-rvw-1473> robertwb, just so you know: now that I have 1473 working on my laptop, I don't personally care about 1419 (java3d notebook requires internet access) any more. 23:53 < robertwb> As you've mentioned, java3d with openGL is faster (I've confirmed that in actually tests, an order of magnitude is about right) and has more options (e.g. for animation, lighting, etc.) but doesn't "just work" everywhere yet 23:53 < mabshoff> craigcitro: our best hope might be to use -dynamiclib 23:54 < wstein-1183> You can easily have 10 jmol 3d graphics embedded in a single worksheet, and it works fine. 23:54 < mabshoff> for libSingular that is. 23:54 < robertwb> cwitty: me either :), at least not for the short run 23:55 < craigcitro> mabshoff: that could work. do you want to put a new spkg somewhere, or should i open this thing up and fiddle? 23:55 < cwitty-rvw-1473> robertwb, have you tried high-resolution surface plots in jmol yet? 23:56 < mabshoff> Well, I think this needs extensive testing, i.e. 10.5 vs. 10.4 in place rebuild vs. moved rebuild 23:56 < robertwb> I pushed it up to about 40K triangles, and there it started to really slow down. 23:56 < mabshoff> and I don't want to tangle with that over the next 24 hours. 23:56 < mabshoff> I am somewhat concerned that Martin uses " -weak_reference_mismatches weak" which 23:56 < mabshoff> isn't good as far as I understood the ld man page. 23:56 < craigcitro> grin 23:57 < mabshoff> to fix your problem for a singular.spkg rebuild. 23:57 < craigcitro> you could try asking on the appropriate irc channel, but they weren't terribly helpful last time i had a question. 23:57 < mabshoff> Well, it isn't really something you can properly describe in 3 sentences. 23:57 < craigcitro> that's true 23:58 < craigcitro> though at some point i wanted to know the difference between two linker options 23:58 < mabshoff> But the linker options for linSingular on OSX certainly seem to be sub-optimal. 23:58 < craigcitro> and no one could tell me. 23:58 < mabshoff> "man ld" 23:58 < craigcitro> grin nods 23:58 < mabshoff> *RTFM* :) 23:58 < craigcitro> nod, but it isn't clearly explained in the man page 23:58 < mabshoff> hehe, I agree. 23:58 < craigcitro> which is what i was asking them about 23:59 < mabshoff> Just the fact that Apple has all these stupid link options makes me want to hit 23:59 < craigcitro> it's the -undefined dynamic_lookup versus -undefined something 23:59 < mabshoff> my head against the wall. 23:59 < jkantor> just to agree ld is retarded on OSX 23:59 < mabshoff> Yep. On proper Linux/UNIX you link all symbols at link time. 23:59 < mabshoff> Not in some magic "the ld is smarter than you" way --- Day changed Sat Dec 15 2007 00:00 < cwitty-rvw-1473> wstein-1183, robertwb: should we merge 1473? I think so; without my workaround, it changes S.show() from "silently does nothing" to "silently does nothing", so at least it's not a regression. :) 00:00 < mabshoff> That makes code go *boom* are runtime. 00:00 < cwitty-rvw-1473> And on OSX, it actually works, right? 00:00 < wstein-1183> yep, it works fine on osx. 00:00 < mabshoff> jkantor: +1 00:01 < craigcitro> grin jkantor 00:01 < mabshoff> Apple needs to stop reinventing the wheel. 00:01 < wstein-1183> they aren't as bad as MS. 00:01 < mabshoff> And maybe somebody needs to send them a link that explains KISS 00:01 < wstein-1183> indeed 00:01 < cwitty-rvw-1473> and you're confident that incidentally merging the extcode patches from 1239 doesn't hurt anything? 00:01 < wstein-1183> yes. 00:01 < wstein-1183> wait! 00:02 < wstein-1183> It will completely break things 00:02 < mabshoff> wstein-1183: You are partially wrong: linking on Windows is a pleasure. 00:02 < wstein-1183> I.e., it will break simon 2 descent 00:02 < wstein-1183> however, I think robert is fixing the updated simon 2 descent now. 00:02 < wstein-1183> There is nothing truly broken about that -- it just needs some polish. 00:02 < wstein-1183> So I would recommend merging 1472 and 1239, but opening a ticket to polish 1239. 00:03 < wstein-1183> Since 1239 works. 00:03 < wstein-1183> it's just easy to get lies from some of the new functions :-) 00:03 < jkantor> linking may be fine, but that would be about all . . . 00:04 < cwitty-rvw-1473> Sounds good to me. Do you want to change your review of 1239, and open the new ticket? 00:04 < wstein-1183> yes 00:06 < mabshoff> cwitty-rvw-1473: Can you look at 1494, it is require for 1183 00:06 < mabshoff> +d 00:06 < wstein-1183> robertwb -- you are now working on http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1524 00:06 < mabshoff> Or anybody else who wants to :) 00:07 < wstein-1183> ok? 00:07 < robertwb> yes 00:07 < robertwb> I put another patch up at #1239 00:07 -!- cwitty-rvw-1473 is now known as cwitty-rvw-1494 00:07 < robertwb> It fixes some doctest issues, but the integral model stuff is still bad 00:08 < robertwb> we need that one to merge in the new extcode patch thoug, so it won't break 00:09 < mabshoff> robertwb: Let me know when to merge what in which order ;) 00:10 < robertwb> mabshoff: just merge them in the order they're listed 00:10 < mabshoff> ok 00:10 < robertwb> (assuming you're talking about #1239) 00:10 < wstein-1183> robertwb -- if we can't fix it, then we can put a NotImplementedError in at least and ask john to work on it. 00:10 < wstein-1183> But still merge the code in. 00:10 < mabshoff> Yes. Are they ready to go in now? 00:11 < robertwb> yes, if I don't see a straightforward solution, I'll do taht 00:11 < mabshoff> Well, I have to wait for doctests to finish first. 00:11 < wstein-1183> He's just writing an explicit transformation to integral form... i.e., rescaling x and y, I guess. 00:11 < robertwb> if you want to wait a little bit, maybe I could resolve the other issue... 00:11 < wstein-1183> robertwb -- but I'm sure you'll figure out the algebra :-) 00:11 < wstein-1183> ok. 00:11 < cwitty-rvw-1494> wstein-1183: did you doctest 1494? 00:11 < cwitty-rvw-1494> sage: sage: K(O.1^2 + O.1 - 2) 00:11 < cwitty-rvw-1494> ^ 00:11 < cwitty-rvw-1494> SyntaxError: invalid syntax 00:11 < wstein-1183> I almost have residue fields -- I'm going to get that done. 00:11 < mabshoff> :) 00:11 < wstein-1183> cwitty -- I didn't. 00:12 < wstein-1183> But that was a very important fix... 00:12 < wstein-1183> that was easy to do. 00:12 < wstein-1183> And it does work. 00:12 < wstein-1183> I posted it in a hurry when I was working with a student (Ally) on Sage. 00:13 < cwitty-rvw-1494> OK; I'll fix the doctest. 00:13 < wstein-1183> thanks. 00:16 < cwitty-rvw-1494> mabshoff, #1494 looks good. 00:17 -!- cwitty-rvw-1494 is now known as cwitty-rvw-1511 00:17 < robertwb> looks like the bug in integral_model was a indentation error--the return statement was in the loop! 00:18 < wstein-1183> python n00b 00:18 < wstein-1183> nicely spotted ! 00:19 -!- mabshoff_ [n=mabshoff@p5090C65B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #sage-devel 00:21 < mabshoff_> Ok, I changed the release manager for 2.9.1 to Robert Miller and added a 2.9.2 release for the end of the year 00:22 -!- mabshoff_ changed the topic of #sage-devel to: Bug Day 7 in progress - 2.9.rc0 will be out in a couple hours 00:28 < janwil> ok, make check of alpha7 is complete 00:28 < janwil> The following tests failed: 00:28 < janwil> sage -t devel/sage-main/sage/numerical/test.py 00:28 < mabshoff_> Don't worry about that one. 00:28 < janwil> ok 00:29 < mabshoff_> It is more or less random, we should have a better doctest for that before 2.9.final 00:29 < jkantor> mabshoff did the second patch ever get tested 00:29 < mabshoff_> Nope, I don't think so. I don't know where it is yet. 00:29 < jkantor> on the ticket ? 00:29 < mabshoff_> Something like that. 00:30 < mabshoff_> Which number? 00:30 < jkantor> 1430 00:30 < mabshoff_> thanks. I will merge that shortly after http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1239 00:31 < robertwb> OK, http://sagetrac.org/sage_trac/ticket/1239 has one last patch (for a total of 5 attachments) and I think it's good to go. 00:32 < mabshoff_> Yep, I refreshed and saw the 5th :) 00:32 < mabshoff_> I had to look where ell.gp was, but I found it. 00:33 < robertwb> cwitty, on #1494 (number fields) 00:35 -!- mabshoff [n=mabshoff@p5090C031.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] 00:36 < janwil> ok, my favourite bug still occurs in the freshly built sage 00:36 < janwil> mabshoff, do you want access to the machine where it can be reproduced? 00:36 < mabshoff_> Sure. Is it a static IP? 00:36 < janwil> yes 00:36 < robertwb> nevermind 00:37 < mabshoff_> ok, send me an email with the details, but better cc William, too. 00:37 < janwil> give me your email, i will send you the location, username and password 00:37 < mabshoff_> Michael.Abshoff@googlemail.com 00:37 < janwil> ok 00:37 < mabshoff_> I assume you have William's address? 00:38 < janwil> wstein@gmail? 00:38 < wstein-1183> janwil -- you are very persistent. 00:38 < wstein-1183> I wish you had way *more* favoriate bugs. 00:38 < wstein-1183> We can definitely use lots of people finding bugs and being persistent!!1 00:39 < mabshoff_> He threatend to use Mathematica instead :) 00:39 < mabshoff_> I thought that would get you motivated 00:39 < janwil> well, this is the one that stops me from moving further -- once i get over it, i'öll find more :) 00:39 < wstein-1183> i didn't see that. 00:39 < mabshoff_> It happened when you weren't here. 00:40 < wstein-1183> I use mathematica. 00:40 < wstein-1183> I used it today :-) 00:40 < mabshoff_> ok, all 5 patches from 1239 merged. Closing it unless somebody things of a reason why not. 00:40 < wstein-1183> good 00:43 < robertwb> I closed #1524 (the "other #1239 issues") ticket as well 00:43 < mabshoff_> ok, merging the second doctest for 1430 and 1494 next. 00:44 < janwil> ok, Michael and Willaim, you should have the info now 00:44 < mabshoff_> jkantor: no, those are leftover issues from 1239. 00:45 < mabshoff_> As far as I understand. Or am I wrong? 00:45 < mabshoff_> janwil: go it. 00:45 < mabshoff_> Will was & I work on the same install? 00:45 < mabshoff_> It looks like it. 00:45 < jkantor> what ? 00:46 < mabshoff_> re 1524. 00:46 < mabshoff_> jkantor: never minf. 00:47 < mabshoff_> -f+d 00:47 < mabshoff_> I misinterpreted something that robertwb wrote and attributed it to you. 00:47 < jkantor> ok 00:48 < mabshoff_> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1239 is now officially closed. 00:49 < cwitty-rvw-1511> robertwb, is it expected that with your example in #1511, that capeman's eyes and mouth will each be a single triangle 00:49 < cwitty-rvw-1511> ? 00:49 < robertwb> no... 00:50 < cwitty-rvw-1511> You guys are using jmol-11.2.14? 00:50 < robertwb> is that what you're getting? 00:50 < cwitty-rvw-1511> Yes. 00:50 < wstein-1183> yes 00:50 < robertwb> yep...downloaded it last night... 00:51 < robertwb> can you post/mail a screenshot? 00:51 < cwitty-rvw-1511> Yes, working on it. 00:54 < cwitty-rvw-1511> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/cwitty/capeman.png and http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/cwitty/capeman2.png 00:55 < robertwb> hmm... that's not good. 00:55 < robertwb> Can you send post the files that it's generating? 00:55 < cwitty-rvw-1511> And also in that directory is cape.script* 00:56 < robertwb> oh 00:57 < cwitty-rvw-1511> using this command line: /tmp/jmol-11.2.14/jmol.sh cape.script 00:58 < wstein-1183> test 00:58 < cwitty-rvw-1511> BTW, that's with a zoom of 800%; by default, I just get a tiny capeman in the middle of the window. 00:59 -!- wstein-1183 [n=was@c66-235-34-166.sea2.cablespeed.com] has left #sage-devel [] 00:59 -!- wstein-1183 [n=was@c66-235-34-166.sea2.cablespeed.com] has joined #sage-devel 00:59 -!- wstein-1183 [n=was@c66-235-34-166.sea2.cablespeed.com] has left #sage-devel [] 00:59 -!- wstein-1183 [n=was@c66-235-34-166.sea2.cablespeed.com] has joined #sage-devel 01:00 < robertwb> I bet the zoom has something to do with it--how it's rendering the spheres 01:00 < cwitty-rvw-1511> Do you not have to zoom in? 01:03 < robertwb> I scaled mine up before rendering it 01:03 < robertwb> (in Sage) 01:04 < robertwb> It looks like jmol has a fixed rendering size 01:04 < robertwb> and virtually ignores things that are too small 01:05 < cwitty-rvw-1511> mabshoff_, #1518 looks good. 01:05 < mabshoff_> ok, will merge 01:10 < wstein-1183> hi 01:10 < wstein-1183> testing 01:11 < cwitty-rvw-1511> Hi. 01:11 < mallockilx> wstein-1183: whats a PI (i.e. "the PI" as written in your docs) ? 01:11 < wstein-1183> where? 01:12 < mabshoff_> the grant application 01:12 < wstein-1183> Principal investigator 01:12 < mallockilx> Ahh. 01:12 -!- mabshoff_ is now known as mabshoff 01:15 -!- cartman [n=ismail@kde/ismail] has joined #sage-devel 01:16 < cwitty-rvw-1511> mabshoff_, did you catch that we do want to merge #1473? 01:16 < mabshoff> Hi cartman. 01:16 < mabshoff> Any news on that clisp vs. 32 bit gcc 4.2 bug? 01:17 < mabshoff> cwitty-rvw-1511: Nope, must have overlooked it. It is in the next batch to merge 01:17 -!- cwitty-rvw-1511 is now known as cwitty 01:17 < cwitty> Good night. 01:18 < mabshoff> cu cwitty. Thanks for all the excellent work. 01:18 < cartman> yoyo mabshoff 01:19 < cartman> mabshoff: I found & fixed an important bug in python 2.5 with gcc 4.3 01:19 < cartman> mabshoff: http://bugs.python.org/issue1608 01:19 < cartman> you might want to poke Debian python maintainers 01:20 < mabshoff> having a look 01:23 < mabshoff> shhesh: "GCC 2.96 is still the golden standard for me" 01:24 < cartman> ;) 01:24 < mabshoff> That is one scary bug report. 01:24 < cartman> I was about to tell him http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-2.96.html 01:24 < cartman> but didn't 01:24 < mabshoff> :) 01:25 < cartman> anyway scary indeed 01:25 < mabshoff> Yeah, I remember that "special" gcc release. 01:25 < cartman> :D 01:25 < cartman> heheh 01:30 < mabshoff> jkantor: still aorund? 01:30 < jkantor> yah 01:30 < jkantor> yeah 01:30 < mabshoff> can you send my numerical/test.py - the new patch doesn't apply because 01:30 < mabshoff> of fixes I did. 01:31 < jkantor> take the one in /home/jkantor/sage-2.8.15-.../devel 01:31 < mabshoff> ok, will do 01:33 < janwil> ok, moving away now ... mabshoff, please let me know when you're have logged in to my machine and figured out what's wrong ... I wouldn't like keeping credentials open for longer than necessary 01:37 < mallockilx> A ball is dropped from a height of 'h' feet and repeatedly bounces off the floor. After each bounce, the ball reaches a height that is 2/3of the height from which it previously fell. for example, after the first bounce, the ball reaches a height of 2/3h fet. Which of the following represent the total number of feet the ball travels between the first and the sixth bounce. it is: ( 5 [on top of] sigma [with an setter of] i=1 )(2h)(2/3)^i 01:37 < mallockilx> Why is it 2h? and not just h? 01:38 < mabshoff> janwil: Ok, I will be sleeping soon. 01:38 < mallockilx> woah 01:38 < janwil> sweet dreams :) 01:38 < mallockilx> sorry wrong channel. 01:38 < mabshoff> Well, I guess soon is about 2 hours away. 01:38 < craigcitro> mabshoff: when is rc0 likely to be around? 01:39 < mabshoff> It depends. If there aren't any reviews comping in the next hour I will doctest 01:39 < mabshoff> and create a -sdit. 01:39 < mabshoff> Then I will do build tests with vanilla sources and if those build and doctests 01:39 < mabshoff> I will announce. 01:40 < craigcitro> k 01:40 < craigcitro> i'll make sure to build & make test on this machine from scratch 01:40 < mabshoff> is William gone? 01:40 < mabshoff> :) 01:40 < craigcitro> because it seems to be a hotbed of trouble :) 01:40 < mabshoff> Better nuke fink ;) 01:40 < craigcitro> snic 01:40 < mabshoff> +1 01:40 < craigcitro> well, that's the thing -- i'm probably not the only one with fink 01:41 < mabshoff> next time I want to debug insane build issues I will ping you ;) 01:42 < mabshoff> ok, merging 1473 now, the last ticket with positiv review. 01:42 -!- janwil [n=jan@213-35-169-226-dsl.trt.estpak.ee] has quit ["Leaving."] 01:42 < mabshoff> Well, there is http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/444 01:43 < mabshoff> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1258 01:43 < mabshoff> So, 3 more ticket to merge. 01:46 < mabshoff> robertwb: What does the rubic cube solver spkg depend upon? 01:47 < robertwb> just gcc, I belive 01:47 < robertwb> and make 01:47 < mabshoff> ok. 01:47 < mabshoff> :) 01:47 < jkantor> is the rubic cube solver in C 01:47 < robertwb> yes 01:48 < jkantor> cool 01:48 < robertwb> there's actually 3 of them 01:48 < robertwb> an optimal solver, a "asymtotically optimal" solver, and a extreemy fast non-optimal solver 01:49 < jkantor> cool, do they use external libraries at all 01:49 < jkantor> I guess not 01:49 < robertwb> nope 01:50 < robertwb> just stdio 01:50 < mabshoff> Where do I apply the different bundles from 1473? 01:50 < mabshoff> extcode-3d-cmd.hg says unknown parent in sage/ext. 01:51 < robertwb> apply extcode to the extcode branch 01:51 < robertwb> the others to sage-main 01:51 < mabshoff> ok 01:52 < mabshoff> That does work, indeed ;) 01:52 < robertwb> actually, there's two extcode patches (both labeled as such) 01:52 < robertwb> great 01:52 < mabshoff> Yep, I assumed that much. 01:52 < mabshoff> The second patch is against the "main" repo 01:55 < mabshoff> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1473 is merged ;) 02:00 < craigcitro> mabshoff: is the rule that no new non-bugfixes will make it into 2.9 after rc0? 02:00 < wstein-1183> no 02:01 < wstein-1183> oh, non-bugfixes. 02:01 < mabshoff> It shouldn't cause major problems. 02:01 < wstein-1183> yes. 02:01 < craigcitro> grin ... k 02:01 < mabshoff> best scenario is that it is new code that doesn't touch or change existing behavior. 02:01 < mabshoff> i.e. 444 is the perfect example. 02:01 < craigcitro> well, i think i've got this pari bug kicked. 02:02 < mabshoff> oooh, that one is potentially troublesome ;) 02:02 < craigcitro> grin nods 02:02 < wstein-1183> I think I have the residue class field bug solved. 02:02 < mabshoff> wstein-1183: I want to merge 444 and 1259 and release 2.9.rc0 02:02 < wstein-1183> doctesting now. 02:02 < wstein-1183> This is a big patch. 02:02 < mabshoff> :) 02:02 < wstein-1183> I think you should merge 1183. 02:02 < mabshoff> Any probably 1183 ;) 02:02 < wstein-1183> It fixes a number of other trac issues to. 02:03 < wstein-1183> too 02:03 < mabshoff> ok 02:03 < wstein-1183> and it might improve coverage. 02:03 < mabshoff> +1 02:03 < wstein-1183> since i just wrote some doctests. 02:03 < mabshoff> Well, this is rc0, so we have about 24 hours to fic the remaining issues. 02:03 < mabshoff> fic->fix 02:04 < wstein-1183> ok, 1183 is now up and done. 02:04 < mabshoff> And we will two stabilitzation/bugfix releases before the AMS meeting. 02:04 < wstein-1183> the single most important thing before the AMS meeting is that we have a release with descent dynamic working 02:04 < mabshoff> ok, have you looked at 553? That is another patch that ought to go in, together with 1183 02:05 < wstein-1183> 3d graphics in the notebook. 02:05 < wstein-1183> seriously. 02:05 < wstein-1183> 1183 also fixes 1242 02:05 < mabshoff> I didn't mean 1183, there is another ticket that depends on 553, 02:05 < mabshoff> 1189 I believe. 02:05 < mabshoff> Good 02:05 < wstein-1183> and maybe 1185 02:05 < mabshoff> ok 02:06 < wstein-1183> yep it fixes 1185 too 02:06 < wstein-1183> though the example has to be changed slightly. 02:08 < mabshoff> ok, http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1139 depends on http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1139 02:08 < wstein-1183> so apply 1183, then close 1185 and 1242. 02:08 < mabshoff> will do. 02:08 < mabshoff> ok, 1139 depends on http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/553 02:09 < mabshoff> mmh, Konversation is buggy with replacement rules. 02:09 < cartman> :/ 02:09 < wstein-1183> 1139 is easy. 02:09 < mabshoff> I won't fix that, too tired. 02:09 < mabshoff> There is a patch. 02:09 < wstein-1183> just kidding 02:09 * cartman is an ex. Konversation developer 02:09 < mabshoff> nice 02:09 < mabshoff> mhansen also has a new patch fir 553 02:09 < mabshoff> -i+o 02:13 -!- malb_ [n=malb@host86-141-246-136.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #sage-devel 02:14 < mabshoff> wstein-1183: Anything else you would like to get merged? 02:15 -!- wstein-1183 is now known as trac-1139 02:15 < mabshoff> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1421 looks nice 02:15 < trac-1139> I think for 1139 we should just give a better NotImplementedError message or something. 02:16 -!- burcin [i=berocal@leopard.risc.uni-linz.ac.at] has joined #sage-devel 02:16 < trac-1139> 1421 does look good. 02:16 < mabshoff> Yep, maybe soon sympy can do that job with high precision. 02:16 < trac-1139> if it passes tests, I say "positive review" 02:16 < trac-1139> I VERY MUCH doubt it. 02:16 < trac-1139> That isn't at all the sort of thing Ondrej cares about. 02:16 < mabshoff> about sympy? 02:16 < mabshoff> ok 02:16 < trac-1139> PARI is the best program for high-precision integration, I think. 02:17 < mabshoff> ok 02:19 < trac-1139> Tthere are examples in the docstring for f.nintegrate(..) in calculus.py of how to use pari. 02:19 < trac-1139> but it needs to be trivial for users... 02:19 < burcin> is there an alpha7 binary I can use on sage.math? 02:19 < mabshoff> Excellent. Is there a reason not to switch per default, i.e. performance? 02:20 < mabshoff> Hi burcin. 02:20 < trac-1139> not every sage symbolic function makes sense in pari. 02:20 < trac-1139> in fact most don't. 02:20 < burcin> I want to test #1447 02:20 < mabshoff> I can roll you one that is very close to alpha7. I applied some patches that went into rc0 02:20 < burcin> hello 02:21 < burcin> mabshoff, that would be great 02:21 < mabshoff> tmp/Work-mabshoff/release-cycles-2.9/sage-2.9.rc0 is the current tree 02:22 < mabshoff> if you want to just look that should be fine. I am doing a bdist on the alpha7 tree next to it 02:22 < burcin> ok.. let me see 02:22 < mabshoff> rolling bdist 02:26 < trac-1139> bdist? 02:26 < trac-1139> sdist 02:26 < mabshoff> bdist, but alpha7 02:26 < mabshoff> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/mabshoff/sage-2.9.alpha7-sage-math-x86_64-Linux.tar.gz 02:26 < mabshoff> burcin: there is also a ticket to make m4ri a static library. 02:27 < mabshoff> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1505 02:27 < burcin> thanks for the package 02:27 < mabshoff> np 02:29 < burcin> about 1505.. I thought about that, but chose the quick fix for now 02:29 < mabshoff> mk 02:29 < burcin> is the plan to take m4ri out of the sage library, and make it a package? 02:29 < trac-1139> yes 02:29 < mabshoff> Well, the plan is to build a static version 02:30 < trac-1139> ok, 1139 looks good. 02:30 < mabshoff> ok, added to the merge list 02:31 < trac-1139> what about 1407? 02:32 < trac-1139> I think that's an important one to go in. 02:32 < trac-1139> It greatly speeds up certain algebraic number theory things. 02:32 < mabshoff> Is it reviewed? 02:33 < mabshoff> Well, I tend to trust your patches ;) 02:33 < trac-1139> no it's not. 02:33 < trac-1139> anybody around who wants to review 1407 02:33 < trac-1139> it worksforme 02:34 < mabshoff> There are also the mathematica plot and special function ticket with patches. 02:34 < trac-1139> mathematica plot should go in. 02:34 < trac-1139> it's a few lines and easy. 02:34 < trac-1139> the function one (formal functions) definitely also needs to go in. 02:34 < mabshoff> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1504 ? 02:35 < mabshoff> Which one is the other one? 02:35 < trac-1139> 1504 is invalid. 02:35 < mabshoff> I just saw that, too 02:35 < trac-1139> 1503 02:35 < mabshoff> ah, ok 02:36 < trac-1139> all that is is 2 more docstrings and doctests + using [] instead of () when coercing a function mathematica 02:36 < mabshoff> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1442 should also be merged 02:37 < trac-1139> yes, definitely. 02:37 < trac-1139> That used to be true, but we changed it. 02:37 < mabshoff> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1502 is the other mathematica ticket that should be merged? 02:37 < trac-1139> give me 3 minutes to referee #1502. 02:38 < mabshoff> Sure 02:38 < trac-1139> I'm very glad to see that mhansen did it! 02:38 < mabshoff> That makes 8 ticket to merge. 02:38 -!- jkantor [i=jkantor@sage.math.washington.edu] has quit ["leaving"] 02:38 < trac-1139> hold on, anything else? 02:38 < mabshoff> Do you have an opinionon 553? 02:38 < trac-1139> yes, what about 553. 02:38 < mabshoff> Well, it was rejected last time. 02:39 < mabshoff> But there is a new patch. 02:39 < trac-1139> i'm all for the current 553. 02:39 < mabshoff> ok, didn't know that. 02:39 < trac-1139> but I want to try it first. 02:39 < trac-1139> I looked over the code and it looked good. 02:39 < trac-1139> so I'l ref 553 and 1502 right now, ok? 02:39 < mabshoff> ok, has 1139 been changed to throw not implemented yet? 02:39 < mabshoff> yep, sounds good go me. 02:39 < trac-1139> what about 1137? 02:40 < trac-1139> 1162 also looks important 02:40 < mabshoff> the tp_new issue? So far unresolved. 02:40 < mabshoff> sorry, 1137 should go in as doctest. 02:40 < trac-1139> it says "with patch"? 02:41 < mabshoff> I tested on 10.4 and didn't see any touble. 02:41 < craigcitro> hey ... i can review 1407 02:41 < trac-1139> i'll do 553, 1502, 1162, 1237. 02:42 < trac-1139> 1363 -- is that closed now? 02:42 < trac-1139> 1275 is closed so... 02:42 < mabshoff> I have the feeling we merged 1162 already. 02:42 < trac-1139> yep 02:42 < mabshoff> ok, close it? 02:43 < trac-1139> no, wait. 02:43 < mabshoff> ok, 02:43 < trac-1139> it's definitely not in alpha7 02:43 < mabshoff> what about http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1401 ? 02:43 < trac-1139> and there is no review, so don't close it yet. 02:43 < mabshoff> Then it wasn't merged 02:44 < mabshoff> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1404 also 02:44 < trac-1139> wow, 1401 looks very nice. 02:44 < trac-1139> my list now: 553, 1502, 1162, 1237, 1401 02:44 < mabshoff> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1425 also seems important 02:45 < trac-1139> there is no patch for 1404?!! 02:45 < trac-1139> oh, it is that one-liner. 02:45 < trac-1139> ok. 02:45 < trac-1139> my list now: 553, 1502, 1162, 1237, 1401, 1404 02:45 < mabshoff> Well, it is in the ticket description. 02:45 < mabshoff> ok, brewing some tea to stay awake, will start merging shortly. 02:46 < mabshoff> Still doctesting the last batch. 02:46 < burcin> can I close #1447 myself, or does someone need to test it first? 02:46 < mabshoff> Close it. 02:46 < mabshoff> How was it fixed? 02:46 < trac-1139> I have problems with 1425. 02:46 < trac-1139> but I can easily resolve it. 02:46 < burcin> it was because of the symlinks issue.. 02:46 < trac-1139> wait until we have the spkg from you. 02:46 < trac-1139> ? 02:46 < mabshoff> ok, close it with that comment. 02:46 < trac-1139> ok. 02:47 < mabshoff> We already have the updated spkg. 02:47 < burcin> new package with relative symlinks fixed it.. 02:47 < burcin> ok.. will do 02:47 < mabshoff> put that in the comment section, too 02:47 -!- robertwb [n=robert@c-67-171-19-168.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit [] 02:48 < trac-1139> what else? 02:48 < burcin> btw, about package naming 02:48 < burcin> the polybori package you put in the tree is named polybori-0.1.p4.spkg 02:48 < burcin> my packages are named polybori-0.1-r5.spkg 02:48 < trac-1139> #1393 looks easy to referee 02:49 < burcin> should I change my naming? is there a convention? 02:49 < trac-1139> yes, we always use .pn.spkg for the nth-patch. 02:49 < trac-1139> "patch" 02:49 < trac-1139> package_name-version-number.pn.spkg 02:49 < burcin> ok.. new packages will be named in that format then 02:53 < trac-1139> Could somebody look at #1454. 02:53 < trac-1139> I think that should go in Sage now, since it is really convenient. 02:53 < craigcitro> trac-1139: if there are little things with 1407, should i change them and post a new patch, or do you want to? (i just noticed something in the docstring that doesn't make sense, for instance.) 02:53 < trac-1139> It changes the sage prompt when you do "sage -sh". 02:53 < trac-1139> It can save you lots of hell. 02:54 < trac-1139> 1407 -- just change them. 02:54 < craigcitro> k. 02:54 < trac-1139> I'll look over the changes too if you let me know. 02:54 -!- craigcitro is now known as craigcitro-rvw-1 02:54 -!- craigcitro-rvw-1 is now known as cc-rvw-1407 02:55 < trac-1139> iIt would be good to get #1461 in too, since Ondrej Certik has requested that like 10 times, and it is only 5 or so lines of code. 02:55 < mabshoff> the sage -sh ticket should be merged, too. 02:55 < trac-1139> can you put "positive review" for sage -sh? 02:55 < mabshoff> yep 02:56 < trac-1139> 1515 would be very good, since that one is embarassing -- that parametric surface plots don't work. 02:56 < trac-1139> i can referee that one easily. 02:56 < trac-1139> 1519 is I think good to go, in that I just used it a bunch this evening and it worksforme. 02:56 < trac-1139> mabshoff -- you might want to referee it. You would find it useful. 02:57 < trac-1139> To apply a plain text patch, you just paste a url -- no need to download the patch. 02:57 < mabshoff> ok 02:58 < trac-1139> so this is the list of things I think we should try hard to get in asap: 553 1502 1162 1237 1393 1401 1404 1407 1425 1454 1461 1480 1502 1515 1519 02:58 < trac-1139> most came out of bugs found because of new users, etc. 02:58 < trac-1139> i can referee most 02:58 < trac-1139> right now 02:58 < mabshoff> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1519 is refereed 02:59 < trac-1139> good 02:59 < cc-rvw-1407> trac-1139: how do you feel about error checking? for instance, monomials([x,y],[3]) gives a "list index out of range" 02:59 < trac-1139> bug 03:00 < trac-1139> can you fix it? 03:00 < mabshoff> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1454 also looks good (sage -sh) 03:00 < trac-1139> monomials is a useful function 03:00 < trac-1139> cool. 03:00 < cc-rvw-1407> nods i'll fix it 03:00 -!- trac-1139 is now known as was-553 03:02 < cc-rvw-1407> i think monomials([],[]) should return [] -- that sound reasonable? 03:02 < was-553> yes 03:02 < cc-rvw-1407> k 03:04 < was-553> I found a subtle bug in #533. 03:04 < was-553> I'm glad for this referee process! 03:04 < mabshoff> 1519 is merged. 03:04 < mabshoff> + 03:04 < mabshoff> ü1 03:04 < mabshoff> +1 03:04 < was-553> sage: f = y - y + 3; f 03:04 < was-553> 3 03:04 < was-553> sage: f.number_of_arguments() 03:04 < was-553> 1 03:04 < was-553> bug :-) 03:04 < mabshoff> Is it fixable? 03:04 < was-553> easily. 03:05 < mabshoff> ok 03:07 -!- pdehaye [n=pdehaye@dehaye1.merton.ox.ac.uk] has joined #sage-devel 03:07 -!- pdehaye [n=pdehaye@dehaye1.merton.ox.ac.uk] has quit [Client Quit] 03:07 -!- yi [n=yi@c-67-183-27-214.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #sage-devel 03:07 < was-553> hi yi 03:07 < mabshoff> Hi yi 03:08 < yi> hey guys 03:08 < cc-rvw-1407> hey yi 03:08 < was-553> we're refereeing patches. 03:10 < mabshoff> Ok, let me know about any patches that are refereed. 03:10 < mabshoff> I am working on http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/444 now. 03:11 < was-553> ok 553 is ready to go. 03:11 < mabshoff> cool 03:11 < was-553> apply *only* the second and third patch! 03:11 < mabshoff> ok 03:12 -!- was-553 is now known as was-1502 03:13 < was-1502> mabshoff -- how is coverage in your rc1 branch? 03:15 < was-1502> #1502 -- excellent review; ready to merge as is! 03:15 -!- was-1502 is now known as was-1162 03:15 < was-1162> now looking at #1162 -- fix issues in RealField <-> RQDF conversions 03:16 < cc-rvw-1407> was-1162: so orders have changed to just be absolute in your patch, right? 03:16 < mabshoff> haven't check yet, but was 34.9% 03:16 < was-1162> craig -- orders have base ZZ 03:16 < cc-rvw-1407> because the __repr__ still says "over its base field" at the end; this should maybe be changed. 03:16 < was-1162> but relative orders are still relative in how elements are represented. 03:16 < was-1162> ah. 03:16 < cc-rvw-1407> ah, ok 03:16 < was-1162> I didn't change the representation. 03:16 < cc-rvw-1407> well, wait, that might make sense in this example 03:17 < cc-rvw-1407> it's an equationorder 03:17 < was-1162> I mean the elements and structure are all relative still 03:17 < was-1162> Relative order = Order in a relative number field. 03:17 < was-1162> That hasn't changed. 03:17 < cc-rvw-1407> nod 03:18 < cc-rvw-1407> was it a design choice for relative orders to not have parents? (i could see some debate about what the parent should be) 03:18 < mallockilx> def bounce(i): 03:18 < mallockilx> 2(10)(2/3)^i 03:18 < mallockilx> a = [[i,bounce(i)] for i in range(5)] 03:19 < mallockilx> TypeError: 'sage.rings.integer.Integer' object is not callable 03:19 < was-1162> What does 2(10) mean? 03:19 < mallockilx> duh 03:19 < was-1162> Put 2*10? 03:19 < mallockilx> sorry i think i forgot to return something 03:20 < mallockilx> 2*10 03:20 < mallockilx> okie doke that did it 03:20 < was-1162> yeah 03:21 < mallockilx> x=2*10*(2/3)^i 03:22 < mabshoff> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/444 is in. 03:22 < mabshoff> merging 553 now 03:23 < was-1162> nice 03:25 < cc-rvw-1407> so i've never heard the term "equation order" before. Should EquationOrder( [f, g], 'a,b' ) be the following: the order generated over the ring of integers of QQ[g] by a root of f ? 03:26 < mabshoff> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/553 is in. 03:26 < mabshoff> w00t: 03:26 < mabshoff> Overall weighted coverage score: 35.0% 03:26 < mabshoff> Total number of functions: 17871 03:26 < was-1162> Nice! 03:27 < was-1162> let's keep it that way. 03:27 < mabshoff> Well, since no patch gets applied without doctests it should never go down again. 03:27 < was-1162> #1162 is ready. 03:27 < was-1162> But it is hard to apply. 03:27 < mabshoff> ok 03:27 < was-1162> Basically apply each patch, ignore all the failed hunks. 03:28 < mabshoff> arrg. 03:28 < mabshoff> will do. 03:28 < was-1162> then go into real_mpfr.pyx and manually delete 03:28 < was-1162> 658 elif hasattr(x, '_mpfr_'): 03:28 < was-1162> 659 return x._mpfr_(self) 03:28 < was-1162> It's scary-- 03:28 < mabshoff> +1 03:28 < was-1162> but *all* that is being done is that the rounding mode is being changed from Z to N in one place. 03:28 < mabshoff> ok 03:28 < was-1162> and some doctests are being changed to reflect this. 03:28 < mabshoff> I thought 1502 was reviewed= 03:28 < mabshoff> ? 03:29 < was-1162> oops -- i mean 1162 03:29 < was-1162> 1162 03:29 < was-1162> not 1502 03:29 < mabshoff> You mentioned that earlier. 03:29 < was-1162> yes 03:29 < mabshoff> So, it has a positive review? 03:29 < was-1162> yes 03:29 < mabshoff> ok 03:31 < was-1162> let me know if you have any trouble on 1162. 03:31 < was-1162> so far i've given positive reviews to 1162, 1502, and 553 03:31 < was-1162> on to 1237 03:31 -!- was-1162 is now known as was-1237 03:31 < mabshoff> ok. 03:31 -!- mallockilx [n=malloc@] has left #sage-devel [] 03:31 < mabshoff> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1502 is in 03:32 < was-1237> great 03:32 < mabshoff> on to 1162 - scary 03:32 < was-1237> fortunately what it actually does is easy -- it changes a few Z's to N's, i.e., a rounding mode when coercing. 03:32 < was-1237> Then lots of doctests have to be changed. 03:33 < was-1237> So if you apply and the doctests don't break, you're in good shape. 03:33 < mabshoff> ok, this doesn't sound like fun. 03:34 < was-1237> just close your eyes and do it. 03:34 < was-1237> two hg_sage applies followed by deleting two lines from a file. 03:34 < mabshoff> Sure 03:38 < cc-rvw-1407> so was-1237 -- i have two questions, and other than that i'm done reviewing this patch 03:38 < was-1237> ok 03:38 < cc-rvw-1407> (1) was it a conscious decision to have relative orders not have a parent? 03:38 < was-1237> orders *are* parents 03:38 < was-1237> they might have a category. 03:38 < was-1237> parents don't have parents. 03:38 < was-1237> ? 03:38 < cc-rvw-1407> ah, ok. 03:38 < was-1237> or do I misunderstand. 03:38 < cc-rvw-1407> well, that makes perfect sense 03:39 < cc-rvw-1407> i'd just forgotten this distinction was made in sage 03:39 < cc-rvw-1407> because pari(3) has its pari instance as a parent 03:39 < was-1237> mabshoff: #1237 -- with positive review 03:39 < was-1237> ready to merge. 03:39 < mabshoff> ok 03:39 < mabshoff> waiting on 1162, doctesting the rings 03:39 -!- was-1237 is now known as was-1393 03:40 < was-1393> " is_integral_domain may return incorrect answer" 03:40 < cc-rvw-1407> so 2) i've never heard of an "equation order" before. 03:40 < cc-rvw-1407> hah 03:40 < cc-rvw-1407> So should EquationOrder([f,g], [a,b]) give back the order in the maximal order of QQ[g] defined by a root of f ? 03:41 < was-1393> yes 03:41 < cc-rvw-1407> ok. 03:41 < was-1393> magma uses that terminology a lot. 03:41 < was-1393> it's from magma. 03:42 < cc-rvw-1407> ahh, ok 03:43 < was-1393> #1393 -- positive review. very very easy to apply. 03:43 < mabshoff> ok 03:43 < was-1393> the following remain: 1401, 1404, 1407, 1425, 1461, 1480, 1502, 1515. 03:44 < was-1393> I wrote 1461 and 1480, so craig or you should look at them. 03:45 -!- was-1393 is now known as was-1401 03:45 < was-1401> OK, On to http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1401 03:45 < was-1401> "deprecate A[n]" 03:49 < mabshoff> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1237 is in 03:50 < was-1401> excellent. 03:51 < cc-rvw-1407> 1407 is ready to go. 03:51 < mabshoff> cool 03:51 -!- cc-rvw-1407 is now known as cc-rvw-1461 03:56 < mabshoff> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1407 is in. 03:56 < mabshoff> merging http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1442 03:57 < was-1401> 1401 is a bit heard. 03:57 < mabshoff> ok 03:58 < cc-rvw-1461> man ... 1461 is just weird. is there any rhyme or reason to what it substitutes? ;) 03:58 < was-1401> cc -- 1461 is not for mathematicians. 03:58 < cc-rvw-1461> apparently! 03:59 < was-1401> it is for people that use maple / mathematica / etc. 03:59 < cc-rvw-1461> it's crazy. 03:59 < was-1401> I know. 03:59 < was-1401> But it's totally standard. 03:59 < was-1401> On the other hand, an english major might thing this is insane: 03:59 < was-1401> 'this is an english sentence'.replace('an','the') 03:59 < was-1401> !! 04:00 < was-1401> ets. 04:00 < cc-rvw-1461> hah, true. 04:00 < cc-rvw-1461> not quite related, but close: http://xkcd.com/179/ 04:00 < was-1401> :-) 04:01 < mabshoff> was-1401: http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1183 is ready to be merged or are we waiting for reviews? 04:02 < cc-rvw-1461> 1461 is good to go 04:02 < was-1401> craig -- have you looked at 1183? 04:02 < was-1401> it is very very important. 04:02 < was-1401> But it is a nontrivial patch. 04:02 < cc-rvw-1461> not yet 04:02 < mabshoff> ok, waiting, doing 1461 first 04:02 < was-1401> David Roe and I wrote it together. 04:02 < cc-rvw-1461> k 04:02 < was-1401> it would be best if cc looks at 1183 next before merging it. 04:02 < cc-rvw-1461> i'll look at it. 04:02 < was-1401> I'm still doing 1401. 04:02 < was-1401> thanks! 04:02 < cc-rvw-1461> it's ... 6 steps to merge? 04:02 < mabshoff> lol 04:03 < mabshoff> But only 5 patches ;) 04:03 < was-1401> :-) 04:03 < was-1401> sorry 04:03 < was-1401> roed and I divided the task up and did it in 4 steps. 04:03 < was-1401> Then it was two more until everything got fixed. 04:03 < was-1401> There are a lot of doctests in residue_field now, by the way. 100% coverage I think. 04:04 < mabshoff> I am just glad we are getting most of the exiting patches merged before rc0 04:04 < mabshoff> Nice 04:04 < was-1401> it's tricky since we had to come up with a new-ish algorithm... 04:04 < cc-rvw-1461> grin awesome. 04:04 < was-1401> not that awesome -- it's sort of obvious -- but it's fun. 04:04 < cc-rvw-1461> oh, i meant about the doctests and getting it working ;) 04:05 < was-1401> yep 04:05 < was-1401> cool. 04:05 < was-1401> it is nice to have 04:06 < cc-rvw-1461> mabshoff: watch out with the patches for 1183; one of them is named 1138 04:06 < mabshoff> ok 04:07 < mabshoff> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1461 is merged 04:07 < was-1401> excellent. 04:07 < cc-rvw-1461> was-1401: applying patch 6 failed. 04:08 < was-1401> of which? 04:08 < was-1401> oh, ok. 04:08 < cc-rvw-1461> the last one 04:08 < was-1401> what hunk fails? 04:08 < cc-rvw-1461> "hunk #1 failed" 04:08 < mabshoff> relative to alpha7? 04:08 < was-1401> in which file? 04:09 < was-1401> i.e., what does the .rej file contain? 04:09 < cc-rvw-1461> number_field.py 04:09 < was-1401> that's fine -- ignore. 04:09 < was-1401> That's the same exact diff that carl witty fixed earlier today. 04:09 < was-1401> it's a sage: sage: versus sage: in a docstring. 04:09 < was-1401> it's safe to ignore. 04:09 < cc-rvw-1461> nods ... ok. 04:10 < cc-rvw-1461> so i've never had it fail -- did it apply everything else okay, or should i edit the patch and re-patch? 04:10 < mabshoff> I can edit that hunk out before applying. 04:11 < was-1401> yes, everything else not listed explicitly in a .rej file is applied. 04:12 < cc-rvw-1461> k. 04:17 < cc-rvw-1461> What's F.p stand for in a residue field? 04:17 < cc-rvw-1461> i would have guessed it was the same as F.characteristic() 04:17 < was-1401> the characteristic. 04:17 < was-1401> or the prime you mod out by? 04:17 < cc-rvw-1461> it gives back the ideal 04:17 < cc-rvw-1461> so it's \frak{p} 04:17 < cc-rvw-1461> i guess 04:17 < cc-rvw-1461> :) 04:17 < was-1401> yep 04:18 < cc-rvw-1461> for some reason, i don't get the docstring for it 04:18 -!- cc-rvw-1461 is now known as cc-rvw-1138 04:18 < was-1401> have you applied my patch for fixing docstrings etc in pyx files in the new version of sage 04:19 < cc-rvw-1138> nope 04:19 < cc-rvw-1138> this is just a 2.9-alpha7 04:19 < was-1401> ok. 04:19 < was-1401> that might be the problem then. 04:20 < was-1401> it in fact is the problem. 04:20 < mabshoff> the number open ticket dropped below 500 just now :) 04:20 < was-1401> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1514 04:20 < was-1401> excellent! 04:20 < cc-rvw-1138> ah, k. mabshoff -- awesome 04:20 < was-1401> I want to kick some doctest ass soon. 04:20 < mabshoff> We should really set up a devel repo where people can pull from. 04:20 < mabshoff> +1 04:21 < mabshoff> What about http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1514 ? 04:21 < was-1401> craig needs it. 04:22 < mabshoff> Ah, ok. 04:22 < mabshoff> Because it was already merged 8) 04:24 -!- pdehaye [n=pdehaye@dehaye1.merton.ox.ac.uk] has joined #sage-devel 04:25 < cc-rvw-1138> what rings can we factor ideals over? 04:26 < was-1401> absolute orders. 04:26 < was-1401> I don't know if malb's warpped anything for comm algebra *yet*. 04:26 < cc-rvw-1138> what about K.ideal(p).factor() 04:26 < cc-rvw-1138> for K a number field? 04:26 < was-1401> yes 04:26 < cc-rvw-1138> ok ... because that command doesn't work as-is 04:27 < was-1401> bug? 04:27 < cc-rvw-1138> I get a NotImplementedError. 04:27 < was-1401> K.factor_integer(p) 04:27 < was-1401> Is K *absolute* 04:27 < cc-rvw-1138> sage: K. = NumberField([x^2+3,x^3+9]) 04:27 < cc-rvw-1138> sage: K.ideal(3) 04:27 < cc-rvw-1138> Fractional ideal (3) 04:27 < cc-rvw-1138> sage: K.ideal(3).factor() 04:27 < cc-rvw-1138> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04:27 < cc-rvw-1138> Traceback (most recent call last) 04:27 < cc-rvw-1138> 150 04:27 < cc-rvw-1138> 151 def factor(self): 04:27 < cc-rvw-1138> --> 152 raise NotImplementedError 04:27 < cc-rvw-1138> 153 def integral_basis(self): 04:27 < cc-rvw-1138> 154 raise NotImplementedError 04:27 < cc-rvw-1138> : 04:27 < cc-rvw-1138> ahh 04:27 < was-1401> RELATIVE! 04:27 < cc-rvw-1138> that's the problem 04:28 < was-1401> that said, it's easy to translate to absolute -- etc... 04:28 < was-1401> so... 04:28 < was-1401> but not for now. 04:28 < cc-rvw-1138> nods 04:39 < mabshoff> Slight doctest failure fallout so far: 04:39 < mabshoff> File "calculus.py", line 3808: 04:39 < mabshoff> sage: float(f(1)) 04:39 < mabshoff> Exception raised: 04:40 < mabshoff> Traceback (most recent call last): 04:40 < mabshoff> File "/tmp/Work-mabshoff/release-cycles-2.9/sage-2.9.rc0/local/lib/python2.5/doctest.py", line 1212, in __run 04:40 < mabshoff> compileflags, 1) in test.globs 04:40 < mabshoff> File "", line 1, in 04:40 < mabshoff> float(f(Integer(1)))###line 3808: 04:40 < mabshoff> sage: float(f(1)) 04:40 < mabshoff> File "/tmp/Work-mabshoff/release-cycles-2.9/sage-2.9.rc0/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sage/calculus/calculus.py", line 3687, in __call__ 04:40 < mabshoff> raise ValueError, "the number of arguments must be less than or equal to %s"%self.number_of_arguments() 04:40 < mabshoff> ValueError: the number of arguments must be less than or equal to 0 04:41 < was-1401> which patch? 04:41 < mabshoff> My guess: the number of arguments. 04:42 < was-1401> what is f? 04:42 < was-1401> sorry. 04:42 < was-1401> i'll look at your file 04:42 < mabshoff> def __float__(self): 04:42 < mabshoff> """ 04:42 < mabshoff> TESTS: 04:42 < mabshoff> sage: f=x*sin(0) 04:42 < mabshoff> sage: float(f(1)) 04:43 < mabshoff> 0.0 04:43 < mabshoff> sage: w = I - I 04:43 < mabshoff> sage: float(w) 04:43 < mabshoff> 0.0 04:43 < mabshoff> sure 04:43 < was-1401> that's GOOD 04:43 < was-1401> actually. 04:43 < mabshoff> ok 04:43 < mabshoff> I assume it is fallout from http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/553 04:43 < was-1401> mhansen fixed something... 04:43 < was-1401> yep. 04:43 < mabshoff> :) 04:43 < was-1401> Solution -- put the exception in explicitly. 04:44 < was-1401> But the doctests should be somewhere else than float, e.g., at the top or bottom in a TESTS section. 04:44 < was-1401> or in __cal__ somewhere. 04:44 < mabshoff> ok 04:44 < was-1401> thx 04:44 < mabshoff> So far no other doctest failures, currently at modform 04:45 < mabshoff> on my list I have 11 more tickets to review. 04:46 < was-1401> i'm almost done with 1401 04:46 < was-1401> 1404 will be trivial. 04:46 < mabshoff> ok. I assume you guys are also starting to feel the pain. 04:46 < mabshoff> It is the 20th hour of BD7 :) 04:46 < was-1401> yes!! 04:46 < mabshoff> It might actually be the first Bug *Day* :) 04:47 < was-1401> i can barely stay awke. 04:47 < was-1401> (just the way I like it...) 04:47 < mabshoff> Well, we might as well release rc0 soonish and meet again in a couple hours, i.e. about 10. 04:47 < was-1401> yep 04:48 < was-1401> that's the plan 04:48 < cc-rvw-1138> 1183 is looking pretty good so far ... i've been trying it on pretty sizeable examples, everything seems consistent 04:48 < mabshoff> Should we fix that calculus doctest? Or just fix it later. 04:48 < was-1401> excellent. 04:48 < cc-rvw-1138> (not that i'm checking computations in degree 6 fields by hand :) ) 04:48 < was-1401> mabshofff -- go ahead and fix it -- just put in the traceback. 04:48 < mabshoff> Well, we might as well merge 1183 then. 04:48 < was-1401> :-) 04:48 < mabshoff> +1 04:49 < mabshoff> Will do, brewing some more black tea first. 04:52 < was-1401> make me some too 04:52 < cc-rvw-1138> so i've run 1183 through some paces, but i can't say i've thought through every line of code, of course. is it still kosher to give it a positive review? 04:52 < was-1401> yes 04:52 < cc-rvw-1138> k. 04:53 < was-1401> says the one being reviewed... 04:53 < cc-rvw-1138> i mean, it handled some pretty crazy examples with large-ish degree fields 04:53 < cc-rvw-1138> so i'm pretty impressed. 04:53 < was-1401> cool. 04:53 < was-1401> the tricky part is reducing O_K when there is no a such that Z[a] = O_K, or when K = Q(b) with b a lame polynomial. 04:54 < cc-rvw-1138> nod ... that was the essence of the problem mentioned on the trac ticket, right? 04:54 < cc-rvw-1138> it just assumed that was the case, bascially 04:54 < cc-rvw-1138> basically 04:55 < cc-rvw-1138> i have to say, it's pretty snappy 04:56 < was-1401> yes 04:56 < was-1401> I just finished 1401 04:56 < was-1401> I actually implementing mutable / immutable vectors in order to finish refereeing it right. 04:57 < was-1401> But that's actually kind of big itself. 04:57 < mabshoff> Two more issues in piecewise: 04:57 < was-1401> craig, you might want to look at that... 04:57 < mabshoff> File "piecewise.py", line 390: 04:57 < mabshoff> sage: L = add([line([[pf[0][0],0],[pf[0][0],pf[1](pf[0][0])]],rgbcolor=(0.7,0.6,0.6)) for pf in rsf.list()]) 04:57 < was-1401> i hate piecewise.py 04:57 < mabshoff> Exception raised: 04:57 < was-1401> hate it!!! 04:57 < mabshoff> Traceback (most recent call last): 04:57 < was-1401> sorry 04:57 < mabshoff> File "/tmp/Work-mabshoff/release-cycles-2.9/sage-2.9.rc0/local/lib/python2.5/doctest.py", line 1212, in __run 04:57 < mabshoff> compileflags, 1) in test.globs 04:57 < cc-rvw-1138> at 1401? 04:57 < mabshoff> File "", line 1, in 04:57 < mabshoff> L = add([line([[pf[Integer(0)][Integer(0)],Integer(0)],[pf[Integer(0)][Integer(0)],pf[Integer(1)](pf[Integer(0)][Integer(0)])]],rgbcolor=(RealNumber('0.7'),RealNumber('0.6'),RealNumber('0.6'))) for pf in rsf.list()])###line 390: 04:57 < mabshoff> sage: L = add([line([[pf[0][0],0],[pf[0][0],pf[1](pf[0][0])]],rgbcolor=(0.7,0.6,0.6)) for pf in rsf.list()]) 04:57 < mabshoff> File "/tmp/Work-mabshoff/release-cycles-2.9/sage-2.9.rc0/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/sage/calculus/calculus.py", line 3687, in __call__ 04:57 < mabshoff> raise ValueError, "the number of arguments must be less than or equal to %s"%self.number_of_arguments() 04:57 < mabshoff> ValueError: the number of arguments must be less than or equal to 0 04:57 < mabshoff> The other one eigth above, line 384 04:57 < mabshoff> ;) 04:58 < was-1401> interesting. 04:59 < cc-rvw-1138> sage: [ [ x[0].residue_field().order() for x in F.ideal(p).factor() ] for p in prime_range(2, 100) ] 04:59 < cc-rvw-1138> [[4, 4, 4], 04:59 < cc-rvw-1138> [3], 04:59 < cc-rvw-1138> [25], 04:59 < cc-rvw-1138> [7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7], 04:59 < cc-rvw-1138> [121, 121, 121], 04:59 < cc-rvw-1138> [2197, 2197], 04:59 < cc-rvw-1138> [289], 04:59 < cc-rvw-1138> [6859, 6859], 04:59 < cc-rvw-1138> [529, 529, 529], 04:59 < cc-rvw-1138> [841, 841, 841], 04:59 < cc-rvw-1138> [31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31], 04:59 < cc-rvw-1138> [37, 37, 37, 37, 37, 37], 04:59 < cc-rvw-1138> [1681, 1681, 1681], 04:59 < cc-rvw-1138> [43, 43, 43, 43, 43, 43], 05:00 < cc-rvw-1138> [2209, 2209, 2209], 05:00 < cc-rvw-1138> [2809, 2809, 2809], 05:00 < cc-rvw-1138> [3481, 3481, 3481], 05:00 < cc-rvw-1138> [61, 61, 61, 61, 61, 61], 05:00 < cc-rvw-1138> [300763, 300763], 05:00 < cc-rvw-1138> [5041, 5041, 5041], 05:00 < cc-rvw-1138> [389017, 389017], 05:00 < cc-rvw-1138> [493039, 493039], 05:00 < cc-rvw-1138> [6889, 6889, 6889], 05:00 < cc-rvw-1138> [7921, 7921, 7921], 05:00 < cc-rvw-1138> [97, 97, 97, 97, 97, 97]] 05:00 < cc-rvw-1138> given that i picked something galois, that seems awfully reassuring. 05:01 < was-1401> :-) 05:01 < was-1401> mabshoff -- do this: 05:01 < was-1401> sage: L = add([line([[pf[0][0],0],[pf[0][0],pf[1](x=pf[0][0])]],rgbcolor=(0.7,0.6,0.6)) for pf in rsf.list()]) 05:01 < was-1401> for the offending line. 05:02 < was-1401> i.e., put pf[1](x=pf[0][0]) instead of pf[1](pf[0][0]) in line around 391. 05:02 < was-1401> ok? 05:02 -!- was-1401 is now known as was-1404 05:02 < was-1404> on to 1404 05:03 < cc-rvw-1138> so i think i have to sleep instead of reviewing 1401. 05:03 < cc-rvw-1138> i'm pretty exhausted. 05:03 < was-1404> ok. 05:03 < mabshoff> was-1401: will do 05:03 < was-1404> re: 1401 -- I think it can go in, since I reviewed it basically. 05:03 < was-1404> thanks craig! 05:04 < mabshoff> ok 05:04 < cc-rvw-1138> no sweat. i'll talk to you guys again in a few hours, i'm sure. ;) 05:04 < mabshoff> only those two doctests I mentioned above failed. 05:04 < cc-rvw-1138> i'll also make sure to build rc0 on my headache-inducing computers. 05:04 < cc-rvw-1138> back in a while ... 05:04 -!- cc-rvw-1138 is now known as craigcitro 05:04 < was-1404> you mean for piecewise. 05:04 < was-1404> just use the explicit: x=pf[0][0]) 05:04 < mabshoff> yep, 2 times in piecewise, once in calculus. 05:05 < was-1404> ok, good. 05:07 < mabshoff> piecewise is fixed. 05:07 < was-1404> #1404 now trivial and ready to go. 05:08 < was-1404> I posted a genuine patch. 05:08 < mabshoff> ok 05:08 < was-1404> and 1401 is also ready to go. 05:08 -!- was-1404 is now known as was-1407 05:08 < mabshoff> What was the final decision on 1183? 05:08 < mabshoff> ok, 1401, 1404 05:09 < was-1407> 1183 is ready to go in. 05:09 < mabshoff> ok 05:09 < was-1407> 1404, 1401, 1183 05:09 < mabshoff> I am fixing the calculus doctest next 05:10 < was-1407> ok 05:10 < mabshoff> just insert the ValueError? 05:10 < was-1407> #1407 is already in and closed?! 05:10 < was-1407> cool. 05:10 -!- was-1407 is now known as was-1425 05:11 < mabshoff> craig reviewed it :) 05:21 < mabshoff> was-1407: I am being dense and can't get the calculus doctest to pass. 05:21 < mabshoff> I tried "... the number of arguments must be less than or equal to 0", but that 05:21 < mabshoff> doesn't work as I hadhoped. 05:22 < was-1425> You have to do an explicit call with input variable,e.g., f(x=7) 05:22 < was-1425> Just leave it -- I'll fix it in rc1. 05:22 < mabshoff> ok 05:23 < mabshoff> sage: f=x*sin(0) 05:23 < mabshoff> sage: float(f(x=1)) 05:23 < mabshoff> 0.0 05:23 < mabshoff> :) 05:23 < was-1425> yep 05:23 < mabshoff> I learned something today :) 05:23 < mabshoff> [about using Sage that is] 05:26 < mabshoff> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1404 is in 05:28 < mabshoff> for http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1401 : only apply the second patch? 05:29 < was-1425> for 401 -- do *both* 05:29 < was-1425> for 1401 -- do both 05:29 < mabshoff> Jep, just found that out. 05:29 < was-1425> :-) 05:30 < mabshoff> use --dry-run first for testing. 05:31 < mabshoff> Another patch for rc1: http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/975 05:32 < mabshoff> ok, 1183 now. 05:38 < mabshoff> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1183 is merged. 05:40 < mabshoff> Ok, because of 1183 I am also closing 1242 and 1185 - did I understand that correctly? 05:40 < was-1425> yes 05:40 < mabshoff> Credit for 1183 goes to roed & you? 05:41 < was-1425> yes 05:41 < mabshoff> excellent 05:41 < was-1425> And "Alyson Deines 05:41 < mabshoff> ok 05:41 < was-1425> #1425 is now ready. 05:41 < mabshoff> cool 05:41 < was-1425> you have to apply only the first and *last* patch. not the middle 05:42 < mabshoff> ok 05:42 -!- was-1425 is now known as was-1515 05:46 < was-1515> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1515 -- done -- positive review. 05:46 < mabshoff> mk 05:46 < mabshoff> Still waiting on the build from 1183 05:46 < was-1515> ok 05:46 < mabshoff> But things are going fairly smooth ;) 05:52 < mabshoff> done, merging 1425, 1515 05:53 < was-1515> i hereby referee 1480 05:53 < was-1515> even though I was the author. 05:53 < mabshoff> :) 05:53 < was-1515> I found some minor problems and fixed them. 05:53 < was-1515> basically my doctest left off # optional. 05:53 < mabshoff> Cool. 1425 is in 05:54 < mabshoff> ok 05:54 < was-1515> ok, everything is refereed now. 05:54 < mabshoff> ok, my list has the following tickets potentially: 05:54 < mabshoff> #975 05:54 < mabshoff> #1137 05:54 < mabshoff> #1139 05:54 < mabshoff> #1155 05:54 < mabshoff> #1258 05:54 < mabshoff> #1363 05:54 < mabshoff> #1421 05:54 < mabshoff> #1503 05:55 < mabshoff> Not sure about the merit and we can always bump to rc1. 05:55 < was-1515> none of those are on my list. 05:55 < mabshoff> :) 05:55 < mabshoff> They have patches, some of them might need work. 05:55 < was-1515> 1137 05:55 < was-1515> maybe that one would be good to do. 05:56 < mabshoff> Well, as I said there is still rc1. 05:56 < was-1515> it looks trivial. 05:56 < was-1515> can ou put 1425 in. 05:56 < was-1515> i mean 1480 05:56 -!- was-1515 is now known as was-1137 05:56 < was-1137> ? 05:56 < mabshoff> on the list? 05:56 < mabshoff> Or merge? 05:56 < mabshoff> merge! 05:56 < was-1137> merge 05:58 < was-1137> #1137 -- looks good! 05:58 < mabshoff> ok 05:59 < was-1137> so if you merge 1480 and 1137, then make rc we'll be good to go. 05:59 < mabshoff> ok 05:59 < was-1137> I could start it building. 05:59 < was-1137> then sleep! 05:59 < mabshoff> I should be done in minutes 05:59 < was-1137> actually you probably want to do some complete builds, then announce it in time for me to wake up. 05:59 < was-1137> That probably makes more sense 06:00 < was-1137> ? 06:00 < was-1137> usually it makes sense to do a complete test on one machine first... 06:00 < mabshoff> Well, I will do an sdist and then start building vanilla builds + check 06:01 < mabshoff> But we should still tell people that the tarball is available, but might contain some surprises 06:01 < was-1137> ok 06:01 < was-1137> the sooner the better, i guess 06:01 < mabshoff> otherwise next to no one will build in time. rc1 will be out before most people will have done rc0 06:01 < mabshoff> yep 06:02 < was-1137> in the last 6 hours there have been 41 sage downloads from sage.math, sagemath, and modular.fas. So estimate maybe 70 total. 06:03 < was-1137> So we're at around 250/day at least. 06:03 < mabshoff> :) 06:03 < was-1137> That's way way higher than 2 weeks ago. 06:03 < was-1137> I'm amazed the traffic has sustained for so long. 06:03 < mabshoff> Yep, let's see what happens when 2.9 is relased. I.e. how many people will upgrade. 06:03 < was-1137> ye. 06:03 < was-1137> yep. 06:03 < was-1137> ok, i got to sleep. 06:03 < mabshoff> +AMS should make a huge difference. 06:04 < mabshoff> Well, excellent Bug Day :) 06:04 < was-1137> that's the biggie. 06:04 < mabshoff> Cu in a couple hours. 06:04 < was-1137> indeed. 06:04 < was-1137> many tickets closed! 06:04 < mabshoff> I should be back in about 8 hours. 06:04 < mabshoff> Nothing better to do ;) 06:04 < was-1137> ok 06:04 < mabshoff> I will do the announcement and so on. 06:04 < was-1137> I have to pack for a 1-month trip to Arizona and San Diego tomorrow too... 06:04 < mabshoff> I drank enough black tea to stay up for hours. 06:04 < mabshoff> ack. 06:05 < was-1137> g'night. 06:05 < mabshoff> I don't think that much will pop up. 06:05 < mabshoff> cu }}}