{{{ mhansen: second question... suppose i have a patch 'doc.patch' in my local combinat queue. how do i get it to 2144? gfurnish: In Python there is staticmethod, but since you want it in Cython, I'm not sure. search_src() says rings/real_mpfr.pyx mhansen: just so i understand... 2144 should be a mirror of the patches directory. the command hg qrefresh updates the current patch; mhansen: hg qcommit updates all the current queue information (which is in .hg/patches) and then the pull and the push will synch that with 2144 Yep, qcommit, commits the state of the patches to the repository in .hg/patches/.hg. mhansen, jbandlow: Since those patches are against "vanilla" 3.0.1 should those tickets not go directly into trac? mabshoff: I'm not sure what what you mean. All the combinat oddities that jbandlow seems to have listed and is working on. mabshoff: my doc.patch probably will. however, the idea is that several of us will be working on one problem and 2144 is a way to sure. synch with each other in a more convinient way then trac And in any case you should open tickets for each area, i.e. "Dyck Words" ok, will do jbandlow: I still haven't decided if the queue repository is the best way to do things, but it is worth trying out. We'll see how many complications come up. That makes review easier and once that patch is pushed down from 2144 we can close it. mhansen: nicolas and anne seem to really prefer something similar to svn, so if this helps them be productive i think it will be worth it' The main thing would be just being disciplined about getting things moved to the main branch. Are you with Nicolas now? no, but i will be after lunch (around 2 or so) I see. Well, could you tell him that I'll have a starting point for free modules done this evening. I have all the module stuff separated from the algebra, and everything passes tests. I just need to finish implementing the rest of the interface. I got a bit distracted doing some work with the new coercion stuff since I had to use a bit of a hack to get things working with the old system. The new coercion/parent/category code is really nice. mhansen: I will. Also fwiw i just did a push of 'dyckwords.patch' to 2144 I'll try merging it with mine. jbandlow: I did a qcommit, qpop -a, hg pull from .hg/patches, hg merge, merged the series files, qpush -a, and everything worked. mhansen: excellent. when you say 'merged the series files' what did that involve? My series file looked like, ABD (since I was working on D), 2144 looked like ABC (since you just pushed that), so now my series looks like ABCD. so that requires editing by hand? :( of course, it is really easy to edit by hand, but it still seems annoying Yeah, it was Ctrl-3, Ctrl-2, Ctrl-S, Ctrl-Q . for those who have kdiff3.... for the mac and vmware people in the crowd it might be trickier but i agree that it's by no means difficult. just an annoyance My biggest concern with the svn-type approach is that stuff that is ready to go in will have to "wait" on stuff that is not ready. why? is your thought that, for example, if i am making an easy to change to tableau.py while nicolas, anne, et al are making big changes, that my patch will be against their 'half-done' patch and so mine will be in limbo until they finish? Things like that although you could just export that changset from the repository, post it to trac, and things would work fine. so i guess i don't understand what you meant Yeah, that what I was thinking of. There are other drawbacks in that you don't get a single patch as a "self-contained" work that someone else could review. my thought was that when a project is complete, all changes related to that project are folded into a single patch which is posted to trac If you do that as a single patch, then it is more difficult to merge the main branch with the combinat branch since they would conflict in those patches. I guess if the single patch were only for review and not for inclusion. }}}