== Sage Club at CMI == Following [[days114|Sage Days 114]], a ''Sage Club'' will meet twice a week at CMI. The ''Sage Club'' is going to be an open forum, led by Samuel Lelièvre and Julian Rüth, where we will learn more about SageMath, focusing on the interests of the participants. Just as with the Sage Days, beginners and students are very welcome at any session. We will meet on Mondays and Thursdays at 14:00, starting from Thursday 28th of July. (If this time frame is inconvenient for you, please let us know, we should be able to move the sessions to another time.) We will meet in LH-6 at CMI. If you cannot make it in person, you can also join on [[https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89463901542?pwd=Uk9Hb1FISXdraTVPRTJpcmVGZ09VQT09|on zoom]]. There is no precise program for the ''Sage Club''. We will certainly begin with tutorials to get you started but after that we want to adapt to the interests of the participants. To give you some ideas, we could try to see how Sage can be used to solve a problem that you are working on, we could look into visualization of Mathematics, we could try to extend some part of SageMath, we could discuss mathematical problems with a computational flavor, … We are going to keep track of the things that were discussed at the sessions in a [[https://hackmd.io/@EGlfdaUNRiSIIb7HvoU0rw/Sy6sZJr6q/edit|hackmd]]. Feel free to contribute to our notes there :)