Sage Days 125: combinatorics, number theory, dynamical systems and geometry

From January 29th to February 1st 2024 in Maison de la nature du bassin d'Arcachon (France) in the parc ornithologique du Teich.

Main thematics will be combinatorics, number theory, dynamical systems and geometry.

If you wish to come, get in touch with the organizers either by e-mail.

Satellites events


All participants will lodge at Maison de la nature du bassin d'Arcachon

Participants travelling from far can arrive on Sunday.

Don't forget


Participants are asked to express their wish for talks and tutorial here: URL to come



Participants are expected to think about their project in advance. Participants are asked to describe their projects here: URL to come


The workshop is funded by:



  1. Xavier Caruso (Université de Bordeaux)

  2. Vincent Delecroix (Université de Bordeaux)

  3. Sébastien Labbé (Université de Bordeaux)