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Revision 15 as of 2011-09-20 21:13:54
Size: 2559
Editor: lola
Revision 16 as of 2011-09-20 21:15:17
Size: 2577
Editor: lola
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* Kate's Group

To do list

* from Alice's talk:

  • Implement the algorithm (use Sage's pseudoprime function to check)
  • What other primality tests does Pari have? Wrap these.
  • Make things faster: implement as a python (maybe cython??) file
  • How does GIMPS work?
  • Ask Drew Sutherland what he's done?
  • Implement Larry Washington's formulas for dealing with elliptic curves over integral domains

* KateWishList.sws

  • Wrap E.reduction(prime)(P) so that we can also use P.reduction(prime)
  • See what exactly is going on in E.global_minimal_model(), is it returning the unique restricted model? If so, update documentation
  • Implement Singular Weierstrass Equations and functionality similar to Elliptic Curves
    • make E.reduction(bad_prime) able to return this singular cubic object (maybe with a flag?)
    • change weierstrass model, addition of points, P.is_singular() to check if point is node/cusp, etc
  • Compute lots of examples to find guesses for bounds on "C"
  • p-adic Tate's algorithm

* Put Kate's EDS class into sage (document properly)?

* p-adics

* wrapping of gauss composition (in pari: QuadClassUnit)

* #11697: Global minimal models over number fields with class number >= 1

  • this is in Connell and probably wouldn't take to long to get at least a python toy version
  • Sage already has this for class number 1 fields

* Open beginner tickets

* Reviewing number theory and elliptic curve tickets

* Kate's Group

* L-function Project http://wiki.sagemath.org/days33/lfunction

days33/todo (last edited 2011-09-20 21:34:07 by lola)