Differences between revisions 1 and 12 (spanning 11 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2008-05-07 13:21:28
Size: 5502
Editor: schilly
Revision 12 as of 2009-05-20 21:40:59
Size: 10379
Editor: DavidJoyner
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 2: Line 2:
goto [:interact:interact main page] goto [[interact|interact main page]]

Line 36: Line 38:
    show(plot(y_exact(x),start,stop,rgbcolor=(1,0,0))+line([[xvals[index],sol[index]] for index in range(len(sol))]),xmin=start,xmax = stop, ymax = sol_max, ymin = sol_min)         show(plot(y_exact(x),start,stop,rgbcolor=(1,0,0))+line([[xvals[index],sol[index]] for index in range(len(sol))]),xmin=start,xmax = stop, ymax = sol_max, ymin = sol_min)
Line 43: Line 45:
attachment:eulermethod.png {{attachment:eulermethod.png}}
Line 46: Line 48:
by Mike Hansen (tested and updated by William Stein) by Mike Hansen (tested and updated by William Stein, and later by Dan Drake)
Line 49: Line 51:
def _(f = input_box(default=y), g=input_box(default=-x*y+x^3-x), 
      xmin=input_box(default=-1), xmax=input_box(default=1), 
      ymin=input_box(default=-1), ymax=input_box(default=1), 
      start_x=input_box(default=0.5), start_y=input_box(default=0.5),  
from sage.ext.fast_eval import fast_float
def _(f = input_box(default=y), g=input_box(default=-x*y+x^3-x),
      xmin=input_box(default=-1), xmax=input_box(default=1),
      ymin=input_box(default=-1), ymax=input_box(default=1),
      start_x=input_box(default=0.5), start_y=input_box(default=0.5),
Line 55: Line 58:
    old_f = f
    f = f.function(x,y)
    old_g = g
    g = g.function(x,y)
    ff = fast_float(f, 'x', 'y')
    gg = fast_float(g, 'x', 'y')
Line 65: Line 66:
            points.append( (xx+step_size*f(xx,yy), yy+step_size*g(xx,yy)) )             points.append( (xx + step_size * ff(xx,yy), yy + step_size * gg(xx,yy)) )
Line 74: Line 75:
    html(r"<h2>$ \frac{dx}{dt} = %s$ $ \frac{dy}{dt} = %s$</h2>"%(latex(old_f),latex(old_g)))
    print "Step size: %s"%step_size
    print "Steps: %s"%steps

    html(r"$\displaystyle\frac{dx}{dt} = %s$ $ \displaystyle\frac{dy}{dt} = %s$" % (latex(f),latex(g)))
Line 80: Line 79:
attachment:euler.png {{attachment:euler.png}}
Line 90: Line 89:
def _(fin = input_box(default=y+exp(x/10)-1/3*((x-1/2)^2+y^3)*x-x*y^3), gin=input_box(default=x^3-x+1/100*exp(y*x^2+x*y^2)-0.7*x), 
      xmin=input_box(default=-1), xmax=input_box(default=1.8), 
      ymin=input_box(default=-1.3), ymax=input_box(default=1.5), 
      x_start=(-1,(-2,2)), y_start=(0,(-2,2)), error=(0.5,(0,1)), 
def _(fin = input_box(default=y+exp(x/10)-1/3*((x-1/2)^2+y^3)*x-x*y^3), gin=input_box(default=x^3-x+1/100*exp(y*x^2+x*y^2)-0.7*x),
      xmin=input_box(default=-1), xmax=input_box(default=1.8),
      ymin=input_box(default=-1.3), ymax=input_box(default=1.5),
      x_start=(-1,(-2,2)), y_start=(0,(-2,2)), error=(0.5,(0,1)),
Line 107: Line 106:
Line 111: Line 110:
Line 113: Line 112:
    path = []           path = []
Line 119: Line 118:
      T.function = lambda t, yp: [ff(yp[0],yp[1]), gg(yp[0],yp[1])]         T.function = lambda t, yp: [ff(yp[0],yp[1]), gg(yp[0],yp[1])]
Line 129: Line 128:
attachment:ode_runga_kutta.png {{attachment:ode_runga_kutta.png}}

== Mass/Spring systems ==
by Jason Grout

These two interacts involve some Cython code or other scipy imports, so I've posted a file containing them. You can download the worksheet or copy it online.

  * https://sage.math.washington.edu/home/pub/42
  * https://sage.math.washington.edu/home/pub/43

== Autonomous equations and stable/unstable fixed points ==
by Marshall Hampton
This needs the Cython functon defined in a seperate cell. Note that it is not a particularly good example of Cython use.

cpdef RK4_1d(f, double t_start, double y_start, double t_end, int steps, double y_upper = 10**6, double y_lower = -10**6):
    Fourth-order scalar Runge-Kutta solver with fixed time steps. f must be a function of t,y,
    where y is just a scalar variable.
    cdef double step_size = (t_end - t_start)/steps
    cdef double t_current = t_start
    cdef double y_current = y_start
    cdef list answer_table = []
    cdef int j
    for j in range(0,steps):
        k1=f(t_current, y_current)
        k2=f(t_current+step_size/2, y_current + k1*step_size/2)
        k3=f(t_current+step_size/2, y_current + k2*step_size/2)
        k4=f(t_current+step_size, y_current + k3*step_size)
        t_current += step_size
        y_current = y_current + (step_size/6)*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)
        if y_current > y_upper or y_current < y_lower:
            j = steps
    return answer_table

from sage.rings.polynomial.real_roots import *
def autonomous_plot(poly=input_box(x*(x-1)*(x-2),label='polynomial'), t_end = slider(1,10,step_size = .1)):
    y = polygen(ZZ)
    ypoly = sage_eval(repr(poly).replace('x','y'),locals=locals())
    rr = real_roots(ypoly, max_diameter = 1/100)
    eps = 0.2
    delvals = .04
    minr = min([x[0][0] for x in rr])
    maxr = max([x[0][1] for x in rr])
    svals = [(minr-eps)*t+(1-t)*(maxr+eps) for t in srange(0,1+delvals,delvals)]
    def polyf(t,xi):
        return poly(x=xi)
    paths = [RK4_1d(polyf,0.0,q,t_end,100.0) for q in svals]
    miny = max(minr-eps,min([min([q1[1] for q1 in q]) for q in paths]))
    maxy = min(maxr+eps,max([max([q1[1] for q1 in q]) for q in paths]))
    solpaths = sum([line(q) for q in paths])
    fixedpoints = sum([line([[0,(q[0][0]+q[0][1])/2],[t_end,(q[0][0]+q[0][1])/2]], rgbcolor = (1,0,0)) for q in rr])
    html("Autonomous differential equation $x' = p(x)$")
    show(solpaths+fixedpoints, ymin = miny, ymax = maxy, xmin = 0, xmax = t_end, figsize = [6,4])

== Heat equation using Fourier series ==
by Pablo Angulo

x0 = 0
f = x*exp(-x^2)
p = plot(f,0,2*pi, thickness=2)
c = 1/pi
alpha=[(n,c*numerical_integral(f(x)*sin(x*n/2),0,2*pi)[0] ) for n in range(1,orden)]

def _(tiempo = (0.1*j for j in (0..10)) ):
    ft = sum( a*sin(x*n/2)*exp(-k*(n/2)^2*tiempo) for n,a in alpha)
    pt = plot(ft, 0, 2*pi, color='green', thickness=2)
    show( p + pt, ymin = -.2)

== Heat equation using finite diferences in cython (very fast!) ==
by Pablo Angulo

#cython code implementing a very simple finite diference scheme
import numpy as np
def calor_cython(u0,float dx, float k,float t_f,int tsteps):
    cdef int m
    cdef float dt
    cdef float s
    s=k*dt/(dx**2) #we cannot use ^ for exponentiation in cython
    for m in range(tsteps):
    return u

#interact box wrapping the code above

def _(f=input_box(default=x*exp(-x^2)), longitud=input_box(default=2*pi),
      tiempo=input_box(default=0.1), M=input_box(default=100),
      k=input_box(default=1), tsteps=input_box(default=2000) ):
    xs=[n*dx for n in range(M+1)]
    u0=[efe(a) for a in xs]

    s=k*(tiempo/tsteps) /dx^2
    if s>0.5:
        print 's=%f > 1/2!!! The method is not stable'%s

    show( line2d(zip(xs, u0)) + line2d(zip(xs, ut), rgbcolor='green') )


== DE with boundary values ==

The following interact demo looks at the DE+BC y'+y=0, y(0)=a, y(b)=c, and has a slider for b. When b=pi "problems arise":-)

def BCs(b=input_box(1,label='BC at far endpoint'), c = slider(1,5,step_size = .01), a = 1):
    P1 = text("$y''+y=0,\ y(0) = a,\ y(b) = c$",(4,-1/(c-3.14152)))
    P2 = plot(a*cos(x)+(b-a*cos(c))*sin(x)/sin(c),x,0,5)

Sage Interactions - Differential Equations

goto interact main page

Euler's Method in one variable

by Marshall Hampton. This needs some polishing but its usable as is.

def tab_list(y, headers = None):
    Converts a list into an html table with borders.
    s = '<table border = 1>'
    if headers:
        for q in headers:
            s = s + '<th>' + str(q) + '</th>'
    for x in y:
        s = s + '<tr>'
        for q in x:
            s = s + '<td>' + str(q) + '</td>'
        s = s + '</tr>'
    s = s + '</table>'
    return s
var('x y')
def euler_method(y_exact_in = input_box('-cos(x)+1.0', type = str, label = 'Exact solution = '), y_prime_in = input_box('sin(x)', type = str, label = "y' = "), start = input_box(0.0, label = 'x starting value: '), stop = input_box(6.0, label = 'x stopping value: '), startval = input_box(0.0, label = 'y starting value: '), nsteps = slider([2^m for m in range(0,10)], default = 10, label = 'Number of steps: '), show_steps = slider([2^m for m in range(0,10)], default = 8, label = 'Number of steps shown in table: ')):
    y_exact = lambda x: eval(y_exact_in)
    y_prime = lambda x,y: eval(y_prime_in)
    stepsize = float((stop-start)/nsteps)
    steps_shown = max(nsteps,show_steps)
    sol = [startval]
    xvals = [start]
    for step in range(nsteps):
        sol.append(sol[-1] + stepsize*y_prime(xvals[-1],sol[-1]))
        xvals.append(xvals[-1] + stepsize)
    sol_max = max(sol + [find_maximum_on_interval(y_exact,start,stop)[0]])
    sol_min = min(sol + [find_minimum_on_interval(y_exact,start,stop)[0]])
    show(plot(y_exact(x),start,stop,rgbcolor=(1,0,0))+line([[xvals[index],sol[index]] for index in range(len(sol))]),xmin=start,xmax = stop, ymax = sol_max, ymin = sol_min)
    if nsteps < steps_shown:
        table_range = range(len(sol))
        table_range = range(0,floor(steps_shown/2)) + range(len(sol)-floor(steps_shown/2),len(sol))
    html(tab_list([[i,xvals[i],sol[i]] for i in table_range], headers = ['step','x','y']))


Vector Fields and Euler's Method

by Mike Hansen (tested and updated by William Stein, and later by Dan Drake)

x,y = var('x,y')
from sage.ext.fast_eval import fast_float
def _(f = input_box(default=y), g=input_box(default=-x*y+x^3-x),
      xmin=input_box(default=-1), xmax=input_box(default=1),
      ymin=input_box(default=-1), ymax=input_box(default=1),
      start_x=input_box(default=0.5), start_y=input_box(default=0.5),
      step_size=(0.01,(0.001, 0.2)), steps=(600,(0, 1400)) ):
    ff = fast_float(f, 'x', 'y')
    gg = fast_float(g, 'x', 'y')
    steps = int(steps)

    points = [ (start_x, start_y) ]
    for i in range(steps):
        xx, yy = points[-1]
            points.append( (xx + step_size * ff(xx,yy), yy + step_size * gg(xx,yy)) )
        except (ValueError, ArithmeticError, TypeError):

    starting_point = point(points[0], pointsize=50)
    solution = line(points)
    vector_field = plot_vector_field( (f,g), (x,xmin,xmax), (y,ymin,ymax) )

    result = vector_field + starting_point + solution

    html(r"$\displaystyle\frac{dx}{dt} = %s$  $ \displaystyle\frac{dy}{dt} = %s$" % (latex(f),latex(g)))


Vector Field with Runga-Kutta-Fehlberg

by Harald Schilly

# Solve ODEs using sophisticated Methods like Runga-Kutta-Fehlberg
# by Harald Schilly, April 2008
# (jacobian doesn't work, please fix ...)
var('x y')
def _(fin = input_box(default=y+exp(x/10)-1/3*((x-1/2)^2+y^3)*x-x*y^3), gin=input_box(default=x^3-x+1/100*exp(y*x^2+x*y^2)-0.7*x),
      xmin=input_box(default=-1), xmax=input_box(default=1.8),
      ymin=input_box(default=-1.3), ymax=input_box(default=1.5),
      x_start=(-1,(-2,2)), y_start=(0,(-2,2)), error=(0.5,(0,1)),
      t_length=(23,(0, 100)) , num_of_points = (1500,(5,2000)),
      algorithm = selector([
         ("rkf45" , "runga-kutta-felhberg (4,5)"),
         ("rk2" , "embedded runga-kutta (2,3)"),
         ("rk4" , "4th order classical runga-kutta"),
         ("rk8pd" , 'runga-kutta prince-dormand (8,9)'),
         ("rk2imp" , "implicit 2nd order runga-kutta at gaussian points"),
         ("rk4imp" , "implicit 4th order runga-kutta at gaussian points"),
         ("bsimp" , "implicit burlisch-stoer (requires jacobian)"),
         ("gear1" , "M=1 implicit gear"),
         ("gear2" , "M=2 implicit gear")

    ff = f._fast_float_(*f.args())
    gg = g._fast_float_(*g.args())

    path = []
    err = error
    xerr = 0
    for yerr in [-err, 0, +err]:
      T.function = lambda t, yp: [ff(yp[0],yp[1]), gg(yp[0],yp[1])]
      T.jacobian = lambda t, yp: [[diff(fun,dval)(yp[0],yp[1]) for dval in [x,y]] for fun in [f,g]]
      T.ode_solve(y_0=[x_start + xerr, y_start + yerr],t_span=[0,t_length],num_points=num_of_points)
      path.append(line([p[1] for p in T.solution]))

    vector_field = plot_vector_field( (f,g), (x,xmin,xmax), (y,ymin,ymax) )
    starting_point = point([x_start, y_start], pointsize=50)
    show(vector_field + starting_point + sum(path), aspect_ratio=1, figsize=[8,9])


Mass/Spring systems

by Jason Grout

These two interacts involve some Cython code or other scipy imports, so I've posted a file containing them. You can download the worksheet or copy it online.

Autonomous equations and stable/unstable fixed points

by Marshall Hampton This needs the Cython functon defined in a seperate cell. Note that it is not a particularly good example of Cython use.

cpdef RK4_1d(f, double t_start, double y_start, double t_end, int steps, double y_upper = 10**6, double y_lower = -10**6):
    Fourth-order scalar Runge-Kutta solver with fixed time steps. f must be a function of t,y, 
    where y is just a scalar variable.
    cdef double step_size = (t_end - t_start)/steps
    cdef double t_current = t_start
    cdef double y_current = y_start
    cdef list answer_table = []
    cdef int j
    for j in range(0,steps):
        k1=f(t_current, y_current)
        k2=f(t_current+step_size/2, y_current + k1*step_size/2)
        k3=f(t_current+step_size/2, y_current + k2*step_size/2)
        k4=f(t_current+step_size, y_current + k3*step_size)
        t_current += step_size
        y_current = y_current + (step_size/6)*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)
        if y_current > y_upper or y_current < y_lower: 
            j = steps
    return answer_table

from sage.rings.polynomial.real_roots import *
def autonomous_plot(poly=input_box(x*(x-1)*(x-2),label='polynomial'), t_end = slider(1,10,step_size = .1)): 
    y = polygen(ZZ)
    ypoly = sage_eval(repr(poly).replace('x','y'),locals=locals())
    rr = real_roots(ypoly, max_diameter = 1/100)
    eps = 0.2
    delvals = .04
    minr = min([x[0][0] for x in rr])
    maxr = max([x[0][1] for x in rr])
    svals = [(minr-eps)*t+(1-t)*(maxr+eps) for t in srange(0,1+delvals,delvals)]
    def polyf(t,xi):
        return poly(x=xi)
    paths = [RK4_1d(polyf,0.0,q,t_end,100.0) for q in svals]    
    miny = max(minr-eps,min([min([q1[1] for q1 in q]) for q in paths]))
    maxy = min(maxr+eps,max([max([q1[1] for q1 in q]) for q in paths]))
    solpaths = sum([line(q) for q in paths])
    fixedpoints = sum([line([[0,(q[0][0]+q[0][1])/2],[t_end,(q[0][0]+q[0][1])/2]], rgbcolor = (1,0,0)) for q in rr])
    html("Autonomous differential equation $x' = p(x)$")
    show(solpaths+fixedpoints, ymin = miny, ymax = maxy, xmin = 0, xmax = t_end, figsize = [6,4])


Heat equation using Fourier series

by Pablo Angulo

x0  = 0
f   = x*exp(-x^2)
p   = plot(f,0,2*pi, thickness=2)
c   = 1/pi
alpha=[(n,c*numerical_integral(f(x)*sin(x*n/2),0,2*pi)[0] ) for n in range(1,orden)]

def _(tiempo = (0.1*j for j in (0..10)) ):
    ft = sum( a*sin(x*n/2)*exp(-k*(n/2)^2*tiempo) for n,a in alpha)
    pt = plot(ft, 0, 2*pi, color='green', thickness=2)
    show( p + pt, ymin = -.2)


Heat equation using finite diferences in cython (very fast!)

by Pablo Angulo

#cython code implementing a very simple finite diference scheme
import numpy as np
def calor_cython(u0,float dx, float k,float t_f,int tsteps):
    cdef int m
    cdef float dt
    cdef float s
    s=k*dt/(dx**2)        #we cannot use ^ for exponentiation in cython
    for m in range(tsteps):
    return u

#interact box wrapping the code above

def _(f=input_box(default=x*exp(-x^2)), longitud=input_box(default=2*pi),
      tiempo=input_box(default=0.1), M=input_box(default=100),
      k=input_box(default=1), tsteps=input_box(default=2000) ):
    xs=[n*dx for n in range(M+1)]
    u0=[efe(a) for a in xs]

    s=k*(tiempo/tsteps) /dx^2
    if s>0.5:
        print 's=%f > 1/2!!!  The method is not stable'%s

    show( line2d(zip(xs, u0)) + line2d(zip(xs, ut), rgbcolor='green') )


DE with boundary values

The following interact demo looks at the DE+BC y'+y=0, y(0)=a, y(b)=c, and has a slider for b. When b=pi "problems arise":-)

def BCs(b=input_box(1,label='BC at far endpoint'), c = slider(1,5,step_size = .01), a = 1): 
    P1 = text("$y''+y=0,\ y(0) = a,\ y(b) = c$",(4,-1/(c-3.14152)))
    P2 = plot(a*cos(x)+(b-a*cos(c))*sin(x)/sin(c),x,0,5)


interact/diffeq (last edited 2020-02-08 13:22:36 by chapoton)