Differences between revisions 1 and 2
Revision 1 as of 2008-12-27 20:56:23
Size: 3503
Comment: update singular to 3-0-4-4-20080711.p2
Revision 2 as of 2022-04-05 00:57:37
Size: 0
Editor: mkoeppe
Comment: outdated
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= Singular =

== Patches ==

 * assert.h
 * kernel.Makefile.in
 * src.Singular.Makefile.in
 * fac_distrib.cc (should be in upstream past singular-3-0-4-4-20080711)

== Releases ==

=== singular-3-0-4-4-20080711.p2 (Michael Abshoff, November 30th, 2008) ===
 * Fix header permission problem (#4668)
 * delete old singular headers in $SAGE_LOCAL/include/singular

=== singular-3-0-4-4-20080711.p1 (Michael Abshoff, September 1st, 2008) ===
 * Fix three Solaris issues: libsingular build options, tail POSIX issue and install missing on Solaris
=== singular-3-0-4-4-20080711.p0 (Michael Abshoff, August 19th, 2008) ===
 * add 64 bit OSX support
 * Fix mv-factoprization bug reported by Tom Boothby

=== singular-3-0-4-4-20080711 (Martin Albrecht, July 11th, 2008) ===
 * new upstream release

=== singular-3-0-4-2-20080405.p2 (Michael Abshoff, May 10th, 2008) ===
 * Default to "-O2" on Linux/Itanium (fixes #2983)
 * Do not require flex to build Singular (fixes #3158)

=== singular-3-0-4-2-20080405.p1 (Michael Abshoff, April 19th, 2008) ===
 * import Tim Abbott's Debian build fix (#2966)

=== singular-3-0-4-2-20080405.p0 (Martin Albrecht) ===
 * Update Singular to the latest snapshot

=== singular-3-0-4-1-20071209.p3 (Michael Abshoff) ===
 * fix memleak in kernel/longrat.cc

* 20080105 William Stein -- Deleted LIB/surfex and modified LIB/all to not have surfex in it.
We should *not* ship and install precompiled java without thinking it through carefully and
understanding and testing it.

* 20070823 Juan M. Bello Rivas
 + dropped dependencies on flex and bison

* 20070802 Martin Albrecht
 + new upstream release (3-0-3)
 + adapted new spkg structure (all changes in patches subdirectory)

* 20070506 Martin Albrecht
 + build script improvements
 + changes to libsingular.h

* 20070326 Martin Albrecht
 + rewrote spkg-install
 + added first alpha of libsingular.so
 + removed stand-alone libfactory

* 20070105 William Stein
 + included Singular/Singular.rc.in which was missing for some
   reason and is needed by the cygwin build.

* 20060825 Martin Albrecht <malb@informatik.uni-bremen.de>
 + removed hannes-sprueche.txt (not funny anyway)
 + removed ntl subdirectory (we ship NTL already)
 + removed modules subdirectory (not needed)
 + removed Tst subdirectory (not needed)
 + wrote (very simple) spkg-install from scratch

* 20060831 William Stein and Justin Walker -- fine tuning
  for OS X.

* 20060831 William Stein -- put a lot of the workarounds from the previous
   Singular spkg-install script in here, since they are in fact needed
   in order for Singular to work after you type, e.g., make clean, or if
   you move the install directory.

* Martin Albrecht -- add fix to libcf:
Yes, It's a (new?) bug in libcf I've fixed just yesterday but got no word from
the Singular people yet. They free a char ptr they are not supposed to free
if I understand the ostrstring docs correctly. I've attached the
one-line-fixed int_poly.cc which belongs in the factory subdirectory of

 * Martin Albrecht -- 2006-09-17:
This looks to me as if I didn't remove all references to boost:
/usr/include/boost/dynamic_bitset/dynamic_bitset.hpp:1098: error: exception
I've attached an updated configure.in and configure (created with autoconf
2.60) with Boost checks disabled which should fix the problem. These belong
in the Singular subdirectory: