SageMath Wiki

This is a wiki for the Sage - Mathematics Software System project. There are other ThingsCalledSage.

There is another Sage Wiki on GitHub.

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Since version 9.0, Sage is using Python 3. See Python3-Switch for more information.

SageDays, Sage Workshops, other activities

Past and future Workshops

Google Summer of Code

Hosting a workshop


The most up-to date list of Sage developers is on our Sage developer map

Some people still maintain their wiki homepages.

Mailing Lists / Chat Rooms

The main active mailing lists are sage-support, sage-devel, sage-release; see complete list of lists.

Zulip group chat server for realtime collaboration on Sage (like Slack). Fairly low-activity.

SageMath has a presence on some Social Networks.


SageMath development has moved to our GitHub repository sagemath/sage.

Release notes (higher level than change logs) are collaboratively prepared at ReleaseTours.

Special Discussion Pages

Features and Packages

Demonstrations of Graphical Capabilities

About this wiki

Editing the wiki. Page editing uses the MoinMoin syntax. If you want to edit the wiki or change your password, do not hesitate to request an account by sending an email at; a GitHub account cannot be used for this. Since it is a wiki, pages should be made to last over many, and frequent, changes. If an external link is made, please attach relevant files/content to avoid broken links. If you edit an existing page with a long history, a key question is: "If someone opens this page tomorrow, will they be able to tell which information is current and which is outdated?" Edit accordingly.

SageWiki maintenance. The SageWikiMaintenance page attempts to reorganize the wiki, which has accumulated many outdated pages. Pages related to development are being transferred to the Sage Wiki on GitHub or merged in our developer guide.

License and Copyright. Contributions to the Sage wiki and to the Sage documentation are licensed under the Creative Commons 3.0 BY-SA license. By contributing, you agree to place your contribution under that license.

SageWiki (last edited 2024-08-17 20:30:05 by mkoeppe)