Differences between revisions 13 and 49 (spanning 36 versions)
Revision 13 as of 2009-05-21 01:28:27
Size: 7817
Editor: Minh Nguyen
Comment: Summarize #5502, #5586, #5566
Revision 49 as of 2024-08-19 22:28:15
Size: 0
Editor: mkoeppe
Comment: migrated to https://github.com/sagemath/sage/releases/tag/4.0 (including attachments)
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= Sage 4.0 Release Tour =

Sage 4.0 was released on FIXME. For the official, comprehensive release note, please refer to [[http://www.sagemath.org/src/announce/sage-4.0.txt|sage-4.0.txt]]. A nicely formatted version of this release tour can be found at FIXME. The following points are some of the foci of this release:


== Algebra ==

 * Deprecate the {{{order()}}} method on elements of rings (John Palmieri) -- The method {{{order()}}} of the class {{{sage.structure.element.RingElement}}} is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. For additive or multiplicative order, use the {{{additive_order}}} or {{{multiplicative_order}}} method respectively.

 * FIXME: summarize #6052

== Algebraic Geometry ==

 * Various invariants for genus 2 hyperelliptic curves (Nick Alexander) -- The following invariants for genus 2 hyperelliptic curves are implemented in the module {{{sage/schemes/hyperelliptic_curves/hyperelliptic_g2_generic.py}}}:
  * the Clebsch invariants
  * the Igusa-Clebsch invariants
  * the absolute Igusa invariants

== Basic Arithmetic ==

 * FIXME: summarize #6036

 * FIXME: summarize #6080

== Build ==

== Calculus ==

== Coercion ==

== Combinatorics ==

 * ASCII art output for Dynkin diagrams (Dan Bump) -- Support for ASCII art representation of [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynkin_diagram|Dynkin diagrams]] of a finite Cartan type. Here are some examples:
sage: DynkinDiagram("E6")

        O 2
1 3 4 5 6
sage: DynkinDiagram(['E',6,1])

        O 0
        O 2
1 3 4 5 6

== Commutative Algebra ==

 * Improved performance for {{{SR}}} (Martin Albrecht) -- The speed-up gain for {{{SR}}} is up to 6x. The following timing statistics were obtained using the machine sage.math:

sage: sr = mq.SR(4, 4, 4, 8, gf2=True, polybori=True, allow_zero_inversions=True)
sage: %time F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
CPU times: user 21.65 s, sys: 0.03 s, total: 21.68 s
Wall time: 21.83 s


sage: sr = mq.SR(4, 4, 4, 8, gf2=True, polybori=True, allow_zero_inversions=True)
sage: %time F,s = sr.polynomial_system()
CPU times: user 3.61 s, sys: 0.06 s, total: 3.67 s
Wall time: 3.67 s

 * Symmetric Groebner bases and infinitely generated polynomial rings (Simon King, Mike Hansen) -- The new modules {{{sage/rings/polynomial/infinite_polynomial_element.py}}} and {{{sage/rings/polynomial/infinite_polynomial_ring.py}}} support computation in polynomial rings with a countably infinite number of variables. Here are some examples for working with these new modules:
sage: from sage.rings.polynomial.infinite_polynomial_element import InfinitePolynomial
sage: X.<x> = InfinitePolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: a = InfinitePolynomial(X, "(x1 + x2)^2"); a
x2^2 + 2*x2*x1 + x1^2
sage: p = a.polynomial()
sage: b = InfinitePolynomial(X, a.polynomial())
sage: a == b
sage: InfinitePolynomial(X, int(1))
sage: InfinitePolynomial(X, 1)
sage: Y.<x,y> = InfinitePolynomialRing(GF(2), implementation="sparse")
sage: InfinitePolynomial(Y, a)
x2^2 + x1^2

sage: X.<x,y> = InfinitePolynomialRing(QQ, implementation="sparse")
sage: A.<a,b> = InfinitePolynomialRing(QQ, order="deglex")
sage: f = x[5] + 2; f
x5 + 2
sage: g = 3*y[1]; g
sage: g._p.parent()
Univariate Polynomial Ring in y1 over Rational Field
sage: f2 = a[5] + 2; f2
a5 + 2
sage: g2 = 3*b[1]; g2
sage: A.polynomial_ring()
Multivariate Polynomial Ring in b5, b4, b3, b2, b1, b0, a5, a4, a3, a2, a1, a0 over Rational Field
sage: f + g
3*y1 + x5 + 2
sage: p = x[10]^2 * (f + g); p
3*y1*x10^2 + x10^2*x5 + 2*x10^2
 Furthermore, the new module {{{sage/rings/polynomial/symmetric_ideal.py}}} supports ideals of polynomial rings in a countably infinite number of variables that are invariant under variable permuation. Symmetric reduction of infinite polynomials is provided by the new module {{{sage/rings/polynomial/symmetric_reduction.pyx}}}.

== Distribution ==

== Doctest ==

== Documentation ==

== Geometry ==

== Graph Theory ==

 * Graph colouring (Robert Miller) -- New method {{{coloring()}}} of the class {{{sage.graphs.graph.Graph}}} for obtaining the first (optimal) coloring found on a graph. Here are some examples on using this new method:
sage: G = Graph("Fooba")
sage: P = G.coloring()
sage: G.plot(partition=P)
sage: H = G.coloring(hex_colors=True)
sage: G.plot(vertex_colors=H)


 * FIXME: summarize #6066

 * FIXME: summarize #3932

 * FIXME: summarize #5940

 * FIXME: summarize #6086

== Graphics ==

 * FIXME: summarize #5249

== Group Theory ==

 * FIXME: summarize #5664

 * FIXME: summarize #5844

== Interfaces ==

 * Viewing Sage objects with a PDF viewer (Nicolas Thiery) -- Implements the option {{{viewer="pdf"}}} for the command {{{view()}}} so that one can invoke this command in the form {{{view(object, viewer="pdf")}}} in order to view {{{object}}} using a PDF viewer. Typical uses of this new optional argument include:
  * You prefer to use a PDF viewer rather than a DVI viewer.
  * You want to view LaTeX snippets which are not displayed well in DVI viewers (e.g. graphics produced using tikzpicture).

 * Change name of Pari's {{{sum}}} function when imported (Craig Citro) -- When Pari's {{{sum}}} function is imported, it is renamed to {{{pari_sum}}} in order to avoid conflict Python's {{{sum}}} function.

== Linear Algebra ==

 * FIXME: summarize #5974

 * FIXME: summarize #5557

 * FIXME: summarize #5381

 * FIXME: summarize #5554

== Miscellaneous ==

 * Allow use of {{{pdflatex}}} instead of {{{latex}}} (John Palmieri) -- One can now use {{{pdflatex}}} instead of {{{latex}}} in two different ways:
  * Use a {{{%pdflatex}}} cell in a notebook; or
  * Call {{{latex.pdflatex(True)}}}
 after which any use of {{{latex}}} (in a {{{%latex}}} cell or using the {{{view}}} command) will use {{{pdflatex}}}. One visually appealing aspect of this is that if you have the most recent version of [[http://pgf.sourceforge.net|pgf]] installed, as well as the {{{tkz-graph}}} package, you can produce images like the following:

 * FIXME: summarize #5783

== Modular Forms ==

 * FIXME: summarize #4337

 * FIXME: summarize #4357

 * FIXME: summarize #5262

 * FIXME: summarize #5792

 * FIXME: summarize #5796

 * FIXME: summarize #6019

 * FIXME: summarize #5924

== Notebook ==

== Number Theory ==

 * FIXME: summarize #5250

 * FIXME: summarize #6013

 * FIXME: summarize #6008

 * FIXME: summarize #6004

 * FIXME: summarize #6059

 * FIXME: summarize #6064

== Numerical ==

== Packages ==

 * FIXME: summarize #4223

 * FIXME: summarize #6031

 * FIXME: summarize #5934

 * FIXME: summarize #1338

 * FIXME: summarize #6032

 * FIXME: summarize #6024

== P-adics ==

 * FIXME: summarize #5105

 * FIXME: summarize #5236

== Quadratic Forms ==

 * FIXME: summarize #6037

== Symbolics ==

 * FIXME: summarize #5777

== Topology ==

 * Random simplicial complexes (John Palmieri) -- New method {{{RandomComplex()}}} in the module {{{sage/homology/examples.py}}} for producing a random {{{d}}}-dimensional simplicial complex on {{{n}}} vertices. Here's an example:
sage: simplicial_complexes.RandomComplex(6,12)
Simplicial complex with vertex set (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) and facets {(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)}

== User Interface ==

== Website / Wiki ==