Differences between revisions 1 and 90 (spanning 89 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2016-05-06 23:18:54
Size: 4163
Editor: slelievre
Comment: Initial list of SageMath external packages
Revision 90 as of 2022-09-17 17:36:32
Size: 3698
Editor: mkoeppe
Comment: Move list of packages to ticket #31164 for processing
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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A tentative list of external packages for SageMath. A list of external packages for SageMath (spkg, pip-installable packages, etc).
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They come in various forms (spkg, pip-installable packages, etc). - Please free to add more packages, links, notes to `Meta-ticket #31164 <https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/31164>`_, which tracks the task of adding packages to Sage so that they appear in the spkg section of the Sage reference manual.
Line 10: Line 11:
Feel free to add more packages, and to add a few notes about each. - Please do not duplicate information
  that is already available in the
  `spkg section of the Sage reference manual <https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/spkg/>`_.
Line 12: Line 15:
This list can be used to add examples to the
`Code Sharing Workflow <https://wiki.sagemath.org/CodeSharingWorkflow>`_ wiki page.
- Use this list to add examples to the
 `Code Sharing Workflow <https://wiki.sagemath.org/CodeSharingWorkflow>`_ wiki page.
Line 15: Line 18:
Note also Chris Swierczewski's
`Template for creating Sage packages <https://github.com/cswiercz/sage_packages>`_.
- Note also Chris Swierczewski's
  `Creating External Sage Packages <https://gist.github.com/cswiercz/c632d920565a2da519b73bd2b79d7920>`_.
Line 18: Line 21:
- With the `SageMath sample package <https://github.com/sagemath/sage_sample>`_ you
  will find a minimal example of a Sage package.
Line 21: Line 24:
`SageManifolds <http://sagemanifolds.obspm.fr/>`_
- See an `April 2020 sage-devel thread <https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sage-devel/jOD5QaGAfHs/og91glYsAwAJ>`_
  on CI infrastructure options for external Sage packages.
Line 24: Line 27:
  by Éric Gourgoulhon et al - See `Sage Trac: Surveying the mathematical software landscape <https://trac.sagemath.org/wiki/WikiStart#Surveyingthemathematicalsoftwarelandscape>`_
Line 26: Line 29:
  cf. the metaticket
  `#18528 <http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/18528>`_
New-style SPKGs
Line 29: Line 33:
`Modular Abelian Varities <https://github.com/williamstein/sage_modabvar>`
The single authoritative source for the packages integrated in the Sage distribution (SPKGs) is
the `SAGE_ROOT/build/pkgs/ <https://git.sagemath.org/sage.git/tree/build/pkgs>`_ directory.
Each SPKG is represented by a subdirectory. The structure
of these subdirectories is explained in
the `Developer's Guide <https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/developer/packaging.html>`_.
Line 32: Line 39:
  by William Stein and Hao Chen Since Sage 9.2, the `spkg section of the Sage reference manual <https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/spkg/>`_ is automatically generated from the information in ``SAGE_ROOT/build/pkgs/``. (`Trac #29655 <https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/29655>`_ improves the formatting of this information.)
Line 34: Line 41:
  Links: Use the following shell commands below to access the information from the `SAGE_ROOT/build/pkgs`
directory of your copy of Sage:
Line 36: Line 44:
  - https://github.com/williamstein/sage_modabvar
  - https://github.com/haochenuw/sage_modabvar
 * Standard packages: ``./sage -standard``
 * Installed packages: ``./sage -installed``
 * Optional packages available: ``./sage -optional``
 * Experimental packages available: ``./sage -experimental``
 * Details about an SPKG: ``./sage -info <SPKG>``
Line 39: Line 50:
`Python implementation of chebfun <https://github.com/cswiercz/pychebfun>`_
For some advanced package tools, use ``./sage -package``
Line 42: Line 52:
  by Chris Swierczewski -------------------------
List of external packages
Line 44: Line 56:
`Purple Sage <https://github.com/williamstein/psage>`_
These packages are not (yet?) integrated in the SageMath distribution
as SPKGs and have to be installed separately.
Line 47: Line 59:
  by William Stein '''See `Meta-ticket #31164 <https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/31164>`_.'''
Line 49: Line 61:
`Sébastien Labbé's research code <http://www.slabbe.org/blogue/categorie/slabbe-spkg/>`_
See also https://github.com/slel/external-packages
for another collection
Line 52: Line 64:
  by Sébastien Labbé --------
See also
Line 54: Line 68:
  See also this
  `blog post <http://www.slabbe.org/blogue/2014/08/releasing-slabbe-my-own-sage-package/>`_
- `Packages on PyPI matching 'sagemath'
- `Packages on PyPI matching 'sage' and Mathematics <https://pypi.org/search/?q=sage&o=&c=Topic+%3A%3A+Scientific%2FEngineering+%3A%3A+Mathematics>`_
- `Packages on PyPI matching 'sage' and Science <https://pypi.org/search/?q=sage&o=&c=Intended+Audience+%3A%3A+Science%2FResearch>`_
Line 57: Line 73:

  - This is an spkg, rather than a standard pip-installable package.
  - Version 0.1 contains modules on digital geometry, combinatorics on words and more.
  - Version 0.2 provides modules on multidimensional continued fraction algorithms,
    matrix cocycles, languages and tikzpictures.

`CHA <https://bitbucket.org/nborie/cha>`_

  by Nicolas Borie

`Sage-semigroups <https://github.com/nthiery/sage-semigroups/>`_

  by Nicolas M. Thiéry

  (very preliminary!!!)

`ss-isogeny-software <https://github.com/defeo/ss-isogeny-software>`_

  by Luca De Feo

  keywords: isogeny elliptic curve cryptography quantum

`Abel Functions <https://github.com/abelfunctions/abelfunctions>`_

  by Chris Swierczewski

  Discussion at

`Schottky uniformization <https://github.com/jupsal/SchottkyUniformizationSageComputations>`_

  by Jeremy Upsal

  Various ideas from Schottky uniformization are implemented in Sage.
  These now include the SK prime function and will later include the
  Riemann Theta function built from a RS via Schottky uniformization
  due to Darren Crowdy.

`flatsurf: flat surfaces <http://www.labri.fr/perso/vdelecro/flatsurf.html>`_

  by Vincent Delecroix and Samuel Lelièvre

`sage-flatsurf: flat surfaces <https://github.com/videlec/sage-flatsurf>`_

  by Vincent Delecroix and Pat Hooper

`Lyapunov exponents for multidimensional continued fractions <https://github.com/seblabbe/lecf>`_

  by Vincent Delecroix and Sébastien Labbé


  - https://github.com/videlec/lecf
  - https://github.com/seblabbe/lecf

`Sage train track <https://github.com/coulbois/sage-train-track>`_

  by Thierry Coulbois
- `Packages on github matching "Sage code" <https://github.com/search?q=%22Sage+code%22>`_
- `Packages on gitlab matching "sagemath" <https://gitlab.com/search?search=sagemath>`_
- `Packages on Google Code Archive with tag "SAGE" <https://code.google.com/archive/search?q=domain:code.google.com%20label:SAGE>`_
- `Packages on Bitbucket matching "sagemath" <https://bitbucket.org/repo/all?name=sagemath>`_

SageMath external packages

A list of external packages for SageMath (spkg, pip-installable packages, etc).

New-style SPKGs

The single authoritative source for the packages integrated in the Sage distribution (SPKGs) is the SAGE_ROOT/build/pkgs/ directory. Each SPKG is represented by a subdirectory. The structure of these subdirectories is explained in the Developer's Guide.

Since Sage 9.2, the spkg section of the Sage reference manual is automatically generated from the information in SAGE_ROOT/build/pkgs/. (Trac #29655 improves the formatting of this information.)

Use the following shell commands below to access the information from the SAGE_ROOT/build/pkgs directory of your copy of Sage:

  • Standard packages: ./sage -standard
  • Installed packages: ./sage -installed
  • Optional packages available: ./sage -optional
  • Experimental packages available: ./sage -experimental
  • Details about an SPKG: ./sage -info <SPKG>

For some advanced package tools, use ./sage -package

List of external packages

These packages are not (yet?) integrated in the SageMath distribution as SPKGs and have to be installed separately.

'''See Meta-ticket #31164.'''

See also https://github.com/slel/external-packages for another collection

SageMathExternalPackages (last edited 2024-03-04 00:39:32 by mkoeppe)