Differences between revisions 41 and 69 (spanning 28 versions)
Revision 41 as of 2019-12-04 14:15:38
Size: 8760
Editor: chapoton
Revision 69 as of 2021-01-15 18:10:28
Size: 14322
Editor: mkoeppe
Comment: add links to tickets that add packages
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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A tentative list of external packages for SageMath (spkg, pip-installable packages, etc).

- Feel free to add more packages, links, notes.

- Use this list to add examples to the
A list of external packages for SageMath (spkg, pip-installable packages, etc).

- Feel free to add more packages, links, notes. But please do not duplicate information
  that is already available in the
  `spkg section of the Sage reference manual <https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/spkg/>`_.

- `Meta-ticket #31164 <https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/31164>`_ tracks the task of adding packages from this list to Sage so that they appear in the spkg section of the Sage reference manual.

- Use this list to add examples to the
Line 18: Line 22:
  will find a minimal example of a Sage package.using a numbering scheme described by Brian Conrey

See also

- `Packages on PyPI matching 'sagemath'
- `Packages on PyPI matching 'sage' and Mathematics <https://pypi.org/search/?q=sage&o=&c=Topic+%3A%3A+Scientific%2FEngineering+%3A%3A+Mathematics>`_
- `Packages on PyPI matching 'sage' and Science <hhttps://pypi.org/search/?q=sage&o=&c=Intended+Audience+%3A%3A+Science%2FResearch>`_
- `Sage-wiki page for SPKGs <https://wiki.sagemath.org/spkg>`_
  will find a minimal example of a Sage package.

- See an `April 2020 sage-devel thread <https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sage-devel/jOD5QaGAfHs/og91glYsAwAJ>`_
  on CI infrastructure options for external Sage packages.

New-style SPKGs

The single authoritative source for the packages integrated in the Sage distribution (SPKGs) is
the `SAGE_ROOT/build/pkgs/ <https://git.sagemath.org/sage.git/tree/build/pkgs>`_ directory.
Each SPKG is represented by a subdirectory. The structure
of these subdirectories is explained in
the `Developer's Guide <https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/developer/packaging.html>`_.

Since Sage 9.2, the `spkg section of the Sage reference manual <https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/spkg/>`_ is automatically generated from the information in ``SAGE_ROOT/build/pkgs/``. (`Trac #29655 <https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/29655>`_ improves the formatting of this information.)

Use the following shell commands below to access the information from the `SAGE_ROOT/build/pkgs`
directory of your copy of Sage:

 * Standard packages: ``./sage -standard``
 * Installed packages: ``./sage -installed``
 * Optional packages available: ``./sage -optional``
 * Experimental packages available: ``./sage -experimental``
 * Details about an SPKG: ``./sage -info <SPKG>``

For some advanced package tools, use ``./sage -package``
Line 32: Line 54:
These packages are not (yet?) integrated in the SageMath distribution
as SPKGs and have to be installed separately.

See also https://github.com/slel/external-packages
for another collection
Line 62: Line 90:

  - This is an spkg, rather than a standard pip-installable package.
  - Version 0.1 contains modules on digital geometry, combinatorics on words and more.
  - Version 0.2 provides modules on multidimensional continued fraction algorithms,
    matrix cocycles, languages and tikzpictures.
  - Version 0.3 to be released will be pip-installable.
  (added to Sage in https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/31237)
Line 116: Line 138:
`flatsurf: flat surfaces <http://www.labri.fr/perso/vdelecro/flatsurf.html>`_
`surface-dynamics: flat surfaces <http://www.labri.fr/perso/vdelecro/flatsurf.html>`_
Line 120: Line 142:

  (added to Sage in https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/31224)
Line 126: Line 150:
  (added to Sage in https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/31240)
Line 141: Line 167:
 * does not work on latest versions of SageMath, see https://github.com/coulbois/sage-train-track/pull/15
 * ticket to add to Sage: https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/31223
Line 155: Line 184:
`infinite-group-relaxation-sage-code <https://github.com/mkoeppe/infinite-group-relaxation-code>`_

  by C.Y. Hong, M. Köppe, and Y. Zhou

  Sage code for the Gomory-Johnson infinite group problem.
Line 174: Line 196:
  (added to Sage in https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/31239)
Line 188: Line 212:
`cutgeneratingfunctionology <https://github.com/mkoeppe/cutgeneratingfunctionology>`_

  by Matthias Koeppe and Yuan Zhou

  Python code for computation and experimentation with cut-generating functions.
`cutgeneratingfunctionology <https://github.com/mkoeppe/cutgeneratingfunctionology>`_ (formerly infinite-group-relaxation-sage-code)

  by Matthias Köppe, Yuan Zhou, C. Y. Hong, and Jiawei Wang

  Python code for computation and experimentation with cut-generating functions, in particular the Gomory-Johnson model

  (added to Sage in https://trac
Line 207: Line 233:
  Zeta provides methods for computing local and topological zeta functions arising from the enumeration of subalgebras, ideals, submodules,    Zeta provides methods for computing local and topological zeta functions arising from the enumeration of subalgebras, ideals, submodules,
Line 225: Line 251:
  (added to Sage in https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/31238)
Line 238: Line 266:
`Usain Boltz <https://gitlab.com/ParComb/usain-boltz>`_

  by Matthieu Dien and Martin Pépin

  Usain Boltz is a Python/Cython library meant to automate the random generation of tree-like structures.

`addcombq <https://github.com/Torrencem/addcombq>`_

  by Matt Torrence

  This is a Sage package for fast Additive Combinatorics functions.

`sage-numerical-interactive-mip <https://github.com/mkoeppe/sage-numerical-interactive-mip>`_

  by Peijun Xiao, Zeyi Wang, and Yuan Zhou

  Interactive mixed integer linear programming solver

  (added to Sage in https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/31235)

`ResSing <https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/28651>`_

  by Suchandan Pal

  This is a package for calculating regular models of curves.

`Yacop <https://github.com/cnassau/yacop-sage>`_

  by Christian Nassau

  Sage package for Steenrod algebra cohomology.

`Torus Knots Counter <https://github.com/AngelGonzalezPrieto/TorusKnotsCounter>`_

  by Ángel González-Prieto (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) and Vicente Muñoz (Universidad de Málaga).

  SageMath script that computes the motive of the irreducible SL(r,k)-character variety of an (n,m)-torus knot

`fgb_sage <https://github.com/mwageringel/fgb_sage>`_

  by Markus Wageringel

  Sage interface for computing Gröbner bases with FGb.

`guptri_py <https://github.com/mwageringel/guptri_py>`_

  by Markus Wageringel

  Sage/NumPy interface for solving generalized eigenvalue problems of singular matrix pencils with GUPTRI.

`comb_walk <https://discretewalks.gitlabpages.inria.fr/comb_walks/docs/>`_

  by Frédéric Chyzak, Antonio Jiménez-Pastor, Pierre Lairez

  A unified interface for working with generating functions and related object to Walks in the Quarter Plane.

`StarProducts <https://bitbucket.org/bpym/starproducts/src/master/>`_

  by Peter Banks and Brent Pym

  A package for symbolic calculations with Poisson brackets and Kontsevich's deformation quantization formula

`sage-drg <https://github.com/jaanos/sage-drg>`_

  by Janos Vidali

  A package for checking the feasibility of distance-regular graph parameter sets.

`kerrgeodesic_gw <https://github.com/BlackHolePerturbationToolkit/kerrgeodesic_gw>`_

  by Eric Gourgoulhon, Alexandre Le Tiec, Frédéric H. Vincent and Niels Warburton

  A pip-installable SageMath package for computing geodesics of the Kerr spacetime
  as well as gravitational waves from bodies orbiting a Kerr black hole


  by Pascal Weil

  A pip-installable SageMath package to experiment with finitely generated subgroups of infinite groups.

  - https://www.labri.fr/perso/weil/software/version-0-2/html/
  - https://pypi.org/project/stallings-graphs/

See also

- `Packages on PyPI matching 'sagemath'
- `Packages on PyPI matching 'sage' and Mathematics <https://pypi.org/search/?q=sage&o=&c=Topic+%3A%3A+Scientific%2FEngineering+%3A%3A+Mathematics>`_
- `Packages on PyPI matching 'sage' and Science <https://pypi.org/search/?q=sage&o=&c=Intended+Audience+%3A%3A+Science%2FResearch>`_
- `Packages on github matching "Sage code" <https://github.com/search?q=%22Sage+code%22>`_

SageMath external packages

A list of external packages for SageMath (spkg, pip-installable packages, etc).

New-style SPKGs

The single authoritative source for the packages integrated in the Sage distribution (SPKGs) is the SAGE_ROOT/build/pkgs/ directory. Each SPKG is represented by a subdirectory. The structure of these subdirectories is explained in the Developer's Guide.

Since Sage 9.2, the spkg section of the Sage reference manual is automatically generated from the information in SAGE_ROOT/build/pkgs/. (Trac #29655 improves the formatting of this information.)

Use the following shell commands below to access the information from the SAGE_ROOT/build/pkgs directory of your copy of Sage:

  • Standard packages: ./sage -standard
  • Installed packages: ./sage -installed
  • Optional packages available: ./sage -optional
  • Experimental packages available: ./sage -experimental
  • Details about an SPKG: ./sage -info <SPKG>

For some advanced package tools, use ./sage -package

List of external packages

These packages are not (yet?) integrated in the SageMath distribution as SPKGs and have to be installed separately.

See also https://github.com/slel/external-packages for another collection

Python implementation of chebfun

by Chris Swierczewski

Purple Sage

by William Stein

A Library of Number Theory Code that depends on Sage.

Sébastien Labbé's research code

by Sébastien Labbé

See also this blog post

(added to Sage in https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/31237)


by Nicolas Borie

A Sage Library of Combinatorial Hopf algebras.


by Nicolas M. Thiéry

A semigroup (representation) theory library for SageMath.

(very preliminary!!!)

Automata and semigroups

by Charles Paperman


by Luca De Feo

keywords: isogeny elliptic curve cryptography quantum

Schottky uniformization

by Jeremy Upsal

Various ideas from Schottky uniformization are implemented in Sage. These now include the SK prime function and will later include the Riemann Theta function built from a RS via Schottky uniformization due to Darren Crowdy.

surface-dynamics: flat surfaces

by Vincent Delecroix and Samuel Lelièvre

(added to Sage in https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/31224)

sage-flatsurf: flat surfaces

by Vincent Delecroix and Pat Hooper

(added to Sage in https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/31240)

Sage train track

by Thierry Coulbois


by Emil R. Vaughan

(it is a subject of a GSoC 2016 project to port it to Sage 7.4)


by Christoph Sorger and Manfred Lehn

A Sage library for computations in intersection theory.


by Manuel Kauers et al.

A Sage implementation of Ore algebras and Ore polynomials.

(added to Sage in https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/31239)


by http://www.scipr-lab.org/

The library implements algorithms to construct elliptic curves with certain desired properties.


by Sara Forouhar

CryptoSage provides cryptography algorithms in SageMath.

cutgeneratingfunctionology (formerly infinite-group-relaxation-sage-code)

by Matthias Köppe, Yuan Zhou, C. Y. Hong, and Jiawei Wang

Python code for computation and experimentation with cut-generating functions, in particular the Gomory-Johnson model

(added to Sage in https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/31235)


by Viviane Pons

A Sage package to work on multipolynomials bases (Schubert, Grothendieck, Key).


by Tobias Rossmann

Zeta provides methods for computing local and topological zeta functions arising from the enumeration of subalgebras, ideals, submodules, representations, and conjugacy classes of suitable algebraic structures, as well as some other types of zeta functions.

Igusa and topological zeta

by Juan Viu-Sos

Calculation Of The (Local) Igusa And Topological Zeta Functions Of A Non-Degenerated Polynomial With Respect To His Newton'S Polyhedron.


by Johannes Schmitt et alii

admcycles is a SageMath module to compute with the tautological ring of the moduli spaces of complex curves.

(added to Sage in https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/31238)


by Jonathan Bober

This contains some Sage/Cython code for working with Dirichlet characters using a numbering scheme described by Brian Conrey.


by Stefan Wewers, Julian Rüth

A Sage toolbox for computing with Models of Curves over Local Fields.

Usain Boltz

by Matthieu Dien and Martin Pépin

Usain Boltz is a Python/Cython library meant to automate the random generation of tree-like structures.


by Matt Torrence

This is a Sage package for fast Additive Combinatorics functions.


by Peijun Xiao, Zeyi Wang, and Yuan Zhou

Interactive mixed integer linear programming solver

(added to Sage in https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/31235)


by Suchandan Pal

This is a package for calculating regular models of curves.


by Christian Nassau

Sage package for Steenrod algebra cohomology.

Torus Knots Counter

by Ángel González-Prieto (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) and Vicente Muñoz (Universidad de Málaga).

SageMath script that computes the motive of the irreducible SL(r,k)-character variety of an (n,m)-torus knot


by Markus Wageringel

Sage interface for computing Gröbner bases with FGb.


by Markus Wageringel

Sage/NumPy interface for solving generalized eigenvalue problems of singular matrix pencils with GUPTRI.


by Frédéric Chyzak, Antonio Jiménez-Pastor, Pierre Lairez

A unified interface for working with generating functions and related object to Walks in the Quarter Plane.


by Peter Banks and Brent Pym

A package for symbolic calculations with Poisson brackets and Kontsevich's deformation quantization formula


by Janos Vidali

A package for checking the feasibility of distance-regular graph parameter sets.


by Eric Gourgoulhon, Alexandre Le Tiec, Frédéric H. Vincent and Niels Warburton

A pip-installable SageMath package for computing geodesics of the Kerr spacetime as well as gravitational waves from bodies orbiting a Kerr black hole


by Pascal Weil

A pip-installable SageMath package to experiment with finitely generated subgroups of infinite groups.

SageMathExternalPackages (last edited 2024-03-04 00:39:32 by mkoeppe)