Differences between revisions 101 and 149 (spanning 48 versions)
Revision 101 as of 2019-09-18 08:50:13
Size: 20329
Editor: embray
Comment: remove link to long obsolete mailing list
Revision 149 as of 2024-06-19 19:23:47
Size: 4216
Editor: mkoeppe
Comment: Update Zulip link
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= Sage Wiki = = SageMath Wiki =
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This is the wiki for the [[http://www.sagemath.org|Sage - Mathematics Software System]] project. This is mainly used by developers for organization of e.g. SageDays and discussion of long-term projects. Since it ''is'' a wiki, pages should be made to last over many, and frequent, changes. If an external link is made, please attach relevant files/content to avoid broken links. This is a wiki for the [[https://www.sagemath.org|Sage - Mathematics Software System]] project. There are other [[ThingsCalledSage]].

There is another [[https://github.com/sagemath/sage/wiki|Sage Wiki on GitHub]].

||<tablestyle="font-size: 0.8em;">||<#F7819F>❤ || You can help by becoming a [[https://github.com/sponsors/sagemath|sponsor]]||

||<tablestyle="font-size: 0.8em;">||<#74DF00>Information || Since version 9.0, Sage is using '''Python 3'''. See [[Python3-Switch]] for more information.||
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= SageDays and Sage Workshops = = SageDays, Sage Workshops, other activities =
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== Google Summer of Code ==

 * [[GSoC|Google Summer of Code]]
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= Major external (editable) related pages =
||[[https://www.sagemath.org/]]||Official homepage of SageMath||
||[[https://trac.sagemath.org/]]||Where development happens||
||[[https://pypi.org/project/sagemath/]]||dummy package on PyPi||
||[[https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SageMath]]||Arch Linux wiki||
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The most up-to date list of Sage developers is on our [[https://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/wiki#AccountNamesMappedtoRealNames|list of developers on the Sage trac wiki]]. The most up-to date list of Sage developers is on our [[https://www.sagemath.org/development-map.html|Sage developer map]]
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[[http://www.sagemath.org/development-map.html|Overview of (many) Sage developers on a world map]] Some people still maintain their [[https://wiki.sagemath.org/CategoryHomepage|wiki homepages]].
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[[http://groups.google.com/group/sage-support|sage-support]], [[http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel|sage-devel]], [[http://groups.google.com/group/sage-release|sage-release]], [[http://groups.google.com/group/sage-announce|sage-announcements]], [[http://groups.google.com/group/sage-edu|sage-edu]] for teaching using Sage, [[http://groups.google.com/group/sage-finance|sage-finance]] for finance, [[http://groups.google.com/group/sage-coding-theory|sage-coding-theory]] for coding theory, [[http://groups.google.com/group/sage-nt|sage-nt]] for number theory, and [[http://groups.google.com/group/sage-combinat-devel|sage-combinat-devel]].
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[[IRC]] channel: {{{#sagemath}}} on [[http://freenode.net/|freenode ]] (`chat.freenode.net`) The main active mailing lists are [[https://groups.google.com/group/sage-support|sage-support]], [[https://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel|sage-devel]], [[https://groups.google.com/group/sage-release|sage-release]]; see [[https://www.sagemath.org/development-groups.html |complete list of lists]].
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The Sage website contains links to [[http://www.sagemath.org/development-groups.html | other discussion mailing lists]]. [[https://sagemath.zulipchat.com/|Zulip]] group chat server for realtime collaboration on Sage (like Slack). Fairly low-activity.

!SageMath has a presence on some [[Social Networks]].
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Development is handled using "tickets" on the [[https://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/|trac server]]. !SageMath development has moved to our [[https://github.com/sagemath/sage|GitHub repository sagemath/sage]].
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The main developer doc is the [[http://www.sagemath.org/doc/developer/ | Developers' Guide]].

The [[devel|development wiki]] also contain some (currently out-of-date) information on Sage development. See also this recent [[CodeSharingWorkflow|discussion on SageMath development workflow]].
Release notes (higher level than change logs) are collaboratively prepared at [[ReleaseTours]].
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 * [[Debate/Collective infrastructure management]]
 * [[CodeSharingWorkflow|On development models for sharing (experimental) code]]
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 * [[https://zulip.sagemath.org]] group chat server for realtime collaboration on Sage
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 * Supporting the [[Foundation|SageMath Foundation]]
 * [[GSoC|Google Summer of Code]]
= Features and Packages =
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= Demonstrations of Graphical Capabilities =  * [[http://www.sagemath.org/tour.html|sagemath.org: SageMath Feature Tour]]
 * [[SageMathExternalPackages|Packages included with SageMath and external packages]]
 * [[Interfaces|Sage wiki: SageMath interfaces to and from other software]]

== Demonstrations of Graphical Capabilities ==
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 * [[interactive|Interactive Visualization]]
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= Packages =

For a wiki page about packages, see [[spkg]].

Use the following shell commands below for the newest information:

 * Standard packages: `./sage -standard`
 * Installed packages: `./sage -installed`
 * Optional packages available: `./sage -optional`
 * Experimental packages available: `./sage -experimental`

For some advanced package tools, use `./sage -package`

 * [[Tips]]
 * [[UsingSquashFS]]
 * [[SagemathLive]]
 * [[Send corrected worksheets to each student]]
 * [[SageAppliance|Working with the Sage Virtual Machine (VirtualBox)]] (See also: [[SageApplianceV4|previous version of the Sage VM]])
 * [[InstallingGapPackages|Installing GAP packages]]
 * [[faq|Sage FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions (Out-of-date)]]
 * [[SAGE_in_the_News|Sage In the News and Blogs (Out-of-date)]]
 * [[sagenb|List of institutions and projects using Sage]]
 * [[OSCAS]]s
 * [[SAGE_Reviews|Sage Reviews]]
 * [[Teaching_using_SAGE|Teaching using Sage]]
 * [[Teaching_with_SAGE|Teaching with Sage]]
 * [[quickref|Sage Quick Reference Cards]]
 * [[DocumentationProject|Documentation Project]]
 * [[Comparisons]]
 * [[SAGE_in_the_News|Sage in the News]]
 * [[Publications_using_SAGE|Publications using Sage]]
 * [[Talks| Talks and Presentations about Sage]]
 * [[SageForHighSchool|Sage for High school usage]] (see here for [[HighSchoolDesign|development page]])
 * [[dynamics|Dynamical systems with Sage]]
 * [[SageLiveUSB|Inventory Live USB running sage]]
 * [[GrantEurope|asking for a european grant]]
 * [[IpythonNotebook|What is missing to use ipython notebook ?]]
 * [[Infrastructure]]
 * [[Fight spam on asksage]]
 * [[Classify old-style packages]]
 * [[SageAppliance|Using Sage within virtualbox]]
 * [[Distribution]]
 * [[Social Networks]]
 * [[CommunityManagement|Collection of stories on Open Source community management]]

Alphabetical listing of things to do (out-of-date and general organise) - [[mrennekamp]] (as of 2017; see file attatched to see files that I removed)
 * [[aix]] which talks of porting sage to AIX
 * All SEP's (Sage Enhancement Proposal) were / need to be removed, as to keep information on Trac
 * [[ams]] booths at AMS / MAA meetings ('08 and '09) and an '09 special session
 * [[art]] duplicates many things, but need to put ALL SAGE ARTWORK EVER MADE into this wiki page ... also broken links
 * [[Tips/bash-completion]] one of many [[Tips]], so not sure what to do with it
 * [[BLAD]] BLAD integration in Sage 'This wiki page is about the integration of the Bibliothèques Lilloises d'Algèbre Différentielle in Sage.' 2011
 * [[bruhat]] project from 2008, S sub n under bruhat order
 * take all Bugdays and put each into ONE page
 * [[buildbot]] -- merge subpages
 * [[bug]] -- add content to describe Bug Days in general
 * [[cando]] documents "What Sage Can Do" -- decide what to do with it. current version is from 2008.
 * (all) Categories - eg [[combinat/categoryframeworkandcleanup]] and [[DsageNg]]
 * [[Chile]] - tiny page for "events in Chile" (update or no?)
 * [[Classify old-style packages]] is a to-do list for the wiki ... I'm (mrennekamp) sure that this is duplicated somewhere
 * [[CodeOfConduct]] not sure why there; would like to see go to official documentation
 * [[CodeSharingWorkflow]] N. Thiery's musings on workflow development. Nothing wrong, but would help to collaborate.
 * [[coercion]]
 * Most [[combinat]] probably
 * [[Comparisons]] .... benchmarks, so will need someone to continue updating or doing, else remove
 * Move [[Cryptography]] to [[Code_Theory]]...?
 * What is [[CUDA]]?
 * [[Debate/Collective infrastructure management]] : we have [[Infrastrucure]], so connect these
 * [[DeformationTheory]] -- I don't know status of progress on this feature
 * [[DenseLinearAlgebra]] -- If not on Trac, then probably should go as a milestone....? Don't know progress of this either
 * [[dev1]] and all their subpages list what was done at "developer days 1", which is same as [[days8.5]]
 * [[DevMapNewPeople]] -- is this needed?
 * [[EasyQuickSageDevelopment]] -- 2011, tiny article on using Sage-NB to contribute. update for SMC?
 * [[ecc2010]] event page for Workshot on Elliptic Curves and Computation
 * [[Emacs]] tips, so move to [[Tips]]
 * figure out what to do with [[EqualityCoercion]]. mostly a bug
 * another unrelated bug: [[EqualityUnhashable]], where "mathematical equality breaks python"
 * [[extcode]] has 2010 contents of spkg that was needing to be merged into Sage (extcode-4.6.spkg)
 * move [[factorization_of_integers_of_special_forms]] to [[Tips]]; but is only mathematical than Sage-specific
 * [[fast_eval]] is 2008 page for a functionality re-doing
 * don't know if [[Fight%20spam%20on%20asksage]] is still relevant, otherwise move to [[contribute]]
 * move [[firefox_trac]] to [[Tips]]
 * [[GitLab]]
 * [[Gmane]] is an alternative mailing list; 2012 suggestion?
 * [[groebner-bases-in-sage-sd2talk]] upload the file from sage.math.washington.edu
 * [[hardware]] probably should remove in favor of [[Infrastructure]]
 * [[healpy]] is it an spkg?
 * [[HeckeAlgebras]] is related to [[combinat]]
 * [[IDE]] should go into [[Tips]]
 * bring [[import]] into a [[guidelines]] page
 * [[Integral%20Calculus]]
 * [[interactive_notebook_software]]
 * [[IpythonNotebook]] -- Missing features for ipython to work within Sage
 * [[K_math_software_survey]] -- Math software in Kindergarten
 * [[LanguagesAndTilings]]
 * [[LanguagesDesign]] -- probably don't need to make a Languages library to compliment a Words library
 * [[Linear_Algebra]]
 * [[magma]] compares magma and sage
 * [[mathbook]] "Mathbook: An XML Application"
 * [[MultivariateGCDBenchmarks]] -- ???? what's this?
 * [[Netbeans]] has been largely forgotten as a [[Tips]] page
 * [[plan/sage-4.0]] release schedule for v 4.0
 * [[PolynomialAPI]] - supposed to unify multi- and univariate types of polynomials in Sage
 * [[Polytopes]] - "Polytopes requests"
 * [[preliminary reading]]
 * remove [[prerequisitesUbuntu]]?
 * keep [[RebaseVsMerge]] as a convention / guideline
 * get rid of [[sage.math]] subpages ([[sage.math/compilers]] and [[sage.math/SageBinaries]])
 * [[sagebeatsmagma]] should go in [[benchmarks]]
 * some pages exist with weird name schemes (ex. [[sagedays46]] should be [[days46]] which should in turn be [[days/46]]
 * [[SageOffice]] 2008 wishlist for full-time "official" SageMath developers (unneeded, but may stay when we start employing more developers)

= Grid of wiki pages to be flattened within sections =
Note: "Contributors" are not necessarily coders/programmers, but "Developers" ''are''. Also, a hint: you can browse pages by looking at system pages such as [[TitleIndex]].
||'''Title'''||'''Description'''||'''Stand Alone?'''||'''Importance (or to whom)'''||'''How to make page better'''||
|| [[art]] || Visuals made with SageMath || Single page, see also [[interact]] || Low || Adding more pictures / animations ||
|| [[bug]] || Archive of Bug Days || Category || Interested (old and new) Contributors || Maintaining Information ||
|| [[buildbot]] || Buildbot and Patchbot || Parent to [[buildbot/owners|owners]] || Contributors || Work with developing Buildbot and Patchbot ||
|| [[cando]] || Features of SageMath || Likely has duplicates || Prospective Users || Add Information and Maintain. New features often. ||
|| [[CodeSharingWorkflow]] || Sharing experimental code || One of many "Conventions" pages || Developers || Merge into a single "Conventions" page or category ||
|| [[Coding_Theory]] || Roadmap and discussions || Stand-Alone || Developers interested in coding theory || Continually update with Trac ||
|| [[coercion]] || Often-referenced topic; deals with integrating set theory || Stand-Alone || Developers || ||
|| [[combinat]] || Major group that enhances (SageMath) for algebraic combinatorics || Category || Topic Developers and Researchers || Update and Archive pages ||
|| [[Community]] || List of SageWiki Users, Code Of Conduct || Stand-Alone || Wiki Contributors || Add all accounts to the page ||
|| [[Comparisons]] || Compares SageMath to various competitors || Parent Page || Users and Developers || Make a single page and update often ||
|| [[contribute]] || Ideas for ways to start contributing to SageMath || Only [[contribute/AnswerQuestions]] so far || Prospective Contributors || Add ideas ||
|| [[CorporateIdentity]] || Standardize how SageMath is referenced || Stand-Alone || High || Add information, such as source for making the logo ||
|| [[cyclo]] || Cyclotomic Linear Algebra; old project with solved Trac ticket || Category || Low || Move, maintain, or remove ||
|| days## || (Naming Sage Days) || Category || Mid || (mrennekamp: Would like to rename all to fix name scheme.) Maintain information for archiving. ||
|| [[debian]] || All things related to Debian and SageMath || Category || Mid || Updates as needed ||
|| [[devel]] || "Organize development of SageMath" || Category || HIGH || Link all related pages as it is now ||
|| [[Distribution]] || Gives information for distribution (ex. package management) || Stand-Alone || Contributors || Maintain information ||
|| [[doc]] || Doc Days, which (yes) focused on documentation || Category || Archive, Interested Contributors || Maintain ||
|| [[DocumentationProject]] || Main page for documentation || 'Should be' a Category || Contributors and users || Add info for all internal and external documents ||
|| [[DsageNg]] || SageMath in a distributed environment || Category || Developers || Update often with Trac ||
|| [[dynamics]] || Implementing various algorithms related to dynamics || Category || Developers || Update with Trac ||
|| education# || Sage Education Days, where # is digit between 1 and 6 || Category || Low || mrennekamp: rename to scheme "education/#"; keeping for archive ||
|| [[faq]] || Many FAQ's || Page || Users || Visually clean and add FAQ's from [[https://doc.sagemath.org]] ||
|| [[feature_request_guidelines]] || Great attempt at rules for requests || Page, but related to [[CodeOfConduct]] || High || Combine all guideline pages....? ||
|| [[File_formats]] || Types of formats related to Sage || Page || Low || decide if needed ||
|| [[freebsd]] || The discontinued port to FreeBSD || Category || Mid || Archive ||
|| [[FromSageToSageMath]] || Highlights the name transition and when to use each || Page || Mid || Reference often ||
|| [[GrantEurope]] || OpenDreamKit || Page || Low || Remember to express gratitude! ||
|| [[grants/09]] || Grants from 2009 || Category || Low || ||
|| [[graph]] || Graph Theory Project || Category || Mid || Bring up to speed from 2009 ||
|| [[GroupeUtilisateursBordeaux]] || Bordeaux User Groups || Pages || Anyone in France || Also related to [[GroupeUtilisateursParis]] ||
|| [[GSoC]] || Google Summer of Code, which we often participate in || Category || Contributors || Make a formal Category ||
|| [[HowToHostASageDays]] || Tips for hosting events || Page || Anyone planning events...? || ||
|| [[i18n]] || Internationalizing Sage and SageNB || Category || Contributors || Apply to projects ||
|| [[Inbound%20Links]] || Tries to list inbound links to sagemath.org || Page || Contributors || If possible, please expand. Otherwise, the page should be removed.||
|| [[Infrastructure]] || List of what we use to provide services || Page || Developers || Update and promote for mantinence and funding ||
|| [[InstallingGapPackages]] || Instructions for expanding the included GAP || Page || High || Make sure that information is current ||
|| [[InstallingSageOnTheCloud]] || Installing Sage on cloud.sagemath.com || Page || Low || What to do? ||
|| [[interact]] || Interactive examples of SageMath || Category || Promoters, Developers || ||
|| [[Interfaces]] || Using other software in SageMath || Page || High || ||
|| [[jobs]] || Possible jobs for working for us! || Page || ? || ||
|| [[K3D-tools]] || NOT AN SPKG! || Page || Developers || ||
|| [[Letter_to_Python_GHOP]] || Recommended read from early in Sage. || Article || Contributors || Don't change content of the letter, just introduce it. ||
|| [[MathsAuLycee]] || French (also original?) Sage for High School || Page || Contributors || ||
|| [[MercurialQueues]] || Obsolete; we now use Git || Page || Low || Archive ||
|| [[MirrorNetwork]] || Needs to go to [[Infrastructure]] || || || ||
|| [[mpir]] || Library || Category (for BuildFarm subpages) || Med || ? ||
|| [[MPolynomialSystem]] || Class || Page || ? || Figure out who needs this ||
|| [[msri07]] || Interactive Parallel Computation in Support of Research in Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory || Category || ? ||
|| [[MSRItemp]] || Temporary stuff for a presentation..? || Many pages, but not quite category || Mid || ||
|| [[notebook]] || Basically SageNB || Category || Mid || ? ||
|| [[osx64]] || The completed port to OSX || Category || || Keep for archive purposes ||
|| [[padics]] || p-adics and local rings || Category || Contributors || Complete and remove as necessary with Trac ; also see [[padicSageDays]]||
|| [[ParallelMain]] || Distributed Sage || Category || Developers and Users || [[GlennTarbox]] did these small pages in 2009 ||
|| [[po-polsku]] || Resources in Polish || Page || Users || Expand (or put into a "resources in other languages" - sorry, but internet )||
|| [[PortingToPython3]] || matplotlib's experience porting to Python 3 || Page || Developers || reference and/or put on trac (see also [[Python3-compatible code]] ||
|| [[prep]] || 2010 , '11, and '12 MAA PREP Program || Category || Contributors || ? ||
|| [[ps3]] || Fun project porting Sage onto Sony PS3 || Page || Anyone who wants to || Keep it, for now? ||
|| [[Publications_using_SageMath]] || How to properly cite SageMath || Page || Academic Researchers / Users || Expand for formats ||
|| [[quickref]] || Sage Quick Reference Cards || Page (with attatchments) || Users || Move to somewhere not wiki ||
|| [[ReleaseTours]] || Basically more interesting change logs || Category || Mid || Either use changelogs on sagemath.org or bring up to 8 from 4 ||
|| [[reu]] || REU's ('07 and '11) || Category || Low || Update or trash ||
|| review# || Review Days, where # is 1, 2, or 3 || Category || Low || ? ||
|| [[ReviewChecklist]] || How to author or review a ticket || Page || Contributors || Remove from Developer Guide in documentation ||
|| SAGE-intro-Language || Introduces SageMath (in French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish) || Translated || International Newcomers || Standardize ||
|| [[sage_mode]] || Historical archive for first Emacs mode || Page || Low || Preserve ||
|| [[sage_uw]] || UW Sage Mathematics Software Seminar || Sub-pages || Low || Get rid of if not needed, only '06-'07, update links ||
|| [[SageAppliance]] || Virtual Machine for Sage || Category || HIGH (what we use for Windows distribution) || Coordinate with Trac? ||
|| [[SageEducatorCenter]] || Similar to [[devel]], but for educators || Page || High || Point educators here ||
|| [[SageFinance]] || Quantitative Finance in SageMath || Category || Developers || Move to Trac ||
|| [[SageMagazine]] || Proposal for a publication || Page || Contributors || Revive if we can find someone to do, but we have planet.sagemath.com for blogs ||
|| [[SageLiveUSB]] || Inventory of Live USB's (based on various distros) || Page || Mid || Keep with developers ||
|| [[SageMathLive]] || Instructions for making a live disk image || Page || Developers, Contributors || Have available ||
|| [[SageModeComparison]] || Compare Emacs modes || Page || Developers || Make sure to take down if not updated (or put in a single comparisons page) ||
|| [[sagenb]] || Sage Notebook (predecessor to SageMathCloud) || Page || Users/developers? || Update while SageNB is used ||

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'''Editing the wiki.''' Page editing uses the MoinMoin syntax. To edit the wiki, log in using your [[https://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/|sage-trac]] account. Getting an account involves convincing a human by email that you not a spammer. '''Editing the wiki.''' Page editing uses the MoinMoin syntax. If you want to edit the wiki or change your password, do not hesitate to request an account by sending an email at wikisage@lma.metelu.net; a !GitHub account cannot be used for this. Since it ''is'' a wiki, pages should be made to last over many, and frequent, changes. If an external link is made, please attach relevant files/content to avoid broken links. If you edit an existing page with a long history, a key question is: "If someone opens this page tomorrow, will they be able to tell which information is current and which is outdated?" Edit accordingly.
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'''License and Copyright.''' Contributions to the [[https://www.sagemath.org/|Sage]] wiki and to the [[https://doc.sagemath.org|Sage documentation]] are licensed under the [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/|Creative Commons 3.0 BY-SA license]]. By contributing, you agree to place your contribution under that license. '''SageWiki maintenance.''' The [[SageWikiMaintenance page]] attempts to reorganize the wiki, which has accumulated many outdated pages. [[https://github.com/sagemath/sage/issues/33725|Pages related to development are being transferred to the Sage Wiki on GitHub or merged in our developer guide.]]

'''License and Copyright.''' Contributions to the [[https://www.sagemath.org/|Sage]] wiki and to the [[https://doc.sagemath.org|Sage documentation]] are licensed under the [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/|Creative Commons 3.0 BY-SA license]]. By contributing, you agree to place your contribution under that license.

SageMath Wiki

This is a wiki for the Sage - Mathematics Software System project. There are other ThingsCalledSage.

There is another Sage Wiki on GitHub.

You can help by becoming a sponsor


Since version 9.0, Sage is using Python 3. See Python3-Switch for more information.

SageDays, Sage Workshops, other activities

Past and future Workshops

  • Upcoming Workshops

    • Sage Days 127 -- TU Vienna, Austria (February 22-25, 2025); theme: using SageMath for Algebra, Combinatorics, and Probability

  • All Workshops, including past and future Sage Days, Bug Days, Doc Days, Review Days, Education Days, and some other Sage-related events.

Google Summer of Code

Hosting a workshop


The most up-to date list of Sage developers is on our Sage developer map

Some people still maintain their wiki homepages.

Mailing Lists / Chat Rooms

The main active mailing lists are sage-support, sage-devel, sage-release; see complete list of lists.

Zulip group chat server for realtime collaboration on Sage (like Slack). Fairly low-activity.

SageMath has a presence on some Social Networks.


SageMath development has moved to our GitHub repository sagemath/sage.

Release notes (higher level than change logs) are collaboratively prepared at ReleaseTours.

Special Discussion Pages

Features and Packages

Demonstrations of Graphical Capabilities

About this wiki

Editing the wiki. Page editing uses the MoinMoin syntax. If you want to edit the wiki or change your password, do not hesitate to request an account by sending an email at wikisage@lma.metelu.net; a GitHub account cannot be used for this. Since it is a wiki, pages should be made to last over many, and frequent, changes. If an external link is made, please attach relevant files/content to avoid broken links. If you edit an existing page with a long history, a key question is: "If someone opens this page tomorrow, will they be able to tell which information is current and which is outdated?" Edit accordingly.

SageWiki maintenance. The SageWikiMaintenance page attempts to reorganize the wiki, which has accumulated many outdated pages. Pages related to development are being transferred to the Sage Wiki on GitHub or merged in our developer guide.

License and Copyright. Contributions to the Sage wiki and to the Sage documentation are licensed under the Creative Commons 3.0 BY-SA license. By contributing, you agree to place your contribution under that license.

SageWiki (last edited 2024-08-17 20:30:05 by mkoeppe)