Differences between revisions 1 and 17 (spanning 16 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2007-10-11 18:45:08
Size: 1121
Editor: was
Revision 17 as of 2007-10-20 13:21:25
Size: 2142
Editor: was
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * The base version of SAGE we'll start with is here: sage-x.y.z which you can upgrade to using "sage -upgrade"  * The base version of SAGE we'll start with is here: sage-2.8.7, which you can upgrade to using "sage -upgrade", plus you should do
sage: hg_sage.pull(); hg_sage.merge(); hg_sage.ci(); hg_sage.update()
sage: hg_doc.pull(); hg_doc.merge(); hg_doc.ci(); hg_doc.update()
sage: hg_scripts.pull(); hg_scripts.merge(); hg_scripts.ci(); hg_scripts.update()
  followed by sage -br, to build all the latest patches. Alternatively, you can start with here:
And I'll be posting a tar'd prebuilt version there too for sage.math.
Line 33: Line 44:
 2. Mike Hansen
 3. Michael Abshoff (memory leaks, Solaris port, whatever else looks interesting ;) )
 4. David Harvey -- probably won't make it due to work overload :-(
 5. John Voight -- Number field stuff
 6. Robert Bradshaw
 7. Craig Citro (after about 1PM Pacific)
 8. Jason Grout -- graphs or an interface to QEPCad.
 9. Carl Witty
 10. Joel Mohler -- small matrix and/or multi-variate poly rings
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[[ImageLink(bugs.jpg)]] [[ImageLink(bugs.jpg)]] [[ImageLink(compact.jpg)]]

(from http://www.flickr.com/photos/electrasteph/689860347/ and http://www.ecosherpa.com/images/ )

SAGE Bug Squash Day 4

The event will take place on SATURDAY, October 20 and officially start at 10 am pacific standard time. It will "officially" go nonstop for 10 hours (until 8pm) and some people will usually meet the day after and finish up some of the leftovers.

Remember the "Twisted Rule" -- Don't work on anything unless there is a trac ticket for it.

  • [:bug4/status: STATUS]
  • [:bug4/irc: IRC log]
  • [:bug4/Results: Results]
  • The base version of SAGE we'll start with is here: sage-2.8.7, which you can upgrade to using "sage -upgrade", plus you should do

sage: hg_sage.pull(); hg_sage.merge(); hg_sage.ci(); hg_sage.update()
sage: hg_doc.pull(); hg_doc.merge(); hg_doc.ci(); hg_doc.update()
sage: hg_scripts.pull(); hg_scripts.merge(); hg_scripts.ci(); hg_scripts.update()
  • followed by sage -br, to build all the latest patches. Alternatively, you can start with here:


And I'll be posting a tar'd prebuilt version there too for sage.math.

From Linux you can chat via a text console by installing "irssi", running it, and typing 
  /SERVER add irc.freenode.net 
  /SERVER irc.freenode.net
  /join #sage-devel

Participants (with area they would like to work on)

  1. William Stein -- applying patches; organization
  2. Mike Hansen
  3. Michael Abshoff (memory leaks, Solaris port, whatever else looks interesting ;) )

  4. David Harvey -- probably won't make it due to work overload :-(

  5. John Voight -- Number field stuff
  6. Robert Bradshaw
  7. Craig Citro (after about 1PM Pacific)
  8. Jason Grout -- graphs or an interface to QEPCad.
  9. Carl Witty
  10. Joel Mohler -- small matrix and/or multi-variate poly rings

ImageLink(bugs.jpg) ImageLink(compact.jpg)

(from http://www.flickr.com/photos/electrasteph/689860347/ and http://www.ecosherpa.com/images/ )

bug/04 (last edited 2017-02-02 04:09:35 by mrennekamp)