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Revision 3 as of 2012-02-01 10:23:15
Size: 2407
Editor: stumpc5
Revision 4 as of 2012-02-01 10:26:58
Size: 2438
Editor: stumpc5
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- I suggest that everyone attending uses laptop with a linux or mac os system and knows how to work with it (like installing things). Alternatively, people can also use the Sage web interface, but that will not be the preferred way as it tents to be not completely reliable. - I suggest that everyone attending uses laptop with a linux or mac os system and knows how to work with it (like installing things). Alternatively, people can also use the Sage-Combinat server at http://sage.lacim.uqam.ca, but that will not be the preferred way as it tents to be not completely reliable.

Sage and cluster algebra workshop

The Sage and cluster algebra workshop will be hold at the University of Hannover, Germany, February 8-10 2012.


  • I suggest that everyone attending uses laptop with a linux or mac os system and knows how to work with it (like installing things). Alternatively, people can also use the Sage-Combinat server at http://sage.lacim.uqam.ca, but that will not be the preferred way as it tents to be not completely reliable.
  • It would also be appreciated if everyone tries to install Sage and the optional Sage-Combinat package before the course starts. For instructions see http://wiki.sagemath.org/combinat/Installation.
  • Basic (or even a little more advanced) programming skills are not required but will be very helpful.

Further reading

A tentative schedule

Wednesday Feb 8:


  • Installing Sage and the optional Combinat package
  • Getting used to the Sage Notebook and the Sage command line
  • Using the documentation
  • How to get help
  • Using Sage and Sage-Combinat online


  • Some programming in Python and in Sage (which is based on Python)
  • Using the Computer Algebra System Sage

Thursday Feb 9:


  • First examples of the Cluster package and the interactive mode
  • Theoretical background
  • Working with finite and affine types
  • Connections to root systems and subword complexes


  • Exploring clusters for cluster algebras
  • The classification of finite and mutation-finite cluster algebras
  • Playing with the package

Friday Feb 10:


  • More theoretical background like the bipartite belt
  • Limits of the package
  • Comparison with other packages on cluster algebras
  • Finding more limits of the package
  • Suggestions for further implementations
  • Discussion


  • open session


Please let me know if you are attending. I will then add your name to the list

  • David Pauksztello (local organizer)
  • Christian Stump (organizer)

combinat/ClusterPackageDaysHannover (last edited 2012-02-09 15:49:05 by stumpc5)