Differences between revisions 15 and 25 (spanning 10 versions)
Revision 15 as of 2009-07-25 17:59:39
Size: 3876
Revision 25 as of 2011-05-24 18:30:01
Size: 4440
Editor: KelvinLi
Comment: replaced sagetrac.org with trac.sagemath.org
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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PEOPLE Nicolas Thiéry PEOPLE: Nicolas Thiéry
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 * Maybe implement:
        sage: F = QQ['q,t']; (q,t) = F.gens(); F.rename('QQ(q,t)')
        sage: P = AbstractPolynomialRing(F, 'x0,x1,x2'); P
        The abstract ring of multivariate polynomials in x0, x1, x2 over QQ(q,t)
        sage: m = Macdo.m; m
        Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x0, x1, x2 over QQ(q,t)
        sage: Macdo = P.MacdonaldPolynomials(q, t)
        sage: E = Macdo.E(pi = [3,1,2]); E
        Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x0, x1, x2 over QQ(q,t), in the Macdonald E basis, with basement [3,1,2]
        sage: E[1,0,0]
        sage: m(E[1,0,0])
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People: Jeff == Setup the framework for multivariate polynomials with several bases ==

See: [[combinat/MultivariatePolynomials]]

People: AlainLascoux
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 * Integrate a StabChain from Gap to sage
 * Finalise the module and submit it
 * Integrate a method in the gap interface to get an element in a gap record : [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6620|#6620]]
 * Add transversals, orbit and stabilizer methods for permutation groups : [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6647|#6647]]
 * Implement or port a StabilizerChain in Sage
 * Finalise the module of generation and submit it
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== Implement simplify_factorial in Sage ==

 Use the new symbolics to implement simplification of expressions with binomials, factorials, etc. This is [[http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6636|#6636]] on trac.

People: Flavia Stan, Burcin Erocal

== Design discussions ==

 - Standardize TransitiveIdeal TransitiveIdealGraded, SearchForest, ...


 - Choose and implement a syntax to import standard notations from a Parent (from SymmetricFunctions(QQ).shortcuts() import *) ==


 - Choose syntax and semantic conventions for permutations and discrete functions



*-combinat Days Project Idea Page

Implement a generic FactoredElement class

PEOPLE: Burcin Erocal

  • In many combinatorics applications we work with rational functions whose numerator/denominator factor into nice components where the factorization is also known beforehand. The current representation of rational functions in Sage use the expanded form of the numerator and denominator. The goal is to implement a generic wrapper to store elements in a factored representation.
  • sage-devel thread about working with factored denominators

  • another thread

  • code mentined above is here

An example of adding a new basis to an algebra

PEOPLE: Franco Saliola, CoryBrunson

  • This should be a nice exercise in adding a new basis (the seminormal basis) to an algebra (the group algebra of the symmetric group). We don't even have to introduce any new code to construct the basis since it already exists in Sage, thanks to Mike Hansen. On the other hand, I do have a better implementation based on a method that Alain Lascoux explained to me, so we could use that instead.

Try out Nathann Cohen new interface to Mixed Integer Linear Programming software

PEOPLE: Nicolas Thiéry

Bug squashing!

PEOPLE: Franco Saliola, Jason Bandlow, Florent Hivert, Peter McNamara


100% doctest and review for all patches up to sagecombinat 4.1

Functorial constructions: subquotient, cartesian_product

FlorentHivert, FrancoSaliola, AnneSchilling, NicolasThiéry

Categorification of RootSystems and Crystals

And application to parabolic subroot-systems

NicolasBorie, AnneSchilling, NicolasThiéry, CoryBrunson

graph layout using graphviz / dot2tex optional package


Anne Schilling, FrancoSaliola, NicolasThiéry

Quickref card for sage.combinat

JasonBandlow, FrancoSaliola, NicolasThiéry

Refactoring of symmetric functions

  • Patch Symmetrica
  • Make LRcalc spkg
  • Bring all symmetric functions under the SymmetricFunctions umbrella

  • Improve documentation

JasonBandlow, CoryBrunson

Improve Nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials

  • Add doctests with examples on specifying q, t, and the basement pi
  • Add input checks for pi. Maybe accept a list as input, and make it into an appropriate permutation

Setup the framework for multivariate polynomials with several bases

See: combinat/MultivariatePolynomials

People: AlainLascoux

Module for generate integer list up to the action of a permutation group

  • Integrate a method in the gap interface to get an element in a gap record : #6620

  • Add transversals, orbit and stabilizer methods for permutation groups : #6647

  • Implement or port a StabilizerChain in Sage

  • Finalise the module of generation and submit it


Implement simplify_factorial in Sage

  • Use the new symbolics to implement simplification of expressions with binomials, factorials, etc. This is #6636 on trac.

People: Flavia Stan, Burcin Erocal

Design discussions


combinat/FPSAC09/projects (last edited 2011-05-24 18:30:01 by KelvinLi)