Attachment 'intpts.sage'
Download 1 # File: intpts.sage
2 # Created: Thu Jul 01 04:22 PM 2010 C
3 # Last Change: Thu Jul 01 07:40 PM 2010
4 # Original Magma Code: Thotsaphon "Nook" Thongjunthug
5 # Sage version: Radoslav Kirov, Jackie Anderson
7 from sage.misc.all import verbose
9 # This function should be detached and included as part of projective points over number field
10 def abs_log_height(X, gcd_one = True, precision = None):
11 r''' Computes the height of a point in a projective space over field K.
12 It assumes the coordinates have gcd equal to 1.
13 If not use gcd_one flag.
14 '''
15 assert isinstance(X,list)
16 K = X[0].parent()
17 if precision is None:
18 RR = RealField()
19 CC = ComplexField()
20 else:
21 RR = RealField(precision)
22 CC = ComplexField(precision)
23 places = set([])
24 if K == QQ:
25 embs = K.embeddings(RR)
26 Xideal = X
27 else:
28 embs = K.places(precision)
29 # skipping zero as it currently over K breaks Sage
30 Xideal = [K.ideal(x) for x in X if not x.is_zero()]
31 for x in Xideal:
32 places = places.union(x.denominator().prime_factors())
33 if not gcd_one:
34 places = places.union(x.numerator().prime_factors())
35 if K == QQ:
36 non_arch = sum([log(max([RR(P)**(-x.valuation(P)) for x in X])) for P in places])
37 else:
38 non_arch = sum([P.residue_class_degree() *
39 P.absolute_ramification_index() *
40 max([x.abs_non_arch(P, precision) for x in X]).log() for P in places])
41 arch = 0
42 r,s = K.signature()
43 for i,f in enumerate(embs):
44 if i<r:
45 arch += max([f(x).abs() for x in X]).log()
46 else:
47 arch += max([f(x).abs()**2 for x in X]).log()
48 return (arch+non_arch)/
50 def compute_c6(E,emb):
51 x = var('x')
52 #f = x**3-27*emb(E.c4())*x-54*emb(E.c6())
53 f = x**3-emb(E.c4()/48)*x-emb(E.c6()/864)
54 R = f.roots(multiplicities = False)
55 m = max([CC(r).abs() for r in R])
56 return 2*m
58 def compute_c8(L):
59 # Original code transformed the lattice generators.
60 # Here we assume they are of standard form.
61 w1, w2 = L
62 m = max(CC(w1).abs(), CC(w2).abs(), CC(w1+w2).abs())
63 return m
65 # There is a Sage trak ticket implementing this. In the future the library function can be used and this one removed
66 def height_pairing_matrix(points, precision = None):
67 r = len(points)
68 if precision is None:
69 RR = RealField()
70 else:
71 RR = RealField(precision)
72 M = MatrixSpace(RR, r)
73 mat = M()
74 for j in range(r):
75 mat[j,j] = points[j].height(precision = precision)
76 for j in range(r):
77 for k in range(j+1,r):
78 mat[j,k] = ((points[j]+points[k]).height(precision=precision) - mat[j,j] - mat[k,k])/2
79 mat[k,j] = mat[j,k]
80 return mat
82 def c3(L):
83 return min(map(abs,height_pairing_matrix(L).eigenvalues()))
85 def h_E(E):
86 K = E.base_field()
87 j = E.j_invariant()
88 c4, c6 = E.c_invariants()
89 g2, g3 = c4/12, c6/216
90 return max(abs_log_height([K(1), g2, g3]), abs_log_height([K(1), j]))
92 def h_m(E, P, ElogEmbedP, D7):
93 K = E.base_field()
94 return max([P.height(), h_E(E), D7/*abs(log(ElogEmbedP))**2])
96 def Extra_h_m(E, Periods, D7):
97 D = E.base_field().degree()
98 h = h_E(E)
99 return map(lambda x: max([0, h, D7/D*abs(x)**2]), Periods)
101 def d8(E, L, Elog, Periods, D7):
102 C = [exp(1) * h_E(E)]
103 D = E.base_field().degree()
104 for i in range(len(L)):
105 C.append(h_m(E, L[i], Elog[i], D7) / D)
106 C += [t / D for t in Extra_h_m(E, Periods, D7)]
107 return max(C);
109 def d9(E, L, Elog, Periods, D7):
110 D = E.base_field().degree()
111 C = []
112 for i in range(len(L)):
113 tmp = exp(1) * sqrt(D * h_m(E, L[i], Elog[i], D7) / D7)
114 C.append( tmp / abs(Elog[i]))
115 Ehm = Extra_h_m(E, Periods, D7)
116 C += [exp(1) * sqrt(D*Ehm[i]/D7) / abs(Periods[i]) for i in [0,1]]
117 return min(C);
119 def d10(E, L, Elog, Periods, D7):
120 D = E.base_field().degree()
121 n = len(L)+2
122 scalar = 2 * 10**(8 + 7*n) * (2/exp(1))**(2*n**2)
123 scalar *= (n+1)**(4*n**2 + 10*n) * D**(2*n + 2)
124 scalar *= (log(d9(E, L, Elog, Periods, D7)))**(-2*n-1)
125 for i in range(len(L)):
126 scalar *= h_m(E, L[i], Elog[i], D7)
127 scalar *= prod(Extra_h_m(E, Periods, D7))
128 return scalar
130 def RHS(D, r, C9, C10, D9, D10, h, Q, expTors):
131 bound = (log(log(Q*r*expTors)) + h + log(D*D9))**(r+3)
132 bound *= D10*(log(Q*r*expTors) + log(D*D9))
133 bound += log(C9*expTors)
134 bound /= C10
135 return bound
137 def InitialQ(D, r, Q0, C9, C10, D8, D9, D10, h, expTors):
138 minQ = max(Q0, exp(D8))
139 Q = minQ + 1
140 x = ceil(log(Q, 10)) # x = log_10(Q)
141 exp_OK = 0 # the exponent that satisfies P.I.
142 exp_fail = 0 # the exponent that fails P.I.
143 while 10**(2*x) < RHS(D, r, C9, C10, D9, D10, h, 10**x, expTors):
144 exp_OK = x # Principal Inequality satisfied
145 x *= 2 # double x, and retry
146 exp_fail = x # x that fails the Principal Inequality
148 # So now x = log_10(Q) must lie between exp_OK and exp_fail
149 # Refine x further using "binary search"
150 while True:
151 x = floor((exp_OK + exp_fail)/2)
152 if 10**(2*x) >= RHS(D, r, C9, C10, D9, D10, h, 10**x, expTors):
153 exp_fail = x
154 else:
155 exp_OK = x
156 if (exp_fail - exp_OK) <= 1:
157 break
158 return exp_fail # over-estimate
160 def Faltings_height(E):
161 K = E.base_field()
162 c = log(2)
163 if E.b2().is_zero():
164 c = 0
165 h1 = abs_log_height([K(E.discriminant()), K(1)])/6
166 h2 = K(E.j_invariant()).global_height_arch()/6
167 h3 = K(E.b2()/12).global_height_arch()
168 return n(h1 + h2/2 + h3/2 + c)
170 def Silverman_height_bounds(E):
171 K = E.base_field()
172 mu = Faltings_height(E)
173 lb = -mu-2.14
174 ub = abs_log_height([K(E.j_invariant()), K(1)])/12 + mu + 1.922
175 return lb, ub
177 def ReducedQ(E, f, LGen, Elog, C9, C10, Periods, expTors, initQ):
178 w1, w2 = Periods
179 r = len(LGen)
180 newQ = initQ
181 # Repeat LLL reduction until no further reduction is possible
182 while True:
183 Q = newQ
184 S = r*(Q**2)*(expTors**2)
185 T = 3*r*Q*expTors/sqrt(2)
186 # Create the basis matrix
187 C = 1
188 while True:
189 C *= Q**ceil((r+2)/2)
190 precbits = int(log(C,2)+10)
191 L = copy(zero_matrix(ZZ, r+2))
192 # Elliptic logarithm should have precision "suitable to" C
193 # e.g. If C = 10**100, then Re(Elog[i]) should be computed
194 # correctly to at least 100 decimal places
195 if precbits > Elog[0].prec():
196 verbose( "Need higher precision, recompute elliptic logarithm ...")
197 # Re-compute elliptic logarithm to the right precision
198 verbose( "precision in bits %i" % precbits)
199 Elog = [ P.elliptic_logarithm(f, precision = precbits) for P in LGen]
200 verbose( "Elliptic logarithm recomputed")
201 w1, w2 = E.period_lattice(f).normalised_basis( prec = precbits)
202 # Assign all non-zero entries
203 for i in range(r):
204 L[i, i] = 1
205 L[r, i] = (C*Elog[i].real_part()).trunc()
206 L[r+1, i] = (C*Elog[i].imag_part()).trunc()
207 L[r , r ] = (C*w1.real_part()).trunc()
208 L[r , r+1 ] = (C*w2.real_part()).trunc()
209 L[r+1, r] = (C*w1.imag_part()).trunc()
210 L[r+1, r+1] = (C*w2.imag_part()).trunc()
211 # LLL reduction and constants
212 L = L.transpose()
213 L = L.LLL()
214 b1 = L[0] # 1st row of reduced basis
215 # Norm(b1) = square of Euclidean norm
216 normb1 = sum([i**2 for i in b1])
217 lhs = 2**(-r-1)*normb1 - S
218 if (lhs >= 0) and (sqrt(lhs) > T):
219 break
220 newQ = ( log(C*C9*expTors) - log(sqrt(lhs) - T) ) / C10
221 newQ = floor(sqrt(newQ))
222 verbose( "After reduction, Q <= %f" % newQ)
223 if ((Q - newQ) <= 1) or (newQ <= 1):
224 break
225 return newQ
228 #// Search for all integral points on elliptic curves over number fields
229 #// within a given bound
230 #// Input: E = elliptic curve over a number field K
231 #// L = a sequence of points in the Mordell-Weil basis for E(K)
232 #// Q = a maximum for the absolute bound on all coefficients
233 #// in the linear combination of points in L
234 #// Output: S1 = sequence of all integral points on E(K) modulo [-1]
235 #// S2 = sequence of tuples representing the points as a
236 #// linear combination of points in L
237 #// Option: tol = tolerance used for checking integrality of points.
238 #// (Default = 0 - only exact arithmetic will be performed)
240 # cyclic group iterator
241 # Returns all elements of the cyclic group, remembering all intermediate steps
242 # id - identity element
243 # gens - generators of the group
244 # mult - orders of the generators
245 # both_signs - whether to return all elements or one per each {element, inverse} pair
246 def cyc_iter(id, gens, mult, both_signs = False):
247 if len(gens) == 0:
248 yield id,[]
249 else:
250 P = gens[0]
251 cur = id
252 if both_signs:
253 ran = xrange(mult[0])
254 else:
255 ran = xrange(mult[0]/2 + 1)
256 for k in ran:
257 for rest, coefs in cyc_iter(id, gens[1:], mult[1:], both_signs or k != 0):
258 yield cur + rest, [k] + coefs
259 cur += P
261 #generates elements of form a_1G_1 + ... + a_nG_n
262 #where |a_i| <= bound and the first non-zero coefficient is positive
263 def L_points_iter(id, gens, bound, all_zero = True):
264 if len(gens) == 0:
265 yield id, []
266 else:
267 P = gens[0]
268 cur = id
269 for k in xrange(bound+1):
270 for rest, coefs in L_points_iter(id, gens[1:], bound, all_zero = (all_zero and k == 0)):
271 yield cur + rest, [k] + coefs
272 if k!=0 and not all_zero:
273 yield -cur + rest, [-k] + coefs
274 cur += P
276 def integral_points_with_Q(E, L, Q, tol = 0):
277 r'''Given an elliptic curve E over a number field, its Mordell-Weil basis L, and a positive integer Q, return the sequence of all integral points modulo [-1] of the form P = q_1*L[1] + ... + q_r*L[r] + T with some torsion point T and |q_i| <= Q, followed by a sequence of tuple sequences representing the points as a linear combination of points. An optional tolerance may be given to speed up the computation when checking integrality of points.
278 '''
279 assert tol >= 0
280 Tors = E.torsion_subgroup()
281 expTors = Tors.exponent()
282 OrdG = Tors.invariants()
283 Tgens = Tors.gens()
284 id = E([0,1,0])
285 total_gens = L + list(Tgens)
286 verbose( "Generators = %s" % L)
287 PtsList = []
288 if tol == 0:
289 verbose( "Exact arithmetic")
290 for P, Pcoeff in L_points_iter(id, L, Q):
291 for T, Tcoeff in cyc_iter(id, Tgens, OrdG, both_signs = P!=id):
292 R = P + T
293 if R[0].is_integral() and R[1].is_integral() and R != id:
294 Rcoeff = Pcoeff + Tcoeff
295 verbose( "%s ---> %s" %(R, Rcoeff))
296 PtsList.append(R)
297 verbose( "*"*45)
298 return PtsList
299 # Suggested by John Cremona
300 # Point search. This is done via arithmetic on complex points on each
301 # embedding of E. Exact arithmetic will be carried if the resulting
302 # complex points are "close" to being integral, subject to some tolerance
303 K = E.base_ring()
304 r, s = K.signature()
305 # Set tolerance - This should be larger than 10**(-current precision) to
306 # avoid missing any integral points. Too large tolerance will slow the
307 # computation, too small tolerance may lead to missing some integral points.
308 verbose( "Tolerance = %f" % tol )
309 if K == QQ:
310 A = matrix([1])
311 else:
312 A = matrix([a.complex_embeddings() for a in K.integral_basis()])
313 # Note that A is always invertible, so we can take its inverse
314 B = A.inverse()
315 point_dict = {}
316 for emb in K.embeddings(CC):
317 Ec = EllipticCurve(CC, map(emb,E.a_invariants()))
318 # need to turn off checking, otherwise the program crashes
319 Lc = [ Ec.point(map(emb,[P[0],P[1],P[2]]), check = False) for P in L]
320 Tgensc = [ Ec.point(map(emb,[P[0],P[1],P[2]]), check = False) for P in Tgens]
321 # Compute P by complex arithmetic for every embedding
322 id = Ec([0,1,0])
323 for P, Pcoeff in L_points_iter(id, Lc, Q):
324 for T, Tcoeff in cyc_iter(id, Tgensc, OrdG, both_signs = P!=id):
325 R = P + T
326 if R == id:
327 continue
328 key = tuple(Pcoeff + Tcoeff)
329 if key in point_dict:
330 point_dict[key] += [R]
331 else:
332 point_dict[key] = [R]
333 integral_pts = []
334 false = 0
335 for Pcoeff in point_dict:
336 # Check if the x-coordinate of P is "close to" being integral
337 # If so, compute P exactly and check if it is integral skip P otherwise
338 XofP = vector([Pemb[1] for Pemb in point_dict[Pcoeff]])
339 # Write x(P) w.r.t. the integral basis of (K)
340 # Due to the floating arithmetic, some entries in LX may have very tiny
341 # imaginary part, which can be thought as zero
342 LX = XofP * B
343 try:
344 LX = [abs( i.real_part() - i.real_part().round() ) for i in LX[0]]
345 except AttributeError:
346 LX = [abs(i - i.round()) for i in LX[0]]
347 if len([1 for dx in LX if dx >= tol]) == 0 :
348 # x-coordinate of P is not integral, skip P
349 P = sum([Pcoeff[i]*Pt for i, Pt in enumerate(total_gens)])
350 if P[0].is_integral() and P[1].is_integral():
351 integral_pts.append(P)
352 verbose( "%s ---> %s" %(P, Pcoeff))
353 else:
354 false += 1
355 verbose( 'false positives %i'% false)
356 return integral_pts
357 # Compute all integral points on elliptic curve over a number field
358 # This function simply computes a suitable bound Q, and return
359 # IntegralPoints(E, L, Q tol = ...).
360 # Input E = elliptic curve over a number field K
361 # L = a sequence of points in the Mordell-Weil basis for E(K)
362 # Output S1 = sequence of all integral points on E(K) modulo [-1]
363 # S2 = sequence of tuples representing the points as a
364 # linear combination of points in L
365 # Option tol = tolerance used for checking integrality of points.
366 # (Default = 0 - only exact arithmetic will be performed)
368 def calculate_Q(E,L):
369 if len(L) == 0:
370 return 0
371 K = E.base_ring()
372 expTors = E.torsion_subgroup().exponent()
373 r, s = K.signature()
374 pi = RR(math.pi)
375 b2 = E.b_invariants()[0]
376 # Global constants (independent to the embedding of E)
377 gl_con = {}
378 gl_con['c2'] = C2 = - Silverman_height_bounds(E)[0]
379 gl_con['c3'] = C3 = c3(L)
380 gl_con['h_E'] = h = h_E(E)
381 verbose( "Global constants")
382 for name, val in gl_con.iteritems():
383 verbose( '%s = %s'%(name, val))
384 verbose( "-"*45)
385 Q = []
386 # Find the most reduced bound on each embedding of E
387 # Sage bug, QQ.places() is not implemented
388 # and K.embeddings gives each complex places twice
389 if K is QQ:
390 infplaces = K.embeddings(CC)
391 else:
392 infplaces = K.places()
393 for i, f in enumerate(infplaces):
394 # Bug in P.complex_logarithm(QQ.embeddings(CC)[0])
395 if K is QQ:
396 emb = None
397 else:
398 emb = f
399 if i < r:
400 nv = 1
401 verbose( "Real embedding #%i" % i )
402 else:
403 nv = 2
404 verbose( "Complex embedding #%i" % (i-r))
405 # Create complex embedding of E
406 # Embedding of all points in Mordell-Weil basis
407 # Find complex elliptic logarithm of each embedded point
408 precbits = floor(100*log(10,2))
409 Elog = [P.elliptic_logarithm(emb, precision = precbits) for P in L]
410 Periods = E.period_lattice(emb).normalised_basis();
411 # Local constants (depending on embedding)
412 # C9, C10 are used for the upper bound on the linear form in logarithm
413 loc_con = {}
414 loc_con['c4'] = C4 = C3 * / (nv*(r+s))
415 loc_con['c5'] = C5 = C2 * / (nv*(r+s))
416 loc_con['c6'] = C6 = compute_c6(E,f)
417 loc_con['delta'] = delta = 1 + (nv-1)*pi
418 loc_con['c8'] = C8 = compute_c8(Periods)
419 loc_con['c7'] = C7 = 8*(delta**2) + (C8**2)*abs(f(b2))/12
420 loc_con['c9'] = C9 = C7*exp(C5/2)
421 loc_con['c10'] = C10 = C4/2
422 loc_con['Q0'] = Q0 = sqrt( ( log(C6+abs(f(b2))/12) + C5) / C4 )
424 # Constants for David's lower bound on the linear form in logarithm
425 # Magma and Sage output periods in different order, need to swap w1 and w2
426 w2, w1 = Periods # N.B. periods are already in "standard" form
427 loc_con['d7'] = D7 = 3*pi / ((abs(w2)**2) * (w2/w1).imag_part())
428 loc_con['d8'] = D8 = d8(E, L, Elog, Periods, D7)
429 loc_con['d9'] = D9 = d9(E, L, Elog, Periods, D7)
430 loc_con['d10'] = D10 = d10(E, L, Elog, Periods, D7)
431 for name, val in loc_con.iteritems():
432 verbose( "{0} = {1}".format(name, val))
433 # Find the reduced bound for the coefficients in the linear logarithmic form
434 loginitQ = InitialQ(, len(L), Q0, C9, C10, D8, D9, D10, h, expTors)
435 verbose( "Initial Q <= 10^%f" % loginitQ)
436 initQ = 10**loginitQ
437 Q.append(ReducedQ(E, emb, L, Elog, C9, C10, Periods, expTors, initQ))
438 verbose( "-"*45)
439 Q = max(Q)
440 verbose( "Maximum absolute bound on coefficients = %i"% Q)
441 return Q
443 def integral_points(E, L, tol = 0, both_signs = False):
444 r'''Given an elliptic curve over a number field and its Mordell-Weil basis, return the sequence of all integral points modulo [-1], followed by a sequence of tuple sequences representing the points as a linear combination of points. An optional tolerance may be given to speed up the computation when checking integrality of points. (This function simply computes a suitable Q and call
445 IntegralPoints(E, L, Q tol = ...)
446 '''
447 assert tol >= 0
448 id = E([0,1,0])
449 Q = calculate_Q(E,L)
450 int_points = integral_points_with_Q(E, L, Q, tol = tol)
451 if both_signs:
452 int_points += [-P for P in int_points]
453 int_points.sort()
454 return int_points
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