Attachment 'g1minimisation-2008.m'
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2 * Minimisation of Genus One Models over Q (of degrees n = 2,3,4 and 5) *
3 * Author: T. Fisher (based on joint work with J. Cremona and M. Stoll) *
4 * Date: 22nd July 2008 *
5 * Version for n = 5 is not yet proven to work in all cases *
6 * This file also contains an intrinsic "GenusOneModel" that takes as *
7 * input n and P, and computes a minimal genus one model of degree n *
8 * for (E,[(n-1)0+P]) where P in E(Q). *
9 \************************************************************************/
11 declare verbose Minimisation,3;
13 MC := MonomialCoefficient;
14 MD := MonomialsOfDegree;
15 Diag := DiagonalMatrix;
16 Id := IdentityMatrix;
17 Char := Characteristic;
18 Deriv := Derivative;
19 MAT := func<R,n,Q|Matrix(R,n,n,[Deriv(Deriv(Q,i),j): i,j in [1..n]])>;
21 function RationalGCD(S)
22 Z := Integers();
23 Q := Rationals();
24 d := LCM([Denominator(Q!x):x in S| x ne 0] cat [1]);
25 return Universe(S)!(GCD([Z!(x*d): x in S])/d);
26 end function;
28 PRIM := func<seq|[Integers()|x/d: x in seq] where d is RationalGCD(seq)>;
30 function MySaturate(mat)
31 n := Nrows(mat);
32 D := DiagonalMatrix([RationalGCD(Eltseq(mat[i])): i in [1..n]]);
33 mat := D^(-1)*mat;
34 L := Lattice(mat);
35 L1 := PureLattice(L);
36 return D*Matrix(Rationals(),n,n,[Coordinates(L1,L!mat[i]): i in [1..n]]);
37 end function;
39 function CoeffMatrix(polys,d)
40 R := Universe(polys);
41 mons := MD(R,d);
42 return Matrix(BaseRing(R),#polys,#mons,[MC(f,mon): mon in mons,f in polys]);
43 end function;
45 function GlobalLevel(phi)
46 vprintf Minimisation,1 : "Computing the invariants\n";
47 E := Jacobian(phi);
48 _,iso := MinimalModel(E);
49 u := IsomorphismData(iso)[4];
50 // When n = 5, we compensate for the fact "Jacobian" uses the
51 // cInvariants (instead of the aInvariants).
52 if Degree(phi) eq 5 then u := 6*u; end if;
53 return Integers()!(1/u);
54 end function;
56 function MultipleRoots(F,m)
57 // Find roots of F of multiplicity at least m
58 k := BaseRing(F);
59 if Char(k) gt m then
60 for i in [2..m] do
61 F := GCD([F,Deriv(F)]);
62 end for;
63 rts := [rt[1]: rt in Roots(F)];
64 else
65 rts := [rt[1]: rt in Roots(F)| rt[2] ge m];
66 end if;
67 return rts;
68 end function;
70 function PrettyFactorization(F)
71 // Only used for verbose printing
72 P<t> := Parent(F);
73 if F eq 0 or Degree(F) eq 0 then return Sprint(F); end if;
74 ff := Factorization(F);
75 str := "";
76 for i in [1..#ff] do
77 f := ff[i];
78 if (f[1] eq t) or (#ff eq 1 and f[2] eq 1) then
79 str cat:= Sprint(f[1]);
80 else
81 str cat:= ("(" cat Sprint(f[1]) cat ")");
82 end if;
83 if f[2] ne 1 then
84 str cat:= ("^" cat Sprint(f[2]));
85 end if;
86 if i lt #ff then str cat:= "*";end if;
87 end for;
88 return str;
89 end function;
91 function PrettySubstitution(tr)
92 // Only used for verbose printing
93 R<x,z> := PolynomialRing(Rationals(),2);
94 S<y> := PolynomialRing(R);
95 mons := [x^2,x*z,x^2];
96 rr := &+[tr[2][i]*mons[i]: i in [1..3]];
97 return "y <- " cat Sprint((1/tr[1])*y + rr);
98 end function;
100 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
101 // Case n = 2 //
102 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
104 function RemoveCrossTerms(phi)
105 // Same as "CompleteTheSquare", but also returns the transformation.
106 Q := Rationals();
107 seq := Eltseq(phi);
108 if #seq eq 5 then
109 tr := <1,Id(Q,2)>;
110 else
111 a0,a1,a2 := Explode(seq);
112 tr := <2,[-a0/2,-a1/2,-a2/2],Id(Q,2)>;
113 seq := Eltseq(tr*phi);
114 phi := GenusOneModel(Q,2,[seq[i]: i in [4..8]]);
115 end if;
116 return phi,tr;
117 end function;
119 function RepeatedRoot(F,d);
120 assert Degree(F) le d;
121 m := Floor(d/2) + 1;
122 // Finds the m-fold root of F, where the latter is given as
123 // a univariate polynomial, but viewed as a binary form
124 // of degree d.
125 error if F eq 0, "Error: Reduced polynomial should be non-zero.";
126 vprintf Minimisation,3 : "F = %o\n",PrettyFactorization(F);
127 if Degree(F) le d - m then
128 ans := [1,0];
129 else
130 rts := MultipleRoots(F,m);
131 if #rts eq 0 then return false,_; end if;
132 ans := [rts[1],1];
133 end if;
134 return true,ans;
135 end function;
137 function PolynomialQ1(phi,p)
138 k := GF(p);
139 Z := Integers();
140 P<t> := PolynomialRing(k);
141 seq := Eltseq(phi);
142 if #seq eq 5 then
143 if forall{x : x in seq | (Z!x) mod p eq 0} then
144 seq := [x/p: x in seq];
145 end if;
146 F := &+[(k!seq[i+1])*t^(4-i): i in [0..4]];
147 dd := 4;
148 else
149 assert p eq 2;
150 l,m,n,a,b,c,d,e := Explode(ChangeUniverse(seq,k));
151 dd := 2;
152 F := l*t^2 + m*t + n;
153 if F eq 0 then F := b*t^2 + d; end if;
154 if F eq 0 then
155 F := &+[k!(seq[i+4]/2)*t^(4-i): i in [0..4]];
156 dd := 4;
157 end if;
158 end if;
159 return F,dd;
160 end function;
162 function SaturateWithCrossTerms(phi)
163 // Apply y-substitutions to a genus one model of degree 2,
164 // with the aim of decreasing the level at p = 2.
165 // Returns (P,Q) with either v(P,Q) = 0, or v(P) > 0 and v(Q) = 1.
166 Q := Rationals();
167 tr := <1,[0,0,0],Id(Q,2)>;
168 while true do
169 seq := ChangeUniverse(Eltseq(phi),Integers());
170 vP := Minimum([Valuation(seq[i],2): i in [1..3]]);
171 vQ := Minimum([Valuation(seq[i],2): i in [4..8]]);
172 vPQ := Minimum(2*vP,vQ);
173 if vPQ eq 0 and forall{i : i in [1,2,3,5,7] | seq[i] mod 2 eq 0} then
174 tr1 := <1,[seq[i] mod 2: i in [4,6,8]],Id(Q,2)>;
175 else
176 if vPQ lt 2 then break; end if;
177 tr1 := <1/(2^Floor(vPQ/2)),[0,0,0],Id(Q,2)>;
178 end if;
179 phi := tr1*phi;
180 tr := tr1*tr;
181 end while;
182 vprintf Minimisation,3 : "y-substitution: %o\n",PrettySubstitution(tr);
183 return phi,tr,1;
184 end function;
186 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
187 // Case n = 3 //
188 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
190 function SingularLocusThree(V,phi);
191 // Computes the singular locus of a ternary cubic.
192 // The answer is returned as a subspace of V = k^3.
193 F := Equation(phi);
194 k := CoefficientRing(phi);
195 R<x,y,z> := PolynomialRing(phi);
196 error if Discriminant(phi) ne 0,
197 "Error: Reduced cubic should be singular.";
198 error if cInvariants(phi) ne [0,0],
199 "Error: Reduced cubic should be a null-form.";
200 error if F eq 0, "Error: Reduced cubic should be non-zero.";
201 eqns := [F] cat [Derivative(F,i): i in [1..3]];
202 gcd := GCD(eqns);
203 if TotalDegree(gcd) gt 0 then
204 f := Factorization(gcd)[1][1];
205 assert TotalDegree(f) eq 1;
206 vprintf Minimisation,3 : "Singular locus is { %o = 0 }.\n",f;
207 U := sub<V|V![MC(f,R.i): i in [1..3]]>;
208 else
209 PP := Points(Scheme(Proj(R),eqns));
210 assert #PP eq 1;
211 vprintf Minimisation,3 : "Singular locus is { %o }.\n",PP[1];
212 mat := Matrix(k,3,1,Eltseq(PP[1]));
213 km := KernelMatrix(mat);
214 assert Nrows(km) eq 2;
215 U := sub<V|[V!km[i]: i in [1..2]]>;
216 end if;
217 return U;
218 end function;
220 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
221 // Case n = 4 //
222 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
224 function KernelOfQuadric(V,Q)
225 // V is a copy of the k-vector space k^d.
226 // Q is a homogeneous form of degree 2 in k[x_1,..,x_d].
227 // We compute ker(Q), i.e. the subspace of V where Q and all its
228 // partial derivatives vanish.
229 k := BaseField(V);
230 d := Dimension(V);
231 mat := MAT(k,Dimension(V),Q);
232 km := KernelMatrix(mat);
233 n := Nrows(km);
234 if Char(k) eq 2 and n ge 1 then
235 R := PolynomialRing(k,n);
236 subst := [&+[km[i,j]*R.i: i in [1..n]]: j in [1..d]];
237 Q1 := Evaluate(Q,subst);
238 if Q1 ne 0 then
239 f := SquareRoot(Q1);
240 mat1 := Matrix(k,n,1,[MC(f,R.i): i in [1..n]]);
241 km := KernelMatrix(mat1)*km;
242 end if;
243 end if;
244 return sub<V|[V!km[i]: i in [1..Nrows(km)]]>;
245 end function;
247 function DeterminantPolynomial(phi4,t)
248 // The polynomial whose roots correspond to singular quadrics
249 // (with suitable modifications in characteristic 2)
250 k := CoefficientRing(phi4);
251 P := Parent(t);
252 if Char(k) ne 2 then
253 M := [MAT(P,4,Q): Q in Equations(phi4)];
254 return Determinant(t*M[1]+M[2]),4;
255 else
256 phi2 := DoubleGenusOneModel(phi4);
257 l,m,n,a,b,c,d,e := Explode(Eltseq(phi2));
258 f := l*t^2 + m*t + n;
259 return (f ne 0 select f else b*t^2 + d),2;
260 end if;
261 end function;
263 function SubDiscriminantThree(Q)
264 // Find a non-zero 3 by 3 "sub-discriminant" of the quadric Q.
265 R := Parent(Q);
266 for i in [1..4] do
267 x,y,z := Explode([R.j : j in [1..4]| j ne i]);
268 a,b,c := Explode([MC(Q,mon): mon in [x^2,y^2,z^2]]);
269 d,e,f := Explode([MC(Q,mon): mon in [y*z,z*x,x*y]]);
270 Delta3 := 4*a*b*c - a*d^2 - b*e^2 - c*f^2 + d*e*f;
271 if Delta3 ne 0 then return Delta3; end if;
272 end for;
273 return 0;
274 end function;
276 function SpanOfSingularLocusInternal(V,quads,F,d)
277 assert Degree(F) le d;
278 m := Floor(d/2) + 1;
279 // Finds the m-fold root of F, where the latter is given as
280 // a univariate polynomial, but viewed as a binary form
281 // of degree d. Then lets Q1,Q2 be a basis for the pencil
282 // of quadrics, where Q2 corresponds to this root, and
283 // returns the linear span of (ker(Q2) meet {Q1 = 0}),
284 // as a subspace of V = k^4.
285 if Degree(F) le (d - m) then
286 Q2,Q1 := Explode(quads);
287 else
288 rts := MultipleRoots(F,m);
289 if #rts eq 0 then return false,_; end if;
290 Q1,Q2 := Explode(quads);
291 Q2 := rts[1]*Q1 + Q2;
292 end if;
293 k := BaseRing(Universe(quads));
294 U := KernelOfQuadric(V,Q2);
295 mat := Matrix(Basis(U));
296 d := Nrows(mat);
297 R := PolynomialRing(k,d);
298 subst := [&+[mat[i,j]*R.i: i in [1..d]]: j in [1..4]];
299 Q1 := Evaluate(Q1,subst);
300 if Q1 ne 0 then
301 ff := Factorization(Q1);
302 if ff[1,2] eq 2 then // Q1 restricted to ker(Q2) has rank 1
303 mat1 := Matrix(k,d,1,[MC(ff[1,1],R.i): i in [1..d]]);
304 mat := KernelMatrix(mat1)*mat;
305 U := sub<V|[V!mat[i]: i in [1..d-1]]>;
306 end if;
307 end if;
308 return true,U;
309 end function;
311 function SpanOfSingularLocus(V,phi);
312 // Computes the span of the singular locus of a quadric intersection.
313 // The answer is returned as a subspace of V = k^4.
314 quads := Equations(phi);
315 k := CoefficientRing(phi);
316 R := PolynomialRing(phi);
317 error if Discriminant(phi) ne 0,
318 "Error: Reduced quadric intersection should be singular.";
319 error if cInvariants(phi) ne [0,0],
320 "Error: Reduced quadric intersection should be a null-form.";
321 error if GCD(quads) ne 1,
322 "Error: Reduced quadrics should be coprime.";
323 U := &meet[KernelOfQuadric(V,q): q in quads];
324 P<t> := PolynomialRing(k);
325 common_nullity := Dimension(U);
326 vprintf Minimisation,3 : "Common Nullity = %o\n",common_nullity;
327 error if common_nullity gt 2,
328 "Error : Common nullity =",common_nullity," Please report";
329 case common_nullity :
330 when 0:
331 F,d := DeterminantPolynomial(phi,t);
332 vprintf Minimisation,3 : "F = %o\n",PrettyFactorization(F);
333 if F eq 0 then
334 Q1,Q2 := Explode(quads);
335 UU := [KernelOfQuadric(V,q): q in [Q1,Q2,Q1+Q2]];
336 U := &+[U : U in UU | Dimension(U) eq 1];
337 else
338 flag,U := SpanOfSingularLocusInternal(V,quads,F,d);
339 assert flag;
340 end if;
341 when 1 :
342 Q1,Q2 := Explode(Equations(ChangeRing(phi,P)));
343 F := SubDiscriminantThree(t*Q1+Q2);
344 error if F eq 0,
345 "Error: Generic rank is less than 3. Please report.";
346 vprintf Minimisation,3 : "F = %o\n",PrettyFactorization(F);
347 flag,Unew := SpanOfSingularLocusInternal(V,quads,F,3);
348 if flag then U := Unew; end if;
349 end case;
350 vprintf Minimisation,3 :
351 "Span of singular locus has basis \n%o\n",Matrix(Basis(U));
352 return U;
353 end function;
355 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
356 // Case n = 5 //
357 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
359 function GetQuadrics(phi,p,irreg)
360 cc := p^irreg;
361 quads := [(1/cc)*q : q in Equations(phi)];
362 if irreg gt 0 then
363 R := PolynomialRing(phi);
364 Q := Rationals();
365 M := Matrix(phi);
366 mat := Matrix(Q,5,25,[[MC(M[i,r],R.s): r,s in [1..5]]: i in [1..5]]);
367 mat := MySaturate(mat);
368 quads := [&+[mat[i,j]*quads[i]: i in [1..5]]: j in [1..5]];
369 end if;
370 return quads;
371 end function;
373 function SpanOfSingularLocusFive(quads)
374 R := Universe(quads);
375 k := CoefficientRing(R);
376 J := Matrix(R,5,5,[Deriv(q,i): i in [1..5],q in quads]);
377 I := ideal<R|quads cat Minors(J,3)>;
378 ff := MinimalBasis(Radical(I));
379 ff := [f : f in ff | TotalDegree(f) eq 1];
380 mat := Matrix(k,#ff,5,[MC(f,R.i): i in [1..5],f in ff]);
381 vprintf Minimisation,3 :
382 "Singular locus defined by linear forms\n%o\n",mat;
383 return mat;
384 end function;
386 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
387 // Cases n = 2,3,4,5 //
388 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
390 function SaturateModel(phi)
391 // n = 2 : makes GCD(coeffs) square-free
392 // n = 3 : makes GCD(coeffs) = 1
393 // n = 4 : makes quadrics linearly indep. mod p for all p.
394 // n = 5 : makes Pfaffians linearly indep. mod p for all p.
395 Q := Rationals();
396 case Degree(phi) :
397 when 2:
398 if #Eltseq(phi) eq 5 then
399 d := RationalGCD(Eltseq(phi));
400 a1,a2 := SquareFree(Numerator(d));
401 b1,b2 := SquareFree(Denominator(d));
402 tr := <b1*b2/a2,Id(Q,2)>;
403 else
404 return SaturateWithCrossTerms(phi);
405 end if;
406 when 3:
407 tr := <1/RationalGCD(Eltseq(phi)),Id(Q,3)>;
408 when 4:
409 tr := <MySaturate(CoeffMatrix(Equations(phi),2))^(-1),Id(Q,4)>;
410 vprintf Minimisation,3 :
411 "Change of basis for space of quadrics \n%o\n",tr[1];
412 when 5:
413 mat := MySaturate(CoeffMatrix(Equations(phi),2));
414 d1 := RationalGCD(Eltseq(mat));
415 mat := (1/d1)*mat;
416 tr := <Transpose(mat),Id(Q,5)>;
417 phi := tr*phi;
418 d2 := RationalGCD(Eltseq(phi));
419 irreg := Integers()!(d1*Determinant(mat)/d2^2);
420 tr1 := <Id(Q,5),(1/d2)*Id(Q,5)>;
421 vprintf Minimisation,3 :
422 "Change of basis for space of quadrics \n%o\n",tr[1];
423 vprintf Minimisation,3 :
424 "Irregularity = %o\n",Factorization(irreg);
425 return tr1*phi,tr1*tr,irreg;
426 end case;
427 return tr*phi,tr,1;
428 end function;
430 function MinimiseInternal(phi,tr,leveldata,tflag)
431 Z := Integers();
432 Q := Rationals();
433 n := Degree(phi);
434 assert n in {2,3,4,5};
435 maxsteps := case< n | 2:2, 3:4, 4:5, 5:6, default:0 >;// a guess when n = 5
436 idqtrans := case< n | 4:Id(Q,2), 5:Id(Q,5), default:1 >;
437 vprintf Minimisation,1 : "Level = %o\n",leveldata;
438 vprintf Minimisation,2 :
439 "Notation: \"/\" = level decreases \".\" = level preserved\n";
440 failedprimes := [];
441 for pr in leveldata do
442 p,level := Explode(pr);
443 vprintf Minimisation,1 : "Minimising at p = %o (level = %o)\n",p,level;
444 k := GF(p);
445 V := VectorSpace(k,n);
446 R := PolynomialRing(k,n);
447 if n eq 5 then irreg := pr[3]; end if;
448 nsteps := 0;
449 oldphi := phi;
450 tr0 := <idqtrans,Id(Q,n)>;
451 IndentPush();
452 while level gt 0 do
453 if n in {3,4} then
454 seq := ChangeUniverse(Eltseq(phi),k);
455 phibar := GenusOneModel(n,seq:PolyRing:=R);
456 end if;
457 case n :
458 when 2 :
459 F,d := PolynomialQ1(phi,p);
460 flag,rr := RepeatedRoot(F,d);
461 if not flag then
462 vprintf Minimisation,2 :
463 " no triple root => minimal at level %o\n",level;
464 error if p ne 2, "Error: Null-form without triple root.";
465 failedprimes cat:= [<p,level>];
466 break;
467 end if;
468 mat := Matrix(k,1,2,[-rr[2],rr[1]]);
469 when 3 :
470 U := SingularLocusThree(V,phibar);
471 mat := Matrix(Basis(U));
472 when 4 :
473 f := GCD(Equations(phibar));
474 if TotalDegree(f) eq 1 then
475 vprintf Minimisation,3 : "GCD = %o\n",f;
476 mat := Matrix(k,1,4,[MC(f,R.i): i in [1..4]]);
477 else
478 U1 := SpanOfSingularLocus(V,phibar);
479 mat := Matrix(Basis(U1));
480 mat := KernelMatrix(Transpose(mat));
481 end if;
482 when 5 :
483 quads := ChangeUniverse(GetQuadrics(phi,p,irreg),R);
484 vprintf Minimisation,3 :
485 "Space of quadrics has dimension %o\n",Rank(CoeffMatrix(quads,2));
486 mat := SpanOfSingularLocusFive(quads);
487 end case;
488 q := Nrows(mat);
489 assert q lt n;
490 _,_,mat := SmithForm(ChangeRing(mat,Z));
491 dd := [i le q select p else 1 : i in [1..n]];
492 M := Diag(Q,dd)*Transpose(mat);
493 vprintf Minimisation,3 :
494 "Change of co-ordinates on P^%o\n%o\n",n-1,M;
495 tr1 := <idqtrans,M>;
496 phi := tr1*phi;
497 if tflag then tr0 := tr1*tr0; end if;
498 phi,tr1,globirreg := SaturateModel(phi);
499 if tflag then tr0 := tr1*tr0; end if;
500 ch := q + Valuation(ScalingFactor(n,tr1),p:Check:=false);
501 if n eq 5 then
502 newirreg := Valuation(globirreg,p:Check:=false);
503 ch := ch - 2*(newirreg - irreg);
504 irreg := newirreg;
505 end if;
506 level +:= ch;
507 error if ch gt 0, "Error : The level increased. Please report.";
508 vprintf Minimisation,3 : "Level decreases by %o (",-ch;
509 if ch lt 0 then
510 nsteps := 0;
511 oldphi := phi;
512 if tflag then tr := tr0*tr; end if;
513 tr0 := <idqtrans,Id(Q,n)>;
514 vprintf Minimisation,2 :"/";
515 else
516 nsteps +:= 1;
517 vprintf Minimisation,2 :".";
518 end if;
519 vprintf Minimisation,3 : ")\n";
520 if nsteps ge maxsteps then
521 vprintf Minimisation,2 : " => minimal at level %o\n",level;
522 phi := oldphi;
523 failedprimes cat:= [<p,level>];
524 break;
525 end if;
526 end while;
527 if level eq 0 then
528 vprintf Minimisation,2 : " => level 0 \n";
529 end if;
530 IndentPop();
531 end for;
532 return phi,tr,failedprimes;
533 end function;
535 function MyFactorization(n,plist)
536 n := Integers()!n;
537 if #plist ne 0 then
538 plist := Sort(SetToSequence(SequenceToSet(plist)));
539 return [<p,Valuation(n,p:Check:=false)>: p in plist];
540 else
541 vprintf Minimisation,1 : "Factoring the level\n";
542 return Factorization(n);
543 end if;
544 end function;
546 intrinsic Minimise2008(model::ModelG1:
547 Transformation := true,
548 CrossTerms := false,
549 UsePrimes := [] )
550 -> ModelG1, Tup, SetEnum
551 {Minimises a genus one model of degree 2,3,4 or 5 over Q.
552 Also returns the transformation (unless Transformation = false)
553 and the set of primes p where the minimal model has positive level.
554 Except possibly when p = 2 (for models of degree 2 with CrossTerms = false),
555 these are the primes where the model is not Q_p^nr-soluble. The current
556 version for models of degree 5 is not yet proven to work in all cases.}
557 R := CoefficientRing(model);
558 require (R cmpeq Rationals()) or (R cmpeq Integers())
559 : "Model must be defined over the rationals";
560 require Discriminant(model) ne 0 : "Model is singular";
561 n := Degree(model);
562 phi := ChangeRing(model,Rationals());
563 vprintf Minimisation, 1 :"Minimising a genus one model of degree %o\n",n;
564 require n in {2,3,4,5} : "Model must have degree 2,3,4 or 5.";
565 if n eq 2 then
566 phi,tr1 := RemoveCrossTerms(phi);
567 phi,tr2 := SaturateModel(phi);
568 tr := tr2*tr1;
569 else
570 phi,tr,irreg := SaturateModel(phi);
571 end if;
572 if n eq 5 then
573 globlev := GlobalLevel(phi)/irreg^2;
574 ff := MyFactorization(globlev,UsePrimes);
575 leveldata := [<f[1],f[2],Valuation(irreg,f[1]:Check:=false)>: f in ff];
576 else
577 leveldata := MyFactorization(GlobalLevel(phi),UsePrimes);
578 end if;
579 phi,tr,leveldata := MinimiseInternal(phi,tr,leveldata,Transformation);
580 failedprimes := {f[1]: f in leveldata};
581 if n eq 2 and CrossTerms then
582 vprintf Minimisation,1 : "Final stage : introducing cross terms\n";
583 phi := <1,[0,0,0],Id(Rationals(),2)>*phi;
584 ld2 := [pr : pr in leveldata | pr[1] eq 2];
585 level := #ld2 ne 0 select ld2[1][2] else 0;
586 phi,tr1 := SaturateModel(phi);
587 tr := tr1*tr;
588 level +:= Valuation(ScalingFactor(2,tr1),2);
589 vprintf Minimisation,1 :
590 "Making a y-substutition => level = %o\n",level;
591 if level gt 0 then
592 phi,tr,ld2 := MinimiseInternal(phi,tr,[<2,level>],Transformation);
593 level := #ld2 ne 0 select ld2[1][2] else 0;
594 end if;
595 if level eq 0 then Exclude(~failedprimes,2); end if;
596 end if;
597 if #failedprimes gt 0 then
598 vprintf Minimisation,1 :
599 "Minimal model has positive level at primes %o.\n",failedprimes;
600 else
601 vprintf Minimisation,1 : "Model has level 0 at all primes.\n";
602 end if;
603 if Transformation then
604 return phi,tr,failedprimes;
605 else
606 return phi,_,failedprimes;
607 end if;
608 end intrinsic;
610 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
611 // Alternative treatment of (globally) soluble models //
612 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
614 // The following is a bug-fix for ApplyTransformation (see g1invariants.m)
615 // The modification required is
616 // R0 := BaseRing(R);
617 // subst := subst cat [R0!(1/mu)*y + r[1]*x^2 + r[2]*x*z + r[3]*z^2];
618 // This is to cope with the fact Magma doesn't recognise 1/1 as an integer!
620 function ApplyTransformation2(g,model)
621 // {Apply the transformation g to the given genus one model.}
622 n := model`Degree;
623 flag,lambda := IsTransformation(n,g);
624 // require flag : "g must be a transformation of genus one curves of degree n (matching the given model).";
625 if n in {2,3} then
626 f := model`Equation;
627 R := Parent(f);
628 if #g eq 2 then
629 mu,B := Explode(g);
630 r := [0,0,0];
631 else
632 mu,r,B := Explode(g);
633 end if;
634 if VariableWeights(R) eq [1,1] and #g eq 3 then
635 f := Equations(model)[1];
636 R := Parent(f);
637 end if;
638 subst := [&+[B[i,j]*R.i: i in [1..n]]: j in [1..n]];
639 if VariableWeights(R) eq [1,1,2] then
640 R<x,z,y> := Parent(f);
641 // the modification is here
642 R0 := BaseRing(R);
643 subst := subst cat [R0!(1/mu)*y + r[1]*x^2 + r[2]*x*z + r[3]*z^2];
644 end if;
645 f_new := (n eq 2 select mu^2 else mu)*Evaluate(f,subst);
646 return GenusOneModel(f_new);
647 elif n eq 4 then
648 R := PolynomialRing(model);
649 phi := model`Equations;
650 A,B := Explode(g);
651 subst:=[&+[B[i,j]*R.i :i in [1..4]]: j in [1..4]];
652 phi_B := [ Evaluate(phi[j],subst) : j in [1..2] ];
653 return GenusOneModel([ A[1,1]*phi_B[1] + A[1,2]*phi_B[2], A[2,1]*phi_B[1] + A[2,2]*phi_B[2] ]);
654 else
655 R := PolynomialRing(model);
656 phi := model`DefiningMatrix;
657 A,B := Explode(g);
658 A := MatrixRing(R,5)!A;
659 subst:=[&+[B[i,j]*R.i :i in [1..5]]: j in [1..5]];
660 phi_B := Parent(phi)![Evaluate(phi[i,j],subst):j in [1..5],i in [1..5]];
661 phi1 := Parent(phi)!(A*phi_B*Transpose(A));
662 for i in [1..5] do phi1[i,i] := 0; end for;
663 for i in [1..5] do for j in [1..i-1] do phi1[i,j] := -phi1[j,i];
664 end for; end for;
665 return GenusOneModel(phi1);
667 // _,ans := IsGenusOneModel( Parent(phi)!(A*phi_B*Transpose(A)) );
668 // return ans;
669 end if;
670 end function;
672 function IntegralGenusOneModel(eqns)
673 RZ := Universe(eqns);
674 case Rank(RZ) :
675 when 2 :
676 P,Q := Explode(eqns);
677 coeffs1 := [MC(P,RZ.1^(2-i)*RZ.2^i): i in [0..2]];
678 coeffs2 := [MC(Q,RZ.1^(4-i)*RZ.2^i): i in [0..4]];
679 model := GenusOneModel(2,coeffs1 cat coeffs2);
680 when 3 :
681 model := GenusOneModel(eqns[1]);
682 when 4 :
683 model := GenusOneModel(eqns);
684 when 5 :
685 RQ := PolynomialRing(Rationals(),5);
686 eqns := ChangeUniverse(eqns,RQ);
687 model := GenusOneModel(eqns);
688 coeffs := PRIM(Eltseq(model));
689 model := GenusOneModel(5,coeffs:PolyRing:=RZ);
690 end case;
691 return model;
692 end function;
694 function WeierstrassEquations(E,n)
695 assert n in {3,4,5,6};
696 R<x,y,z> := PolynomialRing(Integers(),3);
697 if n eq 3 then
698 return [Evaluate(Equation(E),[y,z,x])],[z,x,y];
699 end if;
700 ainv := ChangeUniverse(aInvariants(E),Integers());
701 a1,a2,a3,a4,a6 := Explode(ainv);
702 case n :
703 when 4 :
704 RR<x0,x2,x3,x4> := PolynomialRing(Integers(),4);
705 ff := [z^2,x*z,y*z,x^2];
706 quads := [ x0*x4 - x2^2,
707 x3^2 + a1*x2*x3 + a3*x0*x3 - (x2*x4 + a2*x0*x4 + a4*x0*x2 + a6*x0^2)];
708 when 5 :
709 RR<x0,x2,x3,x4,x5> := PolynomialRing(Integers(),5);
710 ff := [z^2,x*z,y*z,x^2,x*y];
711 quads := [ x0*x4 - x2^2,x0*x5 - x2*x3,x2*x5 - x3*x4,
712 x3^2 + a1*x0*x5 + a3*x0*x3 - (x2*x4 + a2*x0*x4 + a4*x0*x2 + a6*x0^2),
713 x3*x5 + a1*x2*x5 + a3*x2*x3 - (x4^2 + a2*x2*x4 + a4*x2^2 + a6*x0*x2)];
714 when 6 :
715 RR<x0,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6> := PolynomialRing(Integers(),6);
716 ff := [z^3,x*z^2,y*z^2,x^2*z,x*y*z,x^3];
717 quads := [ x0*x4 - x2^2,x0*x5 - x2*x3,x0*x6 - x2*x4,
718 x2*x5 - x3*x4,x2*x6 - x4^2,x3*x6 - x4*x5,
719 x3^2 + a1*x0*x5 + a3*x0*x3 - x0*(x6 + a2*x4 + a4*x2 + a6*x0),
720 x3*x5 + a1*x2*x5 + a3*x2*x3 - x2*(x6 + a2*x4 + a4*x2 + a6*x0),
721 x5^2 + a1*x3*x6 + a3*x2*x5 - x4*(x6 + a2*x4 + a4*x2 + a6*x0)];
722 end case;
723 return quads,ff;
724 end function;
726 function GenusOneModelFromPoint(n,eqns,pt)
727 assert forall{f: f in eqns| Evaluate(f,pt) eq 0};
728 target := Proj(Universe(eqns))!([1] cat [0: i in [1..n]]);
729 vprintf Minimisation,1 : "Moving P to %o\n",target;
730 _,_,mat := SmithForm(Matrix(1,n+1,pt));
731 matdual := Transpose(mat^(-1));
732 eqns := [q^matdual : q in eqns];
733 pt := [mat[n+1,j]: j in [2..n+1]];
734 vprintf Minimisation,1 : "Projecting away from %o\n",target;
735 R := PolynomialRing(Integers(),n);
736 S<t> := PolynomialRing(R);
737 subst := [t] cat [R.i : i in [1..n]];
738 eqns := [Evaluate(q,subst): q in eqns];
739 if n eq 2 then
740 f1,f2,f3 := Explode([Coefficient(eqns[1],i): i in [2,1,0]]);
741 eqns := [f2,-f1*f3];
742 yy := mat[3,1]*Evaluate(f1,pt);
743 else
744 gg := [Coefficient(f,1): f in eqns];
745 hh := [Coefficient(f,0): f in eqns];
746 if n eq 3 then
747 eqns := [gg[1]*hh[2]-gg[2]*hh[1]];
748 else
749 km := KernelMatrix(CoeffMatrix(gg,1));
750 eqns := [&+[km[i,j]*hh[j]: j in [1..#hh]]: i in [1..Nrows(km)]];
751 end if;
752 end if;
753 vprint Minimisation,1 : "Performing some ad hoc reduction";
754 submat := Matrix(n,n+1,[mat[i,j]: i in [1..n+1],j in [2..n+1]]);
755 _,T := LLL(submat);
756 Tinv := T^(-1);
757 eqns := [q^Tinv : q in eqns];
758 pt := [&+[T[i,j]*pt[j]: j in [1..n]]: i in [1..n]];
759 if n in {4,5} then
760 _,U := LLL(CoeffMatrix(eqns,2));
761 eqns := [&+[U[i,j]*eqns[j]: j in [1..#eqns]]: i in [1..#eqns]];
762 end if;
763 vprintf Minimisation,1 : "Re-writing as a genus one model\n";
764 model := IntegralGenusOneModel(eqns);
765 if n eq 2 then
766 rr := [-Floor(seq[i]/2): i in [1..3]] where seq is Eltseq(model);
767 // a bug fix to ApplyTransformation was required (see above)
768 model := ApplyTransformation2(<1,rr,Id(Integers(),2)>,model);
769 yy := yy - rr[1]*pt[1]^2 - rr[2]*pt[1]*pt[2] - rr[3]*pt[2]^2;
770 pt := pt cat [yy];
771 end if;
772 if n eq 5 then
773 quads := Equations(model);
774 assert (eqns eq quads) or (eqns eq [-q: q in quads]);
775 end if;
776 return model,pt;
777 end function;
779 intrinsic GenusOneModel(n::RngIntElt,P::PtEll:NoReduction := false)
780 -> ModelG1, Pt
781 {Given a point P on an elliptic curve E over Q, and n = 2,3,4 or 5, maps E to P^\{n-1\} via the complete linear system |(n-1).O+P| and returns the corresponding genus one model of degree n. The formulae used give a genus one model that is minimised and is close to being reduced. Finally the function Reduce is called (unless NoReduction = true). The second returned value is a point on the covering curve that maps down to P (or -P).}
782 E := Curve(P);
783 K := BaseRing(E);
784 require K cmpeq Rationals()
785 : "Elliptic curve must be defined over the rationals";
786 K := Ring(Parent(P));
787 require K cmpeq Rationals()
788 : "Point must be defined over the rationals";
789 vprintf Minimisation, 1 :"Computing a minimal genus one model of degree %o\n",n;
790 require n in {2,3,4,5} : "Model must have degree 2,3,4 or 5.";
791 if P eq E!0 then
792 error "Point given is the identity - use GenusOneModel(n,E) instead";
793 end if;
794 E,iso := MinimalModel(E);
795 P := iso(P);
796 eqns,ff := WeierstrassEquations(E,n+1);
797 pt := PRIM([Evaluate(f,Eltseq(P)): f in ff]);
798 vprintf Minimisation, 1 :
799 "We embed E in P^%o via the linear system |%o.0|\n",n,n+1;
800 model,pt := GenusOneModelFromPoint(n,eqns,pt);
801 model := ChangeRing(model,Rationals());
802 vprintf Minimisation, 1 : "Model has coefficients\n%o\n",Eltseq(model);
803 if not NoReduction then
804 model,tr := Reduce2008(model);
805 if n eq 2 then yy := pt[3]; end if;
806 T := Transpose(tr[#tr])^(-1);
807 pt := [&+[T[i,j]*pt[j]: j in [1..n]]: i in [1..n]];
808 cc := RationalGCD(pt);
809 pt := [x/cc: x in pt];
810 if n eq 2 then
811 rr := tr[2];
812 yy := yy/cc^2 - rr[1]*pt[1]^2 - rr[2]*pt[1]*pt[2] - rr[3]*pt[2]^2;
813 pt := pt cat [yy];
814 end if;
815 end if;
816 vprintf Minimisation, 1 :"Checking the invariants\n";
817 error if cInvariants(model) ne cInvariants(E),
818 "Model is not minimal. Please report";
819 P := Curve(model)!pt;
820 return model,P;
821 end intrinsic;
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