Attachment ''


   1 /*-*- compile-command: "/usr/bin/gcc -c -o -O3 -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIC -I"/usr/local/include" && /usr/bin/gcc -o -shared -O3 -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIC -Wl,-shared -lc -lm -L"/usr/local/lib" -lpari"; -*-*/
   2 #include <pari/pari.h>
   3 /*
   4 GP;install("init_ellQ2","v","init_ellQ2","./");
   5 GP;install("QfbReduce","D0,G,p","QfbReduce","./");
   6 GP;install("IndefiniteLLL","D0,G,DGDGp","IndefiniteLLL","./");
   7 GP;install("IndefiniteLLL2","D0,G,DGDGp","IndefiniteLLL2","./");
   8 GP;install("kermodp","D0,G,D0,G,","kermodp","./");
   9 GP;install("Qfparam","D0,G,D0,G,DGp","Qfparam","./");
  10 GP;install("LLLgoon3","D0,G,DGp","LLLgoon3","./");
  11 GP;install("completebasis","D0,G,DG","completebasis","./");
  12 GP;install("LLLgoon","D0,G,DGp","LLLgoon","./");
  13 GP;install("QfWittinvariant","D0,G,D0,G,","QfWittinvariant","./");
  14 GP;install("Qflisteinvariants","D0,G,DGp","Qflisteinvariants","./");
  15 GP;install("Qfsolvemodp","D0,G,D0,G,p","Qfsolvemodp","./");
  16 GP;install("Qfminim","D0,G,DGp","Qfminim","./");
  17 GP;install("mymat","D0,G,","mymat","./");
  18 GP;install("Qfbsqrtgauss","D0,G,D0,G,p","Qfbsqrtgauss","./");
  19 GP;install("class2","D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,p","class2","./");
  20 GP;install("Qfsolve","D0,G,D0,G,p","Qfsolve","./");
  21 GP;install("matdiagonalblock","D0,G,","matdiagonalblock","./");
  22 GP;install("ellchangecurveinverse","D0,G,D0,G,","ellchangecurveinverse","./");
  23 GP;install("ellchangepointinverse","D0,G,D0,G,","ellchangepointinverse","./");
  24 GP;install("ellcomposeurst","D0,G,D0,G,","ellcomposeurst","./");
  25 GP;install("ellinverturst","D0,G,","ellinverturst","./");
  26 GP;install("mysubst","D0,G,D0,G,","mysubst","./");
  27 GP;install("degre","D0,G,","degre","./");
  28 GP;install("nfissquare","lD0,G,D0,G,p","nfissquare","./");
  29 GP;install("nfsqrt","D0,G,D0,G,p","nfsqrt","./");
  30 GP;install("sqrtrat","D0,G,","sqrtrat","./");
  31 GP;install("polratroots","D0,G,","polratroots","./");
  32 GP;addhelp(polratroots, "polratroots(pol): rational roots of the polynomial pol, according to the field of definition of its coefficients (Q, R, Qp, Fp).");
  33 GP;install("ratpoint","D0,G,DGDGp","ratpoint","./");
  34 GP;install("ratpoint2","D0,G,DGDGDGp","ratpoint2","./");
  35 GP;install("listratpoint","D0,G,DGp","listratpoint","./");
  36 GP;install("redquartic","D0,G,p","redquartic","./");
  37 GP;addhelp(redquartic, "redquartic(pol): reduction of the quartic pol using Cremona-Stoll algorithm. Returns [p,M], where p is the reduced quartic and M is the GL2(Z) transformation. Also works with other degree polynomials.");
  38 GP;install("polrealrootsisolate","D0,G,","polrealrootsisolate","./");
  39 GP;install("polrealrootsimprove","D0,G,D0,G,","polrealrootsimprove","./");
  40 GP;addhelp(polrealrootsimprove, "ratpoint(pol,lim=1,singlepoint=1): search for rational points on y^2=pol(x), for about within the bounds given by lim. The coefficients of pol must be integral. If singlepoint=1, returns at most one point, otherwise as many as possible.");
  41 GP;install("polrootsmodpn","D0,G,D0,G,p","polrootsmodpn","./");
  42 GP;install("ppinit","D0,G,D0,G,","ppinit","./");
  43 GP;install("nfpsquareoddQ","lD0,G,D0,G,D0,G,p","nfpsquareoddQ","./");
  44 GP;install("psquare","lD0,G,D0,G,p","psquare","./");
  45 GP;install("lemma6","lD0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,p","lemma6","./");
  46 GP;install("lemma7","lD0,G,D0,G,D0,G,p","lemma7","./");
  47 GP;install("zpsoluble","lD0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,p","zpsoluble","./");
  48 GP;install("qpsoluble","lD0,G,D0,G,p","qpsoluble","./");
  49 GP;install("locallysoluble","lD0,G,p","locallysoluble","./");
  50 GP;addhelp(locallysoluble, "locallysoluble(pol): returns 1 if y^2=pol(x) is everywhere locally soluble, 0 otherwise.");
  51 GP;install("LS2localimage","D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,p","LS2localimage","./");
  52 GP;install("ellhalf","D0,G,D0,G,p","ellhalf","./");
  53 GP;addhelp(ellhalf, "ellhalf(E,P): returns the vector of all points Q on the elliptic curve E such that 2Q = P");
  54 GP;install("elltors2","D0,G,p","elltors2","./");
  55 GP;addhelp(elltors2, "elltors2(E): for an elliptic curve E, returns the group E(K)[2], where K is the field of definition of the coefficients of E (Q, R, Qp or Fp).");
  56 GP;install("elltorseven","D0,G,p","elltorseven","./");
  57 GP;addhelp(elltorseven, "elltorseven(E): for an elliptic curve E, returns 2-Sylow subgroup of E(K)_tors, where K is the field of definition of the coefficients of E: (Q, R, Qp or Fp).");
  58 GP;install("ellsort","D0,G,p","ellsort","./");
  59 GP;addhelp(ellsort, "ellsort(v): v being a vector of points on some elliptic curve, returns the vector v sorted according to the naive height.");
  60 GP;install("ellremovetorsion","D0,G,D0,G,","ellremovetorsion","./");
  61 GP;install("ellredgen","D0,G,D0,G,DGp","ellredgen","./");
  62 GP;addhelp(ellredgen, "ellredgen(E,v): returns a vector of smallest possible points on the elliptic curve E generating the same subgroup as v, up to torsion.");
  63 GP;install("reducemodsquares","D0,G,D0,G,p","reducemodsquares","./");
  64 GP;addhelp(reducemodsquares, "reducemodsquares(delta,d): delta being a t_POLMOD, returns another delta'=delta*z^2, such that delta' has a small coefficient in x^d.");
  65 GP;install("bnfpSelmer","D0,G,DGD0,G,p","bnfpSelmer","./");
  66 GP;addhelp(bnfpSelmer, "bnfpSelmer(K,S,p): K being a number field given by bnfinit, S an ideal of K, and p a prime number, computes a set of generators of the group K(S,p) = { x in K^/K^p, v_P(x) = 0 (mod p) for all P coprime to S}");
  67 GP;install("kersign","D0,G,D0,G,","kersign","./");
  68 GP;install("kernorm","D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,","kernorm","./");
  69 GP;install("elllocalimage","D0,G,D0,G,DGp","elllocalimage","./");
  70 GP;install("ell2descent_gen","D0,G,D0,G,DGDGDGp","ell2descent_gen","./");
  71 GP;addhelp(ell2descent_gen, "ell2descent_gen((E,bnf,k=1,help=[]): E is a vector of the form [0,A,0,B,C], (or the result of ellinit of such a vector) A,B,C integers such that x^3+A*x^2+B*x+C; bnf is the corresponding bnfinit(,1); Performs 2-descent on the elliptic curve Ek : k*y^2=x^3+A*x^2+B*x+C. See ?ellrank for the format of the output.");
  72 GP;install("afficheselmer","vD0,G,D0,G,D0,G,","afficheselmer","./");
  73 GP;install("ellrankdebug","D0,G,D0,G,DGp","ellrankdebug","./");
  74 GP;install("ellrank","D0,G,DGp","ellrank","./");
  75 GP;addhelp(ellrank, "ellrank(E,help=[]): E is any elliptic curve defined over Q. Returns a vector [r,s,v], where r is a lower bound for the rank of E, s is the rank of its 2-Selmer group and v is a list of independant points in E(Q)/2E(Q). If help is a vector of nontrivial points on E, the result might be faster. This function might be used in conjunction with elltors2(E)");
  76 GP;install("ell2descent_complete","D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,p","ell2descent_complete","./");
  77 GP;addhelp(ell2descent_complete, "ell2descent_complete(e1,e2,e3): Performs a complete 2-descent on the elliptic curve y^2 = (x-e1)*(x-e2)*(x-e3). See ?ellrank for the format of the output.");
  78 GP;install("ellcount","D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,DGp","ellcount","./");
  79 GP;install("ell2descent_viaisog","D0,G,DGp","ell2descent_viaisog","./");
  80 GP;addhelp(ell2descent_viaisog, "ell2descent_viaisog(E,help=[]): E is an elliptic curve of the form [0,a,0,b,0], with a, b integers. Performs a 2-descent via isogeny on E. See ?ellrank for the format of the output.");
  81 GP;install("nfsign_s","lD0,G,D0,G,D0,G,p","nfsign_s","./");
  82 GP;install("nfpolratroots","D0,G,D0,G,","nfpolratroots","./");
  83 GP;install("nfmodid2","D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,","nfmodid2","./");
  84 GP;install("nfhilb2","D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,p","nfhilb2","./");
  85 GP;install("mynfhilbertp","D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,p","mynfhilbertp","./");
  86 GP;install("ideallistfactor","D0,G,D0,G,","ideallistfactor","./");
  87 GP;install("mynfhilbert","lD0,G,D0,G,D0,G,p","mynfhilbert","./");
  88 GP;install("initp","D0,G,D0,G,p","initp","./");
  89 GP;install("deno","D0,G,","deno","./");
  90 GP;install("nfratpoint","D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,DGp","nfratpoint","./");
  91 GP;install("repres","D0,G,D0,G,p","repres","./");
  92 GP;install("val","D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,","val","./");
  93 GP;install("nfissquarep","D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,p","nfissquarep","./");
  94 GP;install("nfpsquareodd","lD0,G,D0,G,D0,G,p","nfpsquareodd","./");
  95 GP;install("nfpsquare","lD0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,p","nfpsquare","./");
  96 GP;install("nfpsquareq","lD0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,p","nfpsquareq","./");
  97 GP;install("nflemma6","lD0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,p","nflemma6","./");
  98 GP;install("nflemma7","lD0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,p","nflemma7","./");
  99 GP;install("nfzpsoluble","lD0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,p","nfzpsoluble","./");
 100 GP;install("mynfeltmod","D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,","mynfeltmod","./");
 101 GP;install("mynfeltreduce","D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,","mynfeltreduce","./");
 102 GP;install("nfrandintmodid","D0,G,D0,G,","nfrandintmodid","./");
 103 GP;install("nfrandint","D0,G,D0,G,","nfrandint","./");
 104 GP;install("nfqpsolublebig","lD0,G,D0,G,D0,G,DGDGp","nfqpsolublebig","./");
 105 GP;install("nfpolrootsmod","D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,","nfpolrootsmod","./");
 106 GP;install("nfqpsoluble","lD0,G,D0,G,D0,G,p","nfqpsoluble","./");
 107 GP;install("nflocallysoluble","lD0,G,D0,G,DGDGDGp","nflocallysoluble","./");
 108 GP;install("nfellcount","D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,p","nfellcount","./");
 109 GP;install("gettufu","D0,G,","gettufu","./");
 110 GP;install("getfutu","D0,G,","getfutu","./");
 111 GP;install("bnfell2descent_viaisog","D0,G,D0,G,p","bnfell2descent_viaisog","./");
 112 GP;install("nfchinremain","D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,","nfchinremain","./");
 113 GP;install("bnfqfsolve2","D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,DGp","bnfqfsolve2","./");
 114 GP;install("bnfqfsolve","D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,DGp","bnfqfsolve","./");
 115 GP;install("bnfredquartique2","D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,","bnfredquartique2","./");
 116 GP;install("bnfell2descent_gen","D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,DGDGDGDGp","bnfell2descent_gen","./");
 117 GP;install("bnfellrank","D0,G,D0,G,DGDGDGp","bnfellrank","./");
 118 GP;install("bnfell2descent_complete","D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,D0,G,DGDGp","bnfell2descent_complete","./");
 119 */
 120 void init_ellQ2(void);
 121 GEN QfbReduce(GEN M, long prec);
 122 GEN IndefiniteLLL(GEN G, GEN c, GEN base, long prec);
 123 GEN IndefiniteLLL2(GEN G, GEN c, GEN base, long prec);
 124 GEN kermodp(GEN M, GEN p);
 125 GEN Qfparam(GEN G, GEN sol, GEN fl, long prec);
 126 GEN LLLgoon3(GEN G, GEN c, long prec);
 127 GEN completebasis(GEN v, GEN redflag);
 128 GEN LLLgoon(GEN G, GEN c, long prec);
 129 GEN QfWittinvariant(GEN G, GEN p);
 130 GEN Qflisteinvariants(GEN G, GEN fa, long prec);
 131 GEN Qfsolvemodp(GEN G, GEN p, long prec);
 132 GEN Qfminim(GEN G, GEN factdetG, long prec);
 133 GEN mymat(GEN qfb);
 134 GEN Qfbsqrtgauss(GEN G, GEN factdetG, long prec);
 135 GEN class2(GEN D, GEN factdetG, GEN Winvariants, GEN U2, long prec);
 136 GEN Qfsolve(GEN G, GEN factD, long prec);
 137 GEN matdiagonalblock(GEN v);
 138 GEN ellchangecurveinverse(GEN ell, GEN v);
 139 GEN ellchangepointinverse(GEN pt, GEN v);
 140 GEN ellcomposeurst(GEN urst1, GEN urst2);
 141 GEN ellinverturst(GEN urst);
 142 GEN mysubst(GEN polsu, GEN subsx);
 143 GEN degre(GEN idegre);
 144 long nfissquare(GEN nf, GEN a, long prec);
 145 GEN nfsqrt(GEN nf, GEN a, long prec);
 146 GEN sqrtrat(GEN a);
 147 GEN polratroots(GEN pol);
 148 GEN ratpoint(GEN pol, GEN lim, GEN singlepoint, long prec);
 149 GEN ratpoint2(GEN pol, GEN lim, GEN singlepoint, GEN redflag, long prec);
 150 GEN listratpoint(GEN pol, GEN redflag, long prec);
 151 GEN redquartic(GEN pol, long prec);
 152 GEN polrealrootsisolate(GEN pol);
 153 GEN polrealrootsimprove(GEN pol, GEN v);
 154 GEN polrootsmodpn(GEN pol, GEN p, long prec);
 155 GEN ppinit(GEN nf, GEN p);
 156 long nfpsquareoddQ(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN pr, long prec);
 157 long psquare(GEN a, GEN p, long prec);
 158 long lemma6(GEN pol, GEN p, GEN nu, GEN xx, long prec);
 159 long lemma7(GEN pol, GEN nu, GEN xx, long prec);
 160 long zpsoluble(GEN pol, GEN p, GEN nu, GEN pnu, GEN x0, GEN pnup, long prec);
 161 long qpsoluble(GEN pol, GEN p, long prec);
 162 long locallysoluble(GEN pol, long prec);
 163 GEN LS2localimage(GEN nf, GEN gen, GEN pp, long prec);
 164 GEN ellhalf(GEN ell, GEN P, long prec);
 165 GEN elltors2(GEN ell, long prec);
 166 GEN elltorseven(GEN ell, long prec);
 167 GEN ellsort(GEN listpts, long prec);
 168 GEN ellremovetorsion(GEN ell, GEN listgen);
 169 GEN ellredgen(GEN ell0, GEN listgen, GEN K, long prec);
 170 GEN reducemodsquares(GEN delta, GEN d, long prec);
 171 GEN bnfpSelmer(GEN bnf, GEN S, GEN p, long prec);
 172 GEN kersign(GEN gen, GEN rootapprox);
 173 GEN kernorm(GEN gen, GEN S, GEN p);
 174 GEN elllocalimage(GEN nf, GEN pp, GEN K, long prec);
 175 GEN ell2descent_gen(GEN ell, GEN bnf, GEN K, GEN help, GEN redflag, long prec);
 176 void afficheselmer(GEN m1, GEN m2, GEN tors2);
 177 GEN ellrankdebug(GEN ell, GEN lev, GEN help, long prec);
 178 GEN ellrank(GEN ell, GEN help, long prec);
 179 GEN ell2descent_complete(GEN e1, GEN e2, GEN e3, GEN help, long prec);
 180 GEN ellcount(GEN c, GEN d, GEN KS2gen, GEN listpointstriv, long prec);
 181 GEN ell2descent_viaisog(GEN ell, GEN help, long prec);
 182 long nfsign_s(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN i, long prec);
 183 GEN nfpolratroots(GEN nf, GEN pol);
 184 GEN nfmodid2(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN ideal);
 185 GEN nfhilb2(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN b, GEN p, long prec);
 186 GEN mynfhilbertp(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN b, GEN p, long prec);
 187 GEN ideallistfactor(GEN nf, GEN listfact);
 188 long mynfhilbert(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN b, long prec);
 189 GEN initp(GEN nf, GEN p, long prec);
 190 GEN deno(GEN num);
 191 GEN nfratpoint(GEN nf, GEN pol, GEN lim, GEN singlepoint, long prec);
 192 GEN repres(GEN nf, GEN p, long prec);
 193 GEN val(GEN nf, GEN num, GEN p);
 194 GEN nfissquarep(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN p, GEN q, long prec);
 195 long nfpsquareodd(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN p, long prec);
 196 long nfpsquare(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN p, GEN zinit, long prec);
 197 long nfpsquareq(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN p, GEN q, long prec);
 198 long nflemma6(GEN nf, GEN pol, GEN p, GEN nu, GEN xx, long prec);
 199 long nflemma7(GEN nf, GEN pol, GEN p, GEN nu, GEN xx, GEN zinit, long prec);
 200 long nfzpsoluble(GEN nf, GEN pol, GEN p, GEN nu, GEN pnu, GEN x0, long prec);
 201 GEN mynfeltmod(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN b);
 202 GEN mynfeltreduce(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN id);
 203 GEN nfrandintmodid(GEN nf, GEN id);
 204 GEN nfrandint(GEN nf, GEN borne);
 205 long nfqpsolublebig(GEN nf, GEN pol, GEN p, GEN ap, GEN b, long prec);
 206 GEN nfpolrootsmod(GEN nf, GEN pol, GEN p);
 207 long nfqpsoluble(GEN nf, GEN pol, GEN p, long prec);
 208 long nflocallysoluble(GEN nf, GEN pol, GEN r, GEN a, GEN b, long prec);
 209 GEN nfellcount(GEN nf, GEN c, GEN d, GEN KS2gen, GEN pointstriv, long prec);
 210 GEN gettufu(GEN bnf);
 211 GEN getfutu(GEN bnf);
 212 GEN bnfell2descent_viaisog(GEN bnf, GEN ell, long prec);
 213 GEN nfchinremain(GEN nf, GEN b, GEN fact);
 214 GEN bnfqfsolve2(GEN bnf, GEN aleg, GEN bleg, GEN auto_s, long prec);
 215 GEN bnfqfsolve(GEN bnf, GEN aleg, GEN bleg, GEN flag3, GEN auto_s, long prec);
 216 GEN bnfredquartique2(GEN bnf, GEN pol, GEN r, GEN a, GEN b);
 217 GEN bnfell2descent_gen(GEN bnf, GEN ell, GEN ext, GEN help, GEN bigflag, GEN flag3, GEN auto_s, long prec);
 218 GEN bnfellrank(GEN bnf, GEN ell, GEN help, GEN bigflag, GEN flag3, long prec);
 219 GEN bnfell2descent_complete(GEN bnf, GEN e1, GEN e2, GEN e3, GEN flag3, GEN auto_s, long prec);
 220 /*End of prototype*/
 222 static GEN DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve;
 223 static GEN DEBUGLEVEL_ell;
 224 static GEN LIM1;
 225 static GEN LIM3;
 226 static GEN LIMTRIV;
 227 static GEN COMPLETE;
 228 static GEN MAXPROB;
 229 static GEN LIMBIGPRIME;
 231 static GEN BIGINT;
 232 static GEN NBIDEAUX;
 233 /*End of global vars*/
 235 void
 236 init_ellQ2(void)	  /* void */
 237 {
 238   pari_sp ltop = avma;
 239   DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve = pol_x(fetch_user_var("DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve"));
 240   DEBUGLEVEL_ell = pol_x(fetch_user_var("DEBUGLEVEL_ell"));
 241   LIM1 = pol_x(fetch_user_var("LIM1"));
 242   LIM3 = pol_x(fetch_user_var("LIM3"));
 243   LIMTRIV = pol_x(fetch_user_var("LIMTRIV"));
 244   COMPLETE = pol_x(fetch_user_var("COMPLETE"));
 245   MAXPROB = pol_x(fetch_user_var("MAXPROB"));
 246   LIMBIGPRIME = pol_x(fetch_user_var("LIMBIGPRIME"));
 247   ELLREDGENFLAG = pol_x(fetch_user_var("ELLREDGENFLAG"));
 248   BIGINT = pol_x(fetch_user_var("BIGINT"));
 249   NBIDEAUX = pol_x(fetch_user_var("NBIDEAUX"));
 250   /*\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 251   /*       Copyright (C) 2011 Denis Simon */
 252   /* */
 253   /* Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) */
 254   /* */
 255   /*    This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
 256   /*    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
 258   /*    General Public License for more details. */
 259   /* */
 260   /* The full text of the GPL is available at: */
 261   /* */
 262   /*        */
 263   /*\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 265   /*
 266   Auteur :
 267   Denis SIMON ->
 268   adresse du fichier : 
 271   *********************************************
 272   *          VERSION 24/01/2011               *
 273   *********************************************
 276   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
 277   \\             English                      \\
 278   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
 280   This package provides functions to compute the rank of elliptic
 281   curves over Q using 2-descent.
 282   This package requires the other package downloadable at
 284   They can be run under GP by the commands 
 285   gp > \r
 286   gp > \r
 288   The main function is ellrank(), which takes as an argument
 289   any elliptic curve in the form [a1,a2,a3,a4,a6]
 290   the result is a vector [r,s,v], where
 291   r is a lower bound for the rank,
 292   s is the rank of the 2-Selmer group
 293   v is a set of independant points in E(Q)/2E(Q).
 295   Example:
 297   gp > ell = [1,2,3,4,5];
 298   gp > ellrank(ell)
 299   %1 = [1, 1, [[1,2]]
 300   In this example, the rank is exactly 1, and [1,2] has infinite order.
 302   more details on the computations may be obtained by setting
 303   DEBUGLEVEL_ell = 1 (the higher value, the more details)
 305   Other functions: 
 307   ell2descent_complete, ell2descent_gen, ell2descent_viaisog,
 308   ellhalf, ellredgen, ellsort, elltors2, elltorseven,
 309   locallysoluble, polratroots, ratpoint, redquartic,
 310   bnfpSelmer, reducemodsquares
 312   Quick information is obtained by typing
 313   gp > ?NameOfTheFunction
 315   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
 316   \\    Comment utiliser ce programme ?       \\
 317   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
 319   Programme de calcul du rang des courbes elliptiques sur Q.
 320   langage : GP
 321   pour l'utiliser, lancer gp, puis taper
 322   \r
 324   Ce programme utilise le module de resolution des formes quadratiques
 325   situe a l'adresse
 327   Il faut donc aussi taper :
 328   \r
 331   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
 332   \\  Description des principales fonctions   \\
 333   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
 335   Explications succintes :
 336   La fonction ellrank() accepte toutes les courbes sous la forme
 337   [a1,a2,a3,a4,a6]
 338   Les coefficients peuvent etre entiers ou non.
 339   L'algorithme utilise est celui de la 2-descente.
 340   La 2-torsion peut etre quelconque.
 341   Il suffit de taper : 
 343   gp > ell = [a1,a2,a3,a4,a6];
 344   gp > ellrank(ell)
 346   Retourne un vecteur [r,s,v] ou
 347   r est le rang probable (c'est toujours une minoration du rang),
 348   s est le 2-rang du groupe de Selmer,
 349   v est une liste de points independants dans E(Q)/2E(Q).
 351   Exemple :
 353   gp > ell = [1,2,3,4,5];
 354   gp > ellrank(ell)
 355   %1 = [1, 1, [[1,2]]
 356   Ici, le rang est exactement 1, et le point [1,2] est d'ordre infini.
 358   Courbes de la forme : k*y^2 = x^3+A*x^2+B*x+C
 359   sans 2-torsion, A,B,C entiers.
 360   gp > bnf = bnfinit(x^3+A*x^2+B*x+C);
 361   gp > ell = ellinit([0,A,0,B,C],1);
 362   gp > rank = ell2descent_gen(ell,bnf,k);
 364   Courbes avec #E[2](Q) >= 2 :
 365   ell doit etre sous la forme 
 366   y^2 = x^3 + A*^2 + B*x
 367   avec A et B entiers.
 368   gp > ell = [0,A,0,B,0]
 369   gp > ell2descent_viaisog(ell)
 370   = algorithme de la 2-descente par isogenies
 371   Attention A et B doivent etre entiers
 373   Courbes avec #E[2](Q) = 4 : y^2 = (x-e1)*(x-e2)*(x-e3)
 374   gp > ell2descent_complete(e1,e2,e3)
 375   = algorithme de la 2-descente complete
 376   Attention : les ei doivent etre entiers.
 378   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
 379   \\     Autres fonctions utiles              \\
 380   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
 382   elltors2(E)      : determine le groupe E[2](Q)
 383   elltorseven(E)   : determine le groupe E[2^*](Q)
 384   ellhalf(E,P)     : liste les points Q tels que 2Q = P
 385   ellredgen(E,v)   : reduction des points de v sur E
 387   locallysoluble(pol): teste si y^2=pol(x) est ELS
 388   ratpoint(pol,lim): cherche un point sur y^2=pol(x)
 389   redquartic(pol): reduction de la quartique pol
 390   polratroots(pol) : liste les solutions rationnelles de pol
 393   Aide en ligne :
 394   ?NomDeLaFonction
 397   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
 398   \\       Affichage des calculs              \\
 399   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
 401   On peut avoir plus ou moins de details de calculs avec
 402   DEBUGLEVEL_ell = 0;
 403   DEBUGLEVEL_ell = 1; 2; 3;...
 405   */
 407   /*\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 408   /*       Copyright (C) 2011 Denis Simon */
 409   /* */
 410   /* Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) */
 411   /* */
 412   /*    This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
 413   /*    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
 415   /*    General Public License for more details. */
 416   /* */
 417   /* The full text of the GPL is available at: */
 418   /* */
 419   /*        */
 420   /*\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 422   /*
 423   Author:
 424   Denis SIMON ->
 425   address of the file:
 428   *********************************************
 429   *          VERSION 21/02/2011               *
 430   *********************************************
 432   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
 433   \\                English help                \\
 434   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
 436   This package provides functions to solve quadratic equations over Q.
 437   language: GP
 438   It can be run under GP by the command
 439   gp > \r
 441   This package contains 4 main functions:
 443   - Qfsolve(G,factD): solve over Q the quadratic equation X~*G*X = 0.
 444   G must be a symmetric matrix n*n, with coefficients in Z.
 445   If no solution exists, the output is a prime number
 446   indicating that there is no solution in the local field Q_p
 447   (-1 for the reals).
 448   This algorithm requires the factorization of -abs(2*matdet(G)).
 449   If this factorization is known, one can give it as factD (the second
 450   argument of the function) and save a lot of time.
 452   - Qfparam(G,sol,fl): parametrization by quadratic forms of the
 453   solutions of the ternary quadratic form G, using the particular
 454   solution sol.
 455   If fl>0, then the 'fl'th form is reduced.
 457   - IndefiniteLLL(G,c): Solve or reduce the quadratic form G with
 458   integral coefficients. G might be definite or indefinite.
 459   This is an LLL-type algorithm with a constant 1/4<c<1. 
 461   - class2(d,factd): computes the 2-Sylow of the (narrow) class group
 462   of discriminant d. d must be a fondamental discriminant.
 463   This algorithm requires the factorization of abs(2*d).
 464   If this factorization is known, one can give it as factd (the second
 465   argument of the function) and the algorithm runs in polynomial time.
 467   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
 468   \\         Description des fonctions          \\
 469   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
 471   Programme de resolution des equations quadratiques
 472   langage: GP
 473   pour l'utiliser, lancer gp, puis taper
 474   \r
 476   Ce fichier contient 4 principales fonctions:
 478   - Qfsolve(G,factD): pour resoudre l'equation quadratique X^t*G*X = 0
 479   G doit etre une matrice symetrique n*n, a coefficients dans Z.
 480   S'il n'existe pas de solution, la reponse est un entier
 481   indiquant un corps local dans lequel aucune solution n'existe
 482   (-1 pour les reels, p pour Q_p).
 483   Si on connait la factorisation de -abs(2*matdet(G)),
 484   on peut la passer par le parametre factD pour gagner du temps.
 486   - Qfparam(G,sol,fl): pour parametrer les solutions de la forme
 487   quadratique ternaire G, en utilisant la solution particuliere sol.
 488   si fl>0, la 'fl'eme forme quadratique est reduite.
 490   - IndefiniteLLL(G,c): pour resoudre ou reduire la forme quadratique
 491   G a coefficients entiers. Il s'agit d'un algorithme type LLL, avec la
 492   constante 1/4<c<1.
 494   - class2(d,factd): determine le 2-Sylow du (narrow) groupe de classes de
 495   discriminant d, ou d est un discriminant fondamental.
 496   Si on connait la factorisation de abs(2*d),
 497   on peut la donner dans factd, et dans ce cas le reste
 498   de l'algorithme est polynomial.
 500   */
 502   /* */
 503   /* Usual global variables */
 504   /*  */
 506   DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve = gen_0;
 507   /* */
 508   /* Usual global variables */
 509   /* */
 511   DEBUGLEVEL_ell = gen_0;
 512   /* From 0 to 5 : choose a higher value to have */
 513   /* more details printed. */
 514   LIM1 = stoi(5);
 515   /* Limit for the search of trivial points on quartics */
 516   LIM3 = stoi(50);
 517   /* Limit for the search of points on ELS quartics */
 518   LIMTRIV = stoi(3);
 519   /* Limit for the search of trivial points on the elliptic curve */
 520   COMPLETE = gen_1;
 521   /* Use Complete 2-descent when full 2-torsion, */
 522   /* otherwise 2-descent via isogenies. */
 524   /* */
 525   /*  Technical global variables */
 526   /* */
 528   MAXPROB = stoi(20);
 529   LIMBIGPRIME = stoi(30);
 530   /* for primes larger than this limit, */
 531   /* use a probabilistic test */
 532   /* LIMBIGPRIME = 0 means only deterministic tests */
 533   ELLREDGENFLAG = gen_1;
 534   /* to reduce the generators at the end */
 535   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 536   /*          SCRIPT                             \\ */
 537   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 539   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 540   /*    COMMON FUNCTIONS TO AND   \\ */
 541   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 543   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 544     pari_printf("ellchangecurveinverse\n");
 545   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 546     pari_printf("ellchangepointinverse\n");
 547   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 548     pari_printf("ellcomposeurst\n");
 549   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 550     pari_printf("ellinverturst\n");
 551   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 552     pari_printf("mysubst\n");
 553   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 554     pari_printf("degre\n");
 555   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 556     pari_printf("nfissquare\n");
 557   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 558     pari_printf("nfsqrt\n");
 559   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 560     pari_printf("sqrtrat\n");
 561   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 562   /*      FUNCTIONS SPECIFIC TO          \\ */
 563   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 565   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 566   /*    FUNCTIONS FOR POLYNOMIALS                \\ */
 567   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 569   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 570     pari_printf("polratroots\n");
 571   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 572     pari_printf("ratpoint\n");
 573   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 574     pari_printf("ratpoint2\n");
 575   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 576     pari_printf("listratpoint\n");
 577   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 578     pari_printf("redquartic\n");
 579   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 580     pari_printf("polrealrootsisolate\n");
 581   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 582     pari_printf("polrealrootsimprove\n");
 583   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 584     pari_printf("polrootsmodpn\n");
 585   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 586   /*    FUNCTIONS FOR LOCAL COMPUTATIONS         \\ */
 587   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 589   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 590     pari_printf("ppinit\n");
 591   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 592     pari_printf("nfpsquareoddQ\n");
 593   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 594     pari_printf("psquare\n");
 595   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 596     pari_printf("lemma6\n");
 597   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 598     pari_printf("lemma7\n");
 599   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 600     pari_printf("zpsoluble\n");
 601   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 602     pari_printf("qpsoluble\n");
 603   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 604     pari_printf("locallysoluble\n");
 605   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 606     pari_printf("LS2localimage\n");
 607   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 609   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 611   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 612     pari_printf("ellhalf\n");
 613   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 614     pari_printf("elltors2\n");
 615   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 616     pari_printf("elltorseven\n");
 617   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 618     pari_printf("ellsort\n");
 619   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 620     pari_printf("ellremovetorsion\n");
 621   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 622     pari_printf("ellredgen\n");
 623   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 624   /*    FUNCTIONS FOR NUMBER FIELDS              \\ */
 625   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 627   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 628     pari_printf("reducemodsquares\n");
 629   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 630     pari_printf("bnfpSelmer\n");
 631   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 632     pari_printf("kersign\n");
 633   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 634     pari_printf("kernorm\n");
 635   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 636   /*    FUNCTIONS FOR 2-DESCENT                  \\ */
 637   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 639   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 640     pari_printf("elllocalimage\n");
 641   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 642     pari_printf("ell2descent_gen\n");
 643   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 644     pari_printf("afficheselmer\n");
 645   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 646     pari_printf("ellrank\n");
 647   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 648     pari_printf("ell2descent_complete\n");
 649   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 650     pari_printf("ellcount\n");
 651   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 652     pari_printf("ell2descent_viaisog\n");
 653   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 654   /*            HELP MESSAGES                \\ */
 655   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 657   /*                  functions for elliptic curves */
 658   /*                  functions for polynomials */
 659   /*                  functions for number fields */
 660   /*                  others */
 661   /*\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 662   /*       Copyright (C) 2007 Denis Simon */
 663   /* */
 664   /* Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) */
 665   /* */
 666   /*    This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
 667   /*    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
 669   /*    General Public License for more details. */
 670   /* */
 671   /* The full text of the GPL is available at: */
 672   /* */
 673   /*        */
 674   /*\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 676   /* */
 677   /* Auteur: */
 678   /* Denis SIMON -> */
 679   /* adresse du fichier: */
 680   /* */
 681   /* */
 682   /*  ********************************************* */
 683   /*  *          VERSION 25/03/2009               * */
 684   /*  ********************************************* */
 685   /* */
 686   /* Programme de calcul du rang des courbes elliptiques */
 687   /* dans les corps de nombres. */
 688   /* langage: GP */
 689   /* pour l'utiliser, lancer gp, puis taper */
 690   /* \r */
 691   /* */
 692   /* */
 693   /* Explications succintes : */
 694   /* definition du corps : */
 695   /* bnf=bnfinit(y^2+1); */
 696   /* (il est indispensable que la variable soit y). */
 697   /* on peut ensuite poser :  */
 698   /* X = Mod(y,bnf.pol); */
 699   /*  */
 700   /* La fonction bnfellrank() accepte toutes les courbes sous la forme */
 701   /* [a1,a2,a3,a4,a6] */
 702   /* Les coefficients peuvent etre entiers ou non. */
 703   /* L'algorithme utilise est celui de la 2-descente. */
 704   /* La 2-torsion peut etre quelconque. */
 705   /* Il suffit de taper :  */
 706   /* */
 707   /* gp > ell = [a1,a2,a3,a4,a6]; */
 708   /* gp > bnfellrank(bnf,ell) */
 709   /* */
 710   /* Retourne un vecteur [r,s,vec] */
 711   /* ou r est le rang probable (c'est toujours une minoration du rang), */
 712   /* s est le 2-rang du groupe de Selmer, */
 713   /* vec est une liste de points dans E(K)/2E(K). */
 714   /* */
 715   /* Courbes avec #E[2](K) >= 2: */
 716   /* ell doit etre sous la forme  */
 717   /* y^2 = x^3 + A*^2 + B*x */
 718   /* avec A et B entiers algebriques */
 719   /* gp > ell = [0,A,0,B,0] */
 720   /* gp > bnfell2descent_viaisog(ell) */
 721   /* = algorithme de la 2-descente par isogenies */
 722   /* Attention A et B doivent etre entiers */
 723   /* */
 724   /* Courbes avec #E[2](K) = 4: y^2 = (x-e1)*(x-e2)*(x-e3) */
 725   /* -> bnfell2descent_complete(bnf,e1,e2,e3); */
 726   /* = algorithme de la 2-descente complete */
 727   /* Attention: les ei doivent etre entiers algebriques. */
 728   /* */
 729   /* */
 730   /* On peut avoir plus ou moins de details de calculs avec */
 731   /* DEBUGLEVEL_ell = 0; */
 732   /* DEBUGLEVEL_ell = 1; 2; 3;... */
 733   /* */
 735   /* */
 736   /* Variables globales usuelles */
 737   /* */
 739   DEBUGLEVEL_ell = gen_1;
 740   /* pour avoir plus ou moins de details */
 741   LIM1 = gen_2;
 742   /* limite des points triviaux sur les quartiques */
 743   LIM3 = stoi(4);
 744   /* limite des points sur les quartiques ELS */
 745   LIMTRIV = gen_2;
 746   /* limite des points triviaux sur la courbe elliptique */
 748   /* */
 749   /*  Variables globales techniques */
 750   /* */
 752   BIGINT = stoi(32000);
 753   /* l'infini */
 754   MAXPROB = stoi(20);
 755   LIMBIGPRIME = stoi(30);
 756   /* pour distinguer un petit nombre premier d'un grand */
 757   /* utilise un test probabiliste pour les grands  */
 758   /* si LIMBIGPRIME = 0, n'utilise aucun test probabiliste */
 759   NBIDEAUX = stoi(10);
 760   /* */
 761   /*  Programmes */
 762   /* */
 764   /* */
 765   /* Fonctions communes et */
 766   /* */
 767   /* 
 768   {
 769   ellinverturst(urst) =
 770   local(u = urst[1], r = urst[2], s = urst[3], t = urst[4]);
 771   [1/u,-r/u^2,-s/u,(r*s-t)/u^3];
 772   }
 773   */
 774   /*
 775   {
 776   ellchangecurveinverse(ell,v) = ellchangecurve(ell,ellinverturst(v));
 777   }
 778   {
 779   ellchangepointinverse(pt,v) = ellchangepoint(pt,ellinverturst(v));
 780   }
 781   */
 782   /*
 783   {
 784   ellcomposeurst(urst1,urst2) =
 785   local(u1 = urst1[1], r1 = urst1[2], s1 = urst1[3], t1 = urst1[4],
 786   u2 = urst2[1], r2 = urst2[2], s2 = urst2[3], t2 = urst2[4]);
 787   [u1*u2,u1^2*r2+r1,u1*s2+s1,u1^3*t2+s1*u1^2*r2+t1];
 788   }
 789   */
 790   /*
 791   if( DEBUGLEVEL_ell >= 4, print("mysubst"));
 792   {
 793   mysubst(polsu,subsx) = 
 794   if( type(lift(polsu)) == "t_POL", 
 795   return(simplify(subst(lift(polsu),variable(lift(polsu)),subsx)) )
 796   , return(simplify(lift(polsu))));
 797   } 
 798   */
 800   /* MODI nfsign is a GP function, must modify */
 802   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 803     pari_printf("nfsign_s\n");
 804   /*
 805   if( DEBUGLEVEL_ell >= 4, print("degre"));
 806   {
 807   degre(idegre) =
 808   local(ideg = idegre, jdeg = 0);
 810   while( ideg >>= 1, jdeg++);
 811   return(jdeg);
 812   }
 813   */
 814   /*
 815   if( DEBUGLEVEL_ell >= 4, print("nfissquare"));
 816   {
 817   nfissquare(nf, a) = #nfsqrt(nf,a) > 0;
 818   }
 819   if( DEBUGLEVEL_ell >= 4, print("nfsqrt"));
 820   {
 821   nfsqrt( nf, a) =
 822   \\ si a est un carre, renvoie [sqrt(a)], sinon [].
 823   local(alift,ta,res,pfact);
 825   if( DEBUGLEVEL_ell >= 5, print("entree dans nfsqrt ",a));
 826   if( a==0 || a==1, 
 827   if( DEBUGLEVEL_ell >= 5, print("fin de nfsqrt"));
 828   return([a]));
 830   alift = lift(a);
 831   ta = type(a);
 832   if( !poldegree(alift), alift = polcoeff(alift,0));
 834   if( type(alift) != "t_POL",
 835   if( issquare(alift), 
 836   if( DEBUGLEVEL_ell >= 5, print("fin de nfsqrt"));
 837   return([sqrtrat(alift)])));
 839   if( poldegree(nf.pol) <= 1,
 840   if( DEBUGLEVEL_ell >= 5, print("fin de nfsqrt"));
 841   return([]));
 842   if( ta == "t_POL", a = Mod(a,nf.pol));
 844   \\ tous les plgements reels doivent etre >0 
 846   for( i = 1, nf.r1,
 847   if( nfsign_s(nf,a,i) < 0,
 848   if( DEBUGLEVEL_ell >= 5, print("fin de nfsqrt"));
 849   return([])));
 851   \\ factorisation sur K du polynome X^2-a :
 853   if( variable(nf.pol) == x,
 854   py = subst(nf.pol,x,y);
 855   pfact = lift(factornf(x^2-mysubst(alift,Mod(y,py)),py)[1,1])
 856   ,
 857   pfact = lift(factornf(x^2-a,nf.pol)[1,1]));
 858   if( poldegree(pfact) == 2,
 859   if( DEBUGLEVEL_ell >= 5, print("fin de nfsqrt"));
 860   return([]));
 861   if( DEBUGLEVEL_ell >= 5, print("fin de nfsqrt"));
 862   return([subst(polcoeff(pfact,0),y,Mod(variable(nf.pol),nf.pol))]);
 863   }
 864   */
 865   /*
 866   if( DEBUGLEVEL_ell >= 4, print("sqrtrat"));
 867   {
 868   sqrtrat(a) = 
 869   sqrtint(numerator(a))/sqrtint(denominator(a));
 870   }
 871   */
 873   /* */
 874   /* Fonctions propres a */
 875   /* */
 877   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 878     pari_printf("nfpolratroots\n");
 879   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 880     pari_printf("nfmodid2\n");
 881   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 882     pari_printf("nfhilb2\n");
 883   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 884     pari_printf("mynfhilbertp\n");
 885   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 886     pari_printf("ideallistfactor\n");
 887   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 888     pari_printf("mynfhilbert\n");
 889   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 890     pari_printf("initp\n");
 891   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 892     pari_printf("deno\n");
 893   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 894     pari_printf("nfratpoint\n");
 895   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 896     pari_printf("repres\n");
 897   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 898     pari_printf("val\n");
 899   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 900     pari_printf("nfissquarep\n");
 901   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 902     pari_printf("nfpsquareodd\n");
 903   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 904     pari_printf("nfpsquare\n");
 905   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 906     pari_printf("nfpsquareq\n");
 907   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 908     pari_printf("nflemma6\n");
 909   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 910     pari_printf("nflemma7\n");
 911   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 912     pari_printf("nfzpsoluble\n");
 913   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 914     pari_printf("mynfeltmod\n");
 915   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 916     pari_printf("mynfeltreduce\n");
 917   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 918     pari_printf("nfrandintmodid\n");
 919   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 920     pari_printf("nfrandint\n");
 921   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 922     pari_printf("nfqpsolublebig\n");
 923   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 924     pari_printf("nfpolrootsmod\n");
 925   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 926     pari_printf("nfqpsoluble\n");
 927   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 928     pari_printf("nflocallysoluble\n");
 929   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 930     pari_printf("nfellcount\n");
 931   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 932     pari_printf("bnfell2descent_viaisog\n");
 933   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 934     pari_printf("nfchinremain\n");
 935   /* MODI must change auto to auto_s: reserved C */
 937   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 938     pari_printf("bnfqfsolve2\n");
 939   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 940     pari_printf("bnfqfsolve\n");
 941   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 942     pari_printf("bnfredquartique2\n");
 943   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 944     pari_printf("bnfell2descent_gen\n");
 945   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 946     pari_printf("bnfellrank\n");
 947   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
 948     pari_printf("bnfell2descent_complete\n");
 950   return;
 951 }
 953 /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 954 /*          SCRIPT                             \\ */
 955 /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
 957 GEN
 958 QfbReduce(GEN M, long prec)
 959 {
 960   pari_sp ltop = avma;
 961   GEN a = gen_0, b = gen_0, c = gen_0, H = gen_0, test = gen_0, di = gen_0, q = gen_0, r = gen_0, nexta = gen_0, nextb = gen_0, nextc = gen_0, aux = gen_0;
 962   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 5) >= 0)
 963     pari_printf("     starting QfbReduce with %Ps\n", M);
 964   a = gcopy(gcoeff(M, 1, 1));
 965   b = gcopy(gcoeff(M, 1, 2));
 966   c = gcopy(gcoeff(M, 2, 2));
 967   H = matid(2);
 968   test = gen_1;
 969   {
 970     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
 971     while (!gequal0(test) && !gequal0(a))
 972     {
 973       di = divrem(b, a, -1);
 974       q = gcopy(gel(di, 1));
 975       r = gcopy(gel(di, 2));
 976       if (gcmp(gmulsg(2, r), gabs(a, prec)) > 0)
 977       {
 978         r = gsub(r, gabs(a, prec));
 979         q = gaddgs(q, gsigne(a));
 980       }
 981       gel(H, 2) = gsub(gel(H, 2), gmul(q, gel(H, 1)));
 982       nextc = a;
 983       nextb = gneg(r);
 984       nexta = gadd(gmul(gsub(nextb, b), q), c);
 985       if (!gequal0(test = stoi(gcmp(gabs(nexta, prec), gabs(a, prec)) < 0)))
 986       {
 987         c = nextc;
 988         b = nextb;
 989         a = nexta;
 990         aux = gcopy(gel(H, 1));
 991         gel(H, 1) = gneg(gel(H, 2));
 992         gel(H, 2) = gcopy(aux);
 993       }
 994       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
 995         gerepileall(btop, 12, &di, &q, &r, &H, &nextc, &nextb, &nexta, &test, &c, &b, &a, &aux);
 996     }
 997   }
 998   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 5) >= 0)
 999     pari_printf("     end of QfbReduce with %Ps\n", H);
1000   H = gerepilecopy(ltop, H);
1001   return H;
1002 }
1004 GEN
1005 IndefiniteLLL(GEN G, GEN c, GEN base, long prec)
1006 {
1007   pari_sp ltop = avma;
1008   GEN n = gen_0, M = gen_0, QD = gen_0, M1 = gen_0, S = gen_0, red = gen_0, p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0;
1009   GEN p3 = gen_0, p4 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1010   if (!c)
1011     c = gen_1;
1012   if (!base)
1013     base = gen_0;
1014   n = stoi(glength(G));
1015   M = matid(gtos(n));
1016   QD = gcopy(G);
1017   p1 = gsubgs(n, 1);
1018   {
1019     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1020     GEN i = gen_0, p5 = gen_0;
1021     long l6;	  /* lg */
1022     long l7;
1023     GEN p8 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1024     for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, p1) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
1025     {
1026       if (gequal0(gcoeff(QD, gtos(i), gtos(i))))
1027       {
1028         p5 = IndefiniteLLL2(G, c, base, prec);
1029         p5 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p5);
1030         return p5;
1031       }
1032       M1 = matid(gtos(n));
1033       p8 = gdiv(gneg(rowcopy(QD, gtos(i))), gcoeff(QD, gtos(i), gtos(i)));
1034       l6 = lg(M1);
1035       for (l7 = 1; l7 < l6; ++l7)
1036         gcoeff(M1, gtos(i), l7) = gcopy(gel(p8, l7));
1037       gcoeff(M1, gtos(i), gtos(i)) = gen_1;
1038       M = gmul(M, M1);
1039       QD = gmul(gmul(gtrans(M1), QD), M1);
1040       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1041         gerepileall(btop, 6, &i, &p5, &M1, &p8, &M, &QD);
1042     }
1043   }
1044   M = ginv(M);
1045   QD = gmul(gmul(gtrans(M), gabs(QD, prec)), M);
1046   S = qflllgram0(gdiv(QD, content(QD)), 0);
1047   red = IndefiniteLLL2(gmul(gmul(gtrans(S), G), S), c, base, prec);
1048   if (typ(red) == t_COL)
1049   {
1050     p2 = gmul(S, red);
1051     p2 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p2);
1052     return p2;
1053   }
1054   if (glength(red) == 3)
1055   {
1056     p3 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
1057     gel(p3, 1) = gcopy(gel(red, 1));
1058     gel(p3, 2) = gmul(S, gel(red, 2));
1059     gel(p3, 3) = gmul(S, gel(red, 3));
1060     p3 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p3);
1061     return p3;
1062   }
1063   p4 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
1064   gel(p4, 1) = gcopy(gel(red, 1));
1065   gel(p4, 2) = gmul(S, gel(red, 2));
1066   p4 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p4);
1067   return p4;
1068 }
1070 GEN
1071 IndefiniteLLL2(GEN G, GEN c, GEN base, long prec)
1072 {
1073   pari_sp ltop = avma;
1074   GEN n = gen_0, H = gen_0, M = gen_0, A = gen_0, aux = gen_0, sol = gen_0, k = gen_0, nextk = gen_0, swap = gen_0, q = gen_0, di = gen_0, HM = gen_0, aux1 = gen_0, aux2 = gen_0, Mkk1 = gen_0, bk1new = gen_0, Mkk1new = gen_0, newG = gen_0;
1075   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0, p3 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1076   if (!c)
1077     c = gen_1;
1078   if (!base)
1079     base = gen_0;
1080   n = stoi(glength(G));
1081   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 3) >= 0)
1082     pari_printf("   LLL dim %Ps avec |G| = %Ps\n", n, gdiv(glog(vecmax(gabs(G, prec)), prec), glog(stoi(10), prec)));
1083   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
1084   {
1085     pari_printf("    LLL with \n");
1086     pari_printf("%Ps\n", G);
1087   }
1088   /* MODI2.1 */
1090   if (gcmpgs(n, 1) <= 0)
1091   {
1092     p1 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
1093     gel(p1, 1) = gcopy(G);
1094     gel(p1, 2) = matid(gtos(n));
1095     p1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p1);
1096     return p1;
1097   }
1098   H = gcopy(M = matid(gtos(n)));
1099   {
1100     long l4, l5;
1101     p2 = cgetg(gtos(n)+1, t_MAT);
1102     for (l5 = 1; gcmpsg(l5, n) <= 0; ++l5)
1103     {
1104       gel(p2, l5) = cgetg(gtos(n)+1, t_COL);
1105       for (l4 = 1; gcmpsg(l4, n) <= 0; ++l4)
1106         gcoeff(p2, l4, l5) = gen_0;
1107     }
1108   }
1109   A = p2;
1110   /* compute Gram-Schmidt   */
1112   {
1113     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1114     GEN i = gen_0;
1115     GEN p6 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1116     GEN p7 = gen_0, p8 = gen_0;
1117     for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, n) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
1118     {
1119       if (gequal0(gcoeff(A, gtos(i), gtos(i)) = gcopy(gcoeff(G, gtos(i), gtos(i)))))
1120       {
1121         if (!gequal0(base))
1122         {
1123           aux = gcopy(gel(H, 1));
1124           gel(H, 1) = gcopy(gel(H, gtos(i)));
1125           gel(H, gtos(i)) = gneg(aux);
1126           p6 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
1127           gel(p6, 1) = gmul(gmul(gtrans(H), G), H);
1128           gel(p6, 2) = gcopy(H);
1129           gel(p6, 3) = gcopy(gel(H, 1));
1130           p6 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p6);
1131           return p6;
1132         }
1133         else
1134         {
1135           p7 = gcopy(gel(M, gtos(i)));
1136           p7 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p7);
1137           return p7;
1138         }
1139       }
1140       p8 = gsubgs(i, 1);
1141       {
1142         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1143         GEN j = gen_0, p9 = gen_0, p10 = gen_0;
1144         GEN p11 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1145         for (j = gen_1; gcmp(j, p8) <= 0; j = gaddgs(j, 1))
1146         {
1147           p9 = gsubgs(j, 1);
1148           {
1149             pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1150             GEN k = gen_0;
1151             p10 = gen_0;
1152             for (k = gen_1; gcmp(k, p9) <= 0; k = gaddgs(k, 1))
1153             {
1154               p10 = gadd(p10, gmul(gcoeff(M, gtos(j), gtos(k)), gcoeff(A, gtos(i), gtos(k))));
1155               if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1156                 gerepileall(btop, 2, &p10, &k);
1157             }
1158           }
1159           gcoeff(A, gtos(i), gtos(j)) = gsub(gcoeff(G, gtos(i), gtos(j)), p10);
1160           gcoeff(M, gtos(i), gtos(j)) = gdiv(gcoeff(A, gtos(i), gtos(j)), gcoeff(A, gtos(j), gtos(j)));
1161           gcoeff(A, gtos(i), gtos(i)) = gsub(gcoeff(A, gtos(i), gtos(i)), gmul(gcoeff(M, gtos(i), gtos(j)), gcoeff(A, gtos(i), gtos(j))));
1162           if (gequal0(gcoeff(A, gtos(i), gtos(i))))
1163           {
1164             sol = gcopy(gel(gtrans(ginv(M)), gtos(i)));
1165             sol = gdiv(sol, content(sol));
1166             if (!gequal0(base))
1167             {
1168               H = completebasis(sol, NULL);
1169               aux = gcopy(gel(H, 1));
1170               gel(H, 1) = gcopy(gel(H, gtos(n)));
1171               gel(H, gtos(n)) = gneg(aux);
1172               p11 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
1173               gel(p11, 1) = gmul(gmul(gtrans(H), G), H);
1174               gel(p11, 2) = gcopy(H);
1175               gel(p11, 3) = gcopy(gel(H, 1));
1176               p11 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p11);
1177               return p11;
1178             }
1179             else
1180             {
1181               sol = gerepilecopy(ltop, sol);
1182               return sol;
1183             }
1184           }
1185           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1186             gerepileall(btop, 9, &j, &p9, &p10, &A, &M, &sol, &H, &aux, &p11);
1187         }
1188       }
1189       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1190         gerepileall(btop, 9, &i, &A, &aux, &H, &p6, &p7, &p8, &M, &sol);
1191     }
1192   }
1193   /* LLL loop */
1195   k = gen_2;
1196   nextk = gen_1;
1197   {
1198     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1199     GEN p12 = gen_0;
1200     while (gcmp(k, n) <= 0)
1201     {
1202       swap = gen_1;
1203       {
1204         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1205         GEN p13 = gen_0;
1206         long l14;
1207         GEN p15 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1208         GEN p16 = gen_0, p17 = gen_0, p18 = gen_0;
1209         GEN p19 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1210         while (!gequal0(swap))
1211         {
1212           swap = gen_0;
1213           /* red(k,k-1); */
1214           if (!gequal0(q = ground(gcoeff(M, gtos(k), gtos(gsubgs(k, 1))))))
1215           {
1216             p13 = gsubgs(k, 2);
1217             {
1218               pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1219               GEN i = gen_0;
1220               long l20;
1221               for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, p13) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
1222               {
1223                 l20 = gtos(gsubgs(k, 1));
1224                 gcoeff(M, gtos(k), gtos(i)) = gsub(gcoeff(M, gtos(k), gtos(i)), gmul(q, gcoeff(M, l20, gtos(i))));
1225                 if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1226                   gerepileall(btop, 2, &i, &M);
1227               }
1228             }
1229             l14 = gtos(gsubgs(k, 1));
1230             gcoeff(M, gtos(k), l14) = gsub(gcoeff(M, gtos(k), l14), q);
1231             {
1232               pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1233               GEN i = gen_0;
1234               long l21, l22;
1235               for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, n) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
1236               {
1237                 l21 = gtos(gsubgs(k, 1));
1238                 gcoeff(A, gtos(k), gtos(i)) = gsub(gcoeff(A, gtos(k), gtos(i)), gmul(q, gcoeff(A, l21, gtos(i))));
1239                 l22 = gtos(gsubgs(k, 1));
1240                 gcoeff(H, gtos(i), gtos(k)) = gsub(gcoeff(H, gtos(i), gtos(k)), gmul(q, gcoeff(H, gtos(i), l22)));
1241                 if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1242                   gerepileall(btop, 3, &i, &A, &H);
1243               }
1244             }
1245           }
1246           /* preparation of swap(k,k-1) */
1248           if (!gequal0(gissquare(di = gmul(gneg(gcoeff(A, gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)), gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)))), gcoeff(A, gtos(k), gtos(k))))))
1249           {
1250             /* di is the determinant of matr */
1251             /* We find a solution */
1252             HM = gtrans(ginv(M));
1253             aux1 = sqrtint(numer(di));
1254             aux2 = sqrtint(denom(di));
1255             sol = gadd(gmul(aux1, gel(HM, gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)))), gmul(gmul(aux2, gcoeff(A, gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)), gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)))), gel(HM, gtos(k))));
1256             sol = gdiv(sol, content(sol));
1257             if (!gequal0(base))
1258             {
1259               H = gmul(H, completebasis(sol, gen_1));
1260               aux = gcopy(gel(H, 1));
1261               gel(H, 1) = gcopy(gel(H, gtos(n)));
1262               gel(H, gtos(n)) = gneg(aux);
1263               p15 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
1264               gel(p15, 1) = gmul(gmul(gtrans(H), G), H);
1265               gel(p15, 2) = gcopy(H);
1266               gel(p15, 3) = gcopy(gel(H, 1));
1267               p15 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p15);
1268               return p15;
1269             }
1270             else
1271             {
1272               p16 = gmul(H, sol);
1273               p16 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p16);
1274               return p16;
1275             }
1276           }
1277           /* Reduction [k,k-1]. */
1278           Mkk1 = gcopy(gcoeff(M, gtos(k), gtos(gsubgs(k, 1))));
1279           bk1new = gadd(gmul(gsqr(Mkk1), gcoeff(A, gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)), gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)))), gcoeff(A, gtos(k), gtos(k)));
1280           if (!gequal0(swap = stoi(gcmp(gabs(bk1new, prec), gmul(c, gabs(gcoeff(A, gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)), gtos(gsubgs(k, 1))), prec))) < 0)))
1281             Mkk1new = gdiv(gmul(gneg(Mkk1), gcoeff(A, gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)), gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)))), bk1new);
1282           /* Update the matrices after the swap. */
1283           if (!gequal0(swap))
1284           {
1285             {
1286               pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1287               GEN j = gen_0;
1288               for (j = gen_1; gcmp(j, n) <= 0; j = gaddgs(j, 1))
1289               {
1290                 aux = gcopy(gcoeff(H, gtos(j), gtos(gsubgs(k, 1))));
1291                 gcoeff(H, gtos(j), gtos(gsubgs(k, 1))) = gcopy(gcoeff(H, gtos(j), gtos(k)));
1292                 gcoeff(H, gtos(j), gtos(k)) = gneg(aux);
1293                 if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1294                   gerepileall(btop, 3, &j, &aux, &H);
1295               }
1296             }
1297             p17 = gsubgs(k, 2);
1298             {
1299               pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1300               GEN j = gen_0;
1301               for (j = gen_1; gcmp(j, p17) <= 0; j = gaddgs(j, 1))
1302               {
1303                 aux = gcopy(gcoeff(M, gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)), gtos(j)));
1304                 gcoeff(M, gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)), gtos(j)) = gcopy(gcoeff(M, gtos(k), gtos(j)));
1305                 gcoeff(M, gtos(k), gtos(j)) = gneg(aux);
1306                 if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1307                   gerepileall(btop, 3, &j, &aux, &M);
1308               }
1309             }
1310             p18 = gaddgs(k, 1);
1311             {
1312               pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1313               GEN j = gen_0;
1314               for (j = p18; gcmp(j, n) <= 0; j = gaddgs(j, 1))
1315               {
1316                 aux = gcopy(gcoeff(M, gtos(j), gtos(k)));
1317                 gcoeff(M, gtos(j), gtos(k)) = gadd(gneg(gcoeff(M, gtos(j), gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)))), gmul(Mkk1, aux));
1318                 gcoeff(M, gtos(j), gtos(gsubgs(k, 1))) = gadd(aux, gmul(Mkk1new, gcoeff(M, gtos(j), gtos(k))));
1319                 if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1320                   gerepileall(btop, 3, &j, &aux, &M);
1321               }
1322             }
1323             {
1324               pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1325               GEN j = gen_0;
1326               for (j = gen_1; gcmp(j, n) <= 0; j = gaddgs(j, 1))
1327               {
1328                 if (!gequal(j, k) && !gequal(j, gsubgs(k, 1)))
1329                 {
1330                   aux = gcopy(gcoeff(A, gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)), gtos(j)));
1331                   gcoeff(A, gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)), gtos(j)) = gcopy(gcoeff(A, gtos(k), gtos(j)));
1332                   gcoeff(A, gtos(k), gtos(j)) = gneg(aux);
1333                   aux = gcopy(gcoeff(A, gtos(j), gtos(gsubgs(k, 1))));
1334                   gcoeff(A, gtos(j), gtos(gsubgs(k, 1))) = gadd(gmul(Mkk1, aux), gcoeff(A, gtos(j), gtos(k)));
1335                   gcoeff(A, gtos(j), gtos(k)) = gsub(gneg(aux), gmul(Mkk1new, gcoeff(A, gtos(j), gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)))));
1336                 }
1337                 if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1338                   gerepileall(btop, 3, &j, &aux, &A);
1339               }
1340             }
1341             aux1 = gcopy(gcoeff(A, gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)), gtos(gsubgs(k, 1))));
1342             aux2 = gcopy(gcoeff(A, gtos(k), gtos(gsubgs(k, 1))));
1343             gcoeff(A, gtos(k), gtos(gsubgs(k, 1))) = gsub(gneg(gcoeff(A, gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)), gtos(k))), gmul(Mkk1, aux1));
1344             gcoeff(A, gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)), gtos(gsubgs(k, 1))) = gadd(gcoeff(A, gtos(k), gtos(k)), gmul(Mkk1, aux2));
1345             gcoeff(A, gtos(k), gtos(k)) = gsub(aux1, gmul(Mkk1new, gcoeff(A, gtos(k), gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)))));
1346             gcoeff(A, gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)), gtos(k)) = gsub(gneg(aux2), gmul(Mkk1new, gcoeff(A, gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)), gtos(gsubgs(k, 1)))));
1347             gcoeff(M, gtos(k), gtos(gsubgs(k, 1))) = gcopy(Mkk1new);
1348             if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
1349             {
1350               newG = gmul(gmul(gtrans(H), G), H);
1351               {
1352                 long i;
1353                 p19 = cgetg(gtos(n)+1, t_VEC);
1354                 for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, n) <= 0; ++i)
1355                   gel(p19, i) = det(extract0(newG, subis(shifti(gen_1, i), 1), subis(shifti(gen_1, i), 1)));
1356               }
1357               pari_printf("%Ps\n", p19);
1358             }
1359             if (!gequalgs(k, 2))
1360               k = gsubgs(k, 1);
1361           }
1362           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1363             gerepileall(btop, 22, &swap, &q, &p13, &M, &A, &H, &di, &HM, &aux1, &aux2, &sol, &aux, &p15, &p16, &Mkk1, &bk1new, &Mkk1new, &p17, &p18, &newG, &p19, &k);
1364         }
1365       }
1366       p12 = gsubgs(k, 2);
1367       {
1368         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1369         GEN l = gen_0;
1370         long l23 = -1 > 0;	  /* bool */
1371         GEN p24 = gen_0;
1372         for (l = p12; l23?gcmpgs(l, 1) <= 0:gcmpgs(l, 1) >= 0; l = gaddgs(l, -1))
1373         {
1374           /* red(k,l) */
1375           if (!gequal0(q = ground(gcoeff(M, gtos(k), gtos(l)))))
1376           {
1377             p24 = gsubgs(l, 1);
1378             {
1379               pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1380               GEN i = gen_0;
1381               for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, p24) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
1382               {
1383                 gcoeff(M, gtos(k), gtos(i)) = gsub(gcoeff(M, gtos(k), gtos(i)), gmul(q, gcoeff(M, gtos(l), gtos(i))));
1384                 if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1385                   gerepileall(btop, 2, &i, &M);
1386               }
1387             }
1388             gcoeff(M, gtos(k), gtos(l)) = gsub(gcoeff(M, gtos(k), gtos(l)), q);
1389             {
1390               pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1391               GEN i = gen_0;
1392               for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, n) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
1393               {
1394                 gcoeff(A, gtos(k), gtos(i)) = gsub(gcoeff(A, gtos(k), gtos(i)), gmul(q, gcoeff(A, gtos(l), gtos(i))));
1395                 gcoeff(H, gtos(i), gtos(k)) = gsub(gcoeff(H, gtos(i), gtos(k)), gmul(q, gcoeff(H, gtos(i), gtos(l))));
1396                 if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1397                   gerepileall(btop, 3, &i, &A, &H);
1398               }
1399             }
1400           }
1401           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1402             gerepileall(btop, 6, &l, &q, &p24, &M, &A, &H);
1403         }
1404       }
1405       k = gaddgs(k, 1);
1406       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1407         gerepileall(btop, 17, &swap, &q, &M, &A, &H, &di, &HM, &aux1, &aux2, &sol, &aux, &Mkk1, &bk1new, &Mkk1new, &newG, &k, &p12);
1408     }
1409   }
1410   p3 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
1411   gel(p3, 1) = gmul(gmul(gtrans(H), G), H);
1412   gel(p3, 2) = gcopy(H);
1413   p3 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p3);
1414   return p3;
1415 }
1417 GEN
1418 kermodp(GEN M, GEN p)	  /* vec */
1419 {
1420   pari_sp ltop = avma;
1421   GEN n = gen_0, U = gen_0, d = gen_0;
1422   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1423   n = stoi(glength(M));
1424   U = centerlift(matker0(gmul(M, gmodulsg(1, p)), 0));
1425   d = stoi(glength(U));
1426   U = completebasis(U, NULL);
1427   {
1428     long i, j;
1429     p1 = cgetg(gtos(n)+1, t_MAT);
1430     for (j = 1; gcmpsg(j, n) <= 0; ++j)
1431     {
1432       gel(p1, j) = cgetg(gtos(n)+1, t_COL);
1433       for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, n) <= 0; ++i)
1434         gcoeff(p1, i, j) = gcopy(gcoeff(U, i, gtos(gsubgs(gaddgs(n, 1), j))));
1435     }
1436   }
1437   U = p1;
1438   p2 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
1439   gel(p2, 1) = gcopy(d);
1440   gel(p2, 2) = gcopy(U);
1441   p2 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p2);
1442   return p2;
1443 }
1445 GEN
1446 Qfparam(GEN G, GEN sol, GEN fl, long prec)
1447 {
1448   pari_sp ltop = avma;
1449   GEN U = gen_0, G1 = gen_0, G2 = gen_0;
1450   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0, p3 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1451   if (!fl)
1452     fl = stoi(3);
1453   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 5) >= 0)
1454     pari_printf("     starting Qfparam\n");
1455   sol = gdiv(sol, content(sol));
1456   /* build U such that U[,3] = sol, and det(U) = +-1 */
1457   U = completebasis(sol, gen_1);
1458   G1 = gmul(gmul(gtrans(U), G), U);
1459   p1 = cgetg(4, t_MAT);
1460   gel(p1, 1) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
1461   gel(p1, 2) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
1462   gel(p1, 3) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
1463   gcoeff(p1, 1, 1) = gmulsg(-2, gcoeff(G1, 1, 3));
1464   gcoeff(p1, 1, 2) = gmulsg(-2, gcoeff(G1, 2, 3));
1465   gcoeff(p1, 1, 3) = gen_0;
1466   gcoeff(p1, 2, 1) = gen_0;
1467   gcoeff(p1, 2, 2) = gmulsg(-2, gcoeff(G1, 1, 3));
1468   gcoeff(p1, 2, 3) = gmulsg(-2, gcoeff(G1, 2, 3));
1469   gcoeff(p1, 3, 1) = gcopy(gcoeff(G1, 1, 1));
1470   gcoeff(p1, 3, 2) = gmulsg(2, gcoeff(G1, 1, 2));
1471   gcoeff(p1, 3, 3) = gcopy(gcoeff(G1, 2, 2));
1472   /* G1 has a 0 at the bottom right corner */
1473   G2 = p1;
1474   sol = gmul(U, G2);
1475   p2 = cgetg(3, t_MAT);
1476   gel(p2, 1) = cgetg(3, t_COL);
1477   gel(p2, 2) = cgetg(3, t_COL);
1478   gcoeff(p2, 1, 1) = gcopy(gcoeff(sol, gtos(fl), 1));
1479   gcoeff(p2, 1, 2) = gdivgs(gcoeff(sol, gtos(fl), 2), 2);
1480   gcoeff(p2, 2, 1) = gdivgs(gcoeff(sol, gtos(fl), 2), 2);
1481   gcoeff(p2, 2, 2) = gcopy(gcoeff(sol, gtos(fl), 3));
1482   if (!gequal0(fl) && (gequal0(gissquare(gneg(det(U = p2))))))
1483   {
1484     U = QfbReduce(U, prec);
1485     p3 = cgetg(4, t_MAT);
1486     gel(p3, 1) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
1487     gel(p3, 2) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
1488     gel(p3, 3) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
1489     gcoeff(p3, 1, 1) = gsqr(gcoeff(U, 1, 1));
1490     gcoeff(p3, 1, 2) = gmul(gmulsg(2, gcoeff(U, 1, 2)), gcoeff(U, 1, 1));
1491     gcoeff(p3, 1, 3) = gsqr(gcoeff(U, 1, 2));
1492     gcoeff(p3, 2, 1) = gmul(gcoeff(U, 2, 1), gcoeff(U, 1, 1));
1493     gcoeff(p3, 2, 2) = gadd(gmul(gcoeff(U, 2, 2), gcoeff(U, 1, 1)), gmul(gcoeff(U, 2, 1), gcoeff(U, 1, 2)));
1494     gcoeff(p3, 2, 3) = gmul(gcoeff(U, 1, 2), gcoeff(U, 2, 2));
1495     gcoeff(p3, 3, 1) = gsqr(gcoeff(U, 2, 1));
1496     gcoeff(p3, 3, 2) = gmul(gmulsg(2, gcoeff(U, 2, 1)), gcoeff(U, 2, 2));
1497     gcoeff(p3, 3, 3) = gsqr(gcoeff(U, 2, 2));
1498     U = p3;
1499     sol = gmul(sol, U);
1500   }
1501   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 5) >= 0)
1502     pari_printf("     end of Qfparam\n");
1503   sol = gerepilecopy(ltop, sol);
1504   return sol;
1505 }
1507 GEN
1508 LLLgoon3(GEN G, GEN c, long prec)	  /* vec */
1509 {
1510   pari_sp ltop = avma;
1511   GEN red = gen_0, U1 = gen_0, G2 = gen_0, bez = gen_0, U2 = gen_0, G3 = gen_0, cc = gen_0, U3 = gen_0;
1512   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0, p3 = gen_0, p4 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1513   if (!c)
1514     c = gen_1;
1515   red = IndefiniteLLL(G, c, gen_1, prec);
1516   p1 = cgetg(4, t_MAT);
1517   gel(p1, 1) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
1518   gel(p1, 2) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
1519   gel(p1, 3) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
1520   gcoeff(p1, 1, 1) = gen_0;
1521   gcoeff(p1, 1, 2) = gen_0;
1522   gcoeff(p1, 1, 3) = gen_1;
1523   gcoeff(p1, 2, 1) = gen_0;
1524   gcoeff(p1, 2, 2) = gen_1;
1525   gcoeff(p1, 2, 3) = gen_0;
1526   gcoeff(p1, 3, 1) = gen_1;
1527   gcoeff(p1, 3, 2) = gen_0;
1528   gcoeff(p1, 3, 3) = gen_0;
1529   /* We always find an isotropic vector. */
1530   U1 = p1;
1531   G2 = gmul(gmul(gtrans(U1), gel(red, 1)), U1);
1532   /* G2 has a 0 at the bottom right corner. */
1533   bez = vecbezout(gcoeff(G2, 3, 1), gcoeff(G2, 3, 2));
1534   p2 = cgetg(4, t_MAT);
1535   gel(p2, 1) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
1536   gel(p2, 2) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
1537   gel(p2, 3) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
1538   gcoeff(p2, 1, 1) = gcopy(gel(bez, 1));
1539   gcoeff(p2, 1, 2) = gdiv(gcoeff(G2, 3, 2), gel(bez, 3));
1540   gcoeff(p2, 1, 3) = gen_0;
1541   gcoeff(p2, 2, 1) = gcopy(gel(bez, 2));
1542   gcoeff(p2, 2, 2) = gdiv(gneg(gcoeff(G2, 3, 1)), gel(bez, 3));
1543   gcoeff(p2, 2, 3) = gen_0;
1544   gcoeff(p2, 3, 1) = gen_0;
1545   gcoeff(p2, 3, 2) = gen_0;
1546   gcoeff(p2, 3, 3) = gen_m1;
1547   U2 = p2;
1548   G3 = gmul(gmul(gtrans(U2), G2), U2);
1549   /* G3 has 0 under the co-diagonal. */
1550   cc = gmodgs(gcoeff(G3, 1, 1), 2);
1551   p3 = cgetg(4, t_MAT);
1552   gel(p3, 1) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
1553   gel(p3, 2) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
1554   gel(p3, 3) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
1555   gcoeff(p3, 1, 1) = gen_1;
1556   gcoeff(p3, 1, 2) = gen_0;
1557   gcoeff(p3, 1, 3) = gen_0;
1558   gcoeff(p3, 2, 1) = gcopy(cc);
1559   gcoeff(p3, 2, 2) = gen_1;
1560   gcoeff(p3, 2, 3) = gen_0;
1561   gcoeff(p3, 3, 1) = ground(gdiv(gdivgs(gneg(gadd(gcoeff(G3, 1, 1), gmul(cc, gadd(gmulsg(2, gcoeff(G3, 1, 2)), gmul(gcoeff(G3, 2, 2), cc))))), 2), gcoeff(G3, 1, 3)));
1562   gcoeff(p3, 3, 2) = ground(gdiv(gneg(gadd(gcoeff(G3, 1, 2), gmul(cc, gcoeff(G3, 2, 2)))), gcoeff(G3, 1, 3)));
1563   gcoeff(p3, 3, 3) = gen_1;
1564   U3 = p3;
1565   p4 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
1566   gel(p4, 1) = gmul(gmul(gtrans(U3), G3), U3);
1567   gel(p4, 2) = gmul(gmul(gmul(gel(red, 2), U1), U2), U3);
1568   p4 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p4);
1569   return p4;
1570 }
1572 GEN
1573 completebasis(GEN v, GEN redflag)
1574 {
1575   pari_sp ltop = avma;
1576   GEN U = gen_0, n = gen_0, re = gen_0;
1577   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1578   GEN p2 = gen_0;
1579   if (!redflag)
1580     redflag = gen_0;
1581   v = gtomat(v);
1582   n = stoi(glength(gtrans(v)));
1583   if (gequalgs(n, glength(v)))
1584   {
1585     v = gerepilecopy(ltop, v);
1586     return v;
1587   }
1588   U = ginv(gtrans(gel(mathnf0(gtrans(v), 1), 2)));
1589   if (gequal1(n) || (gequal0(redflag)))
1590   {
1591     U = gerepilecopy(ltop, U);
1592     return U;
1593   }
1594   re = lll(extract0(U, subis(shifti(gen_1, gtos(n)), 1), subis(shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsubgs(n, glength(v)))), 1)));
1595   p1 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
1596   gel(p1, 1) = gcopy(re);
1597   gel(p1, 2) = matid(glength(v));
1598   p2 = gmul(U, matdiagonalblock(p1));
1599   p2 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p2);
1600   return p2;
1601 }
1603 GEN
1604 LLLgoon(GEN G, GEN c, long prec)
1605 {
1606   pari_sp ltop = avma;
1607   GEN red = gen_0, U1 = gen_0, G2 = gen_0, U2 = gen_0, G3 = gen_0, n = gen_0, U3 = gen_0, G4 = gen_0, U = gen_0, V = gen_0, B = gen_0, U4 = gen_0, G5 = gen_0, U5 = gen_0, G6 = gen_0;
1608   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0, p3 = gen_0, p4 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1609   GEN p5 = gen_0;
1610   GEN p6 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1611   GEN p7 = gen_0, p8 = gen_0;
1612   GEN p9 = gen_0, p10 = gen_0, p11 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1613   if (!c)
1614     c = gen_1;
1615   red = IndefiniteLLL(G, c, gen_1, prec);
1616   /* If no isotropic vector is found, nothing to do. */
1617   if (glength(red) == 2)
1618   {
1619     red = gerepilecopy(ltop, red);
1620     return red;
1621   }
1622   /* otherwise: */
1623   U1 = gcopy(gel(red, 2));
1624   G2 = gcopy(gel(red, 1));
1625   /* On a G2[1,1] = 0 */
1626   U2 = gcopy(gel(mathnf0(gtomat(rowcopy(G2, 1)), 4), 2));
1627   G3 = gmul(gmul(gtrans(U2), G2), U2);
1628   /* The first line of the matrix G3 only contains 0, */
1629   /* except some 'g' on the right, where g^2| det G. */
1630   n = stoi(glength(G));
1631   U3 = matid(gtos(n));
1632   gcoeff(U3, 1, gtos(n)) = ground(gdivgs(gdiv(gneg(gcoeff(G3, gtos(n), gtos(n))), gcoeff(G3, 1, gtos(n))), 2));
1633   G4 = gmul(gmul(gtrans(U3), G3), U3);
1634   p1 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
1635   gel(p1, 1) = gen_1;
1636   gel(p1, 2) = gcopy(n);
1637   p2 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
1638   gel(p2, 1) = gen_1;
1639   gel(p2, 2) = gcopy(n);
1640   /* The coeff G4[n,n] is reduced modulo 2g */
1641   U = extract0(G4, p1, p2);
1642   if (gequalgs(n, 2))
1643   {
1644     {
1645       long l12, l13;
1646       p3 = cgetg(1, t_MAT);
1647       for (l13 = 1; l13 <= 0; ++l13)
1648       {
1649         gel(p3, l13) = cgetg(3, t_COL);
1650         for (l12 = 1; l12 <= 2; ++l12)
1651           gcoeff(p3, l12, l13) = gen_0;
1652       }
1653     }
1654     V = p3;
1655   }
1656   else
1657   {
1658     p4 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
1659     gel(p4, 1) = gen_1;
1660     gel(p4, 2) = gcopy(n);
1661     V = extract0(G4, p4, subis(shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsubgs(n, 1))), 2));
1662   }
1663   B = ground(gmul(gneg(ginv(U)), V));
1664   U4 = matid(gtos(n));
1665   p5 = gsubgs(n, 1);
1666   {
1667     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1668     GEN j = gen_0;
1669     for (j = gen_2; gcmp(j, p5) <= 0; j = gaddgs(j, 1))
1670     {
1671       gcoeff(U4, 1, gtos(j)) = gcopy(gcoeff(B, 1, gtos(gsubgs(j, 1))));
1672       gcoeff(U4, gtos(n), gtos(j)) = gcopy(gcoeff(B, 2, gtos(gsubgs(j, 1))));
1673       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1674         gerepileall(btop, 2, &j, &U4);
1675     }
1676   }
1677   G5 = gmul(gmul(gtrans(U4), G4), U4);
1678   /* The last column of G5 is reduced */
1679   if (gcmpgs(n, 4) < 0)
1680   {
1681     p6 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
1682     gel(p6, 1) = gcopy(G5);
1683     gel(p6, 2) = gmul(gmul(gmul(U1, U2), U3), U4);
1684     p6 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p6);
1685     return p6;
1686   }
1687   p7 = gsubgs(n, 2);
1688   p8 = gsubgs(n, 2);
1689   {
1690     long i, j;
1691     p9 = cgetg(gtos(p7)+1, t_MAT);
1692     for (j = 1; gcmpsg(j, p7) <= 0; ++j)
1693     {
1694       gel(p9, j) = cgetg(gtos(p8)+1, t_COL);
1695       for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, p8) <= 0; ++i)
1696         gcoeff(p9, i, j) = gcopy(gcoeff(G5, i + 1, j + 1));
1697     }
1698   }
1699   red = LLLgoon(p9, c, prec);
1700   p10 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
1701   gel(p10, 1) = gtomat(gen_1);
1702   gel(p10, 2) = gcopy(gel(red, 2));
1703   gel(p10, 3) = gtomat(gen_1);
1704   U5 = matdiagonalblock(p10);
1705   G6 = gmul(gmul(gtrans(U5), G5), U5);
1706   p11 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
1707   gel(p11, 1) = gcopy(G6);
1708   gel(p11, 2) = gmul(gmul(gmul(gmul(U1, U2), U3), U4), U5);
1709   p11 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p11);
1710   return p11;
1711 }
1713 GEN
1714 QfWittinvariant(GEN G, GEN p)
1715 {
1716   pari_sp ltop = avma;
1717   GEN n = gen_0, det_s = gen_0, diag = gen_0, c = gen_0, p1 = gen_0;
1718   GEN p2 = gen_0, p3 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1719   GEN p4 = gen_0;
1720   n = stoi(glength(G));
1721   p1 = gaddgs(n, 1);
1722   {
1723     long i, l5, l6;
1724     GEN p7 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1725     p2 = cgetg(gtos(p1)+1, t_VEC);
1726     for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, p1) <= 0; ++i)
1727     {
1728       l5 = i - 1;
1729       l6 = i - 1;
1730       {
1731         long j, k;
1732         p7 = cgetg(l5+1, t_MAT);
1733         for (k = 1; k <= l5; ++k)
1734         {
1735           gel(p7, k) = cgetg(l6+1, t_COL);
1736           for (j = 1; j <= l6; ++j)
1737             gcoeff(p7, j, k) = gcopy(gcoeff(G, j, k));
1738         }
1739       }
1740       gel(p2, i) = det(p7);
1741     }
1742   }
1743   /* Diagonalize G first. */
1744   det_s = p2;
1745   {
1746     long i;
1747     p3 = cgetg(gtos(n)+1, t_VEC);
1748     for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, n) <= 0; ++i)
1749       gel(p3, i) = gdiv(gel(det_s, i + 1), gel(det_s, i));
1750   }
1751   diag = p3;
1752   {
1753     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1754     GEN i = gen_0, p8 = gen_0, p9 = gen_0;
1755     p4 = gen_1;
1756     for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, n) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
1757     {
1758       p8 = gaddgs(i, 1);
1759       {
1760         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1761         GEN j = gen_0;
1762         p9 = gen_1;
1763         for (j = p8; gcmp(j, n) <= 0; j = gaddgs(j, 1))
1764         {
1765           p9 = gmulgs(p9, hilbert(gel(diag, gtos(i)), gel(diag, gtos(j)), p));
1766           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1767             gerepileall(btop, 2, &p9, &j);
1768         }
1769       }
1770       p4 = gmul(p4, p9);
1771       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1772         gerepileall(btop, 4, &p4, &i, &p8, &p9);
1773     }
1774   }
1775   /* Then compute Hilbert symbols */
1776   c = p4;
1777   c = gerepilecopy(ltop, c);
1778   return c;
1779 }
1781 GEN
1782 Qflisteinvariants(GEN G, GEN fa, long prec)	  /* vec */
1783 {
1784   pari_sp ltop = avma;
1785   GEN l = gen_0, sol = gen_0, n = gen_0, det_s = gen_0;
1786   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1787   long l2;
1788   GEN p3 = gen_0, p4 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1789   long l5;
1790   GEN p6 = gen_0, p7 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1791   if (!fa)
1792     fa = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
1793   G = gcopy(G);
1794   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
1795     pari_printf("    starting Qflisteinvariants %Ps\n", G);
1796   if (typ(G) != t_VEC)
1797   {
1798     p1 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
1799     gel(p1, 1) = gcopy(G);
1800     G = p1;
1801   }
1802   l = stoi(glength(G));
1803   {
1804     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1805     GEN j = gen_0;
1806     for (j = gen_1; gcmp(j, l) <= 0; j = gaddgs(j, 1))
1807     {
1808       if ((typ(gel(G, gtos(j))) == t_QFI) || (typ(gel(G, gtos(j))) == t_QFR))
1809         gel(G, gtos(j)) = mymat(gel(G, gtos(j)));
1810       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1811         gerepileall(btop, 2, &j, &G);
1812     }
1813   }
1814   if (!glength(fa))
1815     fa = gcopy(gel(factor(gneg(gabs(gmulsg(2, det(gel(G, 1))), prec))), 1));
1816   if (glength(gel(G, 1)) == 2)
1817   {
1818     /* In dimension 2, each invariant is a single Hilbert symbol. */
1819     det_s = gneg(det(gel(G, 1)));
1820     l2 = glength(fa);
1821     {
1822       long i, j;
1823       p3 = cgetg(gtos(l)+1, t_MAT);
1824       for (j = 1; gcmpsg(j, l) <= 0; ++j)
1825       {
1826         gel(p3, j) = cgetg(l2+1, t_COL);
1827         for (i = 1; i <= l2; ++i)
1828           gcoeff(p3, i, j) = stoi(hilbert(gcoeff(gel(G, j), 1, 1), det_s, gel(fa, i)) < 0);
1829       }
1830     }
1831     sol = p3;
1832     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
1833       pari_printf("    end of Qflisteinvariants\n");
1834     p4 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
1835     gel(p4, 1) = gcopy(fa);
1836     gel(p4, 2) = gcopy(sol);
1837     p4 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p4);
1838     return p4;
1839   }
1840   l5 = glength(fa);
1841   {
1842     long l8, l9;
1843     p6 = cgetg(gtos(l)+1, t_MAT);
1844     for (l9 = 1; gcmpsg(l9, l) <= 0; ++l9)
1845     {
1846       gel(p6, l9) = cgetg(l5+1, t_COL);
1847       for (l8 = 1; l8 <= l5; ++l8)
1848         gcoeff(p6, l8, l9) = gen_0;
1849     }
1850   }
1851   sol = p6;
1852   {
1853     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1854     GEN j = gen_0, p10 = gen_0;
1855     GEN p11 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1856     long l12;
1857     for (j = gen_1; gcmp(j, l) <= 0; j = gaddgs(j, 1))
1858     {
1859       n = stoi(glength(gel(G, gtos(j))));
1860       p10 = gaddgs(n, 1);
1861       {
1862         long i, l13, l14;
1863         GEN p15 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1864         p11 = cgetg(gtos(p10)+1, t_VEC);
1865         for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, p10) <= 0; ++i)
1866         {
1867           l13 = i - 1;
1868           l14 = i - 1;
1869           {
1870             long k, m;
1871             p15 = cgetg(l13+1, t_MAT);
1872             for (m = 1; m <= l13; ++m)
1873             {
1874               gel(p15, m) = cgetg(l14+1, t_COL);
1875               for (k = 1; k <= l14; ++k)
1876                 gcoeff(p15, k, m) = gcopy(gcoeff(gel(G, gtos(j)), k, m));
1877             }
1878           }
1879           gel(p11, i) = det(p15);
1880         }
1881       }
1882       /* In dimension n, we need to compute a product of n Hilbert symbols. */
1883       det_s = p11;
1884       l12 = glength(fa);
1885       {
1886         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1887         long i;
1888         GEN p16 = gen_0, p17 = gen_0;
1889         for (i = 1; i <= l12; ++i)
1890         {
1891           p16 = gsubgs(n, 1);
1892           {
1893             pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1894             GEN k = gen_0;
1895             long l18;
1896             p17 = gen_1;
1897             for (k = gen_1; gcmp(k, p16) <= 0; k = gaddgs(k, 1))
1898             {
1899               l18 = gtos(gaddgs(k, 1));
1900               p17 = gmulgs(p17, hilbert(gneg(gel(det_s, gtos(k))), gel(det_s, l18), gel(fa, i)));
1901               if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1902                 gerepileall(btop, 2, &p17, &k);
1903             }
1904           }
1905           gcoeff(sol, i, gtos(j)) = stoi(gcmpgs(gmulgs(p17, hilbert(gel(det_s, gtos(n)), gel(det_s, gtos(gaddgs(n, 1))), gel(fa, i))), 0) < 0);
1906           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1907             gerepileall(btop, 3, &p16, &p17, &sol);
1908         }
1909       }
1910       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1911         gerepileall(btop, 6, &j, &n, &p10, &p11, &det_s, &sol);
1912     }
1913   }
1914   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
1915     pari_printf("    end of Qflisteinvariants\n");
1916   p7 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
1917   gel(p7, 1) = gcopy(fa);
1918   gel(p7, 2) = gcopy(sol);
1919   p7 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p7);
1920   return p7;
1921 }
1923 GEN
1924 Qfsolvemodp(GEN G, GEN p, long prec)
1925 {
1926   pari_sp ltop = avma;
1927   GEN n = gen_0, vdet = gen_0, G2 = gen_0, sol = gen_0, x1 = gen_0, x2 = gen_0, x3 = gen_0, N1 = gen_0, N2 = gen_0, N3 = gen_0, s = gen_0, r = gen_0;
1928   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0, p3 = gen_0, p4 = gen_0, p5 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1929   n = stoi(glength(G));
1930   p1 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
1931   gel(p1, 1) = gen_0;
1932   gel(p1, 2) = gen_0;
1933   gel(p1, 3) = gen_0;
1934   vdet = p1;
1935   {
1936     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1937     long i;
1938     GEN p6 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
1939     for (i = 1; i <= 3; ++i)
1940     {
1941       G2 = gmul(extract0(G, subis(shifti(gen_1, i), 1), subis(shifti(gen_1, i), 1)), gmodulsg(1, p));
1942       if (gequal0(gel(vdet, i) = det(G2)))
1943       {
1944         sol = gcopy(gel(gel(kermodp(lift(G2), p), 2), 1));
1945         {
1946           long j;
1947           GEN p7 = gen_0;
1948           p6 = cgetg(gtos(n)+1, t_COL);
1949           for (j = 1; gcmpsg(j, n) <= 0; ++j)
1950           {
1951             if (j <= i)
1952               p7 = gcopy(gel(sol, j));
1953             gel(p6, j) = p7;
1954           }
1955         }
1956         sol = p6;
1957         sol = gerepilecopy(ltop, sol);
1958         return sol;
1959       }
1960       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
1961         gerepileall(btop, 4, &G2, &vdet, &sol, &p6);
1962     }
1963   }
1964   p2 = cgetg(4, t_COL);
1965   gel(p2, 1) = gen_1;
1966   gel(p2, 2) = gen_0;
1967   gel(p2, 3) = gen_0;
1968   /* now, solve in dimension 3... */
1969   /* reduction to the diagonal case: */
1970   x1 = p2;
1971   p3 = cgetg(4, t_COL);
1972   gel(p3, 1) = gneg(gcoeff(G2, 1, 2));
1973   gel(p3, 2) = gcopy(gcoeff(G2, 1, 1));
1974   gel(p3, 3) = gen_0;
1975   x2 = p3;
1976   p4 = cgetg(4, t_COL);
1977   gel(p4, 1) = gsub(gmul(gcoeff(G2, 2, 2), gcoeff(G2, 1, 3)), gmul(gcoeff(G2, 2, 3), gcoeff(G2, 1, 2)));
1978   gel(p4, 2) = gsub(gmul(gcoeff(G2, 1, 1), gcoeff(G2, 2, 3)), gmul(gcoeff(G2, 1, 3), gcoeff(G2, 1, 2)));
1979   gel(p4, 3) = gsub(gsqr(gcoeff(G2, 1, 2)), gmul(gcoeff(G2, 1, 1), gcoeff(G2, 2, 2)));
1980   x3 = p4;
1981   {
1982     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
1983     while (1)
1984     {
1985       if (!gequal0(gissquare(N1 = gneg(gel(vdet, 2)))))
1986       {
1987         s = gsqrt(N1, prec);
1988         sol = gadd(gmul(s, x1), x2);
1989         break;
1990       }
1991       if (!gequal0(gissquare(N2 = gdiv(gneg(gel(vdet, 3)), gel(vdet, 1)))))
1992       {
1993         s = gsqrt(N2, prec);
1994         sol = gadd(gmul(s, x2), x3);
1995         break;
1996       }
1997       if (!gequal0(gissquare(N3 = gdiv(gmul(gneg(gel(vdet, 2)), gel(vdet, 3)), gel(vdet, 1)))))
1998       {
1999         s = gsqrt(N3, prec);
2000         sol = gadd(gmul(s, x1), x3);
2001         break;
2002       }
2003       r = gen_1;
2004       {
2005         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
2006         while (gequal0(gissquare(s = gdiv(gsubsg(1, gmul(N1, gsqr(r))), N3))))
2007         {
2008           r = genrand(p);
2009           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
2010             gerepileall(btop, 2, &s, &r);
2011         }
2012       }
2013       s = gsqrt(s, prec);
2014       sol = gadd(gadd(x1, gmul(r, x2)), gmul(s, x3));
2015       break;
2016       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
2017         gerepileall(btop, 6, &N1, &s, &sol, &N2, &N3, &r);
2018     }
2019   }
2020   {
2021     long j;
2022     GEN p8 = gen_0;
2023     p5 = cgetg(gtos(n)+1, t_COL);
2024     for (j = 1; gcmpsg(j, n) <= 0; ++j)
2025     {
2026       if (j <= 3)
2027         p8 = gcopy(gel(sol, j));
2028       gel(p5, j) = p8;
2029     }
2030   }
2031   sol = p5;
2032   sol = gerepilecopy(ltop, sol);
2033   return sol;
2034 }
2036 GEN
2037 Qfminim(GEN G, GEN factdetG, long prec)
2038 {
2039   pari_sp ltop = avma;
2040   GEN n = gen_0, factd = gen_0, detG = gen_0, i = gen_0, U = gen_0, vp = gen_0, Ker = gen_0, dimKer = gen_0, Ker2 = gen_0, dimKer2 = gen_0, sol = gen_0, aux = gen_0, p = gen_0, di = gen_0, m = gen_0;
2041   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
2042   if (!factdetG)
2043     factdetG = gen_0;
2044   factdetG = gcopy(factdetG);
2045   n = stoi(glength(G));
2046   {
2047     long l3, l4;
2048     p1 = cgetg(3, t_MAT);
2049     for (l4 = 1; l4 <= 2; ++l4)
2050     {
2051       gel(p1, l4) = cgetg(1, t_COL);
2052       for (l3 = 1; l3 <= 0; ++l3)
2053         gcoeff(p1, l3, l4) = gen_0;
2054     }
2055   }
2056   factd = p1;
2057   if (gequal0(factdetG))
2058   {
2059     detG = det(G);
2060     factdetG = factor(detG);
2061   }
2062   i = gen_1;
2063   U = matid(gtos(n));
2064   {
2065     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
2066     GEN p5 = gen_0, p6 = gen_0, p7 = gen_0, p8 = gen_0, p9 = gen_0, p10 = gen_0, p11 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
2067     GEN p12 = gen_0;
2068     GEN p13 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
2069     while (gcmpgs(i, glength(gel(factdetG, 1))) <= 0)
2070     {
2071       p = gcopy(gcoeff(factdetG, gtos(i), 1));
2072       if (gequalm1(p))
2073       {
2074         i = gaddgs(i, 1);
2075         continue;
2076       }
2077       vp = gcopy(gcoeff(factdetG, gtos(i), 2));
2078       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
2079         pari_printf("    p = %Ps^%Ps\n", p, vp);
2080       if (gequal0(vp))
2081       {
2082         i = gaddgs(i, 1);
2083         continue;
2084       }
2085       /* The case vp = 1 can be minimized only if n is odd. */
2086       if (gequal1(vp) && gequal0(gmodgs(n, 2)))
2087       {
2088         p5 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
2089         gel(p5, 1) = gcopy(p);
2090         gel(p5, 2) = gen_1;
2091         factd = gtrans(concat(gtrans(factd), gtrans(gtomat(p5))));
2092         i = gaddgs(i, 1);
2093         continue;
2094       }
2095       Ker = kermodp(G, p);
2096       dimKer = gcopy(gel(Ker, 1));
2097       Ker = gcopy(gel(Ker, 2));
2098       /* Rem: we must have dimKer <= vp */
2099       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
2100         pari_printf("    dimKer = %Ps\n", dimKer);
2101       /* trivial case: dimKer = n */
2102       if (gequal(dimKer, n))
2103       {
2104         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
2105           pari_printf("     case 0: dimKer = n\n");
2106         G = gdiv(G, p);
2107         gcoeff(factdetG, gtos(i), 2) = gsub(gcoeff(factdetG, gtos(i), 2), n);
2108         continue;
2109       }
2110       G = gmul(gmul(gtrans(Ker), G), Ker);
2111       U = gmul(U, Ker);
2112       /* 1st case: dimKer < vp */
2113       /* then the kernel mod p contains a kernel mod p^2 */
2114       if (gcmp(dimKer, vp) < 0)
2115       {
2116         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
2117           pari_printf("    case 1: dimker < vp\n");
2118         {
2119           long j, k;
2120           p6 = cgetg(gtos(dimKer)+1, t_MAT);
2121           for (k = 1; gcmpsg(k, dimKer) <= 0; ++k)
2122           {
2123             gel(p6, k) = cgetg(gtos(dimKer)+1, t_COL);
2124             for (j = 1; gcmpsg(j, dimKer) <= 0; ++j)
2125               gcoeff(p6, j, k) = gdiv(gcoeff(G, j, k), p);
2126           }
2127         }
2128         Ker2 = kermodp(p6, p);
2129         dimKer2 = gcopy(gel(Ker2, 1));
2130         Ker2 = gcopy(gel(Ker2, 2));
2131         {
2132           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
2133           GEN j = gen_0;
2134           for (j = gen_1; gcmp(j, dimKer2) <= 0; j = gaddgs(j, 1))
2135           {
2136             gel(Ker2, gtos(j)) = gdiv(gel(Ker2, gtos(j)), p);
2137             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
2138               gerepileall(btop, 2, &j, &Ker2);
2139           }
2140         }
2141         p7 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
2142         gel(p7, 1) = gcopy(Ker2);
2143         gel(p7, 2) = matid(gtos(gsub(n, dimKer)));
2144         Ker2 = matdiagonalblock(p7);
2145         G = gmul(gmul(gtrans(Ker2), G), Ker2);
2146         U = gmul(U, Ker2);
2147         gcoeff(factdetG, gtos(i), 2) = gsub(gcoeff(factdetG, gtos(i), 2), gmulsg(2, dimKer2));
2148         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
2149           pari_printf("    end of case 1\n");
2150         continue;
2151       }
2152       /* Now, we have vp = dimKer  */
2153       /* 2nd case: the dimension of the kernel is >=2 */
2154       /* and contains an element of norm 0 mod p^2 */
2155       if ((gcmpgs(dimKer, 2) > 0) || (gequalgs(dimKer, 2) && !gequal0(gissquare(di = gmodulo(gdiv(gsub(gsqr(gcoeff(G, 1, 2)), gmul(gcoeff(G, 1, 1), gcoeff(G, 2, 2))), gsqr(p)), p)))))
2156       {
2157         /* search for an element of norm p^2... in the kernel */
2158         if (gcmpgs(dimKer, 2) > 0)
2159         {
2160           if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
2161             pari_printf("    case 2.1\n");
2162           dimKer = stoi(3);
2163           {
2164             long j, k;
2165             p8 = cgetg(4, t_MAT);
2166             for (k = 1; k <= 3; ++k)
2167             {
2168               gel(p8, k) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
2169               for (j = 1; j <= 3; ++j)
2170                 gcoeff(p8, j, k) = gdiv(gcoeff(G, j, k), p);
2171             }
2172           }
2173           sol = Qfsolvemodp(p8, p, prec);
2174         }
2175         else
2176         {
2177           if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
2178             pari_printf("    case 2.2\n");
2179           if (gequal0(gmod(gcoeff(G, 1, 1), gsqr(p))))
2180           {
2181             p9 = cgetg(3, t_COL);
2182             gel(p9, 1) = gen_1;
2183             gel(p9, 2) = gen_0;
2184             sol = p9;
2185           }
2186           else
2187           {
2188             p10 = cgetg(3, t_COL);
2189             gel(p10, 1) = gadd(gdiv(gneg(gcoeff(G, 1, 2)), p), gsqrt(di, prec));
2190             gel(p10, 2) = gmodulo(gdiv(gcoeff(G, 1, 1), p), p);
2191             sol = p10;
2192           }
2193         }
2194         sol = centerlift(sol);
2195         sol = gdiv(sol, content(sol));
2196         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
2197           pari_printf("    sol = %Ps\n", sol);
2198         {
2199           long j;
2200           GEN p14 = gen_0;
2201           p11 = cgetg(gtos(n)+1, t_COL);
2202           for (j = 1; gcmpsg(j, n) <= 0; ++j)
2203           {
2204             if (gcmpsg(j, dimKer) <= 0)
2205               p14 = gcopy(gel(sol, j));
2206             else
2207               p14 = gen_0;
2208             gel(p11, j) = p14;
2209           }
2210         }
2211         Ker = p11;
2212         /* fill with 0's */
2213         Ker = completebasis(Ker, gen_1);
2214         gel(Ker, gtos(n)) = gdiv(gel(Ker, gtos(n)), p);
2215         G = gmul(gmul(gtrans(Ker), G), Ker);
2216         U = gmul(U, Ker);
2217         gcoeff(factdetG, gtos(i), 2) = gsubgs(gcoeff(factdetG, gtos(i), 2), 2);
2218         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
2219           pari_printf("    end of case 2\n");
2220         continue;
2221       }
2222       /* Now, we have vp = dimKer <= 2  */
2223       /*   and the kernel contains no vector with norm p^2... */
2225       /* In some cases, exchanging the kernel and the image */
2226       /* makes the minimization easy. */
2228       m = gsubgs(gdiventgs(gsubgs(n, 1), 2), 1);
2229       if (((gequal1(vp) && !gequal0(gissquare(gmodulo(gdiv(gmul(gneg(gpow(gen_m1, m, prec)), det(G)), gcoeff(G, 1, 1)), p)))) || ((gequalgs(vp, 2) && gequal1(gmodgs(n, 2))) && (gcmpgs(n, 5) >= 0))) || ((gequalgs(vp, 2) && gequal0(gmodgs(n, 2))) && (gequal0(gissquare(gmodulo(gdiv(gmul(gpow(gen_m1, m, prec), det(G)), gsqr(p)), p))))))
2230       {
2231         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
2232           pari_printf("    case 3\n");
2233         Ker = matid(gtos(n));
2234         p12 = gaddgs(dimKer, 1);
2235         {
2236           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
2237           GEN j = gen_0;
2238           for (j = p12; gcmp(j, n) <= 0; j = gaddgs(j, 1))
2239           {
2240             gcoeff(Ker, gtos(j), gtos(j)) = gcopy(p);
2241             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
2242               gerepileall(btop, 2, &j, &Ker);
2243           }
2244         }
2245         G = gdiv(gmul(gmul(gtrans(Ker), G), Ker), p);
2246         U = gmul(U, Ker);
2247         gcoeff(factdetG, gtos(i), 2) = gsub(gcoeff(factdetG, gtos(i), 2), gsub(gmulsg(2, dimKer), n));
2248         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
2249           pari_printf("    end of case 3\n");
2250         continue;
2251       }
2252       /* Minimization was not possible se far. */
2253       /* If n == 3 or 4, this proves the local non-solubility at p. */
2254       if (gequalgs(n, 3) || gequalgs(n, 4))
2255       {
2256         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
2257           pari_printf(" no local solution at %Ps\n", p);
2258         p = gerepilecopy(ltop, p);
2259         return p;
2260       }
2261       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
2262         pari_printf("    prime %Ps finished\n", p);
2263       p13 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
2264       gel(p13, 1) = gcopy(p);
2265       gel(p13, 2) = gcopy(vp);
2266       factd = gtrans(concat(gtrans(factd), gtrans(gtomat(p13))));
2267       i = gaddgs(i, 1);
2268       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
2269         gerepileall(btop, 23, &p, &i, &vp, &p5, &factd, &Ker, &dimKer, &G, &factdetG, &U, &p6, &Ker2, &dimKer2, &p7, &di, &p8, &sol, &p9, &p10, &p11, &m, &p12, &p13);
2270     }
2271   }
2272   /* apply LLL to avoid coefficients explosion */
2273   aux = lll(U);
2274   p2 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
2275   gel(p2, 1) = gmul(gmul(gtrans(aux), G), aux);
2276   gel(p2, 2) = gmul(U, aux);
2277   gel(p2, 3) = gcopy(factd);
2278   p2 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p2);
2279   return p2;
2280 }
2282 GEN
2283 mymat(GEN qfb)	  /* vec */
2284 {
2285   pari_sp ltop = avma;
2286   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
2287   qfb = gtovec(qfb);
2288   p1 = cgetg(3, t_MAT);
2289   gel(p1, 1) = cgetg(3, t_COL);
2290   gel(p1, 2) = cgetg(3, t_COL);
2291   gcoeff(p1, 1, 1) = gcopy(gel(qfb, 1));
2292   gcoeff(p1, 1, 2) = gdivgs(gel(qfb, 2), 2);
2293   gcoeff(p1, 2, 1) = gdivgs(gel(qfb, 2), 2);
2294   gcoeff(p1, 2, 2) = gcopy(gel(qfb, 3));
2295   p1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p1);
2296   return p1;
2297 }
2299 GEN
2300 Qfbsqrtgauss(GEN G, GEN factdetG, long prec)
2301 {
2302   pari_sp ltop = avma;
2303   GEN a = gen_0, b = gen_0, c = gen_0, d = gen_0, m = gen_0, n = gen_0, p = gen_0, aux = gen_0, Q1 = gen_0, M = gen_0;
2304   long l1;
2305   GEN p2 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
2306   GEN p3 = gen_0, p4 = gen_0;
2307   factdetG = gcopy(factdetG);
2308   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 3) >= 0)
2309     pari_printf("   starting Qfbsqrtgauss with %Ps%Ps\n", G, factdetG);
2310   G = gtovec(G);
2311   a = gcopy(gel(G, 1));
2312   b = gdivgs(gel(G, 2), 2);
2313   c = gcopy(gel(G, 3));
2314   d = gsub(gmul(a, c), gsqr(b));
2315   /* 1st step: solve m^2 = a (d), m*n = -b (d), n^2 = c (d) */
2316   m = n = gmodulss(1, 1);
2317   gcoeff(factdetG, 1, 2) = gsubgs(gcoeff(factdetG, 1, 2), 3);
2318   l1 = glength(gel(factdetG, 1));
2319   {
2320     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
2321     long i;
2322     for (i = 1; i <= l1; ++i)
2323     {
2324       if (gequal0(gcoeff(factdetG, i, 2)))
2325         continue;
2326       p = gcopy(gcoeff(factdetG, i, 1));
2327       if (gequal1(ggcd(a, p)))
2328       {
2329         aux = gsqrt(gmodulo(a, p), prec);
2330         m = chinese(m, aux);
2331         n = chinese(n, gdiv(gneg(b), aux));
2332       }
2333       else
2334       {
2335         aux = gsqrt(gmodulo(c, p), prec);
2336         n = chinese(n, aux);
2337         m = chinese(m, gdiv(gneg(b), aux));
2338       }
2339       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
2340         gerepileall(btop, 4, &p, &aux, &m, &n);
2341     }
2342   }
2343   m = centerlift(m);
2344   n = centerlift(n);
2345   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
2346   {
2347     pari_printf("    m = %Ps\n", m);
2348     pari_printf("    n = %Ps\n", n);
2349   }
2350   p2 = cgetg(4, t_MAT);
2351   gel(p2, 1) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
2352   gel(p2, 2) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
2353   gel(p2, 3) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
2354   gcoeff(p2, 1, 1) = gdiv(gsub(gsqr(n), c), d);
2355   gcoeff(p2, 1, 2) = gdiv(gadd(gmul(m, n), b), d);
2356   gcoeff(p2, 1, 3) = gcopy(n);
2357   gcoeff(p2, 2, 1) = gdiv(gadd(gmul(m, n), b), d);
2358   gcoeff(p2, 2, 2) = gdiv(gsub(gsqr(m), a), d);
2359   gcoeff(p2, 2, 3) = gcopy(m);
2360   gcoeff(p2, 3, 1) = gcopy(n);
2361   gcoeff(p2, 3, 2) = gcopy(m);
2362   gcoeff(p2, 3, 3) = gcopy(d);
2363   /* 2nd step: build Q1, with det=-1 such that Q1(x,y,0) = G(x,y) */
2364   Q1 = p2;
2365   Q1 = gneg(matadjoint0(Q1, 0));
2366   /* 3rd step: reduce Q1 to [0,0,-1;0,1,0;-1,0,0] */
2367   M = rowcopy(gel(LLLgoon3(Q1, NULL, prec), 2), 3);
2368   if (gcmpgs(gel(M, 1), 0) < 0)
2369     M = gneg(M);
2370   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 3) >= 0)
2371     pari_printf("   end of Qfbsqrtgauss\n");
2372   if (!gequal0(gmodgs(gel(M, 1), 2)))
2373   {
2374     p3 = Qfb0(gel(M, 1), gmulsg(2, gel(M, 2)), gmulsg(2, gel(M, 3)), NULL, prec);
2375     p3 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p3);
2376     return p3;
2377   }
2378   else
2379   {
2380     p4 = Qfb0(gel(M, 3), gmulsg(-2, gel(M, 2)), gmulsg(2, gel(M, 1)), NULL, prec);
2381     p4 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p4);
2382     return p4;
2383   }
2384   avma = ltop;
2385   return gen_0;
2386 }
2388 GEN
2389 class2(GEN D, GEN factdetG, GEN Winvariants, GEN U2, long prec)	  /* vec */
2390 {
2391   pari_sp ltop = avma;
2392   GEN factD = gen_0, n = gen_0, rang = gen_0, m = gen_0, listgen = gen_0, vD = gen_0, p = gen_0, vp = gen_0, aux = gen_0, invgen = gen_0, im = gen_0, Ker = gen_0, Kerim = gen_0, listgen2 = gen_0, G2 = gen_0, struct_s = gen_0, E = gen_0, red = gen_0;
2393   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0, p3 = gen_0, p4 = gen_0, p5 = gen_0, p6 = gen_0, p7 = gen_0, p8 = gen_0, p9 = gen_0, p10 = gen_0, p11 = gen_0, p12 = gen_0, p13 = gen_0, p14 = gen_0, p15 = gen_0, p16 = gen_0, p17 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
2394   factdetG = gcopy(factdetG);
2395   /* MODI change struct to struct_s */
2396   /* remove compteur */
2398   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
2399     pari_printf(" Construction of the 2-class group of discriminant %Ps\n", D);
2400   if (gequalgs(gmodgs(D, 4), 2) || gequalgs(gmodgs(D, 4), 3))
2401     pari_err(user, "class2: Discriminant not congruent to 0,1 mod 4");
2402   if (gequalgs(D, -4))
2403   {
2404     p1 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
2405     p2 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
2406     gel(p2, 1) = gen_1;
2407     gel(p1, 1) = p2;
2408     p3 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
2409     gel(p3, 1) = Qfb0(gen_1, gen_0, gen_1, NULL, prec);
2410     gel(p1, 2) = p3;
2411     p1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p1);
2412     return p1;
2413   }
2414   if (gequal0(factdetG))
2415     factdetG = factor(gmulsg(2, gabs(D, prec)));
2416   p4 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
2417   gel(p4, 1) = gen_m1;
2418   factD = concat(p4, gtrans(gel(factdetG, 1)));
2419   if (gequal1(gmodgs(D, 4)))
2420   {
2421     D = gmulgs(D, 4);
2422     gcoeff(factdetG, 1, 2) = gaddgs(gcoeff(factdetG, 1, 2), 2);
2423   }
2424   n = stoi(glength(factD));
2425   rang = gsubgs(n, 3);
2426   if (gcmpgs(D, 0) > 0)
2427     m = gaddgs(rang, 1);
2428   else
2429     m = rang;
2430   if (gcmpgs(m, 0) < 0)
2431     m = gen_0;
2432   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 3) >= 0)
2433     pari_printf("   factD = %Ps\n", factD);
2434   {
2435     long l18;
2436     p5 = cgetg(gtos(m)+1, t_VEC);
2437     for (l18 = 1; gcmpsg(l18, m) <= 0; ++l18)
2438       gel(p5, l18) = gen_0;
2439   }
2440   listgen = p5;
2441   if (!gequal0(vD = stoi(ggval(D, gen_2))))
2442     E = Qfb0(gen_1, gen_0, gdivgs(gneg(D), 4), NULL, prec);
2443   else
2444     E = Qfb0(gen_1, gen_1, gdivgs(gsubsg(1, D), 4), NULL, prec);
2445   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 3) >= 0)
2446     pari_printf("   E = %Ps\n", E);
2447   if ((typ(Winvariants) == t_COL) && (gequal0(Winvariants) || (glength(inverseimage(gmul(U2, gmodulss(1, 2)), Winvariants)) > 0)))
2448   {
2449     p6 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
2450     p7 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
2451     gel(p7, 1) = gen_1;
2452     gel(p6, 1) = p7;
2453     p8 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
2454     gel(p8, 1) = gcopy(E);
2455     gel(p6, 2) = p8;
2456     p6 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p6);
2457     return p6;
2458   }
2459   {
2460     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
2461     GEN i = gen_0;
2462     for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, m) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
2463     {
2464       /* no need to look at factD[1]=-1, nor factD[2]=2 */
2465       p = gcopy(gel(factD, gtos(gaddgs(i, 2))));
2466       vp = stoi(ggval(D, p));
2467       aux = gpow(p, vp, prec);
2468       if (!gequal0(vD))
2469         gel(listgen, gtos(i)) = Qfb0(aux, gen_0, gdiv(gdivgs(gneg(D), 4), aux), NULL, prec);
2470       else
2471         gel(listgen, gtos(i)) = Qfb0(aux, aux, gdivgs(gsub(aux, gdiv(D, aux)), 4), NULL, prec);
2472       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
2473         gerepileall(btop, 5, &i, &p, &vp, &aux, &listgen);
2474     }
2475   }
2476   if (gequalgs(vD, 2) && !gequalgs(gmodgs(D, 16), 4))
2477   {
2478     m = gaddgs(m, 1);
2479     rang = gaddgs(rang, 1);
2480     p9 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
2481     gel(p9, 1) = Qfb0(gen_2, gen_2, gdivgs(gsubsg(4, D), 8), NULL, prec);
2482     listgen = concat(listgen, p9);
2483   }
2484   if (gequalgs(vD, 3))
2485   {
2486     m = gaddgs(m, 1);
2487     rang = gaddgs(rang, 1);
2488     p10 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
2489     gel(p10, 1) = Qfb0(gpow(gen_2, gsubgs(vD, 2), prec), gen_0, gdiv(gneg(D), gpow(gen_2, vD, prec)), NULL, prec);
2490     listgen = concat(listgen, p10);
2491   }
2492   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 3) >= 0)
2493     pari_printf("   listgen = %Ps\n", listgen);
2494   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 2) >= 0)
2495     pari_printf("  rank = %Ps\n", rang);
2496   if (gequal0(rang))
2497   {
2498     p11 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
2499     p12 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
2500     gel(p12, 1) = gen_1;
2501     gel(p11, 1) = p12;
2502     p13 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
2503     gel(p13, 1) = gcopy(E);
2504     gel(p11, 2) = p13;
2505     p11 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p11);
2506     return p11;
2507   }
2508   invgen = gmul(gel(Qflisteinvariants(listgen, factD, prec), 2), gmodulss(1, 2));
2509   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 3) >= 0)
2510     pari_printf("   invgen = %Ps\n", lift(invgen));
2511   {
2512     long i;
2513     p14 = cgetg(gtos(m)+1, t_VEC);
2514     for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, m) <= 0; ++i)
2515       gel(p14, i) = gen_2;
2516   }
2517   /* MODI2.1 */
2519   struct_s = p14;
2520   im = lift(inverseimage(invgen, matimage0(invgen, 0)));
2521   {
2522     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
2523     GEN p19 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
2524     long l20;
2525     while ((gcmpsg(glength(im), rang) < 0) || ((typ(Winvariants) == t_COL) && glength(stoi(gequal0(inverseimage(concat(invgen, U2), Winvariants))))))
2526     {
2527       Ker = lift(matker0(invgen, 0));
2528       Kerim = concat(Ker, im);
2529       {
2530         long l21;
2531         p19 = cgetg(gtos(m)+1, t_VEC);
2532         for (l21 = 1; gcmpsg(l21, m) <= 0; ++l21)
2533           gel(p19, l21) = gen_0;
2534       }
2535       listgen2 = p19;
2536       {
2537         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
2538         GEN i = gen_0;
2539         for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, m) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
2540         {
2541           gel(listgen2, gtos(i)) = gcopy(E);
2542           {
2543             pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
2544             GEN j = gen_0;
2545             for (j = gen_1; gcmp(j, m) <= 0; j = gaddgs(j, 1))
2546             {
2547               if (!gequal0(gcoeff(Kerim, gtos(j), gtos(i))))
2548                 gel(listgen2, gtos(i)) = qfbcompraw(gel(listgen2, gtos(i)), gel(listgen, gtos(j)));
2549               if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
2550                 gerepileall(btop, 2, &j, &listgen2);
2551             }
2552           }
2553           if (gcmpgs(gnorml2(gel(Kerim, gtos(i))), 1) > 0)
2554           {
2555             red = QfbReduce(aux = mymat(gel(listgen2, gtos(i))), prec);
2556             aux = gmul(gmul(gtrans(red), aux), red);
2557             gel(listgen2, gtos(i)) = Qfb0(gcoeff(aux, 1, 1), gmulsg(2, gcoeff(aux, 1, 2)), gcoeff(aux, 2, 2), NULL, prec);
2558           }
2559           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
2560             gerepileall(btop, 4, &i, &listgen2, &aux, &red);
2561         }
2562       }
2563       listgen = gcopy(listgen2);
2564       invgen = gmul(invgen, Kerim);
2565       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
2566         pari_printf("    listgen = %Ps\n", listgen);
2567       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
2568         pari_printf("    invgen = %Ps\n", lift(invgen));
2569       /* MODI2.1 */
2571       l20 = glength(Ker);
2572       {
2573         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
2574         long i;
2575         for (i = 1; i <= l20; ++i)
2576         {
2577           G2 = Qfbsqrtgauss(gel(listgen, i), factdetG, prec);
2578           gel(struct_s, i) = gshift(gel(struct_s, i), 1);
2579           gel(listgen, i) = gcopy(G2);
2580           gel(invgen, i) = gmul(gel(gel(Qflisteinvariants(G2, factD, prec), 2), 1), gmodulss(1, 2));
2581           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
2582             gerepileall(btop, 4, &G2, &struct_s, &listgen, &invgen);
2583         }
2584       }
2585       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 3) >= 0)
2586         pari_printf("   listgen = %Ps\n", listgen);
2587       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 3) >= 0)
2588         pari_printf("   invgen = %Ps\n", lift(invgen));
2589       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 3) >= 0)
2590         pari_printf("   struct = %Ps\n", struct_s);
2591       /* MODI2.1 */
2593       im = lift(inverseimage(invgen, matimage0(invgen, 0)));
2594       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
2595         gerepileall(btop, 11, &Ker, &Kerim, &p19, &listgen2, &aux, &red, &listgen, &invgen, &G2, &struct_s, &im);
2596     }
2597   }
2598   {
2599     long l22;
2600     p15 = cgetg(gtos(rang)+1, t_VEC);
2601     for (l22 = 1; gcmpsg(l22, rang) <= 0; ++l22)
2602       gel(p15, l22) = gen_0;
2603   }
2604   listgen2 = p15;
2605   {
2606     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
2607     GEN i = gen_0;
2608     for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, rang) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
2609     {
2610       gel(listgen2, gtos(i)) = gcopy(E);
2611       {
2612         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
2613         GEN j = gen_0;
2614         for (j = gen_1; gcmp(j, m) <= 0; j = gaddgs(j, 1))
2615         {
2616           if (!gequal0(gcoeff(im, gtos(j), gtos(i))))
2617             gel(listgen2, gtos(i)) = qfbcompraw(gel(listgen2, gtos(i)), gel(listgen, gtos(j)));
2618           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
2619             gerepileall(btop, 2, &j, &listgen2);
2620         }
2621       }
2622       if (gcmpgs(gnorml2(gel(im, gtos(i))), 1) > 0)
2623       {
2624         red = QfbReduce(aux = mymat(gel(listgen2, gtos(i))), prec);
2625         aux = gmul(gmul(gtrans(red), aux), red);
2626         gel(listgen2, gtos(i)) = Qfb0(gcoeff(aux, 1, 1), gmulsg(2, gcoeff(aux, 1, 2)), gcoeff(aux, 2, 2), NULL, prec);
2627       }
2628       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
2629         gerepileall(btop, 4, &i, &listgen2, &aux, &red);
2630     }
2631   }
2632   listgen = gcopy(listgen2);
2633   {
2634     long i;
2635     p16 = cgetg(gtos(rang)+1, t_VEC);
2636     for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, rang) <= 0; ++i)
2637       gel(p16, i) = gcopy(gel(struct_s, gtos(gaddgs(gsub(m, rang), i))));
2638   }
2639   /* listgen = vector(rang,i,listgen[m-rang+i]); */
2640   struct_s = p16;
2641   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 2) >= 0)
2642     pari_printf("  listgen = %Ps\n", listgen);
2643   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 2) >= 0)
2644     pari_printf("  struct = %Ps\n", struct_s);
2645   p17 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
2646   gel(p17, 1) = gcopy(struct_s);
2647   gel(p17, 2) = gcopy(listgen);
2648   p17 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p17);
2649   return p17;
2650 }
2652 GEN
2653 Qfsolve(GEN G, GEN factD, long prec)
2654 {
2655   pari_sp ltop = avma;
2656   GEN n = gen_0, M = gen_0, signG = gen_0, d = gen_0, Min = gen_0, U = gen_0, codim = gen_0, aux = gen_0, G1 = gen_0, detG1 = gen_0, M1 = gen_0, subspace1 = gen_0, G2 = gen_0, subspace2 = gen_0, M2 = gen_0, solG2 = gen_0, Winvariants = gen_0, dQ = gen_0, factd = gen_0, U2 = gen_0, clgp2 = gen_0, V = gen_0, detG2 = gen_0, dimseti = gen_0, solG1 = gen_0, sol = gen_0, Q = gen_0, p1 = gen_0;
2657   GEN p2 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
2658   GEN p3 = gen_0, p4 = gen_0, p5 = gen_0;
2659   GEN p6 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
2660   long l7;
2661   GEN p8 = gen_0;
2662   GEN p9 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
2663   GEN p10 = gen_0;
2664   GEN p11 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
2665   GEN p12 = gen_0, p13 = gen_0;
2666   GEN p14 = gen_0, p15 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
2667   long l16;
2668   GEN p17 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
2669   long l18, l19, l20;
2670   GEN p21 = gen_0;
2671   long l22;
2672   GEN p23 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
2673   long l24;
2674   long l25;	  /* bool */
2675   long l26;
2676   GEN p27 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
2677   long l28;
2678   GEN p29 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
2679   long l30;
2680   GEN p31 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
2681   long l32;
2682   GEN p33 = gen_0, p34 = gen_0;
2683   GEN p35 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
2684   long l36;
2685   GEN p37 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
2686   factD = gcopy(factD);
2687   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
2688     pari_printf(" starting Qfsolve\n");
2689   /* */
2690   /* 1st reduction of the coefficients of G */
2691   /* */
2693   n = stoi(glength(G));
2694   d = det(G);
2695   if (gequal0(d))
2696   {
2697     p1 = gcopy(gel(matker0(G, 0), 1));
2698     p1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p1);
2699     return p1;
2700   }
2701   M = IndefiniteLLL(G, NULL, NULL, prec);
2702   if (typ(M) == t_COL)
2703   {
2704     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
2705       pari_printf(" solution %Ps\n", M);
2706     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
2707       pari_printf(" end of Qfsolve\n");
2708     M = gerepilecopy(ltop, M);
2709     return M;
2710   }
2711   G = gcopy(gel(M, 1));
2712   M = gcopy(gel(M, 2));
2713   /* Real solubility */
2714   signG = qfsign(G);
2715   if (gequal0(gel(signG, 1)) || gequal0(gel(signG, 2)))
2716   {
2717     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
2718       pari_printf(" no real solution\n");
2719     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
2720       pari_printf(" end of Qfsolve\n");
2721     avma = ltop;
2722     return gen_m1;
2723   }
2724   if (gcmp(gel(signG, 1), gel(signG, 2)) < 0)
2725   {
2726     G = gneg(G);
2727     p2 = cgetg(3, t_MAT);
2728     gel(p2, 1) = cgetg(3, t_COL);
2729     gel(p2, 2) = cgetg(3, t_COL);
2730     gcoeff(p2, 1, 1) = gen_0;
2731     gcoeff(p2, 1, 2) = gen_1;
2732     gcoeff(p2, 2, 1) = gen_1;
2733     gcoeff(p2, 2, 2) = gen_0;
2734     signG = gmul(signG, p2);
2735   }
2736   /* Factorization of the determinant */
2737   if (gequal0(factD))
2738   {
2739     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
2740       pari_printf(" factorization of the determinant\n");
2741     factD = factor(gneg(gabs(gmulsg(2, d), prec)));
2742     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
2743       pari_printf("%Ps\n", factD);
2744   }
2745   gcoeff(factD, 1, 2) = gen_0;
2746   gcoeff(factD, 2, 2) = gsubgs(gcoeff(factD, 2, 2), 1);
2747   /* */
2748   /* Minimization and local solubility */
2749   /* */
2751   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
2752     pari_printf(" minimization of the determinant\n");
2753   Min = Qfminim(G, factD, prec);
2754   if (typ(Min) == t_INT)
2755   {
2756     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
2757       pari_printf(" no local solution at %Ps\n", Min);
2758     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
2759       pari_printf(" end of Qfsolve\n");
2760     Min = gerepilecopy(ltop, Min);
2761     return Min;
2762   }
2763   M = gmul(M, gel(Min, 2));
2764   G = gcopy(gel(Min, 1));
2765   /*  Min[3] contains the factorization of abs(matdet(G)); */
2767   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
2768     pari_printf("    G minim = %Ps\n", G);
2769   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
2770     pari_printf("    d = %Ps\n", d);
2771   /* Now, we know that local solutions exist */
2772   /* (except maybe at 2 if n==4), */
2773   /* if n==3, det(G) = +-1 */
2774   /* if n==4, or n is odd, det(G) is squarefree. */
2775   /* if n>=6, det(G) has all its valuations <=2. */
2777   /* Reduction of G and search for trivial solutions. */
2778   /* When det G=+-1, such trivial solutions always exist. */
2780   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
2781     pari_printf(" reduction\n");
2782   U = IndefiniteLLL(G, NULL, NULL, prec);
2783   if (typ(U) == t_COL)
2784   {
2785     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
2786       pari_printf(" solution = %Ps\n", gmul(M, U));
2787     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
2788       pari_printf(" end of Qfsolve\n");
2789     p3 = gmul(M, U);
2790     p3 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p3);
2791     return p3;
2792   }
2793   G = gcopy(gel(U, 1));
2794   M = gmul(M, gel(U, 2));
2795   /* */
2796   /* If n >= 6 is even, need to increment the dimension by 1 */
2797   /* to suppress all the squares of det(G). */
2798   /* */
2800   if (((gcmpgs(n, 6) >= 0) && gequal0(gmodgs(n, 2))) && !gequalgs(gel(matsize(gel(Min, 3)), 1), 0))
2801   {
2802     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
2803       pari_printf(" increase the dimension by 1 = %Ps\n", gaddgs(n, 1));
2804     codim = gen_1;
2805     n = gaddgs(n, 1);
2806     p4 = gcopy(gel(matsize(gel(Min, 3)), 1));
2807     {
2808       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
2809       GEN i = gen_0, p38 = gen_0;
2810       p5 = gen_1;
2811       for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, p4) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
2812       {
2813         if (gequalgs(gcoeff(gel(Min, 3), gtos(i), 1), 2))
2814           p38 = gcopy(gcoeff(gel(Min, 3), gtos(i), 1));
2815         else
2816           p38 = gen_1;
2817         p5 = gmul(p5, p38);
2818         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
2819           gerepileall(btop, 3, &p38, &p5, &i);
2820       }
2821     }
2822     /* largest square divisor of d. */
2823     aux = p5;
2824     /* Choose the sign of aux such that the signature of G1 */
2825     /* is as balanced as possible */
2826     if (gcmp(gel(signG, 1), gel(signG, 2)) > 0)
2827     {
2828       gel(signG, 2) = gaddgs(gel(signG, 2), 1);
2829       aux = gneg(aux);
2830     }
2831     else
2832       gel(signG, 1) = gaddgs(gel(signG, 1), 1);
2833     p6 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
2834     gel(p6, 1) = gcopy(G);
2835     gel(p6, 2) = gtomat(aux);
2836     G1 = matdiagonalblock(p6);
2837     detG1 = gmulsg(2, det(G1));
2838     l7 = glength(gel(factD, 1));
2839     {
2840       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
2841       long i;
2842       for (i = 2; i <= l7; ++i)
2843       {
2844         gcoeff(factD, i, 2) = stoi(ggval(detG1, gcoeff(factD, i, 1)));
2845         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
2846           factD = gerepilecopy(btop, factD);
2847       }
2848     }
2849     gcoeff(factD, 2, 2) = gsubgs(gcoeff(factD, 2, 2), 1);
2850     Min = Qfminim(G1, factD, prec);
2851     G1 = gcopy(gel(Min, 1));
2852     M1 = gcopy(gel(Min, 2));
2853     p8 = gsubgs(n, 1);
2854     {
2855       long i, j;
2856       p9 = cgetg(gtos(p8)+1, t_MAT);
2857       for (j = 1; gcmpsg(j, p8) <= 0; ++j)
2858       {
2859         gel(p9, j) = cgetg(gtos(n)+1, t_COL);
2860         for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, n) <= 0; ++i)
2861           gcoeff(p9, i, j) = stoi(i == j);
2862       }
2863     }
2864     subspace1 = p9;
2865   }
2866   else
2867   {
2868     codim = gen_0;
2869     G1 = gcopy(G);
2870     subspace1 = M1 = matid(gtos(n));
2871   }
2872   /* Now, d is squarefree */
2874   /*  */
2875   /* If d is not +-1, need to increment the dimension by 2 */
2876   /* */
2878   if (gequal0(gel(matsize(gel(Min, 3)), 1)))
2879   {
2880     /* if( abs(d) == 1, */
2881     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 2) >= 0)
2882       pari_printf("  detG2 = 1\n");
2883     G2 = G1;
2884     subspace2 = M2 = matid(gtos(n));
2885     solG2 = LLLgoon(G2, gen_1, prec);
2886   }
2887   else
2888   {
2889     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
2890       pari_printf("  increase the dimension by 2 = %Ps\n", gaddgs(n, 2));
2891     codim = gaddgs(codim, 2);
2892     p10 = gaddgs(n, 2);
2893     {
2894       long i, j;
2895       p11 = cgetg(gtos(n)+1, t_MAT);
2896       for (j = 1; gcmpsg(j, n) <= 0; ++j)
2897       {
2898         gel(p11, j) = cgetg(gtos(p10)+1, t_COL);
2899         for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, p10) <= 0; ++i)
2900           gcoeff(p11, i, j) = stoi(i == j);
2901       }
2902     }
2903     subspace2 = p11;
2904     p12 = gcopy(gel(matsize(gel(Min, 3)), 1));
2905     {
2906       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
2907       GEN i = gen_0;
2908       p13 = gen_1;
2909       for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, p12) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
2910       {
2911         p13 = gmul(p13, gcoeff(gel(Min, 3), gtos(i), 1));
2912         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
2913           gerepileall(btop, 2, &p13, &i);
2914       }
2915     }
2916     d = p13;
2917     /* d = abs(matdet(G1)); */
2918     if (gequal1(gmodgs(gel(signG, 2), 2)))
2919       d = gneg(d);
2920     /* d = matdet(G1); */
2921     if (gequalgs(gcoeff(gel(Min, 3), 1, 1), 2))
2922     {
2923       p14 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
2924       gel(p14, 1) = gen_m1;
2925       factD = p14;
2926     }
2927     else
2928     {
2929       p15 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
2930       gel(p15, 1) = gen_m1;
2931       gel(p15, 2) = gen_2;
2932       factD = p15;
2933     }
2934     /* if d is even ... */
2935     factD = concat(factD, gtrans(gel(gel(Min, 3), 1)));
2936     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
2937       pari_printf("    factD = %Ps\n", factD);
2938     /* Solubility at 2 (this is the only remaining bad prime). */
2939     if (gequalgs(n, 4) && gequal1(gmodgs(d, 8)))
2940       if (gequal1(QfWittinvariant(G, gen_2)))
2941       {
2942         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
2943           pari_printf(" no local solution at 2\n");
2944         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
2945           pari_printf(" end of Qfsolve\n");
2946         avma = ltop;
2947         return gen_2;
2948       }
2949     l16 = glength(factD);
2950     {
2951       long l39;
2952       p17 = cgetg(l16+1, t_COL);
2953       for (l39 = 1; l39 <= l16; ++l39)
2954         gel(p17, l39) = gen_0;
2955     }
2956     /* */
2957     /* Build a binary quadratic form with given invariants */
2958     /* */
2959     Winvariants = p17;
2960     /* choose the signature of Q. */
2961     /* (real invariant and sign of the discriminant) */
2962     dQ = gabs(d, prec);
2963     if (gequal(gel(signG, 1), gel(signG, 2)))
2964     {
2965       dQ = dQ;
2966       gel(Winvariants, 1) = gen_0;
2967     }
2968     /* signQ = [1,1]; */
2969     if (gcmp(gel(signG, 1), gel(signG, 2)) > 0)
2970     {
2971       dQ = gneg(dQ);
2972       gel(Winvariants, 1) = gen_0;
2973     }
2974     /* signQ = [2,0]; */
2975     if (gequalgs(n, 4) && !gequalgs(gmodgs(dQ, 4), 1))
2976       dQ = gmulgs(dQ, 4);
2977     if (gcmpgs(n, 5) >= 0)
2978       dQ = gmulgs(dQ, 8);
2979     /* p-adic invariants */
2980     /* for p = 2, the choice is fixed from the product formula */
2981     if (gequalgs(n, 4))
2982     {
2983       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
2984         pari_printf(" compute the local invariants of G1\n");
2985       aux = gcopy(gel(gel(Qflisteinvariants(gneg(G1), factD, prec), 2), 1));
2986       l18 = glength(factD);
2987       {
2988         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
2989         long i;
2990         for (i = 3; i <= l18; ++i)
2991         {
2992           gel(Winvariants, i) = gcopy(gel(aux, i));
2993           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
2994             Winvariants = gerepilecopy(btop, Winvariants);
2995         }
2996       }
2997     }
2998     else
2999     {
3000       aux = gdiv(gmul(gpow(gen_m1, gdivgs(gsubgs(n, 3), 2), prec), dQ), d);
3001       /* ici aux = 8 ou -8 */
3002       l19 = glength(factD);
3003       {
3004         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3005         long i;
3006         for (i = 3; i <= l19; ++i)
3007         {
3008           gel(Winvariants, i) = stoi(hilbert(aux, gel(factD, i), gel(factD, i)) > 0);
3009           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3010             Winvariants = gerepilecopy(btop, Winvariants);
3011         }
3012       }
3013     }
3014     l20 = glength(factD);
3015     {
3016       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3017       long i;
3018       p21 = gen_0;
3019       for (i = 1; i <= l20; ++i)
3020       {
3021         p21 = gadd(p21, gel(Winvariants, i));
3022         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3023           p21 = gerepilecopy(btop, p21);
3024       }
3025     }
3026     gel(Winvariants, 2) = gmodgs(p21, 2);
3027     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
3028     {
3029       pari_printf(" Search for a binary quadrativ form of discriminant = %Ps\n", dQ);
3030       pari_printf(" and Witt invariants = %Ps\n", Winvariants);
3031     }
3032     l22 = glength(factD) - 1;
3033     {
3034       long l40, l41;
3035       p23 = cgetg(3, t_MAT);
3036       for (l41 = 1; l41 <= 2; ++l41)
3037       {
3038         gel(p23, l41) = cgetg(l22+1, t_COL);
3039         for (l40 = 1; l40 <= l22; ++l40)
3040           gcoeff(p23, l40, l41) = gen_0;
3041       }
3042     }
3043     /* Construction of the 2-class group of discriminant dQ */
3044     /* until some product of the generators gives the desired invariants. */
3045     /* In dim 4, need to look among the form of the type q or 2*q */
3046     /* because Q might be imprimitive. */
3048     factd = p23;
3049     l24 = glength(factD) - 1;
3050     {
3051       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3052       GEN i = gen_0;
3053       for (i = gen_1; gcmpgs(i, l24) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
3054       {
3055         gcoeff(factd, gtos(i), 1) = gcopy(gel(factD, gtos(gaddgs(i, 1))));
3056         gcoeff(factd, gtos(i), 2) = stoi(ggval(dQ, gcoeff(factd, gtos(i), 1)));
3057         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3058           gerepileall(btop, 2, &i, &factd);
3059       }
3060     }
3061     gcoeff(factd, 1, 2) = gaddgs(gcoeff(factd, 1, 2), 1);
3062     l25 = gequalgs(n, 4);
3063     l26 = glength(factD);
3064     {
3065       long i, j;
3066       p27 = cgetg(l25+1, t_MAT);
3067       for (j = 1; j <= l25; ++j)
3068       {
3069         gel(p27, j) = cgetg(l26+1, t_COL);
3070         for (i = 1; i <= l26; ++i)
3071           gcoeff(p27, i, j) = stoi(hilbert(gen_2, dQ, gel(factD, i)) < 0);
3072       }
3073     }
3074     U2 = p27;
3075     clgp2 = class2(dQ, factd, Winvariants, U2, prec);
3076     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
3077       pari_printf("    clgp2 = %Ps\n", clgp2);
3078     clgp2 = gcopy(gel(clgp2, 2));
3079     U = gcopy(gel(Qflisteinvariants(clgp2, factD, prec), 2));
3080     if (gequalgs(n, 4))
3081       U = concat(U, U2);
3082     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
3083       pari_printf("    U = %Ps\n", U);
3084     /* MODI2.1 */
3086     V = lift(inverseimage(gmul(U, gmodulss(1, 2)), gmul(Winvariants, gmodulss(1, 2))));
3087     /*    if( !length(V), next); */ /* MODI 1 */
3088     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
3089       pari_printf("    V = %Ps\n", V);
3090     if (gequal1(gmodgs(dQ, 2)))
3091       Q = primeform(gmulsg(4, dQ), gen_1, prec);
3092     else
3093       Q = primeform(dQ, gen_1, prec);
3094     l28 = glength(clgp2);
3095     {
3096       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3097       long i;
3098       for (i = 1; i <= l28; ++i)
3099       {
3100         if (!gequal0(gel(V, i)))
3101           Q = qfbcompraw(Q, gel(clgp2, i));
3102         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3103           Q = gerepilecopy(btop, Q);
3104       }
3105     }
3106     Q = mymat(Q);
3107     if (gcmpgs(gnorml2(V), 1) > 0)
3108     {
3109       aux = QfbReduce(Q, prec);
3110       Q = gmul(gmul(gtrans(aux), Q), aux);
3111     }
3112     if (gequalgs(n, 4) && !gequal0(gel(V, glength(V))))
3113       Q = gmulgs(Q, 2);
3114     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 2) >= 0)
3115       pari_printf("  Q = %Ps\n", Q);
3116     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 3) >= 0)
3117       pari_printf("   Witt invariants of Q = %Ps\n", Qflisteinvariants(Q, factD, prec));
3118     p29 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
3119     gel(p29, 1) = gcopy(G1);
3120     gel(p29, 2) = gneg(Q);
3121     /* */
3122     /* Build a form of dim=n+2 potentially unimodular */
3123     /* */
3125     G2 = matdiagonalblock(p29);
3126     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
3127       pari_printf("    G2 = %Ps\n", G2);
3128     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 2) >= 0)
3129       pari_printf("  minimization of the form of dimension %ld\n", glength(G2));
3130     /* Minimization of G2 */
3131     detG2 = det(G2);
3132     l30 = glength(factD) - 1;
3133     {
3134       long l42, l43;
3135       p31 = cgetg(3, t_MAT);
3136       for (l43 = 1; l43 <= 2; ++l43)
3137       {
3138         gel(p31, l43) = cgetg(l30+1, t_COL);
3139         for (l42 = 1; l42 <= l30; ++l42)
3140           gcoeff(p31, l42, l43) = gen_0;
3141       }
3142     }
3143     factd = p31;
3144     l32 = glength(factD) - 1;
3145     {
3146       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3147       GEN i = gen_0;
3148       for (i = gen_1; gcmpgs(i, l32) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
3149       {
3150         gcoeff(factd, gtos(i), 2) = stoi(ggval(detG2, gcoeff(factd, gtos(i), 1) = gcopy(gel(factD, gtos(gaddgs(i, 1))))));
3151         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3152           gerepileall(btop, 2, &i, &factd);
3153       }
3154     }
3155     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 3) >= 0)
3156       pari_printf("   det(G2) = %Ps\n", factd);
3157     Min = Qfminim(G2, factd, prec);
3158     M2 = gcopy(gel(Min, 2));
3159     G2 = gcopy(gel(Min, 1));
3160     if (gcmpgs(gabs(det(G2), prec), 2) > 0)
3161       pari_err(user, "Qfsolve: det(G2) <> +-1 *******");
3162     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 4) >= 0)
3163       pari_printf("    G2 = %Ps\n", G2);
3164     /* Now, we have det(G2) = +-1 */
3166     /* Find a seti for G2 (Totally isotropic subspace, Sous-Espace Totalement Isotrope) */
3167     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 2) >= 0)
3168       pari_printf("  Search a subspace of solutions for G2\n");
3169     solG2 = LLLgoon(G2, gen_1, prec);
3170     p33 = gaddgs(codim, 1);
3171     p34 = gaddgs(codim, 1);
3172     {
3173       long i, j;
3174       p35 = cgetg(gtos(p33)+1, t_MAT);
3175       for (j = 1; gcmpsg(j, p33) <= 0; ++j)
3176       {
3177         gel(p35, j) = cgetg(gtos(p34)+1, t_COL);
3178         for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, p34) <= 0; ++i)
3179           gcoeff(p35, i, j) = gcopy(gcoeff(gel(solG2, 1), i, j));
3180       }
3181     }
3182     if (!gequalgs(p35, 0))
3183       pari_err(user, "Qfsolve: not enough solutions in G2");
3184   }
3185   /* G2 must have a subspace of solutions of dimension > codim */
3186   dimseti = gen_0;
3187   {
3188     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3189     GEN p44 = gen_0, p45 = gen_0;
3190     GEN p46 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
3191     for(;;)
3192     {
3193       p44 = gaddgs(dimseti, 1);
3194       p45 = gaddgs(dimseti, 1);
3195       {
3196         long i, j;
3197         p46 = cgetg(gtos(p44)+1, t_MAT);
3198         for (j = 1; gcmpsg(j, p44) <= 0; ++j)
3199         {
3200           gel(p46, j) = cgetg(gtos(p45)+1, t_COL);
3201           for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, p45) <= 0; ++i)
3202             gcoeff(p46, i, j) = gcopy(gcoeff(gel(solG2, 1), i, j));
3203         }
3204       }
3205       if (!gequal0(p46))
3206         break;
3207       dimseti = gaddgs(dimseti, 1);
3208       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3209         gerepileall(btop, 4, &p44, &p45, &p46, &dimseti);
3210     }
3211   }
3212   if (gcmp(dimseti, codim) <= 0)
3213     pari_err(user, "Qfsolve: not enough solutions for G2");
3214   l36 = glength(G2);
3215   {
3216     long i, j;
3217     p37 = cgetg(gtos(dimseti)+1, t_MAT);
3218     for (j = 1; gcmpsg(j, dimseti) <= 0; ++j)
3219     {
3220       gel(p37, j) = cgetg(l36+1, t_COL);
3221       for (i = 1; i <= l36; ++i)
3222         gcoeff(p37, i, j) = gcopy(gcoeff(gel(solG2, 2), i, j));
3223     }
3224   }
3225   solG2 = p37;
3226   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 3) >= 0)
3227     pari_printf("   solG2 = %Ps\n", solG2);
3228   /* The solution of G1 is simultaneously in solG2 and subspace2 */
3229   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
3230     pari_printf(" Reconstruction of a solution of G1\n");
3231   solG1 = intersect(subspace2, gmul(M2, solG2));
3232   solG1 = gmul(gtrans(subspace2), solG1);
3233   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 3) >= 0)
3234     pari_printf("   solG1 = %Ps\n", solG1);
3235   /* The solution of G is simultaneously in solG and subspace1 */
3236   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
3237     pari_printf(" Reconstruction of a solution of G\n");
3238   sol = intersect(subspace1, gmul(M1, solG1));
3239   sol = gmul(gtrans(subspace1), sol);
3240   sol = gmul(M, sol);
3241   sol = gdiv(sol, content(sol));
3242   if (glength(sol) == 1)
3243     sol = gcopy(gel(sol, 1));
3244   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 3) >= 0)
3245     pari_printf("   sol = %Ps\n", sol);
3246   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_qfsolve, 1) >= 0)
3247     pari_printf(" end of Qfsolve\n");
3248   sol = gerepilecopy(ltop, sol);
3249   return sol;
3250 }
3252 GEN
3253 matdiagonalblock(GEN v)
3254 {
3255   pari_sp ltop = avma;
3256   GEN lv = gen_0, lt = gen_0, M = gen_0, p1 = gen_0;
3257   GEN p2 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
3258   lv = stoi(glength(v));
3259   {
3260     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3261     GEN i = gen_0;
3262     p1 = gen_0;
3263     for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, lv) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
3264     {
3265       p1 = gaddgs(p1, glength(gel(v, gtos(i))));
3266       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3267         gerepileall(btop, 2, &p1, &i);
3268     }
3269   }
3270   lt = p1;
3271   {
3272     long l3, l4;
3273     p2 = cgetg(gtos(lt)+1, t_MAT);
3274     for (l4 = 1; gcmpsg(l4, lt) <= 0; ++l4)
3275     {
3276       gel(p2, l4) = cgetg(gtos(lt)+1, t_COL);
3277       for (l3 = 1; gcmpsg(l3, lt) <= 0; ++l3)
3278         gcoeff(p2, l3, l4) = gen_0;
3279     }
3280   }
3281   M = p2;
3282   lt = gen_0;
3283   {
3284     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3285     GEN i = gen_0;
3286     long l5;
3287     for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, lv) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
3288     {
3289       l5 = glength(gel(v, gtos(i)));
3290       {
3291         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3292         long j, l6;
3293         for (j = 1; j <= l5; ++j)
3294         {
3295           l6 = glength(gel(v, gtos(i)));
3296           {
3297             pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3298             long k;
3299             for (k = 1; k <= l6; ++k)
3300             {
3301               gcoeff(M, gtos(gaddgs(lt, j)), gtos(gaddgs(lt, k))) = gcopy(gcoeff(gel(v, gtos(i)), j, k));
3302               if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3303                 M = gerepilecopy(btop, M);
3304             }
3305           }
3306           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3307             M = gerepilecopy(btop, M);
3308         }
3309       }
3310       lt = gaddgs(lt, glength(gel(v, gtos(i))));
3311       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3312         gerepileall(btop, 3, &i, &M, &lt);
3313     }
3314   }
3315   M = gerepilecopy(ltop, M);
3316   return M;
3317 }
3319 GEN
3320 ellchangecurveinverse(GEN ell, GEN v)	  /* ell */
3321 {
3322   pari_sp ltop = avma;
3323   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* ell */
3324   p1 = ellchangecurve(ell, ellinverturst(v));
3325   p1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p1);
3326   return p1;
3327 }
3329 GEN
3330 ellchangepointinverse(GEN pt, GEN v)
3331 {
3332   pari_sp ltop = avma;
3333   GEN p1 = gen_0;
3334   p1 = ellchangepoint(pt, ellinverturst(v));
3335   p1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p1);
3336   return p1;
3337 }
3339 GEN
3340 ellcomposeurst(GEN urst1, GEN urst2)	  /* vec */
3341 {
3342   pari_sp ltop = avma;
3343   GEN u1 = gen_0, r1 = gen_0, s1 = gen_0, t1 = gen_0, u2 = gen_0, r2 = gen_0, s2 = gen_0, t2 = gen_0;
3344   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
3345   t2 = gcopy(gel(urst2, 4));
3346   s2 = gcopy(gel(urst2, 3));
3347   r2 = gcopy(gel(urst2, 2));
3348   u2 = gcopy(gel(urst2, 1));
3349   t1 = gcopy(gel(urst1, 4));
3350   s1 = gcopy(gel(urst1, 3));
3351   r1 = gcopy(gel(urst1, 2));
3352   u1 = gcopy(gel(urst1, 1));
3353   p1 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
3354   gel(p1, 1) = gmul(u1, u2);
3355   gel(p1, 2) = gadd(gmul(gsqr(u1), r2), r1);
3356   gel(p1, 3) = gadd(gmul(u1, s2), s1);
3357   gel(p1, 4) = gadd(gadd(gmul(gpowgs(u1, 3), t2), gmul(gmul(s1, gsqr(u1)), r2)), t1);
3358   p1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p1);
3359   return p1;
3360 }
3362 GEN
3363 ellinverturst(GEN urst)	  /* vec */
3364 {
3365   pari_sp ltop = avma;
3366   GEN u = gen_0, r = gen_0, s = gen_0, t = gen_0;
3367   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
3368   t = gcopy(gel(urst, 4));
3369   s = gcopy(gel(urst, 3));
3370   r = gcopy(gel(urst, 2));
3371   u = gcopy(gel(urst, 1));
3372   p1 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
3373   gel(p1, 1) = ginv(u);
3374   gel(p1, 2) = gdiv(gneg(r), gsqr(u));
3375   gel(p1, 3) = gdiv(gneg(s), u);
3376   gel(p1, 4) = gdiv(gsub(gmul(r, s), t), gpowgs(u, 3));
3377   p1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p1);
3378   return p1;
3379 }
3381 GEN
3382 mysubst(GEN polsu, GEN subsx)
3383 {
3384   pari_sp ltop = avma;
3385   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0;
3386   if (typ(lift(polsu)) == t_POL)
3387   {
3388     p1 = simplify(gsubst(lift(polsu), gvar(gpolvar(lift(polsu))), subsx));
3389     p1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p1);
3390     return p1;
3391   }
3392   else
3393   {
3394     p2 = simplify(lift(polsu));
3395     p2 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p2);
3396     return p2;
3397   }
3398   avma = ltop;
3399   return gen_0;
3400 }
3402 GEN
3403 degre(GEN idegre)
3404 {
3405   pari_sp ltop = avma;
3406   GEN ideg = gen_0, jdeg = gen_0;
3407   ideg = gcopy(idegre);
3408   {
3409     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3410     while (signe(ideg = gshift(ideg, -1)))
3411     {
3412       jdeg = gaddgs(jdeg, 1);
3413       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3414         gerepileall(btop, 2, &ideg, &jdeg);
3415     }
3416   }
3417   jdeg = gerepilecopy(ltop, jdeg);
3418   return jdeg;
3419 }
3421 long
3422 nfissquare(GEN nf, GEN a, long prec)	  /* bool */
3423 {
3424   pari_sp ltop = avma;
3425   long l1;	  /* bool */
3426   l1 = (lg(nfsqrt(nf, a, prec))-1) > 0;
3427   avma = ltop;
3428   return l1;
3429 }
3431 GEN
3432 nfsqrt(GEN nf, GEN a, long prec)	  /* vec */
3433 {
3434   pari_sp ltop = avma;
3435   GEN alift = gen_0, ta = gen_0, py = gen_0, pfact = gen_0;
3436   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0, p3 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
3437   GEN p4 = gen_0;	  /* int */
3438   GEN x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x")), y = pol_x(fetch_user_var("y"));
3439   GEN p5 = gen_0, p6 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
3440   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
3441     pari_printf("     starting nfsqrt %Ps\n", a);
3442   if (gequal0(a) || gequal1(a))
3443   {
3444     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
3445       pari_printf("     end of nfsqrt %Ps\n", a);
3446     p1 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
3447     gel(p1, 1) = gcopy(a);
3448     p1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p1);
3449     return p1;
3450   }
3451   alift = lift(a);
3452   ta = strtoGENstr(type_name(typ(a)));
3453   if (!degree(alift))
3454     alift = polcoeff0(alift, 0, -1);
3455   if (typ(alift) != t_POL)
3456     if (!gequal0(gissquare(alift)))
3457     {
3458       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
3459         pari_printf("     end of nfsqrt %Ps\n", sqrtrat(alift));
3460       p2 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
3461       gel(p2, 1) = sqrtrat(alift);
3462       p2 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p2);
3463       return p2;
3464     }
3465   if (degree(member_pol(nf)) <= 1)
3466   {
3467     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
3468       pari_printf("     end of nfsqrt %Ps\n", cgetg(1, t_VEC));
3469     p3 = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
3470     p3 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p3);
3471     return p3;
3472   }
3473   if (gequal(ta, strtoGENstr("t_POL")))
3474     a = gmodulo(a, member_pol(nf));
3475   /* the real embeddings must all be >0  */
3477   p4 = icopy(member_r1(nf));
3478   {
3479     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3480     GEN i = gen_0;
3481     GEN p7 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
3482     for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, p4) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
3483     {
3484       /* MODI: in, nfsign_s(nf,a,i) < 0 so replaced. Both correct
3485       or only one ? */
3486       /*    py = mysubst(alift,nf.roots[i]);
3487       if( sign(py) < 0, */
3488       if (nfsign_s(nf, a, i, prec) < 0)
3489       {
3490         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
3491           pari_printf("     end of nfsqrt %Ps\n", cgetg(1, t_VEC));
3492         p7 = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
3493         p7 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p7);
3494         return p7;
3495       }
3496       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3497         gerepileall(btop, 2, &i, &p7);
3498     }
3499   }
3500   /* factorization over nf of the polynomial X^2-a */
3502   if (gequal(gpolvar(member_pol(nf)), x))
3503   {
3504     py = gsubst(member_pol(nf), gvar(x), y);
3505     pfact = lift(gcoeff(polfnf(gsub(gsqr(x), mysubst(alift, gmodulo(y, py))), py), 1, 1));
3506   }
3507   else
3508     pfact = lift(gcoeff(polfnf(gsub(gsqr(x), a), member_pol(nf)), 1, 1));
3509   if (degree(pfact) == 2)
3510   {
3511     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
3512       pari_printf("     end of nfsqrt %Ps\n", cgetg(1, t_VEC));
3513     p5 = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
3514     p5 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p5);
3515     return p5;
3516   }
3517   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
3518     pari_printf("     end of nfsqrt %Ps\n", pfact);
3519   p6 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
3520   gel(p6, 1) = gsubst(polcoeff0(pfact, 0, -1), gvar(y), gmodulo(gpolvar(member_pol(nf)), member_pol(nf)));
3521   p6 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p6);
3522   return p6;
3523 }
3525 GEN
3526 sqrtrat(GEN a)
3527 {
3528   pari_sp ltop = avma;
3529   GEN p1 = gen_0;
3530   p1 = gdiv(sqrtint(numer(a)), sqrtint(denom(a)));
3531   p1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p1);
3532   return p1;
3533 }
3535 GEN
3536 polratroots(GEN pol)
3537 {
3538   pari_sp ltop = avma;
3539   GEN f = gen_0, ans = gen_0;
3540   long l1;
3541   f = gcopy(gel(factor(pol), 1));
3542   ans = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
3543   l1 = glength(f);
3544   {
3545     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3546     long j;
3547     GEN p2 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
3548     for (j = 1; j <= l1; ++j)
3549     {
3550       if (degree(gel(f, j)) == 1)
3551       {
3552         p2 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
3553         gel(p2, 1) = gdiv(gneg(polcoeff0(gel(f, j), 0, -1)), polcoeff0(gel(f, j), 1, -1));
3554         ans = concat(ans, p2);
3555       }
3556       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3557         gerepileall(btop, 2, &p2, &ans);
3558     }
3559   }
3560   ans = gerepilecopy(ltop, ans);
3561   return ans;
3562 }
3564 GEN
3565 ratpoint(GEN pol, GEN lim, GEN singlepoint, long prec)
3566 {
3567   pari_sp ltop = avma;
3568   GEN listpoints = gen_0, point1 = gen_0, odd = gen_0, deg4 = gen_0, pol16 = gen_0, tab16 = gen_0, pol9 = gen_0, tab9 = gen_0, pol5 = gen_0, tab5 = gen_0, pol0 = gen_0, vecz = gen_0, vecx = gen_0, lead = gen_0, zz = gen_0, xx = gen_0, evpol = gen_0, iz = gen_0, factpol = gen_0, deg = gen_0, vz = gen_0;
3569   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0, p3 = gen_0, p4 = gen_0, p5 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
3570   long l6;
3571   GEN p7 = gen_0, p8 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
3572   long l9;
3573   GEN p10 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
3574   long l11;
3575   GEN p12 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
3576   long l13;
3577   GEN p14 = gen_0, p15 = gen_0, p16 = gen_0, p17 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
3578   GEN p18 = gen_0, x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
3579   GEN p19 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
3580   if (!lim)
3581     lim = gen_1;
3582   if (!singlepoint)
3583     singlepoint = gen_1;
3584   /* MODI: added deg, vz */
3586   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
3587   {
3588     pari_printf("    Starting ratpoint with pol = %Ps\n", pol);
3589     pari_printf("    lim = %Ps\n", lim);
3590   }
3591   if (gequal0(singlepoint))
3592     listpoints = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
3593   point1 = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
3594   /* */
3595   /*          trivial solutions */
3596   /* */
3598   /* the leading coeff is a square */
3599   if (!gequal0(gissquare(pollead(pol, -1))))
3600   {
3601     p1 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
3602     gel(p1, 1) = gen_1;
3603     gel(p1, 2) = sqrtrat(pollead(pol, -1));
3604     gel(p1, 3) = gen_0;
3605     point1 = p1;
3606     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
3607       pari_printf("   trivial solution: lead(pol) is a square\n");
3608     if (!gequal0(singlepoint))
3609     {
3610       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
3611         pari_printf("    end of ratpoint\n");
3612       point1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, point1);
3613       return point1;
3614     }
3615     p2 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
3616     gel(p2, 1) = gcopy(point1);
3617     listpoints = concat(listpoints, p2);
3618   }
3619   /* the constant coeff is a square */
3620   if (!gequal0(gissquare(polcoeff0(pol, 0, -1))))
3621   {
3622     p3 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
3623     gel(p3, 1) = gen_0;
3624     gel(p3, 2) = sqrtrat(polcoeff0(pol, 0, -1));
3625     point1 = p3;
3626     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
3627       pari_printf("   trivial solution: pol(0) is a square\n");
3628     if (!gequal0(singlepoint))
3629     {
3630       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
3631         pari_printf("    end of ratpoint\n");
3632       point1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, point1);
3633       return point1;
3634     }
3635     p4 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
3636     gel(p4, 1) = gcopy(point1);
3637     listpoints = concat(listpoints, p4);
3638   }
3639   odd = stoi(smodss(degree(pol), 2));
3640   /* roots of pol ? */
3641   factpol = polratroots(pol);
3642   if (glength(factpol))
3643   {
3644     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
3645       pari_printf("   trivial solution: roots of pol%Ps\n", factpol);
3646     if (!gequal0(singlepoint))
3647     {
3648       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
3649         pari_printf("    end of ratpoint\n");
3650       p5 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
3651       gel(p5, 1) = gcopy(gel(factpol, 1));
3652       gel(p5, 2) = gen_0;
3653       p5 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p5);
3654       return p5;
3655     }
3656     l6 = glength(factpol);
3657     {
3658       long i;
3659       GEN p20 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
3660       p7 = cgetg(l6+1, t_VEC);
3661       for (i = 1; i <= l6; ++i)
3662       {
3663         p20 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
3664         gel(p20, 1) = gcopy(gel(factpol, i));
3665         gel(p20, 2) = gen_0;
3666         gel(p7, i) = p20;
3667       }
3668     }
3669     listpoints = concat(listpoints, p7);
3670   }
3671   /* */
3672   /*       Sieve */
3673   /* */
3675   /* initialisation of the sieve modulo 16, 9 and 5 */
3676   /* used only with even degree when lim is large */
3678   deg = stoi(degree(pol));
3679   deg4 = stoi((gequal0(odd)) && (gcmpgs(lim, 20) > 0));
3680   if (!gequal0(deg4))
3681   {
3682     pol16 = gtrans(gmul(gtovec(pol), gmodulss(1, 16)));
3683     {
3684       long l21, l22;
3685       p8 = cgetg(17, t_MAT);
3686       for (l22 = 1; l22 <= 16; ++l22)
3687       {
3688         gel(p8, l22) = cgetg(17, t_COL);
3689         for (l21 = 1; l21 <= 16; ++l21)
3690           gcoeff(p8, l21, l22) = gen_0;
3691       }
3692     }
3693     tab16 = p8;
3694     l9 = 16 - 1;
3695     {
3696       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3697       GEN xx = gen_0;
3698       long l23;
3699       for (xx = gen_0; gcmpgs(xx, l9) <= 0; xx = gaddgs(xx, 1))
3700       {
3701         l23 = 16 - 1;
3702         {
3703           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3704           GEN zz = gen_0, p24 = gen_0;
3705           GEN p25 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
3706           for (zz = gen_0; gcmpgs(zz, l23) <= 0; zz = gaddgs(zz, 1))
3707           {
3708             p24 = gaddgs(deg, 1);
3709             {
3710               long i;
3711               p25 = cgetg(gtos(p24)+1, t_VEC);
3712               for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, p24) <= 0; ++i)
3713                 gel(p25, i) = gmul(gpow(xx, gsubgs(gaddgs(deg, 1), i), prec), gpowgs(zz, i - 1));
3714             }
3715             gcoeff(tab16, gtos(gaddgs(xx, 1)), gtos(gaddgs(zz, 1))) = stoi(gequal0(gissquare(gmul(p25, pol16))));
3716             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3717               gerepileall(btop, 4, &zz, &p24, &p25, &tab16);
3718           }
3719         }
3720         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3721           gerepileall(btop, 2, &xx, &tab16);
3722       }
3723     }
3724     pol9 = gmul(gtrans(gtovec(pol)), gmodulss(1, 9));
3725     {
3726       long l26, l27;
3727       p10 = cgetg(10, t_MAT);
3728       for (l27 = 1; l27 <= 9; ++l27)
3729       {
3730         gel(p10, l27) = cgetg(10, t_COL);
3731         for (l26 = 1; l26 <= 9; ++l26)
3732           gcoeff(p10, l26, l27) = gen_0;
3733       }
3734     }
3735     tab9 = p10;
3736     l11 = 9 - 1;
3737     {
3738       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3739       GEN xx = gen_0;
3740       long l28;
3741       for (xx = gen_0; gcmpgs(xx, l11) <= 0; xx = gaddgs(xx, 1))
3742       {
3743         l28 = 9 - 1;
3744         {
3745           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3746           GEN zz = gen_0, p29 = gen_0;
3747           GEN p30 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
3748           for (zz = gen_0; gcmpgs(zz, l28) <= 0; zz = gaddgs(zz, 1))
3749           {
3750             p29 = gaddgs(deg, 1);
3751             {
3752               long i;
3753               p30 = cgetg(gtos(p29)+1, t_VEC);
3754               for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, p29) <= 0; ++i)
3755                 gel(p30, i) = gmul(gpow(xx, gsubgs(gaddgs(deg, 1), i), prec), gpowgs(zz, i - 1));
3756             }
3757             gcoeff(tab9, gtos(gaddgs(xx, 1)), gtos(gaddgs(zz, 1))) = stoi(gequal0(gissquare(gmul(p30, pol9))));
3758             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3759               gerepileall(btop, 4, &zz, &p29, &p30, &tab9);
3760           }
3761         }
3762         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3763           gerepileall(btop, 2, &xx, &tab9);
3764       }
3765     }
3766     pol5 = gmul(gtrans(gtovec(pol)), gmodulss(1, 5));
3767     {
3768       long l31, l32;
3769       p12 = cgetg(6, t_MAT);
3770       for (l32 = 1; l32 <= 5; ++l32)
3771       {
3772         gel(p12, l32) = cgetg(6, t_COL);
3773         for (l31 = 1; l31 <= 5; ++l31)
3774           gcoeff(p12, l31, l32) = gen_0;
3775       }
3776     }
3777     tab5 = p12;
3778     l13 = 5 - 1;
3779     {
3780       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3781       GEN xx = gen_0;
3782       long l33;
3783       for (xx = gen_0; gcmpgs(xx, l13) <= 0; xx = gaddgs(xx, 1))
3784       {
3785         l33 = 5 - 1;
3786         {
3787           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3788           GEN zz = gen_0, p34 = gen_0;
3789           GEN p35 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
3790           for (zz = gen_0; gcmpgs(zz, l33) <= 0; zz = gaddgs(zz, 1))
3791           {
3792             p34 = gaddgs(deg, 1);
3793             {
3794               long i;
3795               p35 = cgetg(gtos(p34)+1, t_VEC);
3796               for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, p34) <= 0; ++i)
3797                 gel(p35, i) = gmul(gpow(xx, gsubgs(gaddgs(deg, 1), i), prec), gpowgs(zz, i - 1));
3798             }
3799             gcoeff(tab5, gtos(gaddgs(xx, 1)), gtos(gaddgs(zz, 1))) = stoi(gequal0(gissquare(gmul(p35, pol5))));
3800             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3801               gerepileall(btop, 4, &zz, &p34, &p35, &tab5);
3802           }
3803         }
3804         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3805           gerepileall(btop, 2, &xx, &tab5);
3806       }
3807     }
3808   }
3809   /* if the degree is odd, search only for square denominators */
3810   if (!gequal0(odd))
3811   {
3812     {
3813       long i;
3814       p14 = cgetg(gtos(lim)+1, t_VEC);
3815       for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, lim) <= 0; ++i)
3816         gel(p14, i) = sqri(stoi(i));
3817     }
3818     vecz = p14;
3819   }
3820   else
3821   {
3822     /* if the degree is even, the leading coeff must be */
3823     /* a square modulo zz. */
3824     lead = pollead(pol, -1);
3825     {
3826       long l36;
3827       p15 = cgetg(gtos(lim)+1, t_VEC);
3828       for (l36 = 1; gcmpsg(l36, lim) <= 0; ++l36)
3829         gel(p15, l36) = gen_0;
3830     }
3831     vecz = p15;
3832     zz = gen_0;
3833     {
3834       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3835       GEN i = gen_0;
3836       for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, lim) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
3837       {
3838         zz = gaddgs(zz, 1);
3839         {
3840           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3841           while (gequal0(gissquare(gmodulo(lead, zz))))
3842           {
3843             zz = gaddgs(zz, 1);
3844             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3845               zz = gerepilecopy(btop, zz);
3846           }
3847         }
3848         gel(vecz, gtos(i)) = gcopy(zz);
3849         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3850           gerepileall(btop, 3, &i, &zz, &vecz);
3851       }
3852     }
3853   }
3854   /* the constant coeff must be a square modulo xx. */
3855   pol0 = polcoeff0(pol, 0, -1);
3856   {
3857     long l37;
3858     p16 = cgetg(gtos(lim)+1, t_VEC);
3859     for (l37 = 1; gcmpsg(l37, lim) <= 0; ++l37)
3860       gel(p16, l37) = gen_0;
3861   }
3862   vecx = p16;
3863   xx = gen_0;
3864   {
3865     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3866     GEN i = gen_0;
3867     for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, lim) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
3868     {
3869       xx = gaddgs(xx, 1);
3870       {
3871         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3872         while (gequal0(gissquare(gmodulo(pol0, xx))))
3873         {
3874           xx = gaddgs(xx, 1);
3875           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3876             xx = gerepilecopy(btop, xx);
3877         }
3878       }
3879       gel(vecx, gtos(i)) = gcopy(xx);
3880       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3881         gerepileall(btop, 3, &i, &xx, &vecx);
3882     }
3883   }
3884   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
3885     pari_printf("    xmax = %Ps\n", gel(vecx, gtos(lim)));
3886   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
3887     pari_printf("    zmax = %Ps\n", gel(vecz, gtos(lim)));
3888   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
3889     pari_printf("    vecx = %Ps\n", vecx);
3890   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
3891     pari_printf("    vecz = %Ps\n", vecz);
3892   if (!gequal0(deg4))
3893   {
3894     {
3895       long i;
3896       GEN p38 = gen_0;
3897       GEN p39 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
3898       p17 = cgetg(gtos(lim)+1, t_VEC);
3899       for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, lim) <= 0; ++i)
3900       {
3901         p38 = gaddgs(deg, 1);
3902         {
3903           long j;
3904           p39 = cgetg(gtos(p38)+1, t_VEC);
3905           for (j = 1; gcmpsg(j, p38) <= 0; ++j)
3906             gel(p39, j) = gmul(polcoeff0(pol, gtos(gsubgs(gaddgs(deg, 1), j)), -1), gpowgs(gel(vecz, i), j - 1));
3907         }
3908         gel(p17, i) = gtopoly(p39, -1);
3909       }
3910     }
3911     vz = p17;
3912   }
3913   /* loop over x = xx/zz */
3914   /* the loop on [xx,zz] is done diagonally */
3915   /* to start with the smallest values of both xx and zz. */
3916   p18 = gmulsg(2, lim);
3917   {
3918     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3919     GEN somme = gen_0, p40 = gen_0, p41 = gen_0;
3920     for (somme = gen_2; gcmp(somme, p18) <= 0; somme = gaddgs(somme, 1))
3921     {
3922       p40 = gmaxsg(1, gsub(somme, lim));
3923       p41 = gmin(lim, gsubgs(somme, 1));
3924       {
3925         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3926         GEN ix = gen_0;
3927         for (ix = p40; gcmp(ix, p41) <= 0; ix = gaddgs(ix, 1))
3928         {
3929           xx = gcopy(gel(vecx, gtos(ix)));
3930           iz = gsub(somme, ix);
3931           zz = gcopy(gel(vecz, gtos(iz)));
3932           if (!gequalgs(ggcd(zz, xx), 1))
3933             continue;
3934           {
3935             pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
3936             long eps;
3937             GEN p42 = gen_0, p43 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
3938             for (eps = 1; eps <= 2; ++eps)
3939             {
3940               /* when eps = 1, xx > 0; when eps = 2, xx < 0. */
3941               if (!gequal0(deg4))
3942               {
3943                 if (!gequal0(gcoeff(tab16, gtos(gaddgs(gmodgs(xx, 16), 1)), gtos(gaddgs(gmodgs(zz, 16), 1)))))
3944                 {
3945                   xx = gneg(xx);
3946                   continue;
3947                 }
3948                 if (!gequal0(gcoeff(tab9, gtos(gaddgs(gmodgs(xx, 9), 1)), gtos(gaddgs(gmodgs(zz, 9), 1)))))
3949                 {
3950                   xx = gneg(xx);
3951                   continue;
3952                 }
3953                 if (!gequal0(gcoeff(tab5, gtos(gaddgs(gmodgs(xx, 5), 1)), gtos(gaddgs(gmodgs(zz, 5), 1)))))
3954                 {
3955                   xx = gneg(xx);
3956                   continue;
3957                 }
3958                 evpol = gsubst(gel(vz, gtos(iz)), gvar(x), xx);
3959               }
3960               else
3961                 evpol = gsubst(pol, gvar(gpolvar(pol)), gdiv(xx, zz));
3962               if (!gequal0(gissquare(evpol)))
3963               {
3964                 p42 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
3965                 gel(p42, 1) = gdiv(xx, zz);
3966                 gel(p42, 2) = sqrtrat(gsubst(pol, gvar(gpolvar(pol)), gdiv(xx, zz)));
3967                 point1 = p42;
3968                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
3969                   pari_printf("    point found by ratpoint = %Ps\n", point1);
3970                 if (!gequal0(singlepoint))
3971                   goto label1;
3972                 p43 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
3973                 gel(p43, 1) = gcopy(point1);
3974                 listpoints = concat(listpoints, p43);
3975               }
3976               xx = gneg(xx);
3977               if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3978                 gerepileall(btop, 6, &xx, &evpol, &p42, &point1, &p43, &listpoints);
3979             }
3980           }
3981           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3982             gerepileall(btop, 7, &ix, &xx, &iz, &zz, &evpol, &point1, &listpoints);
3983         }
3984       }
3985       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
3986         gerepileall(btop, 9, &somme, &p40, &p41, &xx, &iz, &zz, &evpol, &point1, &listpoints);
3987     }
3988     label1:;
3989   }
3990   if (!gequal(point1, cgetg(1, t_VEC)))
3991   {
3992     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
3993       pari_printf("   point found by ratpoint = %Ps\n", point1);
3994     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
3995       pari_printf("    end of ratpoint \n");
3996     if (!gequal0(singlepoint))
3997     {
3998       point1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, point1);
3999       return point1;
4000     }
4001     else
4002     {
4003       listpoints = gerepilecopy(ltop, listpoints);
4004       return listpoints;
4005     }
4006   }
4007   p19 = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
4008   p19 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p19);
4009   return p19;
4010 }
4012 GEN
4013 ratpoint2(GEN pol, GEN lim, GEN singlepoint, GEN redflag, long prec)
4014 {
4015   pari_sp ltop = avma;
4016   GEN listpoints = gen_0, list = gen_0, rr = gen_0, y2 = gen_0, aux = gen_0;
4017   long l1;
4018   if (!lim)
4019     lim = gen_1;
4020   if (!singlepoint)
4021     singlepoint = gen_1;
4022   if (!redflag)
4023     redflag = gen_0;
4024   listpoints = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
4025   list = listratpoint(pol, redflag, prec);
4026   l1 = glength(list);
4027   {
4028     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
4029     long i;
4030     GEN p2 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
4031     long l3;
4032     GEN p4 = gen_0;
4033     for (i = 1; i <= l1; ++i)
4034     {
4035       rr = ratpoint(gel(gel(list, i), 1), lim, singlepoint, prec);
4036       if (!gequal0(singlepoint) && glength(rr))
4037       {
4038         p2 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
4039         gel(p2, 1) = gcopy(rr);
4040         rr = p2;
4041       }
4042       l3 = glength(rr);
4043       {
4044         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
4045         long j;
4046         GEN p5 = gen_0, p6 = gen_0, p7 = gen_0, p8 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
4047         for (j = 1; j <= l3; ++j)
4048         {
4049           y2 = gmul(gel(gel(rr, j), 2), gel(gel(list, i), 4));
4050           if (glength(gel(rr, j)) == 2)
4051           {
4052             p5 = cgetg(3, t_COL);
4053             gel(p5, 1) = gcopy(gel(gel(rr, j), 1));
4054             gel(p5, 2) = gen_1;
4055             aux = p5;
4056           }
4057           else
4058           {
4059             p6 = cgetg(3, t_COL);
4060             gel(p6, 1) = gcopy(gel(gel(rr, j), 1));
4061             gel(p6, 2) = gcopy(gel(gel(rr, j), 3));
4062             aux = p6;
4063           }
4064           aux = gmul(gel(gel(list, i), 2), aux);
4065           if (gequal0(gel(aux, 2)))
4066           {
4067             p7 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
4068             gel(p7, 1) = gcopy(gel(aux, 1));
4069             gel(p7, 2) = gcopy(y2);
4070             gel(p7, 3) = gen_0;
4071             gel(rr, j) = p7;
4072           }
4073           else
4074           {
4075             p8 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
4076             gel(p8, 1) = gdiv(gel(aux, 1), gel(aux, 2));
4077             gel(p8, 2) = gdiv(y2, gpowgs(gel(aux, 2), degree(pol)/2));
4078             gel(rr, j) = p8;
4079           }
4080           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
4081             gerepileall(btop, 7, &y2, &p5, &aux, &p6, &p7, &rr, &p8);
4082         }
4083       }
4084       if (!gequal0(singlepoint) && glength(rr))
4085       {
4086         p4 = gcopy(gel(rr, 1));
4087         p4 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p4);
4088         return p4;
4089       }
4090       listpoints = concat(listpoints, rr);
4091       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
4092         gerepileall(btop, 6, &rr, &p2, &y2, &aux, &p4, &listpoints);
4093     }
4094   }
4095   listpoints = vecsort0(listpoints, NULL, 2);
4096   listpoints = gerepilecopy(ltop, listpoints);
4097   return listpoints;
4098 }
4100 GEN
4101 listratpoint(GEN pol, GEN redflag, long prec)
4102 {
4103   pari_sp ltop = avma;
4104   GEN list = gen_0, i = gen_0, K = gen_0, ff = gen_0, C = gen_0, p = gen_0, M = gen_0, U = gen_0, newpol = gen_0, factpol = gen_0, ll = gen_0, listf = gen_0, rr = gen_0;
4105   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
4106   GEN x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
4107   long l3;
4108   GEN p4 = gen_0;
4109   GEN p5 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
4110   long l6, l7;
4111   if (!redflag)
4112     redflag = gen_0;
4113   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4114     pari_printf("     Starting listratpoint with %Ps\n", pol);
4115   p1 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
4116   p2 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
4117   gel(p2, 1) = gcopy(pol);
4118   gel(p2, 2) = matid(2);
4119   gel(p2, 3) = gen_1;
4120   gel(p2, 4) = gen_1;
4121   gel(p1, 1) = p2;
4122   list = p1;
4123   i = gen_1;
4124   {
4125     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
4126     GEN p8 = gen_0, p9 = gen_0, p10 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
4127     long l11;
4128     while (gcmpgs(i, glength(list)) <= 0)
4129     {
4130       pol = gcopy(gel(gel(list, gtos(i)), 1));
4131       K = gabs(content(pol), prec);
4132       if (!gequalgs(K, 1))
4133       {
4134         pol = gel(gel(list, gtos(i)), 1) = gdiv(gel(gel(list, gtos(i)), 1), K);
4135         gel(gel(list, gtos(i)), 3) = gmul(gel(gel(list, gtos(i)), 3), K);
4136       }
4137       K = gcopy(gel(gel(list, gtos(i)), 3));
4138       if (gequal1(K))
4139       {
4140         i = gaddgs(i, 1);
4141         continue;
4142       }
4143       ff = factor(K);
4144       if (gcmpgs(vecmax(gel(ff, 2)), 1) > 0)
4145       {
4146         gel(ff, 2) = gdivent(gel(ff, 2), gen_2);
4147         C = factorback(ff);
4148         gel(gel(list, gtos(i)), 4) = gmul(gel(gel(list, gtos(i)), 4), C);
4149         K = gel(gel(list, gtos(i)), 3) = gdiv(gel(gel(list, gtos(i)), 3), gsqr(C));
4150         if (gequal1(K))
4151         {
4152           i = gaddgs(i, 1);
4153           continue;
4154         }
4155         ff = factor(K);
4156       }
4157       p = gcopy(gcoeff(ff, 1, 1));
4158       M = gcopy(gel(gel(list, gtos(i)), 2));
4159       C = gcopy(gel(gel(list, gtos(i)), 4));
4160       if (gequal0(gmod(pollead(pol, -1), p)))
4161       {
4162         p8 = cgetg(3, t_MAT);
4163         gel(p8, 1) = cgetg(3, t_COL);
4164         gel(p8, 2) = cgetg(3, t_COL);
4165         gcoeff(p8, 1, 1) = gen_1;
4166         gcoeff(p8, 1, 2) = gen_0;
4167         gcoeff(p8, 2, 1) = gen_0;
4168         gcoeff(p8, 2, 2) = gcopy(p);
4169         U = gmul(M, p8);
4170         if (gequal1(content(U)))
4171         {
4172           newpol = gmul(gsubst(pol, gvar(x), gdiv(x, p)), gpowgs(p, degree(pol) - 1));
4173           p9 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
4174           p10 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
4175           gel(p10, 1) = gcopy(newpol);
4176           gel(p10, 2) = gcopy(U);
4177           gel(p10, 3) = gdiv(K, p);
4178           gel(p10, 4) = gmul(C, p);
4179           gel(p9, 1) = p10;
4180           list = concat(list, p9);
4181         }
4182       }
4183       factpol = centerlift(rootmod(pol, p));
4184       l11 = glength(factpol);
4185       {
4186         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
4187         long j;
4188         GEN p12 = gen_0, p13 = gen_0, p14 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
4189         for (j = 1; j <= l11; ++j)
4190         {
4191           p12 = cgetg(3, t_MAT);
4192           gel(p12, 1) = cgetg(3, t_COL);
4193           gel(p12, 2) = cgetg(3, t_COL);
4194           gcoeff(p12, 1, 1) = gcopy(p);
4195           gcoeff(p12, 1, 2) = gcopy(gel(factpol, j));
4196           gcoeff(p12, 2, 1) = gen_0;
4197           gcoeff(p12, 2, 2) = gen_1;
4198           U = gmul(M, p12);
4199           if (gequal1(content(U)))
4200           {
4201             newpol = gdiv(gsubst(pol, gvar(x), gadd(gmul(p, x), gel(factpol, j))), p);
4202             p13 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
4203             p14 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
4204             gel(p14, 1) = gcopy(newpol);
4205             gel(p14, 2) = gcopy(U);
4206             gel(p14, 3) = gdiv(K, p);
4207             gel(p14, 4) = gmul(C, p);
4208             gel(p13, 1) = p14;
4209             list = concat(list, p13);
4210           }
4211           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
4212             gerepileall(btop, 6, &p12, &U, &newpol, &p14, &p13, &list);
4213         }
4214       }
4215       i = gaddgs(i, 1);
4216       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
4217         gerepileall(btop, 14, &pol, &K, &list, &i, &ff, &C, &p, &M, &p8, &U, &newpol, &p10, &p9, &factpol);
4218     }
4219   }
4220   l3 = glength(list);
4221   {
4222     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
4223     long i;
4224     p4 = gen_0;
4225     for (i = 1; i <= l3; ++i)
4226     {
4227       p4 = gaddgs(p4, gequal1(gel(gel(list, i), 3)));
4228       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
4229         p4 = gerepilecopy(btop, p4);
4230     }
4231   }
4232   ll = p4;
4233   {
4234     long l15;
4235     p5 = cgetg(gtos(ll)+1, t_VEC);
4236     for (l15 = 1; gcmpsg(l15, ll) <= 0; ++l15)
4237       gel(p5, l15) = gen_0;
4238   }
4239   listf = p5;
4240   i = gen_1;
4241   l6 = glength(list);
4242   {
4243     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
4244     long j;
4245     for (j = 1; j <= l6; ++j)
4246     {
4247       if (gequal1(gel(gel(list, j), 3)))
4248       {
4249         gel(listf, gtos(i)) = gcopy(gel(list, j));
4250         i = gaddgs(i, 1);
4251       }
4252       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
4253         gerepileall(btop, 2, &listf, &i);
4254     }
4255   }
4256   if (!gequal0(redflag))
4257   {
4258     l7 = glength(listf);
4259     {
4260       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
4261       long i;
4262       for (i = 1; i <= l7; ++i)
4263       {
4264         rr = redquartic(gel(gel(listf, i), 1), prec);
4265         gel(gel(listf, i), 1) = gcopy(gel(rr, 1));
4266         gel(gel(listf, i), 2) = gmul(gel(gel(listf, i), 2), gel(rr, 2));
4267         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
4268           gerepileall(btop, 2, &rr, &listf);
4269       }
4270     }
4271   }
4272   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4273     pari_printf("     Output of listratpoint = %Ps\n", listf);
4274   listf = gerepilecopy(ltop, listf);
4275   return listf;
4276 }
4278 GEN
4279 redquartic(GEN pol, long prec)	  /* vec */
4280 {
4281   pari_sp ltop = avma;
4282   GEN prec_s = gen_0, prec0 = gen_0, d = gen_0, disc2 = gen_0, test = gen_0, r = gen_0, normderiv = gen_0, disc2v = gen_0, q = gen_0, M = gen_0, p1 = gen_0, x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
4283   GEN p2 = gen_0, p3 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
4284   /* MODI change prec into prec_s */
4286   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
4287     pari_printf("    starting redquartic\n");
4288   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
4289     pari_printf("   reduction of the quartic %Ps\n", pol);
4290   /* choice of the real precision used in the computation */
4291   prec_s = prec0 = stoi(getrealprecision());
4292   d = stoi(degree(pol));
4293   disc2 = gsqr(poldisc0(pol, -1));
4294   test = gen_0;
4295   {
4296     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
4297     GEN p4 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
4298     GEN p5 = gen_0;
4299     while (gequal0(test))
4300     {
4301       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
4302         pari_printf("    precision = %Ps\n", prec_s);
4303       r = roots0(pol, 0, prec);
4304       {
4305         long i;
4306         p4 = cgetg(gtos(d)+1, t_VEC);
4307         for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, d) <= 0; ++i)
4308           gel(p4, i) = gnorm(gsubst(deriv(pol,-1), gvar(gpolvar(pol)), gel(r, i)));
4309       }
4310       normderiv = p4;
4311       {
4312         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
4313         GEN i = gen_0;
4314         p5 = gen_1;
4315         for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, d) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
4316         {
4317           p5 = gmul(p5, gel(normderiv, gtos(i)));
4318           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
4319             gerepileall(btop, 2, &p5, &i);
4320         }
4321       }
4322       disc2v = gmul(p5, gpow(pollead(pol, -1), gsubgs(gmulsg(2, d), 4), prec));
4323       test = stoi(gcmp(gabs(gsub(disc2v, disc2), prec), gpow(stoi(10), gdiventgs(gneg(prec_s), 2), prec)) < 0);
4324       if (gequal0(test))
4325         setrealprecision(gtos(prec_s = gmulgs(prec_s, 2)), &prec);
4326       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
4327         gerepileall(btop, 7, &r, &p4, &normderiv, &p5, &disc2v, &test, &prec_s);
4328     }
4329   }
4330   {
4331     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
4332     GEN i = gen_0;
4333     p1 = gen_0;
4334     for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, d) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
4335     {
4336       p1 = gadd(p1, gdiv(gnorm(gsub(x, gel(r, gtos(i)))), gpow(gel(normderiv, gtos(i)), ginv(gsubgs(d, 2)), prec)));
4337       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
4338         gerepileall(btop, 2, &p1, &i);
4339     }
4340   }
4341   /* former choice of the quadratic form */
4342   /*  q = Vec(sum( i = 1, d, norm(x-r[i]))); */
4343   /* Now, uses the quadratic form normalized as in Cremona-Stoll */
4344   q = gtovec(p1);
4345   p2 = cgetg(3, t_MAT);
4346   gel(p2, 1) = cgetg(3, t_COL);
4347   gel(p2, 2) = cgetg(3, t_COL);
4348   gcoeff(p2, 1, 1) = gcopy(gel(q, 1));
4349   gcoeff(p2, 1, 2) = gdivgs(gel(q, 2), 2);
4350   gcoeff(p2, 2, 1) = gdivgs(gel(q, 2), 2);
4351   gcoeff(p2, 2, 2) = gcopy(gel(q, 3));
4352   M = QfbReduce(p2, prec);
4353   pol = gmul(gsubst(pol, gvar(gpolvar(pol)), gdiv(gtopoly(rowcopy(M, 1), -1), gtopoly(rowcopy(M, 2), -1))), gpowgs(gtopoly(rowcopy(M, 2), -1), degree(pol)));
4354   if (!gequal(prec_s, prec0))
4355     setrealprecision(gtos(prec0), &prec);
4356   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
4357     pari_printf("   reduced quartic = %Ps\n", pol);
4358   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
4359     pari_printf("    end of redquartic\n");
4360   p3 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
4361   gel(p3, 1) = gcopy(pol);
4362   gel(p3, 2) = gcopy(M);
4363   p3 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p3);
4364   return p3;
4365 }
4367 GEN
4368 polrealrootsisolate(GEN pol)
4369 {
4370   pari_sp ltop = avma;
4371   GEN st = gen_0, a = gen_0, res = gen_0, ind = gen_0, b = gen_0, c = gen_0, stab = gen_0, stac = gen_0;
4372   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0, p3 = gen_0, p4 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
4373   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4374     pari_printf("     starting polrealrootsisolate with pol = %Ps\n", pol);
4375   st = stoi(sturmpart(pol, NULL, NULL));
4376   if (gequal0(st))
4377   {
4378     p1 = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
4379     p1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p1);
4380     return p1;
4381   }
4382   a = gen_1;
4383   {
4384     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
4385     while (gcmpsg(sturmpart(pol, gneg(a), a), st) < 0)
4386     {
4387       a = gshift(a, 1);
4388       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
4389         a = gerepilecopy(btop, a);
4390     }
4391   }
4392   p2 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
4393   p3 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
4394   gel(p3, 1) = gneg(a);
4395   gel(p3, 2) = gcopy(a);
4396   gel(p3, 3) = gcopy(st);
4397   gel(p2, 1) = p3;
4398   res = p2;
4399   ind = gen_1;
4400   {
4401     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
4402     GEN p5 = gen_0, p6 = gen_0, p7 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
4403     while (gcmpsg(glength(res), st) < 0)
4404     {
4405       {
4406         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
4407         while (gequal1(gel(gel(res, gtos(ind)), 3)))
4408         {
4409           ind = gaddgs(ind, 1);
4410           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
4411             ind = gerepilecopy(btop, ind);
4412         }
4413       }
4414       a = gcopy(gel(gel(res, gtos(ind)), 1));
4415       b = gcopy(gel(gel(res, gtos(ind)), 2));
4416       stab = gcopy(gel(gel(res, gtos(ind)), 3));
4417       c = gdivgs(gadd(a, b), 2);
4418       stac = stoi(sturmpart(pol, a, c));
4419       if (gequal0(stac))
4420       {
4421         gel(gel(res, gtos(ind)), 1) = gcopy(c);
4422         continue;
4423       }
4424       if (gequal(stac, stab))
4425       {
4426         gel(gel(res, gtos(ind)), 2) = gcopy(c);
4427         continue;
4428       }
4429       p5 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
4430       gel(p5, 1) = gcopy(a);
4431       gel(p5, 2) = gcopy(c);
4432       gel(p5, 3) = gcopy(stac);
4433       gel(res, gtos(ind)) = p5;
4434       p6 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
4435       p7 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
4436       gel(p7, 1) = gcopy(c);
4437       gel(p7, 2) = gcopy(b);
4438       gel(p7, 3) = gsub(stab, stac);
4439       gel(p6, 1) = p7;
4440       res = concat(res, p6);
4441       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
4442         gerepileall(btop, 10, &ind, &a, &b, &stab, &c, &stac, &res, &p5, &p7, &p6);
4443     }
4444   }
4445   {
4446     long i;
4447     GEN p8 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
4448     p4 = cgetg(gtos(st)+1, t_VEC);
4449     for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, st) <= 0; ++i)
4450     {
4451       p8 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
4452       gel(p8, 1) = gcopy(gel(gel(res, i), 1));
4453       gel(p8, 2) = gcopy(gel(gel(res, i), 2));
4454       gel(p4, i) = p8;
4455     }
4456   }
4457   res = p4;
4458   res = vecsort0(res, gen_1, 0);
4459   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4460     pari_printf("     end of polrealrootsisolate with res = %Ps\n", res);
4461   res = gerepilecopy(ltop, res);
4462   return res;
4463 }
4465 GEN
4466 polrealrootsimprove(GEN pol, GEN v)
4467 {
4468   pari_sp ltop = avma;
4469   GEN c = gen_0, v2 = gen_0, vc = gen_0;
4470   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
4471   v = gcopy(v);
4472   c = gdivgs(gadd(gel(v, 1), gel(v, 2)), 2);
4473   v2 = gsubst(pol, gvar(gpolvar(pol)), gel(v, 2));
4474   if (gequal0(v2))
4475   {
4476     p1 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
4477     gel(p1, 1) = gcopy(c);
4478     gel(p1, 2) = gcopy(gel(v, 2));
4479     p1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p1);
4480     return p1;
4481   }
4482   vc = gsubst(pol, gvar(gpolvar(pol)), c);
4483   if (gcmpgs(gmul(v2, vc), 0) >= 0)
4484     gel(v, 2) = gcopy(c);
4485   else
4486     gel(v, 1) = gcopy(c);
4487   v = gerepilecopy(ltop, v);
4488   return v;
4489 }
4491 GEN
4492 polrootsmodpn(GEN pol, GEN p, long prec)
4493 {
4494   pari_sp ltop = avma;
4495   GEN vd = gen_0, rac = gen_0, i = gen_0, pol2 = gen_0, r = gen_0, newrac = gen_0;
4496   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
4497   GEN x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
4498   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4499     pari_printf("     starting polrootsmodpn %Ps:%Ps\n", p, pol);
4500   vd = stoi(ggval(poldisc0(pol, -1), p));
4501   p1 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
4502   p2 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
4503   gel(p2, 1) = gen_0;
4504   gel(p2, 2) = gen_0;
4505   gel(p1, 1) = p2;
4506   rac = p1;
4507   i = gen_1;
4508   {
4509     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
4510     long l3;
4511     GEN p4 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
4512     long l5;
4513     GEN p6 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
4514     while (gcmpgs(i, glength(rac)) <= 0)
4515     {
4516       /*    if( rac[i][2] > vd, i++; next); */
4517       if (gcmp(gel(gel(rac, gtos(i)), 2), vd) >= 0)
4518       {
4519         i = gaddgs(i, 1);
4520         continue;
4521       }
4522       pol2 = gsubst(pol, gvar(x), gadd(gel(gel(rac, gtos(i)), 1), gmul(x, gpow(p, gel(gel(rac, gtos(i)), 2), prec))));
4523       pol2 = gdiv(pol2, content(pol2));
4524       r = lift(polratroots(gmul(pol2, gmodulsg(1, p))));
4525       if (glength(r) == 0)
4526       {
4527         i = gaddgs(i, 1);
4528         continue;
4529       }
4530       l3 = glength(r);
4531       {
4532         long j;
4533         GEN p7 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
4534         p4 = cgetg(l3+1, t_VEC);
4535         for (j = 1; j <= l3; ++j)
4536         {
4537           p7 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
4538           gel(p7, 1) = gadd(gel(gel(rac, gtos(i)), 1), gmul(gpow(p, gel(gel(rac, gtos(i)), 2), prec), gel(r, j)));
4539           gel(p7, 2) = gaddgs(gel(gel(rac, gtos(i)), 2), 1);
4540           gel(p4, j) = p7;
4541         }
4542       }
4543       newrac = p4;
4544       l5 = glength(r) - 1;
4545       {
4546         long j;
4547         p6 = cgetg(l5+1, t_VEC);
4548         for (j = 1; j <= l5; ++j)
4549           gel(p6, j) = gcopy(gel(newrac, j + 1));
4550       }
4551       rac = concat(rac, p6);
4552       gel(rac, gtos(i)) = gcopy(gel(newrac, 1));
4553       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
4554         gerepileall(btop, 7, &i, &pol2, &r, &p4, &newrac, &p6, &rac);
4555     }
4556   }
4557   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4558     pari_printf("     end of polrootsmodpn %Ps\n", rac);
4559   rac = gerepilecopy(ltop, rac);
4560   return rac;
4561 }
4563 GEN
4564 ppinit(GEN nf, GEN p)
4565 {
4566   pari_sp ltop = avma;
4567   GEN pdec = gen_0, pp = gen_0;
4568   long l1;
4569   GEN p2 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
4570   pdec = idealprimedec(nf, p);
4571   l1 = glength(pdec);
4572   {
4573     long i;
4574     GEN p3 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
4575     GEN p4 = gen_0;
4576     p2 = cgetg(l1+1, t_VEC);
4577     for (i = 1; i <= l1; ++i)
4578     {
4579       p3 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
4580       gel(p3, 1) = gcopy(gel(pdec, i));
4581       gel(p3, 2) = basistoalg(nf, gel(gel(pdec, i), 2));
4582       if (gequalgs(p, 2))
4583         p4 = idealstar0(nf, idealpow0(nf, gel(pdec, i), stoi(1 + (2*pr_get_e(gel(pdec, i)))), 0), 1);
4584       gel(p3, 3) = p4;
4585       gel(p3, 4) = nfmodprinit(nf, gel(pdec, i));
4586       gel(p2, i) = p3;
4587     }
4588   }
4589   pp = p2;
4590   pp = gerepilecopy(ltop, pp);
4591   return pp;
4592 }
4594 long
4595 nfpsquareoddQ(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN pr, long prec)
4596 {
4597   pari_sp ltop = avma;
4598   GEN p = gen_0, v = gen_0, ap = gen_0, den = gen_0, norme = gen_0;
4599   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4600     pari_printf("     starting nfpsquareoddQ(%Ps,%Ps\n", a, pr);
4601   if (gequal0(a))
4602   {
4603     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4604       pari_printf("     end of nfpsquareoddQ\n");
4605     avma = ltop;
4606     return 1;
4607   }
4608   p = gcopy(gel(pr, 3));
4609   v = stoi(idealval(nf, lift(a), p));
4610   if (!gequal0(gmodgs(v, 2)))
4611   {
4612     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4613       pari_printf("     end of nfpsquareoddQ\n");
4614     avma = ltop;
4615     return 0;
4616   }
4617   ap = algtobasis(nf, gdiv(a, gpow(basistoalg(nf, gel(p, 2)), v, prec)));
4618   den = stoi(ggval(denom(content(ap)), member_p(p)));
4619   if (!gequal0(den))
4620   {
4621     den = gadd(den, gmodgs(den, 2));
4622     ap = gmul(gpow(member_p(p), den, prec), nfmul(nf, ap, nfpow(nf, gel(p, 2), gmulgs(gneg(den), pr_get_e(p)))));
4623   }
4624   norme = gdivgs(gsubgs(gpowgs(member_p(p), pr_get_f(p)), 1), 2);
4625   ap = nfpowmodpr(nf, ap, norme, pr);
4626   gel(ap, 1) = gsubgs(gel(ap, 1), 1);
4627   if (gequal0(ap))
4628   {
4629     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4630       pari_printf("     end of nfpsquareoddQ\n");
4631     avma = ltop;
4632     return 1;
4633   }
4634   if (idealval(nf, ap, p) > 0)
4635   {
4636     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4637       pari_printf("     end of nfpsquareoddQ\n");
4638     avma = ltop;
4639     return 1;
4640   }
4641   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4642     pari_printf("     end of nfpsquareoddQ\n");
4643   avma = ltop;
4644   return 0;
4645 }
4647 long
4648 psquare(GEN a, GEN p, long prec)
4649 {
4650   pari_sp ltop = avma;
4651   GEN v = gen_0, ap = gen_0;
4652   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
4653   long l2;	  /* bool */
4654   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4655   {
4656     p1 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
4657     gel(p1, 1) = gcopy(a);
4658     gel(p1, 2) = gcopy(p);
4659     pari_printf("     starting psquare %Ps\n", p1);
4660   }
4661   if (gequal0(a))
4662   {
4663     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4664       pari_printf("     end of psquare 1\n");
4665     avma = ltop;
4666     return 1;
4667   }
4668   v = stoi(ggval(a, p));
4669   if (!gequal0(gmodgs(v, 2)))
4670   {
4671     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4672       pari_printf("     end of psquare 0\n");
4673     avma = ltop;
4674     return 0;
4675   }
4676   if (gequalgs(p, 2))
4677     ap = gsubgs(gmodgs(gshift(a, -gtos(v)), 8), 1);
4678   else
4679     ap = gsubgs(gkronecker(gdiv(a, gpow(p, v, prec)), p), 1);
4680   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4681     pari_printf("     end of psquare %ld\n", gequal0(ap));
4682   l2 = gequal0(ap);
4683   avma = ltop;
4684   return l2;
4685 }
4687 long
4688 lemma6(GEN pol, GEN p, GEN nu, GEN xx, long prec)
4689 {
4690   pari_sp ltop = avma;
4691   GEN gx = gen_0, gpx = gen_0, lambda = gen_0, mu = gen_0;
4692   gx = gsubst(pol, gvar(gpolvar(pol)), xx);
4693   if (psquare(gx, p, prec))
4694   {
4695     avma = ltop;
4696     return 1;
4697   }
4698   gpx = gsubst(deriv(pol,-1), gvar(gpolvar(pol)), xx);
4699   lambda = stoi(ggval(gx, p));
4700   mu = stoi(ggval(gpx, p));
4701   if (gcmp(lambda, gmulsg(2, mu)) > 0)
4702   {
4703     avma = ltop;
4704     return 1;
4705   }
4706   /*  if( (lambda >= mu+nu) && (nu > mu), return(1)); */
4707   if ((gcmp(lambda, gmulsg(2, nu)) >= 0) && (gcmp(mu, nu) >= 0))
4708   {
4709     avma = ltop;
4710     return 0;
4711   }
4712   avma = ltop;
4713   return -1;
4714 }
4716 long
4717 lemma7(GEN pol, GEN nu, GEN xx, long prec)
4718 {
4719   pari_sp ltop = avma;
4720   GEN gx = gen_0, gpx = gen_0, lambda = gen_0, mu = gen_0, q = gen_0;
4721   gx = gsubst(pol, gvar(gpolvar(pol)), xx);
4722   if (psquare(gx, gen_2, prec))
4723   {
4724     avma = ltop;
4725     return 1;
4726   }
4727   gpx = gsubst(deriv(pol,-1), gvar(gpolvar(pol)), xx);
4728   lambda = stoi(ggval(gx, gen_2));
4729   mu = stoi(ggval(gpx, gen_2));
4730   if (gcmp(lambda, gmulsg(2, mu)) > 0)
4731   {
4732     avma = ltop;
4733     return 1;
4734   }
4735   if (gcmp(nu, mu) > 0)
4736   {
4737     if (!gequal0(gmodgs(lambda, 2)))
4738     {
4739       avma = ltop;
4740       return -1;
4741     }
4742     q = gsub(gadd(mu, nu), lambda);
4743     if (gequal1(q))
4744     {
4745       avma = ltop;
4746       return 1;
4747     }
4748     if (gequalgs(q, 2) && gequal1(gmodgs(gshift(gx, -gtos(lambda)), 4)))
4749     {
4750       avma = ltop;
4751       return 1;
4752     }
4753     avma = ltop;
4754     return -1;
4755   }
4756   q = gsub(lambda, gmulsg(2, nu));
4757   if (gcmpgs(q, 0) >= 0)
4758   {
4759     avma = ltop;
4760     return 0;
4761   }
4762   if (gequalgs(q, -2) && gequal1(gmodgs(gshift(gx, -gtos(lambda)), 4)))
4763   {
4764     avma = ltop;
4765     return 0;
4766   }
4767   avma = ltop;
4768   return -1;
4769 }
4771 long
4772 zpsoluble(GEN pol, GEN p, GEN nu, GEN pnu, GEN x0, GEN pnup, long prec)
4773 {
4774   pari_sp ltop = avma;
4775   GEN result = gen_0, pol2 = gen_0, fact = gen_0, x1 = gen_0;
4776   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
4777   GEN p2 = gen_0;
4778   long l3;
4779   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4780   {
4781     p1 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
4782     gel(p1, 1) = gcopy(pol);
4783     gel(p1, 2) = gcopy(p);
4784     gel(p1, 3) = gcopy(x0);
4785     gel(p1, 4) = gcopy(nu);
4786     pari_printf("     starting zpsoluble %Ps\n", p1);
4787   }
4788   if (gequalgs(p, 2))
4789     result = stoi(lemma7(pol, nu, x0, prec));
4790   else
4791     result = stoi(lemma6(pol, p, nu, x0, prec));
4792   if (gequalgs(result, 1))
4793   {
4794     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4795       pari_printf("     end of zpsoluble 1 lemma\n");
4796     avma = ltop;
4797     return 1;
4798   }
4799   if (gequalm1(result))
4800   {
4801     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4802       pari_printf("     end of zpsoluble 0 lemma\n");
4803     avma = ltop;
4804     return 0;
4805   }
4806   pnup = gmul(pnu, p);
4807   nu = gaddgs(nu, 1);
4808   if ((gcmp(p, LIMBIGPRIME) < 0) || (gequal0(LIMBIGPRIME)))
4809   {
4810     p2 = gsubgs(p, 1);
4811     {
4812       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
4813       GEN i = gen_0;
4814       for (i = gen_0; gcmp(i, p2) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
4815       {
4816         if (zpsoluble(pol, p, nu, pnup, gadd(x0, gmul(pnu, i)), gen_0, prec))
4817         {
4818           if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4819             pari_printf("     end of zpsoluble\n");
4820           avma = ltop;
4821           return 1;
4822         }
4823         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
4824           i = gerepilecopy(btop, i);
4825       }
4826     }
4827   }
4828   else
4829   {
4830     pol2 = gsubst(pol, gvar(gpolvar(pol)), gadd(x0, gmul(pnu, gpolvar(pol))));
4831     pol2 = gdiv(pol2, content(pol2));
4832     pol2 = gmul(pol2, gmodulsg(1, p));
4833     if (!degree(pol2))
4834     {
4835       avma = ltop;
4836       return 0;
4837     }
4838     fact = gcopy(gel(factormod0(pol2, p, 0), 1));
4839     l3 = glength(fact);
4840     {
4841       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
4842       long i;
4843       for (i = 1; i <= l3; ++i)
4844       {
4845         x1 = gneg(centerlift(polcoeff0(gel(fact, i), 0, -1)));
4846         if (zpsoluble(pol, p, nu, pnup, gadd(x0, gmul(pnu, x1)), gen_0, prec))
4847         {
4848           if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4849             pari_printf("     end of zpsoluble\n");
4850           avma = ltop;
4851           return 1;
4852         }
4853         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
4854           x1 = gerepilecopy(btop, x1);
4855       }
4856     }
4857     {
4858       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
4859       GEN i = gen_0;
4860       for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, MAXPROB) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
4861       {
4862         x1 = genrand(p);
4863         if (zpsoluble(pol, p, nu, pnup, gadd(x0, gmul(pnu, x1)), gen_0, prec))
4864         {
4865           if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4866             pari_printf("     end of zpsoluble\n");
4867           avma = ltop;
4868           return 1;
4869         }
4870         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
4871           gerepileall(btop, 2, &i, &x1);
4872       }
4873     }
4874   }
4875   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
4876     if (gcmp(p, LIMBIGPRIME) >= 0)
4877       pari_printf("  ******* probabilistic test at p = %Ps*******\n", p);
4878   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4879     pari_printf("     end of zpsoluble\n");
4880   avma = ltop;
4881   return 0;
4882 }
4884 long
4885 qpsoluble(GEN pol, GEN p, long prec)
4886 {
4887   pari_sp ltop = avma;
4888   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4889   {
4890     pari_printf("     starting qpsoluble %Ps\n", p);
4891     pari_printf("     pol = %Ps\n", pol);
4892   }
4893   if (psquare(pollead(pol, -1), p, prec))
4894   {
4895     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4896       pari_printf("     end of qpsoluble 1\n");
4897     avma = ltop;
4898     return 1;
4899   }
4900   if (psquare(polcoeff0(pol, 0, -1), p, prec))
4901   {
4902     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4903       pari_printf("     end of qpsoluble 1\n");
4904     avma = ltop;
4905     return 1;
4906   }
4907   if (zpsoluble(pol, p, gen_0, gen_1, gen_0, gen_0, prec))
4908   {
4909     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4910       pari_printf("     end of qpsoluble 1\n");
4911     avma = ltop;
4912     return 1;
4913   }
4914   if (zpsoluble(polrecip(pol), p, gen_1, p, gen_0, gen_0, prec))
4915   {
4916     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4917       pari_printf("     end of qpsoluble 1\n");
4918     avma = ltop;
4919     return 1;
4920   }
4921   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
4922     pari_printf("     end of qpsoluble 0\n");
4923   avma = ltop;
4924   return 0;
4925 }
4927 long
4928 locallysoluble(GEN pol, long prec)
4929 {
4930   pari_sp ltop = avma;
4931   GEN c = gen_0, disc0 = gen_0, plist = gen_0, p = gen_0, vc = gen_0;
4932   long l1;
4933   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
4934     pari_printf("    starting locallysoluble :%Ps\n", pol);
4935   /* real place */
4936   if ((((!smodss(degree(pol), 2)) && (gsigne(pollead(pol, -1)) < 0)) && (gsigne(polcoeff0(pol, 0, -1)) < 0)) && (sturmpart(pol, NULL, NULL) == 0))
4937   {
4938     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
4939       pari_printf("   not ELS at infinity\n");
4940     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
4941       pari_printf("    end of locallysoluble\n");
4942     avma = ltop;
4943     return 0;
4944   }
4945   /* */
4946   /* finite places */
4947   /* */
4948   pol = gmul(/* */
4949   /* finite places */
4950   /* */
4951   pol, gsqr(denom(content(pol))));
4952   c = content(pol);
4953   disc0 = poldisc0(pol, -1);
4954   plist = factor(gabs(gmulsg(2, disc0), prec));
4955   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
4956     pari_printf("    list of bad primes = %Ps\n", plist);
4957   l1 = glength(gel(plist, 1));
4958   {
4959     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
4960     long i;
4961     for (i = 1; i <= l1; ++i)
4962     {
4963       p = gcopy(gcoeff(plist, i, 1));
4964       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
4965         pari_printf("    p = %Ps\n", p);
4966       vc = stoi(ggval(c, p));
4967       if (gcmpgs(vc, 2) >= 0)
4968       {
4969         pol = gdiv(pol, gpow(p, gmulsg(2, gdiventgs(vc, 2)), prec));
4970         gcoeff(plist, i, 2) = gsub(gcoeff(plist, i, 2), gmulgs(gmulsg(2, gdiventgs(vc, 2)), (2*degree(pol)) - 2));
4971       }
4972       if (((degree(pol) == 4) && !gequalgs(p, 2)) && (gcmpgs(gcoeff(plist, i, 2), 2) < 0))
4973         continue;
4974       if (!qpsoluble(pol, p, prec))
4975       {
4976         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
4977           pari_printf("   not ELS at %Ps\n", p);
4978         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
4979           pari_printf("    end of locallysoluble\n");
4980         avma = ltop;
4981         return 0;
4982       }
4983       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
4984         gerepileall(btop, 4, &p, &vc, &pol, &plist);
4985     }
4986   }
4987   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
4988     pari_printf("  quartic ELS : Y^2 = %Ps\n", pol);
4989   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
4990     pari_printf("    end of locallysoluble\n");
4991   avma = ltop;
4992   return 1;
4993 }
4995 GEN
4996 LS2localimage(GEN nf, GEN gen, GEN pp, long prec)
4997 {
4998   pari_sp ltop = avma;
4999   GEN p = gen_0, LS2image = gen_0, ph = gen_0, ival = gen_0, delta = gen_0;
5000   long l1;
5001   GEN p2 = gen_0;
5002   long l3;
5003   GEN p4 = gen_0;
5004   GEN p5 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5005   long l6;
5006   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5007     pari_printf("    starting LS2localimage\n");
5008   p = icopy(member_p(gel(gel(pp, 1), 1)));
5009   l1 = glength(gen);
5010   if (gequalgs(p, 2))
5011   {
5012     l3 = glength(pp);
5013     {
5014       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5015       long i;
5016       p4 = gen_0;
5017       for (i = 1; i <= l3; ++i)
5018       {
5019         p4 = gaddgs(p4, (1 + lg(member_cyc(gel(gel(pp, i), 3))))-1);
5020         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5021           p4 = gerepilecopy(btop, p4);
5022       }
5023     }
5024     p2 = p4;
5025   }
5026   else
5027     p2 = stoi(2*glength(pp));
5028   {
5029     long l7, l8;
5030     p5 = cgetg(l1+1, t_MAT);
5031     for (l8 = 1; l8 <= l1; ++l8)
5032     {
5033       gel(p5, l8) = cgetg(gtos(p2)+1, t_COL);
5034       for (l7 = 1; gcmpsg(l7, p2) <= 0; ++l7)
5035         gcoeff(p5, l7, l8) = gen_0;
5036     }
5037   }
5038   LS2image = p5;
5039   l6 = glength(gen);
5040   {
5041     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5042     long j, l9;
5043     for (j = 1; j <= l6; ++j)
5044     {
5045       ph = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
5046       l9 = glength(pp);
5047       {
5048         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5049         long i;
5050         GEN p10 = gen_0, p11 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5051         for (i = 1; i <= l9; ++i)
5052         {
5053           ival = stoi(idealval(nf, gel(gen, j), gel(gel(pp, i), 1)));
5054           p10 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
5055           gel(p10, 1) = gcopy(ival);
5056           ph = concat(ph, p10);
5057           delta = gdiv(gel(gen, j), gpow(gel(gel(pp, i), 2), ival, prec));
5058           if (gequalgs(p, 2))
5059             ph = concat(ph, gtrans(ideallog(nf, delta, gel(gel(pp, i), 3))));
5060           else
5061           {
5062             p11 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
5063             gel(p11, 1) = stoi(1 - nfpsquareoddQ(nf, delta, gel(gel(pp, i), 4), prec));
5064             ph = concat(ph, p11);
5065           }
5066           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5067             gerepileall(btop, 5, &ival, &p10, &ph, &delta, &p11);
5068         }
5069       }
5070       gel(LS2image, j) = gtrans(ph);
5071       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5072         gerepileall(btop, 4, &ph, &ival, &delta, &LS2image);
5073     }
5074   }
5075   LS2image = gmul(LS2image, gmodulss(1, 2));
5076   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5077     pari_printf("    LS2image = %Ps\n", lift(LS2image));
5078   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5079     pari_printf("    end of LS2localimage\n");
5080   LS2image = gerepilecopy(ltop, LS2image);
5081   return LS2image;
5082 }
5084 GEN
5085 ellhalf(GEN ell, GEN P, long prec)
5086 {
5087   pari_sp ltop = avma;
5088   GEN pol2 = gen_0, ratroots = gen_0, half = gen_0, x2 = gen_0, y2 = gen_0, P2 = gen_0;
5089   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5090   long l3;
5091   GEN p4 = gen_0, p5 = gen_0, p6 = gen_0, p7 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5092   long l8;
5093   if (glength(ell) < 13)
5094     ell = smallellinit(ell);
5095   p1 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
5096   gel(p1, 1) = stoi(4);
5097   gel(p1, 2) = gcopy(ell_get_b2(ell));
5098   gel(p1, 3) = gmulsg(2, ell_get_b4(ell));
5099   gel(p1, 4) = gcopy(ell_get_b6(ell));
5100   pol2 = gtopoly(p1, -1);
5101   /* 2-division polynomial */
5103   p2 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
5104   gel(p2, 1) = gen_0;
5105   if (gequal(P, p2))
5106   {
5107     ratroots = polratroots(pol2);
5108     l3 = glength(ratroots);
5109     {
5110       long i;
5111       GEN p9 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5112       p4 = cgetg(l3+1, t_VEC);
5113       for (i = 1; i <= l3; ++i)
5114       {
5115         p9 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
5116         gel(p9, 1) = gcopy(gel(ratroots, i));
5117         gel(p9, 2) = gdivgs(gneg(gadd(gmul(ell_get_a1(ell), gel(ratroots, i)), ell_get_a3(ell))), 2);
5118         gel(p4, i) = p9;
5119       }
5120     }
5121     half = p4;
5122     p5 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
5123     p6 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
5124     gel(p6, 1) = gen_0;
5125     gel(p5, 1) = p6;
5126     half = concat(p5, half);
5127     half = gerepilecopy(ltop, half);
5128     return half;
5129   }
5130   p7 = cgetg(6, t_VEC);
5131   gel(p7, 1) = gen_1;
5132   gel(p7, 2) = gen_0;
5133   gel(p7, 3) = gneg(ell_get_b4(ell));
5134   gel(p7, 4) = gmulsg(-2, ell_get_b6(ell));
5135   gel(p7, 5) = gneg(ell_get_b8(ell));
5136   x2 = gtopoly(p7, -1);
5137   /* x(2P) = x2/pol2  */
5139   half = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
5140   ratroots = polratroots(gsub(x2, gmul(gel(P, 1), pol2)));
5141   if (glength(ratroots) == 0)
5142   {
5143     half = gerepilecopy(ltop, half);
5144     return half;
5145   }
5146   l8 = glength(ratroots);
5147   {
5148     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5149     long i, l10;
5150     for (i = 1; i <= l8; ++i)
5151     {
5152       y2 = ellordinate(ell, gel(ratroots, i), prec);
5153       l10 = glength(y2);
5154       {
5155         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5156         long j;
5157         GEN p11 = gen_0, p12 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5158         for (j = 1; j <= l10; ++j)
5159         {
5160           p11 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
5161           gel(p11, 1) = gcopy(gel(ratroots, i));
5162           gel(p11, 2) = gcopy(gel(y2, j));
5163           P2 = p11;
5164           if (gequal(powell(ell, P2, gen_2), P))
5165           {
5166             p12 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
5167             gel(p12, 1) = gcopy(P2);
5168             half = concat(half, p12);
5169           }
5170           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5171             gerepileall(btop, 4, &p11, &P2, &p12, &half);
5172         }
5173       }
5174       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5175         gerepileall(btop, 3, &y2, &P2, &half);
5176     }
5177   }
5178   half = gerepilecopy(ltop, half);
5179   return half;
5180 }
5182 GEN
5183 elltors2(GEN ell, long prec)
5184 {
5185   pari_sp ltop = avma;
5186   GEN tors2 = gen_0;
5187   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0, p3 = gen_0, p4 = gen_0, p5 = gen_0, p6 = gen_0, p7 = gen_0, p8 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5188   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
5189     pari_printf("   computing the 2-torsion\n");
5190   p1 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
5191   gel(p1, 1) = gen_0;
5192   tors2 = ellhalf(ell, p1, prec);
5193   if (glength(tors2) == 1)
5194   {
5195     p2 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
5196     gel(p2, 1) = gen_1;
5197     gel(p2, 2) = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
5198     gel(p2, 3) = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
5199     tors2 = p2;
5200   }
5201   else
5202   {
5203     if (glength(tors2) == 2)
5204     {
5205       p3 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
5206       gel(p3, 1) = gen_2;
5207       p4 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
5208       gel(p4, 1) = gen_2;
5209       gel(p3, 2) = p4;
5210       p5 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
5211       gel(p5, 1) = gcopy(gel(tors2, 2));
5212       gel(p3, 3) = p5;
5213       tors2 = p3;
5214     }
5215     else
5216     {
5217       p6 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
5218       gel(p6, 1) = stoi(4);
5219       p7 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
5220       gel(p7, 1) = gen_2;
5221       gel(p7, 2) = gen_2;
5222       gel(p6, 2) = p7;
5223       p8 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
5224       gel(p8, 1) = gcopy(gel(tors2, 2));
5225       gel(p8, 2) = gcopy(gel(tors2, 3));
5226       gel(p6, 3) = p8;
5227       tors2 = p6;
5228     }
5229   }
5230   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
5231     pari_printf("   E[2] = %Ps\n", tors2);
5232   tors2 = gerepilecopy(ltop, tors2);
5233   return tors2;
5234 }
5236 GEN
5237 elltorseven(GEN ell, long prec)
5238 {
5239   pari_sp ltop = avma;
5240   GEN torseven = gen_0, P2 = gen_0;
5241   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5242     pari_printf("    computing the 2^n-torsion\n");
5243   if (glength(ell) < 13)
5244     ell = smallellinit(ell);
5245   torseven = elltors2(ell, prec);
5246   {
5247     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5248     while (!gequalgs(gel(torseven, 1), 1))
5249     {
5250       P2 = ellhalf(ell, gel(gel(torseven, 3), 1), prec);
5251       if (glength(P2) > 0)
5252       {
5253         gel(torseven, 1) = gmulgs(gel(torseven, 1), 2);
5254         gel(gel(torseven, 2), 1) = gmulgs(gel(gel(torseven, 2), 1), 2);
5255         gel(gel(torseven, 3), 1) = gcopy(gel(P2, 1));
5256         continue;
5257       }
5258       if (glength(gel(torseven, 3)) == 1)
5259         break;
5260       P2 = ellhalf(ell, gel(gel(torseven, 3), 2), prec);
5261       if (glength(P2) > 0)
5262       {
5263         gel(torseven, 1) = gmulgs(gel(torseven, 1), 2);
5264         gel(gel(torseven, 2), 2) = gmulgs(gel(gel(torseven, 2), 2), 2);
5265         gel(gel(torseven, 3), 2) = gcopy(gel(P2, 1));
5266         continue;
5267       }
5268       P2 = ellhalf(ell, addell(ell, gel(gel(torseven, 3), 1), gel(gel(torseven, 3), 2)), prec);
5269       if (glength(P2) > 0)
5270       {
5271         gel(torseven, 1) = gmulgs(gel(torseven, 1), 2);
5272         gel(gel(torseven, 2), 1) = gmulgs(gel(gel(torseven, 2), 1), 2);
5273         gel(gel(torseven, 3), 1) = gcopy(gel(P2, 1));
5274         continue;
5275       }
5276       break;
5277       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5278         gerepileall(btop, 2, &P2, &torseven);
5279     }
5280   }
5281   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5282     pari_printf("    E[2^n] = %Ps\n", torseven);
5283   torseven = gerepilecopy(ltop, torseven);
5284   return torseven;
5285 }
5287 GEN
5288 ellsort(GEN listpts, long prec)	  /* vec */
5289 {
5290   pari_sp ltop = avma;
5291   GEN n = gen_0, v = gen_0, aux = gen_0, ord = gen_0, p1 = gen_0;
5292   GEN p2 = gen_0, p3 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5293   p1 = n = stoi(glength(listpts));
5294   {
5295     long l4;
5296     p2 = cgetg(gtos(p1)+1, t_VEC);
5297     for (l4 = 1; gcmpsg(l4, p1) <= 0; ++l4)
5298       gel(p2, l4) = gen_0;
5299   }
5300   v = p2;
5301   {
5302     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5303     GEN i = gen_0;
5304     GEN p5 = gen_0, p6 = gen_0, p7 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5305     for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, n) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
5306     {
5307       p5 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
5308       gel(p5, 1) = gen_0;
5309       if (gequal(gel(listpts, gtos(i)), p5))
5310       {
5311         p6 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
5312         gel(p6, 1) = gen_0;
5313         gel(p6, 2) = gen_0;
5314         gel(p6, 3) = gen_0;
5315         gel(v, gtos(i)) = p6;
5316         continue;
5317       }
5318       aux = gdiv(denom(gel(gel(listpts, gtos(i)), 2)), denom(gel(gel(listpts, gtos(i)), 1)));
5319       p7 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
5320       gel(p7, 1) = gmul(gel(gel(listpts, gtos(i)), 1), gsqr(aux));
5321       gel(p7, 2) = gmul(gel(gel(listpts, gtos(i)), 2), gpowgs(aux, 3));
5322       gel(p7, 3) = gcopy(aux);
5323       gel(v, gtos(i)) = vecsort0(gabs(p7, prec), NULL, 4);
5324       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5325         gerepileall(btop, 6, &i, &p5, &p6, &v, &aux, &p7);
5326     }
5327   }
5328   ord = gtovec(vecsort0(v, NULL, 3));
5329   /* MODI Needed for gp2c */
5330   {
5331     long i;
5332     p3 = cgetg(gtos(n)+1, t_VEC);
5333     for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, n) <= 0; ++i)
5334       gel(p3, i) = gcopy(gel(listpts, gtos(gel(ord, i))));
5335   }
5336   p3 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p3);
5337   return p3;
5338 }
5340 GEN
5341 ellremovetorsion(GEN ell, GEN listgen)
5342 {
5343   pari_sp ltop = avma;
5344   GEN d = gen_0, extra = gen_0;
5345   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
5346     pari_printf("     removing torsion from %Ps\n", listgen);
5347   d = stoi(glength(listgen));
5348   extra = gen_0;
5349   {
5350     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5351     GEN i = gen_0;
5352     GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5353     for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, d) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
5354     {
5355       /* points of order 1 or 2 */
5356       p1 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
5357       gel(p1, 1) = gen_0;
5358       if (gequal(gel(listgen, gtos(i)), p1) || gequal(gel(listgen, gtos(i)), powell(ell, gel(listgen, gtos(i)), gen_m1)))
5359       {
5360         extra = gadd(extra, shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsubgs(i, 1))));
5361         continue;
5362       }
5363       /* detection of infinite order points by looking at */
5364       /* 8*9*5*7*P modulo the prime 1048583 */
5365       p2 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
5366       gel(p2, 1) = gen_0;
5367       if ((!gequalgs(gmodgs(member_disc(ell), 1048583), 0) && !gequalgs(gmodgs(denom(gel(listgen, gtos(i))), 1048583), 0)) && !gequal(powell(ell, gmul(gel(listgen, gtos(i)), gmodulss(1, 1048583)), stoi(2520)), p2))
5368         continue;
5369       /* detection of torsion points by ellorder() */
5370       if (!gequal0(ellorder(ell, gel(listgen, gtos(i)), NULL)))
5371         extra = gadd(extra, shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsubgs(i, 1))));
5372       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5373         gerepileall(btop, 4, &i, &p1, &extra, &p2);
5374     }
5375   }
5376   if (!gequal0(extra))
5377     listgen = extract0(listgen, gsub(subis(shifti(gen_1, glength(listgen)), 1), extra), NULL);
5378   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
5379     pari_printf("     without torsion = %Ps\n", listgen);
5380   listgen = gerepilecopy(ltop, listgen);
5381   return listgen;
5382 }
5384 GEN
5385 ellredgen(GEN ell0, GEN listgen, GEN K, long prec)
5386 {
5387   pari_sp ltop = avma;
5388   GEN d = gen_0, ell = gen_0, sqrtK = gen_0, urst = gen_0, extra = gen_0, M = gen_0, U = gen_0, listgen2 = gen_0, tors2 = gen_0, vt = gen_0;
5389   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0, p3 = gen_0, p4 = gen_0, p5 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5390   GEN p6 = gen_0;
5391   GEN p7 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5392   long l8;
5393   GEN p9 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5394   if (!K)
5395     K = gen_1;
5396   listgen = gcopy(listgen);
5397   ell = gcopy(ell0);
5398   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
5399     pari_printf("   Reduction of the generators %Ps\n", listgen);
5400   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
5401     pari_printf("     ell=%Ps\n", ell);
5402   d = stoi(glength(listgen));
5403   if (gequal0(d))
5404   {
5405     p1 = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
5406     p1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p1);
5407     return p1;
5408   }
5409   /* removing torsion points from listgen */
5410   listgen = ellremovetorsion(ell0, listgen);
5411   d = stoi(glength(listgen));
5412   if (gequal0(d))
5413   {
5414     p2 = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
5415     p2 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p2);
5416     return p2;
5417   }
5418   if (glength(ell) < 13)
5419     ell = smallellinit(ell);
5420   if (!gequalgs(K, 1))
5421   {
5422     if (!gequalgs(ell_get_a1(ell), 0) || !gequalgs(ell_get_a3(ell), 0))
5423       pari_err(user, " ellredgen : a1*a3 != 0");
5424     gel(ell, 2) = gmul(gel(ell, 2), K);
5425     gel(ell, 4) = gmul(gel(ell, 4), gsqr(K));
5426     gel(ell, 5) = gmul(gel(ell, 5), gpowgs(K, 3));
5427     gel(ell, 6) = gmul(gel(ell, 6), K);
5428     gel(ell, 7) = gmul(gel(ell, 7), gsqr(K));
5429     gel(ell, 8) = gmul(gel(ell, 8), gpowgs(K, 3));
5430     gel(ell, 9) = gmul(gel(ell, 9), gpowgs(K, 4));
5431     gel(ell, 10) = gmul(gel(ell, 10), gsqr(K));
5432     gel(ell, 11) = gmul(gel(ell, 11), gpowgs(K, 3));
5433     gel(ell, 12) = gmul(gel(ell, 12), gpowgs(K, 6));
5434     sqrtK = gsqrt(K, prec);
5435     if (glength(ell) == 19)
5436     {
5437       gel(ell, 14) = gmul(gel(ell, 14), K);
5438       gel(ell, 15) = gdiv(gel(ell, 15), sqrtK);
5439       gel(ell, 16) = gdiv(gel(ell, 16), sqrtK);
5440       gel(ell, 17) = gmul(gel(ell, 17), sqrtK);
5441       gel(ell, 18) = gmul(gel(ell, 18), sqrtK);
5442       gel(ell, 19) = gdiv(gel(ell, 19), K);
5443     }
5444     {
5445       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5446       GEN i = gen_0;
5447       long l10;
5448       for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, d) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
5449       {
5450         l10 = glength(gel(listgen, gtos(i)));
5451         {
5452           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5453           long j;
5454           for (j = 1; j <= l10; ++j)
5455           {
5456             gel(gel(listgen, gtos(i)), j) = gmul(gel(gel(listgen, gtos(i)), j), gpowgs(K, j));
5457             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5458               listgen = gerepilecopy(btop, listgen);
5459           }
5460         }
5461         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5462           gerepileall(btop, 2, &i, &listgen);
5463       }
5464     }
5465   }
5466   if (gequal1(d))
5467   {
5468     p3 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
5469     gel(p3, 1) = gen_1;
5470     gel(p3, 2) = gen_0;
5471     gel(p3, 3) = gen_0;
5472     gel(p3, 4) = gen_0;
5473     urst = p3;
5474   }
5475   else
5476   {
5477     if (glength(ell) < 19)
5478       ell = ellinit(ell, prec);
5479     ell = ellminimalmodel(ell, &urst);
5480     listgen = ellchangepoint(listgen, urst);
5481     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
5482       pari_printf("     ell = %Ps\n", ell);
5483     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
5484       pari_printf("     listgen = %Ps\n", listgen);
5485     /* Looking for relations between the points in listgen */
5486     /* using LLL on the height matrix */
5488     extra = gen_1;
5489     {
5490       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5491       GEN p11 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5492       while (!gequal0(extra))
5493       {
5494         M = mathell(ell, listgen, prec);
5495         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5496           pari_printf("    height matrix = %Ps\n", M);
5497         if (gcmp(gabs(det(M), prec), gpowgs(stoi(10), (-getrealprecision()) + 10)) > 0)
5498           break;
5499         U = lllkerim(ground(gmul(M, gpowgs(stoi(10), getrealprecision() - 10))));
5500         U = concat(gel(U, 1), gel(U, 2));
5501         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5502           pari_printf("    change of basis proposed by LLL = %Ps\n", U);
5503         /* the columns of U that have very small coefficients */
5504         /* are either exact relations or reductions (coeff <= 20) */
5505         /* the other ones are irrelevant. */
5506         extra = gen_0;
5507         {
5508           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5509           GEN i = gen_0;
5510           for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, d) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
5511           {
5512             if (gcmpgs(vecmax(gabs(gel(U, gtos(i)), prec)), 20) > 0)
5513               extra = gadd(extra, shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsubgs(i, 1))));
5514             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5515               gerepileall(btop, 2, &i, &extra);
5516           }
5517         }
5518         U = extract0(U, gsub(subis(shifti(gen_1, gtos(d)), 1), extra), NULL);
5519         U = completebasis(U, NULL);
5520         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5521           pari_printf("    change of basis 1 = %Ps\n", U);
5522         {
5523           long l12;
5524           p11 = cgetg(gtos(d)+1, t_VEC);
5525           for (l12 = 1; gcmpsg(l12, d) <= 0; ++l12)
5526             gel(p11, l12) = gen_0;
5527         }
5528         listgen2 = p11;
5529         {
5530           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5531           GEN i = gen_0;
5532           GEN p13 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5533           for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, d) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
5534           {
5535             p13 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
5536             gel(p13, 1) = gen_0;
5537             gel(listgen2, gtos(i)) = p13;
5538             {
5539               pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5540               GEN j = gen_0;
5541               for (j = gen_1; gcmp(j, d) <= 0; j = gaddgs(j, 1))
5542               {
5543                 gel(listgen2, gtos(i)) = addell(ell, gel(listgen2, gtos(i)), powell(ell, gel(listgen, gtos(j)), gcoeff(U, gtos(j), gtos(i))));
5544                 if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5545                   gerepileall(btop, 2, &j, &listgen2);
5546               }
5547             }
5548             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5549               gerepileall(btop, 3, &i, &p13, &listgen2);
5550           }
5551         }
5552         listgen = gcopy(listgen2);
5553         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5554           gerepileall(btop, 6, &M, &U, &extra, &p11, &listgen2, &listgen);
5555       }
5556     }
5557     /* Extracting the points of infinite order */
5559     /* removing torsion points from listgen */
5560     listgen = ellremovetorsion(ell, listgen);
5561     d = stoi(glength(listgen));
5562     if (gequal0(d))
5563     {
5564       p4 = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
5565       p4 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p4);
5566       return p4;
5567     }
5568   }
5569   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
5570     pari_printf("   infinite order points = %Ps\n", listgen);
5571   /* Now, the points should be of infinite order and independant */
5572   /* Reducing the points of infinite order */
5574   if (gcmpgs(d, 1) > 0)
5575   {
5576     M = mathell(ell, listgen, prec);
5577     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5578       pari_printf("    height matrix = %Ps\n", M);
5579     U = qflllgram0(M, 0);
5580     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5581       pari_printf("    change of basis 2 = %Ps\n", U);
5582     {
5583       long l14;
5584       p5 = cgetg(gtos(d)+1, t_VEC);
5585       for (l14 = 1; gcmpsg(l14, d) <= 0; ++l14)
5586         gel(p5, l14) = gen_0;
5587     }
5588     listgen2 = p5;
5589     {
5590       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5591       GEN i = gen_0;
5592       GEN p15 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5593       for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, d) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
5594       {
5595         p15 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
5596         gel(p15, 1) = gen_0;
5597         gel(listgen2, gtos(i)) = p15;
5598         {
5599           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5600           GEN j = gen_0;
5601           for (j = gen_1; gcmp(j, d) <= 0; j = gaddgs(j, 1))
5602           {
5603             gel(listgen2, gtos(i)) = addell(ell, gel(listgen2, gtos(i)), powell(ell, gel(listgen, gtos(j)), gcoeff(U, gtos(j), gtos(i))));
5604             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5605               gerepileall(btop, 2, &j, &listgen2);
5606           }
5607         }
5608         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5609           gerepileall(btop, 3, &i, &p15, &listgen2);
5610       }
5611     }
5612     listgen = gcopy(listgen2);
5613   }
5614   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
5615     pari_printf("   infinite order points = %Ps\n", listgen);
5616   listgen = ellchangepointinverse(listgen, urst);
5617   /* Reducing modulo the 2-torsion */
5619   tors2 = elltorseven(ell0, prec);
5620   if (gcmpgs(gel(tors2, 1), 1) > 0)
5621   {
5622     p6 = gcopy(gel(gel(tors2, 2), 1));
5623     {
5624       long j;
5625       p7 = cgetg(gtos(p6)+1, t_VEC);
5626       for (j = 1; gcmpsg(j, p6) <= 0; ++j)
5627         gel(p7, j) = powell(ell0, gel(gel(tors2, 3), 1), stoi(j - 1));
5628     }
5629     vt = p7;
5630     if (glength(gel(tors2, 2)) == 2)
5631     {
5632       l8 = glength(vt);
5633       {
5634         long j;
5635         p9 = cgetg(l8+1, t_VEC);
5636         for (j = 1; j <= l8; ++j)
5637           gel(p9, j) = addell(ell0, gel(vt, j), gel(gel(tors2, 3), 2));
5638       }
5639       vt = concat(vt, p9);
5640     }
5641     {
5642       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5643       GEN i = gen_0;
5644       long l16;
5645       GEN p17 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5646       for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, d) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
5647       {
5648         l16 = glength(vt);
5649         {
5650           long j;
5651           p17 = cgetg(l16+1, t_VEC);
5652           for (j = 1; j <= l16; ++j)
5653             gel(p17, j) = addell(ell0, gel(listgen, gtos(i)), gel(vt, j));
5654         }
5655         gel(listgen, gtos(i)) = gcopy(gel(ellsort(p17, prec), 1));
5656         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5657           gerepileall(btop, 3, &i, &p17, &listgen);
5658       }
5659     }
5660   }
5661   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
5662     pari_printf("   infinite order points = %Ps\n", listgen);
5663   if (!gequalgs(K, 1))
5664   {
5665     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5666     GEN i = gen_0;
5667     for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, d) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
5668     {
5669       {
5670         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5671         long j;
5672         for (j = 1; j <= 2; ++j)
5673         {
5674           gel(gel(listgen, gtos(i)), j) = gdiv(gel(gel(listgen, gtos(i)), j), gpowgs(K, j));
5675           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5676             listgen = gerepilecopy(btop, listgen);
5677         }
5678       }
5679       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5680         gerepileall(btop, 2, &i, &listgen);
5681     }
5682   }
5683   /* keep only the points (x,y) with y >= 0 */
5685   if (gequal0(ell_get_a1(ell0)) && gequal0(ell_get_a3(ell0)))
5686   {
5687     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5688     GEN i = gen_0;
5689     for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, d) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
5690     {
5691       if (glength(gel(listgen, gtos(i))) == 2)
5692         gel(gel(listgen, gtos(i)), 2) = gabs(gel(gel(listgen, gtos(i)), 2), prec);
5693       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5694         gerepileall(btop, 2, &i, &listgen);
5695     }
5696   }
5697   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
5698     pari_printf("  reduced generators = %Ps\n", listgen);
5699   listgen = gerepilecopy(ltop, listgen);
5700   return listgen;
5701 }
5703 GEN
5704 reducemodsquares(GEN delta, GEN d, long prec)
5705 {
5706   pari_sp ltop = avma;
5707   GEN deg = gen_0, xx = gen_0, z = gen_0, qd = gen_0, Qd = gen_0, reduc = gen_0, x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
5708   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5709   GEN p3 = gen_0;
5710   deg = stoi(degree(compo(delta, 1)));
5711   /* MODI to make gp2c happy */
5712   xx = gmodulo(x, compo(delta, 1));
5713   {
5714     long i;
5715     p1 = cgetg(gtos(deg)+1, t_VEC);
5716     for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, deg) <= 0; ++i)
5717       gel(p1, i) = geval(concat(strtoGENstr("a"), stoi(i)));
5718   }
5719   z = gsubst(gtopoly(p1, -1), gvar(x), xx);
5720   qd = polcoeff0(lift(gmul(delta, gsqr(z))), gtos(d), gvar(x));
5721   {
5722     long i, j;
5723     p2 = cgetg(gtos(deg)+1, t_MAT);
5724     for (j = 1; gcmpsg(j, deg) <= 0; ++j)
5725     {
5726       gel(p2, j) = cgetg(gtos(deg)+1, t_COL);
5727       for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, deg) <= 0; ++i)
5728         gcoeff(p2, i, j) = gdivgs(deriv(deriv(qd, gvar(geval(concat(strtoGENstr("a"), stoi(i))))), gvar(geval(concat(strtoGENstr("a"), stoi(j))))), 2);
5729     }
5730   }
5731   Qd = simplify(p2);
5732   reduc = IndefiniteLLL(Qd, NULL, NULL, prec);
5733   if (glength(reduc) == 2)
5734     reduc = gcopy(gel(gel(reduc, 2), 1));
5735   p3 = gmul(delta, gsqr(gsubst(gtopoly(reduc, -1), gvar(x), xx)));
5736   p3 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p3);
5737   return p3;
5738 }
5740 GEN
5741 bnfpSelmer(GEN bnf, GEN S, GEN p, long prec)	  /* vec */
5742 {
5743   pari_sp ltop = avma;
5744   GEN S1 = gen_0, oddclass = gen_0, multS = gen_0, Slist = gen_0, LS2gen = gen_0, newprimes = gen_0, newprimesval = gen_0, kerval = gen_0;
5745   long l1, l2, l3;
5746   GEN p4 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5747   long l5;
5748   GEN p6 = gen_0, p7 = gen_0, p8 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5749   if (!S)
5750     S = gen_1;
5751   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
5752     pari_printf("   Constructing the field Selmer group : L(S,%Ps)\n", p);
5753   S1 = idealhnf0(bnf, S, NULL);
5754   oddclass = gen_0;
5755   multS = gen_1;
5756   {
5757     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5758     while (gequal0(oddclass))
5759     {
5760       if (!gequalgs(multS, 1))
5761         S1 = idealmul(bnf, S1, multS);
5762       Slist = gtrans(gel(idealfactor(bnf, S1), 1));
5763       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5764         pari_printf("    constructing the S-units \n");
5765       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5766         pari_printf("    S1 = %Ps\n", Slist);
5767       LS2gen = bnfsunit(bnf, Slist, prec);
5768       /* If the class group is divisible by p, */
5769       /* need to enlarge S1. */
5770       oddclass = gmod(member_no(gel(LS2gen, 5)), p);
5771       if (gequal0(oddclass))
5772       {
5773         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5774           pari_printf("    class group divisible by p = %Ps\n", member_no(gel(LS2gen, 5)));
5775         multS = idealmul(bnf, S, gel(member_gen(gel(LS2gen, 5)), 1));
5776       }
5777       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5778         gerepileall(btop, 5, &S1, &Slist, &LS2gen, &oddclass, &multS);
5779     }
5780   }
5781   LS2gen = gmodulo(gel(LS2gen, 1), member_pol(bnf));
5782   /* The valuation of the generators must be divisible by p outside S. */
5783   newprimes = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
5784   l1 = glength(Slist);
5785   {
5786     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5787     long i;
5788     GEN p9 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5789     for (i = 1; i <= l1; ++i)
5790     {
5791       if (gequal1(idealadd(bnf, S, gel(Slist, i))))
5792       {
5793         p9 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
5794         gel(p9, 1) = gcopy(gel(Slist, i));
5795         newprimes = concat(newprimes, p9);
5796       }
5797       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5798         gerepileall(btop, 2, &p9, &newprimes);
5799     }
5800   }
5801   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5802     pari_printf("    newprimes = %Ps\n", newprimes);
5803   l2 = glength(LS2gen);
5804   l3 = glength(newprimes);
5805   {
5806     long i, j;
5807     p4 = cgetg(l2+1, t_MAT);
5808     for (j = 1; j <= l2; ++j)
5809     {
5810       gel(p4, j) = cgetg(l3+1, t_COL);
5811       for (i = 1; i <= l3; ++i)
5812         gcoeff(p4, i, j) = stoi(idealval(bnf, gel(LS2gen, j), gel(newprimes, i)));
5813     }
5814   }
5815   newprimesval = p4;
5816   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5817     pari_printf("    newprimesval = %Ps\n", newprimesval);
5818   kerval = lift(matker0(gmul(newprimesval, gmodulsg(1, p)), 0));
5819   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5820     pari_printf("    kerval = %Ps\n", kerval);
5821   l5 = glength(kerval);
5822   {
5823     long i, l10;
5824     GEN p11 = gen_0;
5825     p6 = cgetg(l5+1, t_VEC);
5826     for (i = 1; i <= l5; ++i)
5827     {
5828       l10 = glength(LS2gen);
5829       {
5830         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5831         long j;
5832         p11 = gen_1;
5833         for (j = 1; j <= l10; ++j)
5834         {
5835           p11 = gmul(p11, gpow(gel(LS2gen, j), gcoeff(kerval, j, i), prec));
5836           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5837             p11 = gerepilecopy(btop, p11);
5838         }
5839       }
5840       gel(p6, i) = p11;
5841     }
5842   }
5843   LS2gen = p6;
5844   /* Add the units */
5845   LS2gen = concat(member_fu(bnf), LS2gen);
5846   /* Add also the torsion unit if its order is divisible by p. */
5847   if (gequal0(gmod(gel(member_tu(bnf), 1), p)))
5848   {
5849     p7 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
5850     gel(p7, 1) = gcopy(gel(member_tu(bnf), 2));
5851     LS2gen = concat(p7, LS2gen);
5852   }
5853   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
5854     pari_printf("   #LS2gen = %ld\n", glength(LS2gen));
5855   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5856     pari_printf("    LS2gen = %Ps\n", LS2gen);
5857   p8 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
5858   gel(p8, 1) = gcopy(LS2gen);
5859   gel(p8, 2) = gcopy(Slist);
5860   p8 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p8);
5861   return p8;
5862 }
5864 GEN
5865 kersign(GEN gen, GEN rootapprox)
5866 {
5867   pari_sp ltop = avma;
5868   GEN signs = gen_0, elt = gen_0, elt2 = gen_0, d = gen_0, st = gen_0, kers = gen_0, compt = gen_0;
5869   long l1;
5870   GEN p2 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5871   long l3;
5872   gen = gcopy(gen);
5873   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
5874     pari_printf("   Computing the kernel of the sign %Ps\n", rootapprox);
5875   l1 = glength(gen);
5876   {
5877     long l4;
5878     p2 = cgetg(l1+1, t_VEC);
5879     for (l4 = 1; l4 <= l1; ++l4)
5880       gel(p2, l4) = gen_0;
5881   }
5882   /* determination of the signs */
5883   signs = p2;
5884   l3 = glength(gen);
5885   {
5886     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5887     long i;
5888     GEN p5 = gen_0;
5889     for (i = 1; i <= l3; ++i)
5890     {
5891       elt = lift(gel(gen, i));
5892       if (degree(elt) == 0)
5893       {
5894         gel(signs, i) = stoi(gsigne(simplify(elt)) < 0);
5895         continue;
5896       }
5897       d = poldisc0(elt, -1);
5898       if (degree(elt) == 2)
5899         if (gcmpgs(d, 0) <= 0)
5900         {
5901           gel(signs, i) = stoi(gsigne(pollead(elt, -1)) < 0);
5902           continue;
5903         }
5904       if (gequal0(d))
5905         p5 = gdiv(elt, ggcd(elt, deriv(elt,-1)));
5906       else
5907         p5 = elt;
5908       elt2 = p5;
5909       st = gen_1;
5910       compt = gen_0;
5911       {
5912         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
5913         while (!gequal0(st))
5914         {
5915           st = stoi(sturmpart(elt2, gel(rootapprox, 1), gel(rootapprox, 2)));
5916           if (!gequal0(st))
5917           {
5918             rootapprox = polrealrootsimprove(compo(gel(gen, i), 1), rootapprox);
5919             /* MODI to make gp2c happy */
5920             /* if the sign of elt is too difficult to determine,  */
5921             /* try the sign of 1/elt. */
5922             if (gequal0(gmodgs(compt = gaddgs(compt, 1), 5)))
5923             {
5924               gel(gen, i) = ginv(gel(gen, i));
5925               --i;
5926               goto label2;
5927             }
5928           }
5929           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5930             gerepileall(btop, 4, &st, &rootapprox, &compt, &gen);
5931         }
5932       }
5933       gel(signs, i) = stoi(gsigne(gsubst(elt, gvar(gpolvar(elt)), gel(rootapprox, 2))) < 0);
5934       label2:;
5935       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
5936         gerepileall(btop, 9, &p5, &elt, &signs, &d, &elt2, &st, &compt, &rootapprox, &gen);
5937     }
5938   }
5939   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5940     pari_printf("    signs = %Ps\n", signs);
5941   /* construction of the kernel */
5942   kers = gmul(matker0(gtomat(gmul(signs, gmodulss(1, 2))), 0), gmodulss(1, 2));
5943   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5944     pari_printf("    kers = %Ps\n", lift(kers));
5945   kers = gerepilecopy(ltop, kers);
5946   return kers;
5947 }
5949 GEN
5950 kernorm(GEN gen, GEN S, GEN p)
5951 {
5952   pari_sp ltop = avma;
5953   GEN normgen = gen_0, normmap = gen_0, kern = gen_0;
5954   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5955   long l2, l3;
5956   GEN p4 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
5957   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
5958     pari_printf("   Computing the kernel of the norm map\n");
5959   if (gequalgs(p, 2))
5960   {
5961     p1 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
5962     gel(p1, 1) = gen_m1;
5963     S = concat(p1, S);
5964   }
5965   normgen = gnorm(gen);
5966   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5967     pari_printf("    normgen = %Ps\n", normgen);
5968   l2 = glength(normgen);
5969   l3 = glength(S);
5970   {
5971     long i, j, l5 = 0;
5972     p4 = cgetg(l2+1, t_MAT);
5973     for (j = 1; j <= l2; ++j)
5974     {
5975       gel(p4, j) = cgetg(l3+1, t_COL);
5976       for (i = 1; i <= l3; ++i)
5977       {
5978         if ((i == 1) && gequalgs(p, 2))
5979           l5 = gsigne(gel(normgen, j)) < 0;
5980         else
5981           l5 = ggval(gel(normgen, j), gel(S, i));
5982         gcoeff(p4, i, j) = stoi(l5);
5983       }
5984     }
5985   }
5986   /* matrix of the norm map */
5987   normmap = p4;
5988   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5989     pari_printf("    normmap = %Ps\n", normmap);
5990   /* construction of the kernel */
5991   kern = gmul(matker0(gmul(normmap, gmodulsg(1, p)), 0), gmodulsg(1, p));
5992   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
5993     pari_printf("    ker = %Ps\n", lift(kern));
5994   kern = gerepilecopy(ltop, kern);
5995   return kern;
5996 }
5998 GEN
5999 elllocalimage(GEN nf, GEN pp, GEN K, long prec)
6000 {
6001   pari_sp ltop = avma;
6002   GEN X = gen_0, p = gen_0, prank = gen_0, rac = gen_0, pts = gen_0, bound = gen_0, essai = gen_0, mrank = gen_0, r = gen_0, xx = gen_0, delta = gen_0, ph = gen_0, delta2 = gen_0, prec_s = gen_0, ival = gen_0, x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
6003   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6004   if (!K)
6005     K = gen_1;
6006   /* MODI add prec_s, ival */
6008   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
6009     pari_printf("    starting elllocalimage\n");
6010   X = gmodulo(x, member_pol(nf));
6011   p = gcopy(gel(gel(gel(pp, 1), 1), 1));
6012   prank = stoi(glength(pp) - !gequalgs(p, 2));
6013   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
6014     pari_printf("    prank = %Ps\n", prank);
6015   rac = polrootsmodpn(gmul(K, member_pol(nf)), p, prec);
6016   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
6017     pari_printf("     rac = %Ps\n", rac);
6018   {
6019     long l2, l3;
6020     p1 = cgetg(1, t_MAT);
6021     for (l3 = 1; l3 <= 0; ++l3)
6022     {
6023       gel(p1, l3) = cgetg(1, t_COL);
6024       for (l2 = 1; l2 <= 0; ++l2)
6025         gcoeff(p1, l2, l3) = gen_0;
6026     }
6027   }
6028   pts = p1;
6029   bound = gaddgs(p, 6);
6030   essai = gen_0;
6031   mrank = gen_0;
6032   {
6033     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
6034     long l4;
6035     while (gcmp(mrank, prank) < 0)
6036     {
6037       essai = gaddgs(essai, 1);
6038       if (gequal0(gmodgs(essai, 16)))
6039       {
6040         pts = matimage0(pts, 0);
6041         bound = gmul(bound, p);
6042       }
6043       r = gaddgs(genrand(stoi(glength(rac))), 1);
6044       prec_s = gsubgs(genrand(gaddgs(gel(gel(rac, gtos(r)), 2), 3)), 2);
6045       xx = gadd(gel(gel(rac, gtos(r)), 1), gmul(gpow(p, prec_s, prec), genrand(bound)));
6046       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
6047         pari_printf("     xx = %Ps\n", xx);
6048       delta = gmul(K, gsub(xx, X));
6049       /* rem : K*pol(xx) = norm(delta) ( = y^2 for a point on the elliptic curve) */
6050       if (!psquare(gmul(K, gsubst(member_pol(nf), gvar(x), xx)), p, prec))
6051         continue;
6052       ph = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
6053       l4 = glength(pp);
6054       {
6055         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
6056         long i;
6057         GEN p5 = gen_0, p6 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6058         for (i = 1; i <= l4; ++i)
6059         {
6060           p5 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
6061           gel(p5, 1) = gcopy(ival = stoi(idealval(nf, delta, gel(gel(pp, i), 1))));
6062           ph = concat(ph, p5);
6063           delta2 = gdiv(delta, gpow(gel(gel(pp, i), 2), ival, prec));
6064           if (gequalgs(p, 2))
6065             ph = concat(ph, gtrans(ideallog(nf, delta2, gel(gel(pp, i), 3))));
6066           else
6067           {
6068             p6 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
6069             gel(p6, 1) = stoi(1 - nfpsquareoddQ(nf, delta2, gel(gel(pp, i), 4), prec));
6070             ph = concat(ph, p6);
6071           }
6072           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
6073             gerepileall(btop, 5, &ival, &p5, &ph, &delta2, &p6);
6074         }
6075       }
6076       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
6077         pari_printf("     ph = %Ps\n", ph);
6078       pts = concat(pts, gmul(gtrans(ph), gmodulss(1, 2)));
6079       mrank = stoi(rank(gmul(pts, gmodulss(1, 2))));
6080       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
6081         pari_printf("     pts = %Ps\n", lift(pts));
6082       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
6083         pari_printf("    matrank = %Ps\n", mrank);
6084       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
6085         gerepileall(btop, 11, &essai, &pts, &bound, &r, &prec_s, &xx, &delta, &ph, &ival, &delta2, &mrank);
6086     }
6087   }
6088   pts = matimage0(pts, 0);
6089   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
6090     pari_printf("     essai = %Ps\n", essai);
6091   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
6092     pari_printf("    end of elllocalimage\n");
6093   pts = gerepilecopy(ltop, pts);
6094   return pts;
6095 }
6097 GEN
6098 ell2descent_gen(GEN ell, GEN bnf, GEN K, GEN help, GEN redflag, long prec)	  /* vec */
6099 {
6100   pari_sp ltop = avma;
6101   GEN A = gen_0, B = gen_0, C = gen_0, polrel = gen_0, polprime = gen_0, ttheta = gen_0, badprimes = gen_0, S = gen_0, LS2 = gen_0, selmer = gen_0, rootapprox = gen_0, p = gen_0, pp = gen_0, locimage = gen_0, LS2image = gen_0, listpointstriv = gen_0, listpoints = gen_0, iwhile = gen_0, expo = gen_0, zc = gen_0, liftzc = gen_0, den = gen_0, point = gen_0, idealfactorzc = gen_0, idealzc = gen_0, baseidealzc = gen_0, q2 = gen_0, sol = gen_0, param = gen_0, q1 = gen_0, pol = gen_0, redq = gen_0, q0 = gen_0, pointxx = gen_0, point2 = gen_0, rang = gen_0;
6102   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6103   GEN x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
6104   long l2;
6105   GEN p3 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6106   long l4, l5;
6107   GEN y = pol_x(fetch_user_var("y"));
6108   long l6;
6109   GEN p7 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6110   if (!K)
6111     K = gen_1;
6112   if (!help)
6113     help = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
6114   if (!redflag)
6115     redflag = gen_0;
6116   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
6117     pari_printf("    starting ell2descent_gen\n");
6118   if (glength(ell) < 13)
6119     ell = smallellinit(ell);
6120   if (!gequalgs(ell_get_a1(ell), 0) || !gequalgs(ell_get_a3(ell), 0))
6121     pari_err(user, " ell2descent_gen : the curve is not of the form [0,a,0,b,c]");
6122   if (((gcmpgs(denom(ell_get_a2(ell)), 1) > 0) || (gcmpgs(denom(ell_get_a4(ell)), 1) > 0)) || (gcmpgs(denom(ell_get_a6(ell)), 1) > 0))
6123     pari_err(user, " ell2descent_gen : non integral coefficients");
6124   A = gcopy(ell_get_a2(ell));
6125   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6126     pari_printf("  A = %Ps\n", A);
6127   B = gcopy(ell_get_a4(ell));
6128   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6129     pari_printf("  B = %Ps\n", B);
6130   C = gcopy(ell_get_a6(ell));
6131   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6132     pari_printf("  C = %Ps\n", C);
6133   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
6134   /*      Construction of L(S,2)      \\ */
6135   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
6137   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6138   {
6139     pari_printf("\n");
6140     pari_printf("  Computing L(S,2)\n");
6141   }
6142   p1 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
6143   gel(p1, 1) = gen_1;
6144   gel(p1, 2) = gcopy(A);
6145   gel(p1, 3) = gcopy(B);
6146   gel(p1, 4) = gcopy(C);
6147   polrel = gtopoly(p1, -1);
6148   polprime = deriv(polrel,-1);
6149   ttheta = gmodulo(x, polrel);
6150   if (gequal0(bnf))
6151   {
6152     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
6153       pari_printf("   bnfinit(%Ps)\n", polrel);
6154     bnf = Buchall(polrel, nf_FORCE, prec);
6155   }
6156   badprimes = gabs(gmul(K, idealadd(bnf, polprime, member_index(bnf))), prec);
6157   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
6158     pari_printf("     badprimes = %Ps\n", gcoeff(badprimes, 1, 1));
6159   S = bnfpSelmer(bnf, badprimes, gen_2, prec);
6160   LS2 = gcopy(gel(S, 1));
6161   S = gcopy(gel(S, 2));
6162   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6163     pari_printf("  L(S,2) = %Ps\n", LS2);
6164   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
6165   /*   Construction of the Selmer group \\ */
6166   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
6168   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6169   {
6170     pari_printf("\n");
6171     pari_printf("  Computing the Selmer group\n");
6172   }
6173   l2 = glength(S);
6174   {
6175     long i;
6176     p3 = cgetg(l2+1, t_VEC);
6177     for (i = 1; i <= l2; ++i)
6178       gel(p3, i) = icopy(member_p(gel(S, i)));
6179   }
6180   /* elements with square norm */
6181   selmer = kernorm(LS2, p3, gen_2);
6182   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
6183     pari_printf("   selmer = %Ps\n", lift(selmer));
6184   /* the first real embedding must be > 0 */
6185   /* since the norm is a square, this is automatic */
6186   /* if there is a single real embedding. */
6187   if (cmpis(member_r1(bnf), 3) == 0)
6188   {
6189     rootapprox = gcopy(gel(polrealrootsisolate(polrel), 1));
6190     selmer = gmul(intersect(selmer, kersign(LS2, rootapprox)), gmodulss(1, 2));
6191     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
6192       pari_printf("   selmer = %Ps\n", lift(selmer));
6193   }
6194   /* p-adic points */
6195   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
6196     pari_printf("   p-adic points\n");
6197   badprimes = gcopy(gel(factorint(gmulgs(gcoeff(badprimes, 1, 1), 2), 0), 1));
6198   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6199     pari_printf("  badprimes = %Ps\n", badprimes);
6200   l4 = glength(badprimes);
6201   {
6202     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
6203     long i;
6204     for (i = 1; i <= l4; ++i)
6205     {
6206       p = gcopy(gel(badprimes, i));
6207       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
6208         pari_printf("    p = %Ps\n", p);
6209       pp = ppinit(member_nf(bnf), p);
6210       locimage = elllocalimage(member_nf(bnf), pp, K, prec);
6211       LS2image = LS2localimage(member_nf(bnf), LS2, pp, prec);
6212       locimage = intersect(LS2image, locimage);
6213       selmer = intersect(selmer, concat(matker0(LS2image, 0), gmul(inverseimage(LS2image, locimage), gmodulss(1, 2))));
6214       selmer = matimage0(gmul(selmer, gmodulss(1, 2)), 0);
6215       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
6216         pari_printf("    selmer = %Ps\n", selmer);
6217       if (!glength(selmer))
6218         break;
6219       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
6220         gerepileall(btop, 5, &p, &pp, &locimage, &LS2image, &selmer);
6221     }
6222   }
6223   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6224     pari_printf("  selmer = %Ps\n", lift(selmer));
6225   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6226     pari_printf("  Selmer rank = %ld\n", glength(selmer));
6227   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
6228   /*   Search for trivial points      \\ */
6229   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
6231   if (glength(selmer))
6232   {
6233     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6234     {
6235       pari_printf("\n");
6236       pari_printf("  Search for trivial points on the curve\n");
6237     }
6238     listpointstriv = ratpoint(gmul(gpowgs(K, 3), gsubst(polrel, gvar(x), gdiv(x, K))), LIMTRIV, gen_0, prec);
6239     l5 = glength(listpointstriv);
6240     {
6241       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
6242       long i;
6243       GEN p8 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6244       for (i = 1; i <= l5; ++i)
6245       {
6246         if (glength(gel(listpointstriv, i)) == 3)
6247         {
6248           p8 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
6249           gel(p8, 1) = gen_0;
6250           gel(listpointstriv, i) = p8;
6251         }
6252         else
6253         {
6254           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
6255           long j;
6256           for (j = 1; j <= 2; ++j)
6257           {
6258             gel(gel(listpointstriv, i), j) = gdiv(gel(gel(listpointstriv, i), j), gpowgs(K, j));
6259             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
6260               listpointstriv = gerepilecopy(btop, listpointstriv);
6261           }
6262         }
6263         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
6264           gerepileall(btop, 2, &p8, &listpointstriv);
6265       }
6266     }
6267     listpointstriv = concat(help, listpointstriv);
6268     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6269       pari_printf("  Trivial points on the curve = %Ps\n", listpointstriv);
6270   }
6271   /* MODI: translate points triviaux */
6273   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
6274   /*   Run through the Selmer group   \\ */
6275   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
6277   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6278   {
6279     pari_printf("\n");
6280     pari_printf("  Run through the Selmer group\n");
6281   }
6282   listpoints = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
6283   selmer = lift(selmer);
6284   iwhile = gen_1;
6285   {
6286     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
6287     long l9;
6288     GEN p10 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6289     long l11;
6290     GEN p12 = gen_0;
6291     long l13, l14;
6292     GEN p15 = gen_0, p16 = gen_0, p17 = gen_0, p18 = gen_0, p19 = gen_0, p20 = gen_0, p21 = gen_0, p22 = gen_0, p23 = gen_0, p24 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6293     while (gcmp(iwhile, shifti(gen_1, glength(selmer))) < 0)
6294     {
6295       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6296         pari_printf("\n");
6297       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
6298         pari_printf("   iwhile = %Ps\n", iwhile);
6299       l9 = glength(selmer);
6300       {
6301         long i;
6302         p10 = cgetg(l9+1, t_COL);
6303         for (i = 1; i <= l9; ++i)
6304           gel(p10, i) = gbittest(iwhile, i - 1);
6305       }
6306       /* the next element zc as an algebraic number modulo squares */
6308       expo = gmul(selmer, p10);
6309       l11 = glength(LS2);
6310       {
6311         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
6312         long i;
6313         p12 = gen_1;
6314         for (i = 1; i <= l11; ++i)
6315         {
6316           p12 = gmul(p12, gpow(gel(LS2, i), gel(expo, i), prec));
6317           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
6318             p12 = gerepilecopy(btop, p12);
6319         }
6320       }
6321       zc = p12;
6322       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6323         pari_printf("  zc = %Ps\n", zc);
6324       liftzc = lift(zc);
6325       /* Reduction modulo squares */
6327       if (!gequal0(redflag))
6328       {
6329         zc = reducemodsquares(zc, gen_2, prec);
6330         liftzc = lift(zc);
6331         den = gsqr(denom(content(liftzc)));
6332         zc = gmul(zc, den);
6333         liftzc = gmul(liftzc, den);
6334         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6335           pari_printf("  zc reduced = %Ps\n", zc);
6336       }
6337       /* Does it come from a trivial point ? */
6339       l13 = glength(listpointstriv);
6340       {
6341         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
6342         long i;
6343         GEN p25 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6344         for (i = 1; i <= l13; ++i)
6345         {
6346           point = gcopy(gel(listpointstriv, i));
6347           if (glength(point) == 2)
6348             if (nfissquare(member_nf(bnf), gmul(gmul(K, gsub(gel(point, 1), x)), liftzc), prec))
6349             {
6350               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6351                 pari_printf("  comes from the trivial point %Ps\n", point);
6352               p25 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
6353               gel(p25, 1) = gcopy(point);
6354               listpoints = concat(listpoints, p25);
6355               iwhile = shifti(gen_1, gtos(gaddgs(degre(iwhile), 1)));
6356               goto label3;
6357             }
6358           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
6359             gerepileall(btop, 4, &point, &p25, &listpoints, &iwhile);
6360         }
6361       }
6362       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6363         pari_printf("  does not come from a trivial point\n");
6364       /* Construction of the quadratic form q2 */
6365       /* Change the basis using the square factors of zc */
6367       idealfactorzc = idealfactor(bnf, zc);
6368       gel(idealfactorzc, 2) = gmulgs(gel(idealfactorzc, 2), -1);
6369       gel(idealfactorzc, 2) = gdivent(gel(idealfactorzc, 2), gen_2);
6370       /*    idealzc = idealfactorback(bnf,idealfactorzc); */
6371       idealzc = matid(3);
6372       l14 = glength(gel(idealfactorzc, 1));
6373       {
6374         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
6375         long i;
6376         for (i = 1; i <= l14; ++i)
6377         {
6378           idealzc = idealmul(bnf, idealzc, idealpow0(bnf, gcoeff(idealfactorzc, i, 1), gcoeff(idealfactorzc, i, 2), 0));
6379           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
6380             idealzc = gerepilecopy(btop, idealzc);
6381         }
6382       }
6383       {
6384         long i;
6385         p15 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
6386         for (i = 1; i <= 3; ++i)
6387           gel(p15, i) = basistoalg(bnf, gel(idealzc, i));
6388       }
6389       baseidealzc = p15;
6390       {
6391         long i, j;
6392         p16 = cgetg(4, t_MAT);
6393         for (j = 1; j <= 3; ++j)
6394         {
6395           gel(p16, j) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
6396           for (i = 1; i <= 3; ++i)
6397             gcoeff(p16, i, j) = gtrace(gdiv(gmul(gmul(zc, gel(baseidealzc, i)), gel(baseidealzc, j)), polprime));
6398         }
6399       }
6400       q2 = p16;
6401       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
6402         pari_printf("    q2 = %Ps\n", q2);
6403       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
6404         pari_printf("    q2/content(q2) = %Ps\n", gdiv(q2, content(q2)));
6405       /* Solution of the quadratic equation q2=0 */
6407       sol = Qfsolve(gdiv(q2, content(q2)), gen_0, prec);
6408       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
6409         pari_printf("    sol = %Ps\n", sol);
6410       if (typ(sol) == t_INT)
6411         pari_err(user, " ell2descent_gen : WRONG ELEMENT IN THE SELMER GROUP, please report");
6412       p17 = cgetg(4, t_COL);
6413       gel(p17, 1) = gsqr(x);
6414       gel(p17, 2) = gcopy(x);
6415       gel(p17, 3) = gen_1;
6416       /* Parametrizing the solutions of q2=0 */
6418       param = gmul(Qfparam(q2, sol, NULL, prec), p17);
6419       param = gdiv(param, content(param));
6420       {
6421         long i, j;
6422         p18 = cgetg(4, t_MAT);
6423         for (j = 1; j <= 3; ++j)
6424         {
6425           gel(p18, j) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
6426           for (i = 1; i <= 3; ++i)
6427             gcoeff(p18, i, j) = gtrace(gdiv(gmul(gmul(gmul(zc, gel(baseidealzc, i)), gel(baseidealzc, j)), gadd(ttheta, A)), polprime));
6428         }
6429       }
6430       /* Construction of the quartic */
6432       q1 = gneg(p18);
6433       pol = gmul(gmul(gtrans(param), q1), param);
6434       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6435         pari_printf("  quartic: %Ps*Y^2 = %Ps\n", K, pol);
6436       redq = redquartic(pol, prec);
6437       pol = gcopy(gel(redq, 1));
6438       den = denom(content(gmul(K, pol)));
6439       pol = gmul(pol, gsqr(den));
6440       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6441         pari_printf("  reduced: %Ps*Y^2 = %Ps\n", K, pol);
6442       /* Search for points on the quartic */
6444       point = ratpoint(gmul(K, pol), LIM1, gen_1, prec);
6445       if (gequal(point, cgetg(1, t_VEC)))
6446         point = ratpoint2(gmul(K, pol), LIM3, gen_1, NULL, prec);
6447       if (gequal(point, cgetg(1, t_VEC)))
6448       {
6449         iwhile = gaddgs(iwhile, 1);
6450         continue;
6451       }
6452       if (glength(point) == 2)
6453       {
6454         p19 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
6455         gel(p19, 1) = gen_1;
6456         point = concat(point, p19);
6457       }
6458       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6459         pari_printf("  point on the reduced quartic = %Ps\n", point);
6460       p20 = cgetg(3, t_COL);
6461       gel(p20, 1) = gcopy(gel(point, 1));
6462       gel(p20, 2) = gcopy(gel(point, 3));
6463       p21 = cgetg(2, t_COL);
6464       gel(p21, 1) = gdiv(gel(point, 2), den);
6465       point = concat(gmul(gel(redq, 2), p20), p21);
6466       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6467         pari_printf("  point on the quartic = %Ps\n", point);
6468       /* Construction of the point on the elliptic curve from the point on the quartic */
6470       param = gmul(gsubst(param, gvar(x), gdiv(x, y)), gsqr(y));
6471       param = gsubst(gsubst(param, gvar(x), gel(point, 1)), gvar(y), gel(point, 2));
6472       param = gmul(param, gdiv(K, gel(point, 3)));
6473       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
6474         pari_printf("  reconstruction of the point on the curve\n");
6475       {
6476         long i, j;
6477         p22 = cgetg(4, t_MAT);
6478         for (j = 1; j <= 3; ++j)
6479         {
6480           gel(p22, j) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
6481           for (i = 1; i <= 3; ++i)
6482             gcoeff(p22, i, j) = gtrace(gdiv(gmul(gmul(gmul(zc, gel(baseidealzc, i)), gel(baseidealzc, j)), gadd(gadd(gsqr(ttheta), gmul(A, ttheta)), B)), polprime));
6483         }
6484       }
6485       q0 = p22;
6486       pointxx = gdiv(gmul(gmul(gtrans(param), q0), param), K);
6487       p23 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
6488       gel(p23, 1) = gcopy(pointxx);
6489       gel(p23, 2) = sqrtrat(gdiv(gsubst(polrel, gvar(x), pointxx), K));
6490       point2 = p23;
6491       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
6492         pari_printf("  point on the curve = %Ps\n", point2);
6493       p24 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
6494       gel(p24, 1) = gcopy(point2);
6495       listpoints = concat(listpoints, p24);
6496       iwhile = shifti(gen_1, gtos(gaddgs(degre(iwhile), 1)));
6497       label3:;
6498       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
6499         gerepileall(btop, 31, &p10, &expo, &p12, &zc, &liftzc, &den, &point, &listpoints, &iwhile, &idealfactorzc, &idealzc, &p15, &baseidealzc, &p16, &q2, &sol, &p17, &param, &p18, &q1, &pol, &redq, &p19, &p20, &p21, &p22, &q0, &pointxx, &p23, &point2, &p24);
6500     }
6501   }
6502   /* MODI normalized blanks */
6504   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
6505   /*      Conclusion report           \\ */
6506   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
6508   rang = stoi(glength(listpoints));
6509   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6510   {
6511     pari_printf("\n");
6512     pari_printf("  rank of found points     = %ld\n", glength(listpoints));
6513     pari_printf("  rank of the Selmer group = %ld\n", glength(selmer));
6514   }
6515   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
6516     afficheselmer(rang, stoi(glength(selmer)), gen_0);
6517   if (!gequal0(gmodgs(gsubsg(glength(selmer), rang), 2)))
6518   {
6519     rang = gaddgs(rang, 1);
6520     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
6521     {
6522       pari_printf(" III should be a square, hence \n");
6523       afficheselmer(rang, stoi(glength(selmer)), gen_0);
6524     }
6525   }
6526   /* Verification */
6528   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
6529     pari_printf("listpoints = %Ps\n", listpoints);
6530   l6 = glength(listpoints);
6531   {
6532     pari_sp btop = avma;
6533     long i;
6534     for (i = 1; i <= l6; ++i)
6535     {
6536       if (!gequal0(gsub(gsubst(polrel, gvar(x), gel(gel(listpoints, i), 1)), gmul(K, gsqr(gel(gel(listpoints, i), 2))))))
6537         pari_err(user, " ell2descent_gen : WRONG POINT = %Ps please report", gel(listpoints, i));
6538       avma = btop;
6539     }
6540   }
6541   /* Reduction of the points */
6543   listpoints = vecsort0(listpoints, NULL, 2);
6544   if ((glength(listpoints) >= 2) && !gequal0(ELLREDGENFLAG))
6545     listpoints = ellredgen(ell, listpoints, K, prec);
6546   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
6547     pari_printf("    end of ell2descent_gen\n");
6548   p7 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
6549   gel(p7, 1) = gcopy(rang);
6550   gel(p7, 2) = stoi(glength(selmer));
6551   gel(p7, 3) = gcopy(listpoints);
6552   p7 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p7);
6553   return p7;
6554 }
6556 void
6557 afficheselmer(GEN m1, GEN m2, GEN tors2)	  /* void */
6558 {
6559   pari_sp ltop = avma;
6560   pari_printf("#E(Q)[2]      = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(tors2)));
6561   pari_printf("#S(E/Q)[2]    = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(m2)));
6562   if (gequal(gadd(m1, tors2), m2))
6563   {
6564     pari_printf("#E(Q)/2E(Q)   = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gadd(m1, tors2))));
6565     pari_printf("#III(E/Q)[2]  = 1\n");
6566     pari_printf("rank(E/Q)     = %Ps\n", m1);
6567   }
6568   else
6569   {
6570     pari_printf("#E(Q)/2E(Q)  >= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gadd(m1, tors2))));
6571     pari_printf("#III(E/Q)[2] <= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsub(gsub(m2, m1), tors2))));
6572     pari_printf("rank(E/Q)    >= %Ps\n", m1);
6573   }
6574   avma = ltop;
6575   return;
6576 }
6578 /* MODI: HC added */
6580 GEN
6581 ellrankdebug(GEN ell, GEN lev, GEN help, long prec)
6582 {
6583   pari_sp ltop = avma;
6584   GEN p1 = gen_0;
6585   if (!help)
6586     help = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
6587   DEBUGLEVEL_ell = gcopy(lev);
6588   p1 = ellrank(ell, help, prec);
6589   gerepileall(ltop, 2, &DEBUGLEVEL_ell, &p1);
6590   return p1;
6591 }
6593 GEN
6594 ellrank(GEN ell, GEN help, long prec)
6595 {
6596   pari_sp ltop = avma;
6597   GEN urst = gen_0, urst1 = gen_0, den = gen_0, eqell = gen_0, tors2 = gen_0, bnf = gen_0, rang = gen_0, time1 = gen_0;
6598   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0, p3 = gen_0, p4 = gen_0, p5 = gen_0, p6 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6599   if (!help)
6600     help = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
6601   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
6602     pari_printf("   starting ellrank\n");
6603   if (glength(ell) < 13)
6604     ell = smallellinit(ell);
6605   p1 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
6606   gel(p1, 1) = gen_1;
6607   gel(p1, 2) = gen_0;
6608   gel(p1, 3) = gen_0;
6609   gel(p1, 4) = gen_0;
6610   /* kill the coefficients a1 and a3 */
6611   urst = p1;
6612   if (!gequalgs(ell_get_a1(ell), 0) || !gequalgs(ell_get_a3(ell), 0))
6613   {
6614     p2 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
6615     gel(p2, 1) = gen_1;
6616     gel(p2, 2) = gen_0;
6617     gel(p2, 3) = gdivgs(gneg(ell_get_a1(ell)), 2);
6618     gel(p2, 4) = gdivgs(gneg(ell_get_a3(ell)), 2);
6619     urst1 = p2;
6620     ell = ellchangecurve(ell, urst1);
6621     urst = ellcomposeurst(urst, urst1);
6622   }
6623   /* kill denominators */
6624   {
6625     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
6626     GEN p7 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6627     long l8;
6628     GEN p9 = gen_0, p10 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6629     for(;;)
6630     {
6631       p7 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
6632       gel(p7, 1) = gcopy(ell_get_a2(ell));
6633       gel(p7, 2) = gcopy(ell_get_a4(ell));
6634       gel(p7, 3) = gcopy(ell_get_a6(ell));
6635       if (!(gcmpgs(den = denom(p7), 1) > 0))
6636         break;
6637       den = factor(den);
6638       l8 = glength(gel(den, 2));
6639       {
6640         long i;
6641         p9 = cgetg(l8+1, t_COL);
6642         for (i = 1; i <= l8; ++i)
6643           gel(p9, i) = gen_1;
6644       }
6645       gel(den, 2) = p9;
6646       den = factorback(den);
6647       p10 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
6648       gel(p10, 1) = ginv(den);
6649       gel(p10, 2) = gen_0;
6650       gel(p10, 3) = gen_0;
6651       gel(p10, 4) = gen_0;
6652       urst1 = p10;
6653       ell = ellchangecurve(ell, urst1);
6654       urst = ellcomposeurst(urst, urst1);
6655       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
6656         gerepileall(btop, 7, &p7, &den, &p9, &p10, &urst1, &ell, &urst);
6657     }
6658   }
6659   help = ellchangepoint(help, urst);
6660   p3 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
6661   gel(p3, 1) = gen_1;
6662   gel(p3, 2) = gcopy(ell_get_a2(ell));
6663   gel(p3, 3) = gcopy(ell_get_a4(ell));
6664   gel(p3, 4) = gcopy(ell_get_a6(ell));
6665   eqell = gtopoly(p3, -1);
6666   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
6667     pari_printf(" Elliptic curve : Y^2 = %Ps\n", eqell);
6668   p4 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
6669   gel(p4, 1) = gen_0;
6670   /* Choice of the algorithm depending on the 2-torsion structure */
6672   tors2 = ellhalf(ell, p4, prec);
6673   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
6674     pari_printf(" E[2] = %Ps\n", tors2);
6675   if (glength(tors2) == 1)
6676   {
6677     /* case 1: 2-torsion trivial */
6678     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
6679       pari_printf("   bnfinit(%Ps)", eqell);
6680     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
6681       gettime();
6682     bnf = Buchall(eqell, nf_FORCE, prec);
6683     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
6684       time1 = stoi(gettime());
6685     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
6686       pari_printf(" done\n");
6687     rang = ell2descent_gen(ell, bnf, gen_1, help, NULL, prec);
6688     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
6689       pari_printf("    time for bnfinit  = %Ps\n", time1);
6690     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
6691       pari_printf("    time for the rest = %ld\n", gettime());
6692   }
6693   else
6694   {
6695     if ((glength(tors2) == 2) || (gequal0(COMPLETE)))
6696     {
6697       /* case 2: 2-torsion >= Z/2Z */
6698       if (!gequalgs(ell_get_a6(ell), 0))
6699       {
6700         p5 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
6701         gel(p5, 1) = gen_1;
6702         gel(p5, 2) = gcopy(gel(gel(tors2, 2), 1));
6703         gel(p5, 3) = gen_0;
6704         gel(p5, 4) = gen_0;
6705         urst1 = p5;
6706         ell = ellchangecurve(ell, urst1);
6707         urst = ellcomposeurst(urst, urst1);
6708       }
6709       p6 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
6710       gel(p6, 1) = gen_1;
6711       gel(p6, 2) = gcopy(ell_get_a2(ell));
6712       gel(p6, 3) = gcopy(ell_get_a4(ell));
6713       gel(p6, 4) = gcopy(ell_get_a6(ell));
6714       eqell = gtopoly(p6, -1);
6715       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
6716         pari_printf(" Elliptic curve : Y^2 = %Ps\n", eqell);
6717       rang = ell2descent_viaisog(ell, help, prec);
6718     }
6719     else
6720       /* case 3: 2-torsion = Z/2Z*Z/2Z */
6721       rang = ell2descent_complete(gel(gel(tors2, 2), 1), gel(gel(tors2, 3), 1), gel(gel(tors2, 4), 1), gen_0, prec);
6722   }
6723   gel(rang, 3) = ellchangepointinverse(gel(rang, 3), urst);
6724   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
6725     pari_printf("   end of ellrank\n");
6726   rang = gerepilecopy(ltop, rang);
6727   return rang;
6728 }
6730 GEN
6731 ell2descent_complete(GEN e1, GEN e2, GEN e3, GEN help, long prec)	  /* vec */
6732 {
6733   pari_sp ltop = avma;
6734   GEN ee = gen_0, d32 = gen_0, d31 = gen_0, d21 = gen_0, G1 = gen_0, G2 = gen_0, G3 = gen_0, vect1 = gen_0, vect2 = gen_0, vect3 = gen_0, selmer = gen_0, rang = gen_0, listepoints = gen_0, b1 = gen_0, b2 = gen_0, q1 = gen_0, sol1 = gen_0, param1 = gen_0, param1x = gen_0, quart = gen_0, point = gen_0, z1 = gen_0, solx = gen_0, soly = gen_0, strange = gen_0, ell = gen_0;
6735   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6736   long l2;
6737   GEN p3 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6738   long l4;
6739   GEN p5 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6740   GEN x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
6741   GEN p6 = gen_0, p7 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6742   /* local(sol2,q2); */
6743   /* only if used below */
6744   /* MODI remove sol2 q2 */
6746   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
6747     pari_printf("  Algorithm of complete 2-descent\n");
6748   p1 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
6749   gel(p1, 1) = gcopy(e1);
6750   gel(p1, 2) = gcopy(e2);
6751   gel(p1, 3) = gcopy(e3);
6752   /* sort the integers e1, e2, e3 in increasing order */
6754   ee = sort(p1);
6755   e1 = gcopy(gel(ee, 1));
6756   e2 = gcopy(gel(ee, 2));
6757   e3 = gcopy(gel(ee, 3));
6758   /* Computation of the groups G1 and G2 */
6760   d32 = gsub(e3, e2);
6761   d31 = gsub(e3, e1);
6762   d21 = gsub(e2, e1);
6763   G1 = gcopy(gel(factor(gmul(d31, d21)), 1));
6764   /* (G1 > 0) */
6765   G2 = gcopy(gel(factor(gmul(gneg(d32), d21)), 1));
6766   /* (G2 < 0) */
6767   G3 = gmul(d31, d32);
6768   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
6769     pari_printf("   G1 = %Ps\n", G1);
6770   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
6771     pari_printf("   G2 = %Ps\n", G2);
6772   l2 = glength(G1);
6773   {
6774     long i;
6775     GEN p8 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6776     p3 = cgetg(l2+1, t_VEC);
6777     for (i = 1; i <= l2; ++i)
6778     {
6779       p8 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
6780       gel(p8, 1) = gen_0;
6781       gel(p8, 2) = gen_1;
6782       gel(p3, i) = p8;
6783     }
6784   }
6785   /* Run through G1*G2 */
6787   vect1 = p3;
6788   l4 = glength(G2);
6789   {
6790     long i;
6791     GEN p9 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6792     p5 = cgetg(l4+1, t_VEC);
6793     for (i = 1; i <= l4; ++i)
6794     {
6795       p9 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
6796       gel(p9, 1) = gen_0;
6797       gel(p9, 2) = gen_1;
6798       gel(p5, i) = p9;
6799     }
6800   }
6801   vect2 = p5;
6802   selmer = gen_0;
6803   rang = gen_0;
6804   listepoints = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
6805   {
6806     GEN fv_data = gen_0;
6807     GEN (*fv_next)(GEN, GEN);	  /* func_GG */
6808     GEN X = forvec_start(vect1, 0, &fv_data, &fv_next);	  /* vec */
6809     {
6810       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
6811       long l10;
6812       GEN p11 = gen_0;
6813       long l12;
6814       for (  ; X; X = fv_next(fv_data, X))
6815       {
6816         l10 = glength(G1);
6817         {
6818           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
6819           long i;
6820           p11 = gen_1;
6821           for (i = 1; i <= l10; ++i)
6822           {
6823             p11 = gmul(p11, gpow(gel(G1, i), gel(X, i), prec));
6824             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
6825               p11 = gerepilecopy(btop, p11);
6826           }
6827         }
6828         b1 = p11;
6829         /* b1*b2*b3 must be a square, where b3 is a divisor of d32*d31 */
6830         vect3 = gcopy(vect2);
6831         l12 = glength(G2);
6832         {
6833           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
6834           long i;
6835           GEN p13 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6836           for (i = 2; i <= l12; ++i)
6837           {
6838             if (!gequalgs(gmod(G3, gel(G2, i)), 0))
6839             {
6840               p13 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
6841               gel(p13, 1) = gen_1;
6842               gel(p13, 2) = gen_1;
6843               gel(vect3, i) = gmulgs(p13, ggval(b1, gel(G2, i)));
6844             }
6845             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
6846               gerepileall(btop, 2, &p13, &vect3);
6847           }
6848         }
6849         {
6850           GEN fv_data = gen_0;
6851           GEN (*fv_next)(GEN, GEN);	  /* func_GG */
6852           GEN Y = forvec_start(vect3, 0, &fv_data, &fv_next);	  /* vec */
6853           {
6854             pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
6855             long l14;
6856             GEN p15 = gen_0;
6857             GEN p16 = gen_0, p17 = gen_0, p18 = gen_0, p19 = gen_0, p20 = gen_0, p21 = gen_0, p22 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6858             long l23;
6859             GEN p24 = gen_0, p25 = gen_0, p26 = gen_0, p27 = gen_0, p28 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6860             for (  ; Y; Y = fv_next(fv_data, Y))
6861             {
6862               l14 = glength(G2);
6863               {
6864                 pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
6865                 long i;
6866                 p15 = gen_1;
6867                 for (i = 1; i <= l14; ++i)
6868                 {
6869                   p15 = gmul(p15, gpow(gel(G2, i), gel(Y, i), prec));
6870                   if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
6871                     p15 = gerepilecopy(btop, p15);
6872                 }
6873               }
6874               b2 = p15;
6875               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
6876               {
6877                 p16 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
6878                 gel(p16, 1) = gcopy(b1);
6879                 gel(p16, 2) = gcopy(b2);
6880                 pari_printf("   [b1,b2] = %Ps\n", lift(p16));
6881               }
6882               /* Trivial points coming from the 2-torsion */
6884               if (gequal1(b1) && gequal1(b2))
6885               {
6886                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
6887                   pari_printf("    trivial point [0]\n");
6888                 selmer = gaddgs(selmer, 1);
6889                 rang = gaddgs(rang, 1);
6890                 continue;
6891               }
6892               if (!gequal0(gissquare(gmul(gneg(d21), b2))) && !gequal0(gissquare(gmul(gmul(d31, d21), b1))))
6893               {
6894                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
6895                   pari_printf("   trivial point [e1,0]\n");
6896                 selmer = gaddgs(selmer, 1);
6897                 rang = gaddgs(rang, 1);
6898                 p17 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
6899                 p18 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
6900                 gel(p18, 1) = gcopy(e1);
6901                 gel(p18, 2) = gen_0;
6902                 gel(p17, 1) = p18;
6903                 listepoints = concat(listepoints, p17);
6904                 continue;
6905               }
6906               if (!gequal0(gissquare(gmul(d21, b1))) && !gequal0(gissquare(gmul(gmul(gneg(d32), d21), b2))))
6907               {
6908                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
6909                   pari_printf("   trivial point [e2,0]\n");
6910                 selmer = gaddgs(selmer, 1);
6911                 rang = gaddgs(rang, 1);
6912                 p19 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
6913                 p20 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
6914                 gel(p20, 1) = gcopy(e2);
6915                 gel(p20, 2) = gen_0;
6916                 gel(p19, 1) = p20;
6917                 listepoints = concat(listepoints, p19);
6918                 continue;
6919               }
6920               if (!gequal0(gissquare(gmul(d31, b1))) && !gequal0(gissquare(gmul(d32, b2))))
6921               {
6922                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
6923                   pari_printf("   trivial point [e3,0]\n");
6924                 selmer = gaddgs(selmer, 1);
6925                 rang = gaddgs(rang, 1);
6926                 p21 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
6927                 p22 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
6928                 gel(p22, 1) = gcopy(e3);
6929                 gel(p22, 2) = gen_0;
6930                 gel(p21, 1) = p22;
6931                 listepoints = concat(listepoints, p21);
6932                 continue;
6933               }
6934               /* Trivial points coming from help */
6936               l23 = glength(help);
6937               {
6938                 pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
6939                 long i;
6940                 GEN p29 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
6941                 for (i = 1; i <= l23; ++i)
6942                 {
6943                   if ((glength(gel(help, i)) != 2) || gequal0(gel(gel(help, i), 2)))
6944                     continue;
6945                   if (!gequal0(gissquare(gmul(b1, gsub(gel(gel(help, i), 1), e1)))) && !gequal0(gissquare(gmul(b2, gsub(gel(gel(help, i), 1), e2)))))
6946                   {
6947                     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
6948                       pari_printf("   trivial point from help %Ps\n", gel(help, i));
6949                     selmer = gaddgs(selmer, 1);
6950                     rang = gaddgs(rang, 1);
6951                     p29 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
6952                     gel(p29, 1) = gcopy(gel(help, i));
6953                     listepoints = concat(listepoints, p29);
6954                     goto label4;
6955                   }
6956                   if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
6957                     gerepileall(btop, 4, &selmer, &rang, &p29, &listepoints);
6958                 }
6959               }
6960               p24 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
6961               gel(p24, 1) = gcopy(b1);
6962               gel(p24, 2) = gneg(b2);
6963               gel(p24, 3) = gneg(d21);
6964               /* If one can solve 2 quadratic equations */
6965               /* (1) q1 : b1*z1^2-b2*z2^2 = e2-e1 */
6966               /* (2) q2 : b1*z1^2-b1*b2*z3^2 = e3-e1 */
6967               /* then (x,y) = (b1*z1^2+e1,b1*b2*z1*z2*z3) is a point on E */
6968               /* we also have */
6969               /* (3) q3 = q1-q2 : b1*b2*z3^2-b2*z2^2=e2-e3 */
6971               /* Solution of the q1 */
6973               q1 = diagonal(p24);
6974               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
6975                 pari_printf("   q1 = %Ps\n", q1);
6976               sol1 = Qfsolve(q1, gen_0, prec);
6977               if (typ(sol1) == t_INT)
6978               {
6979                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
6980                   pari_printf("   q1 not ELS at %Ps\n", sol1);
6981                 continue;
6982               }
6983               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
6984                 pari_printf("   solution of q1 = %Ps\n", sol1);
6985               param1 = Qfparam(q1, sol1, gen_1, prec);
6986               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
6987                 pari_printf("   parametrization of q1 = %Ps\n", param1);
6988               p25 = cgetg(4, t_COL);
6989               gel(p25, 1) = gsqr(x);
6990               gel(p25, 2) = gcopy(x);
6991               gel(p25, 3) = gen_1;
6992               param1x = gmul(param1, p25);
6993               /* Solution of the q2 */
6994               /* only useful to detect local non solubility */
6996               /*      q2 = matdiagonal([b1,-b1*b2,-d31]); */
6997               /*if( DEBUGLEVEL_ell >= 3, print("   q2 = ",q2)); */
6998               /*      sol2 = Qfsolve(q2); */
6999               /*      if( type(sol2) == "t_INT", */
7000               /*if( DEBUGLEVEL_ell >= 3, print("   q2 not ELS at ",sol2)); */
7001               /*        next); */
7003               /* Construction of the quartic */
7005               quart = gmul(gmul(b1, b2), gsub(gmul(b1, gsqr(gel(param1x, 1))), gmul(d31, gsqr(gel(param1x, 3)))));
7006               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
7007                 pari_printf("   quart = %Ps\n", quart);
7008               /* Local solubility of the quartic */
7010               if (!locallysoluble(quart, prec))
7011               {
7012                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
7013                   pari_printf("   quartic not ELS \n");
7014                 continue;
7015               }
7016               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
7017                 pari_printf("  y^2 = %Ps\n", quart);
7018               selmer = gaddgs(selmer, 1);
7019               /* Search for points on the quartic */
7021               point = ratpoint2(quart, LIM3, gen_1, NULL, prec);
7022               if (!gequal(point, cgetg(1, t_VEC)))
7023               {
7024                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
7025                   pari_printf("  point found on the quartic !!\n");
7026                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
7027                   pari_printf("   %Ps\n", point);
7028                 if (glength(point) == 2)
7029                   z1 = gdiv(gsubst(gel(param1x, 1), gvar(x), gel(point, 1)), gsubst(gel(param1x, 3), gvar(x), gel(point, 1)));
7030                 else
7031                   z1 = gdiv(gcoeff(param1, 1, 1), gcoeff(param1, 3, 1));
7032                 solx = gadd(gmul(b1, gsqr(z1)), e1);
7033                 soly = sqrtrat(gmul(gmul(gsub(solx, e1), gsub(solx, e2)), gsub(solx, e3)));
7034                 p26 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
7035                 p27 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
7036                 gel(p27, 1) = gcopy(solx);
7037                 gel(p27, 2) = gcopy(soly);
7038                 gel(p26, 1) = p27;
7039                 listepoints = concat(listepoints, p26);
7040                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
7041                 {
7042                   p28 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
7043                   gel(p28, 1) = gcopy(solx);
7044                   gel(p28, 2) = gcopy(soly);
7045                   pari_printf(" point on the elliptic curve = %Ps\n", p28);
7046                 }
7047                 rang = gaddgs(rang, 1);
7048               }
7049               else
7050                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
7051                   pari_printf("  no point found on the quartic\n");
7052               label4:;
7053               if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
7054                 gerepileall(btop, 27, &p15, &b2, &p16, &selmer, &rang, &p18, &p17, &listepoints, &p20, &p19, &p22, &p21, &p24, &q1, &sol1, &param1, &p25, &param1x, &quart, &point, &z1, &solx, &soly, &p27, &p26, &p28, &Y);
7055             }
7056           }
7057         }
7058         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
7059           gerepileall(btop, 17, &p11, &b1, &vect3, &b2, &selmer, &rang, &listepoints, &q1, &sol1, &param1, &param1x, &quart, &point, &z1, &solx, &soly, &X);
7060       }
7061     }
7062   }
7063   /* end */
7065   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
7066     pari_printf("#S^(2)      = %Ps\n", selmer);
7067   if (gcmp(rang, gdivgs(selmer, 2)) > 0)
7068     rang = selmer;
7069   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
7070   {
7071     strange = stoi(!gequal(rang, selmer));
7072     if (!gequal0(strange))
7073       pari_printf("#E[K]/2E[K]>= %Ps\n", rang);
7074     else
7075       pari_printf("#E[K]/2E[K] = %Ps\n", rang);
7076     pari_printf("#E[2]       = 4\n");
7077   }
7078   rang = gsubgs(gceil(gdiv(glog(rang, prec), glog(gen_2, prec))), 2);
7079   selmer = stoi(ggval(selmer, gen_2));
7080   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
7081   {
7082     if (!gequal0(strange))
7083       pari_printf("%Ps >= rank  >= %Ps\n", gsubgs(selmer, 2), rang);
7084     else
7085       pari_printf("rank        = %Ps\n", rang);
7086     if (!gequal0(rang))
7087       pari_printf("points = %Ps\n", listepoints);
7088   }
7089   p6 = cgetg(6, t_VEC);
7090   gel(p6, 1) = gen_0;
7091   gel(p6, 2) = gneg(gadd(gadd(e1, e2), e3));
7092   gel(p6, 3) = gen_0;
7093   gel(p6, 4) = gadd(gadd(gmul(e1, e2), gmul(e2, e3)), gmul(e3, e1));
7094   gel(p6, 5) = gmul(gmul(gneg(e1), e2), e3);
7095   ell = smallellinit(p6);
7096   listepoints = vecsort0(listepoints, NULL, 2);
7097   if (!gequal0(ELLREDGENFLAG))
7098     listepoints = ellredgen(ell, listepoints, NULL, prec);
7099   listepoints = concat(ellsort(gel(elltorseven(ell, prec), 3), prec), listepoints);
7100   p7 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
7101   gel(p7, 1) = gcopy(rang);
7102   gel(p7, 2) = gcopy(selmer);
7103   gel(p7, 3) = gcopy(listepoints);
7104   p7 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p7);
7105   return p7;
7106 }
7108 GEN
7109 ellcount(GEN c, GEN d, GEN KS2gen, GEN listpointstriv, long prec)	  /* vec */
7110 {
7111   pari_sp ltop = avma;
7112   GEN found = gen_0, listgen = gen_0, listpointscount = gen_0, m1 = gen_0, m2 = gen_0, lastloc = gen_0, mask = gen_0, i = gen_0, d1 = gen_0, iaux = gen_0, j = gen_0, triv = gen_0, pol = gen_0, point = gen_0, qf = gen_0, solqf = gen_0, para = gen_0, point1 = gen_0, v = gen_0;
7113   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
7114   GEN x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x")), t = pol_x(fetch_user_var("t"));
7115   long l2;
7116   GEN p3 = gen_0, p4 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
7117   if (!listpointstriv)
7118     listpointstriv = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
7119   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
7120   {
7121     p1 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
7122     gel(p1, 1) = gcopy(c);
7123     gel(p1, 2) = gcopy(d);
7124     pari_printf("    starting ellcount %Ps\n", p1);
7125   }
7126   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
7127     pari_printf("    KS2gen = %Ps\n", KS2gen);
7128   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
7129     pari_printf("    listpointstriv = %Ps\n", listpointstriv);
7130   found = gen_0;
7131   listgen = gcopy(KS2gen);
7132   listpointscount = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
7133   m1 = m2 = gen_0;
7134   lastloc = gen_m1;
7135   mask = shifti(gen_1, glength(KS2gen));
7136   i = gen_1;
7137   {
7138     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
7139     long l5;
7140     GEN p6 = gen_0, p7 = gen_0, p8 = gen_0, p9 = gen_0, p10 = gen_0, p11 = gen_0, p12 = gen_0, p13 = gen_0, p14 = gen_0, p15 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
7141     while (gcmp(i, mask) < 0)
7142     {
7143       d1 = gen_1;
7144       iaux = i;
7145       j = gen_1;
7146       {
7147         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
7148         while (!gequal0(iaux))
7149         {
7150           if (!gequal0(gmodgs(iaux, 2)))
7151             d1 = gmul(d1, gel(listgen, gtos(j)));
7152           iaux = gshift(iaux, -1);
7153           j = gaddgs(j, 1);
7154           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
7155             gerepileall(btop, 3, &d1, &iaux, &j);
7156         }
7157       }
7158       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
7159         pari_printf("   d1 = %Ps\n", d1);
7160       triv = gen_0;
7161       l5 = glength(listpointstriv);
7162       {
7163         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
7164         long j;
7165         GEN p16 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
7166         for (j = 1; j <= l5; ++j)
7167         {
7168           if (!gequal0(gel(gel(listpointstriv, j), 1)) && !gequal0(gissquare(gmul(d1, gel(gel(listpointstriv, j), 1)))))
7169           {
7170             p16 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
7171             gel(p16, 1) = gcopy(gel(listpointstriv, j));
7172             listpointscount = concat(listpointscount, p16);
7173             if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
7174               pari_printf("  trivial point\n");
7175             triv = gen_1;
7176             m1 = gaddgs(m1, 1);
7177             if (gcmp(degre(i), lastloc) > 0)
7178               m2 = gaddgs(m2, 1);
7179             found = gen_1;
7180             lastloc = gen_m1;
7181             break;
7182           }
7183           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
7184             gerepileall(btop, 7, &p16, &listpointscount, &triv, &m1, &m2, &found, &lastloc);
7185         }
7186       }
7187       if (gequal0(triv))
7188       {
7189         p6 = cgetg(6, t_VEC);
7190         gel(p6, 1) = gcopy(d1);
7191         gel(p6, 2) = gen_0;
7192         gel(p6, 3) = gcopy(c);
7193         gel(p6, 4) = gen_0;
7194         gel(p6, 5) = gdiv(d, d1);
7195         pol = gtopoly(p6, -1);
7196         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
7197           pari_printf("   quartic = y^2 = %Ps\n", pol);
7198         point = ratpoint(pol, LIM1, gen_1, prec);
7199         if (!gequal(point, cgetg(1, t_VEC)))
7200         {
7201           if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
7202             pari_printf("  point on the quartic\n");
7203           if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
7204             pari_printf("%Ps\n", point);
7205           m1 = gaddgs(m1, 1);
7206           p7 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
7207           gel(p7, 1) = gmul(gmul(d1, gel(point, 1)), point);
7208           listpointscount = concat(listpointscount, p7);
7209           if (gcmp(degre(i), lastloc) > 0)
7210             m2 = gaddgs(m2, 1);
7211           found = gen_1;
7212           lastloc = gen_m1;
7213         }
7214         else
7215           if (locallysoluble(pol, prec))
7216           {
7217             if (gcmp(degre(i), lastloc) > 0)
7218             {
7219               m2 = gaddgs(m2, 1);
7220               lastloc = degre(i);
7221             }
7222             p8 = cgetg(4, t_MAT);
7223             gel(p8, 1) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
7224             gel(p8, 2) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
7225             gel(p8, 3) = cgetg(4, t_COL);
7226             gcoeff(p8, 1, 1) = gcopy(d1);
7227             gcoeff(p8, 1, 2) = gdivgs(c, 2);
7228             gcoeff(p8, 1, 3) = gen_0;
7229             gcoeff(p8, 2, 1) = gdivgs(c, 2);
7230             gcoeff(p8, 2, 2) = gdiv(d, d1);
7231             gcoeff(p8, 2, 3) = gen_0;
7232             gcoeff(p8, 3, 1) = gen_0;
7233             gcoeff(p8, 3, 2) = gen_0;
7234             gcoeff(p8, 3, 3) = gen_m1;
7235             /*        point = ratpoint2(pol,LIM3,1); */
7236             /*\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
7237             /* Instead of solving directly y^2 = d1*x^4+c*x^2+d/d1, */
7238             /* we solve first y^2 = d1*X^2+c*X+d/d1, then solve the quartic X = x^2 */
7239             /* which gives a new quartic */
7240             qf = gmulsg(2, p8);
7241             solqf = Qfsolve(qf, gen_0, prec);
7242             p9 = cgetg(4, t_COL);
7243             gel(p9, 1) = gsqr(x);
7244             gel(p9, 2) = gcopy(x);
7245             gel(p9, 3) = gen_1;
7246             para = gmul(Qfparam(qf, solqf, gen_2, prec), p9);
7247             if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
7248             {
7249               p10 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
7250               gel(p10, 1) = gcopy(d1);
7251               gel(p10, 2) = gcopy(c);
7252               gel(p10, 3) = gdiv(d, d1);
7253               pari_printf("   the conic y^2 = %Ps\n", gtopoly(p10, -1));
7254               p11 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
7255               gel(p11, 1) = gdiv(gel(para, 1), gel(para, 2));
7256               gel(p11, 2) = gdiv(gel(para, 3), gel(para, 2));
7257               pari_printf("   is parametrized by [x,y] = %Ps\n", gsubst(p11, gvar(x), t));
7258             }
7259             point1 = ratpoint2(gmul(gel(para, 1), gel(para, 2)), LIM3, gen_1, NULL, prec);
7260             if (!gequal(point1, cgetg(1, t_VEC)))
7261             {
7262               if (glength(point1) == 2)
7263                 para = gsubst(para, gvar(x), gel(point1, 1));
7264               else
7265               {
7266                 p12 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
7267                 gel(p12, 1) = gen_1;
7268                 gel(p12, 2) = gdiv(gel(point1, 2), gsqr(gel(point1, 1)));
7269                 gel(p12, 3) = gen_0;
7270                 point1 = p12;
7271                 {
7272                   long ii;
7273                   p13 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
7274                   for (ii = 1; ii <= 3; ++ii)
7275                     gel(p13, ii) = polcoeff0(gel(para, ii), 2, -1);
7276                 }
7277                 para = p13;
7278               }
7279               p14 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
7280               gel(p14, 1) = gdiv(gel(point1, 2), gel(para, 2));
7281               gel(p14, 2) = gdiv(gel(para, 3), gel(para, 2));
7282               point = p14;
7283             }
7284             else
7285               point = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
7286             /*\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
7287             if (!gequal(point, cgetg(1, t_VEC)))
7288             {
7289               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
7290                 pari_printf("  point on the quartic\n");
7291               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
7292                 pari_printf("%Ps\n", point);
7293               m1 = gaddgs(m1, 1);
7294               p15 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
7295               gel(p15, 1) = gmul(gmul(d1, gel(point, 1)), point);
7296               listpointscount = concat(listpointscount, p15);
7297               if (gcmp(degre(i), lastloc) > 0)
7298                 m2 = gaddgs(m2, 1);
7299               found = gen_1;
7300               lastloc = gen_m1;
7301             }
7302             else
7303               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
7304                 pari_printf("  no point found on the quartic\n");
7305           }
7306       }
7307       if (!gequal0(found))
7308       {
7309         found = gen_0;
7310         v = gen_0;
7311         iaux = gshift(i, -1);
7312         {
7313           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
7314           while (!gequal0(iaux))
7315           {
7316             iaux = gshift(iaux, -1);
7317             v = gaddgs(v, 1);
7318             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
7319               gerepileall(btop, 2, &iaux, &v);
7320           }
7321         }
7322         mask = gshift(mask, -1);
7323         listgen = extract0(listgen, subis(subii(shifti(gen_1, glength(listgen)), shifti(gen_1, gtos(v))), 1), NULL);
7324         i = shifti(gen_1, gtos(v));
7325       }
7326       else
7327         i = gaddgs(i, 1);
7328       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
7329         gerepileall(btop, 29, &d1, &iaux, &j, &triv, &listpointscount, &m1, &m2, &found, &lastloc, &p6, &pol, &point, &p7, &p8, &qf, &solqf, &p9, &para, &p10, &p11, &point1, &p12, &p13, &p14, &p15, &v, &mask, &listgen, &i);
7330     }
7331   }
7332   l2 = glength(listpointscount);
7333   {
7334     pari_sp btop = avma;
7335     long i;
7336     for (i = 1; i <= l2; ++i)
7337     {
7338       if (glength(gel(listpointscount, i)) > 1)
7339         if (!gequalgs(gsub(gsubst(gadd(gadd(gpowgs(x, 3), gmul(c, gsqr(x))), gmul(d, x)), gvar(x), gel(gel(listpointscount, i), 1)), gsqr(gel(gel(listpointscount, i), 2))), 0))
7340           pari_err(user, " ellcount : WRONG POINT, please report %ld", i);
7341       avma = btop;
7342     }
7343   }
7344   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
7345     pari_printf("    end of ellcount\n");
7346   p3 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
7347   gel(p3, 1) = gcopy(listpointscount);
7348   p4 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
7349   gel(p4, 1) = gcopy(m1);
7350   gel(p4, 2) = gcopy(m2);
7351   gel(p3, 2) = p4;
7352   p3 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p3);
7353   return p3;
7354 }
7356 GEN
7357 ell2descent_viaisog(GEN ell, GEN help, long prec)	  /* vec */
7358 {
7359   pari_sp ltop = avma;
7360   GEN P = gen_0, Pfact = gen_0, tors = gen_0, listpointstriv = gen_0, KS2prod = gen_0, KS2gen = gen_0, listpoints = gen_0, pointgen = gen_0, n1 = gen_0, n2 = gen_0, certain = gen_0, apinit = gen_0, bpinit = gen_0, np1 = gen_0, np2 = gen_0, listpoints2 = gen_0, aux1 = gen_0, aux2 = gen_0, certainp = gen_0, rang = gen_0, strange = gen_0;
7361   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
7362   GEN x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
7363   GEN p2 = gen_0, p3 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
7364   long l4;
7365   GEN p5 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
7366   long l6;
7367   GEN p7 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
7368   if (!help)
7369     help = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
7370   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
7371     pari_printf("  Algorithm of 2-descent via isogenies\n");
7372   if (glength(ell) < 13)
7373     ell = smallellinit(ell);
7374   if (gequal0(member_disc(ell)))
7375     pari_err(user, " ell2descent_viaisog : singular curve !!");
7376   if ((!gequalgs(ell_get_a1(ell), 0) || !gequalgs(ell_get_a3(ell), 0)) || !gequalgs(ell_get_a6(ell), 0))
7377     pari_err(user, " ell2descent_viaisog : the curve is not on the form [0,a,0,b,0]");
7378   if ((gcmpgs(denom(ell_get_a2(ell)), 1) > 0) || (gcmpgs(denom(ell_get_a4(ell)), 1) > 0))
7379     pari_err(user, " ell2descent_viaisog : non-integral coefficients");
7380   p1 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
7381   gel(p1, 1) = gen_1;
7382   gel(p1, 2) = gcopy(ell_get_a2(ell));
7383   gel(p1, 3) = gcopy(ell_get_a4(ell));
7384   /* */
7385   /* Working with the initial curve */
7386   /* */
7388   /* Construction of trivial points : torsion */
7390   P = gtopoly(p1, -1);
7391   Pfact = gcopy(gel(factor(P), 1));
7392   tors = stoi(glength(Pfact));
7393   listpointstriv = concat(help, gel(elltorseven(ell, prec), 3));
7394   /* Construction of trivial points : small naive height */
7396   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
7397     pari_printf("   Search for trivial points on the curve\n");
7398   P = gmul(P, x);
7399   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
7400     pari_printf("   Y^2 = %Ps\n", P);
7401   listpointstriv = concat(listpointstriv, ratpoint(P, LIMTRIV, gen_0, prec));
7402   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
7403   {
7404     pari_printf(" trivial points on E(Q) = %Ps\n", listpointstriv);
7405     pari_printf("\n");
7406   }
7407   KS2prod = gneg(gabs(ell_get_a4(ell), prec));
7408   if (gcmpgs(gsub(gsqr(ell_get_a2(ell)), gmulsg(4, ell_get_a4(ell))), 0) < 0)
7409     KS2prod = gmulgs(KS2prod, -1);
7410   KS2gen = gcopy(gel(factor(KS2prod), 1));
7411   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
7412   {
7413     pari_printf("  #K(b,2)gen          = %ld\n", glength(KS2gen));
7414     pari_printf("  K(b,2)gen = %Ps\n", KS2gen);
7415   }
7416   listpoints = ellcount(ell_get_a2(ell), ell_get_a4(ell), KS2gen, listpointstriv, prec);
7417   pointgen = gcopy(gel(listpoints, 1));
7418   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
7419   {
7420     pari_printf(" points on E(Q) = %Ps\n", pointgen);
7421     pari_printf("\n");
7422   }
7423   n1 = gcopy(gel(gel(listpoints, 2), 1));
7424   n2 = gcopy(gel(gel(listpoints, 2), 2));
7425   certain = stoi(gequal(n1, n2));
7426   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
7427   {
7428     if (!gequal0(certain))
7429     {
7430       pari_printf("[E(Q):phi'(E'(Q))]  = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(n1)));
7431       pari_printf("#S^(phi')(E'/Q)     = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(n2)));
7432       pari_printf("#III(E'/Q)[phi']    = 1\n");
7433       pari_printf("\n");
7434     }
7435     else
7436     {
7437       pari_printf("[E(Q):phi'(E'(Q))] >= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(n1)));
7438       pari_printf("#S^(phi')(E'/Q)     = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(n2)));
7439       pari_printf("#III(E'/Q)[phi']   <= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsub(n2, n1))));
7440       pari_printf("\n");
7441     }
7442   }
7443   /* */
7444   /* Working with the isogeneous curve */
7445   /* */
7447   apinit = gmulsg(-2, ell_get_a2(ell));
7448   bpinit = gsub(gsqr(ell_get_a2(ell)), gmulsg(4, ell_get_a4(ell)));
7449   KS2prod = gneg(gabs(bpinit, prec));
7450   if (gcmpgs(ell_get_a4(ell), 0) < 0)
7451     KS2prod = gmulgs(KS2prod, -1);
7452   KS2gen = gcopy(gel(factor(KS2prod), 1));
7453   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
7454   {
7455     pari_printf("  #K(a^2-4b,2)gen     = %ld\n", glength(KS2gen));
7456     pari_printf("  K(a^2-4b,2)gen     = %Ps\n", KS2gen);
7457   }
7458   p2 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
7459   gel(p2, 1) = gen_1;
7460   gel(p2, 2) = gcopy(apinit);
7461   gel(p2, 3) = gcopy(bpinit);
7462   /* Construction of trivial points : torsion */
7464   P = gtopoly(p2, -1);
7465   p3 = cgetg(6, t_VEC);
7466   gel(p3, 1) = gen_0;
7467   gel(p3, 2) = gcopy(apinit);
7468   gel(p3, 3) = gen_0;
7469   gel(p3, 4) = gcopy(bpinit);
7470   gel(p3, 5) = gen_0;
7471   listpointstriv = gcopy(gel(elltorseven(p3, prec), 3));
7472   /* Construction of trivial points : small naive height */
7474   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
7475     pari_printf("   Search for trivial points on the curve\n");
7476   P = gmul(P, x);
7477   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
7478     pari_printf(" Y^2 = %Ps\n", P);
7479   listpointstriv = concat(listpointstriv, ratpoint(P, LIMTRIV, gen_0, prec));
7480   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
7481   {
7482     pari_printf(" trivial points on E'(Q) = %Ps\n", listpointstriv);
7483     pari_printf("\n");
7484   }
7485   listpoints = ellcount(apinit, bpinit, KS2gen, listpointstriv, prec);
7486   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
7487     pari_printf(" points on E'(Q) = %Ps\n", gel(listpoints, 1));
7488   np1 = gcopy(gel(gel(listpoints, 2), 1));
7489   np2 = gcopy(gel(gel(listpoints, 2), 2));
7490   l4 = glength(gel(listpoints, 1));
7491   {
7492     long i;
7493     p5 = cgetg(l4+1, t_VEC);
7494     for (i = 1; i <= l4; ++i)
7495       gel(p5, i) = gen_0;
7496   }
7497   listpoints2 = p5;
7498   l6 = glength(gel(listpoints, 1));
7499   {
7500     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
7501     long i;
7502     GEN p8 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
7503     for (i = 1; i <= l6; ++i)
7504     {
7505       p8 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
7506       gel(p8, 1) = gen_0;
7507       gel(p8, 2) = gen_0;
7508       gel(listpoints2, i) = p8;
7509       aux1 = gsqr(gel(gel(gel(listpoints, 1), i), 1));
7510       if (!gequalgs(aux1, 0))
7511       {
7512         aux2 = gcopy(gel(gel(gel(listpoints, 1), i), 2));
7513         gel(gel(listpoints2, i), 1) = gdivgs(gdiv(gsqr(aux2), aux1), 4);
7514         gel(gel(listpoints2, i), 2) = gdivgs(gdiv(gmul(aux2, gsub(bpinit, aux1)), aux1), 8);
7515       }
7516       else
7517         gel(listpoints2, i) = gcopy(gel(gel(listpoints, 1), i));
7518       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
7519         gerepileall(btop, 4, &p8, &listpoints2, &aux1, &aux2);
7520     }
7521   }
7522   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
7523   {
7524     pari_printf(" points on E(Q) = %Ps\n", listpoints2);
7525     pari_printf("\n");
7526   }
7527   pointgen = concat(pointgen, listpoints2);
7528   certainp = stoi(gequal(np1, np2));
7529   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
7530   {
7531     if (!gequal0(certainp))
7532     {
7533       pari_printf("[E'(Q):phi(E(Q))]   = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(np1)));
7534       pari_printf("#S^(phi)(E/Q)       = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(np2)));
7535       pari_printf("#III(E/Q)[phi]      = 1\n");
7536       pari_printf("\n");
7537     }
7538     else
7539     {
7540       pari_printf("[E'(Q):phi(E(Q))]  >= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(np1)));
7541       pari_printf("#S^(phi)(E/Q)       = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(np2)));
7542       pari_printf("#III(E/Q)[phi]     <= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsub(np2, np1))));
7543       pari_printf("\n");
7544     }
7545     if ((gequal0(certain)) && (gcmp(np2, np1) > 0))
7546       pari_printf("%Ps <= ", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsub(np2, np1))));
7547     pari_printf("#III(E/Q)[2]       ");
7548     if (!gequal0(certain) && !gequal0(certainp))
7549       pari_printf(" ");
7550     else
7551       pari_printf("<");
7552     pari_printf("= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsub(gsub(gadd(n2, np2), n1), np1))));
7553     pari_printf("#E(Q)[2]            = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(tors)));
7554   }
7555   rang = gsubgs(gadd(n1, np1), 2);
7556   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
7557   {
7558     if (!gequal0(certain) && !gequal0(certainp))
7559     {
7560       pari_printf("#E(Q)/2E(Q)         = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gadd(rang, tors))));
7561       pari_printf("rank                = %Ps\n", rang);
7562       pari_printf("\n");
7563     }
7564     else
7565     {
7566       pari_printf("#E(Q)/2E(Q)        >= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gadd(rang, tors))));
7567       pari_printf("\n");
7568       pari_printf("%Ps <= rank          <= %Ps\n", rang, gsubgs(gadd(n2, np2), 2));
7569       pari_printf("\n");
7570     }
7571   }
7572   strange = gmodgs(gsub(gsub(gadd(n2, np2), n1), np1), 2);
7573   if (!gequal0(strange))
7574   {
7575     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
7576     {
7577       pari_printf(" !!! III should be a square !!!\n");
7578       pari_printf("hence\n");
7579     }
7580     if (!gequal0(certain))
7581     {
7582       np1 = gaddgs(np1, 1);
7583       certainp = stoi(gequal(np1, np2));
7584       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
7585       {
7586         if (!gequal0(certainp))
7587         {
7588           pari_printf("[E'(Q):phi(E(Q))]   = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(np1)));
7589           pari_printf("#S^(phi)(E/Q)       = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(np2)));
7590           pari_printf("#III(E/Q)[phi]      = 1\n");
7591           pari_printf("\n");
7592         }
7593         else
7594         {
7595           pari_printf("[E'(Q):phi(E(Q))]  >= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(np1)));
7596           pari_printf("#S^(phi)(E/Q)       = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(np2)));
7597           pari_printf("#III(E/Q)[phi]     <= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsub(np2, np1))));
7598           pari_printf("\n");
7599         }
7600       }
7601     }
7602     else
7603     {
7604       if (!gequal0(certainp))
7605       {
7606         n1 = gaddgs(n1, 1);
7607         certain = stoi(gequal(n1, n2));
7608         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
7609         {
7610           if (!gequal0(certain))
7611           {
7612             pari_printf("[E(Q):phi'(E'(Q))]   = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(n1)));
7613             pari_printf("#S^(phi')(E'/Q)       = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(n2)));
7614             pari_printf("#III(E'/Q)[phi']      = 1\n");
7615             pari_printf("\n");
7616           }
7617           else
7618           {
7619             pari_printf("[E(Q):phi'(E'(Q))]  >= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(n1)));
7620             pari_printf("#S^(phi')(E'/Q)      = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(n2)));
7621             pari_printf("#III(E'/Q)[phi']    <= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsub(n2, n1))));
7622             pari_printf("\n");
7623           }
7624         }
7625       }
7626       else
7627         n1 = gaddgs(n1, 1);
7628     }
7629     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
7630     {
7631       pari_printf("#S^(2)(E/Q)           = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsubgs(gadd(n2, np2), 1))));
7632       if ((gequal0(certain)) && (gcmp(np2, np1) > 0))
7633         pari_printf(" %Ps <= ", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsub(np2, np1))));
7634       pari_printf("#III(E/Q)[2]       ");
7635       if (!gequal0(certain) && !gequal0(certainp))
7636         pari_printf(" ");
7637       else
7638         pari_printf("<");
7639       pari_printf("= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsub(gsub(gadd(n2, np2), n1), np1))));
7640       pari_printf("#E(Q)[2]            = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(tors)));
7641     }
7642     rang = gsubgs(gadd(n1, np1), 2);
7643     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
7644     {
7645       if (!gequal0(certain) && !gequal0(certainp))
7646       {
7647         pari_printf("#E(Q)/2E(Q)         = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gadd(rang, tors))));
7648         pari_printf("\n");
7649         pari_printf("rank                = %Ps\n", rang);
7650         pari_printf("\n");
7651       }
7652       else
7653       {
7654         pari_printf("#E(Q)/2E(Q)        >= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gadd(rang, tors))));
7655         pari_printf("\n");
7656         pari_printf("%Ps <= rank          <= %Ps\n", rang, gsubgs(gadd(n2, np2), 2));
7657         pari_printf("\n");
7658       }
7659     }
7660   }
7661   /* end of strange  */
7663   pointgen = vecsort0(pointgen, NULL, 2);
7664   if (!gequal0(ELLREDGENFLAG))
7665     pointgen = ellredgen(ell, pointgen, NULL, prec);
7666   pointgen = concat(ellsort(gel(elltorseven(ell, prec), 3), prec), pointgen);
7667   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
7668     pari_printf("points = %Ps\n", pointgen);
7669   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
7670     pari_printf("   end of ell2descent_viaisog\n");
7671   p7 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
7672   gel(p7, 1) = gcopy(rang);
7673   gel(p7, 2) = gadd(gsubgs(gadd(n2, np2), 2), tors);
7674   gel(p7, 3) = gcopy(pointgen);
7675   p7 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p7);
7676   return p7;
7677 }
7679 long
7680 nfsign_s(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN i, long prec)
7681 {
7682   pari_sp ltop = avma;
7683   GEN nf_roots = gen_0, ay = gen_0, def = gen_0;
7684   long l1, l2;
7685   if (gequal0(a))
7686   {
7687     avma = ltop;
7688     return 0;
7689   }
7690   a = lift(a);
7691   if (typ(a) != t_POL)
7692   {
7693     l1 = gsigne(a);
7694     avma = ltop;
7695     return l1;
7696   }
7697   nf_roots = gcopy(member_roots(nf));
7698   def = stoi(getrealprecision());
7699   ay = gen_0;
7700   {
7701     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
7702     while (gequal0(ay) || (cmpis(precision0(ay, 0), 10) < 0))
7703     {
7704       ay = gsubst(a, gvar(gpolvar(a)), gel(nf_roots, gtos(i)));
7705       if (gequal0(ay) || (cmpis(precision0(ay, 0), 10) < 0))
7706       {
7707         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
7708           pari_printf(" **** Warning: doubling the real precision in nfsign_s **** %ld\n", 2*getrealprecision());
7709         setrealprecision(2*getrealprecision(), &prec);
7710         nf_roots = greal(roots0(member_pol(nf), 0, prec));
7711       }
7712       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
7713         gerepileall(btop, 2, &ay, &nf_roots);
7714     }
7715   }
7716   setrealprecision(gtos(def), &prec);
7717   l2 = gsigne(ay);
7718   avma = ltop;
7719   return l2;
7720 }
7722 GEN
7723 nfpolratroots(GEN nf, GEN pol)
7724 {
7725   pari_sp ltop = avma;
7726   GEN f = gen_0, ans = gen_0;
7727   long l1;
7728   f = gcopy(gel(nffactor(nf, lift(pol)), 1));
7729   ans = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
7730   l1 = glength(f);
7731   {
7732     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
7733     long j;
7734     GEN p2 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
7735     for (j = 1; j <= l1; ++j)
7736     {
7737       if (degree(gel(f, j)) == 1)
7738       {
7739         p2 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
7740         gel(p2, 1) = gdiv(gneg(polcoeff0(gel(f, j), 0, -1)), polcoeff0(gel(f, j), 1, -1));
7741         ans = concat(ans, p2);
7742       }
7743       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
7744         gerepileall(btop, 2, &p2, &ans);
7745     }
7746   }
7747   ans = gerepilecopy(ltop, ans);
7748   return ans;
7749 }
7751 GEN
7752 nfmodid2(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN ideal)
7753 {
7754   pari_sp ltop = avma;
7755   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0;
7756   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
7757     pari_printf("entree dans nfmodid2\n");
7758   /* ideal doit etre sous la forme primedec  */
7759   if ((lg(member_zk(nf))-1) == 1)
7760   {
7761     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
7762       pari_printf("fin de nfmodid2\n");
7763     p1 = gmul(a, gmodulsg(1, member_p(ideal)));
7764     p1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p1);
7765     return p1;
7766   }
7767   a = mynfeltmod(nf, a, basistoalg(nf, gel(ideal, 2)));
7768   if (gequal1(ggcd(denom(content(lift(a))), member_p(ideal))))
7769   {
7770     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
7771       pari_printf("fin de nfmodid2\n");
7772     p2 = gmul(a, gmodulsg(1, member_p(ideal)));
7773     p2 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p2);
7774     return p2;
7775   }
7776   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
7777     pari_printf("fin de nfmodid2\n");
7778   a = gerepilecopy(ltop, a);
7779   return a;
7780 }
7782 GEN
7783 nfhilb2(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN b, GEN p, long prec)
7784 {
7785   pari_sp ltop = avma;
7786   GEN res = gen_0, x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
7787   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
7788     pari_printf("entree dans nfhilb2\n");
7789   if (nfqpsoluble(nf, gadd(gmul(a, gsqr(x)), b), initp(nf, p, prec), prec))
7790     res = gen_1;
7791   else
7792     res = gen_m1;
7793   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
7794     pari_printf("fin de nfhilb2\n");
7795   res = gerepilecopy(ltop, res);
7796   return res;
7797 }
7799 GEN
7800 mynfhilbertp(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN b, GEN p, long prec)
7801 {
7802   pari_sp ltop = avma;
7803   GEN alpha = gen_0, beta = gen_0, sig = gen_0, aux = gen_0, aux2 = gen_0, rep = gen_0, p1 = gen_0;
7804   GEN p2 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
7805   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
7806     pari_printf("entree dans mynfhilbertp %Ps\n", p);
7807   if (gequal0(a) || gequal0(b))
7808     pari_printf("0 argument in mynfhilbertp\n");
7809   if (cmpis(member_p(p), 2) == 0)
7810   {
7811     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
7812       pari_printf("fin de mynfhilbertp\n");
7813     p1 = nfhilb2(nf, a, b, p, prec);
7814     p1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p1);
7815     return p1;
7816   }
7817   if (typ(a) != t_POLMOD)
7818     a = gmodulo(a, member_pol(nf));
7819   if (typ(b) != t_POLMOD)
7820     b = gmodulo(b, member_pol(nf));
7821   alpha = stoi(idealval(nf, a, p));
7822   beta = stoi(idealval(nf, b, p));
7823   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
7824   {
7825     p2 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
7826     gel(p2, 1) = gcopy(alpha);
7827     gel(p2, 2) = gcopy(beta);
7828     pari_printf("[alpha,beta] = %Ps\n", p2);
7829   }
7830   if (gequal0(gmodgs(alpha, 2)) && gequal0(gmodgs(beta, 2)))
7831   {
7832     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
7833       pari_printf("fin de mynfhilbertp\n");
7834     avma = ltop;
7835     return gen_1;
7836   }
7837   aux2 = gdiventgs(idealnorm(nf, p), 2);
7838   if ((!gequal0(gmodgs(alpha, 2)) && !gequal0(gmodgs(beta, 2))) && !gequal0(gmodgs(aux2, 2)))
7839     sig = gen_1;
7840   else
7841     sig = gen_m1;
7842   if (!gequal0(beta))
7843     aux = nfmodid2(nf, gdiv(gpow(a, beta, prec), gpow(b, alpha, prec)), p);
7844   else
7845     aux = nfmodid2(nf, gpow(b, alpha, prec), p);
7846   aux = gadd(gpow(aux, aux2, prec), sig);
7847   aux = lift(lift(aux));
7848   if (gequal0(aux))
7849     rep = gen_1;
7850   else
7851     rep = stoi(idealval(nf, aux, p) >= 1);
7852   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
7853     pari_printf("fin de mynfhilbertp\n");
7854   if (!gequal0(rep))
7855   {
7856     avma = ltop;
7857     return gen_1;
7858   }
7859   else
7860   {
7861     avma = ltop;
7862     return gen_m1;
7863   }
7864   avma = ltop;
7865   return gen_0;
7866 }
7868 GEN
7869 ideallistfactor(GEN nf, GEN listfact)
7870 {
7871   pari_sp ltop = avma;
7872   GEN Slist = gen_0, S1 = gen_0, test = gen_0, k = gen_0;
7873   long l1;
7874   /* MODI remove i,j */
7876   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
7877     pari_printf("entree dans ideallistfactor\n");
7878   Slist = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
7879   test = gen_1;
7880   l1 = glength(listfact);
7881   {
7882     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
7883     long i, l2;
7884     for (i = 1; i <= l1; ++i)
7885     {
7886       if (gequal0(gel(listfact, i)))
7887         continue;
7888       S1 = gcopy(gel(idealfactor(nf, gel(listfact, i)), 1));
7889       l2 = glength(S1);
7890       {
7891         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
7892         long j, l3;
7893         GEN p4 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
7894         for (j = 1; j <= l2; ++j)
7895         {
7896           k = stoi(glength(Slist));
7897           l3 = glength(Slist);
7898           {
7899             pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
7900             long k;
7901             for (k = 1; k <= l3; ++k)
7902             {
7903               if (gequal(gel(Slist, k), gel(S1, j)))
7904               {
7905                 test = gen_0;
7906                 break;
7907               }
7908               if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
7909                 test = gerepilecopy(btop, test);
7910             }
7911           }
7912           if (!gequal0(test))
7913           {
7914             p4 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
7915             gel(p4, 1) = gcopy(gel(S1, j));
7916             Slist = concat(Slist, p4);
7917           }
7918           else
7919             test = gen_1;
7920           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
7921             gerepileall(btop, 4, &k, &test, &p4, &Slist);
7922         }
7923       }
7924       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
7925         gerepileall(btop, 4, &S1, &k, &test, &Slist);
7926     }
7927   }
7928   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
7929     pari_printf("fin de ideallistfactor\n");
7930   Slist = gerepilecopy(ltop, Slist);
7931   return Slist;
7932 }
7934 long
7935 mynfhilbert(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN b, long prec)
7936 {
7937   pari_sp ltop = avma;
7938   GEN al = gen_0, bl = gen_0, S = gen_0;
7939   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
7940   GEN p2 = gen_0;	  /* int */
7941   GEN p3 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
7942   long l4;
7943   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
7944   {
7945     p1 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
7946     gel(p1, 1) = gcopy(a);
7947     gel(p1, 2) = gcopy(b);
7948     pari_printf("entree dans mynfhilbert %Ps\n", p1);
7949   }
7950   if (gequal0(a) || gequal0(b))
7951     pari_err(user, "mynfhilbert : argument = 0");
7952   al = lift(a);
7953   bl = lift(b);
7954   /* solutions locales aux places reelles  */
7956   p2 = icopy(member_r1(nf));
7957   {
7958     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
7959     GEN i = gen_0;
7960     for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, p2) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
7961     {
7962       if ((nfsign_s(nf, al, i, prec) < 0) && (nfsign_s(nf, bl, i, prec) < 0))
7963       {
7964         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
7965           pari_printf("mynfhilbert non soluble a l'infini\n");
7966         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
7967           pari_printf("fin de mynfhilbert\n");
7968         avma = ltop;
7969         return -1;
7970       }
7971       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
7972         i = gerepilecopy(btop, i);
7973     }
7974   }
7975   if (typ(a) != t_POLMOD)
7976     a = gmodulo(a, member_pol(nf));
7977   if (typ(b) != t_POLMOD)
7978     b = gmodulo(b, member_pol(nf));
7979   p3 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
7980   gel(p3, 1) = gen_2;
7981   gel(p3, 2) = gcopy(a);
7982   gel(p3, 3) = gcopy(b);
7983   /*  solutions locales aux places finies (celles qui divisent 2ab) */
7985   S = ideallistfactor(nf, p3);
7986   l4 = glength(S);
7987   {
7988     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
7989     GEN i = gen_0;
7990     long l5 = -1 > 0;	  /* bool */
7991     for (i = stoi(l4); l5?gcmpgs(i, 2) <= 0:gcmpgs(i, 2) >= 0; i = gaddgs(i, -1))
7992     {
7993       /* d'apres la formule du produit on peut eviter un premier  */
7994       if (gequalm1(mynfhilbertp(nf, a, b, gel(S, gtos(i)), prec)))
7995       {
7996         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
7997           pari_printf("mynfhilbert non soluble en : %Ps\n", gel(S, gtos(i)));
7998         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
7999           pari_printf("fin de mynfhilbert\n");
8000         avma = ltop;
8001         return -1;
8002       }
8003       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
8004         i = gerepilecopy(btop, i);
8005     }
8006   }
8007   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
8008     pari_printf("fin de mynfhilbert\n");
8009   avma = ltop;
8010   return 1;
8011 }
8013 GEN
8014 initp(GEN nf, GEN p, long prec)
8015 {
8016   pari_sp ltop = avma;
8017   GEN idval = gen_0, pp = gen_0;
8018   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
8019   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8020     pari_printf("entree dans initp\n");
8021   idval = stoi(idealval(nf, gen_2, p));
8022   p1 = cgetg(6, t_VEC);
8023   gel(p1, 1) = gcopy(p);
8024   gel(p1, 2) = basistoalg(nf, gel(p, 2));
8025   gel(p1, 3) = gcopy(idval);
8026   gel(p1, 4) = gen_0;
8027   gel(p1, 5) = repres(nf, p, prec);
8028   pp = p1;
8029   if (!gequal0(idval))
8030     gel(pp, 4) = idealstar0(nf, idealpow0(nf, p, gaddsg(1, gmulsg(2, idval)), 0), 1);
8031   else
8032     gel(pp, 4) = gdiventgs(gpowgs(member_p(p), pr_get_f(p)), 2);
8033   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8034     pari_printf("fin de initp\n");
8035   pp = gerepilecopy(ltop, pp);
8036   return pp;
8037 }
8039 GEN
8040 deno(GEN num)
8041 {
8042   pari_sp ltop = avma;
8043   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0;
8044   if (gequal0(num))
8045   {
8046     avma = ltop;
8047     return gen_1;
8048   }
8049   if (typ(num) == t_POL)
8050   {
8051     p1 = denom(content(num));
8052     p1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p1);
8053     return p1;
8054   }
8055   p2 = denom(num);
8056   p2 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p2);
8057   return p2;
8058 }
8060 GEN
8061 nfratpoint(GEN nf, GEN pol, GEN lim, GEN singlepoint, long prec)
8062 {
8063   pari_sp ltop = avma;
8064   GEN compt1 = gen_0, compt2 = gen_0, deg = gen_0, n = gen_0, AA = gen_0, point = gen_0, listpoints = gen_0, vectx = gen_0, evpol = gen_0, sq = gen_0, xpol = gen_0;
8065   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0, p3 = gen_0, p4 = gen_0, p5 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
8066   GEN x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
8067   if (!singlepoint)
8068     singlepoint = gen_1;
8069   /* MODI remove xx, denoz */
8070   /* MODI add xpol */
8072   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
8073   {
8074     pari_printf("entree dans nfratpoint avec pol = %Ps\n", pol);
8075     pari_printf("lim = %Ps\n", lim);
8076   }
8077   compt1 = gen_0;
8078   compt2 = gen_0;
8079   deg = stoi(degree(pol));
8080   n = stoi(degree(member_pol(nf)));
8081   AA = gshift(lim, 1);
8082   if (gequal0(singlepoint))
8083     listpoints = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
8084   /* cas triviaux  */
8085   sq = nfsqrt(nf, polcoeff0(pol, 0, -1), prec);
8086   if (!gequal(sq, cgetg(1, t_VEC)))
8087   {
8088     p1 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
8089     gel(p1, 1) = gen_0;
8090     gel(p1, 2) = gcopy(gel(sq, 1));
8091     gel(p1, 3) = gen_1;
8092     point = p1;
8093     if (!gequal0(singlepoint))
8094     {
8095       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
8096         pari_printf("fin de nfratpoint\n");
8097       point = gerepilecopy(ltop, point);
8098       return point;
8099     }
8100     p2 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
8101     gel(p2, 1) = gcopy(point);
8102     listpoints = concat(listpoints, p2);
8103   }
8104   sq = nfsqrt(nf, pollead(pol, -1), prec);
8105   if (!gequal(sq, cgetg(1, t_VEC)))
8106   {
8107     p3 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
8108     gel(p3, 1) = gen_1;
8109     gel(p3, 2) = gcopy(gel(sq, 1));
8110     gel(p3, 3) = gen_0;
8111     point = p3;
8112     if (!gequal0(singlepoint))
8113     {
8114       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
8115         pari_printf("fin de nfratpoint\n");
8116       point = gerepilecopy(ltop, point);
8117       return point;
8118     }
8119     p4 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
8120     gel(p4, 1) = gcopy(point);
8121     listpoints = concat(listpoints, p4);
8122   }
8123   /* boucle generale */
8124   point = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
8125   {
8126     long i;
8127     GEN p6 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
8128     p5 = cgetg(gtos(n)+1, t_VEC);
8129     for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, n) <= 0; ++i)
8130     {
8131       p6 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
8132       gel(p6, 1) = gneg(lim);
8133       gel(p6, 2) = gcopy(lim);
8134       gel(p5, i) = p6;
8135     }
8136   }
8137   vectx = p5;
8138   {
8139     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
8140     GEN denoz = gen_0;
8141     for (denoz = gen_1; gcmp(denoz, lim) <= 0; denoz = gaddgs(denoz, 1))
8142     {
8143       {
8144         GEN fv_data = gen_0;
8145         GEN (*fv_next)(GEN, GEN);	  /* func_GG */
8146         GEN xx = forvec_start(vectx, 0, &fv_data, &fv_next);	  /* vec */
8147         {
8148           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
8149           GEN p7 = gen_0, p8 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
8150           for (  ; xx; xx = fv_next(fv_data, xx))
8151           {
8152             if (gequal1(denoz) || gequal1(ggcd(content(xx), denoz)))
8153             {
8154               xpol = basistoalg(nf, gtrans(xx));
8155               evpol = gsubst(pol, gvar(x), gdiv(xpol, denoz));
8156               sq = nfsqrt(nf, evpol, prec);
8157               if (!gequal(sq, cgetg(1, t_VEC)))
8158               {
8159                 p7 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
8160                 gel(p7, 1) = gdiv(xpol, denoz);
8161                 gel(p7, 2) = gcopy(gel(sq, 1));
8162                 gel(p7, 3) = gen_1;
8163                 point = p7;
8164                 if (!gequal0(singlepoint))
8165                   goto label5;
8166                 p8 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
8167                 gel(p8, 1) = gcopy(point);
8168                 listpoints = concat(listpoints, p8);
8169               }
8170             }
8171             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
8172               gerepileall(btop, 8, &xpol, &evpol, &sq, &p7, &point, &p8, &listpoints, &xx);
8173           }
8174         }
8175       }
8176       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
8177         gerepileall(btop, 6, &denoz, &xpol, &evpol, &sq, &point, &listpoints);
8178     }
8179     label5:;
8180   }
8181   if (!gequal0(singlepoint))
8182     listpoints = point;
8183   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
8184     pari_printf("sortie de nfratpoint\n");
8185   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
8186     pari_printf("points trouves par nfratpoint = %Ps\n", listpoints);
8187   listpoints = gerepilecopy(ltop, listpoints);
8188   return listpoints;
8189 }
8191 GEN
8192 repres(GEN nf, GEN p, long prec)
8193 {
8194   pari_sp ltop = avma;
8195   GEN fond = gen_0, mat = gen_0, f = gen_0, rep = gen_0, pp = gen_0, ppi = gen_0, pp2 = gen_0, jppi = gen_0, gjf = gen_0;
8196   long l1;
8197   GEN p2 = gen_0;
8198   GEN p3 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
8199   GEN p4 = gen_0;
8200   /* MODI remove i,j,k */
8202   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8203     pari_printf("entree dans repres\n");
8204   fond = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
8205   mat = idealhnf0(nf, p, NULL);
8206   l1 = glength(mat);
8207   {
8208     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
8209     long i;
8210     for (i = 1; i <= l1; ++i)
8211     {
8212       if (!gequalgs(gcoeff(mat, i, i), 1))
8213         fond = concat(fond, gel(member_zk(nf), i));
8214       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
8215         fond = gerepilecopy(btop, fond);
8216     }
8217   }
8218   f = stoi(glength(fond));
8219   pp = icopy(member_p(p));
8220   p2 = gpow(pp, f, prec);
8221   {
8222     long i;
8223     p3 = cgetg(gtos(p2)+1, t_VEC);
8224     for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, p2) <= 0; ++i)
8225       gel(p3, i) = gen_0;
8226   }
8227   rep = p3;
8228   gel(rep, 1) = gen_0;
8229   ppi = gen_1;
8230   pp2 = gdiventgs(pp, 2);
8231   {
8232     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
8233     GEN i = gen_0, p5 = gen_0;
8234     for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, f) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
8235     {
8236       p5 = gsubgs(pp, 1);
8237       {
8238         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
8239         GEN j = gen_0, p6 = gen_0;
8240         for (j = gen_1; gcmp(j, p5) <= 0; j = gaddgs(j, 1))
8241         {
8242           if (gcmp(j, pp2) <= 0)
8243             gjf = gmul(j, gel(fond, gtos(i)));
8244           else
8245             gjf = gmul(gsub(j, pp), gel(fond, gtos(i)));
8246           jppi = gmul(j, ppi);
8247           p6 = gsubgs(ppi, 1);
8248           {
8249             pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
8250             GEN k = gen_0;
8251             for (k = gen_0; gcmp(k, p6) <= 0; k = gaddgs(k, 1))
8252             {
8253               gel(rep, gtos(gaddgs(gadd(jppi, k), 1))) = gadd(gel(rep, gtos(gaddgs(k, 1))), gjf);
8254               if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
8255                 gerepileall(btop, 2, &k, &rep);
8256             }
8257           }
8258           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
8259             gerepileall(btop, 5, &j, &gjf, &jppi, &p6, &rep);
8260         }
8261       }
8262       ppi = gmul(ppi, pp);
8263       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
8264         gerepileall(btop, 6, &i, &p5, &gjf, &jppi, &rep, &ppi);
8265     }
8266   }
8267   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8268     pari_printf("fin de repres\n");
8269   p4 = gmodulo(rep, member_pol(nf));
8270   p4 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p4);
8271   return p4;
8272 }
8274 GEN
8275 val(GEN nf, GEN num, GEN p)
8276 {
8277   pari_sp ltop = avma;
8278   GEN p1 = gen_0;
8279   if (gequal0(num))
8280     p1 = BIGINT;
8281   else
8282     p1 = stoi(idealval(nf, lift(num), p));
8283   p1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p1);
8284   return p1;
8285 }
8287 GEN
8288 nfissquarep(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN p, GEN q, long prec)
8289 {
8290   pari_sp ltop = avma;
8291   GEN pherm = gen_0, f = gen_0, aaa = gen_0, n = gen_0, pp = gen_0, qq = gen_0, e = gen_0, z = gen_0, xx = gen_0, yy = gen_0, r = gen_0, aux = gen_0, b = gen_0, m = gen_0, vp = gen_0, inv2x = gen_0, zinit = gen_0, zlog = gen_0, expo = gen_0, id = gen_0;
8292   long l1;
8293   /* MODI add id */
8295   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8296     pari_printf("entree dans nfissquarep %Ps%Ps%Ps\n", a, p, q);
8297   if (gequal0(a) || gequal1(a))
8298   {
8299     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
8300       pari_printf("fin de nfissquarep\n");
8301     a = gerepilecopy(ltop, a);
8302     return a;
8303   }
8304   pherm = idealhnf0(nf, p, NULL);
8305   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8306     pari_printf("pherm = %Ps\n", pherm);
8307   f = stoi(idealval(nf, a, p));
8308   if (gcmp(f, q) >= 0)
8309   {
8310     if (gcmp(f, q) > 0)
8311       aaa = gpow(basistoalg(nf, gel(p, 2)), gshift(gaddgs(q, 1), -1), prec);
8312     else
8313       aaa = gen_0;
8314     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
8315       pari_printf("fin de nfissquarep\n");
8316     aaa = gerepilecopy(ltop, aaa);
8317     return aaa;
8318   }
8319   if (!gequal0(f))
8320     aaa = gmul(a, gpow(basistoalg(nf, gdiv(gel(p, 5), member_p(p))), f, prec));
8321   else
8322     aaa = gcopy(a);
8323   if (!gequalgs(gcoeff(pherm, 1, 1), 2))
8324   {
8325     /* cas ou p ne divise pas 2  */
8326     /* algorithme de Shanks  */
8327     n = nfrandintmodid(nf, pherm);
8328     {
8329       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
8330       while (nfpsquareodd(nf, n, p, prec))
8331       {
8332         n = nfrandintmodid(nf, pherm);
8333         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
8334           n = gerepilecopy(btop, n);
8335       }
8336     }
8337     pp = gmodulsg(1, member_p(p));
8338     n = gmul(n, pp);
8339     qq = gdiventgs(idealnorm(nf, pherm), 2);
8340     e = gen_1;
8341     {
8342       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
8343       while (gequal0(gmodgs(qq, 2)))
8344       {
8345         e = gaddgs(e, 1);
8346         qq = gdivent(qq, gen_2);
8347         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
8348           gerepileall(btop, 2, &e, &qq);
8349       }
8350     }
8351     z = mynfeltreduce(nf, lift(lift(gpow(n, qq, prec))), pherm);
8352     yy = z;
8353     r = e;
8354     xx = mynfeltreduce(nf, lift(lift(gpow(gmul(aaa, pp), gdiventgs(qq, 2), prec))), pherm);
8355     aux = mynfeltreduce(nf, gmul(aaa, xx), pherm);
8356     b = mynfeltreduce(nf, gmul(aux, xx), pherm);
8357     xx = aux;
8358     aux = b;
8359     m = gen_0;
8360     {
8361       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
8362       while (gequal0(val(nf, gsubgs(aux, 1), p)))
8363       {
8364         m = gaddgs(m, 1);
8365         aux = mynfeltreduce(nf, gsqr(aux), pherm);
8366         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
8367           gerepileall(btop, 2, &m, &aux);
8368       }
8369     }
8370     {
8371       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
8372       while (!gequal0(m))
8373       {
8374         if (gequal(m, r))
8375           pari_err(user, "nfissquarep : m = r");
8376         yy = gmul(yy, pp);
8377         aux = mynfeltreduce(nf, lift(lift(powgi(yy, shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsubgs(gsub(r, m), 1)))))), pherm);
8378         yy = mynfeltreduce(nf, gsqr(aux), pherm);
8379         r = m;
8380         xx = mynfeltreduce(nf, gmul(xx, aux), pherm);
8381         b = mynfeltreduce(nf, gmul(b, yy), pherm);
8382         aux = b;
8383         m = gen_0;
8384         {
8385           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
8386           while (gequal0(val(nf, gsubgs(aux, 1), p)))
8387           {
8388             m = gaddgs(m, 1);
8389             aux = mynfeltreduce(nf, gsqr(aux), pherm);
8390             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
8391               gerepileall(btop, 2, &m, &aux);
8392           }
8393         }
8394         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
8395           gerepileall(btop, 6, &yy, &aux, &r, &xx, &b, &m);
8396       }
8397     }
8398     /* lift de Hensel */
8399     /* */
8400     if (gcmpgs(q, 1) > 0)
8401     {
8402       vp = stoi(idealval(nf, gsub(gsqr(xx), aaa), p));
8403       if (gcmp(vp, gsub(q, f)) < 0)
8404       {
8405         yy = gmulsg(2, xx);
8406         inv2x = gdiv(basistoalg(nf, gel(idealaddtoone0(nf, yy, p), 1)), yy);
8407         {
8408           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
8409           while (gcmp(vp, q) < 0)
8410           {
8411             vp = gaddgs(vp, 1);
8412             xx = gsub(xx, gmul(gsub(gsqr(xx), aaa), inv2x));
8413             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
8414               gerepileall(btop, 2, &vp, &xx);
8415           }
8416         }
8417       }
8418       if (!gequal0(f))
8419         xx = gmul(xx, gpow(basistoalg(nf, gel(p, 2)), gshift(f, -1), prec));
8420     }
8421     xx = mynfeltreduce(nf, xx, idealpow0(nf, p, q, 0));
8422   }
8423   else
8424   {
8425     /* cas ou p divise 2 *\ */
8426     if (gcmpgs(gsub(q, f), 1) > 0)
8427       id = idealpow0(nf, p, gsub(q, f), 0);
8428     else
8429       id = pherm;
8430     zinit = idealstar0(nf, id, 2);
8431     zlog = ideallog(nf, aaa, zinit);
8432     xx = gen_1;
8433     l1 = glength(zlog);
8434     {
8435       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
8436       long i;
8437       for (i = 1; i <= l1; ++i)
8438       {
8439         expo = gcopy(gel(zlog, i));
8440         if (!gequal0(expo))
8441         {
8442           if (smodss(gequal0(expo), 2))
8443             expo = gshift(expo, -1);
8444           else
8445           {
8446             aux = gcopy(gel(gel(zinit, 2), i));
8447             expo = gmod(gmul(expo, gshift(gaddgs(aux, 1), -1)), aux);
8448           }
8449           xx = gmul(xx, gpow(basistoalg(nf, gel(gel(gel(zinit, 2), 3), i)), expo, prec));
8450         }
8451         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
8452           gerepileall(btop, 3, &expo, &aux, &xx);
8453       }
8454     }
8455     if (!gequal0(f))
8456     {
8457       xx = gmul(xx, gpow(basistoalg(nf, gel(p, 2)), gshift(f, -1), prec));
8458       id = idealpow0(nf, p, q, 0);
8459     }
8460     xx = mynfeltreduce(nf, xx, id);
8461   }
8462   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
8463     pari_printf("fin de nfissquarep %Ps\n", xx);
8464   xx = gerepilecopy(ltop, xx);
8465   return xx;
8466 }
8468 long
8469 nfpsquareodd(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN p, long prec)
8470 {
8471   pari_sp ltop = avma;
8472   GEN v = gen_0, ap = gen_0, norme = gen_0, den = gen_0;
8473   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8474     pari_printf("entree dans nfpsquareodd\n");
8475   if (gequal0(a))
8476   {
8477     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8478       pari_printf("fin de nfpsquareodd\n");
8479     avma = ltop;
8480     return 1;
8481   }
8482   v = stoi(idealval(nf, lift(a), p));
8483   if (!gequal0(gmodgs(v, 2)))
8484   {
8485     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8486       pari_printf("fin de nfpsquareodd\n");
8487     avma = ltop;
8488     return 0;
8489   }
8490   ap = gdiv(a, gpow(basistoalg(nf, gel(p, 2)), v, prec));
8491   norme = gdiventgs(idealnorm(nf, p), 2);
8492   den = gmod(denom(content(lift(ap))), member_p(p));
8493   if (gsigne(den))
8494     ap = gmul(ap, gmodulsg(1, member_p(p)));
8495   ap = gsubgs(gpow(ap, norme, prec), 1);
8496   if (gequal0(ap))
8497   {
8498     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8499       pari_printf("fin de nfpsquareodd\n");
8500     avma = ltop;
8501     return 1;
8502   }
8503   ap = lift(lift(ap));
8504   if (idealval(nf, ap, p) > 0)
8505   {
8506     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8507       pari_printf("fin de nfpsquareodd\n");
8508     avma = ltop;
8509     return 1;
8510   }
8511   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8512     pari_printf("fin de nfpsquareodd\n");
8513   avma = ltop;
8514   return 0;
8515 }
8517 long
8518 nfpsquare(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN p, GEN zinit, long prec)
8519 {
8520   pari_sp ltop = avma;
8521   GEN valap = gen_0, zlog = gen_0;
8522   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
8523   long l2, l3;
8524   /* MODI remove i */
8526   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8527   {
8528     p1 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
8529     gel(p1, 1) = gcopy(a);
8530     gel(p1, 2) = gcopy(p);
8531     gel(p1, 3) = gcopy(zinit);
8532     pari_printf("entree dans nfpsquare %Ps\n", p1);
8533   }
8534   if (gequal0(a))
8535   {
8536     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8537       pari_printf("fin de nfpsquare\n");
8538     avma = ltop;
8539     return 1;
8540   }
8541   if (cmpis(member_p(p), 2) != 0)
8542   {
8543     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8544       pari_printf("fin de nfpsquare\n");
8545     l2 = nfpsquareodd(nf, a, p, prec);
8546     avma = ltop;
8547     return l2;
8548   }
8549   valap = stoi(idealval(nf, a, p));
8550   if (!gequal0(gmodgs(valap, 2)))
8551   {
8552     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8553       pari_printf("fin de nfpsquare\n");
8554     avma = ltop;
8555     return 0;
8556   }
8557   if (!gequal0(valap))
8558     zlog = ideallog(nf, gmul(a, gpow(gdiv(basistoalg(nf, gel(p, 5)), member_p(p)), valap, prec)), zinit);
8559   else
8560     zlog = ideallog(nf, a, zinit);
8561   l3 = glength(gel(gel(zinit, 2), 2));
8562   {
8563     pari_sp btop = avma;
8564     long i;
8565     for (i = 1; i <= l3; ++i)
8566     {
8567       if ((gequal0(gmodgs(gel(gel(gel(zinit, 2), 2), i), 2))) && !gequal0(gmodgs(gel(zlog, i), 2)))
8568       {
8569         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8570           pari_printf("fin de nfpsquare\n");
8571         avma = ltop;
8572         return 0;
8573       }
8574       avma = btop;
8575     }
8576   }
8577   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8578     pari_printf("fin de nfpsquare\n");
8579   avma = ltop;
8580   return 1;
8581 }
8583 long
8584 nfpsquareq(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN p, GEN q, long prec)
8585 {
8586   pari_sp ltop = avma;
8587   GEN vala = gen_0, zinit = gen_0, zlog = gen_0;
8588   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
8589   long l2;
8590   /* MODI remove i */
8592   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8593   {
8594     p1 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
8595     gel(p1, 1) = gcopy(a);
8596     gel(p1, 2) = gcopy(p);
8597     gel(p1, 3) = gcopy(q);
8598     pari_printf("entree dans nfpsquareq %Ps\n", p1);
8599   }
8600   if (gequal0(a))
8601   {
8602     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8603       pari_printf("fin de nfpsquareq\n");
8604     avma = ltop;
8605     return 1;
8606   }
8607   vala = stoi(idealval(nf, a, p));
8608   if (gcmp(vala, q) >= 0)
8609   {
8610     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8611       pari_printf("fin de nfpsquareq\n");
8612     avma = ltop;
8613     return 1;
8614   }
8615   if (!gequal0(gmodgs(vala, 2)))
8616   {
8617     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8618       pari_printf("fin de nfpsquareq\n");
8619     avma = ltop;
8620     return 0;
8621   }
8622   zinit = idealstar0(nf, idealpow0(nf, p, gsub(q, vala), 0), 2);
8623   zlog = ideallog(nf, gmul(a, gpow(basistoalg(nf, gdivgs(gel(p, 5), 2)), vala, prec)), zinit);
8624   l2 = glength(gel(gel(zinit, 2), 2));
8625   {
8626     pari_sp btop = avma;
8627     long i;
8628     for (i = 1; i <= l2; ++i)
8629     {
8630       if ((gequal0(gmodgs(gel(gel(gel(zinit, 2), 2), i), 2))) && !gequal0(gmodgs(gel(zlog, i), 2)))
8631       {
8632         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8633           pari_printf("fin de nfpsquareq\n");
8634         avma = ltop;
8635         return 0;
8636       }
8637       avma = btop;
8638     }
8639   }
8640   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8641     pari_printf("fin de nfpsquareq\n");
8642   avma = ltop;
8643   return 1;
8644 }
8646 long
8647 nflemma6(GEN nf, GEN pol, GEN p, GEN nu, GEN xx, long prec)
8648 {
8649   pari_sp ltop = avma;
8650   GEN gx = gen_0, gpx = gen_0, lambda = gen_0, mu = gen_0, x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
8651   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8652     pari_printf("entree dans nflemma6\n");
8653   gx = gsubst(pol, gvar(x), xx);
8654   if (nfpsquareodd(nf, gx, p, prec))
8655   {
8656     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8657       pari_printf("fin de nflemma6\n");
8658     avma = ltop;
8659     return 1;
8660   }
8661   gpx = gsubst(deriv(pol,-1), gvar(x), xx);
8662   lambda = val(nf, gx, p);
8663   mu = val(nf, gpx, p);
8664   if (gcmp(lambda, gmulsg(2, mu)) > 0)
8665   {
8666     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8667       pari_printf("fin de nflemma6\n");
8668     avma = ltop;
8669     return 1;
8670   }
8671   if ((gcmp(lambda, gmulsg(2, nu)) >= 0) && (gcmp(mu, nu) >= 0))
8672   {
8673     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8674       pari_printf("fin de nflemma6\n");
8675     avma = ltop;
8676     return 0;
8677   }
8678   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8679     pari_printf("fin de nflemma6\n");
8680   avma = ltop;
8681   return -1;
8682 }
8684 long
8685 nflemma7(GEN nf, GEN pol, GEN p, GEN nu, GEN xx, GEN zinit, long prec)
8686 {
8687   pari_sp ltop = avma;
8688   GEN gx = gen_0, gpx = gen_0, v = gen_0, lambda = gen_0, mu = gen_0, q = gen_0;
8689   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
8690   GEN x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
8691   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8692   {
8693     p1 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
8694     gel(p1, 1) = gcopy(xx);
8695     gel(p1, 2) = gcopy(nu);
8696     pari_printf("entree dans nflemma7 %Ps\n", p1);
8697   }
8698   gx = gsubst(pol, gvar(x), xx);
8699   if (nfpsquare(nf, gx, p, zinit, prec))
8700   {
8701     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8702       pari_printf("fin de nflemma7\n");
8703     avma = ltop;
8704     return 1;
8705   }
8706   gpx = gsubst(deriv(pol,-1), gvar(x), xx);
8707   v = gcopy(gel(p, 3));
8708   lambda = val(nf, gx, p);
8709   mu = val(nf, gpx, p);
8710   if (gcmp(lambda, gmulsg(2, mu)) > 0)
8711   {
8712     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8713       pari_printf("fin de nflemma7\n");
8714     avma = ltop;
8715     return 1;
8716   }
8717   if (gcmp(nu, mu) > 0)
8718   {
8719     if (!gequal0(gmodgs(lambda, 2)))
8720     {
8721       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8722         pari_printf("fin de nflemma7\n");
8723       avma = ltop;
8724       return -1;
8725     }
8726     q = gsub(gadd(mu, nu), lambda);
8727     if (gcmp(q, gmulsg(2, v)) > 0)
8728     {
8729       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8730         pari_printf("fin de nflemma7\n");
8731       avma = ltop;
8732       return -1;
8733     }
8734     if (nfpsquareq(nf, gmul(gx, gpow(basistoalg(nf, gdivgs(gel(p, 5), 2)), lambda, prec)), p, q, prec))
8735     {
8736       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8737         pari_printf("fin de nflemma7\n");
8738       avma = ltop;
8739       return 1;
8740     }
8741   }
8742   else
8743   {
8744     if (gcmp(lambda, gmulsg(2, nu)) >= 0)
8745     {
8746       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8747         pari_printf("fin de nflemma7\n");
8748       avma = ltop;
8749       return 0;
8750     }
8751     if (!gequal0(gmodgs(lambda, 2)))
8752     {
8753       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8754         pari_printf("fin de nflemma7\n");
8755       avma = ltop;
8756       return -1;
8757     }
8758     q = gsub(gmulsg(2, nu), lambda);
8759     if (gcmp(q, gmulsg(2, v)) > 0)
8760     {
8761       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8762         pari_printf("fin de nflemma7\n");
8763       avma = ltop;
8764       return -1;
8765     }
8766     if (nfpsquareq(nf, gmul(gx, gpow(basistoalg(nf, gdivgs(gel(p, 5), 2)), lambda, prec)), p, q, prec))
8767     {
8768       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8769         pari_printf("fin de nflemma7\n");
8770       avma = ltop;
8771       return 0;
8772     }
8773   }
8774   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8775     pari_printf("fin de nflemma7\n");
8776   avma = ltop;
8777   return -1;
8778 }
8780 long
8781 nfzpsoluble(GEN nf, GEN pol, GEN p, GEN nu, GEN pnu, GEN x0, long prec)
8782 {
8783   pari_sp ltop = avma;
8784   GEN result = gen_0, pnup = gen_0, lrep = gen_0;
8785   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
8786   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8787   {
8788     p1 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
8789     gel(p1, 1) = lift(x0);
8790     gel(p1, 2) = gcopy(nu);
8791     pari_printf("entree dans nfzpsoluble %Ps\n", p1);
8792   }
8793   if (gequal0(gel(p, 3)))
8794     result = stoi(nflemma6(nf, pol, gel(p, 1), nu, x0, prec));
8795   else
8796     result = stoi(nflemma7(nf, pol, gel(p, 1), nu, x0, gel(p, 4), prec));
8797   if (gequalgs(result, 1))
8798   {
8799     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8800       pari_printf("fin de nfzpsoluble\n");
8801     avma = ltop;
8802     return 1;
8803   }
8804   if (gequalm1(result))
8805   {
8806     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8807       pari_printf("fin de nfzpsoluble\n");
8808     avma = ltop;
8809     return 0;
8810   }
8811   pnup = gmul(pnu, gel(p, 2));
8812   lrep = stoi(glength(gel(p, 5)));
8813   nu = gaddgs(nu, 1);
8814   {
8815     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
8816     GEN i = gen_0;
8817     for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, lrep) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
8818     {
8819       if (nfzpsoluble(nf, pol, p, nu, pnup, gadd(x0, gmul(pnu, gel(gel(p, 5), gtos(i)))), prec))
8820       {
8821         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8822           pari_printf("fin de nfzpsoluble\n");
8823         avma = ltop;
8824         return 1;
8825       }
8826       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
8827         i = gerepilecopy(btop, i);
8828     }
8829   }
8830   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8831     pari_printf("fin de nfzpsoluble\n");
8832   avma = ltop;
8833   return 0;
8834 }
8836 GEN
8837 mynfeltmod(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN b)
8838 {
8839   pari_sp ltop = avma;
8840   GEN qred = gen_0;
8841   qred = ground(algtobasis(nf, gdiv(a, b)));
8842   qred = gsub(a, gmul(b, basistoalg(nf, qred)));
8843   qred = gerepilecopy(ltop, qred);
8844   return qred;
8845 }
8847 GEN
8848 mynfeltreduce(GEN nf, GEN a, GEN id)
8849 {
8850   pari_sp ltop = avma;
8851   GEN p1 = gen_0;
8852   p1 = basistoalg(nf, nfreduce(nf, algtobasis(nf, a), id));
8853   p1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p1);
8854   return p1;
8855 }
8857 GEN
8858 nfrandintmodid(GEN nf, GEN id)
8859 {
8860   pari_sp ltop = avma;
8861   GEN res = gen_0;
8862   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8863     pari_printf("entree dans nfrandintmodid\n");
8864   res = gen_0;
8865   {
8866     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
8867     while (gequal0(res))
8868     {
8869       res = nfrandint(nf, gen_0);
8870       res = mynfeltreduce(nf, res, id);
8871       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
8872         res = gerepilecopy(btop, res);
8873     }
8874   }
8875   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8876     pari_printf("fin de nfrandintmodid\n");
8877   res = gerepilecopy(ltop, res);
8878   return res;
8879 }
8881 GEN
8882 nfrandint(GEN nf, GEN borne)
8883 {
8884   pari_sp ltop = avma;
8885   GEN l = gen_0, res = gen_0;
8886   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
8887   /* MODI remove i */
8889   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8890     pari_printf("entree dans nfrandint\n");
8891   l = stoi(lg(member_zk(nf))-1);
8892   {
8893     long i;
8894     p1 = cgetg(gtos(l)+1, t_COL);
8895     for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, l) <= 0; ++i)
8896       gel(p1, i) = gen_0;
8897   }
8898   res = p1;
8899   {
8900     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
8901     GEN i = gen_0;
8902     for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, l) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
8903     {
8904       if (!gequal0(borne))
8905         gel(res, gtos(i)) = gsub(genrand(gshift(borne, 1)), borne);
8906       else
8907         gel(res, gtos(i)) = genrand(NULL);
8908       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
8909         gerepileall(btop, 2, &i, &res);
8910     }
8911   }
8912   res = basistoalg(nf, res);
8913   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
8914     pari_printf("fin de nfrandint\n");
8915   res = gerepilecopy(ltop, res);
8916   return res;
8917 }
8919 long
8920 nfqpsolublebig(GEN nf, GEN pol, GEN p, GEN ap, GEN b, long prec)
8921 {
8922   pari_sp ltop = avma;
8923   GEN deg = gen_0, xx = gen_0, z = gen_0, Px = gen_0, cont = gen_0, pi = gen_0, pol2 = gen_0, Roots = gen_0;
8924   long l1;
8925   GEN x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
8926   if (!ap)
8927     ap = gen_0;
8928   if (!b)
8929     b = gen_1;
8930   /* MODI remove i,j */
8932   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
8933     pari_printf("entree dans nfqpsolublebig avec %Ps\n", member_p(p));
8934   deg = stoi(degree(pol));
8935   if (nfpsquareodd(nf, polcoeff0(pol, 0, -1), p, prec))
8936   {
8937     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
8938       pari_printf("fin de nfqpsolublebig\n");
8939     avma = ltop;
8940     return 1;
8941   }
8942   if (nfpsquareodd(nf, pollead(pol, -1), p, prec))
8943   {
8944     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
8945       pari_printf("fin de nfqpsolublebig\n");
8946     avma = ltop;
8947     return 1;
8948   }
8949   /* on tient compte du contenu de pol */
8950   cont = stoi(idealval(nf, polcoeff0(pol, 0, -1), p));
8951   {
8952     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
8953     GEN i = gen_0;
8954     for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, deg) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
8955     {
8956       if (!gequal0(cont))
8957         cont = gmings(cont, idealval(nf, polcoeff0(pol, gtos(i), -1), p));
8958       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
8959         gerepileall(btop, 2, &i, &cont);
8960     }
8961   }
8962   if (!gequal0(cont))
8963     pi = basistoalg(nf, gdiv(gel(p, 5), member_p(p)));
8964   if (gcmpgs(cont, 1) > 0)
8965     pol = gmul(pol, gpow(pi, gmulsg(2, gdiventgs(cont, 2)), prec));
8966   /* On essaye des valeurs de x au hasard */
8967   if (!gequal0(gmodgs(cont, 2)))
8968     pol2 = gmul(pol, pi);
8969   else
8970   {
8971     pol2 = gcopy(pol);
8972     {
8973       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
8974       GEN i = gen_0, p2 = gen_0;
8975       for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, MAXPROB) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
8976       {
8977         xx = nfrandint(nf, gen_0);
8978         z = gen_0;
8979         {
8980           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
8981           while (gequal0(z))
8982           {
8983             z = genrand(NULL);
8984             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
8985               z = gerepilecopy(btop, z);
8986           }
8987         }
8988         xx = gadd(gmul(gneg(ap), z), gmul(b, xx));
8989         Px = polcoeff0(pol, gtos(deg), -1);
8990         p2 = gsubgs(deg, 1);
8991         {
8992           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
8993           GEN j = gen_0;
8994           long l3 = -1 > 0;	  /* bool */
8995           for (j = p2; l3?gcmpgs(j, 0) <= 0:gcmpgs(j, 0) >= 0; j = gaddgs(j, -1))
8996           {
8997             Px = gadd(gmul(Px, xx), polcoeff0(pol, gtos(j), -1));
8998             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
8999               gerepileall(btop, 2, &j, &Px);
9000           }
9001         }
9002         Px = gmul(Px, gpow(z, deg, prec));
9003         if (nfpsquareodd(nf, Px, p, prec))
9004         {
9005           if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
9006             pari_printf("fin de nfqpsolublebig\n");
9007           avma = ltop;
9008           return 1;
9009         }
9010         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
9011           gerepileall(btop, 5, &i, &xx, &z, &Px, &p2);
9012       }
9013     }
9014   }
9015   /* On essaye les racines de pol  */
9016   Roots = nfpolrootsmod(nf, pol2, p);
9017   pi = basistoalg(nf, gel(p, 2));
9018   l1 = glength(Roots);
9019   {
9020     pari_sp btop = avma;
9021     long i;
9022     for (i = 1; i <= l1; ++i)
9023     {
9024       if (nfqpsolublebig(nf, gsubst(pol, gvar(x), gadd(gmul(pi, x), gel(Roots, i))), p, NULL, NULL, prec))
9025       {
9026         avma = ltop;
9027         return 1;
9028       }
9029       avma = btop;
9030     }
9031   }
9032   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
9033     pari_printf("fin de nfqpsolublebig\n");
9034   avma = ltop;
9035   return 0;
9036 }
9038 GEN
9039 nfpolrootsmod(GEN nf, GEN pol, GEN p)
9040 {
9041   pari_sp ltop = avma;
9042   GEN factlist = gen_0, sol = gen_0;
9043   long l1;
9044   factlist = gcopy(gel(nffactormod(nf, pol, p), 1));
9045   sol = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
9046   l1 = glength(factlist);
9047   {
9048     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
9049     long i;
9050     GEN p2 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
9051     for (i = 1; i <= l1; ++i)
9052     {
9053       if (degree(gel(factlist, i)) == 1)
9054       {
9055         p2 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
9056         gel(p2, 1) = gdiv(gneg(polcoeff0(gel(factlist, i), 0, -1)), polcoeff0(gel(factlist, i), 1, -1));
9057         sol = concat(sol, p2);
9058       }
9059       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
9060         gerepileall(btop, 2, &p2, &sol);
9061     }
9062   }
9063   sol = gerepilecopy(ltop, sol);
9064   return sol;
9065 }
9067 long
9068 nfqpsoluble(GEN nf, GEN pol, GEN p, long prec)
9069 {
9070   pari_sp ltop = avma;
9071   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
9072     pari_printf("entree dans nfqpsoluble %Ps\n", p);
9073   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
9074     pari_printf("pol = %Ps\n", pol);
9075   if (nfpsquare(nf, pollead(pol, -1), gel(p, 1), gel(p, 4), prec))
9076   {
9077     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
9078       pari_printf("fin de nfqpsoluble\n");
9079     avma = ltop;
9080     return 1;
9081   }
9082   if (nfpsquare(nf, polcoeff0(pol, 0, -1), gel(p, 1), gel(p, 4), prec))
9083   {
9084     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
9085       pari_printf("fin de nfqpsoluble\n");
9086     avma = ltop;
9087     return 1;
9088   }
9089   if (nfzpsoluble(nf, pol, p, gen_0, gen_1, gen_0, prec))
9090   {
9091     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
9092       pari_printf("fin de nfqpsoluble\n");
9093     avma = ltop;
9094     return 1;
9095   }
9096   if (nfzpsoluble(nf, polrecip(pol), p, gen_1, gel(p, 2), gen_0, prec))
9097   {
9098     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
9099       pari_printf("fin de nfqpsoluble\n");
9100     avma = ltop;
9101     return 1;
9102   }
9103   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
9104     pari_printf("fin de nfqpsoluble\n");
9105   avma = ltop;
9106   return 0;
9107 }
9109 long
9110 nflocallysoluble(GEN nf, GEN pol, GEN r, GEN a, GEN b, long prec)
9111 {
9112   pari_sp ltop = avma;
9113   GEN pol0 = gen_0, plist = gen_0, add = gen_0, ff = gen_0, p = gen_0, Delta = gen_0, vecpol = gen_0, vecpolr = gen_0, Sturmr = gen_0;
9114   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
9115   GEN p2 = gen_0;	  /* int */
9116   if (!r)
9117     r = gen_0;
9118   if (!a)
9119     a = gen_1;
9120   if (!b)
9121     b = gen_1;
9122   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
9123   {
9124     p1 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
9125     gel(p1, 1) = gcopy(pol);
9126     gel(p1, 2) = gcopy(r);
9127     gel(p1, 3) = gcopy(a);
9128     gel(p1, 4) = gcopy(b);
9129     pari_printf("entree dans nflocallysoluble %Ps\n", p1);
9130   }
9131   pol0 = gcopy(pol);
9132   /* */
9133   /* places finies de plist *\ */
9134   /* */
9135   pol = gmul(/* */
9136   /* places finies de plist *\ */
9137   /* */
9138   pol, gsqr(deno(content(lift(pol)))));
9139   {
9140     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
9141     long ii, l3;
9142     for (ii = 1; ii <= 3; ++ii)
9143     {
9144       if (ii == 1)
9145         plist = idealprimedec(nf, gen_2);
9146       if ((ii == 2) && !gequal0(r))
9147         plist = gcopy(gel(idealfactor(nf, gdiv(gdiv(poldisc0(gdiv(pol0, pollead(pol0, -1)), -1), gpowgs(pollead(pol0, -1), 6)), gpowgs(gen_2, 12))), 1));
9148       if ((ii == 2) && (gequal0(r)))
9149         plist = gcopy(gel(idealfactor(nf, poldisc0(pol0, -1)), 1));
9150       if (ii == 3)
9151       {
9152         add = idealadd(nf, a, b);
9153         ff = gcopy(gel(factor(idealnorm(nf, add)), 1));
9154         addprimes(ff);
9155         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
9156           pari_printf("liste de premiers = %Ps\n", ff);
9157         plist = gcopy(gel(idealfactor(nf, add), 1));
9158       }
9159       l3 = glength(plist);
9160       {
9161         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
9162         long i;
9163         for (i = 1; i <= l3; ++i)
9164         {
9165           p = gcopy(gel(plist, i));
9166           if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
9167             pari_printf("p = %Ps\n", p);
9168           if (gcmp(member_p(p), LIMBIGPRIME) < 0)
9169           {
9170             if (!nfqpsoluble(nf, pol, initp(nf, p, prec), prec))
9171             {
9172               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
9173                 pari_printf(" non ELS en %Ps\n", p);
9174               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
9175                 pari_printf("fin de nflocallysoluble\n");
9176               avma = ltop;
9177               return 0;
9178             }
9179           }
9180           else
9181             if (!nfqpsolublebig(nf, pol, p, gdiv(r, a), b, prec))
9182             {
9183               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
9184                 pari_printf(" non ELS en %Ps ( = grand premier  )\n", member_p(p));
9185               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
9186                 pari_printf("fin de nflocallysoluble\n");
9187               avma = ltop;
9188               return 0;
9189             }
9190           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
9191             p = gerepilecopy(btop, p);
9192         }
9193       }
9194       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
9195         gerepileall(btop, 4, &plist, &add, &ff, &p);
9196     }
9197   }
9198   /* places reelles  */
9199   if (signe(member_r1(nf)))
9200   {
9201     Delta = poldisc0(pol, -1);
9202     vecpol = gtovec(pol);
9203     p2 = icopy(member_r1(nf));
9204     {
9205       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
9206       GEN i = gen_0;
9207       long l4;
9208       GEN p5 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
9209       for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, p2) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
9210       {
9211         if (nfsign_s(nf, pollead(pol, -1), i, prec) > 0)
9212           continue;
9213         if (nfsign_s(nf, polcoeff0(pol, 0, -1), i, prec) > 0)
9214           continue;
9215         if (nfsign_s(nf, Delta, i, prec) < 0)
9216           continue;
9217         l4 = glength(vecpol);
9218         {
9219           long j;
9220           p5 = cgetg(l4+1, t_VEC);
9221           for (j = 1; j <= l4; ++j)
9222             gel(p5, j) = mysubst(gel(vecpol, j), gel(member_roots(nf), gtos(i)));
9223         }
9224         vecpolr = p5;
9225         Sturmr = stoi(sturmpart(gtopoly(vecpolr, -1), NULL, NULL));
9226         if (gequal0(Sturmr))
9227         {
9228           if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
9229             pari_printf(" non ELS a l'infini\n");
9230           if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
9231             pari_printf("fin de nflocallysoluble\n");
9232           avma = ltop;
9233           return 0;
9234         }
9235         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
9236           gerepileall(btop, 4, &i, &p5, &vecpolr, &Sturmr);
9237       }
9238     }
9239   }
9240   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
9241     pari_printf(" quartique ELS \n");
9242   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
9243     pari_printf("fin de nflocallysoluble\n");
9244   avma = ltop;
9245   return 1;
9246 }
9248 GEN
9249 nfellcount(GEN nf, GEN c, GEN d, GEN KS2gen, GEN pointstriv, long prec)	  /* vec */
9250 {
9251   pari_sp ltop = avma;
9252   GEN found = gen_0, listgen = gen_0, listpointscount = gen_0, m1 = gen_0, m2 = gen_0, lastloc = gen_0, mask = gen_0, i = gen_0, d1 = gen_0, iaux = gen_0, j = gen_0, triv = gen_0, pol = gen_0, point = gen_0, deuxpoints = gen_0, aux = gen_0, v = gen_0;
9253   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
9254   long l2;
9255   GEN x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
9256   GEN p3 = gen_0, p4 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
9257   /* MODI add aux, v */
9258   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
9259   {
9260     p1 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
9261     gel(p1, 1) = gcopy(c);
9262     gel(p1, 2) = gcopy(d);
9263     pari_printf("entree dans nfellcount %Ps\n", p1);
9264   }
9265   found = gen_0;
9266   listgen = gcopy(KS2gen);
9267   listpointscount = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
9268   m1 = m2 = gen_0;
9269   lastloc = gen_m1;
9270   mask = shifti(gen_1, glength(KS2gen));
9271   i = gen_1;
9272   {
9273     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
9274     long l5;
9275     GEN p6 = gen_0, p7 = gen_0, p8 = gen_0, p9 = gen_0, p10 = gen_0, p11 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
9276     while (gcmp(i, mask) < 0)
9277     {
9278       d1 = gen_1;
9279       iaux = i;
9280       j = gen_1;
9281       {
9282         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
9283         while (!gequal0(iaux))
9284         {
9285           if (!gequal0(gmodgs(iaux, 2)))
9286             d1 = gmul(d1, gel(listgen, gtos(j)));
9287           iaux = gshift(iaux, -1);
9288           j = gaddgs(j, 1);
9289           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
9290             gerepileall(btop, 3, &d1, &iaux, &j);
9291         }
9292       }
9293       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
9294         pari_printf("d1 = %Ps\n", d1);
9295       triv = gen_0;
9296       l5 = glength(pointstriv);
9297       {
9298         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
9299         long j;
9300         GEN p12 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
9301         for (j = 1; j <= l5; ++j)
9302         {
9303           if (!gequal0(gmul(gel(gel(pointstriv, j), 3), gel(gel(pointstriv, j), 1))) && nfissquare(nf, gmul(gmul(d1, gel(gel(pointstriv, j), 1)), gel(gel(pointstriv, j), 3)), prec))
9304           {
9305             p12 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
9306             gel(p12, 1) = gcopy(gel(pointstriv, j));
9307             listpointscount = concat(listpointscount, p12);
9308             if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
9309               pari_printf("point trivial\n");
9310             triv = gen_1;
9311             m1 = gaddgs(m1, 1);
9312             if (gcmp(degre(i), lastloc) > 0)
9313               m2 = gaddgs(m2, 1);
9314             found = gen_1;
9315             lastloc = gen_m1;
9316             break;
9317           }
9318           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
9319             gerepileall(btop, 7, &p12, &listpointscount, &triv, &m1, &m2, &found, &lastloc);
9320         }
9321       }
9322       if (gequal0(triv))
9323       {
9324         p6 = cgetg(6, t_VEC);
9325         gel(p6, 1) = gcopy(d1);
9326         gel(p6, 2) = gen_0;
9327         gel(p6, 3) = gcopy(c);
9328         gel(p6, 4) = gen_0;
9329         gel(p6, 5) = gdiv(d, d1);
9330         pol = gtopoly(p6, -1);
9331         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
9332           pari_printf("quartique = y^2 = %Ps\n", pol);
9333         point = nfratpoint(nf, pol, LIM1, gen_1, prec);
9334         if (!gequal(point, cgetg(1, t_VEC)))
9335         {
9336           if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
9337             pari_printf("point sur la quartique\n");
9338           if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
9339             pari_printf("%Ps\n", point);
9340           m1 = gaddgs(m1, 1);
9341           if (!gequalgs(gel(point, 3), 0))
9342           {
9343             aux = gdiv(gmul(d1, gel(point, 1)), gsqr(gel(point, 3)));
9344             p7 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
9345             gel(p7, 1) = gmul(aux, gel(point, 1));
9346             gel(p7, 2) = gdiv(gmul(aux, gel(point, 2)), gel(point, 3));
9347             deuxpoints = p7;
9348           }
9349           else
9350           {
9351             p8 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
9352             gel(p8, 1) = gen_0;
9353             deuxpoints = p8;
9354           }
9355           p9 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
9356           gel(p9, 1) = gcopy(deuxpoints);
9357           listpointscount = concat(listpointscount, p9);
9358           if (gcmp(degre(i), lastloc) > 0)
9359             m2 = gaddgs(m2, 1);
9360           found = gen_1;
9361           lastloc = gen_m1;
9362         }
9363         else
9364           if (nflocallysoluble(nf, pol, NULL, NULL, NULL, prec))
9365           {
9366             if (gcmp(degre(i), lastloc) > 0)
9367             {
9368               m2 = gaddgs(m2, 1);
9369               lastloc = degre(i);
9370             }
9371             point = nfratpoint(nf, pol, LIM3, gen_1, prec);
9372             if (!gequal(point, cgetg(1, t_VEC)))
9373             {
9374               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
9375                 pari_printf("point sur la quartique\n");
9376               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
9377                 pari_printf("%Ps\n", point);
9378               m1 = gaddgs(m1, 1);
9379               aux = gdiv(gmul(d1, gel(point, 1)), gsqr(gel(point, 3)));
9380               p10 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
9381               gel(p10, 1) = gmul(aux, gel(point, 1));
9382               gel(p10, 2) = gdiv(gmul(aux, gel(point, 2)), gel(point, 3));
9383               deuxpoints = p10;
9384               p11 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
9385               gel(p11, 1) = gcopy(deuxpoints);
9386               listpointscount = concat(listpointscount, p11);
9387               if (gcmp(degre(i), lastloc) > 0)
9388                 m2 = gaddgs(m2, 1);
9389               found = gen_1;
9390               lastloc = gen_m1;
9391             }
9392             else
9393               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
9394                 pari_printf("pas de point trouve sur la quartique\n");
9395           }
9396       }
9397       if (!gequal0(found))
9398       {
9399         found = gen_0;
9400         v = gen_0;
9401         iaux = gshift(i, -1);
9402         {
9403           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
9404           while (!gequal0(iaux))
9405           {
9406             iaux = gshift(iaux, -1);
9407             v = gaddgs(v, 1);
9408             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
9409               gerepileall(btop, 2, &iaux, &v);
9410           }
9411         }
9412         mask = gshift(mask, -1);
9413         listgen = extract0(listgen, subis(subii(shifti(gen_1, glength(listgen)), shifti(gen_1, gtos(v))), 1), NULL);
9414         i = shifti(gen_1, gtos(v));
9415       }
9416       else
9417         i = gaddgs(i, 1);
9418       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
9419         gerepileall(btop, 23, &d1, &iaux, &j, &triv, &listpointscount, &m1, &m2, &found, &lastloc, &p6, &pol, &point, &aux, &p7, &deuxpoints, &p8, &p9, &p10, &p11, &v, &mask, &listgen, &i);
9420     }
9421   }
9422   l2 = glength(listpointscount);
9423   {
9424     pari_sp btop = avma;
9425     long i;
9426     for (i = 1; i <= l2; ++i)
9427     {
9428       if (glength(gel(listpointscount, i)) > 1)
9429         if (!gequalgs(gsub(gsubst(gadd(gadd(gpowgs(x, 3), gmul(c, gsqr(x))), gmul(d, x)), gvar(x), gel(gel(listpointscount, i), 1)), gsqr(gel(gel(listpointscount, i), 2))), 0))
9430           pari_err(user, "nfellcount : MAUVAIS POINT = %Ps", gel(listpointscount, i));
9431       avma = btop;
9432     }
9433   }
9434   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
9435     pari_printf("fin de nfellcount\n");
9436   p3 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
9437   gel(p3, 1) = gcopy(listpointscount);
9438   p4 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
9439   gel(p4, 1) = gcopy(m1);
9440   gel(p4, 2) = gcopy(m2);
9441   gel(p3, 2) = p4;
9442   p3 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p3);
9443   return p3;
9444 }
9446 /* To keep gp2c happy */
9447 GEN
9448 gettufu(GEN bnf)
9449 {
9450   pari_sp ltop = avma;
9451   GEN p1 = gen_0;
9452   p1 = concat(gel(member_tu(bnf), 2), member_fu(bnf));
9453   p1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p1);
9454   return p1;
9455 }
9457 GEN
9458 getfutu(GEN bnf)
9459 {
9460   pari_sp ltop = avma;
9461   GEN p1 = gen_0;
9462   p1 = concat(member_fu(bnf), gel(member_tu(bnf), 2));
9463   p1 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p1);
9464   return p1;
9465 }
9467 GEN
9468 bnfell2descent_viaisog(GEN bnf, GEN ell, long prec)	  /* vec */
9469 {
9470   pari_sp ltop = avma;
9471   GEN P = gen_0, Pfact = gen_0, tors = gen_0, pointstriv = gen_0, apinit = gen_0, bpinit = gen_0, plist = gen_0, KS2prod = gen_0, oddclass = gen_0, KS2gen = gen_0, listpoints = gen_0, pointgen = gen_0, n1 = gen_0, n2 = gen_0, certain = gen_0, np1 = gen_0, np2 = gen_0, listpoints2 = gen_0, aux1 = gen_0, aux2 = gen_0, certainp = gen_0, rang = gen_0, strange = gen_0, y = pol_x(fetch_user_var("y"));
9472   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0, p3 = gen_0, p4 = gen_0, p5 = gen_0, p6 = gen_0, p7 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
9473   GEN x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
9474   long l8, l9;
9475   GEN p10 = gen_0, p11 = gen_0, p12 = gen_0, p13 = gen_0, p14 = gen_0, p15 = gen_0, p16 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
9476   long l17;
9477   GEN p18 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
9478   long l19;
9479   GEN p20 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
9480   /* MODI remove i */
9482   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
9483     pari_printf("Algorithme de la 2-descente par isogenies\n");
9484   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
9485     pari_printf("entree dans bnfell2descent_viaisog\n");
9486   if (!gequal(gpolvar(member_pol(bnf)), y))
9487     pari_err(user, " bnfell2descent_viaisog : la variable du corps de nombres doit etre y ");
9488   ell = smallellinit(gmodulo(lift(ell), member_pol(bnf)));
9489   if (gequal0(member_disc(ell)))
9490     pari_err(user, " bnfell2descent_viaisog : courbe singuliere !!");
9491   if ((!gequalgs(ell_get_a1(ell), 0) || !gequalgs(ell_get_a3(ell), 0)) || !gequalgs(ell_get_a6(ell), 0))
9492     pari_err(user, " bnfell2descent_viaisog : la courbe n'est pas sous la forme [0,a,0,b,0]");
9493   if ((gcmpgs(denom(algtobasis(bnf, ell_get_a2(ell))), 1) > 0) || (gcmpgs(denom(algtobasis(bnf, ell_get_a4(ell))), 1) > 0))
9494     pari_err(user, " bnfell2descent_viaisog : coefficients non entiers");
9495   p1 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
9496   gel(p1, 1) = gen_1;
9497   gel(p1, 2) = gcopy(ell_get_a2(ell));
9498   gel(p1, 3) = gcopy(ell_get_a4(ell));
9499   P = gmul(gtopoly(p1, -1), gmodulsg(1, member_pol(bnf)));
9500   Pfact = gcopy(gel(polfnf(P, member_pol(bnf)), 1));
9501   tors = stoi(glength(Pfact));
9502   if (glength(Pfact) > 1)
9503   {
9504     p2 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
9505     p3 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
9506     gel(p3, 1) = gen_0;
9507     gel(p3, 2) = gen_0;
9508     gel(p3, 3) = gen_1;
9509     gel(p2, 1) = p3;
9510     p4 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
9511     gel(p4, 1) = gneg(polcoeff0(gel(Pfact, 1), 0, -1));
9512     gel(p4, 2) = gen_0;
9513     gel(p4, 3) = gen_1;
9514     gel(p2, 2) = p4;
9515     p5 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
9516     gel(p5, 1) = gneg(polcoeff0(gel(Pfact, 2), 0, -1));
9517     gel(p5, 2) = gen_0;
9518     gel(p5, 3) = gen_1;
9519     gel(p2, 3) = p5;
9520     pointstriv = p2;
9521   }
9522   else
9523   {
9524     p6 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
9525     p7 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
9526     gel(p7, 1) = gen_0;
9527     gel(p7, 2) = gen_0;
9528     gel(p7, 3) = gen_1;
9529     gel(p6, 1) = p7;
9530     pointstriv = p6;
9531   }
9532   apinit = gmulsg(-2, ell_get_a2(ell));
9533   bpinit = gsub(gsqr(ell_get_a2(ell)), gmulsg(4, ell_get_a4(ell)));
9534   /* calcul des ideaux premiers de plist  */
9535   /* et de quelques renseignements associes  */
9536   plist = gcopy(gel(idealfactor(bnf, gmulsg(6, member_disc(ell))), 1));
9537   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
9538     pari_printf(" Recherche de points triviaux sur la courbe\n");
9539   P = gmul(P, x);
9540   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
9541     pari_printf("Y^2 = %Ps\n", P);
9542   pointstriv = concat(pointstriv, nfratpoint(member_nf(bnf), P, LIMTRIV, gen_0, prec));
9543   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
9544   {
9545     pari_printf("points triviaux sur E(K) = \n");
9546     pari_printf("%Ps\n", lift(pointstriv));
9547     pari_printf("\n");
9548   }
9549   KS2prod = gcopy(ell_get_a4(ell));
9550   oddclass = gen_0;
9551   {
9552     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
9553     while (gequal0(oddclass))
9554     {
9555       KS2gen = bnfsunit(bnf, gtrans(gel(idealfactor(bnf, KS2prod), 1)), prec);
9556       oddclass = gmodgs(gel(gel(KS2gen, 5), 1), 2);
9557       if (gequal0(oddclass))
9558         KS2prod = idealmul(bnf, KS2prod, gel(gel(gel(KS2gen, 5), 3), 1));
9559       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
9560         gerepileall(btop, 3, &KS2gen, &oddclass, &KS2prod);
9561     }
9562   }
9563   KS2gen = gcopy(gel(KS2gen, 1));
9564   /*  A CHANGER : KS2gen = matbasistoalg(bnf,KS2gen); */
9565   l8 = glength(KS2gen);
9566   {
9567     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
9568     long i;
9569     for (i = 1; i <= l8; ++i)
9570     {
9571       gel(KS2gen, i) = basistoalg(bnf, gel(KS2gen, i));
9572       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
9573         KS2gen = gerepilecopy(btop, KS2gen);
9574     }
9575   }
9576   KS2gen = concat(gmodulo(lift(gettufu(bnf)), member_pol(bnf)), KS2gen);
9577   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
9578   {
9579     pari_printf("#K(b,2)gen          = %ld\n", glength(KS2gen));
9580     pari_printf("K(b,2)gen = %Ps\n", KS2gen);
9581   }
9582   listpoints = nfellcount(member_nf(bnf), ell_get_a2(ell), ell_get_a4(ell), KS2gen, pointstriv, prec);
9583   pointgen = gcopy(gel(listpoints, 1));
9584   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
9585   {
9586     pari_printf("points sur E(K) = %Ps\n", lift(pointgen));
9587     pari_printf("\n");
9588   }
9589   n1 = gcopy(gel(gel(listpoints, 2), 1));
9590   n2 = gcopy(gel(gel(listpoints, 2), 2));
9591   certain = stoi(gequal(n1, n2));
9592   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
9593   {
9594     if (!gequal0(certain))
9595     {
9596       pari_printf("[E(K):phi'(E'(K))]  = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(n1)));
9597       pari_printf("#S^(phi')(E'/K)     = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(n2)));
9598       pari_printf("#III(E'/K)[phi']    = 1\n");
9599       pari_printf("\n");
9600     }
9601     else
9602     {
9603       pari_printf("[E(K):phi'(E'(K))] >= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(n1)));
9604       pari_printf("#S^(phi')(E'/K)     = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(n2)));
9605       pari_printf("#III(E'/K)[phi']   <= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsub(n2, n1))));
9606       pari_printf("\n");
9607     }
9608   }
9609   KS2prod = bpinit;
9610   oddclass = gen_0;
9611   {
9612     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
9613     while (gequal0(oddclass))
9614     {
9615       KS2gen = bnfsunit(bnf, gtrans(gel(idealfactor(bnf, KS2prod), 1)), prec);
9616       oddclass = gmodgs(gel(gel(KS2gen, 5), 1), 2);
9617       if (gequal0(oddclass))
9618         KS2prod = idealmul(bnf, KS2prod, gel(gel(gel(KS2gen, 5), 3), 1));
9619       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
9620         gerepileall(btop, 3, &KS2gen, &oddclass, &KS2prod);
9621     }
9622   }
9623   KS2gen = gcopy(gel(KS2gen, 1));
9624   /* A CHANGER KS2gen = matbasistoalg(bnf,KS2gen); */
9625   l9 = glength(KS2gen);
9626   {
9627     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
9628     long i;
9629     for (i = 1; i <= l9; ++i)
9630     {
9631       gel(KS2gen, i) = basistoalg(bnf, gel(KS2gen, i));
9632       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
9633         KS2gen = gerepilecopy(btop, KS2gen);
9634     }
9635   }
9636   KS2gen = concat(gmodulo(lift(gettufu(bnf)), member_pol(bnf)), KS2gen);
9637   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
9638   {
9639     pari_printf("#K(a^2-4b,2)gen     = %ld\n", glength(KS2gen));
9640     pari_printf("K(a^2-4b,2)gen     = %Ps\n", KS2gen);
9641   }
9642   p10 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
9643   gel(p10, 1) = gen_1;
9644   gel(p10, 2) = gcopy(apinit);
9645   gel(p10, 3) = gcopy(bpinit);
9646   P = gmul(gtopoly(p10, -1), gmodulsg(1, member_pol(bnf)));
9647   Pfact = gcopy(gel(polfnf(P, member_pol(bnf)), 1));
9648   if (glength(Pfact) > 1)
9649   {
9650     p11 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
9651     p12 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
9652     gel(p12, 1) = gen_0;
9653     gel(p12, 2) = gen_0;
9654     gel(p12, 3) = gen_1;
9655     gel(p11, 1) = p12;
9656     p13 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
9657     gel(p13, 1) = gneg(polcoeff0(gel(Pfact, 1), 0, -1));
9658     gel(p13, 2) = gen_0;
9659     gel(p13, 3) = gen_1;
9660     gel(p11, 2) = p13;
9661     p14 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
9662     gel(p14, 1) = gneg(polcoeff0(gel(Pfact, 2), 0, -1));
9663     gel(p14, 2) = gen_0;
9664     gel(p14, 3) = gen_1;
9665     gel(p11, 3) = p14;
9666     pointstriv = p11;
9667   }
9668   else
9669   {
9670     p15 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
9671     p16 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
9672     gel(p16, 1) = gen_0;
9673     gel(p16, 2) = gen_0;
9674     gel(p16, 3) = gen_1;
9675     gel(p15, 1) = p16;
9676     pointstriv = p15;
9677   }
9678   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
9679     pari_printf(" Recherche de points triviaux sur la courbe\n");
9680   P = gmul(P, x);
9681   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
9682     pari_printf("Y^2 = %Ps\n", P);
9683   pointstriv = concat(pointstriv, nfratpoint(member_nf(bnf), P, LIMTRIV, gen_0, prec));
9684   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
9685   {
9686     pari_printf("points triviaux sur E'(K) = \n");
9687     pari_printf("%Ps\n", lift(pointstriv));
9688     pari_printf("\n");
9689   }
9690   listpoints = nfellcount(member_nf(bnf), apinit, bpinit, KS2gen, pointstriv, prec);
9691   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
9692     pari_printf("points sur E'(K) = %Ps\n", lift(gel(listpoints, 1)));
9693   np1 = gcopy(gel(gel(listpoints, 2), 1));
9694   np2 = gcopy(gel(gel(listpoints, 2), 2));
9695   l17 = glength(gel(listpoints, 1));
9696   {
9697     long i;
9698     p18 = cgetg(l17+1, t_VEC);
9699     for (i = 1; i <= l17; ++i)
9700       gel(p18, i) = gen_0;
9701   }
9702   listpoints2 = p18;
9703   l19 = glength(gel(listpoints, 1));
9704   {
9705     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
9706     long i;
9707     GEN p21 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
9708     for (i = 1; i <= l19; ++i)
9709     {
9710       p21 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
9711       gel(p21, 1) = gen_0;
9712       gel(p21, 2) = gen_0;
9713       gel(listpoints2, i) = p21;
9714       aux1 = gsqr(gel(gel(gel(listpoints, 1), i), 1));
9715       if (!gequalgs(aux1, 0))
9716       {
9717         aux2 = gcopy(gel(gel(gel(listpoints, 1), i), 2));
9718         gel(gel(listpoints2, i), 1) = gdivgs(gdiv(gsqr(aux2), aux1), 4);
9719         gel(gel(listpoints2, i), 2) = gdivgs(gdiv(gmul(aux2, gsub(bpinit, aux1)), aux1), 8);
9720       }
9721       else
9722         gel(listpoints2, i) = gcopy(gel(gel(listpoints, 1), i));
9723       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
9724         gerepileall(btop, 4, &p21, &listpoints2, &aux1, &aux2);
9725     }
9726   }
9727   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
9728   {
9729     pari_printf("points sur E(K) = %Ps\n", lift(listpoints2));
9730     pari_printf("\n");
9731   }
9732   pointgen = concat(pointgen, listpoints2);
9733   certainp = stoi(gequal(np1, np2));
9734   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
9735   {
9736     if (!gequal0(certainp))
9737     {
9738       pari_printf("[E'(K):phi(E(K))]   = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(np1)));
9739       pari_printf("#S^(phi)(E/K)       = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(np2)));
9740       pari_printf("#III(E/K)[phi]      = 1\n");
9741       pari_printf("\n");
9742     }
9743     else
9744     {
9745       pari_printf("[E'(K):phi(E(K))]  >= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(np1)));
9746       pari_printf("#S^(phi)(E/K)       = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(np2)));
9747       pari_printf("#III(E/K)[phi]     <= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsub(np2, np1))));
9748       pari_printf("\n");
9749     }
9750     if ((gequal0(certain)) && (gcmp(np2, np1) > 0))
9751       pari_printf("%Ps <= ", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsub(np2, np1))));
9752     pari_printf("#III(E/K)[2]       ");
9753     if (!gequal0(certain) && !gequal0(certainp))
9754       pari_printf(" ");
9755     else
9756       pari_printf("<");
9757     pari_printf("= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsub(gsub(gadd(n2, np2), n1), np1))));
9758     pari_printf("#E(K)[2]            = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(tors)));
9759   }
9760   rang = gsubgs(gadd(n1, np1), 2);
9761   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
9762   {
9763     if (!gequal0(certain) && !gequal0(certainp))
9764     {
9765       pari_printf("#E(K)/2E(K)         = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gadd(rang, tors))));
9766       pari_printf("rang                = %Ps\n", rang);
9767       pari_printf("\n");
9768     }
9769     else
9770     {
9771       pari_printf("#E(K)/2E(K)        >= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gadd(rang, tors))));
9772       pari_printf("\n");
9773       pari_printf("%Ps <= rang          <= %Ps\n", rang, gsubgs(gadd(n2, np2), 2));
9774       pari_printf("\n");
9775     }
9776   }
9777   strange = gmodgs(gsub(gsub(gadd(n2, np2), n1), np1), 2);
9778   if (!gequal0(strange))
9779   {
9780     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
9781     {
9782       pari_printf(" !!! III doit etre un carre !!!\n");
9783       pari_printf("donc\n");
9784     }
9785     if (!gequal0(certain))
9786     {
9787       np1 = gaddgs(np1, 1);
9788       certainp = stoi(gequal(np1, np2));
9789       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
9790       {
9791         if (!gequal0(certainp))
9792         {
9793           pari_printf("[E'(K):phi(E(K))]   = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(np1)));
9794           pari_printf("#S^(phi)(E/K)       = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(np2)));
9795           pari_printf("#III(E/K)[phi]      = 1\n");
9796           pari_printf("\n");
9797         }
9798         else
9799         {
9800           pari_printf("[E'(K):phi(E(K))]  >= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(np1)));
9801           pari_printf("#S^(phi)(E/K)       = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(np2)));
9802           pari_printf("#III(E/K)[phi]     <= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsub(np2, np1))));
9803           pari_printf("\n");
9804         }
9805       }
9806     }
9807     else
9808     {
9809       if (!gequal0(certainp))
9810       {
9811         n1 = gaddgs(n1, 1);
9812         certain = stoi(gequal(n1, n2));
9813         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
9814         {
9815           if (!gequal0(certain))
9816           {
9817             pari_printf("[E(K):phi'(E'(K))]   = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(n1)));
9818             pari_printf("#S^(phi')(E'/K)       = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(n2)));
9819             pari_printf("#III(E'/K)[phi']      = 1\n");
9820             pari_printf("\n");
9821           }
9822           else
9823           {
9824             pari_printf("[E(K):phi'(E'(K))]  >= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(n1)));
9825             pari_printf("#S^(phi')(E'/K)      = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(n2)));
9826             pari_printf("#III(E'/K)[phi']    <= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsub(n2, n1))));
9827             pari_printf("\n");
9828           }
9829         }
9830       }
9831       else
9832         n1 = gaddgs(n1, 1);
9833     }
9834     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
9835     {
9836       if ((gequal0(certain)) && (gcmp(np2, np1) > 0))
9837         pari_printf("%Ps <= ", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsub(np2, np1))));
9838       pari_printf("#III(E/K)[2]       ");
9839       if (!gequal0(certain) && !gequal0(certainp))
9840         pari_printf(" ");
9841       else
9842         pari_printf("<");
9843       pari_printf("= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsub(gsub(gadd(n2, np2), n1), np1))));
9844       pari_printf("#E(K)[2]            = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(tors)));
9845     }
9846     rang = gsubgs(gadd(n1, np1), 2);
9847     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
9848     {
9849       if (!gequal0(certain) && !gequal0(certainp))
9850       {
9851         pari_printf("#E(K)/2E(K)         = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gadd(rang, tors))));
9852         pari_printf("\n");
9853         pari_printf("rang                = %Ps\n", rang);
9854         pari_printf("\n");
9855       }
9856       else
9857       {
9858         pari_printf("#E(K)/2E(K)        >= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gadd(rang, tors))));
9859         pari_printf("\n");
9860         pari_printf("%Ps <= rang          <= %Ps\n", rang, gsubgs(gadd(n2, np2), 2));
9861         pari_printf("\n");
9862       }
9863     }
9864   }
9865   /* fin de strange  */
9867   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
9868     pari_printf("points = %Ps\n", pointgen);
9869   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
9870     pari_printf("fin de bnfell2descent_viaisog\n");
9871   p20 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
9872   gel(p20, 1) = gcopy(rang);
9873   gel(p20, 2) = gadd(gsubgs(gadd(n2, np2), 2), tors);
9874   gel(p20, 3) = gcopy(pointgen);
9875   p20 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p20);
9876   return p20;
9877 }
9879 GEN
9880 nfchinremain(GEN nf, GEN b, GEN fact)
9881 {
9882   pari_sp ltop = avma;
9883   GEN l = gen_0, fact2 = gen_0;
9884   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
9885   /* MODI remove i */
9887   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
9888     pari_printf("entree dans nfchinremain\n");
9889   l = stoi(glength(gel(fact, 1)));
9890   {
9891     long i;
9892     p1 = cgetg(gtos(l)+1, t_VEC);
9893     for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, l) <= 0; ++i)
9894       gel(p1, i) = idealdiv(nf, b, idealpow0(nf, gcoeff(fact, i, 1), gcoeff(fact, i, 2), 0));
9895   }
9896   fact2 = p1;
9897   /*  for( i = 1, l, */
9898   /*    fact2[i] = idealdiv(nf,b,idealpow(nf,fact[i,1],fact[i,2]))); */
9899   fact2 = idealaddtoone0(nf, fact2, NULL);
9900   /* A CHANGER : fact2 = matbasistoalg(nf,fact2); */
9901   {
9902     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
9903     GEN i = gen_0;
9904     for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, l) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
9905     {
9906       gel(fact2, gtos(i)) = basistoalg(nf, gel(fact2, gtos(i)));
9907       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
9908         gerepileall(btop, 2, &i, &fact2);
9909     }
9910   }
9911   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
9912     pari_printf("fin de nfchinremain\n");
9913   fact2 = gerepilecopy(ltop, fact2);
9914   return fact2;
9915 }
9917 GEN
9918 bnfqfsolve2(GEN bnf, GEN aleg, GEN bleg, GEN auto_s, long prec)	  /* vec */
9919 {
9920   pari_sp ltop = avma;
9921   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
9922   GEN y = pol_x(fetch_user_var("y")), aux = gen_0, solvepolrel = gen_0, auxsolve = gen_0, solvepolabs = gen_0, exprxy = gen_0, rrrnf = gen_0, bbbnf = gen_0, SL0 = gen_0, SL1 = gen_0, SL = gen_0, sunL = gen_0, fondsunL = gen_0, normfondsunL = gen_0, SK = gen_0, sunK = gen_0, fondsunK = gen_0, vecbleg = gen_0, matnorm = gen_0, matnormmod = gen_0, expsolution = gen_0, solution = gen_0, reste = gen_0, carre = gen_0, verif = gen_0, x0 = gen_0, x1 = gen_0, x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
9923   long l2, l3, l4;
9924   GEN p5 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
9925   long l6;
9926   GEN p7 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
9927   long l8, l9;
9928   GEN p10 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
9929   long l11, l12;
9930   GEN p13 = gen_0;
9931   long l14;
9932   GEN p15 = gen_0;
9933   GEN p16 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
9934   if (!auto_s)
9935   {
9936     p1 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
9937     gel(p1, 1) = gcopy(y);
9938     auto_s = p1;
9939   }
9940   /* MODI remove i */
9941   /* MODI add x0, x1 */
9943   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
9944     pari_printf("entree dans bnfqfsolve2\n");
9945   solvepolrel = gsub(gsqr(x), aleg);
9946   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
9947     pari_printf("aleg = %Ps\n", aleg);
9948   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
9949     pari_printf("bleg = %Ps\n", bleg);
9950   if (glength(auto_s) > 1)
9951   {
9952     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
9953       pari_printf("factorisation du discriminant avec les auto_smorhpismes de bnf\n");
9954     l2 = glength(auto_s);
9955     {
9956       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
9957       long i;
9958       for (i = 2; i <= l2; ++i)
9959       {
9960         aux = gabs(polresultant0(gsub(lift(aleg), gsubst(lift(aleg), gvar(y), gel(auto_s, i))), member_pol(bnf), -1, 0), prec);
9961         if (!gequal0(aux))
9962           addprimes(gel(factor(aux), 1));
9963         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
9964           aux = gerepilecopy(btop, aux);
9965       }
9966     }
9967   }
9968   auxsolve = rnfequation0(bnf, solvepolrel, 1);
9969   solvepolabs = gcopy(gel(auxsolve, 1));
9970   exprxy = gcopy(gel(auxsolve, 2));
9971   if (!gequal0(gel(auxsolve, 3)))
9972     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
9973       pari_printf(" CECI EST LE NOUVEAU CAS auxsolve[3] != 0\n");
9974   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
9975     pari_printf(" bbbnfinit %Ps\n", solvepolabs);
9976   rrrnf = rnfinit(bnf, solvepolrel);
9977   bbbnf = Buchall(solvepolabs, nf_FORCE, prec);
9978   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
9979     pari_printf(" done\n");
9980   SL0 = gen_1;
9981   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
9982     pari_printf("bbbnf.clgp = %Ps\n", member_clgp(bbbnf));
9983   l3 = glength(gel(member_clgp(bbbnf), 2));
9984   {
9985     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
9986     long i;
9987     for (i = 1; i <= l3; ++i)
9988     {
9989       if (gequal0(gmodgs(gel(gel(member_clgp(bbbnf), 2), i), 2)))
9990         SL0 = idealmul(bbbnf, SL0, gcoeff(gel(gel(member_clgp(bbbnf), 3), i), 1, 1));
9991       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
9992         SL0 = gerepilecopy(btop, SL0);
9993     }
9994   }
9995   SL1 = idealmul(bbbnf, SL0, rnfelementup(rrrnf, bleg));
9996   SL = gtrans(gel(idealfactor(bbbnf, SL1), 1));
9997   sunL = bnfsunit(bbbnf, SL, prec);
9998   l4 = glength(gel(sunL, 1));
9999   {
10000     long i;
10001     p5 = cgetg(l4+1, t_VEC);
10002     for (i = 1; i <= l4; ++i)
10003       gel(p5, i) = basistoalg(bbbnf, gel(gel(sunL, 1), i));
10004   }
10005   /* A CHANGER : fondsunL = concat(bbbnf.futu,matbasistoalg(bbbnf,sunL[1])); */
10006   fondsunL = concat(getfutu(bbbnf), p5);
10007   normfondsunL = gnorm(rnfelementabstorel(rrrnf, fondsunL));
10008   SK = gtrans(gel(idealfactor(bnf, idealnorm(bbbnf, SL1)), 1));
10009   sunK = bnfsunit(bnf, SK, prec);
10010   l6 = glength(gel(sunK, 1));
10011   {
10012     long i;
10013     p7 = cgetg(l6+1, t_VEC);
10014     for (i = 1; i <= l6; ++i)
10015       gel(p7, i) = basistoalg(bnf, gel(gel(sunK, 1), i));
10016   }
10017   /* A CHANGER :  fondsunK = concat(bnf.futu,matbasistoalg(bnf,sunK[1])); */
10018   fondsunK = concat(getfutu(bnf), p7);
10019   vecbleg = bnfissunit(bnf, sunK, bleg);
10020   l8 = glength(normfondsunL);
10021   l9 = glength(fondsunK);
10022   {
10023     long i, j;
10024     p10 = cgetg(l8+1, t_MAT);
10025     for (j = 1; j <= l8; ++j)
10026     {
10027       gel(p10, j) = cgetg(l9+1, t_COL);
10028       for (i = 1; i <= l9; ++i)
10029         gcoeff(p10, i, j) = gen_0;
10030     }
10031   }
10032   matnorm = p10;
10033   l11 = glength(normfondsunL);
10034   {
10035     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10036     long i;
10037     for (i = 1; i <= l11; ++i)
10038     {
10039       gel(matnorm, i) = lift(bnfissunit(bnf, sunK, gel(normfondsunL, i)));
10040       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
10041         matnorm = gerepilecopy(btop, matnorm);
10042     }
10043   }
10044   matnormmod = gmul(matnorm, gmodulss(1, 2));
10045   expsolution = lift(inverseimage(matnormmod, gmul(vecbleg, gmodulss(1, 2))));
10046   if (gequal(expsolution, cgetg(1, t_COL)))
10047     pari_err(user, " bnfqfsolve2 : IL N'Y A PAS DE SOLUTION ");
10048   l12 = glength(expsolution);
10049   {
10050     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10051     long i;
10052     p13 = gen_1;
10053     for (i = 1; i <= l12; ++i)
10054     {
10055       p13 = gmul(p13, gpow(gel(fondsunL, i), gel(expsolution, i), prec));
10056       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
10057         p13 = gerepilecopy(btop, p13);
10058     }
10059   }
10060   solution = p13;
10061   solution = rnfelementabstorel(rrrnf, solution);
10062   reste = gdivgs(gsub(lift(vecbleg), gmul(matnorm, expsolution)), 2);
10063   l14 = glength(vecbleg);
10064   {
10065     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10066     long i;
10067     p15 = gen_1;
10068     for (i = 1; i <= l14; ++i)
10069     {
10070       p15 = gmul(p15, gpow(gel(fondsunK, i), gel(reste, i), prec));
10071       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
10072         p15 = gerepilecopy(btop, p15);
10073     }
10074   }
10075   carre = p15;
10076   solution = gmul(solution, carre);
10077   x1 = polcoeff0(lift(solution), 1, gvar(x));
10078   x0 = polcoeff0(lift(solution), 0, gvar(x));
10079   verif = gsub(gsub(gsqr(x0), gmul(aleg, gsqr(x1))), bleg);
10080   if (!gequal0(verif))
10081     pari_err(user, " bnfqfsolve2 : MAUVAIS POINT");
10082   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
10083     pari_printf("fin de bnfqfsolve2\n");
10084   p16 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
10085   gel(p16, 1) = gcopy(x0);
10086   gel(p16, 2) = gcopy(x1);
10087   gel(p16, 3) = gen_1;
10088   p16 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p16);
10089   return p16;
10090 }
10092 GEN
10093 bnfqfsolve(GEN bnf, GEN aleg, GEN bleg, GEN flag3, GEN auto_s, long prec)
10094 {
10095   pari_sp ltop = avma;
10096   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
10097   GEN y = pol_x(fetch_user_var("y")), nf = gen_0, aa = gen_0, bb = gen_0, na = gen_0, nb = gen_0, maxnb = gen_0, mat = gen_0, resl = gen_0, t = gen_0, sq = gen_0, pol = gen_0, vecrat = gen_0, alpha = gen_0, xx = gen_0, yy = gen_0, borne = gen_0, test = gen_0, sun = gen_0, fact = gen_0, suni = gen_0, f = gen_0, l = gen_0, aux = gen_0, alpha2 = gen_0, maxnbiter = gen_0, idbb = gen_0, rem = gen_0, nbiter = gen_0, mask = gen_0, oldnb = gen_0, newnb = gen_0, bor = gen_0, testici = gen_0, de = gen_0, xxp = gen_0, yyp = gen_0, rap = gen_0, verif = gen_0;
10098   GEN p2 = gen_0, p3 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
10099   GEN x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
10100   if (!auto_s)
10101   {
10102     p1 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
10103     gel(p1, 1) = gcopy(y);
10104     auto_s = p1;
10105   }
10106   /* MODI remove k, maxna */
10108   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
10109     pari_printf("entree dans bnfqfsolve\n");
10110   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
10111     pari_printf("(a,b) = (%Ps,%Ps)\n", aleg, bleg);
10112   nf = gcopy(member_nf(bnf));
10113   aleg = gmodulo(lift(aleg), member_pol(nf));
10114   aa = gcopy(aleg);
10115   bleg = gmodulo(lift(bleg), member_pol(nf));
10116   bb = gcopy(bleg);
10117   if (gequal0(aa))
10118   {
10119     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
10120       pari_printf("fin de bnfqfsolve\n");
10121     p2 = cgetg(4, t_COL);
10122     gel(p2, 1) = gen_0;
10123     gel(p2, 2) = gen_1;
10124     gel(p2, 3) = gen_0;
10125     p2 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p2);
10126     return p2;
10127   }
10128   if (gequal0(bb))
10129   {
10130     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
10131       pari_printf("fin de bnfqfsolve\n");
10132     p3 = cgetg(4, t_COL);
10133     gel(p3, 1) = gen_0;
10134     gel(p3, 2) = gen_0;
10135     gel(p3, 3) = gen_1;
10136     p3 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p3);
10137     return p3;
10138   }
10139   na = gabs(gnorm(aa), prec);
10140   nb = gabs(gnorm(bb), prec);
10141   if (gcmp(na, nb) > 0)
10142     maxnb = na;
10143   else
10144     maxnb = nb;
10145   maxnb = gshift(maxnb, 20);
10146   mat = gmodulo(matid(3), member_pol(nf));
10147   borne = gen_1;
10148   test = gen_0;
10149   nbiter = gen_0;
10150   {
10151     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10152     GEN p4 = gen_0, p5 = gen_0, p6 = gen_0, p7 = gen_0, p8 = gen_0, p9 = gen_0, p10 = gen_0, p11 = gen_0, p12 = gen_0, p13 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
10153     long l14;
10154     GEN p15 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
10155     long l16;
10156     GEN p17 = gen_0, p18 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
10157     while (1)
10158     {
10159       if (!gequal0(flag3) && (gcmpgs(gel(member_clgp(bnf), 1), 1) > 0))
10160       {
10161         resl = gtrans(bnfqfsolve2(bnf, aa, bb, auto_s, prec));
10162         break;
10163       }
10164       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10165       {
10166         p4 = cgetg(7, t_VEC);
10167         gel(p4, 1) = gcopy(na);
10168         gel(p4, 2) = gcopy(nb);
10169         gel(p4, 3) = gcopy(aa);
10170         gel(p4, 4) = gcopy(bb);
10171         gel(p4, 5) = gnorm(aa);
10172         gel(p4, 6) = gnorm(bb);
10173         pari_printf("(na,nb,a,b) = %Ps\n", lift(p4));
10174       }
10175       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
10176         pari_printf("***%Ps*** \n", nb);
10177       if (gcmp(nb, maxnb) >= 0)
10178       {
10179         mat = gmodulo(matid(3), member_pol(nf));
10180         aa = gcopy(aleg);
10181         bb = gcopy(bleg);
10182         na = gabs(gnorm(aleg), prec);
10183         nb = gabs(gnorm(bleg), prec);
10184       }
10185       if (gequal1(aa))
10186       {
10187         p5 = cgetg(4, t_COL);
10188         gel(p5, 1) = gen_1;
10189         gel(p5, 2) = gen_1;
10190         gel(p5, 3) = gen_0;
10191         resl = p5;
10192         break;
10193       }
10194       if (gequal1(bb))
10195       {
10196         p6 = cgetg(4, t_COL);
10197         gel(p6, 1) = gen_1;
10198         gel(p6, 2) = gen_0;
10199         gel(p6, 3) = gen_1;
10200         resl = p6;
10201         break;
10202       }
10203       if (gequal1(gadd(aa, bb)))
10204       {
10205         p7 = cgetg(4, t_COL);
10206         gel(p7, 1) = gen_1;
10207         gel(p7, 2) = gen_1;
10208         gel(p7, 3) = gen_1;
10209         resl = p7;
10210         break;
10211       }
10212       if (gequal0(gadd(aa, bb)))
10213       {
10214         p8 = cgetg(4, t_COL);
10215         gel(p8, 1) = gen_0;
10216         gel(p8, 2) = gen_1;
10217         gel(p8, 3) = gen_1;
10218         resl = p8;
10219         break;
10220       }
10221       if (gequal(aa, bb) && !gequalgs(aa, 1))
10222       {
10223         t = gmul(aa, gel(mat, 1));
10224         gel(mat, 1) = gcopy(gel(mat, 3));
10225         gel(mat, 3) = gcopy(t);
10226         aa = gen_m1;
10227         na = gen_1;
10228       }
10229       if (!gequal0(gissquare(na)))
10230       {
10231         sq = nfsqrt(nf, aa, prec);
10232         if (!gequal(sq, cgetg(1, t_VEC)))
10233         {
10234           p9 = cgetg(4, t_COL);
10235           gel(p9, 1) = gcopy(gel(sq, 1));
10236           gel(p9, 2) = gen_1;
10237           gel(p9, 3) = gen_0;
10238           resl = p9;
10239           break;
10240         }
10241       }
10242       if (!gequal0(gissquare(nb)))
10243       {
10244         sq = nfsqrt(nf, bb, prec);
10245         if (!gequal(sq, cgetg(1, t_VEC)))
10246         {
10247           p10 = cgetg(4, t_COL);
10248           gel(p10, 1) = gcopy(gel(sq, 1));
10249           gel(p10, 2) = gen_0;
10250           gel(p10, 3) = gen_1;
10251           resl = p10;
10252           break;
10253         }
10254       }
10255       if (gcmp(na, nb) > 0)
10256       {
10257         t = aa;
10258         aa = bb;
10259         bb = t;
10260         t = na;
10261         na = nb;
10262         nb = t;
10263         t = gcopy(gel(mat, 3));
10264         gel(mat, 3) = gcopy(gel(mat, 2));
10265         gel(mat, 2) = gcopy(t);
10266       }
10267       if (gequal1(nb))
10268       {
10269         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10270         {
10271           p11 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
10272           gel(p11, 1) = gcopy(aa);
10273           gel(p11, 2) = gcopy(bb);
10274           pari_printf("(a,b) = %Ps\n", lift(p11));
10275         }
10276         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10277         {
10278           p12 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
10279           gel(p12, 1) = gcopy(na);
10280           gel(p12, 2) = gcopy(nb);
10281           pari_printf("(na,nb) = %Ps\n", lift(p12));
10282         }
10283         if (gequal(aleg, aa) && gequal(bleg, bb))
10284           mat = gmodulo(matid(3), member_pol(nf));
10285         if (!gequal0(flag3))
10286         {
10287           resl = gtrans(bnfqfsolve2(bnf, aa, bb, auto_s, prec));
10288           break;
10289         }
10290         pol = gadd(gmul(aa, gsqr(x)), bb);
10291         vecrat = nfratpoint(nf, pol, borne = gaddgs(borne, 1), gen_1, prec);
10292         if (!gequalgs(vecrat, 0))
10293         {
10294           p13 = cgetg(4, t_COL);
10295           gel(p13, 1) = gcopy(gel(vecrat, 2));
10296           gel(p13, 2) = gcopy(gel(vecrat, 1));
10297           gel(p13, 3) = gcopy(gel(vecrat, 3));
10298           resl = p13;
10299           break;
10300         }
10301         alpha = gen_0;
10302         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10303           pari_printf("borne = %Ps\n", borne);
10304         {
10305           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10306           while (gequal0(alpha))
10307           {
10308             xx = nfrandint(nf, borne);
10309             yy = nfrandint(nf, borne);
10310             borne = gaddgs(borne, 1);
10311             alpha = gsub(gsqr(xx), gmul(aa, gsqr(yy)));
10312             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
10313               gerepileall(btop, 4, &xx, &yy, &borne, &alpha);
10314           }
10315         }
10316         bb = gmul(bb, alpha);
10317         nb = gmul(nb, gabs(gnorm(alpha), prec));
10318         t = gadd(gmul(xx, gel(mat, 1)), gmul(yy, gel(mat, 2)));
10319         gel(mat, 2) = gadd(gmul(xx, gel(mat, 2)), gmul(gmul(aa, yy), gel(mat, 1)));
10320         gel(mat, 1) = gcopy(t);
10321         gel(mat, 3) = gmul(gel(mat, 3), alpha);
10322       }
10323       else
10324       {
10325         test = gen_1;
10326         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10327           pari_printf("on factorise bb = %Ps\n", bb);
10328         sun = bnfsunit(bnf, gtrans(gel(idealfactor(bnf, bb), 1)), prec);
10329         fact = lift(bnfissunit(bnf, sun, bb));
10330         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10331           pari_printf("fact = %Ps\n", fact);
10332         l14 = glength(gel(sun, 1));
10333         {
10334           long i;
10335           p15 = cgetg(l14+1, t_VEC);
10336           for (i = 1; i <= l14; ++i)
10337             gel(p15, i) = basistoalg(bnf, gel(gel(sun, 1), i));
10338         }
10339         suni = concat(getfutu(bnf), p15);
10340         l16 = glength(suni);
10341         {
10342           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10343           long i;
10344           for (i = 1; i <= l16; ++i)
10345           {
10346             if (!gequal0(f = gshift(gel(fact, i), -1)))
10347             {
10348               test = gen_0;
10349               {
10350                 pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10351                 long k;
10352                 for (k = 1; k <= 3; ++k)
10353                 {
10354                   gcoeff(mat, k, 3) = gdiv(gcoeff(mat, k, 3), gpow(gel(suni, i), f, prec));
10355                   if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
10356                     mat = gerepilecopy(btop, mat);
10357                 }
10358               }
10359               nb = gdiv(nb, gpow(gabs(gnorm(gel(suni, i)), prec), gmulsg(2, f), prec));
10360               bb = gdiv(bb, gpow(gel(suni, i), gmulsg(2, f), prec));
10361             }
10362             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
10363               gerepileall(btop, 5, &f, &test, &mat, &nb, &bb);
10364           }
10365         }
10366         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10367           pari_printf("on factorise bb = %Ps\n", bb);
10368         fact = idealfactor(nf, bb);
10369         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10370           pari_printf("fact = %Ps\n", fact);
10371         l = stoi(glength(gel(fact, 1)));
10372         if (!gequal0(test))
10373         {
10374           aux = gen_1;
10375           {
10376             pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10377             GEN i = gen_0;
10378             for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, l) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
10379             {
10380               if ((!gequal0(f = gshift(gcoeff(fact, gtos(i), 2), -1)) && (gequal0(gmodgs(gel(gcoeff(fact, gtos(i), 1), 1), 2)))) && (!nfpsquareodd(nf, aa, gcoeff(fact, gtos(i), 1), prec)))
10381                 aux = idealmul(nf, aux, idealpow0(nf, gcoeff(fact, gtos(i), 1), f, 0));
10382               if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
10383                 gerepileall(btop, 3, &i, &f, &aux);
10384             }
10385           }
10386           if (!gequalgs(aux, 1))
10387           {
10388             test = gen_0;
10389             alpha = basistoalg(nf, idealappr0(nf, idealinv(nf, aux), 0));
10390             alpha2 = gsqr(alpha);
10391             bb = gmul(bb, alpha2);
10392             nb = gmul(nb, gabs(gnorm(alpha2), prec));
10393             gel(mat, 3) = gmul(gel(mat, 3), alpha);
10394           }
10395         }
10396         if (!gequal0(test))
10397         {
10398           maxnbiter = shifti(gen_1, gtos(l));
10399           {
10400             long i;
10401             p17 = cgetg(gtos(l)+1, t_VEC);
10402             for (i = 1; gcmpsg(i, l) <= 0; ++i)
10403               gel(p17, i) = nfissquarep(nf, aa, gcoeff(fact, i, 1), gcoeff(fact, i, 2), prec);
10404           }
10405           sq = p17;
10406           l = stoi(glength(sq));
10407           if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10408           {
10409             pari_printf("sq = %Ps\n", sq);
10410             pari_printf("fact = %Ps\n", fact);
10411             pari_printf("l = %Ps\n", l);
10412           }
10413           if (gcmpgs(l, 1) > 0)
10414           {
10415             idbb = idealhnf0(nf, bb, NULL);
10416             rem = nfchinremain(nf, idbb, fact);
10417           }
10418           test = gen_1;
10419           nbiter = gen_1;
10420           {
10421             pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10422             GEN p19 = gen_0, p20 = gen_0, p21 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
10423             while (!gequal0(test) && (gcmp(nbiter, maxnbiter) <= 0))
10424             {
10425               if (gcmpgs(l, 1) > 0)
10426               {
10427                 mask = nbiter;
10428                 xx = gen_0;
10429                 {
10430                   pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10431                   GEN i = gen_0;
10432                   for (i = gen_1; gcmp(i, l) <= 0; i = gaddgs(i, 1))
10433                   {
10434                     if (!gequal0(gmodgs(mask, 2)))
10435                       xx = gadd(xx, gmul(gel(rem, gtos(i)), gel(sq, gtos(i))));
10436                     else
10437                       xx = gsub(xx, gmul(gel(rem, gtos(i)), gel(sq, gtos(i))));
10438                     mask = gshift(mask, -1);
10439                     if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
10440                       gerepileall(btop, 3, &i, &xx, &mask);
10441                   }
10442                 }
10443               }
10444               else
10445               {
10446                 test = gen_0;
10447                 xx = gcopy(gel(sq, 1));
10448               }
10449               xx = mynfeltmod(nf, xx, bb);
10450               alpha = gsub(gsqr(xx), aa);
10451               if (gequal0(alpha))
10452               {
10453                 p19 = cgetg(4, t_COL);
10454                 gel(p19, 1) = gcopy(xx);
10455                 gel(p19, 2) = gen_1;
10456                 gel(p19, 3) = gen_0;
10457                 resl = p19;
10458                 goto label6;
10459               }
10460               t = gdiv(alpha, bb);
10461               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10462               {
10463                 p20 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
10464                 gel(p20, 1) = gcopy(alpha);
10465                 gel(p20, 2) = gcopy(bb);
10466                 pari_printf("[alpha,bb] = %Ps\n", p20);
10467               }
10468               oldnb = nb;
10469               newnb = gabs(gnorm(t), prec);
10470               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10471               {
10472                 p21 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
10473                 gel(p21, 1) = gcopy(oldnb);
10474                 gel(p21, 2) = gcopy(newnb);
10475                 gel(p21, 3) = gadd(gdiv(oldnb, newnb), real_0(prec));
10476                 pari_printf("[oldnb,newnb,oldnb/newnb] = %Ps\n", p21);
10477               }
10478               {
10479                 pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10480                 while (gcmp(nb, newnb) > 0)
10481                 {
10482                   gel(mat, 3) = gmul(gel(mat, 3), t);
10483                   bb = t;
10484                   nb = newnb;
10485                   t = gadd(gmul(xx, gel(mat, 1)), gel(mat, 2));
10486                   gel(mat, 2) = gadd(gmul(aa, gel(mat, 1)), gmul(xx, gel(mat, 2)));
10487                   gel(mat, 1) = gcopy(t);
10488                   xx = mynfeltmod(nf, gneg(xx), bb);
10489                   alpha = gsub(gsqr(xx), aa);
10490                   t = gdiv(alpha, bb);
10491                   newnb = gabs(gnorm(t), prec);
10492                   if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
10493                     gerepileall(btop, 7, &mat, &bb, &nb, &t, &xx, &alpha, &newnb);
10494                 }
10495               }
10496               if (gequal(nb, oldnb))
10497                 nbiter = gaddgs(nbiter, 1);
10498               else
10499                 test = gen_0;
10500               if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
10501                 gerepileall(btop, 15, &mask, &xx, &test, &alpha, &p19, &resl, &t, &p20, &oldnb, &newnb, &p21, &mat, &bb, &nb, &nbiter);
10502             }
10503           }
10504           if (gequal(nb, oldnb))
10505           {
10506             if (!gequal0(flag3))
10507             {
10508               resl = gtrans(bnfqfsolve2(bnf, aa, bb, auto_s, prec));
10509               break;
10510             }
10511             pol = gadd(gmul(aa, gsqr(x)), bb);
10512             vecrat = nfratpoint(nf, pol, gshift(borne = gaddgs(borne, 1), 1), gen_1, prec);
10513             if (!gequalgs(vecrat, 0))
10514             {
10515               p18 = cgetg(4, t_COL);
10516               gel(p18, 1) = gcopy(gel(vecrat, 2));
10517               gel(p18, 2) = gcopy(gel(vecrat, 1));
10518               gel(p18, 3) = gcopy(gel(vecrat, 3));
10519               resl = p18;
10520               break;
10521             }
10522             bor = stoi(1000);
10523             yy = gen_1;
10524             testici = gen_1;
10525             {
10526               pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10527               long i, l22;
10528               GEN p23 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
10529               for (i = 1; i <= 10000; ++i)
10530               {
10531                 l22 = degree(member_pol(nf));
10532                 {
10533                   long j;
10534                   p23 = cgetg(l22+1, t_COL);
10535                   for (j = 1; j <= l22; ++j)
10536                     gel(p23, j) = genrand(bor);
10537                 }
10538                 de = basistoalg(nf, p23);
10539                 if (!gequal(idealadd(bnf, de, bb), matid(degree(member_pol(bnf)))))
10540                   continue;
10541                 xxp = mynfeltmod(bnf, gmul(de, xx), bb);
10542                 yyp = mynfeltmod(bnf, gmul(de, yy), bb);
10543                 rap = gadd(gdiv(gnorm(gsub(gsqr(xxp), gmul(aa, gsqr(yyp)))), gsqr(nb)), real_0(prec));
10544                 if (gcmpgs(gabs(rap, prec), 1) < 0)
10545                 {
10546                   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10547                     pari_printf("********** \n \n MIRACLE %Ps \n \n ***\n", rap);
10548                   t = gdiv(gsub(gsqr(xxp), gmul(aa, gsqr(yyp))), bb);
10549                   gel(mat, 3) = gmul(gel(mat, 3), t);
10550                   bb = t;
10551                   nb = gabs(gnorm(bb), prec);
10552                   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10553                     pari_printf("newnb = %Ps\n", nb);
10554                   t = gadd(gmul(xxp, gel(mat, 1)), gmul(yyp, gel(mat, 2)));
10555                   gel(mat, 2) = gadd(gmul(gmul(aa, yyp), gel(mat, 1)), gmul(xxp, gel(mat, 2)));
10556                   gel(mat, 1) = gcopy(t);
10557                   xx = xxp;
10558                   yy = gneg(yyp);
10559                   testici = gen_0;
10560                 }
10561                 if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
10562                   gerepileall(btop, 12, &p23, &de, &xxp, &yyp, &rap, &t, &mat, &bb, &nb, &xx, &yy, &testici);
10563               }
10564             }
10565             if (!gequal0(testici))
10566             {
10567               alpha = gen_0;
10568               {
10569                 pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10570                 while (gequal0(alpha))
10571                 {
10572                   xx = nfrandint(nf, gmulsg(4, borne));
10573                   yy = nfrandint(nf, gmulsg(4, borne));
10574                   borne = gaddgs(borne, 1);
10575                   alpha = gsub(gsqr(xx), gmul(aa, gsqr(yy)));
10576                   if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
10577                     gerepileall(btop, 4, &xx, &yy, &borne, &alpha);
10578                 }
10579               }
10580               bb = gmul(bb, alpha);
10581               nb = gmul(nb, gabs(gnorm(alpha), prec));
10582               t = gadd(gmul(xx, gel(mat, 1)), gmul(yy, gel(mat, 2)));
10583               gel(mat, 2) = gadd(gmul(xx, gel(mat, 2)), gmul(gmul(aa, yy), gel(mat, 1)));
10584               gel(mat, 1) = gcopy(t);
10585               gel(mat, 3) = gmul(gel(mat, 3), alpha);
10586             }
10587           }
10588         }
10589       }
10590       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
10591         gerepileall(btop, 48, &resl, &p4, &mat, &aa, &bb, &na, &nb, &p5, &p6, &p7, &p8, &t, &sq, &p9, &p10, &p11, &p12, &pol, &borne, &vecrat, &p13, &alpha, &xx, &yy, &test, &sun, &fact, &p15, &suni, &f, &l, &aux, &alpha2, &maxnbiter, &p17, &idbb, &rem, &nbiter, &mask, &oldnb, &newnb, &p18, &bor, &testici, &de, &xxp, &yyp, &rap);
10592     }
10593     label6:;
10594   }
10595   resl = lift(gmul(mat, resl));
10596   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
10597     pari_printf("resl1 = %Ps\n", resl);
10598   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
10599     pari_printf("content = %Ps\n", content(resl));
10600   resl = gdiv(resl, content(resl));
10601   resl = gmodulo(lift(resl), member_pol(nf));
10602   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
10603     pari_printf("resl3 = %Ps\n", resl);
10604   fact = idealadd(nf, idealadd(nf, gel(resl, 1), gel(resl, 2)), gel(resl, 3));
10605   fact = bnfisprincipal0(bnf, fact, 3);
10606   resl = gmul(resl, ginv(basistoalg(nf, gel(fact, 2))));
10607   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 5) >= 0)
10608     pari_printf("resl4 = %Ps\n", resl);
10609   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
10610     pari_printf("resl = %Ps\n", resl);
10611   verif = stoi(gequal0(gsub(gsub(gsqr(gel(resl, 1)), gmul(aleg, gsqr(gel(resl, 2)))), gmul(bleg, gsqr(gel(resl, 3))))));
10612   if ((gequal0(verif)) && (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 0) >= 0))
10613     pari_err(user, " bnfqfsolve : MAUVAIS POINT");
10614   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
10615     pari_printf("fin de bnfqfsolve\n");
10616   resl = gerepilecopy(ltop, resl);
10617   return resl;
10618 }
10620 GEN
10621 bnfredquartique2(GEN bnf, GEN pol, GEN r, GEN a, GEN b)	  /* vec */
10622 {
10623   pari_sp ltop = avma;
10624   GEN gcc = gen_0, princ = gen_0, rp = gen_0, pol2 = gen_0;
10625   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
10626   GEN x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
10627   GEN p3 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
10628   /* MODI remove ap, den */
10630   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10631     pari_printf("entree dans bnfredquartique2\n");
10632   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10633   {
10634     p1 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
10635     gel(p1, 1) = gcopy(r);
10636     gel(p1, 2) = gcopy(a);
10637     gel(p1, 3) = gcopy(b);
10638     pari_printf("%Ps\n", p1);
10639   }
10640   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
10641     pari_printf(" reduction de la quartique %Ps\n", pol);
10642   if (gequal0(a))
10643     rp = gen_0;
10644   else
10645   {
10646     gcc = idealadd(bnf, b, a);
10647     if (gequal1(gcc))
10648     {
10649       rp = gdiv(basistoalg(bnf, gel(idealaddtoone0(member_nf(bnf), a, b), 1)), a);
10650       rp = mynfeltmod(bnf, gmul(r, rp), b);
10651     }
10652     else
10653     {
10654       princ = bnfisprincipal0(bnf, gcc, 3);
10655       if (gequal0(gel(princ, 1)))
10656         gcc = basistoalg(bnf, gel(princ, 2));
10657       else
10658       {
10659         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
10660           pari_printf(" quartique non reduite\n");
10661         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10662           pari_printf("fin de bnfredquartique2\n");
10663         p2 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
10664         gel(p2, 1) = gcopy(pol);
10665         gel(p2, 2) = gen_0;
10666         gel(p2, 3) = gen_1;
10667         p2 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p2);
10668         return p2;
10669       }
10670       rp = gdiv(basistoalg(bnf, gel(idealaddtoone0(member_nf(bnf), gdiv(a, gcc), gdiv(b, gcc)), 1)), gdiv(a, gcc));
10671       rp = gdiv(mynfeltmod(bnf, gmul(r, rp), b), gcc);
10672       b = gdiv(b, gcc);
10673     }
10674   }
10675   pol2 = gdiv(gsubst(gdiv(pol, b), gvar(x), gadd(rp, gmul(b, x))), gpowgs(b, 3));
10676   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
10677     pari_printf(" quartique reduite = %Ps\n", pol2);
10678   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10679     pari_printf("fin de bnfredquartique2\n");
10680   p3 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
10681   gel(p3, 1) = gcopy(pol2);
10682   gel(p3, 2) = gcopy(rp);
10683   gel(p3, 3) = gcopy(b);
10684   p3 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p3);
10685   return p3;
10686 }
10688 GEN
10689 bnfell2descent_gen(GEN bnf, GEN ell, GEN ext, GEN help, GEN bigflag, GEN flag3, GEN auto_s, long prec)	  /* vec */
10690 {
10691   pari_sp ltop = avma;
10692   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
10693   GEN y = pol_x(fetch_user_var("y")), nf = gen_0, unnf = gen_0, ellnf = gen_0, A = gen_0, B = gen_0, C = gen_0, S = gen_0, plist = gen_0, Lrnf = gen_0, SLprod = gen_0, oddclass = gen_0, SLlist = gen_0, LS2gen = gen_0, polrel = gen_0, alpha = gen_0, ttheta = gen_0, KS2gen = gen_0, LS2genunit = gen_0, normcoord = gen_0, LS2coordtilda = gen_0, LS2tilda = gen_0, aux = gen_0, listgen = gen_0, listpoints = gen_0, listpointstriv = gen_0, listpointsmwr = gen_0, list = gen_0, m1 = gen_0, m2 = gen_0, loc = gen_0, lastloc = gen_0, maskwhile = gen_0, iwhile = gen_0, zc = gen_0, iaux = gen_0, liftzc = gen_0, ispointtriv = gen_0, point = gen_0, c = gen_0, b = gen_0, a = gen_0, sol = gen_0, found = gen_0, alphac = gen_0, r = gen_0, denc = gen_0, dena = gen_0, cp = gen_0, alphacp = gen_0, beta = gen_0, mattr = gen_0, vec = gen_0, z1 = gen_0, ff = gen_0, cont = gen_0, d = gen_0, e = gen_0, polorig = gen_0, pol = gen_0, redq = gen_0, transl = gen_0, multip = gen_0, UVW = gen_0, pointxx = gen_0, point2 = gen_0, v = gen_0, rang = gen_0, normLS2gen = gen_0, listELS = gen_0, listnotELS = gen_0, listlistELS = gen_0, x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
10694   long l2;
10695   GEN p3 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
10696   long l4, l5;
10697   GEN p6 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
10698   long l7;
10699   long l8;	  /* lg */
10700   GEN p9 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
10701   long l10;	  /* lg */
10702   GEN p11 = gen_0, p12 = gen_0, p13 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
10703   long l14;
10704   GEN p15 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
10705   if (!help)
10706     help = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
10707   if (!bigflag)
10708     bigflag = gen_1;
10709   if (!flag3)
10710     flag3 = gen_1;
10711   if (!auto_s)
10712   {
10713     p1 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
10714     gel(p1, 1) = gcopy(y);
10715     auto_s = p1;
10716   }
10717   /* MODI remove i,j,normLS2, add normLS2gen */
10718   /* MODI add listELS,listnotELS,listlistELS */
10720   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10721     pari_printf("entree dans bnfell2descent_gen\n");
10722   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
10723   /*      construction de L(S,2)         \\ */
10724   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
10726   nf = gcopy(member_nf(bnf));
10727   unnf = gmodulsg(1, member_pol(nf));
10728   ellnf = gmul(ell, unnf);
10729   if (glength(ellnf) <= 5)
10730     ellnf = smallellinit(ellnf);
10731   A = gcopy(ell_get_a2(ellnf));
10732   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
10733     pari_printf("A = %Ps\n", A);
10734   B = gcopy(ell_get_a4(ellnf));
10735   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
10736     pari_printf("B = %Ps\n", B);
10737   C = gcopy(ell_get_a6(ellnf));
10738   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
10739     pari_printf("C = %Ps\n", C);
10740   S = gmulsg(6, lift(member_disc(ellnf)));
10741   plist = gcopy(gel(idealfactor(nf, S), 1));
10742   Lrnf = gcopy(gel(ext, 3));
10743   SLprod = gsubst(lift(deriv(gel(ext, 1),-1)), gvar(y), lift(gel(gel(ext, 2), 2)));
10744   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
10745     pari_printf("%Ps\n", gel(ext, 2));
10746   oddclass = gen_0;
10747   {
10748     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10749     while (gequal0(oddclass))
10750     {
10751       /* Constructoin de S: */
10752       SLlist = gtrans(gel(idealfactor(Lrnf, SLprod), 1));
10753       /* Construction des S-unites */
10754       LS2gen = bnfsunit(Lrnf, SLlist, prec);
10755       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10756         pari_printf("LS2gen = %Ps\n", LS2gen);
10757       /* on ajoute la partie paire du groupe de classes. */
10758       oddclass = gmodgs(gel(gel(LS2gen, 5), 1), 2);
10759       if (gequal0(oddclass))
10760       {
10761         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
10762           pari_printf("2-class group %Ps\n", gcoeff(gel(gel(gel(LS2gen, 5), 3), 1), 1, 1));
10763         S = gmul(S, gcoeff(gel(gel(gel(LS2gen, 5), 3), 1), 1, 1));
10764         SLprod = idealmul(Lrnf, SLprod, gel(gel(gel(LS2gen, 5), 3), 1));
10765       }
10766       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
10767         gerepileall(btop, 5, &SLlist, &LS2gen, &oddclass, &S, &SLprod);
10768     }
10769   }
10770   polrel = gcopy(gel(ext, 1));
10771   alpha = gmodulo(gmodulo(y, member_pol(nf)), polrel);
10772   /* alpha est l'element primitif de K */
10773   ttheta = gmodulo(x, polrel);
10774   /* ttheta est la racine de P(x)  */
10776   KS2gen = bnfsunit(bnf, gtrans(gel(idealfactor(nf, S), 1)), prec);
10777   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
10778     pari_printf("#KS2gen = %ld\n", glength(gel(KS2gen, 1)));
10779   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
10780     pari_printf("KS2gen = %Ps\n", gel(KS2gen, 1));
10781   LS2genunit = lift(getfutu(Lrnf));
10782   l2 = glength(gel(LS2gen, 1));
10783   {
10784     long i;
10785     p3 = cgetg(l2+1, t_VEC);
10786     for (i = 1; i <= l2; ++i)
10787       gel(p3, i) = lift(basistoalg(Lrnf, gel(gel(LS2gen, 1), i)));
10788   }
10789   /* A CHANGER : LS2genunit = concat(LS2genunit,lift(matbasistoalg(Lrnf,LS2gen[1]))); */
10790   LS2genunit = concat(LS2genunit, p3);
10791   LS2genunit = gsubst(LS2genunit, gvar(x), ttheta);
10792   LS2genunit = gmul(LS2genunit, gmodulsg(1, polrel));
10793   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
10794     pari_printf("#LS2genunit = %ld\n", glength(LS2genunit));
10795   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
10796     pari_printf("LS2genunit = %Ps\n", LS2genunit);
10797   /* dans LS2gen, on ne garde que ceux dont la norme est un carre. */
10799   normLS2gen = gnorm(LS2genunit);
10800   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10801     pari_printf("normLS2gen = %Ps\n", normLS2gen);
10802   l4 = glength(normLS2gen);
10803   l5 = (glength(gel(KS2gen, 1)) + glength(gel(gel(bnf, 8), 5))) + 1;
10804   {
10805     long i, j;
10806     p6 = cgetg(l4+1, t_MAT);
10807     for (j = 1; j <= l4; ++j)
10808     {
10809       gel(p6, j) = cgetg(l5+1, t_COL);
10810       for (i = 1; i <= l5; ++i)
10811         gcoeff(p6, i, j) = gen_0;
10812     }
10813   }
10814   /* matrice de l'application norme */
10816   normcoord = p6;
10817   l7 = glength(normLS2gen);
10818   {
10819     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10820     long i;
10821     for (i = 1; i <= l7; ++i)
10822     {
10823       gel(normcoord, i) = bnfissunit(bnf, KS2gen, gel(normLS2gen, i));
10824       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
10825         normcoord = gerepilecopy(btop, normcoord);
10826     }
10827   }
10828   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10829     pari_printf("normcoord = %Ps\n", normcoord);
10830   /* construction du noyau de la norme */
10832   LS2coordtilda = lift(matker0(gmul(normcoord, gmodulss(1, 2)), 0));
10833   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10834     pari_printf("LS2coordtilda = %Ps\n", LS2coordtilda);
10835   l8 = lg(rowcopy(LS2coordtilda, 1));
10836   {
10837     long i;
10838     p9 = cgetg(l8, t_VEC);
10839     for (i = 1; i < l8; ++i)
10840       gel(p9, i) = gen_0;
10841   }
10842   LS2tilda = p9;
10843   l10 = lg(rowcopy(LS2coordtilda, 1));
10844   {
10845     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10846     long i, l16;
10847     for (i = 1; i < l10; ++i)
10848     {
10849       aux = gen_1;
10850       l16 = glength(gel(LS2coordtilda, i));
10851       {
10852         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10853         long j;
10854         for (j = 1; j <= l16; ++j)
10855         {
10856           if (gsigne(gcoeff(LS2coordtilda, j, i)))
10857             aux = gmul(aux, gel(LS2genunit, j));
10858           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
10859             aux = gerepilecopy(btop, aux);
10860         }
10861       }
10862       gel(LS2tilda, i) = gcopy(aux);
10863       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
10864         gerepileall(btop, 2, &aux, &LS2tilda);
10865     }
10866   }
10867   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
10868     pari_printf("LS2tilda = %Ps\n", LS2tilda);
10869   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
10870     pari_printf("norm(LS2tilda) = %Ps\n", gnorm(LS2tilda));
10871   /* Fin de la construction de L(S,2) */
10873   listgen = gcopy(LS2tilda);
10874   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
10875     pari_printf("LS2gen = %Ps\n", listgen);
10876   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
10877     pari_printf("#LS2gen = %ld\n", glength(listgen));
10878   listpoints = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
10879   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
10880   {
10881     p11 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
10882     gel(p11, 1) = gcopy(A);
10883     gel(p11, 2) = gcopy(B);
10884     gel(p11, 3) = gcopy(C);
10885     pari_printf("(A,B,C) = %Ps\n", p11);
10886   }
10887   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
10888   /*   Recherche de points triviaux   \\ */
10889   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
10891   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
10892     pari_printf(" Recherche de points triviaux sur la courbe \n");
10893   listpointstriv = nfratpoint(nf, gadd(gadd(gadd(gpowgs(x, 3), gmul(A, gsqr(x))), gmul(B, x)), C), LIMTRIV, gen_0, prec);
10894   listpointstriv = concat(help, listpointstriv);
10895   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
10896     pari_printf("points triviaux sur la courbe = %Ps\n", listpointstriv);
10897   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
10898   /*          parcours de L(S,2)         \\ */
10899   /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
10901   listpointsmwr = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
10902   p12 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
10903   gel(p12, 1) = stoi(6);
10904   gel(p12, 2) = gcopy(member_disc(ellnf));
10905   gel(p12, 3) = gen_0;
10906   list = p12;
10907   m1 = gen_0;
10908   m2 = gen_0;
10909   lastloc = gen_m1;
10910   maskwhile = shifti(gen_1, glength(listgen));
10911   p13 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
10912   gel(p13, 1) = gen_0;
10913   listELS = p13;
10914   listnotELS = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
10915   iwhile = gen_1;
10916   {
10917     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10918     long l17, l18, l19;
10919     GEN p20 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
10920     long l21;
10921     GEN p22 = gen_0;
10922     long l23;
10923     GEN p24 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
10924     long l25;
10925     GEN p26 = gen_0, p27 = gen_0, p28 = gen_0, p29 = gen_0, p30 = gen_0, p31 = gen_0, p32 = gen_0, p33 = gen_0, p34 = gen_0, p35 = gen_0, p36 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
10926     while (gcmp(iwhile, maskwhile) < 0)
10927     {
10928       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10929       {
10930         pari_printf("iwhile = %Ps\n", iwhile);
10931         pari_printf("listgen = %Ps\n", listgen);
10932       }
10933       /* utilise la structure de groupe pour detecter une eventuelle solubilite locale. */
10934       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
10935       {
10936         pari_printf("listELS = %Ps\n", listELS);
10937         pari_printf("listnotELS = %Ps\n", listnotELS);
10938       }
10939       sol = gen_1;
10940       loc = gen_0;
10941       l17 = glength(listELS);
10942       {
10943         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10944         long i, l37;
10945         for (i = 1; i <= l17; ++i)
10946         {
10947           l37 = glength(listnotELS);
10948           {
10949             pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10950             long j;
10951             GEN p38 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
10952             for (j = 1; j <= l37; ++j)
10953             {
10954               if (gequal(gbitxor(gel(listELS, i), gel(listnotELS, j)), iwhile))
10955               {
10956                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
10957                   pari_printf(" Non ELS d'apres la structure de groupe\n");
10958                 p38 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
10959                 gel(p38, 1) = gcopy(iwhile);
10960                 listnotELS = concat(listnotELS, p38);
10961                 sol = gen_0;
10962                 goto label7;
10963               }
10964               if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
10965                 gerepileall(btop, 3, &p38, &listnotELS, &sol);
10966             }
10967           }
10968           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
10969             gerepileall(btop, 2, &listnotELS, &sol);
10970         }
10971         label7:;
10972       }
10973       if (gequal0(sol))
10974       {
10975         iwhile = gaddgs(iwhile, 1);
10976         continue;
10977       }
10978       l18 = glength(listELS);
10979       {
10980         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10981         long i, l39, l40;
10982         for (i = 1; i <= l18; ++i)
10983         {
10984           l39 = i + 1;
10985           l40 = glength(listELS);
10986           {
10987             pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
10988             GEN j = gen_0;
10989             GEN p41 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
10990             for (j = stoi(l39); gcmpgs(j, l40) <= 0; j = gaddgs(j, 1))
10991             {
10992               if (gequal(gbitxor(gel(listELS, i), gel(listELS, gtos(j))), iwhile))
10993               {
10994                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
10995                   pari_printf(" ELS d'aptres la structure de \n");
10996                 p41 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
10997                 gel(p41, 1) = gcopy(iwhile);
10998                 listELS = concat(listELS, p41);
10999                 loc = gen_2;
11000                 goto label8;
11001               }
11002               if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
11003                 gerepileall(btop, 4, &j, &p41, &listELS, &loc);
11004             }
11005           }
11006           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
11007             gerepileall(btop, 2, &listELS, &loc);
11008         }
11009         label8:;
11010       }
11011       l19 = glength(listgen);
11012       {
11013         long i;
11014         p20 = cgetg(l19+1, t_VEC);
11015         for (i = 1; i <= l19; ++i)
11016           gel(p20, i) = gbittest(iwhile, i - 1);
11017       }
11018       iaux = gtrans(p20);
11019       iaux = gmodgs(gmul(LS2coordtilda, iaux), 2);
11020       l21 = glength(LS2genunit);
11021       {
11022         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
11023         long i;
11024         p22 = gen_1;
11025         for (i = 1; i <= l21; ++i)
11026         {
11027           p22 = gmul(p22, gpow(gel(LS2genunit, i), gel(iaux, i), prec));
11028           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
11029             p22 = gerepilecopy(btop, p22);
11030         }
11031       }
11032       zc = gmul(unnf, p22);
11033       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11034         pari_printf("zc = %Ps\n", zc);
11035       liftzc = lift(zc);
11036       /* Est-ce un point trivial ? */
11037       ispointtriv = gen_0;
11038       l23 = glength(listpointstriv);
11039       {
11040         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
11041         long i;
11042         GEN p42 = gen_0, p43 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
11043         for (i = 1; i <= l23; ++i)
11044         {
11045           point = gcopy(gel(listpointstriv, i));
11046           if ((glength(point) == 2) || !gequalgs(gel(point, 3), 0))
11047             if (nfissquare(member_nf(Lrnf), gsubst(gmul(gsub(lift(gel(point, 1)), x), lift(liftzc)), gvar(y), lift(gel(gel(ext, 2), 2))), prec))
11048             {
11049               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11050                 pari_printf(" vient du point trivial %Ps\n", point);
11051               p42 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
11052               gel(p42, 1) = gcopy(point);
11053               listpointsmwr = concat(listpointsmwr, p42);
11054               m1 = gaddgs(m1, 1);
11055               p43 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
11056               gel(p43, 1) = gcopy(iwhile);
11057               listELS = concat(listELS, p43);
11058               if (gcmp(degre(iwhile), lastloc) > 0)
11059                 m2 = gaddgs(m2, 1);
11060               sol = found = ispointtriv = gen_1;
11061               break;
11062             }
11063           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
11064             gerepileall(btop, 10, &point, &p42, &listpointsmwr, &m1, &p43, &listELS, &m2, &ispointtriv, &found, &sol);
11065         }
11066       }
11067       /* Ce n'est pas un point trivial */
11068       if (gequal0(ispointtriv))
11069       {
11070         c = polcoeff0(liftzc, 2, -1);
11071         b = gneg(polcoeff0(liftzc, 1, -1));
11072         a = polcoeff0(liftzc, 0, -1);
11073         sol = gen_0;
11074         found = gen_0;
11075         /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
11076         /* On cherche a ecrire zc sous la forme a-b*theta */
11077         /* \\\\\\\\\\\\\ */
11078         if (gequal0(c))
11079           sol = gen_1;
11080         else
11081         {
11082           alphac = gadd(gmul(gsub(gadd(gmul(A, b), gmul(B, c)), a), c), gsqr(b));
11083           if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
11084             pari_printf("alphac = %Ps\n", alphac);
11085           r = gcopy(gel(nfsqrt(nf, gnorm(zc), prec), 1));
11086           if (gequal0(alphac))
11087           {
11088             /* cas particulier */
11089             if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
11090               pari_printf(" on continue avec 1/zc\n");
11091             sol = gen_1;
11092             zc = gmul(gnorm(zc), ginv(zc));
11093             if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11094               pari_printf(" zc = %Ps\n", zc);
11095           }
11096           else
11097           {
11098             /* Il faut resoudre une forme quadratique */
11099             /* Existence (locale = globale) d'une solution : */
11100             denc = deno(lift(c));
11101             if (!gequalgs(denc, 1))
11102               cp = gmul(c, gsqr(denc));
11103             else
11104               cp = c;
11105             dena = deno(lift(alphac));
11106             if (!gequalgs(dena, 1))
11107               alphacp = gmul(alphac, gsqr(dena));
11108             else
11109               alphacp = alphac;
11110             if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11111               pari_printf(" symbole de Hilbert (%Ps,%Ps) = ", alphacp, cp);
11112             sol = stoi(!gequal0(loc) || (mynfhilbert(nf, alphacp, cp, prec) + 1));
11113             if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11114               pari_printf("%Ps\n", gsubgs(sol, 1));
11115             if (!gequal0(sol))
11116             {
11117               beta = gadd(gsub(gmul(A, gadd(gadd(gmul(gmul(A, b), c), gmul(B, gsqr(c))), gsqr(b))), gmul(C, gsqr(c))), gmul(a, b));
11118               mattr = matid(3);
11119               gcoeff(mattr, 1, 1) = gcopy(c);
11120               gcoeff(mattr, 2, 2) = gcopy(alphac);
11121               gcoeff(mattr, 3, 3) = gcopy(r);
11122               gcoeff(mattr, 2, 3) = gneg(beta);
11123               gcoeff(mattr, 1, 2) = gneg(gadd(b, gmul(A, c)));
11124               gcoeff(mattr, 1, 3) = gadd(gsub(a, gmul(B, c)), gmul(A, gadd(gmul(A, c), b)));
11125               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11126                 pari_printf(" sol de Legendre = ");
11127               vec = bnfqfsolve(bnf, alphacp, cp, flag3, auto_s, prec);
11128               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11129                 pari_printf("%Ps\n", lift(vec));
11130               aux = gmul(gel(vec, 2), dena);
11131               gel(vec, 2) = gcopy(gel(vec, 1));
11132               gel(vec, 1) = gcopy(aux);
11133               gel(vec, 3) = gmul(gel(vec, 3), denc);
11134               vec = gmul(ginv(mattr), vec);
11135               vec = gdiv(vec, content(lift(vec)));
11136               z1 = gadd(gmul(gadd(gmul(gel(vec, 3), ttheta), gel(vec, 2)), ttheta), gel(vec, 1));
11137               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
11138                 pari_printf(" z1 = %Ps\n", z1);
11139               zc = gmul(zc, gsqr(z1));
11140               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11141                 pari_printf(" zc*z1^2 = %Ps\n", zc);
11142             }
11143           }
11144         }
11145       }
11146       if (gequal0(sol))
11147       {
11148         p24 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
11149         gel(p24, 1) = gcopy(iwhile);
11150         listnotELS = concat(listnotELS, p24);
11151         iwhile = gaddgs(iwhile, 1);
11152         continue;
11153       }
11154       /* \\\\\\\\\\ */
11155       /* Maintenant zc est de la forme a-b*theta */
11156       /* \\\\\\\\\\ */
11157       if (gequal0(ispointtriv))
11158       {
11159         liftzc = lift(zc);
11160         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
11161           pari_printf(" zc = %Ps\n", liftzc);
11162         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
11163           pari_printf(" N(zc) = %Ps\n", gnorm(zc));
11164         if (degree(liftzc) >= 2)
11165           pari_err(user, " bnfell2descent_gen : c <> 0");
11166         b = gneg(polcoeff0(liftzc, 1, -1));
11167         a = polcoeff0(liftzc, 0, -1);
11168         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
11169           pari_printf(" on factorise (a,b) = %Ps\n", idealadd(nf, a, b));
11170         ff = idealfactor(nf, idealadd(nf, a, b));
11171         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
11172           pari_printf(" ff = %Ps\n", ff);
11173         cont = gen_1;
11174         l25 = glength(gel(ff, 1));
11175         {
11176           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
11177           long i;
11178           for (i = 1; i <= l25; ++i)
11179           {
11180             cont = idealmul(nf, cont, idealpow0(nf, gcoeff(ff, i, 1), gdiventgs(gcoeff(ff, i, 2), 2), 0));
11181             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
11182               cont = gerepilecopy(btop, cont);
11183           }
11184         }
11185         cont = idealinv(nf, cont);
11186         cont = gsqr(basistoalg(nf, gel(bnfisprincipal0(bnf, cont, 3), 2)));
11187         a = gmul(a, cont);
11188         b = gmul(b, cont);
11189         zc = gmul(zc, cont);
11190         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
11191         {
11192           p26 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
11193           gel(p26, 1) = gcopy(a);
11194           gel(p26, 2) = gcopy(b);
11195           pari_printf(" [a,b] = %Ps\n", p26);
11196         }
11197         if (nfissquare(nf, b, prec))
11198         {
11199           if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
11200             pari_printf(" b est un carre\n");
11201           p27 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
11202           gel(p27, 1) = gdiv(a, b);
11203           gel(p27, 2) = gcopy(gel(nfsqrt(nf, gadd(gadd(gadd(gpowgs(gdiv(a, b), 3), gmul(A, gsqr(gdiv(a, b)))), gmul(B, gdiv(a, b))), C), prec), 1));
11204           point = p27;
11205           if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11206             pari_printf("point trouve = %Ps\n", point);
11207           p28 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
11208           gel(p28, 1) = gcopy(point);
11209           listpointsmwr = concat(listpointsmwr, p28);
11210           m1 = gaddgs(m1, 1);
11211           if (gcmp(degre(iwhile), lastloc) > 0)
11212             m2 = gaddgs(m2, 1);
11213           found = ispointtriv = gen_1;
11214         }
11215       }
11216       /* \\\\\\\\\\\ */
11217       /* Construction de la quartique  */
11218       /* \\\\\\\\\\\ */
11219       if (gequal0(ispointtriv))
11220       {
11221         r = gcopy(gel(nfsqrt(nf, gnorm(zc), prec), 1));
11222         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
11223           pari_printf(" r = %Ps\n", r);
11224         c = gmulsg(-2, gadd(gmul(A, b), gmulsg(3, a)));
11225         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
11226           pari_printf(" c = %Ps\n", c);
11227         d = gmulsg(8, r);
11228         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
11229           pari_printf(" d = %Ps\n", d);
11230         e = gsub(gsub(gsub(gmul(gsqr(A), gsqr(b)), gmul(gmul(gmulsg(2, A), a), b)), gmul(gmulsg(4, B), gsqr(b))), gmulsg(3, gsqr(a)));
11231         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
11232           pari_printf(" e = %Ps\n", e);
11233         polorig = gmul(gmul(b, gadd(gadd(gadd(gpowgs(x, 4), gmul(c, gsqr(x))), gmul(d, x)), e)), unnf);
11234         if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11235           pari_printf(" quartique : (%Ps)*Y^2 = %Ps\n", lift(b), lift(gdiv(polorig, b)));
11236         gel(list, 3) = gcopy(b);
11237         pol = polorig;
11238         if (!gequal0(bigflag))
11239         {
11240           redq = bnfredquartique2(bnf, pol, r, a, b);
11241           if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11242             pari_printf(" reduite: Y^2 = %Ps\n", lift(gel(redq, 1)));
11243           pol = gcopy(gel(redq, 1));
11244           transl = gcopy(gel(redq, 2));
11245           multip = gcopy(gel(redq, 3));
11246         }
11247         point = nfratpoint(nf, pol, LIM1, gen_1, prec);
11248         if (!gequal(point, cgetg(1, t_VEC)))
11249         {
11250           if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11251             pari_printf("point = %Ps\n", point);
11252           m1 = gaddgs(m1, 1);
11253           if (!gequal0(bigflag))
11254           {
11255             gel(point, 1) = gadd(gmul(gel(point, 1), multip), transl);
11256             gel(point, 2) = gcopy(gel(nfsqrt(nf, gsubst(polorig, gvar(x), gdiv(gel(point, 1), gel(point, 3))), prec), 1));
11257           }
11258           mattr = matid(3);
11259           gcoeff(mattr, 1, 1) = gmulsg(-2, gsqr(b));
11260           gcoeff(mattr, 1, 2) = gmul(gadd(gmul(A, b), a), b);
11261           gcoeff(mattr, 1, 3) = gadd(gsqr(a), gmul(gsub(gmulsg(2, B), gsqr(A)), gsqr(b)));
11262           gcoeff(mattr, 2, 2) = gneg(b);
11263           gcoeff(mattr, 2, 3) = gadd(a, gmul(A, b));
11264           gcoeff(mattr, 3, 3) = gcopy(r);
11265           p29 = cgetg(4, t_COL);
11266           gel(p29, 1) = gsqr(gel(point, 1));
11267           gel(p29, 2) = gsqr(gel(point, 3));
11268           gel(p29, 3) = gmul(gel(point, 1), gel(point, 3));
11269           UVW = p29;
11270           vec = gmul(ginv(mattr), UVW);
11271           z1 = gadd(gmul(gadd(gmul(gel(vec, 3), ttheta), gel(vec, 2)), ttheta), gel(vec, 1));
11272           zc = gmul(zc, gsqr(z1));
11273           zc = gdiv(zc, gneg(polcoeff0(lift(zc), 1, -1)));
11274           if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
11275             pari_printf("zc*z1^2 = %Ps\n", zc);
11276           pointxx = polcoeff0(lift(zc), 0, -1);
11277           p30 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
11278           gel(p30, 1) = gcopy(pointxx);
11279           gel(p30, 2) = gcopy(gel(nfsqrt(nf, gsubst(gadd(gadd(gadd(gpowgs(x, 3), gmul(A, gsqr(x))), gmul(B, x)), C), gvar(x), pointxx), prec), 1));
11280           point2 = p30;
11281           if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
11282             pari_printf(" point trouve = %Ps\n", point2);
11283           p31 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
11284           gel(p31, 1) = gcopy(point2);
11285           listpointsmwr = concat(listpointsmwr, p31);
11286           if (gcmp(degre(iwhile), lastloc) > 0)
11287             m2 = gaddgs(m2, 1);
11288           found = gen_1;
11289           lastloc = gen_m1;
11290         }
11291         else
11292         {
11293           if ((!gequal0(loc) || ((gequal0(bigflag)) && nflocallysoluble(nf, pol, r, a, b, prec))) || (!gequal0(bigflag) && nflocallysoluble(nf, pol, gen_0, gen_1, gen_1, prec)))
11294           {
11295             if (gequal0(loc))
11296             {
11297               p32 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
11298               gel(p32, 1) = gcopy(iwhile);
11299               listlistELS = concat(listELS, p32);
11300             }
11301             if (gcmp(degre(iwhile), lastloc) > 0)
11302             {
11303               m2 = gaddgs(m2, 1);
11304               lastloc = degre(iwhile);
11305             }
11306             point = nfratpoint(nf, pol, LIM3, gen_1, prec);
11307             if (!gequal(point, cgetg(1, t_VEC)))
11308             {
11309               m1 = gaddgs(m1, 1);
11310               if (!gequal0(bigflag))
11311               {
11312                 gel(point, 1) = gadd(gmul(gel(point, 1), multip), transl);
11313                 gel(point, 2) = gcopy(gel(nfsqrt(nf, gsubst(polorig, gvar(x), gdiv(gel(point, 1), gel(point, 3))), prec), 1));
11314               }
11315               mattr = matid(3);
11316               gcoeff(mattr, 1, 1) = gmulsg(-2, gsqr(b));
11317               gcoeff(mattr, 1, 2) = gmul(gadd(gmul(A, b), a), b);
11318               gcoeff(mattr, 1, 3) = gadd(gsqr(a), gmul(gsub(gmulsg(2, B), gsqr(A)), gsqr(b)));
11319               gcoeff(mattr, 2, 2) = gneg(b);
11320               gcoeff(mattr, 2, 3) = gadd(a, gmul(A, b));
11321               gcoeff(mattr, 3, 3) = gcopy(r);
11322               p33 = cgetg(4, t_COL);
11323               gel(p33, 1) = gsqr(gel(point, 1));
11324               gel(p33, 2) = gsqr(gel(point, 3));
11325               gel(p33, 3) = gmul(gel(point, 1), gel(point, 3));
11326               UVW = p33;
11327               vec = gmul(ginv(mattr), UVW);
11328               z1 = gadd(gmul(gadd(gmul(gel(vec, 3), ttheta), gel(vec, 2)), ttheta), gel(vec, 1));
11329               zc = gmul(zc, gsqr(z1));
11330               zc = gdiv(zc, gneg(polcoeff0(lift(zc), 1, -1)));
11331               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
11332                 pari_printf(" zc*z1^2 = %Ps\n", zc);
11333               pointxx = polcoeff0(lift(zc), 0, -1);
11334               p34 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
11335               gel(p34, 1) = gcopy(pointxx);
11336               gel(p34, 2) = gcopy(gel(nfsqrt(nf, gsubst(gadd(gadd(gadd(gpowgs(x, 3), gmul(A, gsqr(x))), gmul(B, x)), C), gvar(x), pointxx), prec), 1));
11337               point2 = p34;
11338               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
11339                 pari_printf(" point trouve = %Ps\n", point2);
11340               p35 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
11341               gel(p35, 1) = gcopy(point2);
11342               listpointsmwr = concat(listpointsmwr, p35);
11343               found = gen_1;
11344               lastloc = gen_m1;
11345             }
11346           }
11347           else
11348           {
11349             p36 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
11350             gel(p36, 1) = gcopy(iwhile);
11351             listnotELS = concat(listnotELS, p36);
11352           }
11353         }
11354       }
11355       if (!gequal0(found))
11356       {
11357         found = gen_0;
11358         lastloc = gen_m1;
11359         v = degre(iwhile);
11360         iwhile = shifti(gen_1, gtos(v));
11361         maskwhile = gshift(maskwhile, -1);
11362         LS2coordtilda = extract0(LS2coordtilda, gsubgs(gsub(shifti(gen_1, glength(listgen)), iwhile), 1), NULL);
11363         listgen = extract0(listgen, gsubgs(gsub(shifti(gen_1, glength(listgen)), iwhile), 1), NULL);
11364         {
11365           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
11366           while (gcmp(gel(listELS, glength(listELS)), iwhile) >= 0)
11367           {
11368             listELS = extract0(listELS, subis(shifti(gen_1, glength(listELS) - 1), 1), NULL);
11369             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
11370               listELS = gerepilecopy(btop, listELS);
11371           }
11372         }
11373         {
11374           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
11375           while (glength(listnotELS) && (gcmp(gel(listnotELS, glength(listnotELS)), iwhile) >= 0))
11376           {
11377             listnotELS = extract0(listnotELS, subis(shifti(gen_1, glength(listnotELS) - 1), 1), NULL);
11378             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
11379               listnotELS = gerepilecopy(btop, listnotELS);
11380           }
11381         }
11382       }
11383       else
11384         iwhile = gaddgs(iwhile, 1);
11385       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
11386         gerepileall(btop, 61, &sol, &loc, &listnotELS, &iwhile, &listELS, &p20, &iaux, &p22, &zc, &liftzc, &ispointtriv, &point, &listpointsmwr, &m1, &m2, &found, &c, &b, &a, &alphac, &r, &denc, &cp, &dena, &alphacp, &beta, &mattr, &vec, &aux, &z1, &p24, &ff, &cont, &p26, &p27, &p28, &d, &e, &polorig, &list, &pol, &redq, &transl, &multip, &p29, &UVW, &pointxx, &p30, &point2, &p31, &lastloc, &p32, &listlistELS, &p33, &p34, &p35, &p36, &v, &maskwhile, &LS2coordtilda, &listgen);
11387     }
11388   }
11389   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11390   {
11391     pari_printf("m1 = %Ps\n", m1);
11392     pari_printf("m2 = %Ps\n", m2);
11393   }
11394   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
11395     pari_printf("#S(E/K)[2]    = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(m2)));
11396   if (gequal(m1, m2))
11397   {
11398     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
11399     {
11400       pari_printf("#E(K)/2E(K)   = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(m1)));
11401       pari_printf("#III(E/K)[2]  = 1\n");
11402       pari_printf("rang(E/K)     = %Ps\n", m1);
11403     }
11404     rang = m1;
11405   }
11406   else
11407   {
11408     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
11409     {
11410       pari_printf("#E(K)/2E(K)  >= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(m1)));
11411       pari_printf("#III(E/K)[2] <= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsub(m2, m1))));
11412       pari_printf("rang(E/K)    >= %Ps\n", m1);
11413     }
11414     rang = m1;
11415     if (!gequal0(gmodgs(gsub(m2, m1), 2)))
11416     {
11417       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
11418       {
11419         pari_printf(" III devrait etre un carre, donc \n");
11420         if (gcmpgs(gsub(m2, m1), 1) > 0)
11421         {
11422           pari_printf("#E(K)/2E(K)  >= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gaddgs(m1, 1))));
11423           pari_printf("#III(E/K)[2] <= %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gsubgs(gsub(m2, m1), 1))));
11424           pari_printf("rang(E/K)    >= %Ps\n", gaddgs(m1, 1));
11425         }
11426         else
11427         {
11428           pari_printf("#E(K)/2E(K)  = %Ps\n", shifti(gen_1, gtos(gaddgs(m1, 1))));
11429           pari_printf("#III(E/K)[2] = 1\n");
11430           pari_printf("rang(E/K)    = %Ps\n", gaddgs(m1, 1));
11431         }
11432       }
11433       rang = gaddgs(m1, 1);
11434     }
11435   }
11436   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
11437     pari_printf("listpointsmwr = %Ps\n", listpointsmwr);
11438   l14 = glength(listpointsmwr);
11439   {
11440     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
11441     long i;
11442     for (i = 1; i <= l14; ++i)
11443     {
11444       if (glength(gel(listpointsmwr, i)) == 3)
11445         gel(listpointsmwr, i) = extract0(gel(listpointsmwr, i), stoi(3), NULL);
11446       if (gequal0(ellisoncurve(ellnf, gel(listpointsmwr, i))))
11447         pari_err(user, "bnfell2descent : MAUVAIS POINT ");
11448       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
11449         listpointsmwr = gerepilecopy(btop, listpointsmwr);
11450     }
11451   }
11452   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
11453     pari_printf("fin de bnfell2descent_gen\n");
11454   p15 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
11455   gel(p15, 1) = gcopy(rang);
11456   gel(p15, 2) = gcopy(m2);
11457   gel(p15, 3) = gcopy(listpointsmwr);
11458   p15 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p15);
11459   return p15;
11460 }
11462 GEN
11463 bnfellrank(GEN bnf, GEN ell, GEN help, GEN bigflag, GEN flag3, long prec)
11464 {
11465   pari_sp ltop = avma;
11466   GEN urst = gen_0, urst1 = gen_0, den = gen_0, factden = gen_0, eqtheta = gen_0, rnfeq = gen_0, bbnf = gen_0, ext = gen_0, rang = gen_0, f = gen_0;
11467   GEN p1 = gen_0, p2 = gen_0, p3 = gen_0, p4 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
11468   GEN y = pol_x(fetch_user_var("y")), x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
11469   GEN p5 = gen_0, p6 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
11470   if (!help)
11471     help = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
11472   if (!bigflag)
11473     bigflag = gen_1;
11474   if (!flag3)
11475     flag3 = gen_1;
11476   /* MODI add f */
11477   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
11478     pari_printf("entree dans bnfellrank\n");
11479   if (glength(ell) <= 5)
11480     ell = smallellinit(ell);
11481   p1 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
11482   gel(p1, 1) = gen_1;
11483   gel(p1, 2) = gen_0;
11484   gel(p1, 3) = gen_0;
11485   gel(p1, 4) = gen_0;
11486   /* removes the coefficients a1 and a3 */
11487   urst = p1;
11488   if (!gequalgs(ell_get_a1(ell), 0) || !gequalgs(ell_get_a3(ell), 0))
11489   {
11490     p2 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
11491     gel(p2, 1) = gen_1;
11492     gel(p2, 2) = gen_0;
11493     gel(p2, 3) = gdivgs(gneg(ell_get_a1(ell)), 2);
11494     gel(p2, 4) = gdivgs(gneg(ell_get_a3(ell)), 2);
11495     urst1 = p2;
11496     ell = ellchangecurve(ell, urst1);
11497     urst = ellcomposeurst(urst, urst1);
11498   }
11499   /* removes denominators */
11500   {
11501     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
11502     long l7;
11503     GEN p8 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
11504     while (gcmpgs(gcoeff(den = idealinv(bnf, idealadd(bnf, idealadd(bnf, gen_1, ell_get_a2(ell)), idealadd(bnf, ell_get_a4(ell), ell_get_a6(ell)))), 1, 1), 1) > 0)
11505     {
11506       factden = gcopy(gel(idealfactor(bnf, den), 1));
11507       den = gen_1;
11508       l7 = glength(factden);
11509       {
11510         pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
11511         long i;
11512         for (i = 1; i <= l7; ++i)
11513         {
11514           den = idealmul(bnf, den, gel(factden, i));
11515           if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
11516             den = gerepilecopy(btop, den);
11517         }
11518       }
11519       den = gcopy(gcoeff(den, 1, 1));
11520       p8 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
11521       gel(p8, 1) = ginv(den);
11522       gel(p8, 2) = gen_0;
11523       gel(p8, 3) = gen_0;
11524       gel(p8, 4) = gen_0;
11525       urst1 = p8;
11526       ell = ellchangecurve(ell, urst1);
11527       urst = ellcomposeurst(urst, urst1);
11528       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
11529         gerepileall(btop, 6, &den, &factden, &p8, &urst1, &ell, &urst);
11530     }
11531   }
11532   help = ellchangepoint(help, urst);
11533   /* choix de l'algorithme suivant la 2-torsion */
11534   ell = gmul(/* choix de l'algorithme suivant la 2-torsion */
11535   ell, gmodulsg(1, member_pol(bnf)));
11536   p3 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
11537   gel(p3, 1) = gen_1;
11538   gel(p3, 2) = gcopy(ell_get_a2(ell));
11539   gel(p3, 3) = gcopy(ell_get_a4(ell));
11540   gel(p3, 4) = gcopy(ell_get_a6(ell));
11541   eqtheta = gtopoly(p3, -1);
11542   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
11543     pari_printf("courbe elliptique : Y^2 = %Ps\n", eqtheta);
11544   f = nfpolratroots(bnf, eqtheta);
11545   if (glength(f) == 0)
11546   {
11547     /* cas 1: 2-torsion triviale */
11548     rnfeq = rnfequation0(bnf, eqtheta, 1);
11549     p4 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
11550     gel(p4, 1) = gen_1;
11551     gel(p4, 2) = gmul(gneg(gel(rnfeq, 3)), gmodulo(y, member_pol(bnf)));
11552     gel(p4, 3) = gen_0;
11553     gel(p4, 4) = gen_0;
11554     urst1 = p4;
11555     if (!gequalgs(gel(rnfeq, 3), 0))
11556     {
11557       ell = ellchangecurve(ell, urst1);
11558       urst = ellcomposeurst(urst, urst1);
11559       eqtheta = gsubst(eqtheta, gvar(x), gsub(x, gmul(gel(rnfeq, 3), gmodulo(y, member_pol(bnf)))));
11560       rnfeq = rnfequation0(bnf, eqtheta, 1);
11561       if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11562         pari_printf("translation : on travaille avec Y^2 = %Ps\n", eqtheta);
11563     }
11564     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
11565       pari_printf("bbnfinit ");
11566     bbnf = Buchall(gel(rnfeq, 1), nf_FORCE, prec);
11567     if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
11568       pari_printf("done\n");
11569     p5 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
11570     gel(p5, 1) = gcopy(eqtheta);
11571     gel(p5, 2) = gcopy(rnfeq);
11572     gel(p5, 3) = gcopy(bbnf);
11573     ext = p5;
11574     rang = bnfell2descent_gen(bnf, ell, ext, help, bigflag, flag3, NULL, prec);
11575   }
11576   else
11577   {
11578     if (glength(f) == 1)
11579     {
11580       /* cas 2: 2-torsion = Z/2Z */
11581       if (!gequalgs(gel(f, 1), 0))
11582       {
11583         p6 = cgetg(5, t_VEC);
11584         gel(p6, 1) = gen_1;
11585         gel(p6, 2) = gcopy(gel(f, 1));
11586         gel(p6, 3) = gen_0;
11587         gel(p6, 4) = gen_0;
11588         urst1 = p6;
11589         ell = ellchangecurve(ell, urst1);
11590         urst = ellcomposeurst(urst, urst1);
11591       }
11592       rang = bnfell2descent_viaisog(bnf, ell, prec);
11593     }
11594     else
11595       /* cas 3: 2-torsion = Z/2Z*Z/2Z */
11596       rang = bnfell2descent_complete(bnf, gel(f, 1), gel(f, 2), gel(f, 3), flag3, NULL, prec);
11597   }
11598   gel(rang, 3) = ellchangepointinverse(gel(rang, 3), urst);
11599   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
11600     pari_printf("fin de bnfellrank\n");
11601   rang = gerepilecopy(ltop, rang);
11602   return rang;
11603 }
11605 GEN
11606 bnfell2descent_complete(GEN bnf, GEN e1, GEN e2, GEN e3, GEN flag3, GEN auto_s, long prec)	  /* vec */
11607 {
11608   pari_sp ltop = avma;
11609   GEN p1 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
11610   GEN y = pol_x(fetch_user_var("y")), KS2prod = gen_0, oddclass = gen_0, KS2gen = gen_0, vect = gen_0, selmer = gen_0, rang = gen_0, b1 = gen_0, b2 = gen_0, vec = gen_0, z1 = gen_0, z2 = gen_0, d31 = gen_0, quart0 = gen_0, quart = gen_0, cont = gen_0, fa = gen_0, point = gen_0, solx = gen_0, soly = gen_0, listepoints = gen_0, strange = gen_0;
11611   long l2, l3;
11612   GEN p4 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
11613   GEN x = pol_x(fetch_user_var("x"));
11614   GEN p5 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
11615   if (!flag3)
11616     flag3 = gen_1;
11617   if (!auto_s)
11618   {
11619     p1 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
11620     gel(p1, 1) = gcopy(y);
11621     auto_s = p1;
11622   }
11623   /* MODI remove i,X,Y */
11624   /* MODI add strange */
11625   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11626     pari_printf("Algorithme de la 2-descente complete\n");
11627   /* calcul de K(S,2) */
11629   KS2prod = gmulgs(gmul(gmul(gsub(e1, e2), gsub(e2, e3)), gsub(e3, e1)), 2);
11630   oddclass = gen_0;
11631   {
11632     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
11633     while (gequal0(oddclass))
11634     {
11635       KS2gen = bnfsunit(bnf, gtrans(gel(idealfactor(bnf, KS2prod), 1)), prec);
11636       oddclass = gmodgs(gel(gel(KS2gen, 5), 1), 2);
11637       if (gequal0(oddclass))
11638         KS2prod = idealmul(bnf, KS2prod, gel(gel(gel(KS2gen, 5), 3), 1));
11639       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
11640         gerepileall(btop, 3, &KS2gen, &oddclass, &KS2prod);
11641     }
11642   }
11643   KS2gen = gcopy(gel(KS2gen, 1));
11644   /* A CHANGER : KS2gen = matbasistoalg(bnf,KS2gen); */
11645   l2 = glength(KS2gen);
11646   {
11647     pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
11648     long i;
11649     for (i = 1; i <= l2; ++i)
11650     {
11651       gel(KS2gen, i) = basistoalg(bnf, gel(KS2gen, i));
11652       if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
11653         KS2gen = gerepilecopy(btop, KS2gen);
11654     }
11655   }
11656   KS2gen = concat(gmodulo(lift(gettufu(bnf)), member_pol(bnf)), KS2gen);
11657   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11658   {
11659     pari_printf("#K(S,2)gen          = %ld\n", glength(KS2gen));
11660     pari_printf("K(S,2)gen = %Ps\n", KS2gen);
11661   }
11662   l3 = glength(KS2gen);
11663   {
11664     long i;
11665     GEN p6 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
11666     p4 = cgetg(l3+1, t_VEC);
11667     for (i = 1; i <= l3; ++i)
11668     {
11669       p6 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
11670       gel(p6, 1) = gen_0;
11671       gel(p6, 2) = gen_1;
11672       gel(p4, i) = p6;
11673     }
11674   }
11675   /* parcours de K(S,2)*K(S,2) */
11677   vect = p4;
11678   selmer = gen_0;
11679   rang = gen_0;
11680   listepoints = cgetg(1, t_VEC);
11681   {
11682     GEN fv_data = gen_0;
11683     GEN (*fv_next)(GEN, GEN);	  /* func_GG */
11684     GEN X = forvec_start(vect, 0, &fv_data, &fv_next);	  /* vec */
11685     {
11686       pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
11687       long l7;
11688       GEN p8 = gen_0;
11689       for (  ; X; X = fv_next(fv_data, X))
11690       {
11691         l7 = glength(KS2gen);
11692         {
11693           pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
11694           long i;
11695           p8 = gen_1;
11696           for (i = 1; i <= l7; ++i)
11697           {
11698             p8 = gmul(p8, gpow(gel(KS2gen, i), gel(X, i), prec));
11699             if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
11700               p8 = gerepilecopy(btop, p8);
11701           }
11702         }
11703         b1 = p8;
11704         {
11705           GEN fv_data = gen_0;
11706           GEN (*fv_next)(GEN, GEN);	  /* func_GG */
11707           GEN Y = forvec_start(vect, 0, &fv_data, &fv_next);	  /* vec */
11708           {
11709             pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
11710             long l9;
11711             GEN p10 = gen_0;
11712             GEN p11 = gen_0, p12 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
11713             long l13;
11714             GEN p14 = gen_0, p15 = gen_0, p16 = gen_0;	  /* vec */
11715             for (  ; Y; Y = fv_next(fv_data, Y))
11716             {
11717               l9 = glength(KS2gen);
11718               {
11719                 pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
11720                 long i;
11721                 p10 = gen_1;
11722                 for (i = 1; i <= l9; ++i)
11723                 {
11724                   p10 = gmul(p10, gpow(gel(KS2gen, i), gel(Y, i), prec));
11725                   if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
11726                     p10 = gerepilecopy(btop, p10);
11727                 }
11728               }
11729               b2 = p10;
11730               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
11731               {
11732                 p11 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
11733                 gel(p11, 1) = gcopy(b1);
11734                 gel(p11, 2) = gcopy(b2);
11735                 pari_printf("[b1,b2] = %Ps\n", lift(p11));
11736               }
11737               /* points triviaux provenant de la 2-torsion */
11739               if (gequal1(b1) && gequal1(b2))
11740               {
11741                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11742                   pari_printf(" point trivial [0]\n");
11743                 selmer = gaddgs(selmer, 1);
11744                 rang = gaddgs(rang, 1);
11745                 continue;
11746               }
11747               if (nfissquare(member_nf(bnf), gmul(gsub(e2, e1), b1), prec) && nfissquare(member_nf(bnf), gmul(gmul(gsub(e2, e3), gsub(e2, e1)), b2), prec))
11748               {
11749                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11750                   pari_printf(" point trivial [e2,0]\n");
11751                 selmer = gaddgs(selmer, 1);
11752                 rang = gaddgs(rang, 1);
11753                 continue;
11754               }
11755               if (nfissquare(member_nf(bnf), gmul(gsub(e1, e2), b2), prec) && nfissquare(member_nf(bnf), gmul(gmul(gsub(e1, e3), gsub(e1, e2)), b1), prec))
11756               {
11757                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11758                   pari_printf(" point trivial [e1,0]\n");
11759                 selmer = gaddgs(selmer, 1);
11760                 rang = gaddgs(rang, 1);
11761                 continue;
11762               }
11763               if (nfissquare(member_nf(bnf), gmul(gsub(e3, e1), b1), prec) && nfissquare(member_nf(bnf), gmul(gsub(e3, e2), b2), prec))
11764               {
11765                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11766                   pari_printf(" point trivial [e3,0]\n");
11767                 selmer = gaddgs(selmer, 1);
11768                 rang = gaddgs(rang, 1);
11769                 continue;
11770               }
11771               /* premier critere local : sur les formes quadratiques */
11773               if (((mynfhilbert(member_nf(bnf), gmul(b1, b2), gmul(b1, gsub(e2, e1)), prec) < 0) || (mynfhilbert(member_nf(bnf), b2, gmul(b1, gsub(e3, e1)), prec) < 0)) || (mynfhilbert(member_nf(bnf), b1, gmul(b2, gsub(e3, e2)), prec) < 0))
11774               {
11775                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
11776                   pari_printf("non ELS\n");
11777                 continue;
11778               }
11779               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11780               {
11781                 p12 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
11782                 gel(p12, 1) = gcopy(b1);
11783                 gel(p12, 2) = gcopy(b2);
11784                 pari_printf("[b1,b2] = %Ps\n", lift(p12));
11785               }
11786               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11787                 pari_printf("qf loc soluble\n");
11788               /* solution de la premiere forme quadratique */
11790               if (!gequal(b1, b2))
11791               {
11792                 vec = bnfqfsolve(bnf, gmul(b1, b2), gmul(b1, gsub(e2, e1)), flag3, NULL, prec);
11793                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
11794                   pari_printf("sol part = %Ps\n", vec);
11795                 if (gequal0(gel(vec, 3)))
11796                   pari_err(user, "bnfell2descent_complete : BUG !!! : vec[3]=0 ");
11797                 z1 = gdiv(gdiv(gel(vec, 1), gel(vec, 3)), b1);
11798                 z2 = gdiv(gel(vec, 2), gel(vec, 3));
11799               }
11800               else
11801               {
11802                 z1 = gdivgs(gaddsg(1, gdiv(gsub(e2, e1), b1)), 2);
11803                 z2 = gsubgs(z1, 1);
11804               }
11805               d31 = gsub(e3, e1);
11806               quart0 = gadd(gsub(gadd(gsub(gmul(gmul(gsqr(b2), gsub(gmul(gsqr(z1), b1), d31)), gpowgs(x, 4)), gmul(gmul(gmul(gmul(gmulsg(4, z1), gsqr(b2)), z2), b1), gpowgs(x, 3))), gmul(gmul(gmul(gmulsg(2, b1), b2), gadd(gadd(gmul(gsqr(z1), b1), gmul(gmulsg(2, b2), gsqr(z2))), d31)), gsqr(x))), gmul(gmul(gmul(gmul(gmulsg(4, z1), b2), z2), gsqr(b1)), x)), gmul(gsqr(b1), gsub(gmul(gsqr(z1), b1), d31)));
11807               quart = gmul(gmul(quart0, b1), b2);
11808               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 4) >= 0)
11809                 pari_printf("quart = %Ps\n", quart);
11810               quart = gmul(quart, gsqr(denom(simplify(content(quart)))));
11811               cont = simplify(content(lift(quart)));
11812               fa = factor(cont);
11813               l13 = glength(gel(fa, 1));
11814               {
11815                 pari_sp btop = avma, st_lim = stack_lim(btop, 1);
11816                 long i;
11817                 for (i = 1; i <= l13; ++i)
11818                 {
11819                   quart = gdiv(quart, gpow(gcoeff(fa, i, 1), gmulsg(2, gdiventgs(gcoeff(fa, i, 2), 2)), prec));
11820                   if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
11821                     quart = gerepilecopy(btop, quart);
11822                 }
11823               }
11824               if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
11825                 pari_printf("quart red = %Ps\n", quart);
11826               /* la quartique est-elle localement soluble ? */
11828               if (!nflocallysoluble(member_nf(bnf), quart, NULL, NULL, NULL, prec))
11829               {
11830                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11831                   pari_printf(" quartique non ELS \n");
11832                 continue;
11833               }
11834               selmer = gaddgs(selmer, 1);
11835               /* recherche de points sur la quartique. */
11837               point = nfratpoint(member_nf(bnf), quart, LIM3, gen_1, prec);
11838               if (!gequal(point, cgetg(1, t_VEC)))
11839               {
11840                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11841                   pari_printf("point trouve sur la quartique !!\n");
11842                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 3) >= 0)
11843                   pari_printf("%Ps\n", point);
11844                 if (!gequal0(gel(point, 3)))
11845                 {
11846                   point = gdiv(point, gel(point, 3));
11847                   z1 = gdiv(gsub(gmul(gmul(gmulsg(2, b2), gel(point, 1)), z2), gmul(z1, gadd(b1, gmul(b2, gsqr(gel(point, 1)))))), gsub(b1, gmul(b2, gsqr(gel(point, 1)))));
11848                   solx = gadd(gmul(b1, gsqr(z1)), e1);
11849                   soly = gcopy(gel(nfsqrt(member_nf(bnf), gmul(gmul(gsub(solx, e1), gsub(solx, e2)), gsub(solx, e3)), prec), 1));
11850                   p14 = cgetg(2, t_VEC);
11851                   p15 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
11852                   gel(p15, 1) = gcopy(solx);
11853                   gel(p15, 2) = gcopy(soly);
11854                   gel(p14, 1) = p15;
11855                   listepoints = concat(listepoints, p14);
11856                   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
11857                   {
11858                     p16 = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
11859                     gel(p16, 1) = gcopy(solx);
11860                     gel(p16, 2) = gcopy(soly);
11861                     pari_printf("point sur la courbe elliptique =%Ps\n", p16);
11862                   }
11863                 }
11864                 rang = gaddgs(rang, 1);
11865               }
11866               else
11867                 if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 2) >= 0)
11868                   pari_printf("aucun point trouve sur la quartique\n");
11869               if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
11870                 gerepileall(btop, 22, &p10, &b2, &p11, &selmer, &rang, &p12, &vec, &z1, &z2, &d31, &quart0, &quart, &cont, &fa, &point, &solx, &soly, &p15, &p14, &listepoints, &p16, &Y);
11871             }
11872           }
11873         }
11874         if (low_stack(st_lim, stack_lim(btop, 1)))
11875           gerepileall(btop, 18, &p8, &b1, &b2, &selmer, &rang, &vec, &z1, &z2, &d31, &quart0, &quart, &cont, &fa, &point, &solx, &soly, &listepoints, &X);
11876       }
11877     }
11878   }
11879   /* fin */
11881   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
11882     pari_printf("#S^(2)      = %Ps\n", selmer);
11883   if (gcmp(rang, gdivgs(selmer, 2)) > 0)
11884     rang = selmer;
11885   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
11886   {
11887     strange = stoi(!gequal(rang, selmer));
11888     if (!gequal0(strange))
11889       pari_printf("#E[K]/2E[K]>= %Ps\n", rang);
11890     else
11891       pari_printf("#E[K]/2E[K] = %Ps\n", rang);
11892     pari_printf("#E[2]       = 4\n");
11893   }
11894   rang = gsubgs(gceil(gdiv(glog(rang, prec), glog(gen_2, prec))), 2);
11895   selmer = stoi(ggval(selmer, gen_2));
11896   if (gcmpgs(DEBUGLEVEL_ell, 1) >= 0)
11897   {
11898     if (!gequal0(strange))
11899       pari_printf("%Ps >= rang  >= %Ps\n", gsubgs(selmer, 2), rang);
11900     else
11901       pari_printf("rang        = %Ps\n", rang);
11902     if (!gequal0(rang))
11903       pari_printf("points = %Ps\n", listepoints);
11904   }
11905   p5 = cgetg(4, t_VEC);
11906   gel(p5, 1) = gcopy(rang);
11907   gel(p5, 2) = gcopy(selmer);
11908   gel(p5, 3) = gcopy(listepoints);
11909   p5 = gerepilecopy(ltop, p5);
11910   return p5;
11911 }

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