{{{#!rst Tentative Programme =================== Monday ------ * 9 am: Welcome, and Sage installation help * 10am-11am : `Sage overview (presentation, demo, Sage-Combinat) `_ (Franco + Nicolas) * 11am-12pm: coffee break at University Club (next door), Introductions, more Sage installations Lunch Break * [the afternoon sessions may start later to accommodate time for lunch - please stay tuned for updates] * 1pm: Tutorial: `Using the Sage notebook and navigating the help system `_ (Jason) [`help-notebook sws file `_] * 2pm: Tutorial: `Doing the first exercises from Project Euler `_ (Jason). See also the `List tutorial `_ [`list sws file `_] * 3pm: coffee break * 3:15pm: Open tutorials (Anne, Jason, Florent, Franco, Nicolas): * Tutorial: `Linear algebra `_ (Franco) [`linear algebra sws file `_] * Tutorial: `Combinatorics `_ (Jason) [`combinatorics sws file `_] * Tutorial: `Words `_ [`words sws file `_] * Other resources: * `The Sage tutorial `_ * `Sage thematic tutorials and demos `_ * Introductory book in French: `Introduction à Sage `_ Tuesday ------- * 9am-9:30am: Tutorial: `Programming in Python and Sage `_ (Franco/Jason) [`programming tutorial sws file `_] * Worksheet: `The 3n+1 Conjecture `_ [`Collatz conjecture sws file `_] * Worksheet: `Strings and the Burrows-Wheeler Transform `_ [`strings and Burrows-Wheeler sws file `_] * 9:30am-noon: Anne's giving an introduction to implementations for crystal categories. * 10:30am: coffee break * 11am: Tutorial: `Editing Sage's Sources `_ Lunch break * 2pm: Anders: "Strategies for computing Schubert structure constants" * 3:15pm: coffee break * 3:30pm: Tutorial: how to kindly report a bug or suggest an improvement (20 minutes) * 3:35pm: Coding sprint organization * 4pm-: Coding sprints Wednesday --------- * 9am-9:30: Sign up for `projects `_ and short meetings; presentations of work so far (students and others) * 9:30-10:45am: Tutorial: `Object oriented programming `_ (FlorentHivert) [`tutorial-objects-and-classes sws file `_] * 9:30am: concurrent development projects: Scheicher and Thuswaldner algorithm, subspaces, posets * 10:45am: coffee break * 11am-11:20am: Tutorial: `programming iterators `_ [`tutorial-iterators sws file `_] (FlorentHivert) Lunch break * 1:30pm: concurrent development projects: actions * 3pm: coffee break * 3:30pm: concurrent development projects: IntegerVectors, crystals, d-complete posets * 5pm: Coding sprint status report * 5:30pm: ultimate frisbee (most likely on the NW dyke field - directions will be provided) Thursday -------- * 10am: coffee break * 10:15am-12:15pm: Series of Tutorial: `Contributing to Sage `_ [`contribute to sage sws file `_] `How to contribute `_ - Using and programming sage from the command line (Christian) - Creating a patch (Nicolas) - Reviewing a patch (Anne and Franco) `Short step-by-step checklist `_ - Sage combinat installation (Florent) * 2pm: Coding sprint status report * 2:30pm: Robert Smith `Equivalence in Computer Algebra `_ * 3pm: coffee break * 5:30pm: local weekly pick-up ultimate frisbee, President's Field (on the campus map: between field 46 (Raymond Field, fenced-in fancy field), building 48 (Festival Theatre, a former arena, so looks like one), and behind white house 47 (Alumni Hall administrative offices, formerly the university president's house)) Friday ------ - fill out travel reimbursement forms - TBA * 10am: coffee break * 10:15am-11:15am: Tutorial: Contributing to Sage-combinat `Mercurial step by step `_ Illustrated by `the outdated picture `_ .. image:: http://wiki.sagemath.org/combinat/Mercurial?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=patch-server.png :height: 250px Lunch break * submit code for student contribution prize by 1pm * 2pm: Coding sprint status report * 3pm: coffee break Potential material ------------------ * Tutorial: `Using algebraic structures: vector spaces, ... `_ (Jason Bandlow, Florent Hivert, Nicolas Thiéry) * Tutorial:: `Implementing your own algebraic structures `_ (Jason Bandlow, Floren Hivert, Nicolas Thiéry) * Tutorial:: `Graph theory `_ * Tutorial:: `Linear programming `_ * Tutorial/demo:: `Symmetric functions `_ * Tutorial: cluster algebras (Christian) * Tutorial: Crystal bases (Anne) * Tutorial: Posets (Franco) * Tutorial: Parents, Elements, Categories (Nicolas Thiéry) * Lexicographic generation of lists of integers (Florent Hivert, Nicolas Thiéry) Algorithmic & design * Canonical forms, normal forms, and computer representation (Robert Smith) * Schubert calculus: challenges, solutions, projects * Various algebras in Sage (Hecke algebra, nilCoxeter, Temperley Lieb, local plactic) (Anne) Discussions ----------- * Thematic tutorials setup * Categories * The Sage-Combinat roadmap * The Sage-Combinat workflow: writing the specs * Modeling set containment: "x in S" see `Discussion about Containment in Sage `_ * Posets, ideals/upper set Development Projects ---------------------------- See the `projects `_ page. }}}