Differences between revisions 7 and 17 (spanning 10 versions)
Revision 7 as of 2012-05-03 16:04:03
Size: 10166
Editor: saliola
Revision 17 as of 2012-05-05 16:50:34
Size: 12110
Editor: saliola
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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**For the main Sage Days 38 wiki page go** `here`__.

__ days38

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 Worksheets:  Worksheet:
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 - `Sage Constructions`_: "How do I construct ... in Sage?"
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 Leader: ?  Leader: Franco Saliola
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 - `Sage Calculus Tutorial`_
Line 34: Line 41:
 - `Sage Constructions`_: "How do I construct ... in Sage?"
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 - Additional Exercises (Sage worksheets):

   - `Collatz conjecture`_: practice writing functions, plotting and interact while exploring the `3n+1`-conjecture.
   - `Dictionaries and Graph Theory`_: learn about dictionaries through graph theory exercises. (The `Graph Theory Quick Reference Card`_ might come in handy.)
   - `Strings and the Burrows-Wheeler Transform`_: learn about strings while exploring the Burrows-Wheeler Transform.
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 - `Dive into Python`_ is a Python book for experienced programmers. Also available in French, `Plongez au coeur de Python`_, and `other languages`_.
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 - `Dive into Python`_ is a Python book for experienced programmers. Also available in French, `Plongez au coeur de Python`_, and `other languages`_.
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 - `How to Referee Sage Trac Tickets`_

 - `How to Referee Sage Trac Tickets`_ by William Stein
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 - `Introduction to Sage Development`_ by Mike Hansen
 - `Short step-by-step checklist for reviewing a patch`_ by Franco Saliola
 - `Sage Developer's Guide`_:

   - `Walking Through the Development Process`_
   - `Review a patch`_


 - `Contributing to Sage : Who, What and How`_: video of a talk by William Stein
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.. _`The Sage Tutorial`: http://combinat.sagemath.org/doc/tutorial .. _`Collatz conjecture`: attachment:CollatzConjecture.sws
.. _`Dictionaries and Graph Theory`: attachment:Dictionaries-GraphTheory.sws
.. _`Strings and the Burrows-Wheeler Transform`: attachment:Strings-BWT.sws
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.. _`Sage tutorial`: http://www.sagemath.org/doc/tutorial .. _`The Sage tutorial`: http://www.sagemath.org/doc/tutorial
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.. _`Sage Constructions`: http://sagemath.org/doc/constructions
.. _`Sage Calculus Tutorial`: http://www.sagemath.org/calctut/
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.. _`Introduction to Sage Development`: http://wiki.sagemath.org/days20.5/schedule?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=sd20.5.pdf
.. _`Short step-by-step checklist for reviewing a patch`: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s16/sh/f30e5eb9-70a9-4882-818b-333c690942bf/d7a138e2705c25b8da6e2053950a89d5
.. _`Sage Developer's Guide`: http://sagemath.org/doc/developer/index.html
.. _`Walking Through the Development Process`: http://sagemath.org/doc/developer/walk_through.html
.. _`Review a patch`: http://sagemath.org/doc/developer/walk_through.html#reviewing-a-patch
.. _`Contributing to Sage : Who, What and How`: http://vimeo.com/14044496

Sage Days 38 Tutorials

For the main Sage Days 38 wiki page go here.

Tutorial I: Using the Sage notebook and navigating the help system

Leader: Franco Saliola



Tutorial II: Calculus and Linear Algebra in Sage

Leader: Franco Saliola



Tutorial III: Programming in Python and Sage

Leader: Florent Hivert


Related thematic tutorials:

Learn-to-program resources:

Python resources:

Tutorial IV: Contributing to Sage

Leader: Anne Schilling



Related thematic tutorials:

ReStructuredText resources:

Mercurial resources:

Tutorial V: Cython

Leader: Florent Hivert


Related thematic tutorials:


days38_tutorials (last edited 2012-05-11 15:02:37 by slabbe)