Differences between revisions 3 and 7 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2015-01-18 14:24:02
Size: 4872
Editor: dkrenn
Comment: update participants
Revision 7 as of 2015-02-27 09:40:03
Size: 5178
Editor: VivianePons
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * Contributing to Sage: git and trac  * Contributing to Sage: git and trac (Daniel Krenn)
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 * ...  * Automorphism group of function fields
 * Riemann-Roch space functionality
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 * Grégory Châtel (Univ. Paris Est) - !PyCon + Sage Days
 * Darij Grinberg (MIT) - Sage Days
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 * Pooja Rao - !PyCon + Sage Days
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 * (?) Nicolas Thiéry (Univ. Paris Sud) - !PyCon + Sage Days  * Travis Scrimshaw (UC Davis) !PyCon + Sage Days
Nicolas Thiéry (Univ. Paris Sud) - !PyCon + Sage Days
 * Syed Hosseini (UCalgary) - Sage Days

Sage Days 67: PyCon 2015

General Information

PyCon is the largest gathering of the python community. The 2015 session is held in Montreal on April 8-16. Sage Days 67 are a satellite event which will occur on April 13-16, during the PyCon sprints.

You can participate to both PyCon and Sage-Days or only to Sage-Days. We invite every member of the community to join, especially students and Sage newbies.

These Sage-Days are not specialized in one specific mathematical topic: the idea is to discover the different functionalities of Sage and the different development (basic and advanced) that take place within Sage to improve mathematical research. It is also a good place to initiate a development project on some missing functionalities. And last but not least, it is the perfect place to meet and discuss with other python open-source communities which will be attending PyCon (IPython, SciPy, ...).

When & Where

Sage-Days 67 will be held in Montreal Convention center (Palais des congrès) and /or at the UQAM during the 2015 PyCon sprints April 13-16, it is a satellite event to PyCon which is organized as follows:

  • April 8-9 Tutorials
  • April 10-12 Main conference
  • April 13-16 PyCon sprints / Sage Days 67


You can regsiter to both PyCon and Sage Days or only to Sage Days.

Participation to PyCon sprints and Sage Days is free of charge. To register to Sage Days, please send an email to viviane.pons@lri.fr or add your name on the list of participants. Please specify if you're also attending the main PyCon conference.

Registration to PyCon main conference (April 10-12) is $350 for individual rate ($125 for student). Please note that you can apply for financial aid, don't let the price stop you from attending! Please register on PyCon website and specify that you will be attending the sprints.

Financial Aid

Deadline for financial aid application: January 1st, 2015

You can apply for financial aid until January 1st through the global PyCon event on the PyCon website to cover your admission, travel and local costs. This is aimed to people attending the main conference, so you would be attending both PyCon and Sage Days. Note that the PyCon financial assistance includes many diversity outreach programs through PyLadies, CodeChix, and Python User Groups to attract new speakers, students, and attendees. Read more about the philosophy of PyCon financial assistance.

Please mention in your financial aid application that you wish to attend the Sage days.

Lodging, transportations etc.

You will find all practical details about the venue on the PyCon website.

If you're looking for a roommate or a place to stay, please put your name bellow:

  • ...


The Sage Days schedule has not been decided yet. Lots of time will be free sprint time on Sage projects.

Here is the list of accepted talks of the main PyCon conference taking place before Sage-Days on April 10-12. Especially, There will be one Sage related talk: Experimental pure mathematics using Sage by Viviane Pons.

Tentative list of talks

We are looking for volunteers to take on the different introductory talks. Here are some talks we would like to see, you can put your name and / or add suggestions.

  • Introduction to Sage
  • Introduction to python
  • Contributing to Sage: git and trac (Daniel Krenn)

We also welcome any proposition of talks on a more specific subject: presentation of some specific Sage packages or functionalities, mathematical problems related to computer exploration, any mathematic development or interesting algorithm... Please keep in mind that the mathematical content should stay at a non-specialist level to make it accessible to whole community (especially students and non-mathematicians fellow pythonistas).

  • Automata and Transducers in Sage, Daniel Krenn (?)
  • The Category framework, Nicolas Thiery (?)

Tentative list of projects

  • Automorphism group of function fields
  • Riemann-Roch space functionality


  • Grégory Châtel (Univ. Paris Est) - PyCon + Sage Days

  • Darij Grinberg (MIT) - Sage Days
  • Mathieu Guay-Paquet (UQAM) - PyCon + Sage Days

  • Daniel Krenn (TU Graz) - PyCon + Sage Days

  • Viviane Pons (Univ. Paris Sud) - PyCon + Sage Days

  • Pooja Rao - PyCon + Sage Days

  • Franco Saliola (UQAM) - PyCon + Sage Days

  • Travis Scrimshaw (UC Davis) PyCon + Sage Days

  • Nicolas Thiéry (Univ. Paris Sud) - PyCon + Sage Days

  • Syed Hosseini (UCalgary) - Sage Days


  • Mathieu Guay-Paquet (UQAM)
  • Viviane Pons (Univ. Paris Sud)
  • Franco Saliola (UQAM)

days67 (last edited 2015-04-15 13:31:15 by dkrenn)