Trying out processor; this is one step in processing doc pages for a notebook help browser, as well as a step to making a wiki-version of the documentation. This is just a test using a random doc page. 14.3 Abelian group elements ||[[|prev]]||[[|parent]]||[[|next]]||[[|''SAGE'' Reference Manual]]||[[|module index]]||[[|general index]]|| '''Previous:''' [[|14.2 Multiplicative Abelian Groups]] '''Up:''' [[|14. Groups]] '''Next:''' [[|14.4 Homomorphisms of abelian]] ---- ## End of Navigation Panel = 14.3 Abelian group elements = <> '''Module:''' {{{sage.groups.abelian_gps.abelian_group_element}}} <> '''Author Log:''' <
> * David Joyner (2006-02); based on, written by David Kohel.<
> * David Joyner (2006-05); bug fix in order<
> * " (2006-08); bug fix+new method in pow for negatives+fixed corresponding examples.<
> Recall an example from abelian groups. {{{#!python sage: F = AbelianGroup(5,[4,5,5,7,8],names = list("abcde")) sage: (a,b,c,d,e) = F.gens() sage: x = a*b^2*e*d^20*e^12 sage: x a*b^2*d^6*e^5 sage: x = a^10*b^12*c^13*d^20*e^12 sage: x a^2*b^2*c^3*d^6*e^4 sage: y = a^13*b^19*c^23*d^27*e^72 sage: y a*b^4*c^3*d^6 sage: x*y a^3*b*c*d^5*e^4 sage: x.list() [2, 2, 3, 6, 4] }}} It is important to note that lists are mutable and the returned list is not a copy. As a result, reassignment of an element of the list changes the object. {{{ sage: x.list()[0] = 3 sage: x.list() [3, 2, 3, 6, 4] sage: x a^3*b^2*c^3*d^6*e^4 }}} '''Module-level Functions''' ''' `is_AbelianGroupElement` ''' (x ) '''Class: {{{AbelianGroupElement}}}''' '''class `AbelianGroupElement` ''' ''' `AbelianGroupElement` ''' (self, F, x ) Create the element x of the AbelianGroup F. {{{ sage: F = AbelianGroup(5, [3,4,5,8,7], 'abcde') sage: a, b, c, d, e = F.gens() sage: a^2 * b^3 * a^2 * b^-4 a*b^3 sage: b^-11 b sage: a^-11 a sage: a*b in F True }}} '''Functions:''' `as_permutation` , `list` , `order` , `random` , `word_problem` ''' `as_permutation` ''' (self ) Return the element of the permutation group G (isomorphic to the abelian group A) associated to a in A.