= Projects = {{{ \section{Proposed Sage Days Workshops} In the following sections we describe $N$ [[update when done]] proposed Sage Days workshops. The general format is about 5 days of intensive work by about 20 highly-motivated participants, which often leads to substantial additional work and research as a result of the workshop. We describe below how each project fits into the thrust of Sage development and builds on existing work. \subsection{Sage Days: The Notebook Interface} \subsubsection{Background} \begin{wrapfigure}{r}{0.5\textwidth} \shadowbox{\includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{sagenb.png}}\\ \end{wrapfigure} Imagine an interactive web-based worksheet in which one can enter arbitrary Sage commands, see beautifully typeset output, create 2D and 3D graphics, publish worksheets, and collaborate with other users. The Sage notebook is the only math software that offers this capability; it is somewhere between a Maple or Mathematica notebook and the online Google Documents web application, with its extensive collaborative features. The PI and several UW undergraduates together developed the basic implementation of the current version of the Sage notebook during an extremely intense three-week coding session in Summer 2007. Many mathematicians in both pure and applied mathematics at dozens of universities around the world are excited about how they can leverage the Sage notebook in their own research and teaching. There is much excitement about this being a new collaboration tool that enhances their teaching and research. For example, the FEMHUB project \url{http://femhub.org/} at University of Nevada has adopted and rebranded the Sage notebook for teaching courses and doing research on finite element methods. See \url{http://wiki.sagemath.org/sagenb} for a list of deployed notebook servers. \subsubsection{The Workshop} At a Sage Days workshop on the Sage notebook, we would attack the following problems: \begin{enumerate} \item Address all {\em known security vulnerabilities in the Sage notebook}, and implement a more sophisticated user security model. Yoav Aner, a cryptography graduate student in London, has written an extensive threat assessment for the notebook as his Masters Thesis, which provides a list of issues to tackle. \item Add complete {\em spreadsheet capabilities} to the Sage notebook. This would be similar to Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, but the formulas would be Sage code. This could be extremely powerful for applications that are very data-centric, yet involve advanced mathematics. \item Add sophisticated {\em software engineering capabilities} to the Sage Notebook. This could include integrating a sophisticated code editor (such as BeSpin \url{} or [[something else]]), providing an interface to the Sage libraries revision control system and the capability of editing any files in the Sage library, checking in changes, creating and submitting patches, etc., all from the Sage notebook interface. This would also included creating a sophisticated web-based interactive debugger, which would provide access to the Python debugger, the Python profiler, the GNU C debugger (gdb), and Valgrind. \item Create a {\em repository for contributions} to Sage. This would provide a central location for people to manipulate, share, and publish Sage worksheets, and Python and Sage code. These materials could be rated by other users, there could be an RSS feed of new contributions, etc. This would be a Sage-specific analogue of Google Code, Sourceforge, and many of the other popular open source project hosting sites. \item Implement {\em additional 3d plotting functionality}. There are many functions and options for 3d plots that have not yet been implemented, and this could be done. Also improve Sage's ability to render using HTML5's canvas, including animation output, as something that can be embedded in a webpage, or viewed separately. This is an open-ended project, but 1 month fulltime would provide enough time to improve implicit plotting, options for parametric and function plotting, and for adding text rendering and axes to canvas rendering. \end{enumerate} \subsubsection{Key People} [[List of names]] \subsection{Sage Days: Software Engineering} \subsubsection{Background} Sage is big. The printed reference manual is over 4,000 pages. Sage is the largest active software engineering projects currently under development by the mathematical community. Several Sage developers are experienced software engineers, some with over a decade of experience in industry, and as it grows the project has benefited greatly from their input. Sage consists of well over {\em 5 million} lines of code from 97 distinct packages. This entire systems builds in a completely automated way from source on over 20 supported platforms (many flavors of Linux, OS X, and Solaris 10), using a cross-platform build system that we created using standard tools (autoconf, scons, make, bash). \begin{wrapfigure}{r}{0.4\textwidth} \shadowbox{\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{tickets.png}}\\ \mbox{}\,\,\,\,\,Over 1200 Open Tickets... \end{wrapfigure} The core Sage library, which we have written over the last few years is, well over 400,000 lines of Python, Cython, C/C++ code, and documentation. We regularly run a test suite that involves evaluating over 100,000 lines of input examples and verifying that the output is correct, with care taken to initialize random seeds before each test. This test suite is often run in parallel (thanks to the NSF/REU-funded work of undergraduate Gary Furnish), and it covers 80\% of the functions in the Sage library (that is about 18,000 functions). We use the Mercurial distributed revision control system to track all changes to the Sage codebase. All new code that goes into Sage is publicly subjected to a rigorous peer review process which is organized using Trac (\url{http://trac.sagemath.org}). Since January 2007 [[??]], We have closed about 6,000 [[??]] tickets using this system, and there are 270 [[update!]] trac user accounts. \subsubsection{The Workshop} At a Sage Days workshop on software enginnering, we would attack the following problems: \begin{enumerate} \item Create a \emph{benchmarking and regression testing system} for Sage, which can record and compare timings automatically between different versions of Sage. Once this system is in place, create a large battery of tests based on the current Sage library, to prevent any future speed regressions in Sage. This should also be completely usable for end-user code, so that users can maintain their own list of timing tests. This is approximately one and a half weeks of fulltime work, split evenly between creating and debugging the regression testing system, and writing a thorough set of benchmarks for the Sage library. \item \emph{Improve support for testing end-user code} via the Sage doctest system. Support for this exists in Sage, but often has bugs or inconsistencies in behavior. The most important part of this project would be creating a script which \textbf{tests} this behavior, and making it a part of the standard Sage test suite. \item Create an \emph{automatic patch-testing system} to monitor and report on the correctness of patches posted to the Sage bug tracker. Several Sage developers have recently created a script to automatically merge and test patches. This project would consist of creating a daemon to run on a large server (such as \url{http://sage.math.washington.edu}) which will monitor the Sage bug tracker, and when new patches are posted, merge and test them, then report the results back to the bug tracker. This is currently done manually by Sage developers as part of the code review process. Automating this process would free up a huge amount of developer time, since they would no longer need to do this themselves, and it's a task that's easily automated. Three weeks fulltime. One week to create the daemon program, one week to cleanly integrate it with trac (the software behind Sage's bug tracker), and one week to monitor and adjust its behavior to be functional without making the server unusable. \item Improve the Cython \emph{Python-to-C compiler}: There are numerous proposals on the Cython wiki \url{http://wiki.cython.org/enhancements} for possible projects. In particular, we would love to see continued improvement in Cython's support for wrapping existing C/C++/Fortran libraries, since Cython is becoming increasingly important not only for the Sage project, but also for both NumPy and SciPy, which are the key tools for scientified computing using Python. \end{enumerate} \subsubsection{Key People} [[List of names]] \subsection{Sage Days: Commutative and Noncommutative Algebra} \subsubsection{Background} [[background about commutative and noncommutative algebra capabilities and development in sage]] At a Sage Days workshop on commutative and noncommutative algebra, we would attack the following problems: \begin{enumerate} \item Implement {\em modules over multivariate polynomial rings}. This would be relatively straightforward to do by building on the functionality already offered by Singular. \item Create an optimized Cython implementation of {\em free algebras and their quotients}. \item Implement computation with {\em modules over Dedekind domains} (via pseudobasis), as explained in detail in Henri Cohen's GTM book on explicit class field theory. \item Implement {\em arithmetic and ideal theory of quaternion algebras over number fields}, following the algorithms and strategy John Voight used for his Magma implementation. This assumes the project above for computing with Dedekind domains using pseudobasis has been completed. \end{enumerate} \subsubsection{Key People} [[List of names]] \subsection{Sage Days: Algebraic Curves} \subsubsection{Background} \begin{wrapfigure}{r}{0.3\textwidth} \shadowbox{\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{algcurve.png}}\\ \mbox{}\,\,\,\,\,\,An Algebraic Curve \end{wrapfigure} [[background about algebraic curves capabilities and development in sage background about algebraic curves capabilities and development in sage background about algebraic curves capabilities and development in sage background about algebraic curves capabilities and development in sage background about algebraic curves capabilities and development in sage background about algebraic curves capabilities and development in sage background about algebraic curves capabilities and development in sage ]] \subsubsection{The Workshop} At a Sage Days workshop on algebraic curves, we would attack the following problems: \begin{enumerate} \item Implement Florian Hess's algorithms for {\em algebraic number theory in the context of function fields}. This would include implementing computation of Riemann-Roch space basis computations for smooth projective curves. \item Document all existing functionality for {\em algebraic curves} in Sage, and fill in all the generic missing functionality. \item Provide {\em resolution of singularities of algebraic curves} by wrapping functionality already available in Singular (see \url{http://www.singular.uni-kl.de/Manual/3-0-4/sing_574.htm}). \item Implement code for {\em computing with rational (genus 0) curves}, since Sage currently doesn't have any special code for them. These are mostly ``easy,'' but there are a couple of important algorithms, which are mostly avialable in components included in Sage (as part of eclib and Denis Simon's PARI code). So this would mainly be a wrapping and documentation project. \item Implement {\em 3-descent and 4-descent algorithms} for finding rational points on elliptic curves over $\mathbf{Q}$. There are no open source implementations of any of these algorithms, and they are central to finding rational points on elliptic curves. \item Create {\em optimized implementations of all pairings} on elliptic curves over finite fields: Weil, Tate, EtaT, Etaq, Ate, ReducedAte, and Ateq. \item Implement algorithms for computing with {\em elliptic curves over function fields}. John Cremona remarks that ``Quite a bit of what Magma has came from my student David Roberts, whose thesis in 2007 was about this. I have his code.'' \item Implement all the {\em standard models of genus 1 curves} (as defined by what Magma supports), and transitions between them. Also, implement Edwards (and other) coordinates for elliptic curves. \item Optimize arithmetic on {\em Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves}. \item Jacobians: Implement {\em 2-descent on Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves} over $\mathbf{Q}$. \item Computation of {\em automorphism groups of smooth projective curves} of genus $\geq 1$. \end{enumerate} \subsubsection{Key People} [[List of names]] \subsection{Sage Days: Number Fields} \subsubsection{Background} [[background about number field capabilities and development in sage]] \subsubsection{The Workshop} At a Sage Days workshop on number fields, we would attack the following problems: \begin{enumerate} \item Rewrite {\em number fields to use FLINT} for basic arithmetic (currently they use NTL for all basic arithmetic). This would speed up basic arithmetic in number fields, but be a bit more difficult than rewriting $\mathbf{Q}[x]$. \item Finish implementing {\em relative number field} in Sage. Currently Sage supports relative number fields, but many operations are not implemented, inconsistent, cumbersome, or {\em unnecessarily slow}. Bring support for relative number fields up to the same level as for absolute number fields. This would take at least 1 month fulltime work to do. It is challenging because PARI does not provide support for general relative number fields. \item Sage has a large amount of code for working with number fields and orders. However, there is very little functionality for {\em explicit class field theory}. Fortunately, PARI does have such functionality, and with some work we could make a polished version of that functionality available from Sage. \item Include a first rate number field sieve implementation in Sage. In particular, include {\tt msieve} in Sage. {\tt msieve} is a complete public domain implementation of the {\em general number field sieve}. See \url{http://www.boo.net/~jasonp/qs.html}. It would likely take one week fulltime to sort out build issues, and one week to create, document, and test wrapper code. \end{enumerate} \subsection{Sage Days: Modular Forms} \subsubsection{Background} \begin{wrapfigure}{r}{0.3\textwidth} \shadowbox{\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{modform.png}}\\ \end{wrapfigure} [[background about modular forms capabilities and development in sage]] \subsubsection{The Workshop} At a Sage Days workshop on modular forms, we would attack the following problems: \begin{enumerate} \item Implement all algorithms for {\em weight one modular forms}. See Tate's algorithm from Springer Lecture Notes 1585 and an algorithm of Kevin Buzzard. \item Implement algorithms for computing {\em Hilbert modular forms}. This project requires quaternion algebra arithmetic over real fields (see above). The implementation would likely follow Lassina Dembele's papers. It would take one month to become familiar with the theory, and another to implement a first useful version. This project can't start until quaternion algebras over real fields have been implemented. \item Implement code for computing {\em Stark-Heegner points on elliptic curves via overconvergent modular symbols}. Henri Darmon and Robert Pollack have published Magma code for doing this. \end{enumerate} \subsubsection{Key People} [[List of names]] \subsection{Sage Days: Group Theory} \subsubsection{Background} [[background about group theory capabilities and development in sage]] [[insert a picture of a Cayley graph]] \subsubsection{The Workshop} At a Sage Days workshop on group theory, we would attack the following problems: \begin{enumerate} \item Create a {\em C-library interface to GAP}. The PI spent 1 week fulltime during Summer 2009 and created a proof of concept of this library interface, which proved that this project is do-able, and that it would directly result in up to 2000 times speedups over the current Sage/GAP pipe-based interface. 1 month to implement the GAP C library interface, and 1 month to switch Sage over to use it instead of the pipe interface. Sage uses the pipe interface right now for most group theory, and switching over and optimizing the results will uncover many issues, and also require rewriting some of the Sage library. It will also make it reasonable to use GAP for basic arithmetic in many interesting new cases (e.g., Lie Algebras). \item Once there is C-library interface to GAP, sponsor a Sage Days workshop to {\em expose to Sage as much as possible of GAP's functionality}, including characters of finite groups, Lie algebras, etc. This would be a good topic for a Sage Days workshop, since it is fairly easy to implement a wide range of things in parallel. It would also be a good way to improve interaction between the Sage and GAP projects, since it is likely several GAP developers would attend. \end{enumerate} \subsubsection{Key People} [[List of names]] \subsection{Sage Days: Algebraic Topology and Homological Algebra} \subsubsection{Background} We can do Steenrod algebra calculations (at both $p=2$ and odd primes), and we can do simplicial homology. We can do group cohomology (via the optional spkg by Simon King and David Green). We have free modules over commutative rings. At a Sage Days workshop on algebraic topology and homological algebra, we would attack the following problems: \begin{enumerate} \item We will improve simplicial homology: we should be able to compute the ring structure for cohomology, and we should be able to keep track of the generators. We should add an interface to CHomP, which computes cubical homology. We should add some capabilities to compute with formal group laws (homotopy theorists only care about 1-dimensional formal group laws, but we don't need to limit ourselves), and the related computations with the spectrum BP. We should implement differential graded algebras. \item (There are a lot of other ideas on the Sage wiki page for algebraic topology (http://wiki.sagemath.org/topology), and we could throw some of them in. Some of them get pretty far from my own research, so I don't know much about them. We would really want someone who is interested in adding these things, so that we have motivation for doing so.) \item For graded connected algebras, we should implement Bob Bruner's algorithm, or develop an interface between his C programs and Sage. Christian Nassau has done some related work, but it is focused on the Steenrod algebra, not on general graded connected algebras. \item For group algebras, we should see if parts of the group cohomology spkg should be made standard, and possibly extended to other algebras. \item In general, we should implement free modules, projective modules, and injective modules over arbitrary rings, and we should implement resolutions and derived functors. Where possible, we should implement methods of computing resolutions (as in the case of graded connected algebra and group algebra). We should implement some interesting noncommutative rings over which we can compute examples. (Singular might help here.) There is a package (for maxima, I think) called "affine" that does some related things, and we should get a copy and see if we can incorporate it. \end{enumerate} \subsubsection{Key People} John Palmieri, Bruner and Nassau. King and Green. Some other group theorists? %\subsection{Sage Days: Symbolic and Algebraic Statistics} %[[background about how much Sage has for statistics already]] %[[algebraic statistics is a major hot topic... computational? by symbolic, I mean capabilities %like in Mathematics as opposed to R or matlab -- see the mathematica webpage]] % \subsubsection{The Workshop} % At a Sage Days workshop on statics, we would attack the % following problems: % At a Sage Days workshop on algebraic topology, we would attack the % following problems: % [[grab some ideas from sage days 15]] % \begin{enumerate} % \item % Implement native {\em statistics} functionality in Sage, % beginning with a class for holding data with descriptions, methods % for subselection, transformation and assignments, and then more % classes with data/object interactions that wrap or use {\tt % scipy.stats} and {\tt rpy}. % \end{enumerate} % \subsubsection{Key People} [[List of names]] \subsection{Sage Days: Sage for Engineers, Physicists, and Scientists} \subsubsection{Background} Most Engineers use Matlab and they don't know remember what a Ring and a Field are. They would not find the normal Sage Tutorial attractive because of the use those terms. However, Sage contains powerful packages that Engineers, Physicist, and Scientists would find very attractive if they were aware that Sage contains: \begin{itemize} \item Most numerical packages they want (Numpy, Scipy, FFT ect). \item 2D and 3D plotting packages some with the same interface as Matlab \item Symbolic Algebra for both Calculus and Linear Algebra \item Python as basis \item Cython, a built in C compiler, which gives them "C" speeds for numerical calculations \item Image processing \item Python access to html information (the financial package is an example). \item Access to TCP/IP through Python, which could also be used to interact with experimental systems \item Statistic and random variable functions for most distributions used in Engineering. \item numerical differential equations solvers \item Latex for displaying Mathematics expressions \item signal processing packages \item Sage is free \end{itemize} In industry, most Engineers use Matlab and they are by far its largest user. One of the objectives of Sage is to be an alternative to Matlab, so we need a tutorial, and literature attractive to them. In recent years many Physics and Engineering departments now use Python for class programming. MIT moved from using Scheme to Python three or four years ago, as one example. Also, in the past year, many Silicon Valley companies are now using Python. Sage seems like it is the next logical step for them since it comes prepackaged with all the items listed above. \subsubsection{The Workshop} One of the objectives of the Sage days would be to produce a series of videos, worksheets, and tutorials aimed at being user friendly to Engineers, Physicists, and Scientists. This would give a quick introduction to the tools they use and leave out all the wonderful mathematics they normally don't use. A suggested list of talks (all only including symbolic and real numbers with a engineering bent for problems) is: \begin{itemize} \item Sage Overview (quick run through all the gee whiz stuff). \item Graphics and Images in Sage (2D, 3D, implicit plot, Matlab like interface). \item Symbolic Calculus \item Linear algebra (Show Symbolic and numerical examples i.e. eigenvectors, eigenvalues, matrix inversion, ect). \item Numerical Analysis (Numpy, numerical solutions to differential equations) \item Cython (Programming including numpy examples). \item Statistics \item Use of Interact and how to set up TCP/IP servers and clients. \item Use of Latex and html in Sage. \item Signal Processing in Sage \end{itemize} This list would not be that much different from previous Sage days, it would just be targeted at a different audience. \subsubsection{Key People} Josh Kantor, Michael Madison, all Enthought employees, Fernando Perez, Jarod Milliman, Prabhu Ramakrishnan \subsection{Sage Days: Numerical Computation} \subsubsection{Background} Sage includes many core components that support numerical and scientific computation, including ATLAS (NSF-funded?) \url{atlas} which is a high-performance numerical linear algebra package, Scipy and Numpy \url{numpyscipyurls} which is a huge Python/Fortran library that provides similar functionality to MATLAB, GSL \url{gslurl} which is a C library for numerical computation, R \url{Rurl} which is primarily a statistics package but provides substantial numerical capabilities, and CVXOPT \url{cvxopturl} which provides numerical convex optimization functionality and sparse matrix linear algebra. The Sage distribution is also the basis for the FEMHUB \url{femhuburl} project, which is an easy-to-use state-of-the-art open source distribution of code for numerically solving partial differential equations using finite element methods [[I think!]]. The director of FEMHUB project is [[some connection with this proposal, either co-PI or ...]]. \subsubsection{The Workshop} At a Sage Days workshop on numerical computation, we would attack the following problems: \begin{enumerate} \item Improve support in Sage for numerically solving differential equations and visualizing the solutions. This would mainly involve creating wrapper code and documentation with many examples so that the solver capabilities provided by Scipy work efficiently with native Sage objects (e.g., symbolic expressions). It would also involve writing code so that solutions (and families of solutions) can be efficiently plotted in 2 and 3 dimensions. \item Sage has high precision interval and fixed precision floating point arithmetic is built on top of Paul Zimmerman's rigorously justified MPFR library (\url{mpfrurl}). Sage thus currently has the capability to do numerical linear algebra using real and complex interval arithmetic and with fixed arbitrary precision real or complex floating point numbers. However, the implementations of the underlying algorithms for these fields is naive and generic in most cases. In consultation with experts in numerical analysis (e.g., Clint Whaley--director of the ATLAS project--who has attended a recent Sage Days workshop), we propose to implement numerically stable efficient algorithms for linear system solving, singular value decomposition, LU, QR and Cholesky decomposition, and matrix inversion for generic dense matrices, sparse matrices, and matrices with extra structure. \end{enumerate} \subsubsection{Key People} [[List of names]] \subsection{Sage Days: Numerical Solution to Partial Differential Equations} \subsubsection{Background} The general idea is that it would be a gathering of people interested in the finite element method and related things, like a symbolic derivation of that using sympy/sage, making sure the mesh, solution, etc., works nice both on the desktop and in the notebook, interfacing lots of opensource FEM software like libmesh, sfepy, as well as graphics output like mayavi, VTK, etc. \subsubsection{The Workshop} \begin{enumerate} \item Write PDE and boundary conditions in the notebook, and create weak formulations automatically using sympy/sage. For more complicated PDE systems or for PDE in other than Cartesian coordinates, this would take a huge burden off the user. \item Design a suitable model/protocol for passing the weak formulations to all codes in FEMhub. \item Define geometries interactively via Java applets and send them to mesh generators. Visualise and edit the resulting meshes in the notebook. \item We can plot the solutions and meshes from python already (using either mayavi or mpl), but this needs improvements, e.g. to be able to plot streamlines, change plotting parameters easily, etc. We have elaborated visualization in opengl and glut in C++, but unfortunately this is not usable in the notebook, and also it is not reliable across platforms. \item Interface lots of open source FEM software like dune, fipy, hermes, phaml, libmesh, sfepy, etc. Currently, of those only fipy, hermes, and sfepy are in FEMhub. To design a unified interface and allow for interoperability is one of our major tasks. \item Improve graphics output in the notebook (mayavi, VTK, ...) Both Mayavi and VTK are in FEMhub, but unfortunately they do not build on Mac nor Windows. The problems have been kind of sorted out on Mac already, now some manpower is needed to switch preferably both Sage and FEMhub to a python framework build and then fix the configuration of VTK. We have no idea yet what has to be done on Windows to make it compile. \item The web notebook should be made login free as soon as possible. We have attempted to do this recently, but we found the core of the notebook quite complicated and we were not efficient at all, so we stopped this effort. Unfortunately we do not have the manpower and expertise to fix the core of the notebook, but we think that it should be revised. We are going to invest a substantial amount of work into the notebook in the future. It might be useful to coordinate our efforts eventually. \end{enumerate} \subsubsection{Key People} Pavel Solin (Univ. of Nevada), Ondrej Certik (Univ. of Nevada) \subsection{Sage Days: Combinatorics and Optimization} \subsubsection{Background} [[background about how much we have done with optimization and combinatorics in sage already]] \subsubsection{The Workshop} At a Sage Days workshop on optimization, we would attack the following problems: \begin{enumerate} \item Implement a {\em C++ interface to MiniSat} and include MiniSat in Sage. Also implement a general DIMAC conjunctive normal form (CNF) SAT-solver interface. (Victor Miller is extremely supportive of this project.) Though MiniSat is small, Stein wrote a proof-of-concept wrapper, and it is clear it will take substantial work to really do this right. \item Implement {\em finite planes and incidence geometry}. Sage's capabilities are still pretty primitive. Dan Gordon remarks that ``[Sage...] has a basic functionality, and takes a database of Witt designs and Hadamard matrices from GAP, but Magma also has a database of difference sets, and many more operations; equivalence testing, invariants, resolutions, ... Most of this wouldn't be too difficult to replicate, and I've thought about doing some myself, particularly difference sets.'' \end{enumerate} \subsubsection{Key People} [[List of names]] \subsection{Sage Days: Symbolic Computation} {\em Symbolic computation} is the collection of exact methods used to perform basic tasks in engineering, physics, etc., which includes applications such as symbolic integration and solving differential and difference equations. We divide the relevant topics into three areas: \begin{itemize} \item {\em Differential / difference algebra:} for indefinite integration/summation and differential/difference solvers \item {\em Transforms and definite integration:} Mostly table lookup and pattern matching based approaches to evaluating transforming integrals/special functions \item {\em Fundamental algorithms:} Basic computer algebra methods required to implement the algorithms above efficiently. These include multivariate polynomial factorization, sparse multivariate polynomial interpolation (Erich Kaltofen, Wen Shin Lee), and exact linear algebra over multivariate polynomial rings. \end{itemize} \subsubsection{A Workshop on Difference/Differential Algebra} [[Here are William Sit's comments about computational differential algebra/Sage/Axiom from sage-devel: \url{http://www.mail-archive.com/sage-support@googlegroups.com/msg13097.html} Bronstein's \verb|Sum^it| library provides implementations of some of the fundamental algorithms we should try to get in Sage: \url{http://www-sop.inria.fr/cafe/Manuel.Bronstein/sumit/sumit.html} ]] [[We can contact Michel Singer and ask for help adding mathematical content below. AFAIK, other names I wrote below, van Hoeij and Abramov work with Maple.]] Burcin Erocal has implemented special classes of difference fields, called Pi-Sigma fields (by Michael Karr), as a part of his summation code. He's planning to implement generic difference/differential rings/fields and operators in the near future. A theoretical framework for investigating solutions of differential/difference equations is provided by differential/difference algebra. At the moment, Sage doesn't have any facilities for working with differential/difference fields/rings/ideals, etc. An implementation of the basic structures required here would pave the way to a proper implementation of the Risch and Karr algorithms for indefinite integration and summation respectively, as well as providing a basis for research in Galois theory of differential and difference equations, which forms the foundation for algorithms to deal with higher order equations. The goals of a workshop in this area would be: \begin{enumerate} \item Provide support for working with differential/difference rings/fields and their operator domains. Singular let's us do this for polynomial rings. In order to handle denominators in the user interface, one could use Pynac, and pass the harder problems, such as computing normal forms w.r.t. an ideal to Singular after clearing denominators. \item Implement the Risch-Norman (parallel integration) algorithm \cite{[B2007]} \item Implement recent algorithms by Abramov, van Hoeij, Hendriks-Singer to find Liouvillian solutions of difference/differential equations \cite{[B2007]} \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsc.2007.04.003} \end{enumerate} \subsubsection{Key People} Michael Singer, Mark van Hoeij, Sergei Abramov, Burcin Erocal \subsubsection{A Workshop on Integral Transforms and Definite Integration} Important cases of definite integration in computer algebra systems are handled through applying some integral transforms (such as the Mellin transform) to convert the integral to a contour integral which can also be expressed as a well known special function (hypergeometric, or Meijer-G), then using properties of this special function to arrive at an evaluation. While these methods have been implemented, and used in practice by closed source systems such as Mathematica and Maple, literature on how to correctly apply these methods to get practical results is still scarce. Sage has an efficient framework based on the symbolic computation library GiNaC to represent these functions, and perform pattern matching operations. This provides the basic building block to implement the required transforms (both integral and hypergeometric). Goals for a workshop: \begin{enumerate} \item Implement a construct for hypergeometric functions \item Recognition of hypergeometric functions, and conversion to a standard representation (pFq) \item Build lookup tables for well known transforms, including hypergeometric. and integral (Mellin, Hilbert, Laplace, etc.). \end{enumerate} References: See \url{http://wiki.sagemath.org/symbolics}, \url{http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~kratt/hyp_hypq/hyp.html}, \url{http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/~gauthier/HYPERG.html}. \subsubsection{Key People} Burcin Erocal, Peter Paule, Victor Moll, Victor Adamchik (see \url{http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~adamchik/}). \subsection{Sage Days: Coding Theory} \subsubsection{Background} \subsubsection{The Workshop} \begin{enumerate} \item a fast minimum\_distance for an arbitrary non-binary code (minimum distance of linear binary codes can be computed very quickly thanks to code by Robert Miller) \item a function to compute a basis for the Riemann-Roch space of a reasonably general curve at a reasonably general divisor. This is needed to implement AG codes.) \item implementation of the "weight function" machinery (this is an alternate way to compute certain AG-type codes, avoiding the Riemann-Roch space machinery; see the survey papers by Hoeholdt on AG codes...) \item decoding algorithms \item covering codes and covering radius algorithms (more generally, porting over Guava functions to Sage) \end{enumerate} \subsubsection{Key People} [[List of names]] \subsection{Sage Days: Linear Algebra} \subsubsection{Background} Many problems in mathematics can be expressed with the language of vectors and linear transformations (matrices). Thus many areas of Sage rely on high-performace routines for solving equations, creating canonical bases, inverting matrices, in addition to computing determinants and eigenvalues. Areas relevant to other proposed workshops include coding theory, optimization, numerical computation. There are efficient routines for many of these computations, over a variety of rings and fields. Despite the maturity of Sage's support for linear algebra, there is more work to do: new routines to add, specialized versions of existing routines to implement (over different rings), speed improvements to existing routines and organizing commands to improve ease-of-use. Improvements in the linear algebra routines will strengthen Sage throughout. \subsubsection{The Workshop} At a Sage Days workshop on linear algebra, we would attack the following problems: \begin{enumerate} \item \emph{Add and improve matrix decompositions} such as LU, Cholesky, Jordan. Some of these could be improved, others could be expanded to more rings or fields, and others would be new. \item \emph{Create specialized routines} for existing commands over specific fields or rings. Some linear algebra routines have generic implementations, which could be made much faster in some situations if they exploit knowlege or libraries for specific rings or fields (such as the rationals or integers). \item Where \emph{specialized libraries} can provide the fastest possible routines, provide an interface from within Sage. \item Where \emph{Cython code} can provide faster routines, remove dependence on specialized libraries. \item \emph{Widen support for left- and right- variants} of various commands. In other words, better support the two views of a matrix: a collection of row vectors, or a collection of column vectors. Currently Sage has a bias towards rows (vectors on left of a matrix) which some users find unnatural. \item \emph{Improve support for numpy data types}. numpy is a popular Python package for computations with mult-dimensional arrays. Currently it is awkward to move between numpy's data representations and Sage's. \item There are about 90 open linear algebra tickets to mine for more ideas\dots \end{enumerate} \subsubsection{Key People} Rob Beezer, Jason Grout (?), [[other people]] %\subsection{Sage Bug Days} %\subsubsection{Background} %[[Describe how the first bug days went. Explain that the second bug days is %planned for late January, funded by a COMPMATH NSF grant.]] %\subsubsection{The Workshop} %At a Sage Bug Days, we would do the following. %\begin{enumerate} %\item We had one ``Bug Days'' workshop in San Diego, during % which the participants fixed over 200 venerable bugs in Sage (over % 1/3 of all known bugs), and did a triage of all bugs. Another {\em Bug % Days workshop} would be a great way to substantially improve the % quality of Sage, and fix many longstanding issues. %\end{enumerate} % \subsubsection{Key People} [[List of names]] }}}