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Revision 1 as of 2008-03-28 23:19:35
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Revision 9 as of 2008-11-14 13:42:00
Size: 1054
Editor: anonymous
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== Improvement/Suggestion list ==
=== Input boxes should have a changable length ===

 Improvement/Suggestion list
    1. Input boxes should have a changable length - sometimes longer inputs are necessary, and these are not handled gracefully.
    2. Controls placed horizontally - it would save a lot of screen real estate if controls could be placed next to each other.
    3. Controls changing state of other controls - currently this is not possible.
    4. Image input - for example, being able to click and drag a point in a displayed image. Probably hard to implement.
    5. Show current value next to slider control, perhaps also min/max: e.g. {{{[min] |----------------[V]----| value [max]}}}

== Links ==
 * [[http://code.google.com/p/playwith/wiki/Screenshots|R package playwith]] - similar idea, inside a gtk2 window

This is a informal page for coordinating suggestions on improving the interact command. At some point it should be either deleted, turned into a trac ticket, or more formal enhancement proposal. Any commentary on the nuts and bolts of what code should be changed would be appreciated as well.

  • Improvement/Suggestion list
    1. Input boxes should have a changable length - sometimes longer inputs are necessary, and these are not handled gracefully.
    2. Controls placed horizontally - it would save a lot of screen real estate if controls could be placed next to each other.
    3. Controls changing state of other controls - currently this is not possible.
    4. Image input - for example, being able to click and drag a point in a displayed image. Probably hard to implement.
    5. Show current value next to slider control, perhaps also min/max: e.g. [min] |----------------[V]----| value [max]

interact/Suggestions (last edited 2017-03-22 00:03:17 by mrennekamp)