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Deletions are marked like this. | Additions are marked like this. |
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[[|Interact]] | |
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[[|Interact]] |
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[[|Interact]] |
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from scipy.special.orthogonal import p_roots | import scipy import numpy from scipy.special.orthogonal import p_roots, t_roots, u_roots |
Line 643: | Line 651: |
'Chebyshev': {'w': 1/sqrt(1-x**2), 'xmin': -1, 'xmax': 1, 'func': t_roots}, 'Chebyshev2': {'w': sqrt(1-x**2), 'xmin': -1, 'xmax': 1, 'func': u_roots}, 'Trapezoid': {'w': 1, 'xmin': -1, 'xmax': 1, 'func': lambda n: (linspace(-1r,1,n), numpy.array([1.0r]+[2.0r]*(n-2)+[1.0r])*1.0r/n)}, 'Simpson': {'w': 1, 'xmin': -1, 'xmax': 1, 'func': lambda n: (linspace(-1r,1,n), numpy.array([1.0r]+[4.0r,2.0r]*int((n-3.0r)/2.0r)+[4.0r,1.0r])*2.0r/(3.0r*n))}} |
'Chebyshev': {'w': 1/sqrt(1-x**2), 'xmin': -1, 'xmax': 1, 'func': t_roots}, 'Chebyshev2': {'w': sqrt(1-x**2), 'xmin': -1, 'xmax': 1, 'func': u_roots}, 'Trapezoid': {'w': 1, 'xmin': -1, 'xmax': 1, 'func': lambda n: (linspace(-1r,1,n), numpy.array([1.0r]+[2.0r]*(n-2)+[1.0r])*1.0r/n)}, 'Simpson': {'w': 1, 'xmin': -1, 'xmax': 1, 'func': lambda n: (linspace(-1r,1,n), numpy.array([1.0r]+[4.0r,2.0r]*int((n-3.0r)/2.0r)+[4.0r,1.0r])*2.0r/(3.0r*n))}} |
Line 650: | Line 661: |
return polygon([(center-width2,0),(center+width2,0),(center+width2,height),(center-width2,height)],**kwds) | return polygon([(center-width2,0), (center+width2,0),(center+width2,height),(center-width2,height)],**kwds) |
Line 654: | Line 666: |
def weights(n=slider(1,30,1,default=10),f=input_box(default=3*x+cos(10*x)),show_method=["Legendre", "Chebyshev", "Chebyshev2", "Trapezoid","Simpson"]): | def weights(n=slider(1,30,1,default=10),f=input_box(default=3*x+cos(10*x),type=SR), show_method=["Legendre", "Chebyshev", "Chebyshev2", "Trapezoid","Simpson"]): |
Line 663: | Line 676: |
scaled_ff = fast_float(scaled_func) | scaled_ff = fast_float(scaled_func, 'x') |
Line 671: | Line 684: |
stems = sum(line([(x,0),(x,scaled_ff(x))],rgbcolor=(1-y,1-y,1-y),thickness=2,markersize=6,alpha=y) for x,y in coords_scaled) points = sum([point([(x,0),(x,scaled_ff(x))],rgbcolor='black',pointsize=30) for x,_ in coords]) |
stems = sum(line([(x,0),(x,scaled_ff(x))],rgbcolor=(1-y,1-y,1-y), thickness=2,markersize=6,alpha=y) for x,y in coords_scaled) points = sum([point([(x,0), (x,scaled_ff(x))],rgbcolor='black',pointsize=30) for x,_ in coords]) |
Line 677: | Line 692: |
show(graph,xmin=plot_min,xmax=plot_max) | show(graph,xmin=plot_min,xmax=plot_max,aspect_ratio="auto") |
Line 685: | Line 700: |
html("$$\sum_{i=1}^{i=%s}w_i\left(%s\\right)= %s\\approx %s =\int_{-1}^{1}%s \,dx$$"%(n,latex(f.subs(x="x_i")), approximation, integral, latex(scaled_func))) | html("$$\sum_{i=1}^{i=%s}w_i\left(%s\\right)= %s\\approx %s =\int_{-1}^{1}%s \,dx$$"%(n, latex(f), approximation, integral, latex(scaled_func))) |
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## An updated version of this worksheet may be available at | |
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## ## ## An updated version of this worksheet may be available at |
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## ## An updated version of this worksheet may be available at |
Sage Interactions - Calculus
goto interact main page
Sage Interactions - Calculus
- Root Finding Using Bisection
- Newton's Method
- A contour map and 3d plot of two inverse distance functions
- A simple tangent line grapher
- Numerical integrals with the midpoint rule
- Numerical integrals with various rules
- Some polar parametric curves
- Function tool
- Newton-Raphson Root Finding
- Coordinate Transformations
- Taylor Series
- Illustration of the precise definition of a limit
- A graphical illustration of sin(x)/x -> 1 as x-> 0
- Quadric Surface Plotter
- The midpoint rule for numerically integrating a function of two variables
- Gaussian (Legendre) quadrature
- Vector Calculus, 2-D Motion
- Vector Calculus, 3-D Motion
- Multivariate Limits by Definition
- Directional Derivatives
- 3D graph with points and curves
- Approximating function in two variables by differential
- Taylor approximations in two variables
- Volumes over non-rectangular domains
- Lateral Surface Area
- Parametric surface example
- Line Integrals in 3D Vector Field
Root Finding Using Bisection
by William Stein
def bisect_method(f, a, b, eps): try: f = f._fast_float_(f.variables()[0]) except AttributeError: pass intervals = [(a,b)] two = float(2); eps = float(eps) while True: c = (a+b)/two fa = f(a); fb = f(b); fc = f(c) if abs(fc) < eps: return c, intervals if fa*fc < 0: a, b = a, c elif fc*fb < 0: a, b = c, b else: raise ValueError, "f must have a sign change in the interval (%s,%s)"%(a,b) intervals.append((a,b)) html("<h1>Double Precision Root Finding Using Bisection</h1>") @interact def _(f = cos(x) - x, a = float(0), b = float(1), eps=(-3,(-16..-1))): eps = 10^eps print "eps = %s"%float(eps) try: time c, intervals = bisect_method(f, a, b, eps) except ValueError: print "f must have opposite sign at the endpoints of the interval" show(plot(f, a, b, color='red'), xmin=a, xmax=b) else: print "root =", c print "f(c) = %r"%f(c) print "iterations =", len(intervals) P = plot(f, a, b, color='red') h = (P.ymax() - P.ymin())/ (1.5*len(intervals)) L = sum(line([(c,h*i), (d,h*i)]) for i, (c,d) in enumerate(intervals) ) L += sum(line([(c,h*i-h/4), (c,h*i+h/4)]) for i, (c,d) in enumerate(intervals) ) L += sum(line([(d,h*i-h/4), (d,h*i+h/4)]) for i, (c,d) in enumerate(intervals) ) show(P + L, xmin=a, xmax=b)
Newton's Method
Note that there is a more complicated Newton's method below.
by William Stein
def newton_method(f, c, eps, maxiter=100): x = f.variables()[0] fprime = f.derivative(x) try: g = f._fast_float_(x) gprime = fprime._fast_float_(x) except AttributeError: g = f; gprime = fprime iterates = [c] for i in xrange(maxiter): fc = g(c) if abs(fc) < eps: return c, iterates c = c - fc/gprime(c) iterates.append(c) return c, iterates var('x') html("<h1>Double Precision Root Finding Using Newton's Method</h1>") @interact def _(f = x^2 - 2, c = float(0.5), eps=(-3,(-16..-1)), interval=float(0.5)): eps = 10^(eps) print "eps = %s"%float(eps) time z, iterates = newton_method(f, c, eps) print "root =", z print "f(c) = %r"%f(x=z) n = len(iterates) print "iterations =", n html(iterates) P = plot(f, (x,z-interval, z+interval), rgbcolor='blue') h = P.ymax(); j = P.ymin() L = sum(point((w,(n-1-float(i))/n*h), rgbcolor=(float(i)/n,0.2,0.3), pointsize=10) + \ line([(w,h),(w,j)],rgbcolor='black',thickness=0.2) for i,w in enumerate(iterates)) show(P + L, xmin=z-interval, xmax=z+interval)
A contour map and 3d plot of two inverse distance functions
by William Stein
@interact def _(q1=(-1,(-3,3)), q2=(-2,(-3,3)), cmap=['autumn', 'bone', 'cool', 'copper', 'gray', 'hot', 'hsv', 'jet', 'pink', 'prism', 'spring', 'summer', 'winter']): x,y = var('x,y') f = q1/sqrt((x+1)^2 + y^2) + q2/sqrt((x-1)^2+(y+0.5)^2) C = contour_plot(f, (x,-2,2), (y,-2,2), plot_points=30, contours=15, cmap=cmap) show(C, figsize=3, aspect_ratio=1) show(plot3d(f, (x,-2,2), (y,-2,2)), figsize=5, viewer='tachyon')
A simple tangent line grapher
by Marshall Hampton
html('<h2>Tangent line grapher</h2>') @interact def tangent_line(f = input_box(default=sin(x)), xbegin = slider(0,10,1/10,0), xend = slider(0,10,1/10,10), x0 = slider(0, 1, 1/100, 1/2)): prange = [xbegin, xend] x0i = xbegin + x0*(xend-xbegin) var('x') df = diff(f) tanf = f(x0i) + df(x0i)*(x-x0i) fplot = plot(f, prange[0], prange[1]) print 'Tangent line is y = ' + tanf._repr_() tanplot = plot(tanf, prange[0], prange[1], rgbcolor = (1,0,0)) fmax = f.find_maximum_on_interval(prange[0], prange[1])[0] fmin = f.find_minimum_on_interval(prange[0], prange[1])[0] show(fplot + tanplot, xmin = prange[0], xmax = prange[1], ymax = fmax, ymin = fmin)
Numerical integrals with the midpoint rule
by Marshall Hampton
var('x') @interact def midpoint(n = slider(1,100,1,4), f = input_box(default = "x^2", type = str), start = input_box(default = "0", type = str), end = input_box(default = "1", type = str)): a = N(start) b = N(end) func = sage_eval(f, locals={'x':x}) dx = (b-a)/n midxs = [q*dx+dx/2 + a for q in range(n)] midys = [func(x_val) for x_val in midxs] rects = Graphics() for q in range(n): xm = midxs[q] ym = midys[q] rects = rects + line([[xm-dx/2,0],[xm-dx/2,ym],[xm+dx/2,ym],[xm+dx/2,0]], rgbcolor = (1,0,0)) + point((xm,ym), rgbcolor = (1,0,0)) min_y = find_minimum_on_interval(func,a,b)[0] max_y = find_maximum_on_interval(func,a,b)[0] html('<h3>Numerical integrals with the midpoint rule</h3>') html('$\int_{a}^{b}{f(x) dx} {\\approx} \sum_i{f(x_i) \Delta x}$') print "\n\nSage numerical answer: " + str(integral_numerical(func,a,b,max_points = 200)[0]) print "Midpoint estimated answer: " + str(RDF(dx*sum([midys[q] for q in range(n)]))) show(plot(func,a,b) + rects, xmin = a, xmax = b, ymin = min_y, ymax = max_y)
Numerical integrals with various rules
by Nick Alexander (based on the work of Marshall Hampton)
# by Nick Alexander (based on the work of Marshall Hampton) var('x') @interact def midpoint(f = input_box(default = sin(x^2) + 2, type = SR), interval=range_slider(0, 10, 1, default=(0, 4), label="Interval"), number_of_subdivisions = slider(1, 20, 1, default=4, label="Number of boxes"), endpoint_rule = selector(['Midpoint', 'Left', 'Right', 'Upper', 'Lower'], nrows=1, label="Endpoint rule")): a, b = map(QQ, interval) t = sage.calculus.calculus.var('t') func = fast_callable(f(x=t), RDF, vars=[t]) dx = ZZ(b-a)/ZZ(number_of_subdivisions) xs = [] ys = [] for q in range(number_of_subdivisions): if endpoint_rule == 'Left': xs.append(q*dx + a) elif endpoint_rule == 'Midpoint': xs.append(q*dx + a + dx/2) elif endpoint_rule == 'Right': xs.append(q*dx + a + dx) elif endpoint_rule == 'Upper': x = find_maximum_on_interval(func, q*dx + a, q*dx + dx + a)[1] xs.append(x) elif endpoint_rule == 'Lower': x = find_minimum_on_interval(func, q*dx + a, q*dx + dx + a)[1] xs.append(x) ys = [ func(x) for x in xs ] rects = Graphics() for q in range(number_of_subdivisions): xm = q*dx + dx/2 + a x = xs[q] y = ys[q] rects += line([[xm-dx/2,0],[xm-dx/2,y],[xm+dx/2,y],[xm+dx/2,0]], rgbcolor = (1,0,0)) rects += point((x, y), rgbcolor = (1,0,0)) min_y = min(0, find_minimum_on_interval(func,a,b)[0]) max_y = max(0, find_maximum_on_interval(func,a,b)[0]) # html('<h3>Numerical integrals with the midpoint rule</h3>') show(plot(func,a,b) + rects, xmin = a, xmax = b, ymin = min_y, ymax = max_y) def cap(x): # print only a few digits of precision if x < 1e-4: return 0 return RealField(20)(x) sum_html = "%s \cdot \\left[ %s \\right]" % (dx, ' + '.join([ "f(%s)" % cap(i) for i in xs ])) num_html = "%s \cdot \\left[ %s \\right]" % (dx, ' + '.join([ str(cap(i)) for i in ys ])) numerical_answer = integral_numerical(func,a,b,max_points = 200)[0] estimated_answer = dx * sum([ ys[q] for q in range(number_of_subdivisions)]) html(r''' <div class="math"> \begin{align*} \int_{a}^{b} {f(x) \, dx} & = %s \\\ \sum_{i=1}^{%s} {f(x_i) \, \Delta x} & = %s \\\ & = %s \\\ & = %s . \end{align*} </div> ''' % (numerical_answer, number_of_subdivisions, sum_html, num_html, estimated_answer))
Some polar parametric curves
by Marshall Hampton. This is not very general, but could be modified to show other families of polar curves.
@interact def para(n1 = slider(1,5,1,default = 2), n2 = slider(1,5,1,default = 3), a1 = slider(1,10,1/10,6/5), a2 = slider(1,10,1/10,6), b = slider(0,2,1/50,0)): var('t') html('$r=' + latex(b+sin(a1*t)^n1 + cos(a2*t)^n2)+'$') p = parametric_plot((cos(t)*(b+sin(a1*t)^n1 + cos(a2*t)^n2), sin(t)*(b+sin(a1*t)^n1 + cos(a2*t)^n2)), (t,0, 20*pi), plot_points = 1024, rgbcolor = (0,0,0)) show(p, figsize = [5,5], xmin = -2-b, xmax = 2+b, ymin = -2-b, ymax = 2+b, axes = False)
Function tool
Enter symbolic functions f, g, and a, a range, then click the appropriate button to compute and plot some combination of f, g, and a along with f and g. This is inspired by the Matlab funtool GUI.
x = var('x') @interact def _(f=sin(x), g=cos(x), xrange=input_box((0,1)), yrange='auto', a=1, action=selector(['f', 'df/dx', 'int f', 'num f', 'den f', '1/f', 'finv', 'f+a', 'f-a', 'f*a', 'f/a', 'f^a', 'f(x+a)', 'f(x*a)', 'f+g', 'f-g', 'f*g', 'f/g', 'f(g)'], width=15, nrows=5, label="h = "), do_plot = ("Draw Plots", True)): try: f = SR(f); g = SR(g); a = SR(a) except TypeError, msg: print msg[-200:] print "Unable to make sense of f,g, or a as symbolic expressions." return if not (isinstance(xrange, tuple) and len(xrange) == 2): xrange = (0,1) h = 0; lbl = '' if action == 'f': h = f lbl = 'f' elif action == 'df/dx': h = f.derivative(x) lbl = '\\frac{df}{dx}' elif action == 'int f': h = f.integrate(x) lbl = '\\int f dx' elif action == 'num f': h = f.numerator() lbl = '\\text{numer(f)}' elif action == 'den f': h = f.denominator() lbl = '\\text{denom(f)}' elif action == '1/f': h = 1/f lbl = '\\frac{1}{f}' elif action == 'finv': h = solve(f == var('y'), x)[0].rhs() lbl = 'f^{-1}(y)' elif action == 'f+a': h = f+a lbl = 'f + a' elif action == 'f-a': h = f-a lbl = 'f - a' elif action == 'f*a': h = f*a lbl = 'f \\times a' elif action == 'f/a': h = f/a lbl = '\\frac{f}{a}' elif action == 'f^a': h = f^a lbl = 'f^a' elif action == 'f^a': h = f^a lbl = 'f^a' elif action == 'f(x+a)': h = f(x+a) lbl = 'f(x+a)' elif action == 'f(x*a)': h = f(x*a) lbl = 'f(xa)' elif action == 'f+g': h = f+g lbl = 'f + g' elif action == 'f-g': h = f-g lbl = 'f - g' elif action == 'f*g': h = f*g lbl = 'f \\times g' elif action == 'f/g': h = f/g lbl = '\\frac{f}{g}' elif action == 'f(g)': h = f(g) lbl = 'f(g)' html('<center><font color="red">$f = %s$</font></center>'%latex(f)) html('<center><font color="green">$g = %s$</font></center>'%latex(g)) html('<center><font color="blue"><b>$h = %s = %s$</b></font></center>'%(lbl, latex(h))) if do_plot: P = plot(f, xrange, color='red', thickness=2) + \ plot(g, xrange, color='green', thickness=2) + \ plot(h, xrange, color='blue', thickness=2) if yrange == 'auto': show(P, xmin=xrange[0], xmax=xrange[1]) else: yrange = sage_eval(yrange) show(P, xmin=xrange[0], xmax=xrange[1], ymin=yrange[0], ymax=yrange[1])
Newton-Raphson Root Finding
by Neal Holtz
This allows user to display the Newton-Raphson procedure one step at a time. It uses the heuristic that, if any of the values of the controls change, then the procedure should be re-started, else it should be continued.
# ideas from 'A simple tangent line grapher' by Marshall Hampton # State = Data = None # globals to allow incremental changes in interaction data @interact def newtraph(f = input_box(default=8*sin(x)*exp(-x)-1, label='f(x)'), xmin = input_box(default=0), xmax = input_box(default=4*pi), x0 = input_box(default=3, label='x0'), show_calcs = ("Show Calcs",True), step = ['Next','Prev', 'Reset'] ): global State, Data state = [f,xmin,xmax,x0,show_calcs] if (state != State) or (step == 'Reset'): # when any of the controls change Data = [ 1 ] # reset the plot State = state elif step == 'Next': N, = Data Data = [ N+1 ] elif step == 'Prev': N, = Data if N > 1: Data = [ N-1 ] N, = Data df = diff(f) theplot = plot( f, xmin, xmax ) theplot += text( '\n$x_0$', (x0,0), rgbcolor=(1,0,0), vertical_alignment="bottom" if f(x0) < 0 else "top" ) theplot += points( [(x0,0)], rgbcolor=(1,0,0) ) Trace = [] def Err( msg, Trace=Trace ): Trace.append( '<font color="red"><b>Error: %s!!</b></font>' % (msg,) ) def Disp( s, color="blue", Trace=Trace ): Trace.append( """<font color="%s">$ %s $</font>""" % (color,s,) ) Disp( """f(x) = %s""" % (latex(f),) ) Disp( """f'(x) = %s""" % (latex(df),) ) stop = False is_inf = False xi = x0 for i in range(N): fi = RR(f(xi)) fpi = RR(df(xi)) theplot += points( [(xi,fi)], rgbcolor=(1,0,0) ) theplot += line( [(xi,0),(xi,fi)], linestyle=':', rgbcolor=(1,0,0) ) # vert dotted line Disp( """i = %d""" % (i,) ) Disp( """~~~~x_{%d} = %.4g""" % (i,xi) ) Disp( """~~~~f(x_{%d}) = %.4g""" % (i,fi) ) Disp( """~~~~f'(x_{%d}) = %.4g""" % (i,fpi) ) if fpi == 0.0: Err( 'Derivative is 0 at iteration %d' % (i+1,) ) is_inf = True show_calcs = True else: xip1 = xi - fi/fpi Disp( r"""~~~~x_{%d} = %.4g - ({%.4g})/({%.4g}) = %.4g""" % (i+1,xi,fi,fpi,xip1) ) if abs(xip1) > 10*(xmax-xmin): Err( 'Derivative is too close to 0!' ) is_inf = True show_calcs = True elif not ((xmin - 0.5*(xmax-xmin)) <= xip1 <= (xmax + 0.5*(xmax-xmin))): Err( 'x value out of range; probable divergence!' ) stop = True show_calcs = True if is_inf: xl = xi - 0.05*(xmax-xmin) xr = xi + 0.05*(xmax-xmin) yl = yr = fi else: xl = min(xi,xip1) - 0.01*(xmax-xmin) xr = max(xi,xip1) + 0.01*(xmax-xmin) yl = -(xip1-xl)*fpi yr = (xr-xip1)*fpi theplot += text( '\n$x_{%d}$' % (i+1,), (xip1,0), rgbcolor=(1,0,0), vertical_alignment="bottom" if f(xip1) < 0 else "top" ) theplot += points( [(xip1,0)], rgbcolor=(1,0,0) ) theplot += line( [(xl,yl),(xr,yr)], rgbcolor=(1,0,0) ) # tangent if stop or is_inf: break epsa = 100.0*abs((xip1-xi)/xip1) nsf = 2 - log(2.0*epsa)/log(10.0) Disp( r"""~~~~~~~~\epsilon_a = \left|(%.4g - %.4g)/%.4g\right|\times100\%% = %.4g \%%""" % (xip1,xi,xip1,epsa) ) Disp( r"""~~~~~~~~num.~sig.~fig. \approx %.2g""" % (nsf,) ) xi = xip1 show( theplot, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax ) if show_calcs: for t in Trace: html( t )
Coordinate Transformations
by Jason Grout
var('u v') from sage.ext.fast_eval import fast_float from functools import partial @interact def trans(x=input_box(u^2-v^2, label="x=",type=SR), \ y=input_box(u*v+cos(u*v), label="y=",type=SR), \ t_val=slider(0,10,0.2,6, label="Length of curves"), \ u_percent=slider(0,1,0.05,label="<font color='red'>u</font>", default=.7), v_percent=slider(0,1,0.05,label="<font color='blue'>v</font>", default=.7), u_range=input_box(range(-5,5,1), label="u lines"), v_range=input_box(range(-5,5,1), label="v lines")): thickness=4 u_val = min(u_range)+(max(u_range)-min(u_range))*u_percent v_val = min(v_range)+(max(v_range)-min(v_range))*v_percent t_min = -t_val t_max = t_val g1=sum([parametric_plot((i,v), (v,t_min,t_max), rgbcolor=(1,0,0)) for i in u_range]) g2=sum([parametric_plot((u,i), (u,t_min,t_max), rgbcolor=(0,0,1)) for i in v_range]) vline_straight=parametric_plot((u,v_val), (u,t_min,t_max), rgbcolor=(0,0,1), linestyle='-',thickness=thickness) uline_straight=parametric_plot((u_val, v), (v,t_min,t_max),rgbcolor=(1,0,0), linestyle='-',thickness=thickness) (g1+g2+vline_straight+uline_straight).save("uv_coord.png",aspect_ratio=1, figsize=[5,5], axes_labels=['$u$','$v$']) xuv = fast_float(x,'u','v') yuv = fast_float(y,'u','v') xvu = fast_float(x,'v','u') yvu = fast_float(y,'v','u') g3=sum([parametric_plot((partial(xuv,i),partial(yuv,i)), (v,t_min,t_max), rgbcolor=(1,0,0)) for i in u_range]) g4=sum([parametric_plot((partial(xvu,i),partial(yvu,i)), (u,t_min,t_max), rgbcolor=(0,0,1)) for i in v_range]) uline=parametric_plot((partial(xuv,u_val),partial(yuv,u_val)),(v,t_min,t_max),rgbcolor=(1,0,0), linestyle='-',thickness=thickness) vline=parametric_plot((partial(xvu,v_val),partial(yvu,v_val)), (u,t_min,t_max), rgbcolor=(0,0,1), linestyle='-',thickness=thickness) (g3+g4+vline+uline).save("xy_coord.png", aspect_ratio=1, figsize=[5,5], axes_labels=['$x$','$y$']) print jsmath("x=%s, \: y=%s"%(latex(x), latex(y))) print "<html><table><tr><td><img src='cell://uv_coord.png'/></td><td><img src='cell://xy_coord.png'/></td></tr></table></html>"
Taylor Series
by Harald Schilly
var('x') x0 = 0 f = sin(x)*e^(-x) p = plot(f,-1,5, thickness=2) dot = point((x0,f(x0)),pointsize=80,rgbcolor=(1,0,0)) @interact def _(order=(1..12)): ft = f.taylor(x,x0,order) pt = plot(ft,-1, 5, color='green', thickness=2) html('$f(x)\;=\;%s$'%latex(f)) html('$\hat{f}(x;%s)\;=\;%s+\mathcal{O}(x^{%s})$'%(x0,latex(ft),order+1)) show(dot + p + pt, ymin = -.5, ymax = 1)
Illustration of the precise definition of a limit
by John Perry
I'll break tradition and put the image first. Apologies if this is Not A Good Thing.
html("<h2>Limits: <i>ε-δ</i></h2>") html("This allows you to estimate which values of <i>δ</i> guarantee that <i>f</i> is within <i>ε</i> units of a limit.") html("<ul><li>Modify the value of <i>f</i> to choose a function.</li>") html("<li>Modify the value of <i>a</i> to change the <i>x</i>-value where the limit is being estimated.</li>") html("<li>Modify the value of <i>L</i> to change your guess of the limit.</li>") html("<li>Modify the values of <i>δ</i> and <i>ε</i> to modify the rectangle.</li></ul>") html("If the blue curve passes through the pink boxes, your values for <i>δ</i> and/or <i>ε</i> are probably wrong.") @interact def delta_epsilon(f = input_box(default=(x^2-x)/(x-1)), a=input_box(default=1), L = input_box(default=1), delta=input_box(label="δ",default=0.1), epsilon=input_box(label="ε",default=0.1), xm=input_box(label="<i>x</i><sub>min</sub>",default=-1), xM=input_box(label="<i>x</i><sub>max</sub>",default=4)): f_left_plot = plot(f,xm,a-delta/3,thickness=2) f_right_plot = plot(f,a+delta/3,xM,thickness=2) epsilon_line_1 = line([(xm,L-epsilon),(xM,L-epsilon)], rgbcolor=(0.5,0.5,0.5),linestyle='--') epsilon_line_2 = line([(xm,L+epsilon),(xM,L+epsilon)], rgbcolor=(0.5,0.5,0.5),linestyle='--') ym = min(f_right_plot.ymin(),f_left_plot.ymin()) yM = max(f_right_plot.ymax(),f_left_plot.ymax()) bad_region_1 = polygon([(a-delta,L+epsilon),(a-delta,yM),(a+delta,yM),(a+delta,L+epsilon)], rgbcolor=(1,0.6,0.6)) bad_region_2 = polygon([(a-delta,L-epsilon),(a-delta,ym),(a+delta,ym),(a+delta,L-epsilon)], rgbcolor=(1,0.6,0.6)) aL_point = point((a,L),rgbcolor=(1,0,0),pointsize=20) delta_line_1 = line([(a-delta,ym),(a-delta,yM)],rgbcolor=(0.5,0.5,0.5),linestyle='--') delta_line_2 = line([(a+delta,ym),(a+delta,yM)],rgbcolor=(0.5,0.5,0.5),linestyle='--') (f_left_plot +f_right_plot +epsilon_line_1 +epsilon_line_2 +delta_line_1 +delta_line_2 +aL_point +bad_region_1 +bad_region_2).show(xmin=xm,xmax=xM)
A graphical illustration of sin(x)/x -> 1 as x-> 0
by Wai Yan Pong
x=var('x') @interact def _(x = slider(-7/10,7/10,1/20,1/2)): html('<h3>A graphical illustration of $\lim_{x -> 0} \sin(x)/x =1$</h3>') html('Below is the unit circle, so the length of the <font color=red>red line</font> is |sin(x)|') html('and the length of the <font color=blue>blue line</font> is |tan(x)| where x is the length of the arc.') html('From the picture, we see that |sin(x)| $\le$ |x| $\le$ |tan(x)|.') html('It follows easily from this that cos(x) $\le$ sin(x)/x $\le$ 1 when x is near 0.') html('As $\lim_{x ->0} \cos(x) =1$, we conclude that $\lim_{x -> 0} \sin(x)/x =1$.') if not (x == 0): pretty_print("sin(x)/x = "+str(sin(float(x))/float(x))) elif x == 0: pretty_print("The limit of sin(x)/x as x tends to 0 is 1.") C=circle((0,0),1, rgbcolor='black') mvp = (cos(x),sin(x));tpt = (1, tan(x)) p1 = point(mvp, pointsize=30, rgbcolor='red'); p2 = point((1,0), pointsize=30, rgbcolor='red') line1 = line([(0,0),tpt], rgbcolor='black'); line2 = line([(cos(x),0),mvp], rgbcolor='red') line3 = line([(0,0),(1,0)], rgbcolor='black'); line4 = line([(1,0),tpt], rgbcolor='blue') result = C+p1+p2+line1+line2+line3+line4, figsize=[3,3], axes=False)
Quadric Surface Plotter
by Marshall Hampton. This is pretty simple, so I encourage people to spruce it up. In particular, it isn't set up to show all possible types of quadrics.
var('x,y,z') quadrics = {'Ellipsoid':x^2+y^2+z^2-1,'Elliptic paraboloid':x^2+y^2-z,'Hyperbolic paraboloid':x^2-y^2-z, '1-Sheeted Hyperboloid':x^2+y^2-z^2-1,'2-Sheeted Hyperboloid':x^2-y^2-z^2-1, 'Cone':x^2+y^2-z^2} @interact def quads(q = selector(quadrics.keys()), a = slider(0,5,1/2,default = 1)): f = quadrics[q].subs({x:x*a^(1/2)}) if a==0 or q=='Cone': html('<center>$'+latex(f)+' \ $'+ '(degenerate)</center>') else: html('<center>$'+latex(f)+'$ </center>') p = implicit_plot3d(f,(x,-2,2),(y,-2,2),(z,-2,2), plot_points = 75) show(p)
The midpoint rule for numerically integrating a function of two variables
by Marshall Hampton
from sage.plot.plot3d.platonic import index_face_set def cuboid(v1,v2,**kwds): """ Cuboid defined by corner points v1 and v2. """ ptlist = [] for vi in (v1,v2): for vj in (v1,v2): for vk in (v1,v2): ptlist.append([vi[0],vj[1],vk[2]]) f_incs = [[0, 2, 6, 4], [0, 1, 3, 2], [0, 1, 5, 4], [1, 3, 7, 5], [2, 3, 7, 6], [4, 5, 7, 6]] if 'aspect_ratio' not in kwds: kwds['aspect_ratio'] = [1,1,1] return index_face_set(f_incs,ptlist,enclosed = True, **kwds) var('x,y') R16 = RealField(16) npi = RDF(pi) sin,cos = math.sin,math.cos html("<h1>The midpoint rule for a function of two variables</h1>") @interact def midpoint2d(func = input_box('y*sin(x)/x+sin(y)',type=str,label='function of x and y'), nx = slider(2,20,1,3,label='x subdivisions'), ny = slider(2,20,1,3,label='y subdivisions'), x_start = slider(-10,10,.1,0), x_end = slider(-10,10,.1,3*npi), y_start= slider(-10,10,.1,0), y_end= slider(-10,10,.1,3*npi)): f = sage_eval('lambda x,y: ' + func) delx = (x_end - x_start)/nx dely = (y_end - y_start)/ny xvals = [RDF(x_start + (i+1.0/2)*delx) for i in range(nx)] yvals = [RDF(y_start + (i+1.0/2)*dely) for i in range(ny)] num_approx = 0 cubs = [] darea = delx*dely for xv in xvals: for yv in yvals: num_approx += f(xv,yv)*darea cubs.append(cuboid([xv-delx/2,yv-dely/2,0],[xv+delx/2,yv+dely/2,f(xv,yv)], opacity = .5, rgbcolor = (1,0,0))) html("$$\int_{"+str(R16(y_start))+"}^{"+str(R16(y_end))+"} "+ "\int_{"+str(R16(x_start))+"}^{"+str(R16(x_end))+"} "+func+"\ dx \ dy$$") html('<p style="text-align: center;">Numerical approximation: ' + str(num_approx)+'</p>') p1 = plot3d(f,(x,x_start,x_end),(y,y_start,y_end)) show(p1+sum(cubs))
Gaussian (Legendre) quadrature
by Jason Grout
The output shows the points evaluated using Gaussian quadrature (using a weight of 1, so using Legendre polynomials). The vertical bars are shaded to represent the relative weights of the points (darker = more weight). The error in the trapezoid, Simpson, and quadrature methods is both printed out and compared through a bar graph. The "Real" error is the error returned from scipy on the definite integral.
import scipy import numpy from scipy.special.orthogonal import p_roots, t_roots, u_roots from scipy.integrate import quad, trapz, simps from sage.ext.fast_eval import fast_float from numpy import linspace show_weight_graph=False # 'Hermite': {'w': e**(-x**2), 'xmin': -numpy.inf, 'xmax': numpy.inf, 'func': h_roots}, # 'Laguerre': {'w': e**(-x), 'xmin': 0, 'xmax': numpy.inf, 'func': l_roots}, methods = {'Legendre': {'w': 1, 'xmin': -1, 'xmax': 1, 'func': p_roots}, 'Chebyshev': {'w': 1/sqrt(1-x**2), 'xmin': -1, 'xmax': 1, 'func': t_roots}, 'Chebyshev2': {'w': sqrt(1-x**2), 'xmin': -1, 'xmax': 1, 'func': u_roots}, 'Trapezoid': {'w': 1, 'xmin': -1, 'xmax': 1, 'func': lambda n: (linspace(-1r,1,n), numpy.array([1.0r]+[2.0r]*(n-2)+[1.0r])*1.0r/n)}, 'Simpson': {'w': 1, 'xmin': -1, 'xmax': 1, 'func': lambda n: (linspace(-1r,1,n), numpy.array([1.0r]+[4.0r,2.0r]*int((n-3.0r)/2.0r)+[4.0r,1.0r])*2.0r/(3.0r*n))}} var("x") def box(center, height, area,**kwds): width2 = 1.0*area/height/2.0 return polygon([(center-width2,0), (center+width2,0),(center+width2,height),(center-width2,height)],**kwds) @interact def weights(n=slider(1,30,1,default=10),f=input_box(default=3*x+cos(10*x),type=SR), show_method=["Legendre", "Chebyshev", "Chebyshev2", "Trapezoid","Simpson"]): ff = fast_float(f,'x') method = methods[show_method] xcoords,w = (method['func'])(int(n)) xmin = method['xmin'] xmax = method['xmax'] plot_min = max(xmin, -10) plot_max = min(xmax, 10) scaled_func = f*method['w'] scaled_ff = fast_float(scaled_func, 'x') coords = zip(xcoords,w) max_weight = max(w) coords_scaled = zip(xcoords,w/max_weight) f_graph = plot(scaled_func,plot_min,plot_max) boxes = sum(box(x,ff(x),w*ff(x),rgbcolor=(0.5,0.5,0.5),alpha=0.3) for x,w in coords) stems = sum(line([(x,0),(x,scaled_ff(x))],rgbcolor=(1-y,1-y,1-y), thickness=2,markersize=6,alpha=y) for x,y in coords_scaled) points = sum([point([(x,0), (x,scaled_ff(x))],rgbcolor='black',pointsize=30) for x,_ in coords]) graph = stems+points+f_graph+boxes if show_weight_graph: graph += line([(x,y) for x,y in coords_scaled], rgbcolor='green',alpha=0.4) show(graph,xmin=plot_min,xmax=plot_max,aspect_ratio="auto") approximation = sum([w*ff(x) for x,w in coords]) integral,integral_error = scipy.integrate.quad(scaled_ff, xmin, xmax) x_val = linspace(min(xcoords), max(xcoords),n) y_val = map(scaled_ff,x_val) trapezoid = integral-trapz(y_val, x_val) simpson = integral-simps(y_val, x_val) html("$$\sum_{i=1}^{i=%s}w_i\left(%s\\right)= %s\\approx %s =\int_{-1}^{1}%s \,dx$$"%(n, latex(f), approximation, integral, latex(scaled_func))) error_data = [trapezoid, simpson, integral-approximation,integral_error] print "Trapezoid: %s, Simpson: %s, \nMethod: %s, Real: %s"%tuple(error_data) show(bar_chart(error_data,width=1),ymin=min(error_data), ymax=max(error_data))
Vector Calculus, 2-D Motion
By Rob Beezer
A fast_float() version is available in a worksheet
# 2-D motion and vector calculus # Copyright 2009, Robert A. Beezer # Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 US # # 2009/02/15 Built on Sage 3.3.rc0 # 2009/02/17 Improvements from Jason Grout # # variable parameter is t # later at a particular value named t0 # var('t') # # parameter range # start=0 stop=2*pi # # position vector definition # edit here for new example # example is wide ellipse # adjust x, extents in final show() # position=vector( (4*cos(t), sin(t)) ) # # graphic of the motion itself # path = parametric_plot( position(t).list(), (t, start, stop), color = "black" ) # # derivatives of motion, lengths, unit vectors, etc # velocity = derivative( position(t) ) acceleration = derivative(velocity(t)) speed = velocity.norm() speed_deriv = derivative(speed) tangent = (1/speed)*velocity dT = derivative(tangent(t)) normal = (1/dT.norm())*dT # # interact section # slider for parameter, 24 settings # checkboxes for various vector displays # computations at one value of parameter, t0 # @interact def _(t0 = slider(float(start), float(stop), float((stop-start)/24), float(start) , label = "Parameter"), pos_check = ("Position", True), vel_check = ("Velocity", False), tan_check = ("Unit Tangent", False), nor_check = ("Unit Normal", False), acc_check = ("Acceleration", False), tancomp_check = ("Tangential Component", False), norcomp_check = ("Normal Component", False) ): # # location of interest # pos_tzero = position(t0) # # various scalar quantities at point # speed_component = speed(t0) tangent_component = speed_deriv(t0) normal_component = sqrt( acceleration(t0).norm()^2 - tangent_component^2 ) curvature = normal_component/speed_component^2 # # various vectors, mostly as arrows from the point # pos = arrow((0,0), pos_tzero, rgbcolor=(0,0,0)) tan = arrow(pos_tzero, pos_tzero + tangent(t0), rgbcolor=(0,1,0) ) vel = arrow(pos_tzero, pos_tzero + velocity(t0), rgbcolor=(0,0.5,0)) nor = arrow(pos_tzero, pos_tzero + normal(t0), rgbcolor=(0.5,0,0)) acc = arrow(pos_tzero, pos_tzero + acceleration(t0), rgbcolor=(1,0,1)) tancomp = arrow(pos_tzero, pos_tzero + tangent_component*tangent(t0), rgbcolor=(1,0,1) ) norcomp = arrow(pos_tzero, pos_tzero + normal_component*normal(t0), rgbcolor=(1,0,1)) # # accumulate the graphic based on checkboxes # picture = path if pos_check: picture = picture + pos if vel_check: picture = picture + vel if tan_check: picture = picture+ tan if nor_check: picture = picture + nor if acc_check: picture = picture + acc if tancomp_check: picture = picture + tancomp if norcomp_check: picture = picture + norcomp # # print textual info # print "Position vector defined as r(t)=", position(t) print "Speed is ", N(speed(t0)) print "Curvature is ", N(curvature) # # show accumulated graphical info # adjust x-,y- extents to get best plot # show(picture, xmin=-4,xmax=4, ymin=-1.5,ymax=1.5,aspect_ratio=1)
Vector Calculus, 3-D Motion
by Rob Beezer
Available as a worksheet
# 3-D motion and vector calculus # Copyright 2009, Robert A. Beezer # Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 US # # # 2009/02/15 Built on Sage 3.3.rc0 # 2009/02/17 Improvements from Jason Grout # # variable parameter is t # later at a particular value named t0 # # un-comment double hash (##) to get # time-consuming torsion computation # var('t') # # parameter range # start=-4*pi stop=8*pi # # position vector definition # edit here for new example # example is wide ellipse # adjust figsize in final show() to get accurate aspect ratio # a=1/(8*pi) c=(3/2)*a position=vector( (exp(a*t)*cos(t), exp(a*t)*sin(t), exp(c*t)) ) # # graphic of the motion itself # path = parametric_plot3d( position(t).list(), (t, start, stop), color = "black" ) # # derivatives of motion, lengths, unit vectors, etc # velocity = derivative( position(t) ) acceleration = derivative(velocity(t)) speed = velocity.norm() speed_deriv = derivative(speed) tangent = (1/speed)*velocity dT = derivative(tangent(t)) normal = (1/dT.norm())*dT binormal = tangent.cross_product(normal) ## dB = derivative(binormal(t)) # # interact section # slider for parameter, 24 settings # checkboxes for various vector displays # computations at one value of parameter, t0 # @interact def _(t0 = slider(float(start), float(stop), float((stop-start)/24), float(start) , label = "Parameter"), pos_check = ("Position", True), vel_check = ("Velocity", False), tan_check = ("Unit Tangent", False), nor_check = ("Unit Normal", False), bin_check = ("Unit Binormal", False), acc_check = ("Acceleration", False), tancomp_check = ("Tangential Component", False), norcomp_check = ("Normal Component", False) ): # # location of interest # pos_tzero = position(t0) # # various scalar quantities at point # speed_component = speed(t0) tangent_component = speed_deriv(t0) normal_component = sqrt( acceleration(t0).norm()^2 - tangent_component^2 ) curvature = normal_component/speed_component^2 ## torsion = (1/speed_component)*(dB(t0)).dot_product(normal(t0)) # # various vectors, mostly as arrows from the point # pos = arrow3d((0,0,0), pos_tzero, rgbcolor=(0,0,0)) tan = arrow3d(pos_tzero, pos_tzero + tangent(t0), rgbcolor=(0,1,0) ) vel = arrow3d(pos_tzero, pos_tzero + velocity(t0), rgbcolor=(0,0.5,0)) nor = arrow3d(pos_tzero, pos_tzero + normal(t0), rgbcolor=(0.5,0,0)) bin = arrow3d(pos_tzero, pos_tzero + binormal(t0), rgbcolor=(0,0,0.5)) acc = arrow3d(pos_tzero, pos_tzero + acceleration(t0), rgbcolor=(1,0,1)) tancomp = arrow3d(pos_tzero, pos_tzero + tangent_component*tangent(t0), rgbcolor=(1,0,1) ) norcomp = arrow3d(pos_tzero, pos_tzero + normal_component*normal(t0), rgbcolor=(1,0,1)) # # accumulate the graphic based on checkboxes # picture = path if pos_check: picture = picture + pos if vel_check: picture = picture + vel if tan_check: picture = picture+ tan if nor_check: picture = picture + nor if bin_check: picture = picture + bin if acc_check: picture = picture + acc if tancomp_check: picture = picture + tancomp if norcomp_check: picture = picture + norcomp # # print textual info # print "Position vector: r(t)=", position(t) print "Speed is ", N(speed(t0)) print "Curvature is ", N(curvature) ## print "Torsion is ", N(torsion) print print "Right-click on graphic to zoom to 400%" print "Drag graphic to rotate" # # show accumulated graphical info # show(picture, aspect_ratio=[1,1,1])
Multivariate Limits by Definition
by John Travis
## An interactive way to demonstrate limits of multivariate functions of the form z = f(x,y) ## ## John Travis ## Mississippi College ## ## Spring 2011 ## ## An updated version of this worksheet may be available at # Starting point for radius values before collapsing in as R approaches 0. # Functions ought to be "reasonable" within a circular domain of radius R surrounding # the desired (x_0,y_0). Rmax=2 @interact def _(f=input_box(default=(x^3-y^3)/(x^2+y^2)),R=slider(0.1/10,Rmax,1/10,2),x0=(0),y0=(0)): # converting f to cylindrical coordinates. g(r,t) = f(x=r*cos(t)+x0,y=r*sin(t)+y0) # Sage graphing transformation used to see the original surface. cylinder = (r*cos(t)+x0,r*sin(t)+y0,z) surface = plot3d(g,(t,0,2*pi),(r,1/100,Rmax),transformation=cylinder,opacity=0.2) # Regraph the surface for smaller and smaller radii controlled by the slider. limit = plot3d(g,(t,0,2*pi),(r,1/100,R),transformation=cylinder,rgbcolor=(0,1,0)) show(surface+limit) print html('Enter $(x_0 ,y_0 )$ above and see what happens as R approaches zero.') print html('The surface has a limit as $(x,y)$ approaches ('+str(x0)+','+str(y0)+') if the green region collapses to a point')
## An interactive way to demonstrate limits of multivariate functions of the form z = f(x,y) ## This one uses contour plots and so will work with functions that have asymptotic behavior. ## ## John Travis ## Mississippi College ## ## Spring 2011 ## # An increasing number of contours for z = f(x,y) are utilized surrounding a desired (x_0,y_0). # A limit can be shown to exist at (x_0,y_0) provided the point stays trapped between adjacent # contour lines as the number of lines increases. If the contours change wildly near the point, # then a limit does not exist. # Looking for two different paths to approach (x_0,y_0) that utilize a different selection of colors # will help locate paths to use that exhibit the absence of a limit. Rmax=2 @interact def _(f=input_box(default=(x^3-y^3)/(x^2+y^2)), N=slider(5,100,1,10,label='Number of Contours'), x0=(0),y0=(0)): print html('Enter $(x_0 ,y_0 )$ above and see what happens as the number of contour levels increases.') print html('A surface will have a limit in the center of this graph provided there is not a sudden change in color there.') surface = contour_plot(f,(x,x0-1,x0+1),(y,y0-1,y0+1),cmap=True,colorbar=True,fill=False,contours=N) limit_point = point((x0,y0),color='red',size=30) show(limit_point+surface)
Directional Derivatives
This interact displays graphically a tangent line to a function, illustrating a directional derivative (the slope of the tangent line).
var('x,y,t,z') f(x,y)=sin(x)*cos(y) pif = float(pi) line_thickness=3 surface_color='blue' plane_color='purple' line_color='red' tangent_color='green' gradient_color='orange' @interact def myfun(location=input_grid(1, 2, default=[0,0], label = "Location (x,y)", width=2), angle=slider(0, 2*pif, label = "Angle"), show_surface=("Show surface", True)): location3d = vector(location[0]+[0]) location = location3d[0:2] direction3d = vector(RDF, [cos(angle), sin(angle), 0]) direction=direction3d[0:2] cos_angle = math.cos(angle) sin_angle = math.sin(angle) df = f.gradient() direction_vector=line3d([location3d, location3d+direction3d], arrow_head=True, rgbcolor=line_color, thickness=line_thickness) curve_point = (location+t*direction).list() curve = parametric_plot(curve_point+[f(*curve_point)], (t,-3,3),color=line_color,thickness=line_thickness) plane = parametric_plot((cos_angle*x+location[0],sin_angle*x+location[1],t), (x, -3,3), (t,-3,3),opacity=0.8, color=plane_color) pt = point3d(location3d.list(),color='green', size=10) tangent_line = parametric_plot((location[0]+t*cos_angle, location[1]+t*sin_angle, f(*location)+t*df(*location)*(direction)), (t, -3,3), thickness=line_thickness, color=tangent_color) picture3d = direction_vector+curve+plane+pt+tangent_line picture2d = contour_plot(f(x,y), (x,-3,3),(y,-3,3), plot_points=100) picture2d += arrow(location.list(), (location+direction).list()) picture2d += point(location.list(),rgbcolor='green',pointsize=40) if show_surface: picture3d += plot3d(f, (x,-3,3),(y,-3,3),opacity=0.7) dff = df(location[0], location[1]) dff3d = vector(RDF,dff.list()+[0]) picture3d += line3d([location3d, location3d+dff3d], arrow_head=True, rgbcolor=gradient_color, thickness=line_thickness) picture2d += arrow(location.list(), (location+dff).list(), rgbcolor=gradient_color, width=line_thickness) show(picture3d,aspect=[1,1,1], axes=True) show(picture2d, aspect_ratio=1)
3D graph with points and curves
By Robert Marik
This sagelet is handy when showing local, constrained and absolute maxima and minima in two variables. Available as a worksheet
%hide %auto x,y, t, u, v =var('x y t u v') INI_func='x^2-2*x+y^2-2*y' INI_box='-1,3.2,-1,3.2' INI_points='(1,1,\'green\'),(3/2,3/2),(0,1),(1,0),(0,0,\'black\'),(3,0,\'black\'),(0,3,\'black\')' INI_curves='(t,0,0,3,\'red\'),(0,t,0,3,\'green\'),(t,3-t,0,3)' @interact def _(func=input_box(INI_func,label="f(x,y)=",type=str),\ bounds=input_box(INI_box,label="xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax",type=str),\ st_points=input_box(INI_points,\ label="points <br><small><small>(comma separated pairs, optionally with color)</small></small>", type=str),\ bnd_curves=input_box(INI_curves,label="curves on boundary<br> <small><small><i>(x(t),y(t),tmin,tmax,'opt_color')</i></small></small>", type=str),\ show_planes=("Show zero planes", False), show_axes=("Show axes", True), show_table=("Show table", True)): f=sage_eval('lambda x,y: ' + func) html(r'Function $ f(x,y)=%s$ '%latex(f(x,y))) xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax=sage_eval('('+bounds+')') A=plot3d(f(x,y),(x,xmin,xmax),(y,ymin,ymax),opacity=0.5) if not(bool(st_points=='')): st_p=sage_eval('('+st_points+',)') html(r'<table border=1>') for current in range(len(st_p)): point_color='red' if bool(len(st_p[current])==3): point_color=st_p[current][2] x0=st_p[current][0] y0=st_p[current][1] z0=f(x0,y0) if show_table: html(r'<tr><td>$\quad f(%s,%s)\quad $</td><td>$\quad %s$</td>\ </tr>'%(latex(x0),latex(y0),z0.n())) A=A+point3d((x0,y0,z0),size=9,rgbcolor=point_color) html(r'</table>') if not(bool(bnd_curves=='')): bnd_cc=sage_eval('('+bnd_curves+',)',locals={'t':t}) for current in range(len(bnd_cc)): bnd_c=bnd_cc[current]+('black',) A=A+parametric_plot3d((bnd_c[0],bnd_c[1],f(bnd_c[0],bnd_c[1])),\ (t,bnd_c[2],bnd_c[3]),thickness=3,rgbcolor=bnd_c[4]) if show_planes: A=A+plot3d(0,(x,xmin,xmax),(y,ymin,ymax),opacity=0.3,rgbcolor='gray') zmax=A.bounding_box()[1][2] zmin=A.bounding_box()[0][2] A=A+parametric_plot3d((u,0,v),(u,xmin,xmax),(v,zmin,zmax),opacity=0.3,rgbcolor='gray') A=A+parametric_plot3d((0,u,v),(u,ymin,ymax),(v,zmin,zmax),opacity=0.3,rgbcolor='gray') if show_axes: zmax=A.bounding_box()[1][2] zmin=A.bounding_box()[0][2] A=A+line3d([(xmin,0,0), (xmax,0,0)], arrow_head=True,rgbcolor='black') A=A+line3d([(0,ymin,0), (0,ymax,0)], arrow_head=True,rgbcolor='black') A=A+line3d([(0,0,zmin), (0,0,zmax)], arrow_head=True,rgbcolor='black') show(A)
Approximating function in two variables by differential
by Robert Marik
x,y=var('x y') html('<h2>Explaining approximation of a function in two \ variables by differential</h2>') html('Points x0 and y0 are values where the exact value of the function \ is known. Deltax and Deltay are displacements of the new point. Exact value \ and approximation by differential at shifted point are compared.') @interact def _(func=input_box('sqrt(x^3+y^3)',label="f(x,y)=",type=str), x0=1, y0=2, \ deltax=slider(-1,1,0.01,0.2),\ deltay=slider(-1,1,0.01,-0.4), xmin=0, xmax=2, ymin=0, ymax=3): f=sage_eval('lambda x,y: ' + func) derx(x,y)=diff(f(x,y),x) dery(x,y)=diff(f(x,y),y) tangent(x,y)=f(x0,y0)+derx(x0,y0)*(x-x0)+dery(x0,y0)*(y-y0) A=plot3d(f(x,y),(x,xmin,xmax),(y,ymin,ymax),opacity=0.5) B=plot3d(tangent(x,y),(x,xmin,xmax),(y,ymin,ymax),color='red',opacity=0.5) C=point3d((x0,y0,f(x0,y0)),rgbcolor='blue',size=9) CC=point3d((x0+deltax,y0+deltay,f(x0+deltax,y0+deltay)),rgbcolor='blue',size=9) D=point3d((x0+deltax,y0+deltay,tangent(x0+deltax,y0+deltay)),rgbcolor='red',size=9) exact_value_ori=f(x0,y0).n(digits=10) exact_value=f(x0+deltax,y0+deltay) approx_value=tangent(x0+deltax,y0+deltay).n(digits=10) abs_error=(abs(exact_value-approx_value)) html(r'Function $ f(x,y)=%s \approx %s $ '%(latex(f(x,y)),latex(tangent(x,y)))) html(r' $f %s = %s$'%(latex((x0,y0)),latex(exact_value_ori))) html(r'Shifted point $%s$'%latex(((x0+deltax),(y0+deltay)))) html(r'Value of the function in shifted point is $%s$'%f(x0+deltax,y0+deltay)) html(r'Value on the tangent plane in shifted point is $%s$'%latex(approx_value)) html(r'Error is $%s$'%latex(abs_error)) show(A+B+C+CC+D)
Taylor approximations in two variables
by John Palmieri
This displays the nth order Taylor approximation, for n from 1 to 10, of the function sin(x2 + y2) cos(y) exp(-(x2+y2)/2).
var('x y') var('xx yy') G = sin(xx^2 + yy^2) * cos(yy) * exp(-0.5*(xx^2+yy^2)) def F(x,y): return G.subs(xx=x).subs(yy=y) plotF = plot3d(F, (0.4, 2), (0.4, 2), adaptive=True, color='blue') @interact def _(x0=(0.5,1.5), y0=(0.5, 1.5), order=(1..10)): F0 = float(G.subs(xx=x0).subs(yy=y0)) P = (x0, y0, F0) dot = point3d(P, size=15, color='red') plot = dot + plotF approx = F0 for n in range(1, order+1): for i in range(n+1): if i == 0: deriv = G.diff(yy, n) elif i == n: deriv = G.diff(xx, n) else: deriv = G.diff(xx, i).diff(yy, n-i) deriv = float(deriv.subs(xx=x0).subs(yy=y0)) coeff = binomial(n, i)/factorial(n) approx += coeff * deriv * (x-x0)^i * (y-y0)^(n-i) plot += plot3d(approx, (x, 0.4, 1.6), (y, 0.4, 1.6), color='red', opacity=0.7) html('$F(x,y) = e^{-(x^2+y^2)/2} \\cos(y) \\sin(x^2+y^2)$') show(plot)
Volumes over non-rectangular domains
by John Travis
## Graphing surfaces over non-rectangular domains ## John Travis ## Spring 2011 ## ## ## An updated version of this worksheet may be available at ## ## Interact allows the user to input up to two inequality constraints on the ## domain when dealing with functional surfaces ## ## User inputs: ## f = "top" surface with z = f(x,y) ## g = "bottom" surface with z = g(x,y) ## condition1 = a single boundary constraint. It should not include && or | to join two conditions. ## condition2 = another boundary constraint. If there is only one constraint, just enter something true ## or even just an x (or y) in the entry blank. ## ## var('x,y') # f is the top surface # g is the bottom surface global f,g # condition1 and condition2 are the inequality constraints. It would be nice # to have any number of conditions connected by $$ or | global condition1,condition2 @interact def _(f=input_box(default=(1/3)*x^2 + (1/4)*y^2 + 5,label='$f(x)=$'), g=input_box(default=-1*x+0*y,label='$g(x)=$'), condition1=input_box(default= x^2+y^2<8,label='$Constraint_1=$'), condition2=input_box(default=y<sin(3*x),label='$Constraint_2=$'), show_3d=('Stereographic',false), show_vol=('Shade volume',true), dospin = ('Spin?',true), clr = color_selector('#faff00', label='Volume Color', widget='colorpicker', hide_box=True), xx = range_slider(-5, 5, 1, default=(-3,3), label='X Range'), yy = range_slider(-5, 5, 1, default=(-3,3), label='Y Range'), auto_update=false): # This is the top function actually graphed by using NaN outside domain def F(x,y): if condition1(x=x,y=y): if condition2(x=x,y=y): return f(x=x,y=y) else: return -NaN else: return -NaN # This is the bottom function actually graphed by using NaN outside domain def G(x,y): if condition1(x=x,y=y): if condition2(x=x,y=y): return g(x=x,y=y) else: return -NaN else: return -NaN P = Graphics() # The graph of the top and bottom surfaces P_list = [] P_list.append(plot3d(F,(x,xx[0],xx[1]),(y,yy[0],yy[1]),color='blue',opacity=0.9)) P_list.append(plot3d(G,(x,xx[0],xx[1]),(y,yy[0],yy[1]),color='gray',opacity=0.9)) # Interpolate "layers" between the top and bottom if desired if show_vol: ratios = range(10) def H(x,y,r): return (1-r)*F(x=x,y=y)+r*G(x=x,y=y) P_list.extend([ plot3d(lambda x,y: H(x,y,ratios[1]/10),(x,xx[0],xx[1]),(y,yy[0],yy[1]),opacity=0.2,color=clr), plot3d(lambda x,y: H(x,y,ratios[2]/10),(x,xx[0],xx[1]),(y,yy[0],yy[1]),opacity=0.2,color=clr), plot3d(lambda x,y: H(x,y,ratios[3]/10),(x,xx[0],xx[1]),(y,yy[0],yy[1]),opacity=0.2,color=clr), plot3d(lambda x,y: H(x,y,ratios[4]/10),(x,xx[0],xx[1]),(y,yy[0],yy[1]),opacity=0.2,color=clr), plot3d(lambda x,y: H(x,y,ratios[5]/10),(x,xx[0],xx[1]),(y,yy[0],yy[1]),opacity=0.2,color=clr), plot3d(lambda x,y: H(x,y,ratios[6]/10),(x,xx[0],xx[1]),(y,yy[0],yy[1]),opacity=0.2,color=clr), plot3d(lambda x,y: H(x,y,ratios[7]/10),(x,xx[0],xx[1]),(y,yy[0],yy[1]),opacity=0.2,color=clr), plot3d(lambda x,y: H(x,y,ratios[8]/10),(x,xx[0],xx[1]),(y,yy[0],yy[1]),opacity=0.2,color=clr), plot3d(lambda x,y: H(x,y,ratios[9]/10),(x,xx[0],xx[1]),(y,yy[0],yy[1]),opacity=0.2,color=clr) ]) # P = plot3d(lambda x,y: H(x,y,ratio/10),(x,xx[0],xx[1]),(y,yy[0],yy[1]),opacity=0.1) # Now, accumulate all of the graphs into one grouped graph. P = sum(P_list[i] for i in range(len(P_list))) if show_3d: show(P,frame=true,axes=false,xmin=xx[0],xmax=xx[1],ymin=yy[0],ymax=yy[1],stereo='redcyan',figsize=(6,9),viewer='jmol',spin=dospin) else: show(P,frame=true,axes=false,xmin=xx[0],xmax=xx[1],ymin=yy[0],ymax=yy[1],figsize=(6,9),viewer='jmol',spin=dospin)
Lateral Surface Area
by John Travis
## Display and compute the area of the lateral surface between two surfaces ## corresponding to the (scalar) line integral ## John Travis ## Spring 2011 var('x,y,t,s') @interact def _(f=input_box(default=6-4*x^2-y^2*2/5,label='$f(x,y) = $'), g=input_box(default=-2+sin(x)+sin(y),label='$g(x,y) = $'), u=input_box(default=cos(t),label='$u(t) = $'), v=input_box(default=2*sin(t),label='$v(t) = $'), a=input_box(default=0,label='$a = $'), b=input_box(default=3*pi/2,label='$b = $'), xx = range_slider(-5, 5, 1, default=(-1,1), label='x view'), yy = range_slider(-5, 5, 1, default=(-2,2), label='y view'), smoother=checkbox(default=false)): ds = sqrt(derivative(u(t),t)^2+derivative(v(t),t)^2) # Set up the integrand to compute the line integral, making all attempts # to simplify the result so that it looks as nice as possible. A = (f(x=u(t),y=v(t))-g(x=u(t),y=v(t)))*ds.simplify_trig().simplify() # It is not expected that Sage can actually perform the line integral calculation. # So, the result displayed may not be a numerical value as expected. # Creating a good but harder example that "works" is desirable. line_integral = integral(A,t,a,b) line_integral_approx = numerical_integral(A,a,b)[0] html(r'<h4 align=center>Lateral Surface Area = $ %s $ </h4>'%latex(line_integral)) html(r'<h4 align=center>Lateral Surface $ \approx $ %s</h2>'%str(line_integral_approx)) # Plot the top function z = f(x,y) that is being integrated. G = plot3d(f,(x,xx[0],xx[1]),(y,yy[0],yy[1]),opacity=0.2) G += plot3d(g,(x,xx[0],xx[1]),(y,yy[0],yy[1]),opacity=0.2) # Add space curves on the surfaces "above" the domain curve (u(t),v(t)) G += parametric_plot3d([u,v,g(x=u(t),y=v(t))],(t,a,b),thickness=2,color='red') G += parametric_plot3d([u,v,f(x=u(t),y=v(t))],(t,a,b),thickness=2,color='red') k=0 if smoother: delw = 0.025 lat_thick = 3 else: delw = 0.10 lat_thick = 10 for w in (a,a+delw,..,b): G += parametric_plot3d([u(w),v(w),s*f(x=u(w),y=v(w))+(1-s)*g(x=u(w),y=v(w))],(s,0,1),thickness=lat_thick,color='yellow',opacity=0.9) show(G,spin=true)
Parametric surface example
by Marshall Hampton
var('u,v') npi = RDF(pi) @interact def viewer(mesh = checkbox(default = False, label = 'Show u,v meshlines'), uc = slider(-2,2,1/10,0, label = '<span style="color:red">Constant u value</span>'), vc = slider(-2,2,1/10,0, label = '<span style="color:green">Constant v value</span>'), functions = input_box([u,v^2,u^2+v])): f1(u,v) = functions[0] f2(u,v) = functions[1] f3(u,v) = functions[2] surface_plot = parametric_plot3d([f1,f2,f3], (u,-2,2), (v,-2,2), mesh = mesh, opacity = .8) constant_u = line3d([[f1(uc,q), f2(uc,q), f3(uc,q)] for q in srange(-2,2,.01)], rgbcolor = (1,0,0), thickness = 3) constant_v = line3d([[f1(q,vc), f2(q,vc), f3(q,vc)] for q in srange(-2,2,.01)], rgbcolor = (0,1,0), thickness = 3) show(surface_plot + constant_u + constant_v, frame = False)
Line Integrals in 3D Vector Field
by John Travis
## This worksheet interactively computes and displays the line integral of a 3D vector field ## over a given smooth curve C ## ## John Travis ## Mississippi College ## 06/16/11 ## ## An updated version of this worksheet may be available at ## var('x,y,z,t,s') @interact def _(M=input_box(default=x*y*z,label="$M(x,y,z)$"), N=input_box(default=-y*z,label="$N(x,y,z)$"), P=input_box(default=z*y,label="$P(x,y,z)$"), u=input_box(default=cos(t),label="$x=u(t)$"), v=input_box(default=2*sin(t),label="$y=v(t)$"), w=input_box(default=t*(t-2*pi)/pi,label="$z=w(t)$"), tt = range_slider(-2*pi, 2*pi, pi/6, default=(0,2*pi), label='t Range'), xx = range_slider(-5, 5, 1, default=(-1,1), label='x Range'), yy = range_slider(-5, 5, 1, default=(-2,2), label='y Range'), zz = range_slider(-5, 5, 1, default=(-3,1), label='z Range'), in_3d=checkbox(true)): # setup the parts and then compute the line integral dr = [derivative(u(t),t),derivative(v(t),t),derivative(w(t),t)] A = (M(x=u(t),y=v(t),z=w(t))*dr[0] +N(x=u(t),y=v(t),z=w(t))*dr[1] +P(x=u(t),y=v(t),z=w(t))*dr[2]) global line_integral line_integral = integral(A(t=t),t,tt[0],tt[1]) html(r'<h2 align=center>$ \int_{C} \left \langle M,N,P \right \rangle dr $ = $ %s $ </h2>'%latex(line_integral)) G = plot_vector_field3d((M,N,P),(x,xx[0],xx[1]),(y,yy[0],yy[1]),(z,zz[0],zz[1]),plot_points=6) G += parametric_plot3d([u,v,w],(t,tt[0],tt[1]),thickness='5',color='yellow') if in_3d: show(G,stereo='redcyan',spin=true) else: show(G,perspective_depth=true)