= Sage Interactions - Games and Diversions = goto [[interact|interact main page]] <> == Zeros == Have you ever wished you could count the number of zero digits in a long number like Rainman? by William Stein and Sequoia Lefthand {{attachment:zeros.png}} {{{#!sagecell import random def init(): global B,Br,n,round,tm,t,v B = 40 Br = 15 n = 1 round = 0 tm = 0 t = walltime() init() pretty_print(html("


")) pretty_print(html("

How many zeros?

")) @interact def zeros(a=selector(buttons=True, nrows=1, values=['Reset'] + [1..B], default=1)): if a == 'Reset': init() global B,Br,n,round,tm,t,v H = "
" if a == n: if round > 0: H += "RIGHT" r = walltime() - t tm += r round += 1 t = walltime() while True: n2 = random.randrange(1,Br) if n2 != n: n = n2 break if Br < B: Br += 2 elif round > 0: H += "Wrong. Try again..." H += "
" pretty_print(html(H)) H2 = "%s"%(random.randrange(-2,5),' '*random.randrange(20) + '0'*n) pretty_print(html(H2)) html("") if round > 0: pretty_print(html("

Score: %s rounds, Average time: %.1f seconds
"%( round, float(tm)/round))) }}} == Queens on board == An interaction to play with the problem of placing eight queens on a board so that they do not threaten each other. This interaction exemplifies the use of persistent data, and the auto_update=False option coded by mhansen and included in sage 3.3. by Pablo Angulo {{{#!sagecell queens=[] opciones=['Clean board', 'Add queen', 'Remove queen' ] @interact def _(queen=input_box(default=(0,0)), opcion=selector(opciones, buttons=True), auto_update=False ): global queens if opcion=='Clean board': queens=[] elif opcion=='Add queen': if queen not in queens: queens.append(queen) else: if queen in queens: queens.remove(queen) board=matrix(ZZ,8,8) for x in range(8): for y in range(8): board[x,y]=(x+y)%2*7 for x,y in queens: for i in range(8): if i!=y: board[x,i]=1+(x+i)%2*5 if i!=x: board[i,y]=1+(i+y)%2*5 for i in range(-min(x,y),min(8-x,8-y)): if i!=0: board[x+i,y+i]=1+(x+y)%2*5 for i in range(max(-x,y-7),min(8-x,y+1)): if i!=0: board[x+i,y-i]=1+(x+y)%2*5 for x,y in queens: if ( board[x,y]==1 or board[x,y]==6 ): print('Queen at (%d,%d) is threatened by another queen' % (x, y)) board[x,y]=4 else: board[x,y]=3 show(matrix_plot(board, cmap='Oranges' )) }}} {{attachment:queens.png}} == Nim == Play nim against a perfect opponent. This interaction exemplifies the use of persistent data, and the auto_update=False option coded by mhansen and included in sage 3.3. by Pablo Angulo {{{#!sagecell #El juego del nim def game_repr(heap_sizes): return '\n'.join('%d:'%i+'*'*n for i,n in enumerate(heap_sizes)) def bitlist2number(bitlist): return int('0'+''.join([str(bit) for bit in reversed(bitlist)]),2) def move_nim(heap_sizes): '''Given a nim game, returns the next move (heap and amount) ''' all_digits=[n.bits() for n in heap_sizes] N=max(len(l) for l in all_digits) digi=[0]*N for l in all_digits: for i in range(len(l)): digi[i]+=l[i] digi2=[digi[i]%2 for i in range(len(digi))] if max(digi2)==0:raise Exception("I cannot win!") maxInd=max(i for i in range(N) if digi2[i]) heap=min(i for i in range(len(heap_sizes)) if len(all_digits[i])>maxInd and all_digits[i][maxInd]>0) localbits=heap_sizes[heap].bits()[0:maxInd] globalbits=digi2[0:maxInd] correction=bitlist2number( [b2 if b2 and not b1 else 0 for b1,b2 in zip(localbits,globalbits)] ) - bitlist2number( [b2 if b2 and b1 else 0 for b1,b2 in zip(localbits,globalbits)] ) amount=2^maxInd -correction return (heap,amount) nim=[1,3,5,6] @interact def _(heap=selector(range(len(nim)), buttons=True), amount=selector(range(max(nim)+1), buttons=True), auto_update=False): global nim if max(nim)==0: print('You have lost') return else: print('Try to take the last item') if heap>=0 and 0 0) myamount=1 nim[myheap]-=myamount print(game_repr(nim)) if max(nim)==0: print('I win') else: print('Please move again') else: print('Choose a heap and the amount to substract from that heap') print(game_repr(nim)) }}} {{attachment:nim.png}}