Differences between revisions 7 and 20 (spanning 13 versions)
Revision 7 as of 2008-08-04 20:46:48
Size: 26438
Editor: YannLeDu
Revision 20 as of 2012-05-09 04:37:38
Size: 30478
Editor: jason
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= Sage Interactions - Number Theory =
goto [:interact:interact main page]


= Integer Factorization =

== Divisibility Poset ==
by William Stein
def _(n=(5..100)):
    Poset(([1..n], lambda x, y: y%x == 0) ).show()

Line 8: Line 18:
{{{ {{{#!sagecell
Line 53: Line 63:

== Continued Fraction Plotter ==
by William Stein
def _(number=e, ymax=selector([None,5,20,..,400],nrows=2), clr=Color('purple'), prec=[500,1000,..,5000]):
    c = list(continued_fraction(RealField(prec)(number))); print c
    show(line([(i,z) for i, z in enumerate(c)],rgbcolor=clr),ymax=ymax,figsize=[10,2])

More complicated demonstration using Mathematica: http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/FactorTrees/

== Factoring an Integer ==
by Timothy Clemans

Sage implementation of the Mathematica demonstration of the same name. http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/FactoringAnInteger/

def _(r=selector(range(0,10000,1000), label='range', buttons=True), n=slider(0,1000,1,2,'n',False)):
    if not r and n in (0, 1):
        n = 2
    s = '$%d = %s$' % (r + n, factor(r + n))
    s = s.replace('*', '\\times')

= Prime Numbers =
Line 67: Line 86:
{{{ {{{#!sagecell
Line 73: Line 92:

== Computing Generalized Bernoulli Numbers ==
by William Stein (Sage-2.10.3)
def _(m=selector([1..15],nrows=2), n=(7,(3..10))):
    G = DirichletGroup(m)
    s = "<h3>First n=%s Bernoulli numbers attached to characters with modulus m=%s</h3>"%(n,m)
    s += '<table border=1>'
    s += '<tr bgcolor="#edcc9c"><td align=center>$\\chi$</td><td>Conductor</td>' + \
           ''.join('<td>$B_{%s,\chi}$</td>'%k for k in [1..n]) + '</tr>'
    for eps in G.list():
        v = ''.join(['<td align=center bgcolor="#efe5cd">$%s$</td>'%latex(eps.bernoulli(k)) for k in [1..n]])
        s += '<tr><td bgcolor="#edcc9c">%s</td><td bgcolor="#efe5cd" align=center>%s</td>%s</tr>\n'%(
             eps, eps.conductor(), v)
    s += '</table>'


== Fundamental Domains of SL_2(ZZ) ==
by Robert Miller
L = [[-0.5, 2.0^(x/100.0) - 1 + sqrt(3.0)/2] for x in xrange(1000, -1, -1)]
R = [[0.5, 2.0^(x/100.0) - 1 + sqrt(3.0)/2] for x in xrange(1000)]
xes = [x/1000.0 for x in xrange(-500,501,1)]
M = [[x,abs(sqrt(x^2-1))] for x in xes]
fundamental_domain = L+M+R
fundamental_domain = [[x-1,y] for x,y in fundamental_domain]
def _(gen = selector(['t+1', 't-1', '-1/t'], nrows=1)):
    global fundamental_domain
    if gen == 't+1':
        fundamental_domain = [[x+1,y] for x,y in fundamental_domain]
    elif gen == 't-1':
        fundamental_domain = [[x-1,y] for x,y in fundamental_domain]
    elif gen == '-1/t':
        new_dom = []
        for x,y in fundamental_domain:
            sq_mod = x^2 + y^2
            new_dom.append([(-1)*x/sq_mod, y/sq_mod])
        fundamental_domain = new_dom
    P = polygon(fundamental_domain)
    P.ymax(1.2); P.ymin(-0.1)


== Computing modular forms ==
by William Stein
j = 0
def _(N=[1..100], k=selector([2,4,..,12],nrows=1), prec=(3..40),
      group=[(Gamma0, 'Gamma0'), (Gamma1, 'Gamma1')]):
    M = CuspForms(group(N),k)
    print j; global j; j += 1
    print M; print '\n'*3
    print "Computing basis...\n\n"
    if M.dimension() == 0:
         print "Space has dimension 0"
        prec = max(prec, M.dimension()+1)
        for f in M.basis():
    print "\n\n\nDone computing basis."


== Computing the cuspidal subgroup ==
by William Stein
html('<h1>Cuspidal Subgroups of Modular Jacobians J0(N)</h1>')
def _(N=selector([1..8*13], ncols=8, width=10, default=10)):
    A = J0(N)
    print A.cuspidal_subgroup()


== A Charpoly and Hecke Operator Graph ==
by William Stein

# Note -- in Sage-2.10.3; multiedges are missing in plots; loops are missing in 3d plots
def f(N = prime_range(11,400),
      p = selector(prime_range(2,12),nrows=1),
      three_d = ("Three Dimensional", False)):
    S = SupersingularModule(N)
    T = S.hecke_matrix(p)
    G = Graph(T, multiedges=True, loops=not three_d)
    html("<h1>Charpoly and Hecke Graph: Level %s, T_%s</h1>"%(N,p))
    if three_d:
        show(G.plot3d(), aspect_ratio=[1,1,1])


== Demonstrating the Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Protocol ==
by Timothy Clemans (refereed by William Stein)
def diffie_hellman(button=selector(["New example"],label='',buttons=True),
    bits=("Number of bits of prime", (8,12,..512))):
    maxp = 2^bits
    p = random_prime(maxp)
    k = GF(p)
    if bits>100:
        g = k(2)
        g = k.multiplicative_generator()
    a = ZZ.random_element(10, maxp)
    b = ZZ.random_element(10, maxp)

    print """
.gamodp {
.gbmodp {
.dhsame {
<h2>%s-Bit Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange</h2>
<ol style="color:#000;font:12px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
<li>Alice and Bob agree to use the prime number p=%s and base g=%s.</li>
<li>Alice chooses the secret integer a=%s, then sends Bob (<span class="gamodp">g<sup>a</sup> mod p</span>):<br/>%s<sup>%s</sup> mod %s = <span class="gamodp">%s</span>.</li>
<li>Bob chooses the secret integer b=%s, then sends Alice (<span class="gbmodp">g<sup>b</sup> mod p</span>):<br/>%s<sup>%s</sup> mod %s = <span class="gbmodp">%s</span>.</li>
<li>Alice computes (<span class="gbmodp">g<sup>b</sup> mod p</span>)<sup>a</sup> mod p:<br/>%s<sup>%s</sup> mod %s = <span class="dhsame">%s</span>.</li>
<li>Bob computes (<span class="gamodp">g<sup>a</sup> mod p</span>)<sup>b</sup> mod p:<br/>%s<sup>%s</sup> mod %s = <span class="dhsame">%s</span>.</li>
    """ % (bits, p, g, a, g, a, p, (g^a), b, g, b, p, (g^b), (g^b), a, p,
       (g^ b)^a, g^a, b, p, (g^a)^b)


== Plotting an elliptic curve over a finite field ==
E = EllipticCurve('37a')
def _(p=slider(prime_range(1000), default=389)):
    print "p = %s"%p


== Prime Spiral - Square ==

== Prime Spiral - Square FIXME ==
Line 240: Line 96:
{{{ {{{#!sagecell
Line 373: Line 229:
attachment:SquareSpiral.PNG {{attachment:SquareSpiral.PNG}}
Line 377: Line 233:
{{{ {{{#!sagecell
Line 444: Line 300:

== Quadratic Residue Table ==

= Modular Forms =

== Computing modular forms FIXME ==
by William Stein
j = 0
def _(N=[1..100], k=selector([2,4,..,12],nrows=1), prec=(3..40),
      group=[(Gamma0, 'Gamma0'), (Gamma1, 'Gamma1')]):
    M = CuspForms(group(N),k)
    print j; global j; j += 1
    print M; print '\n'*3
    print "Computing basis...\n\n"
    if M.dimension() == 0:
         print "Space has dimension 0"
        prec = max(prec, M.dimension()+1)
        for f in M.basis():
    print "\n\n\nDone computing basis."


== Computing the cuspidal subgroup ==
by William Stein
html('<h1>Cuspidal Subgroups of Modular Jacobians J0(N)</h1>')
def _(N=selector([1..8*13], ncols=8, width=10, default=10)):
    A = J0(N)
    print A.cuspidal_subgroup()


== A Charpoly and Hecke Operator Graph FIXME ==
by William Stein

# Note -- in Sage-2.10.3; multiedges are missing in plots; loops are missing in 3d plots
def f(N = prime_range(11,400),
      p = selector(prime_range(2,12),nrows=1),
      three_d = ("Three Dimensional", False)):
    S = SupersingularModule(N)
    T = S.hecke_matrix(p)
    G = Graph(T, multiedges=True, loops=not three_d)
    html("<h1>Charpoly and Hecke Graph: Level %s, T_%s</h1>"%(N,p))
    if three_d:
        show(G.plot3d(), aspect_ratio=[1,1,1])


= Modular Arithmetic =

== Quadratic Residue Table FIXME ==
Line 448: Line 366:
{{{ {{{#!sagecell
Line 495: Line 413:


== Cubic Residue Table ==


== Cubic Residue Table FIXME ==
Line 501: Line 419:
{{{ {{{#!sagecell
Line 519: Line 437:
    if Mod(a,3)!=0 and Mod(b,3)==0:
        return True
        return False
    return Mod(a,3)!=0 and Mod(b,3)==0
Line 579: Line 494:
attachment:cubres.png {{attachment:cubres.png}}

= Cyclotomic Fields =
Line 583: Line 500:
{{{ {{{#!sagecell
def jacobi_sum(e,f):
    # If they are both trivial, return p
    if e.is_trivial() and f.is_trivial():
        return (e.parent()).order() + 1

    # If they are inverses of each other, return -e(-1)
    g = e*f
    if g.is_trivial():
        return -e(-1)

    # If both are nontrivial, apply mult. formula:
    elif not e.is_trivial() and not f.is_trivial():
        return e.gauss_sum()*f.gauss_sum()/g.gauss_sum()

    # If exactly one is trivial, return 0
        return 0

def latex2(e):
    return latex(list(e.values_on_gens()))

def jacobi_plot(p, e_index, f_index, with_text=True):
    # Set values
    G = DirichletGroup(p)
    e = G[e_index]
    f = G[f_index]
    ef = e*f
    js = jacobi_sum(e,f)
    e_gs = e.gauss_sum()
    f_gs = f.gauss_sum()
    ef_gs = (e*f).gauss_sum()

    # Compute complex coordinates
    f_pt = list(f.values_on_gens()[0].complex_embedding())
    e_pt = list(e.values_on_gens()[0].complex_embedding())
    ef_pt = list(ef.values_on_gens()[0].complex_embedding())
    f_gs_pt = list(f_gs.complex_embedding())
    e_gs_pt = list(e_gs.complex_embedding())
    ef_gs_pt = list(ef_gs.complex_embedding())
        js = int(js)
        js_pt = [CC(js)]
        js_pt = list(js.complex_embedding())

    # Define plot structure
    S = circle((0,0),1,rgbcolor='yellow')
    S += line([e_pt,e_gs_pt], rgbcolor='red', thickness=4)
    S += line([f_pt,f_gs_pt], rgbcolor='blue', thickness=3)
    S += line([ef_pt,ef_gs_pt], rgbcolor='purple',thickness=2)
    S += point(e_pt,pointsize=50, rgbcolor='red')
    S += point(f_pt,pointsize=50, rgbcolor='blue')
    S += point(ef_pt,pointsize=50,rgbcolor='purple')
    S += point(f_gs_pt,pointsize=75, rgbcolor='black')
    S += point(e_gs_pt,pointsize=75, rgbcolor='black')
    S += point(ef_gs_pt,pointsize=75, rgbcolor='black')
    S += point(js_pt,pointsize=100,rgbcolor='green')
    if with_text:
        S += text('$J(%s,%s) = %s$'%(latex2(e),latex2(f),latex(js)),
            (3,2.5),fontsize=15, rgbcolor='black')
        html('$$J(%s,%s) = %s$$'%(latex2(e),latex2(f),latex(js)))

    return S

def single_jacobi_plot(p=prime_range(3,100), e_range=(0..100), f_range=(0..100)):
    e_index = floor((p-2)*e_range/100)
    f_index = floor((p-2)*f_range/100)
    S = jacobi_plot(p,e_index,f_index,with_text=False)


== Exhaustive Jacobi Plotter ==
by Emily Kirkman
Line 652: Line 649:
def single_jacobi_plot(p=prime_range(3,100), e_range=(0..100), f_range=(0..100)):
    e_index = floor((p-2)*e_range/100)
    f_index = floor((p-2)*f_range/100)
    S = jacobi_plot(p,e_index,f_index,with_text=False)


== Exhaustive Jacobi Plotter ==
by Emily Kirkman
def jacobi_sum(e,f):
    # If they are both trivial, return p
    if e.is_trivial() and f.is_trivial():
        return (e.parent()).order() + 1

    # If they are inverses of each other, return -e(-1)
    g = e*f
    if g.is_trivial():
        return -e(-1)

    # If both are nontrivial, apply mult. formula:
    elif not e.is_trivial() and not f.is_trivial():
        return e.gauss_sum()*f.gauss_sum()/g.gauss_sum()

    # If exactly one is trivial, return 0
        return 0

def latex2(e):
    return latex(list(e.values_on_gens()))

def jacobi_plot(p, e_index, f_index, with_text=True):
    # Set values
    G = DirichletGroup(p)
    e = G[e_index]
    f = G[f_index]
    ef = e*f
    js = jacobi_sum(e,f)
    e_gs = e.gauss_sum()
    f_gs = f.gauss_sum()
    ef_gs = (e*f).gauss_sum()

    # Compute complex coordinates
    f_pt = list(f.values_on_gens()[0].complex_embedding())
    e_pt = list(e.values_on_gens()[0].complex_embedding())
    ef_pt = list(ef.values_on_gens()[0].complex_embedding())
    f_gs_pt = list(f_gs.complex_embedding())
    e_gs_pt = list(e_gs.complex_embedding())
    ef_gs_pt = list(ef_gs.complex_embedding())
        js = int(js)
        js_pt = [CC(js)]
        js_pt = list(js.complex_embedding())

    # Define plot structure
    S = circle((0,0),1,rgbcolor='yellow') \
    + line([e_pt,e_gs_pt], rgbcolor='red', thickness=4) \
    + line([f_pt,f_gs_pt], rgbcolor='blue', thickness=3) \
    + line([ef_pt,ef_gs_pt], rgbcolor='purple',thickness=2) \
    + point(e_pt,pointsize=50, rgbcolor='red') \
    + point(f_pt,pointsize=50, rgbcolor='blue') \
    + point(ef_pt,pointsize=50,rgbcolor='purple') \
    + point(f_gs_pt,pointsize=75, rgbcolor='black') \
    + point(e_gs_pt,pointsize=75, rgbcolor='black') \
    + point(ef_gs_pt,pointsize=75, rgbcolor='black') \
    + point(js_pt,pointsize=100,rgbcolor='green')
    if with_text:
        S += text('$J(%s,%s) = %s$'%(latex2(e),latex2(f),latex(js)), \
            (3,2.5),fontsize=15, rgbcolor='black')
        html('$$J(%s,%s) = %s$$'%(latex2(e),latex2(f),latex(js)))

    return S

Line 749: Line 666:
attachment:jacobiexh.png {{attachment:jacobiexh.png}}

= Elliptic Curves =

== Adding points on an elliptic curve ==
by David Møller Hansen
def point_txt(P,name,rgbcolor):
    if (P.xy()[1]) < 0:
        r = text(name,[float(P.xy()[0]),float(P.xy()[1])-1],rgbcolor=rgbcolor)
    elif P.xy()[1] == 0:
        r = text(name,[float(P.xy()[0]),float(P.xy()[1])+1],rgbcolor=rgbcolor)
        r = text(name,[float(P.xy()[0]),float(P.xy()[1])+1],rgbcolor=rgbcolor)
    return r

E = EllipticCurve('37a')
list_of_points = E.integral_points()
html("Graphical addition of two points $P$ and $Q$ on the curve $ E: %s $"%latex(E))
def _(P=selector(list_of_points,label='Point P'),Q=selector(list_of_points,label='Point Q'), marked_points = checkbox(default=True,label = 'Points'), Lines = selector([0..2],nrows=1), Axes=True):
 curve = E.plot(rgbcolor = (0,0,1),xmin=25,xmax=25,plot_points=300)
 R = P + Q
 Rneg = -R
 l1 = line_from_curve_points(E,P,Q)
 l2 = line_from_curve_points(E,R,Rneg,style='--')
 p1 = plot(P,rgbcolor=(1,0,0),pointsize=40)
 p2 = plot(Q,rgbcolor=(1,0,0),pointsize=40)
 p3 = plot(R,rgbcolor=(1,0,0),pointsize=40)
 p4 = plot(Rneg,rgbcolor=(1,0,0),pointsize=40)
 textp1 = point_txt(P,"$P$",rgbcolor=(0,0,0))
 textp2 = point_txt(Q,"$Q$",rgbcolor=(0,0,0))
 textp3 = point_txt(R,"$P+Q$",rgbcolor=(0,0,0))
 if Lines==0:
 elif Lines ==1:
 elif Lines == 2:
 if marked_points:
 if P != Q:
 show(g,axes = Axes)

def line_from_curve_points(E,P,Q,style='-',rgb=(1,0,0),length=25):
 P,Q two points on an elliptic curve.
 Output is a graphic representation of the straight line intersecting with P,Q.
 # The function tangent to P=Q on E
 if P == Q:
  if P[2]==0:
   return line([(1,-length),(1,length)],linestyle=style,rgbcolor=rgb)
   # Compute slope of the curve E in P
   l=-(3*P[0]^2 + 2*E.a2()*P[0] + E.a4() - E.a1()*P[1])/((-2)*P[1] - E.a1()*P[0] - E.a3())
   f(x) = l * (x - P[0]) + P[1]
   return plot(f(x),-length,length,linestyle=style,rgbcolor=rgb)
 # Trivial case of P != R where P=O or R=O then we get the vertical line from the other point
 elif P[2] == 0:
  return line([(Q[0],-length),(Q[0],length)],linestyle=style,rgbcolor=rgb)
 elif Q[2] == 0:
  return line([(P[0],-length),(P[0],length)],linestyle=style,rgbcolor=rgb)
 # Non trivial case where P != R
  # Case where x_1 = x_2 return vertical line evaluated in Q
  if P[0] == Q[0]:
   return line([(P[0],-length),(P[0],length)],linestyle=style,rgbcolor=rgb)
  #Case where x_1 != x_2 return line trough P,R evaluated in Q"
  f(x) = l * (x - P[0]) + P[1]
  return plot(f(x),-length,length,linestyle=style,rgbcolor=rgb)

== Plotting an elliptic curve over a finite field ==
E = EllipticCurve('37a')
def _(p=slider(prime_range(1000), default=389)):
    print "p = %s"%p


= Cryptography =

== The Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Protocol ==
by Timothy Clemans and William Stein
def diffie_hellman(bits=slider(8, 513, 4, 8, 'Number of bits', False),
    button=selector(["Show new example"],label='',buttons=True)):
    maxp = 2 ^ bits
    p = random_prime(maxp)
    k = GF(p)
    if bits > 100:
        g = k(2)
        g = k.multiplicative_generator()
    a = ZZ.random_element(10, maxp)
    b = ZZ.random_element(10, maxp)

    print """
.gamodp, .gbmodp {
.gamodp {
.gbmodp {
.dhsame {
<h2 style="color:#000;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">%s-Bit Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange</h2>
<ol style="color:#000;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
<li>Alice and Bob agree to use the prime number p = %s and base g = %s.</li>
<li>Alice chooses the secret integer a = %s, then sends Bob (<span class="gamodp">g<sup>a</sup> mod p</span>):<br/>%s<sup>%s</sup> mod %s = <span class="gamodp">%s</span>.</li>
<li>Bob chooses the secret integer b=%s, then sends Alice (<span class="gbmodp">g<sup>b</sup> mod p</span>):<br/>%s<sup>%s</sup> mod %s = <span class="gbmodp">%s</span>.</li>
<li>Alice computes (<span class="gbmodp">g<sup>b</sup> mod p</span>)<sup>a</sup> mod p:<br/>%s<sup>%s</sup> mod %s = <span class="dhsame">%s</span>.</li>
<li>Bob computes (<span class="gamodp">g<sup>a</sup> mod p</span>)<sup>b</sup> mod p:<br/>%s<sup>%s</sup> mod %s = <span class="dhsame">%s</span>.</li>
    """ % (bits, p, g, a, g, a, p, (g^a), b, g, b, p, (g^b), (g^b), a, p,
       (g^ b)^a, g^a, b, p, (g^a)^b)


= Other =

== Continued Fraction Plotter ==
by William Stein
def _(number=e, ymax=selector([None,5,20,..,400],nrows=2), clr=Color('purple'), prec=[500,1000,..,5000]):
    c = list(continued_fraction(RealField(prec)(number))); print c
    show(line([(i,z) for i, z in enumerate(c)],rgbcolor=clr),ymax=ymax,figsize=[10,2])

== Computing Generalized Bernoulli Numbers ==
by William Stein (Sage-2.10.3)
def _(m=selector([1..15],nrows=2), n=(7,(3..10))):
    G = DirichletGroup(m)
    s = "<h3>First n=%s Bernoulli numbers attached to characters with modulus m=%s</h3>"%(n,m)
    s += '<table border=1>'
    s += '<tr bgcolor="#edcc9c"><td align=center>$\\chi$</td><td>Conductor</td>' + \
           ''.join('<td>$B_{%s,\chi}$</td>'%k for k in [1..n]) + '</tr>'
    for eps in G.list():
        v = ''.join(['<td align=center bgcolor="#efe5cd">$%s$</td>'%latex(eps.bernoulli(k)) for k in [1..n]])
        s += '<tr><td bgcolor="#edcc9c">%s</td><td bgcolor="#efe5cd" align=center>%s</td>%s</tr>\n'%(
             eps, eps.conductor(), v)
    s += '</table>'


== Fundamental Domains of SL_2(ZZ) ==
by Robert Miller
L = [[-0.5, 2.0^(x/100.0) - 1 + sqrt(3.0)/2] for x in xrange(1000, -1, -1)]
R = [[0.5, 2.0^(x/100.0) - 1 + sqrt(3.0)/2] for x in xrange(1000)]
xes = [x/1000.0 for x in xrange(-500,501,1)]
M = [[x,abs(sqrt(x^2-1))] for x in xes]
fundamental_domain = L+M+R
fundamental_domain = [[x-1,y] for x,y in fundamental_domain]
def _(gen = selector(['t+1', 't-1', '-1/t'], nrows=1)):
    global fundamental_domain
    if gen == 't+1':
        fundamental_domain = [[x+1,y] for x,y in fundamental_domain]
    elif gen == 't-1':
        fundamental_domain = [[x-1,y] for x,y in fundamental_domain]
    elif gen == '-1/t':
        new_dom = []
        for x,y in fundamental_domain:
            sq_mod = x^2 + y^2
            new_dom.append([(-1)*x/sq_mod, y/sq_mod])
        fundamental_domain = new_dom
    P = polygon(fundamental_domain)
    P.ymax(1.2); P.ymin(-0.1)


Integer Factorization

Divisibility Poset

by William Stein


Factor Trees

by William Stein


More complicated demonstration using Mathematica: http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/FactorTrees/

Factoring an Integer

by Timothy Clemans

Sage implementation of the Mathematica demonstration of the same name. http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/FactoringAnInteger/

Prime Numbers

Illustrating the prime number theorem

by William Stein


Prime Spiral - Square FIXME

by David Runde


Prime Spiral - Polar

by David Runde


Modular Forms

Computing modular forms FIXME

by William Stein


Computing the cuspidal subgroup

by William Stein


A Charpoly and Hecke Operator Graph FIXME

by William Stein


Modular Arithmetic

Quadratic Residue Table FIXME

by Emily Kirkman



Cubic Residue Table FIXME

by Emily Kirkman


Cyclotomic Fields

Gauss and Jacobi Sums in Complex Plane

by Emily Kirkman


Exhaustive Jacobi Plotter

by Emily Kirkman


Elliptic Curves

Adding points on an elliptic curve

by David Møller Hansen


Plotting an elliptic curve over a finite field



The Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Protocol

by Timothy Clemans and William Stein



Continued Fraction Plotter

by William Stein


Computing Generalized Bernoulli Numbers

by William Stein (Sage-2.10.3)


Fundamental Domains of SL_2(ZZ)

by Robert Miller


interact/number_theory (last edited 2020-06-14 09:10:48 by chapoton)