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Revision 6 as of 2007-04-17 15:28:18
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Editor: anonymous
Revision 58 as of 2017-02-03 19:50:13
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Editor: mrennekamp
Comment: move to [[art]]
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 * Everywhere continuous, nowhere differentiable function (in the infinite limit, anyway):
{{{p = Graphics()
for n in range(1,20):
  f = lambda x: sum([sin(x*3^i)/(2^i) for i in range(1,n)])
  p += plot(f,0,float(pi/3),plot_points=2000,rgbcolor=hue(n/20))

p.show(xmin=0, ymin=0,dpi=250)

[http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/wdj/art/cool-sage-pic-small1.png cool pic 1]

 * Math art by Tom Boothby:
# Author: Tom Boothby
# This is a remake of an old art piece I made in POVRay

t = Tachyon(xres=1000,yres=600, camera_center=(1,0,5), antialiasing=3)
t.light((4,3,2), 0.2, (1,1,1))
t.texture('t0', ambient=0.1, diffuse=0.9, specular=0.5, opacity=1.0, color=(1.0,1,1))
t.texture('t1', ambient=0.5, diffuse=0.5, specular=0.0, opacity=1.0, color=(0,0,0))
t.texture('t2', ambient=0.2, diffuse=0.7, specular=0, opacity=0.7, color=(.5,.5,.5))
t.texture('t3', ambient=.9, diffuse=5, specular=0,opacity=.1, color=(1,0,0))
t.sphere((1,0,0), 30, 't2')

for i in srange(-pi*10,0,.01):
  k += 1
  t.sphere((cos(i/10)-.1, sin(i/10)*cos(i), sin(i/10)*sin(i)), 0.1, 't0')
  t.sphere((cos(i/10) + 2.1, sin(i/10)*cos(i), sin(i/10)*sin(i)), 0.1, 't1')


[http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/wdj/art/boothby-tachyon1.png cool pic 2]

 * Twisted cubic in tachyon:
t = Tachyon(xres=512,yres=512, camera_center=(5,0,0))
t.light((4,3,2), 0.2, (1,1,1))
t.texture('t0', ambient=0.1, diffuse=0.9, specular=0.5, opacity=1.0, color=(1.0,0,0))
t.texture('t1', ambient=0.1, diffuse=0.9, specular=0.3, opacity=1.0, color=(0,1.0,0))
t.texture('t2', ambient=0.2, diffuse=0.7, specular=0.5, opacity=0.7, color=(0,0,1.0))
for i in srange(-5,1.5,0.1):
    k += 1
    t.sphere((i,i^2-0.5,i^3), 0.1, 't%s'%(k%3))


[http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/wdj/art/boothby-tachyon2.png cool pic 3]

 * Reflections from four spheres in tachyon
t6 = Tachyon(camera_center=(0,-4,1), xres = 800, yres = 600, raydepth = 12, aspectratio=.75, antialiasing = True)
t6.light((0.02,0.012,0.001), 0.01, (1,0,0))
t6.light((0,0,10), 0.01, (0,0,1))
t6.texture('s', color = (.8,1,1), opacity = .9, specular = .95, diffuse = .3, ambient = 0.05)
t6.texture('p', color = (0,0,1), opacity = 1, specular = .2)


pics (last edited 2017-03-26 02:08:05 by mrennekamp)