This page lists some typos in the !SageMath repository. They can serve to create beginner tickets, especially during tutorials on !SageMath development. ||<#FFFF66>A good way to search for typos is to use: git grep "some_word" src/sage|| Please add a ticket number if you create one. * Typo: "expericenced" for "experienced" * where: * ticket: * Typo: the test introduced in ticket 15669 erroneously points to 15699 * ticket: * Frenchism: in many places, "representant" is used instead of "representative" * hint: use `sage: search_src("representant")` * ticket: * Tripled letter "mmm" for "mm" * `algebras/ # Commmute g1 and t2, then multiply t1 and t2` * `symbolic/expression.pyx:10286: - 'noexpand' (convert to commmon denominator and add)` * ticket: * Tripled letter "sss" for "ss" * `combinat/chas/ (not necesssarily order-preserving or order-reversing),` * beware, some are on purpose, including: * `combinat/designs/ for i,classs in enumerate(equiv):` * `combinat/designs/ for S in classs:` * ticket: #27294 * Tripled letter "ddd" for "dd" * `modular/modform_hecketriangle/ - ``K`` -- A field to which we want the (correct) embeddding.` * `modular/modform_hecketriangle/ - ``K`` -- A field to which we want the (correct) embeddding.` * ticket: #27294 * Typo "rowss" for "rows" * `misc/ Two tables are equal if and only if their data rowss and` * ticket: * Frenchism: "substract" for "subtract" * use `search_src` to find 4 occurrences * ticket: * Frenchism: "Gougle" for "Google" Need more typos? Search for frequent typos such as moprhism, mophism, morpism, homorphism, tulpe, descriprion, ... If typos run out and there is a need for a tutorial on Sage development, email Samuel.