Email: <dfdeshom AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com>
SAGE-related projects
Quaddouble integration
Implement a wrapper for the quad double library (C++) available at http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~yozo/ : http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/dfdeshom/custom/patches/qdrf-c-interface.txt
Modifying Mercurial
There is a turorial here: http://sage.math.washington.edu:9001/ModifyingMercurial There is also a mercurial spkg with better error messages here: http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/dfdeshom/custom/hg-sage/mercurial-20070209.spkg
Multiplication algorithm
A (slightly) faster multiplication algorithm of univariate polynomnials over R. Currently, this is known as _mul_fateman() in rings/polynomial_element.py but needs to be faster, probably through PARI or Pyrex
RealLib inclusion
RealLib3 as an alternate source for computing real numbers.
RealLib vs MPFR:
RealLib should not be a replacementto MPFR. MPFR has its uses and is
faster than RealLib3
Tweaking Hermes
Logging of sessions using mathml through hermes:
- Improve, add fonts to hermes
- The final goal is to be able to reproduce the entire documentation
- in mathmml format. This is currently possible if you hack up some missing
fonts and avoid to generate the table of contents. Quite a pain I'll post a link to the generated doc
- in mathmml format. This is currently possible if you hack up some missing
Logging of pictures in dvi and mathml logger.
- Possible, but slightly tricky (how do you include a jpeg file in a DVI file
- without converting it to an EPS file?).
Doctest Status
Does each method have an example? Instead of checking by hand a handy script could be used. I have a script that does that: http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/dfdeshom/sage/devel/sage/doctest-status.py For example, here is the output for integer.pyx:
Results for sage/ext/integer.pyx ---------------------------------------- Total number of tests : 87 Number of tests with examples: 42 Tests with no examples : __int__, __div_, _interface_init_, _xgcd, __cmp__, factor, factorial, __mul_, integer, __add_, __richcmp__, __floordiv, __nonzero__, crt, _and, _lcm, __long__, __str_malloc, rational_reconstruction, _mpfr_, parent, __sub_, pmem_malloc, __and__, _reduce_set, __float__, _pari_, _rshift, __invert__, _latex_, _mathml_, copy, valuation, _or, _im_gens_, __hash__, GCD_list, __reduce__, LCM_list, __new__, is_unit, __dealloc__, __repr__, __or__, _lshift ********************************************************************************