Sage Days 117: combinatorics, number theory, dynamical systems and geometry
From 6th to 10th of February 2023 in Maison de la nature du bassin d'Arcachon (France) in the parc ornithologique du Teich.
Main thematics will be combinatorics, number theory, dynamical systems and geometry.
If you wish to come, get in touch with the organizers either by e-mail or on zulip.
The workshop is funded by the Agence National de Recherche through the projects ANR CODYS ANR-18-CE40-0007 and ANR CLAPCLAP, with the support of Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique (LaBRI) and Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux (IMB) part of Université de Bordeaux.
Most participants will lodge at MNBA. We also reserved two additional Gîtes de France nearby:
Maison de la nature du bassin d'Arcachon, 20 places
Gîte de France Villa socorro, 4 places
Gîte de France l'Airial du résinier, 4 places
Participants travelling from far can arrive on Sunday.
Participants arriving from Bordeaux can bring their bike as it may be useful to travel from the workshop to the Gîtes de France.
Don't forget
- Your binoculars for bird watching
- Your bike if you are from Bordeaux region and you stay at one of the two Gîte (2km from MNBA)
- Your computer
- Start: Monday morning at 9:30 am
- Official end: Friday afternoon at 4:00 pm time of the last status report. People are free to stay around Friday night to work or not.
- Talks/Tutorials in the morning
- Free time for coding/projects/collaborations in the afternoon
Monday afternoon (sometime between 5pm and 12am): remote talk by Matthias Koeppe about sage development on github
- Daily status reports
Participants are asked to express their wish for talks and tutorial here:
- tutorials
- code presentations
- programming project presentations
- a lot of time for research projects and collaborations
Participants are expected to think about their project in advance. Participants are asked to describe their projects here:
Satellites events
Journées de combinatoire de Bordeaux JCB2023, Jan 30 to Feb 1, Bordeaux
Pycon FR, Feb 16-19, (Bordeaux).
- Éric Gourgoulhon (Paris)
- David Ayotte (Montreal)
- Frédéric Chapoton (Strasbourg)
- Thibaut Verron (Linz)
- David Roe (Boston)
- Julian Rüth (Athens)
- Antoine Leudière (Nancy)
- Clement Legrand-Duchesne (Bordeaux)
- Zoé Varin (Université de Bordeaux)
- Paul Bastide (Université de Bordeaux)
- Kai Fu (Université de Bordeaux)
- Haojie Hong (Université de Bordeaux)
- France Gheeraert (Liège)
- Pierre Bonnet (Université de Bordeaux)
- Bill Allombert (Université de Bordeaux)
- Ariane Carrance (Polytechnique Paris)
- Charles Fougeron (Villetaneuse)
- Felipe Arbulú (Amiens
- Sahar Bashan (Tel-Aviv)
- Alex Best (Amsterdam)
- Raphaël Pages (IMB, Bordeaux)
- Joseph Musleh (University of Waterloo)
- Pierre Stas (Université de Liège)
- Nicolas Delbovier (Université de Liège)
- Elisa Sasso (University of Bologna, Italy)
- Doriann Albertin (Université de Bordeaux)
- Marc Mezzarobba (CNRS, LIX)
- Germain Poullot (IMG, Paris)
- Jana Lepšová (Bordeaux)
- Baptiste Louf (Bordeaux)
- Elise Goujard (Bordeaux)