Alex Ghitza's Status Report for Sage Days 12
I fixed the following bugs:
Modular Symbols (with Craig Citro)
- #1127 - modularSymbol complement fails for E=128a
- #2535 - Problem with cuspidal_subspace and new_subspace for modular symbols
NOTE: We used a naive approach to solving both of these issues, but there is more to be done about complement() and dual_free_module() for submodules of modular symbols, see for instance the new #5080 that was uncovered by Robert Bradshaw and Craig Citro.
- #4322 - modular polynomials database is broken
#4755 - CremonaDatabase().number_of_curves() should work when the optional database isn't installed
Number Theory
- #3045 - K.gen() where K = GF(p) returns 1, not a primitive element
Linear Algebra
- #4048 - missing minpoly for GF(p)
- #2404 - subs_expr claims to take a dictionary, but doesn't
- #5077 - bug in fibonacci function
- #5087 - purge "cannonical" typos