Sage Days 24 T-Shirt
Sign-up for your SD24 t-shirt here. You'll need to get an account on the wiki to do this. You can also send an email to
T-shirts will be ash grey with the following design by Martin Albrecht printed in black.
Sign up here:
- Sever Achimescu: XXL
- Sedat Akleylek: L
- Martin Albrecht: S
- Stefan Böttner: L
- Alexander Dreyer: XXL
- Burcin Erocal: L
- Fredrik Johansson: M
- Richard Kreckel: L
- Robert Miller: M
- Alban Quadrat: L
- Stefan Reiterer: M
- Harald Schilly: S
- Flavia Stan: S
- William Stein: XL, L, S, S
- Zafeirakis Zafeirakopoulos: L