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Edwards coordinates formulas.

See email to sagedays6, along with

Paul Zimmerman is working on this (!)

First Formula

R.<y1,y2,c,d,x1,x2> = QQ[]
e = 1-d*c^4
S = R.quotient([x1^2+y1^2-c^2*(1+d*x1^2*y1^2), x2^2+y2^2-c^2*(1+d*x2^2*y2^2)])

# the Edwards addition law:
x3 = (x1*y2+y1*x2)/(c*(1+d*x1*x2*y1*y2))
y3 = (y1*y2-x1*x2)/(c*(1-d*x1*x2*y1*y2))

# map to the Montgomery curve:
u1 = (c+y1)/(c-y1); v1=2*c*u1/x1
g = (1/e)*v1^2-u1^3-(4/e-2)*u1^2-u1
print S(g.numerator())

u2 = (c+y2)/(c-y2); v2 = 2*c*u2/x2
g = (1/e)*v2^2-u2^3-(4/e-2)*u2^2-u2
print S(g.numerator())

u3 =(c+y3)/(c-y3); v3=2*c*u3/x3
g = (1/e)*v3^2-u3^3-(4/e-2)*u3^2-u3
print S(g.numerator())

# add on the Montgomery curve:
lambd = (v2-v1)/(u2-u1)
r3 = (1/e)*lambd^2-(4/e-2)-u1-u2; s3 =lambd*(u1-r3)-v1;

# check the answer:
print S((u3-r3).numerator()), S((v3-s3).numerator())
0 0
CPU time: 0.06 s,  Wall time: 0.09 s

Second Formula

#Here is the SAGE code corresponding to the 2nd version of the #addition.
# 2007 Bernstein/Lange, 10M + 1S + 1C + 1D + 7add, 
# strongly unified:
R.<c,d,X1,Y1,X2,Y2,Z1,Z2> = QQ[]
e = 1-d*c^4;
S = R.quotient([(X1^2+Y1^2)*Z1^2-c^2*(Z1^4+d*X1^2*Y1^2),
x1 = X1/Z1; y1 = Y1/Z1;
x2 = X2/Z2; y2 = Y2/Z2;
x3 = (x1*y2+y1*x2)/(c*(1+d*x1*x2*y1*y2));
y3 = (y1*y2-x1*x2)/(c*(1-d*x1*x2*y1*y2));

# here are the formulas:
A = Z1*Z2;
B = A^2;
C = X1*X2;
D = Y1*Y2;
E = d*C*D;
F = B-E;
G = B+E;
X3 = A*F*((X1+Y1)*(X2+Y2)-C-D);
Y3 = A*G*(D-C);
Z3 = c*F*G;

# check we get 0
print x3-X3/Z3
print y3-Y3/Z3

Third Formula

Here is another example, which was more tricky. David helped me. We had to use NumberField because QuotientRing did not work (unless I did a mistake).


# 2007 Bernstein/Lange, 
#    10M + 1S + 1C + 1D + 9add + 3timesi + 2times2, 
# strongly unified:
# thanks to David Roe <> for the help
Gauss.<i> = NumberField(x^2+1)
R.<c,d,X1,Y1,X2,Y2,Z1,Z2> = Gauss[]
     e = 1-d*c^4
     S = R.quotient([(X1^2+Y1^2)*Z1^2-c^2*(Z1^4+d*X1^2*Y1^2),
     x1 = X1/Z1; y1 = Y1/Z1
     x2 = X2/Z2; y2 = Y2/Z2
     x3 = (x1*y2+y1*x2)/(c*(1+d*x1*x2*y1*y2))
     y3 = (y1*y2-x1*x2)/(c*(1-d*x1*x2*y1*y2))

     # here are the formulas:
     iX2 = i*X2;
     C2 = Y2+iX2;
     D2 = Y2-iX2;
     iX1 = i*X1;
     C1 = Y1+iX1;
     D1 = Y1-iX1;
     A = Z1*Z2;
     B = 2*A^2;
     C = C1*C2;
     D = D1*D2;
     L = D+C;
     M = Y1*Y2;
     N = 2*M-L;
     E = d*M*N;
     F = B-E;
     G = B+E;
     X3 = i*A*F*(D-C);
     Y3 = A*G*L;
     Z3 = c*G*F;
     # check both are zero
     print x3-X3/Z3
     print y3-Y3/Z3

days6/sprint/edwards (last edited 2008-11-14 13:42:05 by anonymous)