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Documentation tools: Sphinx, ...


Jeroen worked on autodoc and partially "unforked" it. The Sage-specific fixes were kept, but sage_autodoc is now much closer to upstream than before. See

Upgrading to Sphinx 1.4

Robert worked on generating Sage docs with native Sphinx.

This should bring:

Sphinx 1.4 now mostly works, but the merging of the final index breaks badly:

Getting rid of autogenerated .rst stub files


Robert started implementing the required features in Sphinx master


TODO: Florent: status report

Analyzis of the memory footprint of Sphinx (Florent, Robert, Julien)


Jupyter notebook exporter for Sphinx

Robert pointed to preliminary work by Harald Schilly:

To be discussed with Robert:

Random notes

Notes from Robert (Sphinx Dev)

TODO: merge with the above?

I have visited the [1]Sage Days 77 in Cernay, France, this week to help them with their Sphinx setup.

Sage is looking at adopting vanilla Sphinx; autodoc will be a big upstreamer for them, memory might be a show stopper.

[2]Sage is a distribution of mathematical Python libraries (or "mathematics software system"), currently bundling Sphinx 2.2.x. Their [3]documentation consists of ~200 plain text files and ~2000 [4]automodule stubs. This brings a number of [5]interesting challenges.

First off, they have their own [6]copy of autodoc to support a number of use cases around Cython and wrapped functions. Since it diverged back around Sphinx 1.0, it is unclear what's required from our side. They have started [7]work to merge forward, and will then approach us with whatever extension points / improvements they'd need. Most of these fixes should be useful in core Sphinx as well.

They also have their [8]own poor man's parallelization (splitting up the documentation into multiple Sphinx projects and then building through make -j) based on sphinx-multidoc. We have experimented with Sphinx's parallel build support, and it seems to give similiar speedups.

Last but not least, they also have their own [9]copy of apidoc. We agreed that plain sphinx-apidoc covers them well, with the caveat that it'd be a big advantage for them (and other projects, I believe) if they could spare the stub automodule files. They suggested putting "automodule:" statements directly into the toctree, which I have a rough draft implementation of.

Building their apidoc consumes 1.8G in memory for the doctrees alone. Their resource footprint peaks at 2.6G (or at 3+G with extensions enabled); doctrees are 200M in pickled format. I have filed some bugs with the results of our memory forensics. There are a couple of caches that unnecessarily blow up the memory consumption ([10]MemoryAnalyzer, [11]sys.modules, and probably linecache.) and quite a few opportunities to reduce the doctree in-memory blowup (see [12]#2426 for Text nodes.)

I can only recommend other Sphinx developers (to be) to visit user projects like this. It is a valuable learning opportunity for us.

days77/documentation (last edited 2017-01-20 07:38:54 by nthiery)