Participants to Sage Days 92, Jan 2018, Morelia, Mexico
This is the preliminary list of participants for Sage Days 92, 22-26 Jan 2018, Morelia, Mexico.
To register, click the "Register here" button on the workshop webpage and fill in the registration form.
You will receive a confirmation that your registration request has been received. This is not a confirmation of acceptance.
Registration is happening at a high rate. Please register soon if you want to be considered for participation.
Sadly we will not be able to accept everyone, for lack of space and funding.
Software Carpentry instructors
- Tania Hernandez
- Nelly Selem
- Leticia Vega
Mathematical Software speakers
- Alexander Hulpke (Colorado State U, USA)
Samuel Lelièvre (LMO, Orsay, France; CNRS; CCM, UNAM Morelia, Mexico)
Miguel Pizaña (Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Metropolitan Autonomous University, Mexico City, Mexico)
Miguel Raggi (ENES Morelia, UNAM Morelia, Mexico)
Emmanuel Royer (Laboratoire de mathématiques Blaise Pascal, Université Clermont-Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France)
- Jessica Sanchez (Universidad de Papaloapan)
- Carlos Segovia (Instituto de Matemáticas, UNAM, Oaxaca, Mexico)
- Adrián Ulises Soto Bañuelos (Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM Ciudad Mexico, Mexico)
Janoš Vidali (University of Ljubljana)
GAP, Graphs, DiscreteZOO, SageMath
- Rafael Villarroel Flores
Russ Woodroofe (University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia)
Preliminary list of participants other than speakers and organisers.
- Adriana Haydeé Contreras Peruyero (UNAM, Mexico)
- David Damian (UAEH, Mexico)
- James Edwards (IFM, UMSNH, Morelia, Mexico)
- Astrophysics
- Andres Guevara Fernández (UAEH, Mexico)
- Carlos Montiel Gonzalez (ENES, UNAM Morelia, Mexico)
GNU Bash, Git, GNU Make
- Diego Noguez (UAEH, Mexico)
- Maria Tsantaki (IRyA, UNAM Morelia, Mexico)
- Astrophysics
- Thomai Tsiftsi (CCM, UNAM Morelia, Mexico)
- Astrophysics
- Katja Berčič (CCM, UNAM Morelia, Mexico)
Graphs, Groups, DiscreteZOO
Samuel Lelièvre (LMO, Orsay, France; CNRS; CCM, UNAM Morelia, Mexico)
Miguel Raggi (ENES Morelia, UNAM Morelia, Mexico)
Ferrán Valdez (CCM, UNAM Morelia, Mexico)
flat surfaces, groups, SageMath