Sage Doc Day 2
Sunday, March 9, 2008
We will focus mostly on doctests Doc Days 2. Our goal is to raise the coverage score for the Sage library to 50%, since this is a central goal for Sage-3.0. We need about 1200 new doctests to get to 50% coverage.
- Seattle (canceled due to lack of people -- we'll just meet on irc): we'll be meeting at Online Coffee Company in Capitol Hill (between 14th and 15th). Call Stein at 206-419-0925 if you have trouble finding us.
Add your name here if you're going to be involved, and mention what Sage module you're going to work on!
Craig Citro (after 1PM): modular/modsym and/or modular/hecke
- Michael Abshoff - working on #1647, #1648
- cswiercz: rings/ring.pyx
- William Stein: databases (starting score is 16.8%!)
Coverage scores by module for sage-2.10.3.rc2. I made this with the following script run in devel/sage/sage/:
import os for D in os.listdir('.'): if os.path.isdir(D): cmd = "cd %s; sage -coverage .|tail -2"%D r = os.popen(cmd).read() r = r.lstrip() print D.upper() + ": " + r
ALGEBRAS: Overall weighted coverage score: 15.7% Total number of functions: 215 CALCULUS: Overall weighted coverage score: 50.7% Total number of functions: 495 CATEGORIES: Overall weighted coverage score: 15.1% Total number of functions: 278 CODING: Overall weighted coverage score: 80.0% Total number of functions: 117 COMBINAT: Overall weighted coverage score: 75.5% Total number of functions: 1919 CRYPTO: Overall weighted coverage score: 62.4% Total number of functions: 198 DATABASES: Overall weighted coverage score: 16.8% Total number of functions: 218 DSAGE: Overall weighted coverage score: 0.0% Total number of functions: 477 EXT: Overall weighted coverage score: 58.1% Total number of functions: 79 FUNCTIONS: Overall weighted coverage score: 56.7% Total number of functions: 402 GAMES: Overall weighted coverage score: 33.0% Total number of functions: 3 GEOMETRY: Overall weighted coverage score: 53.3% Total number of functions: 89 GRAPHS: Overall weighted coverage score: 71.9% Total number of functions: 444 GROUPS: Overall weighted coverage score: 53.4% Total number of functions: 420 GSL: Overall weighted coverage score: 29.1% ** don't bother on this; we hope to remove GSL from sage. Total number of functions: 82 LFUNCTIONS: Overall weighted coverage score: 41.7% Total number of functions: 38 LIBS: Overall weighted coverage score: 55.3% Total number of functions: 1130 LOGIC: Overall weighted coverage score: 16.0% Total number of functions: 18 MATRIX: Overall weighted coverage score: 57.6% Total number of functions: 672 MEDIA: Overall weighted coverage score: 0.0% Total number of functions: 26 MISC: Overall weighted coverage score: 24.8% Total number of functions: 479 MODULAR: Overall weighted coverage score: 47.8% Total number of functions: 1198 MODULES: Overall weighted coverage score: 48.7% Total number of functions: 372 MONOIDS: Overall weighted coverage score: 54.8% Total number of functions: 87 NUMERICAL: Overall weighted coverage score: 60.0% Total number of functions: 5 PLOT: Overall weighted coverage score: 17.6% Total number of functions: 662 PROBABILITY: Overall weighted coverage score: 3.0% Total number of functions: 30 QUADRATIC_FORMS: Overall weighted coverage score: 22.8% Total number of functions: 48 RINGS: Overall weighted coverage score: 50.4% Total number of functions: 5021 SCHEMES: Overall weighted coverage score: 38.6% Total number of functions: 846 SERVER: Overall weighted coverage score: 0.7% Total number of functions: 854 SETS: Overall weighted coverage score: 81.1% Total number of functions: 71 STRUCTURE: Overall weighted coverage score: 26.2% Total number of functions: 452 TESTS: Overall weighted coverage score: 0.0% Total number of functions: 135